The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 21, 1898, Image 5

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rdtOAV "■'"VSCTR Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUST A, UCOWOJA (obmi sui 9009*004 Wkft*©** t». r*wifUMia. *<•*••* k*»***| , _ trtM9CTftft>- - - ini tt V'TLI. ftanraw ® ft®* !»«»**»« IM«wt| CL| V ft*****. Mml MMMK ift*#* MS* 6 «§•»»■% Wl*y»: * * Us?*- 1 iidm( laMk Mwft 9 ft I ** w *®* 8 % *»*n**x.u <^* ©. j#u # iiMi ©©##© f#st Hr*© h«mp I «m* «M (•#*§©#* DR HBNRY J. CODIN. Hi ft—lft , >■> «*> f—in (mb*. |(I4(|U«IMQ A m \»»*WIOJIW “Trii J«*h." * »»—* KM— ©l® » M M MNM •» MIOMI Wt f»rnl t©»#» sr«# in ft# ttrft©k Hid* # «* m*m* f-*m amm*4 ©t©ft|# M • r#ttiM# I 1 1 ftfti il#| wftft ftkd tf©##©#©* k© • •##•©*•*© #•#* *•©• *## ##©** • «■«©■© t*f 00**%0*m ****** ftkd ttfitttt© ft# *4 ItMdfV hf ©lft? **»# l*r *♦ • , f ty» i rnn i nrgji tw ft# ■> *« «f ftslßr § APR ft® If# fM# ill ittofA | n? »©d. wt4k iltllflt*. ftttd H ** ***** § . « ftr**© fttftt kr #•# «*### iftiU It# I# tnift of ftt*>*kt *# If# i’-Alift KflflMll lltir #) tMkljr *l*r #f•!«*•'t «rtl#r» to U»« tnAtrtiY M # 11tt* Iftiwti ML ,- MI tttm tu# f«i 1 <•# tlinr *4,uf# #f til* 4PMKP Witteyt flirtii**# wrginf tfft|>i*Y J#Hi ft «m i ||p ©?*•« lay «t«» pT*t-{ ty m#H rioryiWM ua#>rMd tWi>-tl# Am of July #©d I hi t Ju#i ff< n* #< k fr*»m itt# ftrlnf lift# • I**" hu«fir~l >*r!« to carry • «o«n4«fi If I b«4 do# thr an n( (bin#. f©r )ia#t •a 1 rftik# up ©N#f# orikrUra vht, sip i am* • unaf my hat. and w*#4 W* • imtlrnun b#blnd me I «aa Juftt thtnbtn# nbat • lot *4 III# there In tbol boll wl#n »tn «••«»# another »*ylkf *•** th# other HA* of ror mamd in • trot. •'That’••»'» ipaht ball. #ll*l »• tbr*rr a • lad ©#nl»># r* . ••Mi a Kpamah #hiU|*ti< Mrr wb#r* ftba*it.' aaid an orderly; he • killed eight or nine men In thr l»«4 half b«»ur He** >m there. * tod he puiot-’d fa a lot of dead bortba. •• Wall. If that # the CM#/ aald I. iiia mi I'd bottor so hunting for that &im nlib sharpah<K»ter •* S.. I ION d<»»n on th, «r«.unil anl feta under cover, and I watte «nd wit cheo to make out where the ffSw f»- Tou «M hr Haa «mok*i*aa powder, and It an a fob to Ax him. I (u.m It tooli fifteen minute* licfiw* J found him; hr wan high up In a on «*nut palm, doa* lo the trunk. Ju»f made a daik apol there like a croWn nee!, So I thrown up my atglit to «W> yarda. get* good and ateady and then 1 aaya. ‘Almighty Ood. put juethv and Chrlatlanlty In thin ahot.' and then I pulla the trigger. I naid that Iteeauee I waa shooting with a Krag-Jorg.-naen and I ain’t *o well uaed to them If I'd had a Wln heirter I wouldn't have need to pray ." a Wtaehagter la Happy Jae..a graft every time. "Well. air. It work-d all right. JuatU* and Chrlatlanlty pre- j vailed and my friend, ihe Spanish iharpabooter. tame tumbling out of that rocoanut ireo *o fa*t he never knew what hit him He fell forty feet and vas dead before he struck the •sound." New Dutch and Kippered Herrings at Lamkln & CO.’*. WEDDING GIFTS^e rich cut glass STERLING SILVER NEW LAMPS AND VASES Whl Schweigert & Co„ Jewelers. ARRESTED AS A GREEN GOODS MAN i in dm Ttoi i # fmiiiw ta Ikh, d»W|ti -I**—a. I Mmuna u« .mi a tomm# h#*» 1 40, # «H#|P *»*##. ###§ #(■##• Hi i*##a ' < n»i«im *w i< #ma #a HM# fa###*, f# mm l#pf •* *tM# #f fmM»r» lma##MM##Mk.. a(b##~» i o*o M'tfb ImNM# • aiH#**'fv j Wll# «SKm> #!>(#§*» - *0 00000*% •• ga »###!'■ d •pafMR lMii[#t»d. 4H#** * f lias# filial Ho m 00m it Up# ilH#i#< ' omro* 9*o* Hi IH# MMHRIi *Hd tb## fl#|#i I# b#«* 0000000 o*mo I »#4tnM Hifm t# *» <ii.f fhaarti IN# HpmiM • I HMNtf I 9 omm Hm# ####B**# a#a###i daf# 00*" H* ft •# i : .«** ifi a (wrwi >* j ; f»Hb • If* #l# * artmd ba* b* ( «4 «#| *# • M Mi s WH#» b# Ml *|l tut H# alii It# I*o tl* It I# a*ld ib*ff##fly H*-**d #*•#•!#** **•*'•!** •( •## rft riaim ihif tb* y «#ft |f*n mbit a like at.r.* , f la auixy a* ar.aaed leg tm. there la mo qweelloa at«-U« hie at the poller atatkavi law night by a 1 Telegraph reporter he aatd he came to tie. gia m IM and had hem here eti gaged la developing mine* la vartopa rarta of the at ate ever Hare He claim# . i. able tu give got.l tvferenrea '' regarding His rharartet. and AM give a numler «»f name* of people m Atlanta *n<] ether parte of thr male who. he raid, could tell who he waa. Among <>th er etalcmcni* h* mad • eaa that he had lean tn ltou*t»a cwinly to develop * iron mine*, wnd w hit# there amine* U<dy at'de a horse and toiggy from him. Hr aald he had aUu I wen rottWd of t'.’t by *. n. t««tv. Hr •a me to Martm to ln»k for hi* h«r*e and buggy, but fade I to gnd It. He waited out. however to tell about how he rtayted to f*orto ft i> ■., * but i«t ewltehed off on to the mining and horae and buggy story. He aald he and a man named Hullo, k elarted to f».<rto Kic. merther. tlulbwk eold out i a peanut waixl he had lieen heaping and received It* for tl. They gave tAM of the amount to a negro brakeman to put them through to gavannah In a bo* ear. and while they were In lha bo* t ar they were at reeled Shearer tells another funny story • bout Aniline • 15 Mil In hi* «'**tl I** pottm station, In addition to thla, a man with a hi* mmmtarhe. who waa walking In the eorlrdor of I hi- city prtaor cava him a dollar bill, and aa anon aa ho waa ralaaaad, day before yesterday, aftor paying hla Ana out of tha K bill ha had found In the rlly Virljam, ha mot a *«>idlor. whoae nama ho did not know, who loaned him 12.50.1 Whan Shearer waa searched at tha police etatlon ha had on hla person a ( heck on the Atlanta National Bank for »7,000 and other cheek* of larite denom- Inattona. Ha aaid they were given him by a man in Atlanta. The police hope to get other evidence agalnat him. aa they believe he la one of the altekeat •harpers that ever came down the pike. Trust Those Who Hava Tried. I BUFFERED from ratarrh of the worat kind and never hotted for cure, but Ely's Cream Balm aeema to do even that.—Oacar Oatrom. 45 Warren ave., Chicago, 111. I SUFFERED ffNn ratarrh: It got ao bad I could not / ork; I used Ely'a Cream Balm aniT-im entirely well.—A. C. Clarke, 341 Bhawnut Ave., Boaton, Man. A 10c trial else or the Mr else of Ely'a Cream Balm will be mailed. Kept by druggist*. Ely Brothera, 58 Warren st., n. y. ________ Liberty City. Johnston Station, Ga., Oet. 20.—An effort la being made by the elltsena of thla piare to have the name changed to Liberty City. The icaeon for the de sired change is for advertising the place and because there is at present no less thon four places In Georgia answer ing to the name of Johnston. A great deal of confusion ensues a* a result, a petition was gotten up, signed unanimously and presented to the Plant system, and it I* expected that the corporation will make the change at an early date. Following this the postofflcP name will he changed, and I hen the name of the town. Old fashion* in dress may be revived, but no old fashioned medicine can re place Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Alex ander Drug atid Heed Company, C - It. purr of Bell Tower Drug Company. No thing of Ueauiy is a joy forever; the woman next door is always sure to get one exactly like it. Tfl® HJBftJHZeZ>* TAX COMMISSION .IS PROPOSED Marik u 4 bft# i*»* M |gvtfw4. ! M b#4 ***** %«*#•*##*# o**oo9o §9OOO 90 900 *ooooo* [a# *90% m%*% 9* 00 ##•###* m* 900 *OO |*| 00000000 00000900 0000* ##*• ** h|«f*«. / M###a t«a#iibM 00*00**9*0 Mb I lb# §'■» *m**i 9 T lb# 9*0*0% ■ ftbiHt# I»*** <#># b#b« *0 ****** *OO I HlMftda 99090009* (b# f*## I# *4 t*mJoo, I **J*o 90 00***9 90000. 909000*9 909 !<# ffljitl" i I S9O 0*99*90 0$ »-> blMb 9* «#tf (Mi %%% SO%; bbd «|# 9*oo* 90 00*9 • «# 90 b mo* 00 o*lo 11* MH 9 90* 99*0100*90 lb# f If ft™ #*#• *#•## #i m i9#'Vft#ab *OO 9**4o 90099*900000 %9*o b#bd , *d Iblifftnb 090 (00* ibd It## Ml l*i •-** f SS 1 0*0 *a#b bit •# #bbb m# bb §o9*oo - W J lb# ((AM ft# *1 b|#ftf % | bbM# ibbl lb* WitMlil o**o 490 90 : ### §##*•# 90**9X40 ib# f*#abbbity •»*##>b§ ibt l##ft#b Hi 000 i o9omm 00 \ 9*oo 9000900f%90%090* f#V li# a#VH#lbMI ;(4 (|Mf r|tfa||«a fb# 10*0$ bbcH* li#i lb#* o*o 99000 9000099 m SOO la# 99*00**' f#ft»ib« b#bjr %*u#mb* bbd Mid### «d iMibli*cm • b** gat# i.bctf iiv#ft r«i# u#a d«d lb «#iblbibibi amt 099*00 9b00%* I tbs; foe tb# b Hal ll# di#rb*rg* 90 0 Ha# frab lb# *»!*• at tb# |b*l" by | ibibiM bb* *9O b##b h«kb**#l y breobb -1 -|ftd An# ba* #*»## 0 m*ii*fblt»#c < of five o# lb# bait lbt«lki##bt roikaci* ibilaff bbd b«#lb#aa ba#b at tb# la* legtstature made a thorough Igvaatlga tlog of the Mate's ev prut d Imres aad found but little to condemn Hut the** prudent# at* beentiee of the high i rgte *f taxation gruwiag out of ihtn i •aat of uniformity and equality la the dtstfilmttop of the hnrden* of tax -1 aiton. and which *hou!d he eorrwetad ; without delay I have iltrx much easeful aad patient atudy to this' question, and believe If the legislature • 111 adopt my suggestion# the evil* al lude 10 ran he eorrotrd. and moat of j iha In visible property of the aim* j made to bear Its Just proport .on of the taxes of the state, and thu* relieve? land aad other real estate from the: heavy and unjttet assessment* which j have been constantly Increasing upon : it to meet current expenses Toe large bolder* of invisible properly are aa a rule prrvon* of large wealth and better able to eoatrlbuts to the taxes of the atai* than farmeta and »maii: home owneta In our elite* and town, and they abould not be allowed to es cape taxation. Alabama haa but re cently peteed an act providing for the ai>poln<tnent of tax com nils*loner* for each county to remedy similar evil* In that state, and ray Information I* -uat millions of dollar* have been Hided. for taxation, and thU. too, without a dollar’s expenne to the alale l would therefore suggfid that a *lmllar law be I passed with such modification a* may j seem wine. A recommendation is made that the ; wild land lawn be amended, and he suggest* that the law be amended *o; that fl. fa*, laeued for taxes against property in the hand* of receiver* may be levied on the property If the, taxes are not promptly paid. The! comptroller general alao recommends that the bond* of tax oolectora and j receivers be reduced. Now collector* j and receivers have to give bond for I one-third more than the estimated taxes of the entire county. Aa the | atate could not po»»ible recover more than the collector collect*. It I* recom-, mended that the bond be reduced, a* It j coat a considerable sum lo make the bond with surety companies. The Story of fleorge Peabody. Many year* ago John Bright and George Peabody, the philanthropies, were fishing In a little Irieh stream. Late in the evening after a haru uay's work, the party arrived at the land ing-stage. and Bright, accosting the in evitable policeman on the bank, said; "What is the proper price to pay these boatmen, constable?” He replleiir "Seven shilling* and sixpence, yer honor; hut some glntlemen give them ten "hillings." Blight, turning to his companion,; said: "I have no change. Peabody,; have you three crowns?” The million-! alre produced the coins and gave them to one of the boatmen. "Is that all yer giving me?” asked the latter. "That’s all,” said Peabody, Holding | the coin* in the open palm of hla hand and slowly scratching hi# head with the other, he said; ‘‘An’ they call ye Paybody, don’t they? Well, I call ye Paynobody.” The Ellis Restaurant has moved first door above Dyer building. To praise the cook one day brings on bad biscuit the next. TWO UKATKA'I WuMKft o*o*o*o9o9*9 I# *•«•«* s*s I4NBI *#• #» 9*9 —ft# 90*09** Wm 9*smm tt*«*#*» •#•##•#• 1 #*-M 90 M^M# o*o s9*o . | €#4HPMMft M* 9*990* s9*oo *0 9*o* o*o9 m 4 900*?* 90 90* *moo #9* *99** so*o*. >itl; iMHi ft tpp*«4to» f—#» 9*9 ftaaft#ft' ft v## Him## (ft *** * MM-riai # i ## ft* #-ft l>ftHHMft ftftd I## %#aftftMft 9*o 0*9% osoo* 00 00*9 09*$ **99* Hi# *"• 10*90 fft# 0m 10m «mi #»•%# f#ft ofoo* M# ftM o*9 #%ft( !—■# W.IIMWS iMftskew* Me* Hfttin IH—gte rreekiM X*k. w.tisu -1 gftNMSMI ta» *MM* u*m WHA pet* ftl m 4 isegf ler n—Uft. ft-wf gs ft. sKweit **4 re— w Hxe l-ek I «H*4 |A|«is*se«. Mm fc»»u4 ew ** I • m #» Iwl ex'snae »> 4 Win l.rAia R rVwktMwe* V»y»»«eHg «■■punl. r-to CmH 11 MlftftftftA M# M|:ft fIK-f tli ilt *' NED GRACE'S GRANDSON .Ifcntl ll Gffircil Kef I fftfl* sis Vftkh Hr. Jams* T. >•-•« mm lha Lntwx HMlyifi. We are glad In xdt Ibe pleaaaal K©#pft#!d. tt. C?--» at#® ®f "t 00 Kii©#^#*© I irtur I© o#©r©in CiH Ham© ta a i ffitdao* at Jud©# H4«iin4 Ittnw, o#m» i early da©# of itti# < eti* uiy , imry ku wmsu aad a •lily man, and the orig inal n f Ned Bra . * Nailie of Gafit gtf " in judga f sax fist rtri’s famou# old brndt. "Uanrgta tkeoea ’ CM lla< on has Inherited all lit# dltUfietive trail* of hla famoua grandfather, aad give* an waning * enterlalnmenl ablrn J* not only charming bright and histori cally valuable, hut la absolutely and • lliirlngl.’ original Apart from hla i lecture Col Baron * superb p auo playing of llaalf would make g l.rll- I Ifant evening He tea* taught music la Germany and the work he doe* In thl* liae ta of the very htgheai sort j th* sally and as regard* hla whole life a 1 record. Col. Bacon Is one of the most j popular nay, beloved, men in Sou!h j Carolina Georgia should hasten lo hear and lo appreciate “Ned Brace’s t.rand' 900." Th® Ellis Restaurant has moved first door above Dyer building. "lapayettb day. Iluw the Occasion Was Observed lo Johnston. ftpcclel to Tbc Herald. Johnston, 8. C., Oct. 21. Nobl* and grand deed* will live for year* sod year*, and how aad that thn fa mous dead heroe* have to He still and cold through celebrations like thoac that took place on Wednesday all over our great United States In honor of brave, horolc LaFayette. It would have filled hi* heart with delight to have *eeu In our little town the sim ple yet loyal tribute to hi* memory. Coming up our main street a long line of march of happy boys and girls, all with flags gently waving In the balmy October morning from little hands of four years to those of twenty years of more—it was Indeed a grand sight and one that the Kindergarten and John rton Institute should be proud of. This pretty charm string was greeted at the school by a large number of friend* and one hour was delightfully spent In song* und recitation* and mu sic. The little tot* gang as an opening. The Three Little Sisters, Red, White und Blue. Particularly pretty was the acrostic ;‘LaFayot.le" by tho little primaries. The French National Air, Marsallles Hymn, was sung by Mrs. James White. An Interesting debate was given on the question as to which was the greater, Washington or T.a- Fayette. by four young men. Ms* s. Willie Cogbum, Felix Lake, negative; A. G. Baltz?, R. H. Clowney, affirma tive. The Judges decided In favor of LfiFayctte and a handsome book was presented Mr. Baltze. A penny col lection was taken amounting, lo a nice sum, after which Dixie wus play ed by the Misst-s Austin. The audi ence made a grand chorus of America und Rev. Mr. . Heamy closed with prayer. All who utteiatM the exercises wye glad that President McKinley issfieil this order, had he not we would have missed a well truent hour. "March on! March on! all hearts resolved on victo ry or death." ' ** "i ■' THE BIG BIKE MEET ! j 9s #§!#s WftkN |ni It#** 4#ft W#ftn|X —l# s*9om 9994 soo*os*y v ■TT * m 9*7?§ \m**% mm 00 > so&os O$T 90 ft# ft## I wtdlft ft#4 MH m**o * *99*o »i—ail# a#4 : | rlfNftMftia ft* 9990*0$ 90 **09099 SIOOO I #r#aMftftr» M (ft# M# Ml u# 9*9**is. iffftftd rtiftiir iam fn# ft«M#lk IM# #«a4 la iMT'HIf Mitt «# ft jftfftra fiMiftftfttft#* MJWWi #ft# «««« tl# 04099mm* # m*mss*4 If I fttoMNI 9*09000 so* 10409*40* 9*999*0000 Iftftd ft Ml fmtm.. 99 040 940*9*090 ft |•# #MNI I—ill ffpfta. aftmMrr t#tM. *4* | dMM'ty tft froftt *0 10* wan aM • ' timmmimm 01**4 *m with ftH Hlftdft on (1# aai nt4 Moor. •• fttk# li ft ftfwad ! »<# r»ft? |ga4« |# tftft aa#i«cift *190*4 i*nt li mil# rfOktfttftlftft 90 vftft ff*ft• iif •rftta and (ft# vfted# ftft#«ft« • ™*»f»rt* I ! ejiflww (ftftMf lIV of ll# Wllft* _ tl |4 tftro • Tftft IftftMr# 111 I ft# Mtttfaili It# ’ <’ftf#rtlT ft## ft# Mo rtfto* 4 I© l,7H© Tft# i.lrarftrro ©lit ftnld 900*9 I.tftft ©off , iMNiftM A lift roof rar+rm tft# Mftftd 6 and # Mt flalioa tank la to ft# placed ' iftrr#©©. for I ft# rurpm* nt #ip©tr«M j Ift# ©ftlftT lO ft# ©##d Ift (ft# ftftttl VYXMft* Two imnwuss Oag pule*, u werleg lor j jet* shove Iks top gs th* steed will 1 dual two large llelleA IHalse Beg*. To all vletting riders who have elg ' aided (heir IniswUon of pertlclpgtlag | Is the races by eewdisg *>n their egtry I bleaks, the privilege* of Ibc treck are , rxtrsiH. for training purponw*. frog* ! (he lime of their arrival In Ik* city. JOB J. WALSH Our Hill* hoy was aflUrieg with rh*u- I tnatiam In Ms knee, and #• lime# un able to put hi* foot to tlx* door We | tried In vain everything *» could bear E *,f that we thought would help him ' We almoM gave ut> In despair when | snoietme advlec-d u* It* try Chamber lain'* Pain Halm We did so. and the Ural buttle gave so much relief Ihai we K ,.( a second one. end lo our surprise. It cured Him and well —J. T. IIA Vd. Pastor Christian Church. Nso d- *ha. Kan. ror snl* by Alexander Drug and Heed Company, C. It. Parr of llcil Tower Drug Company, Will Pled! Less C tton. Lovett, (la., (XI. H.—The farmer* of Inurcn* and Jarkaon counties will plant less cotton another year. A re duction In the cotton crop of this and many other sections which we have heard pf s-em* certain. Farmer* aay they cannot raise four cent* cotton and live at home. Thl* step la not only token by farmer* who run but one und two plows, but from thoen who run forty odd on down the line—even the one-eyed negro with the one-eyed mule a#*ert* hi* Intention of reducing hi* cotton acreage. Aji Immense acreage In wheat, oats, rorn, potatoes and can will lake the place of cotton. Thl* seem* to bo the programme of "Ihe farmer# for another year. Until we «ee the Helds where one- the fleecy staple grew berom la den with such thing* a* sustain life, and the old dust covered loow which ha* been laid away since the years come again Into action better time* and prosperity will keep Just ahead. Bucklcn'a Arnica Salve. THE BEST BAI.VE ID Ih* world for Cuts, Bruises. Bores, Ulcers, Balt Ithetim, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain*, Corns, and all Skin Eruption* and positively cure* Piles, or no pay required. It le guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cent* per box. FOR BALE BY HOWARD & WILLBT. Supplied With Overcoats The soldier* of Company E, Captain Steven*, have for the past two or three days been wearing the big army over coats, and those Been in the city have been conspicuous on account of them. The general lmpre»»lon ha* been that the government furnished the over coats, but such I* not the case, as the coats were furnished by the Guards from their own private supply. The coats came in mighty well for the sol diers, as the government has made no provision lor supplying the soldier* with overcoat* —Macon Telegraph. Moved first door above Dyer building. Ellis Res taurant. New Maple Syrup, finest quality, in bulk and cans at Lamkln & Co.’s. Your oniy CHANCE ID RDM 4 Httf Bin SATU©* DAY Hio msf 9(9 sy Rom <»* *««. Ow uftg#w*» wft JOD mm M** * Urn 944 Cane**. RqiuW |I*2S Sham •** 110 pun Mm i Kim S**n Lk« ft Can§f99b ©#iftv JJ Show * * *IOO 2st o j—mi L*#«* fju99v9(% ©D4b 12 (jhiinniti Shnß»********** Sid# 140 Mfel LbAcr’ Kft HxRUM Mi Im. Rifuler sl.soS4»o*i ** * *i# fht tgsOetWi >e»e*e«W<ag. tn tft# I#©#' ## !•##©• (ft*#* 99*00* I ©ft# © tftft#©© *•©«## * H ft#— I~w- J'# ■ 1 ##■*»!#. *■*? tftrfftipr'ii • ft” tft©l Ift# luMR* f*N ©©»'*# 1 ft* ft— I©#raftrl#t«# <*t tftift fti I'ttftiiitftMft « mt ft**#### ftllft Ift# IM# **% IMlftif©•tftft# ft#* tun©— ftf ftiftd ftftd atdißMlit* <yf fund tft ft«# flftflftrftlftr lift ll ftfttfctoi ftut ft fifw • std ftf j tft« «ft«n# t»m# tHfti »ft# *i|#fl©©M© j W»* m«lllft© ft 94*4*9 1 l«i f»i ftl# fd* 1.. rt©»# ftl ft * ft*** 10*49 0*09*99 ftW > H i. Mm «lift «ftt#ry wniifw «li# fftttMtiin© at Ift# luftl## on*- ©me morntft© ift#r# ©•• ft ft#r#k Id ift# l#»€ft of III# turtle ©eft. I© *fte dftiluif— I ft# ©ftll ftftd keen thrown driftn nftd tft# efi©tt##ft hid vmkftrd. a The* #xp*-rim#»»i In ao limatton of i#ft jlurtlee «i« ftl #n #ftd. Very liftlormiVi fell on III# ©nmoftn H*u!»ll. n ; **f Valftln. ll ftftfdty er#t©#d iwftlMi ik«i tft# turtle* con id dwiror Ift# »*H difler ll had eftund ftftftinnt lh#m w lonjr Hut Valuta «• ft rofnm©nlly #•• •tof feed at ifte •u«i»iri«4i that It would commit th#fi and Interfer# with an ti • xi-r riimnl which would re#ult fto muck to th# advanttge of th# vllhfr. Ahd; SHOES THAT ARE KNOWN! * f '•’o ’ Everything that is sty lish. artistic and com fortable, combined with the best of workman ship will be found in Hanan & Sons Shoes. CASHIN. GOULET & VAUGHAN, 808 Broad Street. AQENTS FOR HANAN & SON. Special Bargains 1 GROCERIES Wicker & Pilcher will always give you more for your money than any house in the city. . 18 pounds N. Y. Standard Granulated Sugar sl. Fine Table Butter 20 cents per pound. Sugar Cured Hams 10 cents per pound. 1 5 cakes "Harris” Soap for 25 cents. Best Second Patent Flour $3.66 Barrel. First Patent Flour $4.50 Barrel. Country Meal 1 5 cents per peck. 1 5 pounds Armour Packing Company Pure Leaf Lard for $ 1.00. fficlcer & Pilclier, Wrecbrs of flisli Prices 954 BROAD STREET. OCTOkfRil •ftarw fri-fiH ©ft# tft© ##• injur 4 .pi© © t h##« (#Mft# lift# (N©l AftnHe ll nmt *994 m 4 I# *i««i as ft ©©©Hew Inn in* 9*904 *0 *9m •©©© ft©n#» ©#H* and 4*%9*0 i 90 *0 tft# ©ft© #©»© 9*t ftft©’4k©k*(H©k4 tr Ifttakt ©ad iftk©k• %m 4 ffte | a** 1# ft©4 tt wft©Hl ha in k©v© Smmim Ift thf ( 99*0*99 Ift©© t© #©4 000*00 fta»©l s9ft© Iftf %©r© #tt < tft«#«l©©ft* |m©l ill# ftweiftfta ft### MU###ftlttlft©# ©ftll # ©ftl k© ## 0*90*04990* I© ©ft ©ft© r |tM ftftd 111 ft <lll© llm ft©*©# ©ft© WlftTlMa# ft# le Ift# *oo*4*r at 090 99009 b x*»r». gametriel Hswg* Mb- " '•bt^'w f-ftf tft# ftftUftraUMftfta l« k©t# •#* ikift© IM ©«» ©ilk ift# ©kftlM fftrtlftft Itt©##© nf 99m *«#•• rwMftrtl truaiff as Ik# #©• laftr. mm*4om* .f©>wlm oai©©H •a k# ©• ft k© «• flßlNf ©8- k ‘ #©•# ©•• ©r 9 «tt# %#tt of m* Wr and ■ -a»©4#©## with a fiail <««©f#a#k©i «4 Itt# , in* ,( tarftt# m valftkl. an 4©a ft r##ult «»f tttai -*©»#«f©|pw ill# <ertftl©tjr ihai iln* »u»b icfhi I *»**»©«* tta© ##* , Kt. f ifhi had mat kr#t» ©ftl#© tty (tt# fl I# • i*tftt*l#«a itt ttkir# IV pen nu Kuirtr ©lmn© #©*»©©k t© le#d itt# Ikrtiau Th# turtle ©ft# realty ftte ai* eewtral ©ad as Vaiahk. aa© a# e©#tt aaaf l<i (ift ftgg tg»ft ft ken fttey were jet la hftftlkerol #»« Vet Vaiftle MWllad ft© ikuftft fini# ft ©a kdk© oA*#© turtle ©nil no ««u©i mu »f »V »!#©©• Sm Mery. IfMtf This! [mu anything all y**r Mir? Then let me treat it n»* II rxtu utile < „mpar eg , -uapared ta the nwritflkaXloa as •mMneaa I've i-eateg many Mr* in yuar own -H> and mat ooa a» !ranted but *•> benefited Not one failure ll all Ihr large number. Come to gum me at 111 Hi ood street. I am mating awne of he beat peoala of >eur city MHII. SMITH Daring. -Whatever they M) of General BMf ter, hla braver} -g—be railed In quaatlon.” "Well. I should aay not. he evea dar ed io he rude m Dirk? Harding Devla” Indiana poll# Journal. Known from Maine to California as the BEST that material and good workmanship can pro duce. AS FOR STYLE IT in IIUB : i.M* MjjiSpSfiffltß HBF < y' r