The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 21, 1898, Image 8

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wm>AV You'll Want Our Clothes If you Ht the *ir* *«d &ut% of them. *nd how Unit ihcy foM-f/.10, tQ> sll THIS IS HIGH., U! i K IN BOYS a-OTHING mt) Ukitor-mAk* JunlOft and Hmtowa, pHOuMMi. end MtlSsty Bwilih. ll■’•t h*rd Mrvtc« of play. HIS DEVOTION. Ttag m a* im> ni ra it* •*** „ rr-Tr >mv4h >mh *«*•*» is. <•*»• 1 tjwww <• it* »•*»«*’ i MMm la a taw* h ta M *•*- **' n r - h ***** lam tang *» <af **• **- Urn rtm •«•* ta#* *<_**’*• tana* tv ararawta «* fcarir tMta Itata *»*rato**M * *•* Mkrai*’l. ratal <•* *— Fw*w r * MtMa —lt a I*4 ttay iw> *-•»•* aa 1 1** •a** inff a. ta-** ’ * < —— tawtaa ngffwinn* •** •»«»!•••*••* i*" 1 * Fawato aa* aa a tataty <** a** l *** ah* w**4 tw aa* tontaffy has ta4**n»« taaw »•»• W <*♦ **» •* IM A* »w*4 ta ttaff* * **<•' ■ * * ■*• Hi* aaitor* w»ra always *•*' *• 1 *** ta* tartaa, aat la a annaawhnt Atff#**# Oaa of rib«e* *aita*a •*# *• •»' that matt dw «ta •• tad F*s* ! * “irlbbri uri nwfttn aa M w«* >* aa* aaraar nf * Bs*tai*d quart** of o»a dwh Tta Itata •**• »•* ** *■■# far #nra ari ta itawM ha •** *** k ' la« good b«4».» Uat »*•«» •" h*r (Mart laanto ton* 4*y»t»« r “™ ,m * 111* tratatautot* rtaka mb*' 0 % aka t taught. hla vtntato a**« *****>»'> • and laMly artttt what Mil* **« l*f< nt a ita M* *a*rar?*r. Thai *a«H*»* In *ar ha wnlhad «a hi* avwau* of «i> prurh nadtaartad hr hath of At* *•* taaaarh of twin Ha *** «**»** ffeta-abto mountain, than atar b*fo ,r, ha raalland. awl hi* heart thumped mad v again* lha Irragrunrhabl# smJatcoat aa ft* tprari M# month «« aik tha Mat* t«MU«k. Juat at that mocaaat a *htW »< f*#tn ptorrnd th* aultTy Jalp air Then a hurrying nnd arorrjNtag of •**< •»» heard In etanily a re* of tawtotodge flnahed it* war Into Faaat*'* brain "ftae of th* twin* I* oraitorarff *lt* raid to h*r aalf a* ahrtfPWt flow* lha Hear naira and aitmif flf hUbhl haalr. Joat aa ah* rearfced th* ho a of lh* boat *h* aaw a HtUa aMrt *»*• In br th* auction of th* malar Iwlwea* th* bars* toe which moat of lha ..*rur*)oniM* ***** *tubarttad| ‘ and th* boat that draw It. Atudhrr montcti' end th* asm* Httla shirt end a rhtld e far*, half hidden with has long, war hair, wta borne by lb* aarlft water* out and down th# rltrar. law had fallen over board Thaie mi chao* for a time Every body was running to tea. Somcona clung to tha mother who wanted to leap after the child. Utile Sue *»« walling and Fannie wringing her hand- and thlnhlng hoar thla would never have happened had eb* not tieeo engaged by that hateful dude. From the pilot house two men leaned and watched the child -**• db* pilot and a aort of haudy-andy. known on board a* Spider . "Why don't you sa#» her. ft(ttder?“ aald the Pilot “jump lU, maa. wtyfa the use of swimming prlaca if you can'l save n hid now and than?" It hadat yx curred to Spider before, but a! the word of command he leaped from the pilot house down Into the water and struck out after the dark object that was quite distant now “He's too late, he can't catch her," aald a passenger. “O, get out." said the captain, "that cuss could overtake the boat that started yesterday and be»l her to New Or leans.’’ The man so diareapeclfully alluded to was well on hie way when a crowd of passengers, who were straining their eyes down the river, saws the dark something on the surface of the water sink The mother uttered a cry and wua borne half fainting Into the nearest cabin. Fannie’* face was while and strained, but she could not say a word. The dude stood near her as silent and almost as white as she; indeed there was no noise on board juat then save the sound of little Sue’s sobs The apeck-~lt had become a speck rose again, but Spider was still at a distance. He was nearer now, but It had sunk once more Again it rose If only he could get there In time. But what seemed to the watchers a waste of waters separated him from that lit tle floating speck. The captain had his field glass out now and he slleutly passed It around. Spider was nearing the child, but before he could reach her she Bank for the last time. Down he went and I think hardly a breath was drawn before lie rose again— without her. "Oh. God," walled Fannie, The dude put his arm around her or she would have fallen:’ "Don’t leave her" chout#d the captain through his Hiwft itfitt few mu to buy Wo ****** •t v t*» • «t woeftt low prtoMk. Ow f tMiVAtf invHtllxifl Ik Coririt Mk Ofkd «#o n<> to *»«*• W* (snow ym«‘H MMfflt Wo Cit)f Btftniu* «r>d Ihrauftl OOd OOf ***•*' taluut fwikh *♦**! cut •* p*”**’ ‘<WssA m lawggpH, "tWrt tkf* ha»* I : IMMMPBVi iwwfOi* <>• "*• I ! mmm* »■—*>§»»• •!$ Ml Uw» M j | whm mmt** Mil H* mmtoPt •** fMl* !m$ fr»m iJtO ImmML • %•»% (Boowoif | ■ Imwt ijlkpfw |ii*oi to !Jm» tmmh tlw* I f lowlfo (I# nfBMNf IB»| ' wo# Mt i*« ii 9mr4 ftlftMl Bhi j f tt In* w-wtm lo4if t.pP'Ni TlMif | . WNI mm I rrliiii'l lIM • In §*' r# mm ! j #|# ««rk Me we* uhUgvai t* #s# t* . ikwi mt mt m #kmM#A timuf m wwil The gwAWAgea* h#4 hit #AgvT srifk ■ i gisß _ r igrrtslTr tkssaa whw h#4 *#wa i asm —. far l irim kArtk *kee* hat. 1 wtkvw they rvwitawt fct# ewftttss ih*y | i ter saw eaakrees kst tha swift mfnsi ihstnU '.iits him Ism Massif h* work • I ’ ml hts way #teM Mill ha a*swwl tha j |*h*wa, thaw a *tr«a« haaA la*4 hoM of] him. tar tha ttada ha* wa*a* a*H up! <io #t* vary a**a and helped drag him * <mt of lha water Ha am* powarlaaa to beta kiamatf "What a pHy ha had ( ta tara bash aat* oaa "Ha ooalda't ' tMfrip it.” aald awMhar. "tha poor chap's half dead himself" "Orawt h**»ea* .booted a dost am, "h*'a pos bar* jtoia •sough, that* bald ba€w*ea hist harm, with a death!the grip, waa a : mi I* near* ahmoded la **t eallco aad iuwt wat hair Ton would ha*a . though* tha peopl* had goa* omd If | poo had saao them Tha dada waa f working avar dpldet and rbeerlng aad : yelling aa ha worhed. Fnnnl* oaa oo bar hnee* and tha twla ran hack and 1 forth from Hplder to tha other twin, i who waa standing oo her head, while they slapped aad pumped her without ! mercy. Thera waa nothing equal to tha so ldering quallttea of those twins Tou could not hill on* of them That day j , before Hplder came to blmsrlf, las ; was on her feet again walking back to tha hoot, nacorted by an Immense | lodyguard of rejoicing people The j nest thing on tb* program waa to rn | ward Hpld*r Aa be would not touch a cent of money, that wa* a difficult mailer. After some Inquiry, Mr*. Trencher learned that alihmigh of good family' and well educated, Hplder wa# by na ture and habit a wanderer. She and her family ware aboui to go out to [ Colorado for a trip, and In lieu of any ihlng better offered the man a chance to go with them. Somewhat to her aurprlae he Joyfully accepted, and ere [ long they aud he were under way. On their return from th* mountains he pc tltkmed to come with them, promis ing lo cook or do anything else that was useDtl. all for a small wage. If only they would keep him with them. "Why. Spider." said Mrs. Trencher, "a young man like you, born and edu cated for something better, ought not to fill such a position." "If I didn’t I would be In a worse on*. It's In m - lo go down, not up. I've led a stralght er life with you folks than ever be fore" The upshot of II all wa* that for ten years Spider was one of the family an Invaluable member, too. cook, housekeeper, laundress, caterer, secre tary, nurse everything. He hau plenty to do Just now, for a family wedding was on foot. Sue was still scraggy, but Is hi had blosaomed Into a lovely, rounded out, softly tinted girl, and someone had discovered this, as men will, and made love to her, an she made love back They were to be married tonight and Spider was get ting ready for It all. Fannie was helping on one side. She was Mis. Dude now. and was remarkably fas tidious about her dress, as horame one of that name. The wedding was a simple home affair. The family wanted Spider to come In and sit with them, but he refused. He acted strangely that day, anyway., but no doubt he was tired. It was all over — that Is the knot was tied and the fresh faced Rlrl was looking up Into the eyes of her husband with the lovellght which links his world to heaven. All were chatting and laughing and con gratulating the young couple—all but a man who stood in the shadow of the doorway looking from his grimy hands to the smooth, fair exterior of the hap py lover. Nobody noticed him- there was too much going on -and he stood there, the tears chasing each other down his face, and every now and then-a great sob convulsing his strong chest. When at last the family remembered and ran out to fetch him In. he was gone. They tell about him today, bow faithful he was to Lou, how constant ANOTHER MID ON MOONSHINERS (iMtVM tltvq tt*t M j i- j i I th* Aavaitai* h*m »■■«■* «*»*» M» ata I irigt ts mt ii* * « 4MkMi iuMyiikt t * IZZUTmX .I~V ¥lMk fmf9# #*W(M *•) IMMMiffIBMNNk 4M) • #4NV %%nh mmwtm Ml mmmm&wm h *Z ftN*t CMWilftjrirlf Bail • #MB f In* mm 4 imupw-n«» \g*m i |«U4 •» m/0 **o TW* mmm )mrn i mihmmnn iunmb 00mm/ H'iKlfy HvHlteß. 000m$ TW 009 MNI 000 m (AMk 099009 0 Bpn* \rnm4 §099 090090 #t 000/00 9990 m 4m 0m 0t T'blnki bII Ml Bit (In* Ntili bnmi * Hbn ■ | -.■AT’itff lan# 9 009009 9999fm*' | MBM 9O 999090*0-. 9994 09*4 §99 B 090*9. w ohoh th* aatnanM a I faoos •*** All 0t im mmmm o*o* 999904 •( (A# tlßßi Bf (INK BftßMl B(»4 o*o9 t*9of 09 Al lha trial y»ai»»■#*» lie* alt plead not tvtitv soyMC Ump hod eoso* u» 'th* stilt M *•* «hl*h*r Thta ddat !pa nod ttao •«* hoood LtM ooda* Onoda taMrb tWt ao««—d Iml in ora 1 vYsanMnn** hood was W nod th* ho»d ar lh* *.lww IM* !#oah. Norfolk OyAtkin on th« Half Shell at Janaan't. AHCH'f SEtOMO OhOBOU Noam al lha Offkw* WUk ta Vemaia to-Ahasri Mo*t#rt«« 001. "Rroardwa* nI th* rw*«rt • Mr* *l*l*4 that tb* boy* of rsMopoat** t’ and K «4 tb* or«*l <V*«nru» win be at**a thirty day* 1 'io>rr lortaoah rnd oUI tb*o I* into ramp Ita emosp****** wilt n lot» ram* ber* bat**** <h* fuonb and tb* tMtih. " Tbl* 1* what rtsotala H-nlu ■ Mid luday. and he any* tltat h • bn* ! rwelved no «rd*r* I* tb* contrary juet before leaving ramp for Augur j tn th* annate ring ost officer Informed 1 Captain Kenkl that th* ground for the 1 enrampment bod bene selected, aud ! that he would mote lo muster them out at that place Nothing Mae ha* bran beard, al though the ■ • ptaui la eapectlag order* dtil) * Nvvnil of III# olfl.erm* In rlmtlnff 1 Captatn Fry* and I>«u. Baaley n»d ! Itrvan nr* an*t«u* to remain In tb* aervtre, and an effort will be mad* lo allow them to do no. ! ftetaila atttl guard lb* suppile* •<* tinned at the rotut bouse and will do aa until lb* bay# nr* mustered out and 1 (he equipment* checked In. SEA 1-KINS AND SEALS. The Arctic Performer* Ara With the Rfg Clrcu*. In th* grand Adam Forepaugh and Delia Brothera* menagerie, hlppodrume and rlrt u* ogaregatton. whleh 1* to e*- |ld hit at Augusts on November T, all the element* eiuitrtbule their rarrat living Wiuider* lo Inatruct and enter tain. t'nlqucly Ctmaplcuini* among these will t>e Capt. Woodward's only arboiil of performing aea Ilona and seal* —a whole family of gigantic and dar ling amphibious artlat*. whnae rare In telligence hue been developed to a mint unique, surprising and ludicrous de gree, when the grotesquely unwieldy character of their bodle* la considered nnd tall* and stump flipper* have to lie depended on In the place of arm* nnd leg*. Tn take thcae rreatures from their native element* and make of them sol dier*. musician*, soloist*, ffitrolc*. and clown*, suiH-rlor In many re*t>ecta to any qundruiicda, and funnier than Mil of them put together, wa* an undertak ing requiring punitive genlu* nnd un limited pn'tence ami ktndnes* on the, part of th* trainer. The result I* a tri umph of originality, surprise* nnd en tertainment. See it, and you will also say 10. HAVE A CARE. Loiterers in the City Who Are Acting Suspiciously. Irfist night about 12 a gentleman liv ing Greene street came home nnd no ticed a negro lonfln In front of Ms house. He went tn, nnd looking back, saw the nun try tile gate und walk Into the yard. The gentleman then returned and asked the negro what lie wished, and was Informed that lie was looking for the butter. Having secured the negro’s name the gentleman went to the butlcr'n room and asked If the negro was known. The butler had never heard of the man. Upon returning to the front the negro was still there, but when he saw the gentleman approaching, ran. Tills is not the first time similar oc currences have happened. Deputy Collector Here. Deputy Collector C. I. Vlgal is in the city today on business. He is looking around to see that no Persons are do ing anything to swindle the government out of revenues and any persons that are had better skip the city. In Ids care of her. how Watchful and devoted—and they wonder where lie is and why he left them.—Elizabeth Stropg in The Chicago Record. TJf JC AUOX7BTA MKKALD. THE TMCEOIf IN EOGEFIELO I•* ta-v 10. trarit ataot ita Mtatt. I *'%«! s**wk(MHK o*9 l * Wl > I (*•?, Mil IT I Mb# otm**4 9 §O/9 m* W#|Nf fm 909 BfINBI Nf (B# 090 f *9 j I sm*9 mm 00m ta* fm/9m 009900/90im4 I b»9 i 0. 0990090 k 111 (ll# 4*94 tw» - Ad# WIBMY- 9§m 09*'*m'rn0m 0**909 0 I m b*hMM#M 90mm wf mnm/Mtmm mmm ■: *o.9* Ml YMn* m#|« 0 9*00*0999 ■ Wtf ~~m *t ||mi 9m*9o «f i%•! * *•»t-t s*» a *ta M-gi ril * |h#« *-r H • Html M MfkN A **** |M# j - 9**km*9 0 tl m 0m -90000 *mwmm mm§ mm m 09 9m 9/9* I I #km nwiitM ri mm*9 9*9 09 MINI * ? ~ '■ INhinl ii Mu, f r ikn auieg a ««hw tv- •**qa* b* dm#*- : | Mrfrj 9*m 9009 M# 9*900/0 9tmmm*9 . I itrttrrmtMinß I# • u | kw* WMNfMPNv • 1 1 I rnkrifpl* §SSmm tM t%Nf ] «*|»*NM«np ftwoo 9k lABIM M 0* *#. gvaoBTAUi anamnu Tb* lAß«rt Avwoflrt Wo* Stata l ataAriifbl Strii. At th* r*qn«o» of a aototar of track faroMga in thin vtrtatty. Atat* Kau*' ] 1 too login W. M. Aratt at Atlanta baa ; tavrailgated lh* ralevpidat which ha* >h»*n ruining th* v«g*tahi* mg* In mtehAMAd mump la aarahiog of th* ln«*rt. Mr. Araai '■mra: •Th*y hate aMtathlag »*w ta lt*d-] mood county Ii in a Itttla worn about th* aia* of a hrmua at raw and a; half or tbr**-qoart«ra of aa Inch long | It coni** from th* larva of a ntoth of ante* kind, and tar want of a better | name Is cg|'*4 th* rahhag* catarptßar j l lt la vary destroy!lv* and the data* ( ! age to th* crop* of cabbage, col lard >, turnip* and th* cruelf*rou» family In { Kii basind county la rattauited at aa i much aa fifty thousand dollar* by atone, "I brought home some of the asm- : pie* and am breeding them here and studying their hat,it# with the view to , finding the brat mean* of destroys* i them They are reproduced with wtonderful rapidity, and where they »p- I ptar the cabbage* never com* |n n head, ami collanla titrn'p*. etc . qre r eaten up. It to a aertou* matter with 'ttte truck fnrm*r# One of them *»tl- LStaled hi* loan by tbl* tnwet at $1,500. [I bare never *r*H anything like Worm before, and*’lmagine that It haa been brought In from aoute foreign rivalry." Mr*. Mary Ann (iihba Dead Mrs., Mary Aon Gibbs*, aged flfty three year*, died at an early hour this morn tug of heart trouble. Mr*. Glbbes has been alck for Home tlmr and wa* at thr time of her death I visiting her dnughter at Bel-Air. For 1 over twenty-flve years Mrs. Glblies had lived with thr family of Mr. W. C. .Tope* In the capacity of housekeeper and had been efficient anil ever faithful to the confidence reposed In her. The funeral occurred this afternoon, the Interment being made in Bel-Alr. Another Raid. This morning Deputy Officers White ley, Vlgal. Davis and Stovall left the city after moonshiners. This raid will be quite an extomdve one and a big catch Is expected. The officers have several stills on their list and are de termined to do away with them In this section. Burnishlne and Duty Liquid Dnmado for Polishing Brumes, 10 and 25 cents cans at Gardelle's. WHY. Why ts It that a free lunch Is never free? Why does a dark lantern give such a bright light? , Why Isn't the bride well dressed who Is well groomed? Why isn't asking a man's name a question of identity? Why shouldn't a man be excused for being bigoted against bigotry’? Why Isn't the bump of caution placed on the front of a man's head? Why does the average woman prefer being idealised to being understood? Why does the mail who pats you on the back always turn his own back to be patted? . 1 I—Chicago News. Mr.. Cleveland ot New Jersey has endorsed the free nominee for Governor of New Yijfk. ~. . A REMARKABLE ESCAPE. . g|| InmH n#*f f«ri (nmaN iit|i *i Mia alia* tpaUMta* *# ** tain** AW *ta| a I t#tpN9'9Wß Ml IB# Tta» hntfe itaaagta that ia*ar »*•• I an* hail man# a#4 Imml ratt*4 al (A* top as lh*M lutoma mm »*** *■ a* hrata tar th* *a* h* alma* thran A WAIKU Qi Alk, lh* Nnkta U*4 »•» Mat tag AaM HWBa *l%#' Hrrinr '"9409*9 990*4 §O/ pm j |g| |Mt %990*0* * 09*99*0*9 Itt. C Vfeßi4„ I 00m §m§49 Btl 90*0909 §9099 \ km 1 ’ fmikm*. Bfiltcß Hi 90* *§9f (BH BNWM* [ k9ou (Ini mhbHmbm (hi* hmi o**o pm* \ |r(MMNNi bf Ditliw A II *4 In m*o99 •»( ib# rtbfi JftßMlf, Thla tawitital atmrtmra <4 *fcrai. i j #hi ( h 099 9996* *mpm* I#Ht t'W (Mfiftß | I Makt * * igha ataut fa pmang* naff ha* I j-inrh lira# atity *poh>* ta fmi and | ataty-Sv* la raav •hrai. tb* fram* I having a dr»q» at 1% tarbra This mhral will ha carried ta Char* j tratoa and na*4 ta para Mr W 0 ji'rßrhiow la aa vahlMttaa nt* agalaat [tiato It will tm riddra by Nmvn Mot I rta. Cvaa*. ffbmaat aad Morlag, Maay of th* blryci* craaka w*r* [given Util* apt** am th* mark la* and all aajoyvd it Th* whral attracted a laood dc»i of attrat too. It mat ta I brought hark bar* fur good after thr iiffi 99 CHrlfNiHi, T>k»l>TlU. ALAR/IS. Th* C blink at Called out Twica 54wca le-trrJav At IIS jwNit#rtf#y &ft«ffwwit tb# fhf’Oik'il #n*tn# wm mIM out I *f A ; pul! «iifm Th# rhimii#)r *4 9 hmuw> on (Sf##fl# P(f##( , juffl lIMIVf II A" KI HIM", tip f| • <t#f##tHr# rto»*. am) hit! Kpovb lh*’ •nmlf und## tb# root. Titular At fir# minute# to *m+ A n#*ro man r#|Kirt<Mt *m»*k# |p#B>nir from tb# hom« of Jim Blair. #l IB Koik* It #tr#*t . —aad a* ON door wit# locked, no on** i had b##n #i»i# to |H in to fml thr Hr# out. Th# ihornUnt turn**d out, aiml aa #n tuncf kai mud# iNrriuf( « window. It j wop found that Jim bud k *» won# m rlou# mixtur* eoxMklßMr «*n hi# B#j»#iin#. Move ind thr misturr lud burned, of all th# ptrung# mlxturt'i #nd' •mrlltt this pot «*n th# #tor# A'ontaim-l • It. Th# itfivp rould not l»# #xtii»BUifdi#d.; •o l( wai ftrriNi out into th* vard. whrr# II waa left with ita peculiar mix ture* upon It. “Very sldden. Wax the Death of rirx. Lizzie Rhoden Last Night. A sad and sudden dealh occurred in Went End last night, when Ml** Llx xle Rhoden, wife of Mr. Elbert Rhoden, passed away at her home. No. 114 Good rich street. Mrs. Rhoden had been suffering from malarial fever, but wa* feeling much hotter yesterday, so much totter that she waa out on the street for owhUe, amt everyone was congratulating her upon her recovery. Upon her return home «he complain ed of feeling badly, and became so alarmingly 111 that Dr. Uttleton wa* summoned, but nothing could aid her, and in a few brief hours, she who had been on the street talking to her friends was cold and still In deoth. The funeral service# will be conduct ed by Rev. Thomos Walker from the house tomorrow morning, and the tv mains will be taken t« Qranltevllle for burial. addition to the FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. IT. B. Deween Gets a Substitute This Morning. Mr. M. B. Deween, the popular driver of the chemical, got a substitute this morning. It came to his home, on lower Greene, In the shape of a twelve-pound haby boy. He is being congratulated on all sides. PAPERS FILED. Realty Transfers That Were Recorded Today. The following really transfers were filed today: Ada Lovell to Paul Davis, tec and three-quarters acres of land in 1269th district. Consideration. $20.25. Elisabeth M. Norfleet and Aseneth Cutcbiu to Harriet 1. Coxwell, two lots on south side of Walker street. Con sideration, $740. A fine assortment of finest California fruits received at Lamkin &■ Co.'s. Throwing Money Away. 9 y*m AW *ma* Iff ***ff haffitaf MAtaah tata I •taff#. rm ■•*•*• anmip mm hMtaal* «gp tafffta ta#ff g - -f 0 # av# yaw* Atom I *qpp*» ff » hm ym#* u V «*• tm ton yww yd ta* gad 9 Ah* hffT tawwMßg yam good tanl aanai Adßff* mm I thm i Maam wtal w *—y pta am Mff anamavP## tou* Ana ha yam amt ha 099 k 009 f OHJtX Wamm! $*t. (Ma^ta 1 a iucaav’s TAinri a At-mUTA riiPftlN hUFctaT r*’ *’/*..*-.**«**.’•% I It' rr* *M t. fg. tota g#d ***- mat taw ■ Pat***#, „ „ „ *4 4.. . 1 • M**4a* ~ .. •• .. fW MAh | wrltaTZ*** ! «"« .. l*»: I Pntar .. »♦» Total M - »*hH BUT hAUKff. IPINNIfkA RHIPNBNW hat** Apilaßar* Ahßptarai. , A*tarday .{ nil M<>ad*y m • ita? [TWamtap ~ .. ita* ** [ Ptoo9*oo*Jf « Hi** Thitraday .. tot? Friday .. .. k*l Total JH. TW HH taMt L ottoM khceirrt. tint !«• 1 n*« raratptk «*d*y - .. **** j , Through rattan today a*4 I and »**h'a ramwllra* . MS ?*** Urua* raralpt* t"d*y .. .. ?»*l tata STOCK AND RJCCEtDTP. tar i«M| ' Stork to Auguata ...... Wt«* «a i K*r*lpt* atnra A*pt I m IkTSJ? 12,*,t j NKW TURK COTTON. Ot** Ctoar. January •• •• l ® February »..*•*■ •• •* March .« ‘ Apru *•« * *f ( u.< » «» 5.«7 ' j!.-- * . HI ».«! Juo# •*•«•••* •• •• •• We •*« our beat effort# to mnhe your yuithoKi eutlraly satisfactory tara. mahonby & arhstrong, COAL and WOOD STROWOF.R Jffl. BELL 1796. Office and Yard No. 1 Macartan Street July IM 5.54 August 5 5* fc- 5 * Oct'iber ~ .. .. •• «• •• 5.20 5.20 November .. .. .. •• .. 5 21 December .. .. 5.2* Tone Dull Middling LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 2.*3 February and March .. 5.A3 2.43 March and April 3.00 3.00 April and Muy 3.01 _ 3.0! Moy and June 3.02 3.01 02 June and July -.03 3.02 July and Aug 3.03 3.(1. Aug. and Sept 3.03 04 3.03 04 Sept, and Oft 300 2.43a3d Oct .and Nev ?-*3 • (a Nov. and Dec. .i .. .. 2.42 2 62 Dec. and Jan !■« 2 63 POUT RECEIPTS. 1897 1898 Galveston 1»'51 »*« New Orleans H 39? 12849 Mobile 1047 Savannah .. Sf d? Charleston .. 5939 Norfolk * 4 - 6 - 5247 New York *44 Wilmington 242» —— Boston 1«54 49S Baltimore - 44,1 Philadelphia 951 Estimated total *'2563 58000 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. December 6,’*-'2 W 4 May .. '* CORN— December 32t * 31 May 34%-% 33% OATS— December 2 ‘' 1 - May 24% 23% PORK— Decern s - 9, January 9 -’*> 9 -2 j LARD — December January B - 12 SIDES— ~ October .. .. .. •• >• •• J O ‘ ‘ > “' 1 «CTOBBB •» PBMHNAI. Ht poo*m Hr §§o9o mi Hi (m* dry, f* („ %’ Mp,|, §4 0 Bl 41»# it*, yds f * ii. *-* $p IMA (# a* tlNi ! Juda* castaway haa rtawritad fwaa j m to>*d »f AfadhMMNMa fit to *Am tan tara * mtiaa Mm. ttnauwa LotoatAtra and Cam* at Mohrminn'i R«*Ataurant. HIfOWN MIND W. UH.t. tit* IValb Haa Ouwmd al haa I raa bHnmm* ! SO9 fftftcNnti Ovi. MM.—mj fnahjtt HlMd fi 1 09 0$ 090909 4 M#<■»•# (HI 99*0 iMt# rmmuy Hi MHmklbvnS tot Ml# N*y**3fßl 9me*9 IB MM rt**Meg 4NmA Bl %09 0+19999 M*NN(aI ItCf*, H* <fi#4 B §*o BNBMIMi BBk» lo hfp* lottlf B Uoft 9t UM fflftN IB IMI* Clt f •Btf IB# Bcßd ffiitH hm fftaHftaritjr, biUd Btai ob III# (mi#4 TB# vmi«4 aoBMt iritUmm, hO9 MdM| (mlMfTO'nc #up*rrra*d at d to wa* k*pl la a hos pital lor aoata wraka. hot waa haatty dtorhargod a* cwrad. A few day* ago b* arratrhvd hla hand, Mood potanalaf art la and ta died poirru paiAOAAPAs. Tb* c*nar excavator alwaya get* ta bl* w„ra. The iaaier a man ta tit* harder It la i to dtaxatrarr hla*. 1 A He Often rrlntdc* where a raaooa woui>J b* larffactlve. I Happlnca* often depend* upon «hat «r do with our a£*tr* lira Th* tramp would rather go to Jail than be caught to th* mil*. The man who make* the moot dollar# usually mafic* the fewrat friend*. The *r**on la drawing nigh when tha plumber will have a Jc*d-pH>* cl*»ch. Truth may to stranger than fiction, but tt 1* to** valuable than literature. The same food that atupeffe# tho brain by day ke»l>* It unduly actlvo at night. Dor every man who 1* unahle *o stand prosperity there are million* who wuuld like to try. "There are no birds In last year’# neat*,'' aay* a poet. True—and. by the way. there are no nests for next year'# bird*. The man who make* the most display about giving up hi* seat to a lady tn a crowded car always doe* «o Just aa tho car reaches hto destination. —Chicago News. Funeral Notice. the: friends and acquaintan ces of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Scott and of W. B. Scott are rcapectfu'ly In vited to attend the funeral of the LATTER from the First I’reshyteri an church TOMORROW' (Saturday) MORNING, Ot. 22, at 10:30 o'clock. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION HOMr>RAIBED LIGHT-BREAD rolls, cake*; all kind* of fancy work: 825 Broad street. Don't mistake th* place. | Oct 2? | LOST -AT MASONIC HALL LAST night crescent pearl pin. Finder will ba rewarded by leaving at SU Broad street Oct 21 WANTED—A LIGHT SECOND HAND trap. Address L. M. C., 1138 Broad street. December 4- s0 January r .. .. I- 8 - 4 S ® NEW YORK STOCKS. 'sugar HI Tobacco .. •• HAH H® , p p T 84 tfir C. B. O. 11A* Ht% Louisville and Nashville . 54% 54% People’s lo?** Manhattan 97 ’* Union Pacific Rock Island Vn, t St. Paul 10 , Southern Railway, pfd .. 33% »* *