The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 22, 1898, Image 8

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r «ATUHOAT You’ll Want Our Clothes If you xt (hr air* »nd gr wc* of them. and hem Ntlc fncv <p?4—lo* 111, IK, lIH, UM THIS IS HIGH-, HHrnnm» to* p* .m «wy gjJ »MWi. ■-« ptywira a i *ikl» ktw peiem, uwjr WhFK IN BOYS to dm*. wb iiLjaitjtu- - rr- -~~ gnu'll ammrt*' thß C*ty IftrmMfH •*** trtr™#* •»# •••Jiii.rt fts******.v®fftNMk» FifrlftJh Cot 41* |MM*44CI ffmli# rnid urn! StaMWM. Vm«mni aim! MMdy flkitU* for ®«amlin# hard aarvic# of |Miy. # qm v two aNinm*. *** ,Bl * , »i u*bh»h— A lAfta# «HH AWKWN HAfct to M»^ CBartaat*>« MM mu *»*■*»« fc >** •• «rt *M get WN MUM IB tto *•*<*'* frtm ■»nrrrf M** RARa#** rarara, A* rad > tw» M «mM, Yto tot* toto W* BHB4 •• eNtra •» MM. tn»ti«» fMw* Im*# *•»*• • •■paUMMi aaß iMr AAtufto# *to •*'** a w H *44 grad. to <t* f«w(« Tto Ctortaoto*. we* to*» «g»*t taaMa of MMMf gratia* tto tftoß MM gfw*»4* It MiM m 4 • Mt* «IU to MM to It 4 AtMr (Mr |Mm to tto *»«»•• matt Iwm R trill It too Ml If to* | •ipeala* to—M AM. M Belt |ttlt»li*l Ml •» tint 14 to til it omr gnaer to tot# ito* »tt li mi in*, if. hi to* hrttr* •* ghatl if** Mr tori #***t »* toll *«• pact a Mi ItaaitM of Nhfi frntn ftortut* ml tat* tta ton AM atrtalt - If atoll totr at Mat* m»a to p«*,il»!- TM fatthto fto* to* Mat d#*!ar"t off to *Mto t*f* l(« troUtat Tfcta rlui* M *ir**«bia It all to"*** Rato If Atnala tot tot Mt* »•>** •tuto* tt tot fail atouml ttol tM tot r*p,***tuit!**t tain to ttolf toff< Yesterday Ito A**d tat taton oat to to track for trial. feat us kooml of IM rata to trial taa poaipenrd la tkr rail tor or ao mim good taork Mill to tott oa tto trark tor* prepsr gsory to tto ***ata la Utorleaton. WHO WANT* A BABY T I Nila Itogvty at NoapNal Awaiting AAotrttoa. Who waala a too*? All your w tab In* la aO-n** a toby girl can And atm at Ito (Tty hoaplti. Tto toky li four «etk# dM and la a Ntn* beaut). fair aa4 ft»tibby, ollh hit* «r«a aad iwldaa hair. I( la of bonne oaraalMM la aarfkMtly toallby and tatorita 0# bad blood II I* on* of a family of tto MOlharltm, liltl* j on.# and ib*f* ar* no frroal* r#lati*r« 1 to ear* for It and |l»* It the n*ce*»arr attmtlon. It la a bright llttla thing and la a gr*at ravorit* at Mi* .MMpltnl. Any<m« wtihlng to adopt It ran a** It at th# i hoapUal and tnak* n*c*aaarr armor*- i manta with th* hotpHal nutboritlea. ALBERT SHEFFIELD DEAD. On* *4 AuftiiU's Be*( Known Colored Men Passes Away. Yesterdfiv afternoon at 7 o'clock. at hi* home on Maug* atreet, Albert Shef field, axed 52 year*, died Bheffleld wit one of (ha beat known colored men In the eltr. a baker by trade and aervln* ft* y*»m aa » oateree at cnanv of the aetartatoment*. The funerat #nl'u|i ptko* tomor row afternoon from Ihe tJnlun Baptist ehurrh at S o’elusk, Roy. 0- clue and Rev. W. J. White nfflilatln*. The deceaaed waa an honest, uprtght man and enjoyed the confidence of all who knew him, both white and color ed. Fresh Graham Flour, Fresh Buckwheat. Delicious Maple Syrup. As fine assortment of Canned Fruit and Vege tables as can be found anywhere. T. P. DORIS. Bell Phone 1 246. Summerville. ••WHAT AH I?’* Will Be Supt. L. B Evan's Subject at Y. M. C. A. neetlng. "What am 1?” That la the subject that Supt. Law ton B Kvans will.address the men’s turning at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow afternoon at. 4 o’clock. The more mention, that such an In terfiling talker as Supt. Eratts will r duress the meeting will lie eufflclent drew a large crowd at the meeting. Prot. Rattle will render a solo at the v.-.setiuß and also render a duet with Mr. Russel!. All are invited to the meeting. The ball will be found most comfortable nud an hour con he spent most enter tainingly and beneficially by aU who attend. Be there. Tttt! WRATtU!*. fair Taaigto aa« tot toy - 1 rta* To* atgto Atgoota. ika, toiartor. On n. MN THfe* ImmmbC Hi !*ftM &*»+**%•■ mat Hrif-ftnqi tafeftfeai* Mm IIH t M fewwfw 9 ft CIN. Cl |®| 91* K®IOMI* < 04l ®MFWNWMI Out ihpplil (^Mh* I Ts y*u mm 4 m»fe* «Kl tr%m Hu - tsihfe, §m*4mp Hh, (H«h at- . r| .f. f| yf ,||. »,7 1-0 fWflftlft J !?mt ihl rmlir It «r*<fc i§4 w< f«w« M4it f*|f With rloOli ' INMMI l ulu Uotol fuaortal for A aetata and *♦- fjftlty »fi4 ®nii44i p .. fitM' •r lotlgM. <tHI fwH, i Tto Hear at •a, • taa* IA S ton. a ria* of At ton It 'to pa** ** hoar*. WKATHHRK CONTHnOffH Tli# fißni thill Btufilnf hi ftttrtl 1 <>«#* lake Rrl* to*lor torn att*ad d to high triad* and gslto nror tto At latttr atat*a and tto *tat*a bordwiag on tto ioarar lake* aad gaaaral rain* < r*r tto atarrra half of tto rotatry lha raiatoll la tto paat H toora or*r ! rtortto r»»«*4 frtsw »»• l«*toa at Ja- j pi Mr to IN at K*r W*a» wllh tr*r an j Inrh faltlaa at Plltatorg. ClaaalaaA Phtladalphia. Nat York ally aad Boa- , toe. Tto coM tat* rot*** nearly th* ae t>r* Poath thla mt mint, (to fall la tpmraratiir* nit th* ft. tith Atlentle atatoa ear *dtng SO d»gr»*a.wiih al- < moat general tonata repo-fed la the teal rat and aaatera portloaa of Ito ration toll. Johnaoa * Haii*r*a alahlea ar* up to dal*: good turnout* and grail* konwe, ■lv* them a rail—lM Kill* *tr«at. aal ran PUNBRAL Or MR. SCOTT Largely Attended By Hl* Many l-'rtcßil*. The fun. ml of Mr. Wilt Scott, those audden death ao ahocked and grieved lb* rommoolty. occurred thla morning at Jb.Sf) o’clock from th* Klrat Prea byterlan church, and *«• largely at tended by many friend* of the de er need and n delegation from th*' Knifthta of Pythla* and the B. P 0. K.'a, l»oth fraternltl** of which Mr. Sect! waa a member. rr, Plunkett officiated at th* Im [.rcsalve cerr monies at th# rhureh and n iproprialc hymn* were aweetly ren dered by the choir. At the grave the ceremony of the B. P. 0. K’* w.v* conducted by Kxalted Ruler C. A. Robbr. The floral tribute* were many and minimally beautiful. The flower laoen casket w.t* borne by Messrs. Nelson Itnvla. Harry name*. Crom tneltn Fleming. Fr«l Speth, William Keenan. Clifford Stulb, A. J. Herald, and J. B. Sehweera. dental, generous and loving Will Scott baa passed away and the hearts cf many are sorrowful. Hot chocolate ami all good drinks at Alexander Drug Store. SERUT. MILLER MERE. He Arrived From Orlffln Last Night on a Furlough. Sergeant .lack Miller of the Third Georgia regiment, arrived itt the city last night. He will be here a few days on n furlough. He say* the probabil ity to that the Third will spend the winter in Athens. Sergeant Miller is looking well and f&ys the boys of the Augusta eompnoy la the Third are get ting along o. k. Sunday School Institute. There will be a Sunday sehool Insti tute at Taberuaele and Union churches alternately Monday, Tuesday. Wednes day and Thursday nights. The mtetings are to be directed by Rev. M. W. Gilbert. A. M.. Sunday sehool missionary for Georgia, under the auspices of the American Baptist Publication Society of Philadelphia, Po. Local Sunday school workers are programmed for active service during the iostltute meetings. Monday night Is especially for pa rents. All pastors, superintendents and others are urgently requested to be present. See the advertisement of the Alexan der Drug company today. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION I |rt»| RfH It QUffkM (tBBH . ftMH#*® 94 #4® t9**Mgfll lfe» NIMI iii ‘few rs 4®»if»nf inir#i Oft«m» *#« 9m ♦4 *•9% Tw® 9m ? «4iMNOi® 49# INM4MM4MI 90m tmtommW ' 4*4 ftp® (Ho fti 4 Ifelf. OH# I 4®®ft» II dftff fk—ill tkm (VI |i fOft' | |4<itft»g li® r>4gini4r>4> Tfew>» f itMitoa ftoMtod mm tofto* *• ll »to» I AfMMto Ito nm; -■■n- pm to tto' ] <gto*4Mto ttof was Mag ***** <•*«» . I oms to ga>*«4 fkwm graatoo* eamtoto - lllaMMk. to* all a»* »* ito aam* gamarai Trad Mra «f ito vmrnmm am* ; Ib» mm *4*4 tfmm • ftPH® II li# IliiftpAt - ! 114® pill 111® I «®l 4 ftuf4Mf tIMiiM m* | I Mirftlinft 4 W4l# tft* fttirftdfi AN I Nlftftft ft® (ft# 44ft ft 0999 (ftfti ft** j ftiurt H#ftft H4®®i4®if4 44 (In 441®. i Mflfl® (ft# Nfftftftl f®# Ml ®ftutoid» It* * tftft® Tfep SftfftMM H(f lit Offtftftftft, | T9® #ft|®94l 00 l®ftH#ft444 Tft# fftpt* I I ft! 90 Kiftfftlft lift Ift (tftftt ft* 4(4 00 I i«#nionr to #4r-ft 90 Ift# Niffttai MAM) pf*N*li®4f Hfft» toral?4f - 19Pft0MH®4Tp f*ft4#4ti, K#y W#(i, ftlodi In Ift# M#fttft| •(# 09* l *• aa apsrtmau tpaamloua lu to M ■ iwWrn Vhat to tto rata# at tt yard* of guoda weigh-*g 1 1-4 puund* to ito I yard, aomporad of five port* of silk worth 41 per pound, three part# of rat-' ton. worth Al rent# per pitond. end MW poo ad at wormed worth It 7i par pound'* it Tto tod nmount of dn*y on two tw j vote#* wna MM 4b, Tto r»'e of doty ' on tto flrat Invoice wa* B per cent ; and on lb# second t> per cent llad {the rat* of daty on lb# aerand alao ‘ been 14 per cent, tto total duty on ito two Invok-ra would have toon ttk> M> What wn* tto rain# of each ! I a voir*’ Competitor* are required to wilt# a letter on a given subject Tto #x#r- j rta* to dsalaried to teal ito compet itor's knowledge of »lmple Rngllah composition and hi* general latalll- j genre. INTERVIEWS. .•Judge’ Oeocge H Howard Gel* Out Hl* Time Card. ■■Judge" ftoorg# If. Howard, the popular grocer, has go teu out a nrat card regarding his time for interview* IH* says: ' For friendly ealla. S min. *• For life Insurance agents. 1-S see For peddler* and book agent*. 1-4 sec. For friend* with soft snap. nil. For friend* with a great scheme, 5 sec. For friend* with wheels In their head, 1 aec For friend* who want to talk base ball. nil. Friends who want to go fishing, 2 hour*. Friends who want ua to go to lunch. 1 hour. Friends who want to borrow $5. 1-2 aer. Friends who want to borrow *lO 1-4 sec. Friends who want to borrow *lO >. nit. Friends who want to give orders, no limit. Male boree, 2 see. THOUGHT HE WAS IN CUBA. Letter Sent to John Lark Took Lt ng Route. Capt. John Lark of the Augusta Light Infantry, colored, has received a letter from Judaon Lyons, which has taken a most round-about course In the mails. The letter was addressed seemingly plain enough and why lt should have been almost a month in transmission Capt. Lark can't account for. The address rend, Capt. John Lark. Company E., Third Battalion. Augus ta. Ga. Notwithstanding the plain address, the letter was sent to Cuba, and bears the Santiago postmark. lt was sent back to Washington and yesterday reached Capt. Lark. The Augusta. Ga., address bad been scratched, and San tiago. Cuba, written underneath in red ink. Evidently the postal people thought Capt. Lark was located In the land of Cuba. CONOEMAL CLUB. Entertained Last Evening By Hr. Wilt Oetjen. The Congenial Club inaugurated their winter season last night by a most enjoyable social given by Mr. Will Oetjen. at the home of Mrs. C. H. Oetjen. Games, dancing and other pleasures were indulged in and de licious refreshments were served. THU AUOT7OTA HFBAXaD. %%%%♦%%# %♦%%# IQtrft ®oi# 4® ®4ot mKillcn f ist»**tMi«dMa ® 444 C «4t«#®®ii *• MHOi J # rag* *««• *n*il iha* tort to # 111 s --—' _ l I StH* #AWIA A ABB 0 | p R Mato *4 phflgAetgMk •• A* ito I r f) H®lk#f4 00 mmmm In 41 i.i# H € Urmia®i 00 to *• *l# W 4 ®B44#U 00 (Jll*e« 1» 41 li# I ArtluffM li r riMft#)i 00 Ijuftmtti I# 4i *i# I Join M444##tftm 00 91« p In ti# riff. ft f, llr«#4 90 CIMItU444C4 t® 4t th rinitrrm h 0 f*rp#4i*r of flr##4#lll# to 4* jlfer I*l44l#ra. " i I J. C Maaaeggal* of I#**l**lll* la atj the Ptanlcr* James Oil-laa of Philadelphia h •* lAe Arlington H. A While of Philadelphia la al j tto Arlington R ttnlyrlmple of Phi lad el phi* la gi Thoma* Itanard of Rock port N. Y.. gt tto Atitagt no. Mra. f W Ptrkea*. of Pdgrgrld. to v tolling frtonda to Ihe etty W. K Tabb representing a targe, dtotlllary at I#Mtl*vtlle. It at th# Plan ter*. T. O. I#*ake a popular totiaera man of Winatog, N. C, to at th# Planter* today. John Kimbrough and H. (1 Smith of New York are guest* at the Arlington today. Major W D Jenktna of the United State* engineer *#r»k-e ia at the Ar lington. William Klltoon of Ellison A Harvey, whlakey men of Richmond, to at the Windsor C. L. Vlgol, p**at**fflee Insperior, of Wsshlnglon. D. C., la a gueat at th* Planter*. W. O Tanklngtrm. agent for Gen-1 try’a dog show. Is registered al the I Planter*. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Darlington of 1 ldiurrna are spending a few days at | the Planters. Dr. and Mr*. H. P. Hoover of Soutbj Carolina are at the Planters. Dr. i and Mrs. Hoover were married In' Ridgeway. S. C-. on Tuesday of last week. Mr. B. A. Chew, an Augusta youdg man. who has been for several year* connected with hotel* in Virginia, and New York. 1* now filling the responsi ble position of day clerk al the Plan ters. GOOD LUCK. As Wooed By a Bridge Row Cook Shop. The efficacy of the good luck suppos ed to follow the horse, shoe t» being most potently wooed in one of the Bridge row cook shops. The place to almost paved with horse shoes: the lucky omens hang from the doorway and windows and arranged as foot acrapera Into other devices. The luck attendant upon these particular hors# shoes is very satisfactory, and the cook shop does a rattling good business. A fine assortment of Bnest California fruits received at latmkin & Co.'s. Flenty of Game. Henry Elkins, colored, was in the city this morning with quite a number of squirrels, which he had killed down the river. Henry says that game of every kind is plentiful, especially the squirrels. He is an expert on game matters and when he says game is plentiful, the sportsmen may feel assured that a season full of pleasure Is before them. Geese Pa*S Over. All last night the cities of waterfowls could be heard as they passed over the city going south, irioday quite a number of flocks cay wild geese have passed over the toffl a sure sign that today is not the only cold one we will hat% in the near fu ture. , ■< FROM AUGUST* TO NEW TOOK. ! till li II |HH9 i trill mt Lite n H II * 1 mmmmmm 9i 9NH 4 Hrnmtonm tmjtowm mm mok Hi tIMM if ftft# i®ftp»f ■ 4444 00 Ilk#* <dM4-lMt4# yin «#M4|Nft4f’ jAr ( | ■ ißfcf b 4 f*. 44® Al* THE CHUKHBI AT MATTHEW* LUTHERAN CHURCH I . wmmmf. 9 4ft 4 tsi > tfHtsr fmr|i<itw, ilia, m. Oh«m A»r*to* •B> Ah -1 gga*. - John Kao* aad tto Acwt ah j ft, fu.mauoa Monday. «p m. **•- I lag arbool aad preparatory taa** Twea ; «ay aad Friday, t A m.. raanrma loa ) rlaaa Tharaday. ( p at., teachers’ j ST. PAULS CHURCH. Rev C C WlLlam* D D rector tl a. m., Morning Prayer and •*' m ' moa I p A., Suaday arbool hft 1 m.. Evening Prayer. Young Mea's Bi ble rlaaa meet* at It a. m to vestry | room WOODLAWN BAPTIST CHURCH Prmrb ng by Rev J. K ftoreo. th* I pastor at ll o’rloi h a. n. and * p. Im. Sunday arbool at J 30 H. M. Hair. i Supt. CLEAMNO DAY. Naxt Tuesday Appointed Far First Ward. Atteoiioti of residents of ito First ward ia called to the fart that next. Tuesday. October Si. to the day *p-! {po’nted for the regular cleaning day, in fbe Flrat ward. II I* hoped that j all residents of thla ward will co-op erate with the efforts of the Civic I league to keep the city clean. H#- i member the day. next Tuesday, the jttth. SHOT IN THE ARH. Alex Smith, Colored, Charged With Shooting Oeo. Terr y. I George Terry, a negro man, waa last aftemon ahot In the prm by an- j other negro named Alex Smith. The j shooting or urred In Nr rth Augusta i near the Natatorlum.. From what ran helcarned Terry hart been paykig wt ten;.ion to Smith’s wife and the latter called him to time about it. Terry drew a pistol on Smith and j attempted to shoot the latter, but j Smith knocked the weapon hack and the boll that was tired entered Terry’s arm. Smtth was shortly afterward* arres ted and taken to Aiken jail. FIRST GEORGIA ENGINEER. The Tan Who First Pulled n Throttle on Georgia Rail Road Dead. Mr. William Rbeaney. aged So years, j who died at his home five miles south of Harlem on Tuesday of this week, was one of the oldest engineers in the state. He was the first engineer that ever pulled a train over the Georgia railroad. HELD UP Rev, John Healing's Experience on “Five Notch" Rond. From what can be learned. Rev. John Mealing, who lives In Edgefield coun ty, was stopped on the road the same ; night that ,Mrs. Atkinson was mnr ;dered. When Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson went to Augusta bn that fateful morning, they took the Five Notch road, it is said. On this road on the same night Rev. John Mealing was held up, but no attempt was made to injure him. Front this it would seem that it was Atkinson and none other whom the assassins sought to kill—evidently, there were mor# than one in the plot. Robbery was not the incentive, tor as soon as the fatal shot was fired the scoundrels fled. | The Evidence. lift ft*®M®ft®f teH I t0 990$ otoi to I®*#® ®t i4| tommmm tPNftte 4®M®®| ftft 0099 00000 toooooo9 teft® i» 9(444 ftftftf I 900 ftftftHft® 00009 00 Iftfc#®® 00 000900 t#44®MMi4® ftp® |®lfiftM4 00 to****"* ' %00000 009009 4® 0000 00000000$ 900000000000 * Y(49(44® (®ftft® 0® I®® ftft® 9(ft® ftnnAl ftfti 909000000 900 ftft tei 90000 k 9090 t 900 %’990 t 14.4 gift ®f f9o9_ ""Tift® 9900 ft ftftftMfttei ft® 90 0009 9000 ftft: IN ftlft gift® ft® 4ftR4M ftft ftft® ®9M4 I®® 009$ $990 99099 jW 4q b®bb® ft®ft ft ftRHI 0990099 90*90090 ~9[too 4»«*» C< ftft®® 00900 099090 ®®4ft' (ftP’O®! ®ftft® tftft* I mm * By. M, f CbßnA At l ma##*e*- Si C * IsawfpA • |g| at dtomß Ito «*««tob Nrtto* RwdtoiM) toto g m* tot Ba Mtomim MurtMA «Ai pmmf* mmmm m wtosb I tod iMMdtod to obiiM. aaai told • »* a ptajl (Amaot (a4ml tow. and Ak# to waadd to gtodtonto to toradk mi maftoaiv to an id CftAS f. DEGEN. Nini|rf, | S\tM|u.sla Sdimfipr(;t TODAY’.* HARREI.V *Unt*fl%A COTTON RCMkT, % 9 d# fir? T'MB# ft| Bftifl i (MMA® BftftlSMßfV ** *• *••««•••• 1% Add *«4 *r«a*iy .. .. .. . « * It «. .. M........ 414 laiflct asbtaftwg »• •• •• •• ...Hi <toM| aewMbna ..%% '■ maio# IVM I •T>amm .... .. u .. .. ...«%-IM4 W*»k #n4m* net. B l«A». aal rar* j r*.|. •» |ia« HN#ipt# taat yaar. ■ar im N*<Mr4*y ~ m ~ » 'la Jtt* Mntoay .. .. .. .. .. rm i r j WetftmMlay .. .... .. .. SMS > I TtiunuSat .. SKI j | Friday .. .. .. .. ~ *• SWA T<*t*t •• •• *• .* .* .« ISAM JVI* j YaLC*. APINNER* HHirMRVTfI Aal#«. Kplaarra bhtpn« nt Saturday .. . ISM U 1 SStl | T otal .. .. ISM «ST 3551 % anom receipt*. ttrr iim Net receipt* today .. •• HW I*t* ] Through rattnsi today .. .. —— —— Uroaa r#o*tpta today .. ~ HP Btl STOCK AND BECEim. IS*7 ISM Block )a Augusta. .. „ *7til 7143 He. elpt* finer Kept. 1.. IMIS 110455 | • COTTON. (Pain*. Murphy A Co.) 1 There wa* no change In Liverpool cm- j Idea, but th# lucal cotton market show ed early strength on frost new*. Mis- { eiwrtppl claiming a killing frost last night. This had the effect of consider able covering, especially by the seal te rra who feared further damage over Sunday. After advancing 5 point* the We use our best efforts to mike your purchases entirely satisfactory here. MAHONEY & ARHSTRONG. COAL and WOOD STROWGER 281. BELL 1790. Office and Yard No. 1 Macartan Street covering seemed over and prices again sagged off to the lowest of the day. Port receipts were about the rails' as 1 last year, but the amount In sight to ; j date Is above last year, despite the fact I that be crop ts considered late. _ STOCKS. Early cables were more warlike from abroad, and London prices for Amer icans were 1* lower, but the local mar ; ket cut loose from foreign Influence*, and the general buying was of a char acter to indicate that elections were being discounted by shrewd observers. Railway earnings continue large and the advanced prices of cereals are ar guments that will offset all foreign complications. Europe at present Is not an extensive holder of American secur ities, and as the credit is so gTeat In. our favor the throwing over of secur ities will not affect financiers here. Going back to the halt day’s market the best prices of the week were recorded in all railway shares and In the trusts. Tobacco led the van with a net gain of *6 from yesterday. We called especial attention to the inside buying of this stock Thursday. Sugar was strong on the shorts covertngand a flvanced It; per cent. The minor trusts were in full sympathy. M r e reiterate our view of yesterday and advise buying the mar ' ket on any semblance of weakness. GRAIN. Yesterday's weakness caused by the more peaceful outlook abroad and large OCTOftf# ftft It* MUttfear with atttow la pwrrimap f .hi,_l „• |.W| sos I ** n**n 4 id* ; ort *t>»r «• «• •• •• .. •« «“% *?% * - - a. mn* . iNir«nwr •• •• •• •• •• w* ■<**T| 1 < iATS • I r»ft«l»b»r M •• •« •• a* 23\*S » 3 % ! mmy .. .* •• .* US :: »:S • l>nni!«r - M M - « * t» « K i January •• .. .« .. .. s.*g 5.10 | Daremter* .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 4.07 4TO {January 4.71 472 NEW YORK COTTON. | N»w Torh. Oct. 12Futures opened and cloned aa Pnllowa: February k.» 4.« M March i.« 4.3» M j April & 43 44 * 44 i .48 I June 5.52 5.51 51 I July .. .. .. .. .. .. —— i.U 00 I October .. .. .. .. •• —— 5.20 22 November 5.» 5 21 *3 I December 5 2T 5.24 27 Tone Steady Middling .. 5*% NEW TORK STOCKS. • Sugar 111 H 11J«4 Tobacco IKS 122 B. n. T 45 C. B. O •• •• lll*fc 114% Missouri Pacific S 3 SiS Louisville and Nashville . SIS Manhattan .. .. .. .. *TS People's Gas .. ~ .. .. 103% IMS Administrator’.* Sale. iPTATE OK GEORGIA, COLOMBIA COT'NTT. j WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER. I*o4, at the Courthouse. In Appling. Colum bia County. Georgia, between the le gal hours of sale, the following real estate, belonging to the estate of James McAndrew, Jr., deceased, lata of said state and county: All that tract or parcel of land in Columbia county, state of Georgia, about ten miles from the city of Au- I gusts, Un., near Jenkin s Station, on the P. R. * W. C. Railroad, con | tabling six hundred and seventy-two acres, more or less, being bounded by land of Mrs. M E. Jenkins, Mrs. r.. Green, Mrs. E. J. Dozier, Cant. C. L. West, H. Shimky and P. Arm strong. The improvements thereon consist of dwelling, gin houses, two barns and, eight houses for tenants. Place is well watered. Terms—Half cash, balance In 12 months with 7 per cent interest. Pur chaser to receiv bond for title and pay for all papers. PATRICK ARMSTRONG, Administrator Estate of Jas. McAn drew, Jr. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION FO RRENT—NEW HORSE ON GWIN NETT street, five doors west Wood lawn avenue. House has eight rooms and bath. Price *15.00 per month. Ap ply to Clarence E. Clark, 832 Broad street. WANTED—A GOOD HOUSE GIRL OR boy. Apply 612 Reynolds street, j Oct 22 I LOST —A GOLD WATCH BETWEEN i Cemetery and Broad. Finder will be rewarded by returning to 606 Broad street. ‘ *;!