The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 22, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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SATURDAY 6 COALr-OOAL—COAL *ttt«ruit «rrt**» NMJBRI ** *O4 Aw* J*#*** THE MEET GRADE* Of Efua farm liliigo (X)A I < flflfaiftljif Mil ,rt i WLJ££B2LJ2£3t • • #"* *■■>» -*»»**• CITY ICE COMPANY. M—U#f A *\*ir*l Iv |*»m #*A ** MMi PMM. kutw F»~, -II ~ „ .. »*» *# •* : 9Wu* rax*®#* xxraff m s, •■» *, yi»i* x*pmm * <« •» M IK* fIWMM M M M .» -«. ■•■ f» *® *'•*** fni rr» *J*t* rx»t*iffX*«ff pm***'* • fS.-a pMX#*>M iMft WMU • , HlllW >»*» * •»!' »• K p** kantx-i. »'. m ¥*"*> -* m»p‘——■ j»_ •« •• #• •» taMM It. <7 ■ PMKNI «><•**•• taHK 7rw***ra * • !-•** I * i) i ii - tw>i .».„#••• . it it v ; WOO9OO teSSSteSL fNMBtf *«••••** <> te# ** s< #4 ***#*• X* SteM HI fIMH* fVt—S „*«»#* »• » *« •« *« Ajjjgg »« *, ** *« JM *£ «* *, ,* »p «» m UH fjßpt** KUJtfrt fIXTi Xr*3l, nWN <• W* tit"' '• Maury Xrafl *•**%*# IMli « **-■ Mi IWtMW*. saXMOXX X MX MM • * tm»w tw»n» ■»*— >•«» •••■ 1* t.-MMVi X M 'mm *~6IX (%Mlt #*#»•«* HXMX «.mM m •“* •* M*l>k <WM MNkXMSX l» **■ tMk • M M M •• • .* ... M • T "* Ms'** *»«» ##*#*•# ••»«# ,•> R*-** r*»« xx mm « •■«... .. - • UdM I# 14 ffxxff# MMI X' M M%*m it ffx«4k. fit ra**x X- m vnotMAU. ft X; (X* >l# Mix. S X.. P* f !•* . ffu#X*<*. «•# *#■». oi. 4k) PM t**” fl H. nn« l«c«. •#**» M ■ #• *4*» . f| X. »•« Xuk.tai ff W '• f* put oo»>t** fffwara HXXT4**# UX* IP* «Ms inMmth. W Mix ** .. .. •• >1 *■* OIMM'l 1 ' It w H #X*ril** • •* **4 (IrattlMlK *l4 K I Mt"it»l m • ' t>rilM m •• «• -• *• •••* * *'* OimHmi > 4 4 II H H » M |Mw r. K>n MU* pWrtlM .. * M Mu r. KM* *2 IM* ■«•.••• 11 •ROOk nun Oritratn. It •• 4ff«*t. (Mr 4«n • CMMill » Mb. f» —x*. r» «* “ ■UtACHIHON MtacvOaiMMiM brand* it* # W ItK> AW. yy«M ti Ik* bra. b •»"*■ • ••*}** Rrati M »•• bra *4 !*«»•• . .. • *-« Optra T 4 irabra » - ‘ Calm. *4 « mm mm * jj Minim Hra*. 44 •* *• ’ *' !»rt# oi llwi WmM .. •• * *» '*• j».v r. King 74 R R *blrtl«« .. * t-« Jm> R King ♦« A A sAMting .. « l*Ml«b 44 M * *4 jnt P King. Jg-UKll OoCglA .. .. I >•* /». r KIM. Bbeltcra l*iaag m •* •• mm » *■* j,.. p K*ng. M Pncb R< ran X4ni ;V*i. i' !< •• •• * *4 Im, p King M WMb «ufmr,»r 114 PRurrb AiMfinn ,l.»ni»*». Rail * *4 M*rrbnarb ablrllMa, «a« .. m •• * *4 Chart** irax atjrlx MfM .. I »-* ,tA»«hmg«*»n Wb <b»*rl m « m m » AilMt • Ifanrr) .. m 1 , f inxa'i S 4 ixgralX .. * Spool cratoo. px ioa « Anrriran lnttg-. UUxa, *♦*«« .. m * 1-* stot.r oun i»*nf» ****♦•• •• ••* Amorlr.n I lull*" blue* ***** •• •• * Inlorn.t .'>n»l bl*rg* Mail .. •• I Allrn i r*r€lOOla SIK .. •• •• •• * Alim * iMton*. HiM j India blu« .. « •• •• * l ~* India bltt* H BtlnglMtl a Writ .. _•• :: , Msitb* WaahXgton M*X S *4 Oainrr a rndlanta Mail •• •• •• I Chortar Oaks. Ih* * *•* TICKS. Antoakxa A C A I® 1-* Ainoakrag A 1® Amoakrag O •• •• •• ! , J Raclprot'UT • *'* PLAID HOMKBPUKB. city Mill* MM" M s 1-1 Four yard* E<>u<l S 3 Inrn •• .* •• •• * Lodi shirttnga •«*•« ». .i •• •• ® J*« Lodi drraa *tyl*d 4*ad* mm >• •• 3 *•* St. Clair dr*x atgrtx Ot-Mti aollda m». m.# I I*l Martin W»al|li»s«o«i f#n< IX m •. * >4 ailaccUaneou* UtantlA, light prlght U l !.l. !•] laartca 4 yard* Pjaln .. .. .. .. .. * 1-* Thorndike B .. •• •• ® 3-4 HtrrnlN .. •*! m •• •• •• « m •• < I” 4 Amoski-ag .. .. .. ». <» «« •• A •• * . FrJhum. 32 bal lie box It r. O. F- 30 balls to bo* .. .. .. It E. Q. P., SO boll# to lb IT 1-2 Muacogee It .. •« t. •• 3 1-3 tl inch I 1-3 yd. plalQa, boat make .. .. I 3-4 Slnipson silk flnlsh foulard* 64x -4 Vactnc mournlnga t4*64 4 1-2 China allka ®4x64 4 1-4 m 6 Slatar 64x64 3 1-2 Concord, BtxtO 3 1-4 Rome BtxtO .. ........ 3 1-4 Edwards 3 1-2 Keystone 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue - .. •• 3 1-4 KKARSEY-8. Heavy. Columbia, heavy Kearaey S 1-4 Kincaid and others 9 14 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime laS ® Rosendale cement *l-45 Portland cement 32 75 to 3.25 Louisville cement In papec sack* ..11.00 Plaster In bbls tl <5 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* IS.OO Painted buckets, per do* 11.10 2 H B B cedar pails, per do* .. .. 11.75 ” U B B cedar pails, per do* .. .. 12.00 Tubs painted, per nest 31.75 Rope. Manila, per pound S 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rone cotton,'per pound .. .. lOcaltc Nails, wire Nalls, cut ‘ Shovels. Ames, per do* .. .. Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. I*.oo Shovels, riveted back, per do*. .. 14. u Plow blades 21-3 ’’ a ®? Hame3, red top, per do* .. .. .. h ® I **4 t*# f*MH, 9** A*A •• «, 01 ® Iss * IMS Ml- SHE #N§ •* KM§ l|S«Mr* «m |M 94 , hm «( •• 9N IHSSSS EMMA S*S S w h w § I • llf **»«• iHSMNA S*S lM| pi tp #• isi ®l [HiM»> MS, frtft# |MMf w »• M M w II S ISMSHSMi MSI HH> 9H ff* i<h*m *%mmm *** 4m #**.,** SNA* IS [fSlM# fS#VESS*’ CSS HEASE m»« CS»E SC | Ow'S-Mt SMdMk Us A SSf fISCSS ** •« SS»' ' St*« fiM j , fwp HCggwrt ••*#••• Sc |C%i‘CViISS CSMNIS, fMS #CS * ** #••#*« Al S* -A *• CMmMMm P* * ■ I |SS 4NS M «« «* SS I Has mmeSsma fit* , a ss* Acs »« •« t* * Acs IhnsSsrc. fix A cm A*s *•#*♦#• ... aansm s»'f* sssMCfy. sops Acßw« . -ifMi AMU | W«4t CCSNKMk 0* ■’ * 4. fIM*S Hi Al IHSCACma fAws N fl. % IS, C ASA A f *§ ST ATV HnffHA I AfcsisSNsis ACsmtSs s*A IcmsAc SsiHlifC* ISi *S JiSMI W, iMaAsH* M ASHsA i«l'»pwifSSD Fa has *. **•«•••« .IIS »*, * E-CmrssHi lit |SM> »• xx •* 91st x*« Hftirc t HA HHS Ml ft If* ASS | # x xx •« Ml x*t ffff IHlftfMi Aagsaara Tx IX* IM M ■ A«#«■*«» As, IMS « »t »• «• MS M x lAHSHA ft* SNA a* ag XX a* xx IM XXX MlafTb* FA SMI ** xx xx X* #• "Si # * # ifVtAAiCNM* Fa IMS .« xx xx XX Ml xxx (\MmtSf I MPa IM9 .. •• IM •*. [ SlArfM* 4 I«FA IMS »x xx XX xx Ml X«X ’ MifM Fa ISM X. XX XX XX XX XX 111 xxx ■ * I f'*S4fHSCAS F**FS # xx xx xx M xxx ; f "TkAfItcMIMI l*A IMS . • x* xx x* S* xx# *~4hm4*4 . It AIV.HO AD HOfTOA Os*f«ls n ft. A HM Os. ; fa ims til I H. H A Hlf Os, < Fa MSS .. xx x. ax .. .* IIS xxx CSsrteU*. ChhuMi A As fitit, lit Fa Mss .... MT xx* UMirtotli OaHsIH A A* 1 ssstA 9A fi. IMS Ml I AtftCttStS US. ft H-. Fa mi M \C. H. H. Mckifif Cs. Csllsl® ! trtl Trsst Fa IM? *• *.91 M lovthtfi HAltwAf I* A IEM .x #x St M Ontrmi of Oforfta fUftity, lit roA*»l «K»rt. I A IMS ... M M r, of a. Ist pr*f if® is M ■Cratrxi of (bof|l» rt*Ux*r. 2d pr*f hKoxn. IMS U It !r. of a. i*t praf m tHI .... t t a. S * P., M m. f». IMS .. lit IX7 South OeorgtX sad PlortdX. td r* IMS 164 (South Omrgtx .nd PlortXa, ( Id Tx l**X IM fOcaa St.-am.hlp Ox.. Ist fa i it r* im it* PACTORT BONDS. Knterprto. Mfg Co., Ist ta. ! l*M IM Slbl.y Mfg Co.. IM ra. INI . IM Hbley Mfg. Co.. tM fa. IMI . IM da. R. R. « R Co. stork .. I*7 2M t4.iiithae.tern It. R. .. M tM Augusta and Savannah stock *1 IM 45RAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oats, white, sacked .. M Oxta. mixed, sacked 34 Corn, white, sacked ~ .. M Corn. Mixed .. 4t Meal, butted, per bushel „ ..47*4 Pluur, common .. .. ~ .. .. ltd Kluur. fancy extra .. ~ .. .. 3 7* Flour, second patent .. .. .. .. .. 4.M Flour, standard patent 4.25 Flour, fancy patent .r 4 71 Wheat bran, IM-lb sacks .. M Fine feed, IM-lb sacks *0 llay—native, per ton 12. M Hay—Timothy, per ton .. .. .. IS.M Hay—choice, per ton .. .. .. .. 14. M Hums—choice sugar cured .. .. 10a 11 <6 Smoked rib aides ~ .. ~ I Dry salt riba 6 Lard, pure leaf. In tiereea HI Lard, kettle, rendered in tlercea. t 1-4 The Dawn of Peace. Put off, put off your mall, O kings, And brat your brnmli to dust! Yoqr hands mint learn a surer grasp. Your heart* a better trust. O, bend aback the lance's point, And break tbe helmet bar; A noise In the morning wind. But not tbe note of w;u\ Upon the graasy mountain paths, The glittering host* Increase They come! They come! How fair their feet. They come to publish peace. And victory, fair victory. I Our enemies are ours! (For all (he clouds are clasped In light And all the earth with flowers, ; Aye, still depressed and dim with dew, But wait a little while, I Amt with the radiant deathless rose j The wilderness shall smile. | And every tender living tMng. Shall feed by streams of rest; I Nor lamb from the flock shall be lost, Nor nursling from the neat. John Ruskln. * ; CASTOR IA For Infonts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Feminine Patriotism. It is not Iced ble that army blua has quite superseded Spanish orange as a favorite color. THK A 3DBT A HKRALD •WfTYfffLA***'* ttt- AVn rrwxi »h agewxg 1 1 ig'gt 4xx Mg •» t»l«* I m F T*Mnnsa f%MP If sAHSSM A SSSSSSHHA ■ * MMSMSi 90 *'♦■■■•*#«■ MpSHMft 4 fw» ****** SE APS** pSHSMS <l - at •E l *»x4B kra 4-i<s# ENSSii * ■*-e^*i Imvk SI tS#i FMHf EPMSPSA- WBHPS “A* SAMIS SPfS SNSE MkM HI A“MM f» , mms 1r f~ HMSHI MM. *%ift>A y SSA- A»S If Hi gwENM SAM #4(SpSaA i* pi'Jiii ■■ •ra t e. Same if tMtes Mem sss EMI •t n mmseHMa--* 9 ¥ SrtSl te *M mixwem sf i Ms if ASA! tASftSss 90 kA* MjJiAt r MMI VASNNHWSMSteE M’MS As * Sms *tef Mi inpeMA lA* MPSESfS 999 * #ntMte mhsSMMMmI ESI lEEf t, AfvMMA eSMHM teNHAnwrlHg MMI MS, H sterA ste Hsu ME SliSM'i MfMEE AHHOES. teEMSSA —ateHirj** EEftMM «S AmHIIMM teWte . fte« I>rra|t y fTrga sAg.pSnf MSEHpMMI <M|teSHSiA. ♦** steps?-v tetePt4 Ite M IMS* ts# PiSIAE H»Mf ... . #rf a a*«ir* AMsteEA"! SfMl* ME •fftfy e Ste—rrttSS s—4 Eitteites SP •H tete—i Mss ISP svfMl IseHsp •MMM tell-Mml (aseHH IM «M* MM «f Qfitet Mss *»4 Stel te itsman! SesskP* mM- tftei Is wss Is tte fte tstt tteM Hp* M emv^nn—si is teste -f fte fMP**-»sfc isshi «f te- tes*S psssHf Is teslit-E ft, 4 e Si^^^AE—* EE«* ***** ME SgSIS EMSSI TS^t , — ,, ' HIMES EWE?— EEffltWS Mi S F*MMPP HE* oxestlxg the rexleira «* Atttrlx L*v ■f ihe Federal Cbxxll*x*4nx xbbh proXlMted the death ponxHy thrnxgn nag all Iho tofWbtle ul axrrn to* 204 h ad I hat p4*Xf IX. fmxxrtl Of * by x Mtaflif o* 31 xxollabri the xHWW Thx Watlonxl Cooxrtl. the popolar huaae. »»)ortod bp xvote us M to it IBP pfopnoMbiX IX abrogxlo the article The gaexHox had M*««xtd m«x»- •hll# • political character between the Ibderalleta and the eantoxxlHfk thx ’a tier hetxg ax*b»x» to reetotw hi the raatone thetr axvorxlgh’y IB b**h! •xattec*. and the fomer 'etna 4e*lrax* lo reetrk-t an awrh aa poxalblx tie cantonal power* Finally the Coxxrll lif IMsIEE lif tfcs H—i AfTlS—il St •# wtilrf* w«? rsMf M bf Ite popular rote on May the IHh I«7X That agreement ten* In eoxfnxmity with thx coxal It uttooal article* of 1141 „ Art Fix Ct wna abolished every ran ton teas free to adopt or reject the ap plication of the death peonll - A single restriction was Imposed upon them by the new article to the effect that tffe death penalty ahould n«4¥r be applied In the case of political rrtmea. CIiKSED BY AN OPAL. Aprix'g IN Lack IxM at th* Poor of a Precious Stone. Iktndon Attawer. Opals are coming Into fashion again, but tb# old guperMltlon as to th# (II luck attending them la not dead in Spain. Spanish people believe that all th# trials that have come to the reigning houses ar# through the Influence of a cursed opal ring The ring belonged to that famous beauty, the Coroßwsx de Castlgllone. On# of the admirera of thla beauty was Alfon»o XI! of Spain. She thought he was going to marry her. but he did not. and she resolved on revenge She sent him this magnificent opal ring. The king showed It to his wife. Queen Merceilps, who was charmed ;vlth Its beauty and begged to keep It. Alfonao gave It to her readily and ahe slipped It on her finger. From thal moment she pined away and In a few months died. Next the ring was given to Alfonso's sister, the Infanta Marla del Pilar, who wore It but a few days before she dl»d of a mysterious Illness. After this series of fatalities, the king de termined to keep the ring himself, and he slipped It on hts finger. From thal moment his health commenced to fail, and in 24 hours be was a dead man. Physicians could never quite account for it, and the matter was therefofS hushed up. Queen Christian, who Is not In any wise superstitious, took possession of the ring after her husband's death, but the other members of the family begged her to destroy it. This she refused to do, but to prevent it from doing other damage she hung It about the neck of the patron saint, where it is today. The Spaniards, however, are not satisfied yet. They credit the war with the United States to the ring. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen « Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trlat will convince you of their merits. These PiH» are easy in action and are particularly* effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver Troubles they have been improved invatuable. They are guaranteed to he perfectly free from every deleterious substance end to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, hut by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invig orate the system. Regular size 25c. pet box. Sold by Howard & Wlllev. drug giete. GOOD LOCK BAKING - fOIBER lx llmb Immil fßsmdhini #s> aiml of lifadtl, luttu'it multiSA Cdikmx Of (MM HoldK fWxIXMt xritx b“df«l Off houtP* ahd mltttOfMl b* intxlllfasl ht|o»akee|w (jX4B xrvrl fXfXtttinao*l It Hlfhatl of Bli tfl IMVtWRf pottilar. Cofntilogl flUdDly got! uognlltyt Mxnufxrturasd By The Southern Mfg. Co.. RICHMOND. VA. M AI. rj? ATE. T o Rent M pMft tMSNEEEi—i El IHH EPS tfH te»Mf tte—H Me Sf *te SSH —ppee : m ite MHf Ms e pm—l ftswEf PiffWMwEi «A Ass E—t iHfCWMNMM? fte If sOBBB Ihpi •»* #•# r **9 Nr—i«- S +*« ftel PSA m terSSPH. Apply or Prsmuii or at 808 Brortd St. FOR SALE MSF* 1 * EVA Ite fte? I—l S-MfEplE Mtete ire 9$ M—S*«g EE *te ESP'tWI of «S— 90 **>• ! I sni -nil Sl-riE IP Ste «Hf HtM ate | I *En»E VEff lla—fc|». iSSK fte fte— Ite E . 1 t di4r m ftttem iuv 1> Ispitly. teM I AN— CALL ON MIISp JEItRV O'HARA, AO. lit? ORMNF fTFtET. For Rent MPteFarm of Thirty j acres just below city. Homes, Stores and Offices in all parts of the city. John W. Dickey I d < Library Rutldixg. O WHOLESALE o o PAINT WAREHOUSE « o One-half car & o Atlantic Lead o 10 There can be no better lead 01 0 in America. o ° One-half car ° Atlantic Li.iseed Oil ® 4 r#ntp a gtllon. Better thsn 0 cheap e»i<®rn Oils , One car 0 Dry Mineral Paint D o OsthontEE* Roofs Fences, Ac. CtiEEp a# thru J £ Octires. colon Dry and in Oil ®< Vj Pratts Lambert’s 3 f~ Hard Oil and Varnishes Pure Ready j® Mixed Paints 3 f~ The very best made. >° PLASTICO. 3 >0 The best Wall Finish. °S [ UFH yon are in doubt )o üboiit a painter wo can a!- °\ ( nays find you a good one, and a reasonable one In price >o THE HOWARDS ? (o WILLET DRUG COMPANY. 3 Guuuuuu JUULSU PATBOITIZE ‘■The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street ■ , CALL fOS Augusta Brewing Co i EXPORT USER 23 r. r, e o it g *>: o k o i w Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. ■ ■■■■C AUL nm AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN. In any lumi desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on IO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AieiEnder&JfihDSOD A*#ni* Nr Ittah An<*r«*a Mart**** l amp any, 705 Broad St PORTNER’S MOrBUAUand VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ANK FOR THEM. B. R. MITCHELL, AI.EX MrDONALD Supt. of Con. bee. A G#u. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street. Electric Buppliet—-pesking Tuo*s, etc., etc. ] R pair, to all Klectncal apparatus Electric Light Wiring a specialty. Bll’Phon* 11102. ■ - - Mrowgur 67R j <Ep * -OUCEO. ffollEßfEEcjjP ye? l * Ann T.I-T LOW PHICES l.r*» stock. Also HfK.VAI.VISS and PITTING*. KN riINF.S, nOIT.JCK*. M 11.1.* sort REPAIR*. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., 4rOJT*?f4> (t A . Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd, 1893. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m.| 5:21 p. m. Lv. Sandersviile . 1:19 p. m.| 9 09 p. m.- Ar. Tennlile .. .. 1:30 p.m.[ 9:21 m. Ar. Macon .. .. . 3:45 p m.| 3:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.| J Lv. Dublin ‘10:00 a. m, ; Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|U:SS a. m.| Lv Tennitle. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersviile. 5:25 a. m,| 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.j 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tcnnn'l'e with Central R. Tl. for Macon, and wt h TVrightsville and Tennitle R. R. for Dublin and Hawklnsville. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James 17. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands, ( . Receivers. ;"C .Tl.Li X »*|t *M.t*D xgygMktH'Utox Charleston IW Cuolina # A A Ate E P A# ASESMte 4 A%P FsRMBsBI Rl PBhsM I WTmtßm *■». ?• • •#»» »«•>*« i Fte*—* * Imwwiwii I * Jte—SHSSteK ?I ytePM I - hB mSS I ««teMte. *xt I # {A-PSEtetete 1 ywEßi m ¥,mm #A|Epte I * SStePRh m-- tii»»i nr• : tepS*t"' «••• mm— I * ftePtePMMHPS**M* - i .»♦ mmm 1 4 i«A** El Iff •? tWtFi : : AteS— I * tepHPpitePA AMteP I * SMEPH |HMteM r -«•>•* pMSSP .-»«»»■>»•» i I * -x,f i#ttpEE 9 —teS* I * IPAPSHA ; : kffn.i t» • '7 ttfT - f AdPPpBBf j 9 teEftSMMteMMMM W i'X 11 n J ;»4 ’ ; A* Pea—tei .« WSf*-,, LHRMvH ***—)! I tpg (ptepflSl ffX»«XxM«tNt te-P—SI." >—»■»'> * fAtesteMte #xw«*4 «bX4«v I PteSSII| »*• j [I- * Pip—SEßb . , «m> * . 4SffX«i !|M 4# .iHottwffUnMj A-tete * fMfteS m * **ff? r»11 - -ft-""* 1 I-t *• •' *,?v— --* IfteEMPP. xx***<xx*v| PPSP—* teMSi * PSPAPp!. XffXXWX XX *» t 9 —SI * W — <m>< - Mph aiisL;.« xxffffx.sfiitesste tJtepp I * HEAPPPMI *x 41 I lt n I ELSWp|A i * nmtZwT.t. ! TTY —?— ~ AirniiMb ,| few** asm * PteSUp * 4- - » XXX*.XXXffX ■ xXffgXd»« MfcijPte j PSPpPsMteffx•»••.. '. ■■ six##* , HHtete |pf pap—ssex xx*♦»—•**. yx l Hfrte j l pep Si iENA mm p St—ms ipep*s <te— j I a»m-aa #m*A**» M te eM ftete . |ia|!»lx I t»SE <x%—t*VPE M **fw-P«—P te —L v#4x«x 9L Px I »tP I. P 4d« teteSSfS j •p— At#A-rtp ——A *—E—teSP MW i Ist E—f AA—MR-A »Ete"t> AA j E?> wS# -A, IP*, AtePEE P.fflUtA te hs Ap. p» H SUMP tetete#«P|P V g Eli ? H**’- | IjHlf SIEBMpME Pe——PP Atais BLUE HI DOE RAILROAD. M C, MU77IK. Kxett-'xxd. Wswihaw * r**#» Sav'd a run s**'d OXus «'»*** x Oxx* Clxsx Is, t.y j Xtxiira Iffy It/- Ns If Ket * ffx It Hex A M Fit. t Am t* lasts fu t* *3 I*ll | «X X... Asdsesxx ~as I XU ** II |g l-X, R.... H.*v*v ..J * 3* ic x 7 t *t id.... dura* r itxit ff ,is I IXI3 ~. Fs»igle«sx ..d I Xli tl 1 n 1 ** it cirar tieffi f t •11 ** ft; fit* 7g AL®'* CfugFg f| t-14 11 0. g ’jA, |1074 .. XlAl'A ..Xj 4 Sll A ! ♦ It I ! * t«t ,t* Wsxtt tTntx* •’ las » e; 1M... badsM ...ff 0.17! AM Ftt i |Leave Justus FM FM K&U Ned Na ll Nxd ff. Rsxutxv atA'lce. F Fix* Stutten All reauMT Iratna from Anderoon t* Wsihsllx have right tx truck euur train • eg tb* same sixes mevtxg tu < e (MWtte dtrertiua. unless utbuswixu agsu* I Bed by train urdrra. Witt also .top xt foil -*big start in# to lake tut xr let off Fbin asy’e. Janr-x sud dnnuv ffpvtngu. No 13 connects •Itk OettlsTi rall urny No. 13 at Asttram. Nos t and t const'Ct sr'th 6-utlsi.l railway N<w. ts 37 at Bssmra. 3. it ANDKMdON, gufterntundent. ATLANTIC COAST LINE BHORTKHT AND Qt’ICKWT ROITT® TO TIHS EAffT AND NORTH. 3 3‘hgjj Ly.. Augusta ui it j 7 Urn | air'd: I.v Aiken Ar I 7 ttam 4:l7pm! Lv....D* smsrk.. ..Ar \ * 17pm 4 FJpm! Lv.. Orangb'g....Ar ( l:4txm | tXtpnt! Lv. .Humirr, X. C...Ar i 4 ZJsin f ISpm' Lv Flurencu.. ..Ac j 3-30 am l*:33nm| Lv...Fay*ttaville...Ar I l t4pm I.Jlami Af, Petersburg.Vx.Lv | 117 pm 4.(kiam! Ar....Rlchmi>nd.,..Lv | I 12pm 7 41am Ar..Washington..Lv j l:4tpm t:«3am| Ar... Baltimore. ...I.v j 3 20pm II :ttvm' Ar.. Phllodetphla..Lv (13 o»pm 2:o?pm| Ar....N«vr Tork....Lv j 0 20am Pullman pAlaee buffet tle«pF.g ears from Maron and Augusta to Now Turk without change. R. A. BRAND. Oen. Aft., 723 Broad Ft.. Augusta, On. T. M. EMERffON. Trattt - Masisger. H. M. EMERffON. Oun. Fa#* Agt. Central of Georgia Rail , way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH. 1S!». (SOth Meridian Time.) LEAVE AI'atTSTA. No. J Eor Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta * 4# P. M. No. « For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. S:2O A. M. No. 52 For Macon. Atlanta. and Wav Station. .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AITOOffTA. js'o. 1 From Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con, Atlanta 6:35 A. M. No. 5 From Mar-on. Atlanta, and AVay Stations .. 6:50 P. M. No. 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station# .. 5:30 P. M. No*. 1, 2. 3 and 4 daily. Noa. 6 and 5. daily except Sunday. Nos. 52 and 53, Sunday only. Sleeping cars on night trains between Millen. Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther Information as to schedules, etc., apnly to M C. JONES. C. T. A. \V. A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. EL J/ERB E LDiNG i PLUMBER, STEAM. GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO. 541 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES- NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE Land’s Headache Capsules M ade Only By .HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. BE X. Xj E OF G E O B QX A OCT 081 R 79 lUkl&4MMttl mmtAtHHJAm, S. t < G. MIItMV CO Pfe# AtePfMpEjEte *999999 •SHiHtetHJt f r |ff y» n mpT |||f !(* I p» « imp-r» h tete -v-Rte i4*pmhs Affd— Pm** w wmfmmh | * ( w —h—x E—MM- **'l —* |r# k X —MSB - A * ( AiJEfcxx As P jff»Ew m -»»■#*—| A xrff 4M|h f 4 #P-"f • #*«f— AteNVSS 9 ♦ A——— Ip# TPpip'—* ■4A PwJtete ** f Aptaw—t-* #S* mm | o>9 » —SMteA 4* HteM A« f —>#'• 41 dh t# WA>—| iP# * iMMMp—P ; Jim t* I % t l«M| p?A A-A pt % iltetesteP ftete ttef 0 9mm l * fi* PA—R—M# i P AA# |dt Ptef . • A MH—A Ip# ptss—rxx f Jtesfc- 4* tesnvte ahi ■ I fl——4 AHSfit Si SNI ftete *■— f «#• {(Pi pep——l L»a*sa j# W— i *-»ap ——i> io* 0 teSßxx* x -Ar fll A—>' l* i—Ai # 5? «x IPt raEMA 9%: A I "VAX A# P * t#m 7 P* A Mi— P .4 AM— I# P«x4m» 4 t ll#— !osls si >Lbhma : p # p«s— » t JHss i Pt P*4? fff-AlteEte.i# P t#MAI : t Pm— in#—« >— ' i v##w—ft# wm omm I f«Mt «*g— AH# • *4 ••—#*- Ah : I # —EE Si*—l P ll— ' •# «#x <«« f|— ael EaeShl H—te IRd a—H , I. H ApPlte I*4 tHSA<Hte f . I 4# l # Ef""-Eh *— SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ' -qp- t.) tbs*, emasa ~ ;vmWE &$■ «>aa prxMX ' j• Wa • degig: ! 4 -e, 4 »L» t: - "CTTf; ::: i?: u-T ft, t. i.*.i*ar. amCt I jkt J *JS . Sjsidga flwad*« at »..,. | „ .. Is* el ex. - iwm I #wei |w* a k»va In* .~1 ‘PM 7 Mu J; y, ,7r- . . 'J* •* e u:<i fd'i f—hfflm rn ,«-»**>*. j«P wPI '• At h<»xra .... .. | * w * tasTtii).... IPinrbaamd" >»« *»» VWaAup'* "'"LtW*. • fff • fkilaMxeMa I 9 ' ]x» " »w VoeX 1 ** *Pf • ■ _ . Na. gf'tiw as 44.11. IUH|. If. Few *«*b. Pu XX • - ...| 4*9, Ul*u«. “ | a I A lA#f ißil • ite—R It Bp •M - U laabtoi. H ly ' BEp II IAS L* BtfAiMxd .... Mitel 19 (Mil Le tbixeina . |MBsi iMg Lv trail ............I • atgj ...... Ar. Urn'.uebaea ... tsta . la itieMka. .............. j Ita 7Sg “ tborlstlu .......... ..... | 9Xa( tu Wg * Rreh Kill ... .. 1 If Ai« 11 Xa . • QuaSsr tuM. It Kg • visum. i It tl • Kill Ar Cut-bla t aa.i (•* 11l Xus, IFa te. <>■ taailaaTa o#t'». ....I 115* <« a “ 'tmnaa I t Hej " lraita ~[ re 4As ■ Orsauevili* .... .........j lb. 7 07 a Ar Augum. .. ... 4l« - ■ *> .* tv. Asherill* TTT . kiaj 9 06 * v. Utariaxaurg .) II Ws‘ t 15p Lv. QoTbla. XC.XO.Xy I tuup 7 00a Ar Charlemoa ...... t Alps It Oil a Ei 4'..rUa r4IAP S. i'll 64 . 12 47 a Ar j..-k~avlll*. . ' tipi »Ua luti-tm r*l •iivii g Kir-rllenl daily paaeugae servtr# baSwwa ffloruta sud haw fork No. Fan-i Jv-X artnaeioa*»<l SauShwmier* Lined n, .n,l TaaubuJeri train with dining e«x, and grst sk» euncbe. north of CXnriottx FuUman drswaig room alespmgrur. between Tbiui*. Jaek-onvtU*. havanaak. WaAhln*v.a and New v srk Pullman Slesptng Car* betwsea ChArlolt* sad Kichmond. Pn liman lirawtagroom »lseplnjr -ar. b» twurn (.rseaetxiro and Norfolk. (Jut coanao tton at Norfolk for OLI> POINT COMFORT, arovmg there In tima for breakfast, j x>Ud tram with Parlor car*, between CbarlMten and Aaharllte. . b<*. 26 and H. y»«t Mall. Through i Pniltnan drawing room buffet aleening car-, ba ruean Jacksonville and New York and Pu.i «:«odn« cars between Anyuria acd Char kitts. Pud man sleemng cars betw«>n Jack {-mettle and Columbia, en route <i»Uy betwas* a<-kiKrnvilli- and tHnctnnatt, via Aahcvitle. RANK •-* HANNON. J V CULP, Ttilnt VP. A »•*. Mgr. T. M.. Wa-h!nr»o*. WATUKK. ttBHAKDWICf I »• P- A- Waaktngtax. Atiaatn. iGEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 189*. Pullman Sleepers between Macon an! New York. Through Pullman Sleopera between Au gusta and St. Louts Lv Augusta ..| 7:05km1 3;2opm|io,3opta At Atlanta ...;i3:3tpm| •:20pmj b:ookra Ar Macusi ....tU:Maui|.'. I 6:45am Ar Athena !l3:lspmj 7;3opm| - i Ar GainesvtUei*3:4spm| !•••• •••• I Ar Whit* Pl‘ai*l:Oepm| | ! Ar Mill'## le ,|10:10am| | 4:3oam I Ar Wash’ton ..|lo.loam| 7:lopm| I Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 6:15 p. m.. and ar rives at Mlllcdgevllle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at August* 5:16 *. ns, T:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m , and 8:25 p ra. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T P. Jk CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. l.eave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:43 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. P.y 1:16 p m. Leave Lenoir, Stage —OO p m. Arrive Green Park, Stag# .. .. > 80 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. C. TV. HARPER, C. F. HARPER, President. G- P- A.