The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 22, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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SATURDAY 4 THE MUST* HEIUIO t*M« MNMM **■•** MIH ' •• mmmmmmm • •# « . * ’ ««•> ** ** . «M# —»nw)»y« M*»m a* * **• n .ttfuwnt **•»• 4 * ’’****?' ***, . •**•#»• taft'l ■" ■fl"**’* tmrl * (~»«n —-' 4 M A# ('•** •*• Cii: |^|so OP-« MMI 1 ■ I• * ® ft IK At H H;., n - , T »■"» iMt I ••.<*•'■* •*’* _ f Itr $/%?# #•.# ■■ *• w w " ” t»* mm __ ' ‘t—*t *** %tn' WILL MMI nt* M A 1 ****' *• ** m ***** *** Ag , '*f l ; r *, m «mm# •—> MMT* 4ft*» |B Biwwi' II «*• », Ml ©Huft*9ftft--A9 '•* ******* _ I— Sift— 9 *4 991# ■ At 9k* 99**** •m •** m>» ««• ***** •#•* **»'ft» «« ,*,. *»«* 4 "**"*• iu Ai>v»jms6«r*. IMKfHIMft toa##wel»4 *• **• ***** _>| JMf-r — 9* *<#«*»«••**» nr„. ft ik« h*«w •»* «**•* *•» f*< ii* * EACH DAY 355 1 fVMH SkT JtW|l3Jla.Hß 116 17 I# IH 20 21 XZ i^^*g|£27[*8 I XR HERALD dOLVRMRS. A m\onr presenting at The Herald Office the Souvenir Coupon * hlch Is prlalrd below s 111 receive a nea* lit * Uc Souvenir Hutton Free. N you want one apply early. Mall orders will be filled when accompanied by stamp* to pay postage. FREE WSTRIBtn iON SOUVENIR COUPONS I THU Coop n. presented at ' The Herald Office, will be e»- 1 changed lor a neat and hand ’ some Herald Souvenir Hutton. > The distribution I* limited and t will last only a few days. Rfi'i 1 L THK roato EICO PRATES The government's assumption of sovereignly over Porto Hlro on Tues day last was the subject of an eloquent prayer at the religious service* of the Episcopal Convention, the bishops and deputies having decided that suitable reference be made to this national event. The prayer whs prepared by llishop Batteries' of Washington and was as follow* | "O, God, Whose Providence orderost JiLMum in heaven anti eaith, anti Whose will conirulleth me Issues and events of the life of nations, we ac knowledge Thy goodness which has guided and blessed the counsels and aanrmblles of our nation to the relief of an oppressed people, and lo the vic tories of peace. Gpard us from all alns of self-seeking and valn-glory. Fill us with the spirit, of wisdom and of Thy holy fear. lliitulde us under the burden of the new duties with which every move Is charged. Strengthen the haud* and sanctify tne ht.irts of those upon whom must come : he solemn decisions or this hour anti hi the new countries and among the rr;thins to which on this day and from ;!:!* dn.v our rule Is to extend Grant ;:s grace to establish upon thv best and surest foundation the sovereignty of pood government, true liberty. Justice and that, seeking in all things 10 do fw will, we may be the Instru ment of Thy glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen" „„..._ tNMHfIMWI (B NBMN «|k» •***•#*• Mm WwwMtrt Hi M |«wp mtmmt%tmm g a .ft ft », * ft i ffhtaHft |k**«B - ft*< ft # pM WlilWr iw S*n*ft lift r*Mftl ! •*•* 9ft ft# l ** *» 4wt»#* sm**mP* •# *«• Ml WfMNlMMrft MU Ml 4iM MHHWIMHPMHL BWtPP 7§j# i niafcil<fc#Wlpt §##lWHp# IK### •'•MI ft in MIR 9ft*** 9*ft4*. •» •• i l«aM Iftrlr pflHft Tft* fMftl 9* * )*■•• i« i nftti s Isift* ftoftilMl sf ift* 1 <«w*nt iftfti N #HI sirwsftMMftftft i f wAt#A w# iti wifi tin#* iAp tWMMHWfpp' w twfpoNi' pwf* Mi Iwb** fiwrt witt ff**w ’ Hi «M «*tf «l Mmi* ••**! H «wrt WWW I IW pfEtpMMW# HMt Wilt HN *WHW* IWf f •»!•••*nrw waMH wm* *Jmnb# tfmwfpyrip- I tnn i if Hi wftp ft - llpf iwMI * ft*- wNMUftpft* I tlif w%intf fNHfttf*. ft* ftwil ft* t Iftft ftMlfe M »r»ftf ftftlilsftl y Is l«w of lift rMtrurllpS *f t)M Ntisrasus I r«MI Mfttftf Ibft •IlfftrlMft ftft-l !nt lift) I’Slml #!•<««. Aft S mtlllfti* or ; rsikft* Mftsl. sriftftftlo. **«• If »■!•*- ! Iftft* ft* ft mftwwrn l»l 9 «ft«9*» **• II Is ftlaft OM* ftrtlW I lift I ft will ftftOft lift ftKorftHft of niftHMfft, aft 4 r«|WH | la • hftftflt l« ftMftkiftd tirftik Ik* | piftftfftl mm at It* lulNtlM Iftfl* i*lr | ftiwUft* ttaa will *ft«r ftn-fftt Ift ft I ftft«ftl war W* brlftrr 100. Ikal Ik* rifurti of I ik* arkooftr*. wkftkor lfta«ilro4 kr tlnrmrn or ftlfftrlor ftMllvftft. •• ftlvjit • j pabtlr ■ ft* eoftfttft—laftftl **«(l«n*fti oft Ik* ftariu of ik* Him«« »•*! Nw«- ruu projvrl*. will fall flat. Tk* pftopl* of ihi# roMtrp ar* already, and wa Mllrt* Irraiorablr <omiaill*<l lo tk* (-oftfttrorlHia of tk« Ntrarasa* Oft* | aal. aad wo iruftt ihat oothlas will | atop lagtalatloft to tkai end mi cctkian or mytiiit. I "Thr turrrnti of MMlar flow j ihrtnixh lb* baort* of Ik* pooftl*. Who I will rhwk ih#n»; who will divan I them? The plaa* and dMign* of Ik* Maatar of Mrn will n***r b* Intrrrup t*d by tka American ponplf." With IN** alfttilflrant word* Pr*a!d*at Mr- Klnlay rloaftd hla brlaf ap**n h at on* of thft p«a** fuortloaa at Chlraio tbla i wwk In hla *p*M-h*a In Nftbraaka and lowa. th» pr**ld*nt aak*d lb* p*op!« , to aland loftaUiar that thay mlfthi ii* rqiml lo ntry taak and roaatar of **rry eniorirnry. Ilailnii tn*t ttie p*opl* far* to fare and learned how ibey felt, the president look advantaße of hit flrat opportunity lo record hla conviction that the American people have the courage of destiny, and that they will not In* diverted from carry ing forwaid the great trust of clvlllta tloti that ha* been committed to them, Thla U cn expression of confldonre In the iieople. a declaration of faith that the preaent aenae of national duty ta so strong that nothlug can atop the movement toward a higher destiny. A* in the south, the president now know* how the people of the west regard the one great Iraue of the day. There never has ben a more remarkable manlfeatatlon of public sentiment In that region than has been called out by hi* pteseul visit. The people have given Immediate and enthusiastic re sponse to his appeals. The opposition press has been almost silent la the The outburst of approval lias been so general, so spontaneous, and so earn est, that carpers and scoffers have stood aside and partisanship has held Its tongue. The president understands today that the people are almost a* one man against the surrender of the Philip pines, and the people understand that he Is with them. They rejoice tbal he has the courage of -destiny, and he, ob serving their determination, asks. “Who will check them; who will di vert them?” Daniel Chester French, the sculptor, was but 24 year* old when he made hie reputation by modsUng hie Minute Man. William Coo wo y of Hagerstown. Ind.. K 2 years of age. is the oldest man i cnseii'ti in horse racing. »9*fr |:»>t99»ftl. LNtlk * tw* »*»*•** **# Oft* #*«•* TU# rwftftftaw* 9»WWU tkftM* 9wa iiiM' .-waft.ft* r» 4 gftftftftftftft »» •• VWftft* fts fftStftftSa, «T j^rk*M t(a 9m4 at tWftfttr* H* wftft dHfvft ft •ft* tft»a>af*<ft *9ft UMW I **** wiw .a.~ —ft #|kM i#*tLtrk Tl# **• !■* m w m~w £r * m I im i"mU+*w+kt-» As®* ■••• M* i^Mk4k : lAr wf&t&Htm **s**** • lH inn |Kfye |m <• m*€f" CRNIMNIMKff -ilntr* ImA Hi T Mr MMftft Mk’ftft.flftftft *•*» tkftl j ••I T— (Sraftr* wMkfteaw* It'S* Ws-S -t* i • rniillftrt ia>was Nkef with I.DitWl Tift Ja•«•*•* »*!**« alftla tkftl M j ) Haag llftM aftd Ik* ftnft" 9Cw*|W*ft , at Olfta kftv* ke*w sareftly ftftffftC ft waft ift iaftlft that tiewftftl fthaftrt 1 ) refused |» aftftk# kaa.l* wllk iftfte'ftl Mil*a «• Ik* wwftwft* ••aft* « Ck»* \ raft*. Tk* ewartftHftilal ftndiar# «# ftftmlaaal ( for rkaptala if* Iwlyr* nt Ik* Offtft : hav* *k**ft eftduvwil by* lift ftaeretftey I (4 iba aavy. Referring In Ik* lat* war. <l l ft**ftl * Vlilea aaid la iTileaft"- ' Witk—Ut ftp-d --; nfty f*«r ua.-i.wa »uff*elng and aft« rilk-*. i the navy <ns.t army «t tk* I'wltesl Mate* nave wrlit*» ftiasft ik* pa*** «f kla utry ■ chapter I hat la gtftled wllk glo ry aad In which *vwry Aeoaelcaft •#« feHnt wllh prl.le " W bat la Paid Poe Hla Work. fVrha|M> no onr* mlvtt *u« h lilt# I price* foe hla work aa if*. Hudyard 1 Klplftg. aay* th* Rtltlsh Weekly He ha# contracted In write eight ato- 1 rles for oft* nf th* ntagaaia** n< *t year, for efteh nf w hich h* will re. rlv* ab<.ut t 91 .ft*. Thla la aitntily for th* Kngtlah aerial tight* of the atnrlea. In addl j lion. Mr, Ktiding reedvea payment i from America, India and the roloplea. I Thla will probably bring up Ih* price j nf ih* stnrt** to about It ft* each, mak ' In* tft.M* • ymr In addition In thla. Mr Kipling re- I j reive* the royaltlee for hook puldlcs | lino la England and America.. This will not amount lo Irea than about Ift.tN*. ao that for each alory tbe author ul timately receive# not lea* than 95.(ft*. Whether thca* high prl.sw will t» ! kept up Ift doubtful. If the cheftp muga alnlam auit'-ed* tn injuring th* older ! iwrlndlral* they may he maintained. ! It remain* to be Seen whether the pul j lie cures much for name*, and It ntuat j I*. r<-mentis-red that th* pattern with j the largest circulation In this country I do nut depend upon name# at all. I remember some year* ago Mr. Kip- I ting contributed one of hla heat pie<-es of work, belter work by a great deal I j than he ha* hem doing lately, lo a j monthly review. Tlie editor Informed | me that not one extra copy of the pe- j rlodlcal wits sold. POINTED PAKAORAPHS Tou can always tell a donkey by hi* ; lack of hortu-aenae. There an- certain times when a pret- j ty girl doesn't act that way. The true measure of kindness ia the j certainty of its continuance. It la often as well to know bow to j hold your pen as you tongue. The harder times are the more tramp ! Jokes you see In the comic papers. It Is sometimes easier to gain the j daughter’s hand than the father’s ear. i tTjually the less Intelligible a signa ture the more It is worth at the bank. The man who buys rum by the glass can’t see the folly of buying coal by the bushel. A great trnuhle with some people Is they don’t know that they don’t know anything. A man ea.n always tickle his wife with a feather —if Ii happens to Is- on ostrich feather. It U simply lmpcsatbU for aome wrt tars to extract the truth that Ilea at ih* bottom of an ink wall A St. Louis woman who has heen di vorced nine limes says that nine times out of ten mnniiue is a failure. Chi- . cage New a. TBB -A-TTOTTHT.A HJOBAI-D i m hum «v | H Allot 1 r TOWN ! **• »** ~ Tjri*."! * >> piggy *• m 1 % t Hni AM) «#■ * #)§*-#• * fp| *p» ** A ■ | ill Hh H P H H Ini (p#imi fm Mil liHiilfn #pt» * fnp •ni Hi #• | r fj|l) tJ A fWAMMA AA At A j p- ftiii Ml IftPt irifwa y> ; t &»>•§ pt'9W| ! • *&«• m&t ****& «a mm— a *mym* p«k4 «Hp ***** mmf «Ah* gBAO'I . * m y |ift*fp4|r-T w *- ll# «maA H maaMhAaa*tf. am 4 AlAai ! rn*m Ip apfrifltlr AtP NpA Hp« IApI t - t%p %#• gftf 19 |a# WftA AWf. TPHt . •wH-PAIJf iMßii g«Hß»*r«lff : Iniirnt iHir |*«Hi In aHAm AA4 IH : Ah ts (W tffA'A •## 9*AfAi mm I I fitrlf *m*m& A» AVPAh A rp«fc#tm II i li # ymm AaaAbpah HiHi • «*»M J Aav# h«<A ai Ah* AaAAt aa4 Tiw p* pMp'i A«*# IpUpa H*t «Aal I HAttHfe HM An AA| «MA lAt* TAP## H A APtAI Am A As t#* ipw i< t Hi aAa mmm, | An# P »« . |<| » , t. ;,j| #BPP (Op*Nf?MPP)# ##-' i - ts • Ihnli mmm.. W*m A* ' A#t (ApC AH vHlop App A# pa tHpplfHl Ay Apt #pl4 <t-«A An If It HppaT lat lAp lAAAAttri AH pmlatt of IHpPiy tw «Ap #pa#i tA# —as «*ASp !«IA mpmlA awaa A#» nuWP *mumm paA lAp »«rM A* fkMttptptl Ay tA# tfptm of Vans aaA aipAla. Oft* nf lift girt* Ift “# fkrlov Hawk ” last night bad am ilkgnkw k>* ftwl •Huge, ktv fat# lookftg Ilk* a fall blow a prnoy Mt«r Ik* akoft «e | S lo dl»- rdftMftg lk#fttrlr*l makeap*. lb# ftftr**- ahy fur prop*# allowaft. ea fur Oft it«* of lift #iak# aftd lk»a I*4 lo Ik# p*r«|ftr llvau tft plrtftr** aftd tcftlftluf* j R la • fkrl Ikal irt k* k*opl* j know or aloft to ihlkk abnot tkftl k Mato* lnt*od*d Ift Ift aa#ft fftift h*- |»w must kr at ad* qft ftfttirrly dlgerest Haa* fr im «»* w hft »♦*• oft • A kgnr* of normal pmpcrtloft# would look atr*ng*!y dump* wh*a mount'd j at ft great bright, eftiog to tk* "ft*#*- , shortening’ which Iftk*# plm». and !■ erdur lo apprar natural muat h* I*ll- 1 #r and allmmcr than nihrrwlgr. Ift j short, tk* arulptu# mn#t ralcolftl* up- r c-a ih* courtUb»n» and on th* **m» prlnctpl* *xactly an actor paint* 9il* fare to mak* It #r*m llfallka behind Ih# glare of Ik* footllghla. Somehow or other I nlftay* Umk to Ik* flrat theatrical visit# of the sea son to put u* onto the lateet slang. There seemed to be a dearth of any thing new. 'pertinent aad catchy lftat night. How slang phmaea atari, spread and lay hold of popular Imagin ation and then either disappear or elaa | Ink* their place In the dictionary a* roapectabie apeerh am subjects worthy of a phollaopher. As a general thing there ia some thing curiously and strikingly de acrriptlva about the bits that be- ! come current, and I have ofim been , tntcremed In watching one phrase sue- j ceeda another. ’He looks like thirty ■ cents’ waa «n expriealon common in Ibe North aome six months ago. It Implied n needy, Impecuniou# and gen erally ugiri up condition, and when you come to think of H thirty cents Is cer tainly a good Illustration of futility. It seems somehow leaa than a quarter and is altogether a wretched aum. ’He looks Ilk* Chinese money’ Is thclatest and Is an Improvement. Chi mac money comes as near expressing absolute uao lessneas ns Anything bn rarth. In the game wnv an Individual who waa for merly known a* a ’’back number.’ U now alluded to as ’a dead one.. There Is an air ftf finality about the last phrase; Is disposes of Its victim and seta him aside where he won’t bo In anv-body’a way. It Is singular how much slang has been coined for the particular purpose of reproving arro gance and reducing enlarged beads. A dogen gibes of that brand have run their course within the last year or »o. “You make me tired." “You give me a pain.” “You’re ’not the only pebble on the beach," aad “You’re not so warm.” all belong to the same family. Teats the Klondike. Mr. A. P. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex., has found a more valuable dis covery than has yet been tnado In the Klondike. For years ho suffered untold Sgony from consumption, accompanied by hemorrhages; and ««s absolutely cured bv X>r. King’s New Dls. overy for Conaumptlon, uml Coktu. It* declares that gold is of little value tn comparison with this ■ marvelous cure; would have It, even if it cost a hun dred dollars a bottle, Aathma, Bron chitis and all throat and lung affcation* are positively cured by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Cunsimthtturi. Trial bot tles iOc. at Howard -ft "Wlllet’s drug store. Regular slue r-F.'i-. n;s and J 1 -Uh. Guaranteed to cure oPTpl'ice refunded. id tSHMHMf IftdN#*#* t TWt mam nt kakwii# momma tm torn j rfVNMIttNI It# *t* -4 14t ### ffvytom •## fl#f4 | ATtAHH# Ahp#hw .«•>%• j fl|9k#i '<k«f ###| I W#)tPH# Mi ##"###"'•'ll # Utils mmm HI-1 HI IfU'AHlIAft fHA€ ®# A# . H# t |ft A#Mk#i «|N»« t«M» MSMtMPI dNM#M# * * tAt# ■ wf§A AA# A##t #'#•##'» ## #t#v«# iimm Hi’##* 1 ammAH ha mm aAhhm ti t## CRAdA# Hf #AA •*.* i t*MH #4#)# ## fwm #1 Jl ! ##*” ## A sett #w ftftfk. mmm * %•*»## #* •*#■ n##* tat «A# mm, *»f ArhwA «A# 9Mf A ttomti* tm tttAijr As# «i»**AA sthmm »h A»| As 4 A fssAr #aH Is P—m—o srAsr# *« [ luHh H# At—mm ss*«t**«r mmm *##As- j #r#nl is #4i|H , *H ; 4Hf AWt A ttilH #*f lA# «•* f««iiiik ani i ik# . HwHHAI %’» . I# tA** ; AaittAH# iiSSMSIIjr fHMHA AsAA HP j It A s ptHty sft#At is s* s s#sssf llifttEHMi wAsfs fA# HAMA Af# is I Ass* ■mmsi* TA# Wdisssssi si# s vftmmt JfAAHw «».y%4 tAr risws Sf# s stsfA AfssSe A# ? n mm ||| SpfMNlf s As# Unin* A f<«n»# *m lA# %is# ssA ilhss Ist# tA# . tv #hnml s# tA# ruft# if# nrlMl os th# irttßU***#», f *rm us |As SA*»#A AfSsslA lA# SfiHMMI HAs iNitfimt. - Wbra the croft la gMHeewd In r*r««»- , j her tk* vta* la piwwcd ftp aM tk# Sat# bans t* *k* mats. V»«* ftftd all ftf* ptl- . *4 to rurtn to tft* IMd. aad tn twantr j days tk* ttuta ae* eeftrty fa ke* pulled off. glared to t*f> ftftd taken t« tka factories. “At Ik* fsetortsft th*y ft re rl*ftn**d nf dirt. ft#«ftrt*d. p*tl#fc*d to envoivtag ryllifttery and put Int# bags ready fur j tk* fttorket ■IS! LIOBT*. Th# aun B»» s motes; Ood show# - etna. Heart fftMure is tk# open ftertt of Otu*l divorce*. Tlic of truth to not for tint*. 1 t>Ut fur eternity. The unaelflah la th« last la th# race —yet the winner. Marriage should tie a square knot— ■ no us*- to tie ft “granny." Prey without reusing, as th# wolf ’ said to th* prayer meeting. Of married people a few ai-e harnessed i span, th* majority tandrtn. The Insolence of rash l# Illogical, but who can mak* It appear an? World philosopher* give us a aplen- 1 did appetite for inspiration. There are Christian Individuals; but where la the Christian community? Virtue must be peal; Ideal virtue la an Illusion many have gone Insane ov er. We are ao shy of the nude we close our eyea Instinctively to the oukt-d truth. Love and music are oftener spoiled by poor execution than by poor instru ments. No Widows’ houses to devour on the other shore, many will wish themselves back In Augusta. We offer dally Incense, devilish or di vine. to our Creator on the ahrlnea and •lta.s of our bodies. Labels get shifted; the double ex tract of pride steals the tag of humil ity, for Instance. Better be organised for success In the long world than the short one. To get a living—easy phrase, but It Involves about all the practical vir tues. Swindling gives swimmingly upon the account book of time: but there wlil be no watered stock entered on God’s led ger. READERS FIRST, LAST AND ALL THE TIME— SUNDAY’S HERALD IS PRINTED FOR YOU. LAWN GRASS! I hav* lN» M a turth O# Bft atgffYi fIM G»4*M»* for Lawn# HHOfbrttotvtlftd by Ism < Vi* tomif#. AhOtti •mbwftft tfffofftttl ti<rt<ift c ##vi- *o ihft Mialtofft. I h»»# liftsfl Igilkft I Hft Mrtt« to Huf# for WYftffli r#flf» 4190 WRM Of thft ftoftfti Uftfl* MI i*i# city wrM* btof Uotli* tooftr lo lift tMMMfty ftftd dufghMy. L. A. lUKOIIU.i; DrurtHl. 6u Hraod StrMf THIS IS IT toaMftaM atftft# ft* I Mi >*•«< tftkto t aft at FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS IND ALPINES ALL SHADES $3.00 Ju«t Arrived. DORR’S Tailoring, Hats, Fumahinp. W^WS^#' A^A-f \ Alt zander Drug Co J ( Th# fl*ad Itspartftrat have , \ / *. • •>. r.. r . / / \ S * V P ft##* Aftl I A# 4 j umj* mmlUma m f mttttl ar# kaft#>d hr-* tom# t | Sul it.i-. to*ftf |i Bpaittf tk# B \ fNaltpiaw a# •not Oftl. fhl- M j W f *f»a fflH lit 9* #»l-n.| in. my par- \ ; \ - total »#r*»c# Drakig. f : V aad uttuw Uut Drinks at our f ) Oil* Belle LzzeteColcjie > I f Tbt# ilr.lgl 'hil and -<l)«*hif.f f i J t o <>an# i* U.r fay< tit# in ih# \ S city. h<#u#t<r hi.* i’annai#* f W# bav# (he Itoit pr#p*«yd S J \V»« .tot bruabet fur duiag it. f / Prevents Fever S t Tuatr* n<gbt amt morn- \ t in*< four !uck-t r> •k ( lull and f ft K#y»r Utrr, will prrv.nt tevrr \ ft and lr.c.'«aac appftiie. tbc bntlla. / C If you are rur'nred call mu. f 1 A cumfortabk- tit gnarantead. i ( Aluaoder Bros ConpaDT ( . P A CATARRH for a ganemua NM io cent TRIAL SIZE. Ely’s Cream Mi contains no cocaine, -< C| 1f63 mercury nor any othvr injurious dru? K v* Ti ia quickly At* —... . B S m rbed COLD *N HEAD Gives Relief , UULW • uni# one#. It Open* and e'eauae* th# Nasal ta aages. Allays Intlammillion. Hcsla am Protect# th* membrane- Restor a the S-noei nf Taste and ibnal . Full ai*c 50c; Trig ytae 10c; at Druvglita or ty mall. ELY BROTH KH8,50 Warren St.. New York REMOVED TO 711 BROADWAY. E. W. DODGE, Mahufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 7U Broadway. Augusta, Ua. Strowger Phon# -0-’, TOO MUCH TO EXPECT, Chicago Democrat. Admiral Dewey’s brother says the hero of .tfanila is a republican. It is too much to export that a man should be absolutely perfect. _ OCTOBER » m AHfinsia Herald aim Brtiirttt ul Ut Bt« hLH a Tin Strut unrtm Ttt tcb hffi nwx TIIL KFh 4 nt Tttl tUtU) vtiiu rr it kkw*. it to t» am ** akxad or ODDQI UKffBOU A>U hOt ni ( AftOLt^A PaNOI as-l tm ru coirn tot _ -- 4 i—ii in PROF. F M 4#ll t M» 7ik Si, tnma. c* en rate m mn a wi #). a t.ftx g'lafta >tos g*a*ar ftnlia aa# ft aft. ft urra (ft#w» :.##«#» cw afta yawr Ay me white yew) n, FREE OF CNAnUE. oSaLTjZ, . oftftt ft iota— COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Angvitfl Ct*l ft Supply Co ywaatky aa# tjtalHf (i .rnair-d F- W. BCOFIEI.D, PRESIDENT lifl’nMHU’d kttosftw 44 Easiman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Richards & Slayer, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Feyaolds st=—Teleplionei^.:r i rival* Ltaaeb V. ;r#» Iliject to Ntw Yor* Chicago and New Orleans. Order* executed over our wire# for Colton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. vision* for i«iK or on margins. Local ayiur’.tie* bought and aold. References —National Exchange Bank of August#, or Mercantile Agencies. Monev to Loan RSAL ESTATE. Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street.