The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 21, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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flAi |w»UMl%r*ta %»*% WIW mm *» im* mm mm* . P i #>i— ##9tfNa** nm u% W ininni •«*•»« «wm*» <* %m* #*#*#l %•*» MRPMi •*«iw*®!WWii'* . j *»** iHmi llti* i * , * Wi *fc **••*•* # WW #«4lta9 9P*" iWiPII 'kWh#B*WßNl *•§ WP 1 *INW ><*»*» tfMP » #•* fat* at an *#" im i—w i»i"iw*i tlNr# (pi «►*#** I 4NMa * av<i liiw> t*w— a- a*4 *aa tMMiNi •#%»# at ♦* wi alp** **■*• i ta iNap aaMMP ipa aaaMMaa spun® aa Up aapat Wt%&m i •«* i*tt # t» a#* t PUB# * * p pt# at t%* prspp tMNMi ** gigpoap*,« P «%• flit ##9l *#t | taapppiiMg m pp f%* Mt' | apt !%.*« tip PNP9 •**• pi* «Mwl» **i ~«a tj -mtpm pM *lmM #MN W'ji ’**# j mP iapif #*#p «ip i*#* (nA *. man atwiwti Tap aMPpaa fPHPi mm «t tPaMp **p*s*pf ***** «* * *#l ##*■*. «pat t M**f m**P pp* I ta ppaa** t* a t PNitat hmMI ataiM l pnP** < *#• «fe* ippppfaat* #P atfat j 's9 *p PPRMWI §-»*#•'’ W%9 *##* •MW ***** i* awaNfi ##•** * Ppp a ppap* j ♦■pt» of tauftfta 1 fca** «■*#• “•* Of ftl* ftftiftft at t aMMftft ha •' * j t*k* «w«W «**•% fttaktis WwW «* • to* «ta»* Hwi(M tonusWW» «to»4j *'Tw* mm mm m*m mmm*** w* Wm i #»# »•«**» H- «nw pi*m*a W* M hppt ftPaf to? kMMftft *• • MfHi • ttofto »tu«H4k «ota4 SB *• ,fc * kata M* *! take • «mmhb *nmrn4 §mfmm* * im* tfiii pmm* ft ** < ftft4 •» fcutft Ik*' «• rMftlft* •*"•'»» ••111 *>mM Mft **>«»•• ft* •»•'* ft* • tunft nft* MM* (M Ifcft •#•* *ft4 l» it •■• >i*m*4 m( «mm* m I M #**• ""Wftf f*« unMlI fc*«» ft mmm »wM apt p aaPP^ * i pa*. ** avv aaPP*! ipppi rp-rn *n pk ta pafP aptaai taj w. i* ft* ■> I wmMmh mmmm w pm ■ fcfti**ft» •• ft* •*•* tmm Mim ■ »•>■» p>mmpf'9 trnpmmmm •**»'» nm* • taftftft*'* *«•• m tmmm** m* |«*fll«ft «• hftlWVft ft ■*•<• iMftftft* • bftl* I* *•* ft tfta* ••#*9 lift* *|xlm hi* wmiM p 4 Ik” feftfiM** m mm m *kft katfiwl >»«**»#»» m ftM «*•<* lfi«*f m * < *• k*>* •M*** Ml ftfM*f MMtft M* I* ft P*MI T tiam tHMI <lf ft lw*« ahMI W rmmrn In io** i*m Nrt h* fftft ft'fttMM *l* ttmt a*4 m*w«m*4 lata l ft* tWfc* Um« ft*ftk>ftc t ftw mw »m »** k* h** •»«* Mill f**i M l*ti IM Mtl«r ft)*l«* ftlftft HMft* OM* «*C TM »mr m«" fc*»** «hMw ik* «»ftk •pai ip Afiftr ftm pm tin kftrwrt oft lb* awl* ramuma <*•< M W •'» •!• and thftft ha ftrtiW* #e*M Ml tHi*Mr-**. |H ha* iha* ther* •«* •• «•*? ft*" i«jtr*l ht ftffttfi Wftlaa •• 9+f* ftillM •Ml lajorftM hjr I.UIW* alt Mann ih* «w. "I hat* Mwn aa bm»b* aa itnlr Mr ta Un> bospusl at «*»• ti»» kicked there by srtny aam And the* dldat always |»i w»U. attber 1 know of bm taw that happawarf dur tax 'hr abort ttaia t »aa at Tampa. • bar* a aagro teamster *w hilled ta* atan'ly by aa army mute. And It far* atabad a *<aal illustration of tba won derful memory that a inula baa, too. That nram> taaatatar uH to pound ttai Bittk uttwri If u!ly. inalend «f | using strategy and lattiaf |a Bill* lata suhmlmlß, hr wad to baai It hard enough to kill a horse, Well. Par too mom h* that tc-emaier didn't drtrai that mule. But tbr mu'e never forgot him He any attempt to 1 likliire hit near driver, who knew enough to treat him decent)?. But one day tba old tramater tame back. The ainte remembered bint. He oalied with aa much docility and pa- ; 1 fence aa an ox until be wax bgrnrae ed, and then when the old teamster rax off hla guard he let fly with both heelx. rxuxht that negro In the pit of the stomach and alratcbed him out ax dexd aa a hammer. The other team ster wax standing rlxbt there by blni. but that mule didn’t make any attempt to kich him. He bad Just been laying | for the fellow who walloped him turn months before, and when ho had fin ished him be wax perfectly satisfied. The teamxter* down at Tampa were the toughest lot of men I ever met. When T say tough. I mean they could xtand more hardships and do more Lgbling than anybody la camp. Most of the tcamxtera ara nagroox. A ne gro lovea a mule. He think* ax much of hi* mule ax he docs of bl* wife and family, and 1 don't krow bm that bo think* more of the mule. Those ne groes are grew! strapping fellows, and they stick together through thick and thin. "If you hit One teamster rou have to hit every one of them in eatnp. When a gang of them get to fighting It lx a good Idea to run and keep running un til your wind Is gone. The,y'll fight at the drop of the hat and don't fear anything. "The day before we came away from Tampa the teamsters got together and held a meeting. Then they disap ; peared. That night they swooped down on the Spanish settlement there and wiped it off the map. They de stroyed everything valuable or worth less. thrashed most of the men and etole all they could carry. The next, day of course we started away from j Tampa, and before an Investigation could be held or anybody arreated we were out of the state. Of course the teamsters counted on that. I heard of it after we had started and tried to find out who were In the affair and what was done, But not a teamster could open his mouth until we had reached Montauk Point. Then a ne gro teamster named George, who acted as my servant, told me all about it. He said they had been planning for weeks to wipe out the Spanish sett le nient and Imd made up their minds to ,lo it on the night, before we broke •• 'Did you destroy everything? I arkeri George. , " ‘Not quite, salt, but mostly, said llxperU Haf(tcd &Swo DSflod) .:,.vr -j y A, ttf 5* ■ v - • Hpß \ 4f» KIN6.PIN BTUO. CAttlUfiS m* fwa% a !*»’■»* a % HMIUUtN EirHp Ar« $2 P«r hir. SPECIAL CAUTION : X«* iw» Cimi* * 4 a *■*»•*• ft> *«h «*•*•> wvmrnimmra MAIL OADEW. * Sinftww. ,>a—l.-** 1 jg. se*a Wniti * •«**. »■» ••* rn—Jgg* * «** •*■« |, **2’*ii2KSJ^»4 ».a...Ti.M*ft«- « IMII ***** '** •* Ift* «•* I hMat.ftwiuM srr 5 - ■— 'rtk'VXZX* MMWf inftMl n4marn4 M gaaft* ar* a— a* iiiimaM *«r Beware of BARRIQS DIAfIONDCO., • (O'SON BUIUNN6. 4? a*o 44 mraao SrftW, N«w Voa* M*"tlaa tftft pap«- Uftory* "Th* arm/ t*an>*i*ra 4rl** • imp of •Is mnlap with o«* r*t«. ralipd tha J*r|-!tn* It ta fa*l*o*4 to on* of lb« I l*ad*r* and Ik* l*pawtar alt* oft on* raul* with tha J«rik Una to ooa hand and iha brakr rof>* In the oUiar. j , When he want* the tram to turn lo , the riyht h* Jerka Hire* or four ilm*a on (b* line. When h<> «Mll the |Males to lorn lo the left be poll* »Up<iy on th* Jerk line. A teamster ran make mulra do all kind* of atnnla with that jerk line, and the mulea make no mUtake.” NEW 'PHONES. Augusta Telephone and IZlectric Com pany. *7B—Augusts Bteclrlr Supply Co. ; 682—Augusta Southern itutlrnad, President's ofllc*. 707—js-. h. Brendle. Meat market. 47»—W. H. Brigham, Wholesale gro cer. *72—George Cochkos. *32—o. A. Cunningham, Jr., Resi dence. ttri—li. a. Doughty, Cotton factor. 2*2—K. W. Dodge. 7nx—tv. U. Olaxobrook, Residence. s*l—Mis* Sadie Harris. 576—U. W. Hall. 7»l—John F. Holmes A Co. *22—W. C. Jones. 28*—W. M. Jackson. 487—J. U. acksoq. Jtesldenoe. f 371—Dr. A. J. Kilpatrick. 778 —8. Lesser, Residence. jJ 424—D. J. Looney. I W 281—Mshoney & Armstrong. . 1 288—North Augusta Land Co. B*6—W. J’. Padgett, Saloon. D72—L. F. Padgett, Furnituro 5*7 —Schuetaen I’lat*- , 373—L. C. Steinbeck & Co. 291—Tutt & Boylaton. 873—W. R. Walton. Farm. 381—Whitlker McGowan. Farmer Shoots a Boy. Athens, Oa., Oct. 20.—Tuesday, near High Shoals, In Oconee county, Frank O. Camp, a farmer, 30 years of age, shot and falally wounded Earl Collins, a boy dhout 18 years old, with whom he had previously had a fight about seme land. Collins was at his home when Camp came up and shot him. The bullet penetrated the abdomen and Collins will probably die. Camp made his es cape. nisslnnarles. Washington, D. C.,' Oct. 20. The Tfousfc of Bishops of the Episcopal General Conventtion today selected the following missionary lilklMps: For JJolse, Idaho—Rcv. .1. B. Fun slon. Portsmouth, Vlt. For Sacramento, Cal. —Rev. Win. L. Moreland, San Francisco. For North North Dakota—Hov. S. C. Esdall, Chicago. For Presiding Rl?hop of Brand —Itev, L. L. Kiqsolving, Va. | THE JA.TJOXJSTA. BBKALD me ifNtv«M*T% or orwomA HMOK IftWl I>PM»|N WiMWiMM «■» •#* MtOfto* «• ft »■*■»•« £.*•> «,* 0»* #♦- ll* pMM>ftftN*% wi rth IlftiUM ftM* Ml WftMhftft ftft* pft* pa***4 ftapftftftftp** Mi ftftpi* aiaft* *lm paa ——r--,- *m «.•» hWhmpi ■ *np» an ••*■ [p•• m*m mm mm*mt mm mm *i< mm [<Mh Ml IN* hirmrtr wp *■# •»»****»»• 11 atapM •***■• *•***• W Wftft *•• Na* 1 1 > ••■'■-ftpMaa haft a* **• ftkafth I hafta o**a*l* aftftt* mMNRSM ft* MftPftftftftft I *** [la *ha «mw mm§ «i A* #•**••' ***** II in ftp—■ hm«ii puMftawft-i m mm m IftiftftftMKft* Thaft WftftftHa pftft m% ftpfth mmmrnrn* MMftntfta Mp 4 ft# *!• tmmm at tIMM mmr mm* mm mm* *• *■•*•» ■paftl Up i«*mftp**ft at ••• TaiaftftftP* •ft «p'«»ftpiM mp 4 MM WPimpmi* mm* • m ft lift i PiPPH pi* *hft< pm **-- •M ftMHftMP Ml MM* Mft— •« h* ap ypw I, ftp# ip IftMtt PM wiftpMM* pi PmmPMI «••• *M*p * _*» *ftP*»M* •hoi a** pm* Mia ftppfti ftp—p*' ■MI P»* P» fPMPP*. »Mfti'Mß•*» p»***M ** ! PTlftp •Pm Ml IMP ft** »■ P"»' «4 MrftfttiWW— *Mi *P» »'WW*MIt MMft H T Thftftpft P*ft »«» M» patawft nftffrurf «f IhftftMftftl «"Pftft*M4 P 4MW*M* tPMit Oft* t*plaftftft*lt ft* Oft ■ • hiiaMftft'4 Ihft hiMP* ft* UNt"i* ht pP MM PM I'WWiiIWP Mft4 ift haim< p«p ftp< ftMftiftMftp M ik» MM*' Th* M«MP IMIPPkM *» iftHMPIr ftfttlPMfM pftft »**»**» ItuihtilP Muftfta p«l*l»ft ft •fl’M I •4ftr**» vMUMNMI IP* pMlfft» >** **■ •rtaaftpft of lk» 4a f ftp* INM P t* lloaprf ftftk ft fttalllil a*hPr** ftp Ihft **t*Mft ft* I ahr'tl*' (H ,r * ••pi m* pmmtf Pftft ftnllPlftf (ft Ik* UMkfMl* Pftift**' t*%S th* to* Ppft"P*Pt «* HP Hf at ttmarpm P Ift ft fcaiMMi ift* 4fttnp. Thtt* mi* tmm fcftll'-iPP fftPPt •hi Ift aiPPftftP* ftpftft Ihft I arhaal ••4 Ihrr ftp* ftMPWC Up hfi«hi*»« «ka •nr *•!•«•4 Up h» P hual th* tap Ifttftltr r«p«tallft4 »* INn# •?'*•»■** Manta J»4«* HOPwll Cahh Dr I C ttapoAtri ftftit rirf J.4m> l» IWI wi rnaMftftllr r*nH IM Ik* uphalfillftC of IM* 4*pft«i*4Mt ft* IIP ftftl»*Ml«f ftp* llftph M lUftlftr* Ik* »*** ftftftor ft* Mririhift, 1* ik* l‘«l*rf*ilj of UttMftla hft« t*k*p rhftrft** at fcta pork priltplr T*«*f J H lloaal nil, Ik* mlliftg IP 'l—i r hm Pot fti hum!* oft hi* pint •• tft »fcftl fcft PHI 4**. hot h* kftft ft***r»l «|*l**ft4l4 «(*«- i,ig k and ta ronftdftfift* Pklrk utrr to IP. B F. Rltajr. profftftftor of Rn« llah and oralort. In Ik* nnUftralif. hft» ornanlsrd a rtapi la orfttorr •»«*> <>»" oft* hvadrad mrmhrrt prat. Ji*ft*ph t.upral kftft »m4rr him a tart* and ttit*r*miin« <-!•■• In Spaa- Ifth Th* Upftftlah-AoirHran Par ha* rauard quit* a I arc* nnmlwr of yoimg ■nrn to tahft »P tkft rtftdy of th« Span l»h Una ii»* i Col 8. H Charhonnkr. who for more than thlrty-fl»» y**m. ha# b**n [mftnnrrtfd with thr t'nlrftralir of . (jftvrgta, baa Ukep up bla p*rman*ftt ■UhP Id An(u»ta. b*lu* «unwN a* 1 profraaor of phyalc* by Prof. Andrew ,H. I’«li*r*m. Tbs book of statist lex In the office of | tbs Uulveralty Registrar xhows that fully *0 per «»gt erf tlis student* of ths university this year arc atm* of farm ers. The Baptist and Methodist de nominations predominate, cloarly fol ' lowed by the Presbyterians and Epis copalians. Pixly-five per rent of the university students are mrmbera of the different churches. The 'Varsity football learn has thus far played winner in ell Its game*. It fa a fine aggregation of athletes. Coach McCarthy says It Is superior even to last year's crack team. Next Saturday the Georgia boys play the Technological school eleven In this city. Ona week later they play Van derbilt In Atlanta. Mr. R. B. Nalley. who was n few years since captain of the 'Varsity team, Is In the city and Is assisting Coach McCarthy In ths work of training the boys. "The Georgia,” the literary maga xlne of the University, has issued It* first issue this year. Mr. Oarrard oletiu. of Atlanta, is the able editor of the Georgian. Lucy Cobb Institute young ladles will Issue an annual at the end of the present session. This will lie a novel departure at the Institute. The board Oi editor* consists of the following young ladles: Edltor-ln-ehlef. Mlbx Palmer Phelan: associate edltora. Misses Frances Johnson, Lucia Abbott, Kathleen Lqtwe. Sara Cobb; business manager, Miss Lueile Itrodnax; as sistant business manager, Mlsa An nie Burnett The State Normal School now ha* in actual attendance upon Us classes 336 teachers from over one hundred counties in Georgia. Beats the Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex., has found a more valuable dis covery than has yet been made In the Klondike. For years he suffered untold agony from consumption, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured tlv Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, lie declares that gold is of little value In comparison with this marvelous cure: would have it, even If It eost a bun dled dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bron chitis and all throat arid lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption. Trial bot tleg 10c. at Howard & Willet's drug store. Regular slz»- 50 cents and *I.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Man Is born to rule the world, but woman comes along and makes him forget what he started out to do. FREE^FREE] Al External Toblc* Applied to tk Skin Bcaotifies it as ky Magic. THE DISCOVERY Z ACE i A ISQSUN WAS tm tNtWffm ».# ptaftk&i »**4 oSft .*».****«•»•*• *4j Ihft ftOftMfttakM PP had »*• ftMPj .I*o*4 nPIB Ihft MP**» ta 4. Ik* •«• taw* | •at imPp Mp**piiifth *4 ta rtta Ant* h*p taM • h». «4h»»4 Up p»«» hr UmP ftp>4»P.l • * ptalWM fftPto tXft 9*ppft m MHM» ta 4 h* Pftkft ltd* 4w«*tfty taftap p ft** taftpwp «b*» hftftft P 4 » u»p*d dta Itatu >*pm*4».. italm* r-mir " I. ftMp •*< . •*•*♦ ha«P ft mm •tan ■*• iipftku. h*—• Mptattam Th* ■»«*« *P«r«h iftptafttaM tMPta hft» • ari ntalaftaNp* *tan y» taiftPh aftpiotanf ami ipi)<m *p •*! laptop • Mrh UP h|p*4 by I** PftNrwl ftitlftP W •vMMPpUf tawtah ta Up oartaip «4 Up Hi*. H to ta Up ahta wtaM ft ftNtoiMlai MPa to ta Up l*«4 an 4 pm, ft kind at, •*• l.h that iMMhbPrty nhOftftftta* ftM HMpftlhm* ptatrtrt »p|dp4 IP ftmb eta** to toU ftlnpn iMpmdtoPly. ftftd H • Trtnihti- tatom taw* U*a akm. fmrkim, pmubp. MftckkftftAft. tank t«lr*-T- prtaktow. Sttft p*H* mwfthiiftp* •Him fttnpUMp*. and dtoralnMup* <4 m, ktnl, • In wMftt that aH may ta ImUwd ly BHrlital Iftamti n ito Mtoft** Bril pill, 4t4.n( ib* Iftftwwi »> ’ftih <•** ta ad ftftU* l THE MISSES BELL. 7* im* a.*.. i*w y-n ciur. For Sale in Augusta By Jamas Daly A Co. A WELL STOCKED LUMBER YARD I * ? _33b \ WHAT’S j A NAME? If it’s a good name nt j there’s a great deal The reputation that nr' Lift/ our garments have fit ‘ achieved doesn’t come U in a day, or a year, or M * * two years, and is not * the result of accident H / or chance, but of care ful, painstaking labor and thought and attention. There’s no patent on this. Almost any one could do it. They simply don’t try. It’s so much easier to take conditions as they are than to try to improve them. Therefore the leaders are few. So It has come to be said: If you want Excellent, Serviceable Clothing, with Style and Qual ity at Economical prices go to L C. LEVY’S SON & CO., Tailor-Fit Clothiers, - - Augusta. Ca. READ. HERALD’S WAIT ADS .11 ftaftMUptoftfttaP* «p* total katato ft* Upp U tPnto fttaftdpftUt Bft». pwd IP ,aft4M IIP* Utata Ptoa tftpftn ft* Php |4tft away tow* B*P tnh map k* tawn I Mp 4, Ihry PdlmrlM* tanp ta apy *4> ■paaa. aH ttoaft(ta •*■ P—A PP Ap P*** r* «• ft nail itapp n Mittal p p*h in at paihPfti aAd townw tw yn«* n ih*. •.awtonpl PftHr P I* M* *** hank* OP4 ll.ui|T>iinnli4kir iihinrl Iff i t“ Tta Mtai |to*i ka*ft fan ftphtataM •tan *ww tank. »taxi* n Itaaaly.* fhp ftaktaktr pnk to B«* ta all 4**»«*4 M 1W tow** Waal■ Htonndf at UP irayiri' — a* • y*»«l mnwy »*»•*>. *■**• ta-w ft P*ftnftft Mwy pqwlP linany and lay? yprpl rhayftp* ap Ita aam «4 Up knr | P<p ta toat* Iwawrtapt yrwwlk* tattatota ftpttoato at MPhtat tba hair ftft* Ma mmani tappir a”4 ***. mam P taaftta inyrfthPi knr hnp Ika to*a, nark mp 4 arm* wMhm.l todpr* *• HnaklP Thto hnafc alHto PP*to4 ta aay a44»i <n rwytlt Trial IWiln at Wapdarfil <W ftlrtaa, TftwP fra* n ftfttbaN. ta * "*» (*■*4 n yprhuMl and amMmft l ta itaw* n a Where yaw can ototalft protaytly tkft he*t grade* of OI.OMOIA YIO.MIW |*lM Building I umber at an time, and at Spatial Prkea. Vow *IM op 4 tkla on Inaerlptlon s • BONe INIV" Mrcsftpd Mooring, celling and I Iftlah- Ing l umber, kiln Ortad herr under our own anftervlalop. worked and stored IP covered aheda I oil I toe to aleck and quick deliver) assured fertin Maitfactiriii Coipai;. AUGUSTA, GA., DOORS, SASH & BLINDS. A STRIKING! CONTRAST you will always ftnrl In both the moods and the shirt fronts of tlioao who have had their laundry work done at Hulsc’s Laundry and the mao who has had bis done at n less efficient one, with back number methods, where they send home your shirts, collars nnd cuffs with frayed edges und torn button holes. Our laundry work is faultless. Hiller's Steam Laundry, 814 Jackson Street, opposite Opera House, Both ’phones. JHE (JERALD STANDARD W»j AMS It H popular bsoiuM H It u*t what tha Kraal n«w»papar-raadin« public want*. Tha lapa ara lama and daar. ami fulty double tha •Ua of any othart pubMhsd. They are baauti fully printed In five color* on heavy map paper IFYOD RE INTERESTED IN WAR GEOGRAPHY you will find tha AtJas an indiApana*bi<' aid. It will help you to obaarvn thadaHV changes In the situation, and enabls you to kssp paca with history. You Need An ATLASI v — Qat the Latest and Best— Contents of The Herald Standard War Atlas: Cub* ... - i 4*21 inches The World - - - 21 *2B Inches West indies - - 14*21 inches North America - - 21 *2B inches South America - - - 14*21 Inches fttopptwt *ftbta tuna. Philippine Islands - - 11*14 inches Hawaiian Islands - - 11*14 inches Europe ... 21x28 inches Spain and Portugal - - 14*21 Inches Asia ... . 14*21 inches SkpwtPf p«p Trapa-btaartaP Kallrpa4 Africa - - - 14x2 i inches Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 x2B inches China .... 14x21 Inches Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana. Clenfuegos. Manila and San , Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out, and entirely new. A , The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-NicNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the slain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may. otdejt the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents A FnankClvcs / \ / \ famous / \ / \ 9 Cushion, . /V \ Shaf,< / Y Possible \ iI / V n 'y lo a \ 1 / \ hard Hitter \ \ Centre Ball\ i Q \ Ver y f,ne \ j '.zzrk A NEW BOOK BILLIARDS By JOHN A. TMATCHCft Cushion Carom < hamploti of Ohlo’Si 'fifi winner of Hi frills HMidtcspl?, (fur longest tournament on word, and tin* only filnyrr wbo ever tost Hi'hiwfrr, Klowmn, and lvca in the aaum tournament. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTENTS. 100 OIAORAMS OP B-OUBMION SHOTS. BCHAEFER'B BTRAIOHT RAIL NURSE. EVERY STYLE OP BALK LINE QAME. ALL NURSINO POSITIONS. FRENCH CORNER OAMfi. STORY OF OHAMPIONBHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL OONTEBTB. LIST OF CHAMPIONS OF AMERIOA AND TOURNAMENT Rf CORDS, ETO. The Author give* many valusMs suggestion* t o norireA which serve to renderolcsr the method* employed by the world’s experts. It will show you HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 75 tests. flexible Leather, SI.OO. IWPMI.E. BIw.S.iUHlietKJ.. Sent, urriiUd, t. »uv .adreiw oa rireelyl of price. Angnsta Evening Herald 7