The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 24, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY 4 THE IUGUSU HEfUIO r’”Zbr r '~ZZ «* * ft *** Sg » <•*»** kgsteMla ht«au> ‘9m*m* m Cm rnmm-rnm um. sm*m w •« n*m m ..--■ f-Trf WWIII If* 1 —" itiii nw nw «MtAiJ» •a, AlM**' ** ****** *-** *"* *** -* 4M «** «■*•■• * *7. M,— *- »ka »-** «•*■<• to* 'll - rxuTiiw*- *• «te *•*—*•■— •» teskwi **••*•*■ i» »*• t-** om~ *!.*?*■ w *"* ik, an rtek a**—» ■*•**■ • ton* to "*■*' *• " TO AOVRtrwe*^ (A#» •>*»•**• >— >*"4*4 to tto p— <"•***- V-T^T' rkxi. «4 tto Htetad «*4 "•‘T**’ mm , » ,n fttaistetted fcy ■• ** *** —. .tot mm past— I tor* — M —'* * * wMf ' fte tektai *» totkftoW-1 ISmSTxa 1 r*mm is it is iB xu xi ai HERALD 50UVENIR5. Anyone prM««liß| at The McrtM Offkc Hi* Nouvenlr Coupon whkh I* primed below will ratalv# a n*at lll lle Sou> enir Button Free. It you want one apply early. Mall order* will be filled when accompanied by atanipa to pay po*t*fc. I-RLL DISTRIBUTION SOUVENIR COUPONSI This Coup 'it, presented at Tba Herald Office, will to ex changed lor a neat and hand some Herald Souvenir Hutton. | The distribution la limited and will hut only a few day* HEW EHuUHD IJEAS. While cut* mul rumors of cuts in tbe waxen of Augusta * cotton tulli opera tive* are filling the air, The Herald would draw attention to the recent turns ouary labor* In New England or that sterling cltlaen. Capt. J. W. English ot Atlanta Capt. English spent the summer In New Hampshire and while there conversed with a great many people whom he round In terested in matter* purl gluing to the couth He recently said: "There I* a good feeling toward this awtlon and many Inquiries ware made aw to the Indttw trlal anti commercial Interests of the south. The people up ihcre concede that the south 1* certain to monopolise the manufacture of cotton goods of the courser grades, hut they contend that the New England mill* will con tinue to make the finer goods. 1 dis pelled that Idea among those with whom I talked tiy telling them that southern mill workers are skilled white men and women, and that they are competent to become the best wo: hers in the world In this cluss of industry." Cqpt. English spoke but simple truth r, i eVt he announced that wneu the ft out h enters extensively upon the manufacture of the finer grads of goods It will have right at baud atl the skilled labor necessary. without drawing upon New England. Ihe cotton mill labor situation in the kouth today i» not at all unlike that I ik to* »«* > ■ > tototo tto tate #'•*> I grist- g#t* smmm*soos* #hm| 90 gt ks*os giwunMiwrftM Oft g» |ji m###* tg# •»<**•>* j ownrTr-1 •** *n»oo Ni *•* «ggp *«##i «| #4 M** #» tin#* g%Mt MM# 1 §#lMi MN* %*ss Dggtog# HMNHi Htuft# gH • tgl# fwKmtNt 900 ggfcgg #ggMg#WHi- iMMMMi I ##m# MgggM mi mm ng m iMg >**•* #>.»»44*ta»-- * «■#**# •%« * ##*■■> * «ii #* •#*### im *<mo*h* *a# m MMOf mi - I a^. tl g .mm# w tpw A *#»#* mom g|g| |t.« iHif f'ltol 4gMi|gl#g •#»«♦» * *’* Iwg* jjiauf ## ito-to* % lggp»gg* #<Mlg # #* i« Upg iimpm# iOHMif* gs m# * % 900009 hk ##*h 4nm m iggwm** *##g Kg gt®#### 90*00**% g# HPHpH HO (■MU fftlM* Miggg Nimi «® ¥%# HoNm • ho tto mM m«*i 4Mt* *» M**fM rmi — ito totHtoto t<Mt tttototo - y..g|. ,: im Q totog togilKHf fltoto l>i iiTTgil* toimtoto to ••«* to *»• toto «*•»■» * i ,**, itotototo *M *to toato wa* to I | -«S gtoto* lapiStotol #Oto *to ItofW* VPto * lmo» j m [H»i #to4 oim •# o«* ! m gpoMH* of iiw«m«Ni tm «ip*wH# jpg##* tmom In (M* hoho miogm •# 'ii4 mm*» «■ m r%m --«««ti ahnmmo jmm m> gt# imAMmi o» in mmr mm ilo 0011 >wti m. tto. t*'il MHI to* #* Ito *' grtoir t MtoWH* «*f !lO mm milHo fim tm lomhv o im to* r%ffa#igai it tint mis Ho ootl him ■ inr g mKg |pigrr. tm oot m tfc# hhmoa •mr» tm mm nmrr momn gfOf m i iiirntTig-ri iingt «m m titot toM toM tot 4 • fto* toto* J tatoty it Mtoto to* MKttfto *<t tkto AONwHMI torn A W Mtottof. *to* to to* *•** **at «H«* immlA A* * iwtoiMM to ttoM ,k) tiivH* to tyffctot to*** to**i • **to toto **• to**' ' ‘-ant *•** ton***** to *to to**** ■ itNb **«* <tto**to •**•*■ *• tout ** •*MMni to * tot**** (to* *totoi**t 'b* M*lb to 1 *to to* tor«t*to tot »•* I tar im** <tof* tto at** •■**«• •** aMto Ito iiMI p—takt toto* to , j l**MUbttoto •»'< **tort*iM«* a«t l* tto*to* Ml “ttoftol tlmtoto* * i Uto gr«*t MMtotty ***** ato 'to 'a** 1 rmming to to* alt tot In* of to* **i«fc- < ’ bun tto* for,to ft ctoa** to U*ftl' ' ftWt 0f ttoi Hto* tto aialto* to* pm. m ia*to *o fa* i tel Ito rwfttol** of •*• 1 tiaarr artto<* **r* to »«. #*k*rf. to't ! •«* 4af* an** tto Phytolftft afrtato Mm Mart at, 4 Ito *a lucnn ntncuiT The Hoatoa KnalH Traaarrlpl. one ■ (jf the ahtaat and heat of The Hamht * • *( hail arm ha* had another tapor-the eireptlon which prove* the rale of It* eit ellcaca —IP a raeapl dlaru**toa la 1 Ha eolanre* of a monograph entitled Ought the Jadlriary of lltot' haol t# i to be elective?” The Traaarript aaya: “In Oeoraia. Rhode Dined. South Carolina, Vermont and \ irgmla the j Judgre have been elected by the lep* I lelatore*. though Georgia ha* now *■> | far yielded lo Popullatlr sentiment a* ! to change her ayatem to elerttoo by | popular vole, an evident retrogrea- Isaving aelde the latter proposition, with the atalement that Jla**aehu*ett* j and Dataware appoint their Judgve lo hold oSra during good behavior, while In Ihtry-two »tai*e of the I'ulon the people direct appoint them, we wilt elate that the "Popullatlr aenilmenl" In otir recent election had nothing whatever to do with the vote for th* eoratitutlonal amendment. The queatloo baa l>«.en agitated per- I cnntully aud a*. according to the au thority of one of the leading Pupuliet i paper* of the*tate.tlielrrau*e ha* alow ly but *urely losing ground. It would appear to tie that thi* tiueatlon of di rect election of the Judiciary by the [ people of the elate of Georgia was ar- I rompllthed by good Dntboerntlc vote*. The fart that In New York the Ju- I (lldary ha* been dragged Into the xllrat. the paaaiou and the trick* of a I polltiml campaign and the har and l>ench. which should both lx* free front I the questionable expedients of I strife atul the fettering obligation* or I political success, the spill Into war i ring factions Is unfortunately true. ; hut thi* condition of affairs In the Empire state is wholly foreign to the question at Issue, Judge Speer’* Speech. Judge Speer, introduced as the speaker for the South who had ridden behind "Old Joe Wheeler" In his Con federate Cavalry Raids, made a speech characteristic of the Southern orato:. It might have been pedantic had it not been so full of humun sympathy. It iniglu have been too long had not tits wit tuid oratory made it too short. As a speech it was the cap-stoue of the whole oratorical structure and as such the vast audience guve it a thun derous Indorsement which only “Dixie,” with its tire and spirit, could overtop Hut "Dixie" did it am* while the band played the house rose to its feet und shouted a* seldom audience* are heard to about north of Mason and Dixon » line—Chic ago Record, Oct ». Sir Thomas Upton's latest goheme for furnishing meals to the millions 1 for a very small sum is stilt being j criticised by the small tradesmen in i London. (MtotMi mMMWMMHi 1 iMM*«Mto'«iMiiMi tit tOA m «*■ m Mm ho Ormlo *4 Mm fM##*-%!*<■ Hit •o. , g|p*|i fg AtoHNWlWto toMgO‘ 4 HNOgMMH MK**l tggHK gRoH M*gH*' iHtotik A*iM«w* |MgMH gN % ;|tt ggng tMPtofc* lOg Ogm *4 ******* gmyiirigiTi Mm ho *Hog ! gOwOloK» #O9 go 10*0# 111 #*g*OK urn lim It tm* «m miogo : MMOfHt fteggOH #'*% gSttoINNMO 9HNO I gOggMgoo imm* gH g* ~o^ CiMOIgA* HMOgHM-Mgl loigg HO • OOtoO |K * gt# s Ust#-* ♦-* * *«*toiwOtoO Ototo •• » Igm Hg gg- HMOgHHO* tm #*gOO g* ! I OgMl gO'gtoif lg Igp* Hitg WHO fPHHOPHwH l #PO* lOg-110 fPOHH *o*' T’wmm * mmm O * TWgiO# OH MP* ' figMOOf g*mi m HHoMgOH moogom I fNHMROu OOOi o® oggoo *o o “-**to* p OgHH" go*o*o * * o®‘"o* , w : logo ngogglti' *MI tf»ol I got* #1 MOO*' POMMIOH *gO pr'MpfwP* 1 *,«« i# MoUmo fgm'Ygt >Hfg|oP fl* iHo Op*l oiPHHto * EwtoO HO* ' «mMmgi gt tm Mo#*** torn homo to rl _ t | of | Op vOMMOtHg tto OtoPO got Moon ioh «gg»»t m to to • apogMigl OH gt#Oo (HMO »OiggHOO of tOo tOggO ##4 gggg# f ingggii tgtoto #| lOh fUmmatO flgoggoog IN I I Ohio #•* na» ia ah •*• ito to i*M pa ito* •Mt* ft* >ai*l*al,4 i*i** Pftft*****'*-' aai** to Pi tort totok tto* •*• * to aM* to atoH tto ta*P ***ato* a*4 tftai ito tea tor,***!* *i<**tt** *to gai I* a—l 4 Mi ito lalaa,* to ••• I* TPto Mto a awtoaft **Mt *to» t fcto aatwpaa* M*kla *• * tW •!•**» tea topn Mb »*ftp4» *** 1 taa to tall M» t**4** »«a 4m* mmm ito j [ r,tw pmiiM* a* pN*»iay *pto *• I >a,b tto tpwaft> Uto* •*** *to !»*• nwnlaf* tot Mb taaa Mt sm> <*• tat* IM laata arHb tto *»•** amr*,tin*, #pa*4 Ibai II —irto ■*» ataay. *a* ito •ilttor Ma*aa alto to**aa*l. **«*P ta» tto fta**tto «*Mia**» to fttoftta* tot •' m>4at«bt Mai arte* I r—rto4 P UP a* ; W*4ft**4ay taarata*. I -Tto toy tota *toi ato 4artt *4 tap: I|i ratato ato ito »t*4. ••»* wmrr." ila* 1 Itor* • HUS* to** 'to '■•a j that *ay*i Tto null ar«a ftato t* tto *b*H*f• Ml mil. ! Wblt* tto tow* a*4 fttwtWT to««ft to tall. Tto aft*nboo« **tnut ptolrtad *ao*. M I barrtat amtb tatora fnmi »«* I ito *<*•! I bto to f**r H*t in HI latiii Ito ytorm* ra*K* ato tto »t*M rtfarrtoart *bll* tto bi«b*» lailiato* war* awallart la »ao*. I bav* Minn to w«md*r If pvarytblnc bn|t**tin two ml.r. from town At Atolryvlll*. Ky. tb*T told m* that Jnmr Jam** wan a aatl»* ctf l*>«»n rottaty. Hr waa born out tter* •"*» ml)** from tn*n In anottor rttiw- I tion occurred tba f*n>uu» Jaa baoo | tilcklnnon rtu*l. In which old Andy ktll*d bln man. It occurred Jual two mil** from town. Hocamvlll*. nl lb* otbar border of lh* *ia»*. t* equally hlalork- *aound It wan In Ibt* locality that l.lncoln wa» born Th* ItUla farm on which h* ftrat ttaw th* ll«ht It Pill ytandln* two mil** from town. Th* It* cab in mt removed to make an e«pow|tton i holiday „ . But the flourtihlnit achool of I»rof. J. C. Plrtl* Inn't two mil** from town If, right In town, and a nob!* work he I, doing In elevating the moral and Intellectual atantlard of the rommunt- IP- Long may h* wav*. It would b* lmpo**ll*le to a** tx>uln ylll* under more delightful auuplce* than a* the gu*»la of th* M***r». Caldwell of the Southern l.yc*um Bn runll They are hull fellow with the l>eat there M. Col. Watteruon waa wa ter-logged In a little town In the weat, but hIK *iaff lent two of It* brlghtert member*, and there wa* a flow of eon I like the emltten rock of Horeb. Atlanta will ho surprised to learn that she la not in the stale of Oeorgia. But 1 asked a bright and attractive young woman, whose name I am under bond not to reveal. If she had ever been to Georgia She said no, she bad never been further south than Atlan ta. Then the wicked wag winked and opined. "Capital Joke, that." CHARLES J. BAYNE. Some extraordinary catches of sal mon have recently been reported at Berwick this fall. At Yarrow, one of the Tweed fisheries, over two hun dred salmon were got In the morning tide. In France It is a punishable offense for any one to give infants under t year any form of solid food, unless such be ordered by written prescrip tion, signed by a legally qualified med ical man. Russia Is golryt to abolish the diffi culties of navigation at the month'or the Volga b>> cutting n canal directly (rotu the river to the Caspian sea TVorK on It began this summer - I, --i i - - bP A single stoue one hundred and fif teen feet loug ten leet square at one end and fiuu set square at the other, has been successfully cut from the I sandstone quarries at Houghton Point. I Wis. TBK -A.TJOT7ST.A. fUDTCP.Lr> t Ml! OHSttKt I K AIKHI TOWN g>i" gt‘H«| 4ggffe>& gt Mg %##ggH g#pg | *» * HHH Ingl# J Kg Mg *g« ppt# i»#.4 0$ ggHMMfe# |tg g|Mgg gI flg |NN» ♦ *#% *pgHH #%<#> MNHHgppg * j## Mg Mg» l#g 4ggg(|gg Ml 00m gn«igH*<- ggl «Hgg-« HMMHiIH Ml ggHHi ♦ |N* Mgggg gg»H I i fkapafe gb«i« It ##MM# Mg gg %H*4 |# i gnj *%* 9wg # gMHgg Mm • glggA Klpitl i.g 11#. |g# (MgNIgHHgH #ngK Kill gfciij 000% 4H gw ggg MHH ggNNRgH i#HMHt Mg| u - %pMp Amp t ggi HH**-- #*#>* | ##g i#pg | #»*•» tig' " tMgg # HMHIH gH# t v PMMt v#lb# ggigg - to# 9000 * 900 : gg ggM* Ml g»gg» ggft 90 gfHggl >3nrr (i ’ Ml rrrg mm «gH «*gg #g#glg 00 00000 9000 ggg 0 MgM **ooo- HHg* 00 i# 0m tmmwmu** mp 00*0*000* gpgggggi gs |gg iggag 9* IMH SOOOO. to wqpi to »to >** m Mato taw*** **aii* bay ato tam*». Mm to tto taatotaAfttoNp P tto to • Task ywitoMßMl • toto Ttodbto *to K**»w» Owmta *** iNgggtiNNl Mg IM* of*% i 4 MtgfliiHgl iMh « gMH pgttH **# pgM'ig iggMH. J*Mg Tlggg- Ml s**soo ***** *OO 0 9*0% *9o*9 01 9k TM# giIHHV Hgf • Mi m 5 * gig *0 000 90*' tig ggHflAg# IwgMk TM* MMg A M MMNI HHg MR. mmm§ 90 SOO f|g Mg 00 9m *so,ooo V|MM» #f# 7,000 |Pl4»*ta«|i># tg tig IlfHgftt g‘#9 7t00% 00009 00 g|ggg m »pIH g# **so ftg Imi*'» fgng t«init #g4 *4O0 tg f gNggtl 90900* *0 f *O9 Si * 9000*0% Ylgg Mt s4soof guntcg 9000009 k. Hgd.g #f whk*% MMili 900*0*0$ 0 gUWNI KM 0 g—itHU H If gif »,g*g gs tig o*o* wg ftM f|g 9w*ooWo 0* tig fcgg toethtaeh *awta to to**** • »*•» It pn* ftp t**w*ta toweto dpMtUM *■ tto ***** us cft*hilito tatoy to to*** w* •Ml##! t*rso<ms> Tm* t|g pfggrWfgf of g tPOHt Ififfgg, lllg Mil $0900900 90* riwpftc ito cwkifitotlftft to ito > i *P*a fund went pota A4ttofttah*4 by Ito rotate— of Mt wrday, «h* ftaterv—% ftr'yfct frt,w4 bough' • tel* «»f toft** wtftt— Pur, mMI y—i—toy .tattoA Iftto tto o*l •tod m 4 A«h*«> ta Ito Awwtoy tota W* ft** *ll dote ototr**** *wd com ment wy* wwid* uft tto ***** thick***, of tto wta of tto ,*e» shoe* Tm* «*id tto w—r*r. *ttoy *** • llttta thick, but ttot'y tto —l* oh|—* tto* l"T* *at la Item.” WtoCMMM. and after Ito a•«>»*** had suteodc I th* very brifbt friend iw—rknl •Welt, old man If yon ha** *o fttrtb t fault to Snd with them I think after you tor* worn (beta a llttl* white the objactiua will crwdually »—r away,” After IP had Aully araaped th* Id— wa adjourned to tto amalt room In th* rear Bald os* of tba boya at tto Foatal Trle*rapti lonur ycurday "Thla war Mi la a autaani* It wor rl— u* half to Path. Not on* paraon to tan ramemhara to atamy a in—aan*, and all day !o*« our regular cn»toro,r» a*nd them in that way by porters and ofllca Ixtyi. Wa don't want to loaa the boaln—a. so w* aimply make a memor andum and collect —eh mornlnc Here a a hunch of tbirfy dtffrrenl allpa which mean* thirty different paonte to a** for amount* nmnlnir from no* to * rto*rn rents. When # palm* I* call'd upon the rhanee* are that he hasn't the odd chance and Is annoyed at be ing P«t to so much trouble Th* col lection doesn't r—lly pay for lt»*lf. hut the company can't well naautne the tax, m It would then hav* to do so for everybody and the *un» total Iml large enough to Justify opening hooks fur current account*. So It resolr— Itself Into a nuisance pur* and simple. I'm tn favor of peace hereafter.” 1 waa out near the Georgia freight office a ilay or two ago and had a fel low pointed out to me who la on a new lay. He didn't have the external appear ances us the genua hum. but was fair ly well dressed and appearing. Bald a frleud: "His dodge Is a novel oue. and la catching lots of suckrra because it Is bo simple ami costa bo little that no body can well refuse him. "He come* In the office and asks the fellow at the desk for the loan of a two cent postage stamp, remarking that be is writing home and does not happen to have a stamp about him. He leave* on* office and goes light in to another apd gives them the same song. 1 gut onto him and coucluded he was writing altogether too many letters home. Well, one of the boys watched him the other day and found that after a little time put tn collect ing stamps he would drop into a saloon and trade hi* stomps for beer. That Is how he wins his drinks." There is an element of conceit In every man s self condemnation.—Phil ips Brooks. ' SOMETHING MONEY CAN’T BUY SPACE WHICH BELONGS TO READERS OF THE SUNDAY HERALD. ««••: Mg— or I iMHNgMH Hti Aumrif $$ 0000$ 9**ss 9ss- gnu®, I %0% 9000 900 Up**'""(Mg 90 9m 9m 00000%. I f feg 9*oooooo 0t 000 9mo*o 0 oioooomo*so* 9* v*'** o*m ■$ *%■■* : I Ww%otm $090»0 *0 lilißN't 9*o* HWMI mu ftm* fa*b t ima pah *•#■### s9oo*mi f % 000 09*0900*0*$ *OO omrno 9%05%0* *9* \ g *■»'»' 9*o*oo IgKH o*sm**o 9ssmm , 9* * *** 0.000 #♦*-♦' 00mn00m HP sw^^m T9m INgnwi f%m*Ko9ms**9* *9 INi *** 90* j Ml 9*009 •***•» *H4gr, I t%H I %t*oo 9**stom *oooo*o*o*o 9* **% l #f# sso9 00*00 SO9 IgH * V#iHNlf ta**#** ’•‘Ttgi.# $9 gfc# MMiHgp * 9* 9*90 ***** | ’9O %9ss 99*9$*** SO9 glfglMM# H IMCpHH smsoss o fott N»h Ywfik 99m* >%msmsooi-smrn 9**m omos'9smo # f#HHgHl# ofss 10000*90 90 09$$$$ Tto fftea* IkU'Ml Masta ta tdtaimw. • €9 . Kmr ■ ft# gMMNK, • s## **» ####•* A M.w to— at a—"ik»* totted to* j f m >*i fl f * fkJiTft • gift Kg# *9O *OO9 m ' tto teUpt— • s*. testa !»*—. *y‘a •<•>-* ta •*—€ Aarvtttebk,a ( <TUM a*d Anr—ttte to— ftgswsid «* ■ asiws—l ta tto to—taary g—inn j by artStniba. tto bate ta Ito tssstaoa *— taj HfitlAitii I Inf —tattoos ktaw—at tortti— and K*dgtns>4. All l«*r— ta bsriklaw Jtav* test tto I tell—t wb» was Injected with tto tsu- j twsl* Ml hi* brain. Tto— la a btg ftaftt »* twtwaew N*w Task and Cbt—go <*«aintt*t# to dig tto Nlinrngwas canal. Tto Matton'a Ikty waa th* Itowt* ta the Pr—ldeal la to* W—t—w •—-< b— from tto car plats rms. Kerry mall fr— tto railed Mat— betas* application* fur pallfcwi «• tto p«tl< * f— ta Santiago. A Tbrooto mother atrnngted tor the— child—n la a*« «f t*Ugtote f—nay. aradtng them to tesvM." Harold r—dertch ronarntrd to - , rrtve tto mlnlstratlona of tto Cbriatlan j Mclrnttata In hte —nt llln—a. , The —rent —port of th* mint direc tor shows that th* yteld of stiver for; Its; waa the greatest ever known. Judging from th* I*—«d*nf* sp—ch the war with Spain may h* •ontlnued —ls n«4d be—until humanity a enda a— met. Holdler*' autosrapha a— being collec l*d to h* lncorp«'rated in n t—tlmonlal allKjm Ur be preaenh-d to Mlaa Helen Uoatd. Representative Halley of Texas, who was Invited to make some campaign speech In New York, has now been nak ftl not to com#. The Wall street l.rokera. Bell A do., offer a i<et of IM.otxt on Van Wyck.; which was quickly covered on Saturday ; by Roosevett'a bui ker*. Modjcska'a physician stand* In the »tas<' wing* of the thcat— each night, when she is siting In Chicago. In an ticipation of n collapae. It Is announced that Prentdent Mc- Kinley will —commend the creation of the Department of the Colonies, with a proper cabinet miulster. The Inhabitant* or a touae la South port, Me., have been driven out by a pest of solders, thoutmnds of the In serts crawling everywhere. Another View. St. Joseph Herald. No one can say that President Mc- Kinley's speeches smell of the encyclo pedia There is a freshness, a vigor and an originality about them that make* them attractive. Troubles of a Kaiser. Denver Republican. Emperor William's Journey Is not to be all Joy. When he tries to remem ber In which of his one hundred and ten ttunks he put his toothbrush there will be trouble. May Hay Have to Extend the Time. Detroit Journal. It looks as If Mr. Manambaker would he unable to tell all his troubles the time the election arrives. Ought to Take Treatment. N. Y. World. Genera! Benjamin Harrison of Indi ana gracefully declines to run for ■Governor of New York. The hen that sit? on a china egg is better off. LAWNGRASS! mgmm ',c.r tetaMnar ->m ■*■ tr- -’"w - JI s9*9 IhA M.atwo* $9 09499*9 #*# Immos9mo o****** tor Ltatertaft #»*«*»,->.I tfjjf Wtal OtaK, L*99U9> kfgfW d ffgrtiH kitvH tidPptoa tfbte Allklttate, » "**<• t«ta«ft tesiMft (Mi wa may ffi'tlta* tot mmvmtm> k*** * AftaS town# of ito ft#*** Uwft* hi m» C*t)f W**t to*f tntmf to hi toduty ons #wr*H****|f» U. A. ( Drufi**l, 6ij llrowf Slrctl THIS IS IT rata*™ 1 MtaNta' M FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS AND ALPINES ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Arrived. DORRS Tiilorini;, Hats. Fumohmfj. To Pttroiu Alt lander Druf Co Tto B—d IteMtMtert havtftg bmn rsmita n a owr aw*. tewslig my wtekuastau- Wnitoa will be g 1 w a b* th* fne snipMt snd Drug busmsss Non* bat th- rbuktsl amt pi.nwt I AIMS <*|t#- tßiDib #r« btglWH l*»t wwms but 0f l*nms wut 14# rigrrt|4lo»« M# «M- ftt mrt «i Bt>* Mg>9 or mj t*t »#n#l **rs\eo P. C. I>T«i*S. Hoi Choco'.Ate and other Hoi Drink* at our F'.untata. Oir Belle Uzzeite Coio^ie This daltfb'tal and rsfi—hmg Coiugn* i* th* ravont* tu the city, ho* ot (or Una I'triuns* and Toilet nritcias. Waxed Floors Wa ha— th* boat prsparwl Wax r»d brtwhva for doing it. Full dtrerilona. Prevents Fever Tonic doa-a. night and mate lug of our Huck-t'reek t'hdi and Kcvcr t'u—. will prnvent f*vcr and incraaae appetite. 60c bottia. Trusses If you at* rnptnifd call on n*. A comfortable lit guaranteed. AlPiscder Drii Conpai? TM BROAD BT. t T PPEU GREENE STREET Friday and Saturday, October -5 & 29, Each Night at 8. PROF". (SENTRY, the Foremoat Ani mal Trainer of the World, and hia TAL ENTED ANIMALS tn a brand-new Performance. Better than ever this season and Ui hia 12th year. DOGS AND PONIES That do everything except talk, per form feata never before attempted by any other show. Positively the moat amusing and Instructive exhibition that travels under canvas. Admission — Children, l. r >c.; udults 25c. lE’.A.TIROZISrXZIEI ‘■The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Sth Street OCTOBER 24 Tbe Aipsta Herald aim. Briitw iri He B:U ltiip>tf hiMtt a Tin icria rmnurn xtw# rut Ktvi or th* Moftuj Wtttut IT t» a 99% ts TO t« RorKJ A READ O# OTHFR aotblA AND •Ol Of CAfcOLISA rAPKIUL mu m comniCE tw PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 509 7lk St, Atgtstt. Or •tvfs nut nrt rt*ts pw *n mm «* •agin, #*»•»<*• pfMup—■ »tiiwi mm* W UU WkWT* iJmci cal min ytmt Grew** whtk yvm tad* FREE OF CKARUE —og»i* tkt * COAL and WOOD PBUM THE Kortli AngosU Coal A Supply Co IpaiiWy and Umiity Uotnoierg F. W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT bail ’Thun* lt d Mo »g*i Mb Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Riciiarfls & Slater, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COM MISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reyiolds St—-Telennone t Sfew.n’ lrlvate X*»««<S Wire* I'iiect to New York Chicago and New Orleana. Order* executed over our wire* tar Colton, Stock*. Bond*. Grain and Pro. visions for cash or an margin*. Local securities bought and sold. Referencee —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agenclea. Monev to Loan ON 1 REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 532 Broad Street.