The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 24, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 MONDAY COAL-COAL-COAL WYWH ¥■ AMU trTV AM t*T At Mfl M Ons A4ft JmWcm o***t J*m*m * ».. ... _. m aau ( *u,,t AfMfMMCMM P#g »*>€* #g# Pfcgft* f|> |-~ • • •*» Wwn« I CITY ICE COMPANY. fMMfcf ft*-4 **•« Ifci i>4 «ft iiiftftl 9944*4 WBTW444 yaMf 444444449 m nm ** * ill 4p* ■ PfcMtfl 9099900$ tfXflw ** •* MMI IhW IMMH9 mi «• I* 4MMO Pm 04499999 *• »v «••••# » » I* i MMit fiifit avu «wwr*t §4# ft gpfrtftfraUfc 11 -*& '*♦#» « If ■■■L VMPHI M IV €%>»»#• |Mf 9MMPMn , •* 490*0$ • •** +m*y / ** n M >*»»»*» * <r 9040 M *## • * •** !%#•. ■*» ftwo494* ip-miMI * 4 I*4*4 I # . fsnwram m *4##m . ~ >, A*a ftam ■« #»•* * .. ••» »«»»■< tna l*Wi r#M ~. It M»« A tkrh.4 p*m»4i»* (man# » m ... ***9t kBrIMMI .. M **•'• a Mp*>. «l«ii»i «.*•#•«.*• *#•*• K>M «rtM .. . w i )t . urt nocK mat r i lM«n 4**4l. samara* ,« a*.- • I Msmv* Bra#t *••'•#» M•■ ■ ■ gMvra-n. mmm to #*Trg » A t»*I»-’» awraff* «»M ~ n>—>« •»<«•* rant •• a- ■• tHhMNrii .**■ *mi !•■* ftMl , ** ,< ** to’?* «> ,# Jf * *•* *** |s#t .* Uni mm • *M*fl*# « am*- TH n<4 Braraa »* *j* •* «•_ !••’ •* Pr S < IM* «• »•• IK *•**■ •■ * Mill* a #•**► IM* *••«• ... *• s * fl It, f«m iMHMf *4099. P P.« K* <fi I . *•«%»«•, »•* In# O O r** D A. iktw kMi nji n A i» *♦<* . A A. Ml *•■*•*» MiiP t>* » OOorm Mr>-• » **>■*•***• oM Am imga •NMtAI *0 *»«••« »M Awwi* lit ah**»m* . . * M <kf%a« i#vli ■» 111 V M ifcil* ~ I .» .. ■ .i ■••• ♦ l>r«i»t*i**•* ♦*! W H I ® J»*n P KHM MUM MkiHAi .. f W |||M P. Km* m •■»** * € ',. .. II I •roou AI.M cvfii»*in h* r<* »• a*a » ONtMwIH. A >A A AM P* “ ■AKAOMiMO* MIWItAr —»- jriiA >*. MI. mil OTOaAM. tra.f A in# Mo. » «Ah- .. .. • »-* (Trail A It* *»«"0, **• M«M* . •••'*! Alfin- B*A ♦ < ■ »* - ** I'! ’ prM* A It* WA « I** I*. Klnc T-* K M AMttMC .. I * « Jn-. P Km* ♦-« A A »A**'. o« .. ♦I * ‘Vi »* KM%t. *Mnr»t . 4 1*» J M . p. Kin* M Inch t*|w»i •» M ■ m rm**r*~ ’ m* 5 Am»ri'*n *l«lrHn*» «*•« * I- 4 MATrlmnrk aklrllM*. Hx** .. .. .. I * «, Cltriir Oank 4raw •lyM« A*A .. I 1-1 : W**bln*i‘>n Oil* itoncrl • Allan • «*k»c»> * *‘ 4 •iBItwA * *-* P»«»l«* •• " - •* - * CoklM kpool Ml** P 1 **, . An«rtrtn li4lf» Wimm, •• •« J Hl*.lt Oil* »»«IMi> Mill I ABMrti An |prtl«t> blu*» *«»H. •• •• ‘ Int»fn»ii ’ilMf l '»tg* 4 **l *■ •* J I Allan » •#•* • •»• •• •• * Allan » ijiloW* KIN * India M«* •• •* •• *** India Mu* • JBui»*lan» * M**l ■• , . . Marika Wa*kkn*ton M*A * *-* Oarnrr'* radiant* «*•« J Ckartar Oaka. * *** TICKS. Han.pahlr* .. * }'* AAiuikctC A C A .... * Amoakrac A 1 . A»«*k*«* C .1 .. •• •* RtciWiKiiy * l-LAtn HOMICSPUKf. City Mill* •• * J** Kour yaid, *<>«l « ‘" ol » .it! i chlrllnpa t**W * J * , Loii, dr*»a alllA Arf’ * *’* SI. Clair dra*» 'fTWH'." * , Ocean aollda .. ••>•# *• fr' I '”' . Martial Wa*»iln*«MAftii#iAA. .. * ■!-« j JdlttaUanaoua Manila, linkl ** l-lai* '•-! laaaita S yard* plain * * * 1 TbormUka U .. ® Hercules t'-y f* • • *' 4 Am ilkMI »•• Hil l' |, , * * * Pelham « Mil H« «»* 16 I !•• UI., 30 hall* to b'ix 1* ! l: ti. P.. 20 lailla to 111 1* 1-2 Musccci*. II .. . S 1-2 *? tack t i-2 yd. pMm% k’V Slmtiion *lik hnlshYuulTP paclße mournlmrs StxSl 4 *'- China silk* o<x64 4 1-4 MldUleford .. .. * tsiaier «4xS4 jj I_ - Cancord, »Sx*o •• ..... 3 1-4 Itome 30x40 .. 3 t-4 * s ** 2 p'lfth Avenue 3 1-4 KBARSET‘B. Heavy Columbia, uewvy Kearaey 8 1-4 Kincaid and others 8 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTEK. Lime 701,85 Hosendale cemant *1 4S Portland cement 12.75 to 3 Wiulsville cement In paper sacka ..SI.OO plaster In bbls $1.75 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per doi 13.00 , Painted buckets, per do* sl.lO • HUB cedar pails, per dox .. .. 11.75 | 3HBB cedar pails, per dot .. .. $2 00 Tubs painted, per nest $1 15 Rope, Manila, per pound 9 1-2 | Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcalle Nails, wire.. - •• «v •• ••.■* l ; 7s L !’ ll>e Nails, cut 1 - - • «- 43 . ’, asc ‘ Fhovels. Ames, per dot .. .. lllalll v Shovels, diamond, per dot .. .. Ji.w Shovels, riveted back, per dot. *4. io Plow blades •• - 8 1 ‘- a f^‘ Hamee, red top, per dot *- -5 TMft ll*t ODAOSI OP COAL | As fll|; IOH PVKP* . ' tl»frrrm pmo |ig| mmA. sm* Am# m t |i IB **** #Ni m mm IUI i fbMl WMI' |a*t 1% m* m m m **m § I t I Unpeg m*mk I m iM# mmm m• • \ MnP» «%*«• fnp tfno m i* ® ’l<ummaAm4* fm fb *# •• m ** AM rtutrp Amp sos f* VMI M tbgnMi #i# Nm* 9*o 90 00 m %* PAp® M I MniMMf (HMMI fig (t 900 OHOO «• *a 090 Pm* wai, t»p m****™****—*** t iipipm hHi am 4m , n « M b P A*m MMI i ik | SO9 4m m m m PP |mm miM 4 $m 4m •«#«* *1 'Am** torn jiiiiif, $m jV«4 *ammhhm. i rt wiMmail fnp m *,♦, #9 {l4r*p*m #am m % tJg i ( P 4 % I M 909 AT® VMMfft* i ppammMPma 4*mpo a#A %*mpAa f «#%*«% ini I*9 ApAMI tVi I MMgatp. M API»A (t% tam . ff -|r «m{ ■ IpOWW*4 i V-S"A. Ml - 4# »« a* tH *M ■ ■ « l-fa i«a» »«*«•« M i | f% ?,:# *A ,4 .. M % f % A»4 f 8 - •* M * lii in cf9s *%-9r im, ,«■** fit til* , . M %„ it# # » # A«aAA*Mi v# IM M 4. M HA ... A•*«*** 4 If'*, IM « |M| .., ApaAAla f'A VOOO «. H# ... AitiiH* 4a Ml «*•••«•* IH ttt A' '■•AM* Y%„ IMA *».♦*•.* I4i m* A • l#M* * 4a IMV #• *» •* •« •« Hi .; iA* »«■•* 4 I - Y'g, MSI •■* •• •• »4 M *. * AIM flit a #"• Hf r fig . N*rtn» U W» *• M •* HI •*. > 0099 4UMH1 ll 4 A tili •••••••• Ml *»• n&m* $% mt . *. m im ... | fV(|»ni*T AA Va fHA * m m 4MI ... i am* Mm 4 tflfT a . Mi ... Mt*Al 4 lr« H 94 ...... IM a*. j 4A* Hit .« •• «• .. 11l *.* *i\4 i—lii 9••■ Pa •i•••• ** ■> ••• I tTxrtnii r«, IM M * - Oi «M RAILROAD ROKM • leorgla R R A Ml Oo fR IM| !U ... Omrit* It. M. A fUta Cm. « • na im H . | i*hortou», CnlWiM* A Au twt-m. M I*o. IM M ... ! (RnrMlt OnßimMa A Aa cmn* M r.. Iff* .. II? ... ! Auauo'o Mo R R *•». MM M C. H R. Hor.kin* CM. Cull*t- Hal Tnw I'o. IM? ..... M M Wnollwra Roll*or I». IMt . M M. Central of floor*to Railway, tat i*wool Mart, ft, IM .... M M C of a. lo> prof lo » M Cotatrol of (Voorgla Rollwor. M P« • f m< < moo. IMt ..... II It IC. of O Im prof la It* .... I I tl. P A r.. IM *. »a. It* .. I« I*7 800 til tlr IfM 004 run Ido id r». im .. im IFoutk llfW|M ood Florida Id ft, l«M IM ... (mt ft'anokip Cm., lot i'o ; id Tm. IM lot ... factort bond* Katrrprtao Mlg Cm,, lat Cm. IMt IM At May Ufg Cm., lot Co. IMt . IM Hlbloy mg Co., lot Cm. 1M« . IM Oa 11. H t II Co. Olork .. It? IM Knulhwoolrrn K. R. Htwk .. M IM Aupu.ta anil Pavonnok otock . I* IM UKAIN AND PROVISIONS. Data, whtta. oorkrd 11 Oata. mixed. oacked It Cora. whit*. Mrkod .. M Cora, mixed ..' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. tl Meal, boliod, par buokol .tHy Flour, common I M Flour, sum y ntrt .. .. .. .. .. 1.71 Flour, occotill potent •• .. t.M Flour, atandord patent .. .. ~ t 25 Flour, fancy patent .. .. .. .. .. t.Tt Wheat bran. 100-lb oacka M Fine Irnl, 100-lb Miki * M Tlay -tiatlve. per ton II.(X> Hoy—Timothy, per ton 13 oo Hoy—choice, per ton .. .. •• It.oo llunio- -choice eu*er cured .. .. lOutH, Smoked rib oldek .. .. .. t dry anil tlbo .. .... t Lard, pure leaf. In tlercee 5%i Hard, Kettle, rendered in tierce*, t 1-t HIKE SPORI Will He the Leading Event of Char leston's tlala Week. Char leu. on, S. C.. Oct. 2l.—The hi cycle races next Thursday and Friday iviil be the leading event of the fall festival amiiaenienla and the energetic commute la sparing neoher pains nor expense to make the races all that they should he. Advice* have been received that Charleston will b visited by many crack riders from all sections of thn country and the sport poroisred will be genuine. Augusta will be well represented Several of the wheelmen who said they I could not go have decided to go down | and take off a prise or two. FAST THROUGH FREIGHT. Has Been Put on the South Carolina and (Icorgla. The South Carolina and Georgia has pul on a fast through freight leaving Charleston at 5:30 p. m., making con nection in Augusta with through | freight for New Orleans and the Southwest end at Columbia with the j Southern for the North. Tragedy at Lexington. 1 Lexington, K.v.* Oct. 22.—1 n his stu jdio on Main street, here tills afternoon, K. W. Singleton, the well known pho tographer. was shot and mortally j wounded by Major Thomas J. Carson, the horse breeder. The trouble occurred over a photograph of Miss Mary Wav field! » niece of Major Carson. ,Un young lady objecting to its exhibition, in a window. Major Carson married a Miss War field in Natchez. Miss., and Is one of the host known thoroughbred horse men in the South. TH® Jk.OXJBTJk. HERAT-D lift 9Hf4l* HVUH9A ' Mt Mm 4M Mag * Attaai M ! «** [ ** r, * r * # _ * fcanirflipiii-- 1 In IQmitpAi •# In** APfl A tPAgA' j l t-iirfi •n r #*m4 «* ttA Imp | |Mjf am* • * niii I SO4 pmaa In * *009409 H * * tmrnm | fMIIM 4MMI itM MiM MA MAN TTTT |AAP«4 | j fc* «aA nb»** aamrp tit a #t t At* | .. f-. jiia * m* tIMII A uwi* r **f I A** j r' ,M JJ »innirtifi -a! £l* AT A PtAMMri «M tHMAMp It M j «HAM (A MM *t*r*n ffAA tH*t 99mm | Aavp %am*m4 M 4* mtraaPm mi Hml IsHff M IM AAP «f fMM »M MAIMA? - 1 In* *e*M« #•*«■«». *M II h *1 «»rk »| HtAP AP i At# tAAt 994 AAvr v«*4«ir«4 aasf j I mmmar n«tnlr le 4il»thw M»4» of ! |«ai }«»r» aiml VArjrlfM *4 fWf fcl | I for * «rut mam I lAUvA w# aiUM hat* a Atarg Ia ft 999 9mst am 4 Hapa aj * «M a fpwil (MAMf W4# tA» Hwt | ■ impAnr TA«»i Alt A a tfAflMdf tonic' iifirr of tnlr» A AittA*A. •» ■null pt. the nwnadlen nK Ik* Isettne. 1, keep* the heart mwt bvl ** nil know there In .Hn4*nn«ie refreshment fm hath mind and hanrt In nn ««•• ■tonal eWntb nmoit* th* ntdatnn pnmp* „r th* tntatlarlnnl aaow-anmmita hunt by Miakenpenre and thm other. Do I went to be prane*»H»* ? It » nnl of my line I only do It haranaa th* reet «d the elorry •**«• lo he on n we*- tlon —Th* forum Fra* Mil* MM your address to H. E Burklan k t\i , Chicago, and gat a fra* sample ha* as Dr. Kings Maw Ufa Pills A trial mill ronvtnm you of Ibatr mania Than# pill* arv *a»y In action and ar* particularly affarltva In lb* curs of Constipation and *l< b Haadai ba For Malaria and IJwr TronMa* they have town lmprov*d Invnluald*. They are guaranteed t«i h* perfectly fra* from .vary daletartou. aubalaxtc* and t« ha imraly v.gatabla. They do not waakan by their action, hut hy giving ton* to the atomacb and bowel* greatly Invig orate the syatem. Regular at** 26c. per but Sold by Howard 4 Wlllet. drug gists. POLITICAL ASSLSSMENTS. The Civil Service Commission Trying to Slop Them. Washington, D. C.. Oct. 12. The civil service commission Is making a vigorous campaign against political **- sessmenta of federal officials and em ploye* In view of the approaching elec tions and In addition to Ita own circu lar has sought an order from the post office department to be followed l>y one from the treasury department, looking to Its full enforcement. Acting Postmaster General Heath has Issued an order calling attention to the commission'* circular and directing all postmasters to post "conspicuoukly and use every means to direct the at tention of their subordinates'* to It. The order sent uut by the commission is accompanied with a warning from the comtnisatai that its duty Is to en force the law strictly and that it will employ every legitimate and available means to secure the prosecution and punishment or whoever may violate it. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Slf ’ Signature of L^LafyXJ• Buried at £ea San Francisco, Oct. 22.—A1l the dead of the Janeiro were hurled ot sea. ex cept Ovdway, Flsoe and Shutter. The vessel was sent to quarantine this af ternoon, and upon examination by the quarantine officers the siek soldiers were transferred to the division hospi tal at the Presidio, where they were being eared for. Most of the Rio's pas sengers are Convalescent,and those who are detained at the hospital are near ly alt dying well and are out of dang -r. $60,000 Short. Lisbon, 0,, Oct. 23.—Tite National Bank Examiner has made only a par tial investigation of the affairs of .the ; First National Hank, hut he finds that I A. I. Childs, the absconding cashier, was $60,0000 short in hjs accounts. GOOD LOCK IAKING - IGWDEE It ih* ti* t 1 fo# mukifif llfltf h inrf <>f Idk* d, Hniftifft fttlMtt Of (MM* MoisH. fMituf uni*, item fit ,r%O ftikiWl tfMt niiWasi 0 ininiilgtfil how*#* mppmrm tti** tfkft f fwrttl n, Hi(b**f of aU tfi |Kit*Fti*f. Co*bWfi*l cftMUty tuHt ouftfility. MsnufsrtuHk) If The Southern Vfg. Co., RICHMOND. VA. —imr w—[— nnn——l #ft j iff At. I'*f *TIL T o Rent | *A> *9 I d*W**»«K»l*»«***M»*«"» ft km a** All mi i **» "u <• tim and $44 AftnNpi mml Hap 4i t-A* inM ftNMftii M «Aa *wf An a •«—i «f hum, *r m h«v any > .an T*» M*ans kd* *** 111 *M*I Mkt k pns* fwdL and I* way anwlkak Apply or Premia#* or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE mm < > •*• 9* «*k* vary *■ Iraki* MM <tg a* tarara* M <h* raw'-* as awa as Ik# I anft I ■ Mavh* M Mb «*y Wt* krt •mm way rkrap. JaM »ka *m Mr a CALL ON MRA JERRY O'HARA. NO. *«>7 <*«« •'•* »T*MT. For Rent •ft-Farm of Thirty acres just below city. Homes, Stores and Offices in all parts of the city. John W. Dickey 1 A t Library Kutldtag. Gilder’s Pills No Southern made Pill Is fO popular as Gilder’s. 4 It was born in the South. It was raised in the South. It has always been made in the South. It has cured more South ern Liver troubles than any other Southern Pill. Southerners should use it. Let Northern Pills cure Northern people. Tie Howard & Willet Dm2 Co* MAKE THEM. Fine Hoods—Low Prices. $1 t>re«s Shirt*, at T&o $1 L’tiiatendered Shirts, at 60c 56c Suspenders, at 230 29c Socks, at •• Idc. 50c Undershirts or Drawer*, at .. .. 25c 75e Extra Fine tj'untity, at 60c 11.25 All Wool Undershirt*, at .. 50c $.'.50 Umbrellas (silk) $125 Fine Stock of Woolen for Suits-- and Trousers. F. G MF.RTINS. Tailor end Gents' Furnisher, opposite Planters Hotel. EAGLE BAKING POWDER Saves you money. Makes high grade Bread. If you value your stomach don’t put a 10 cents a pound Baking Powder in it. If you value your pocket don’t buy a 50 cents a pound Powder. Eagle is 25 cents a pound. 25 tents is the correct price for a good Powder. Tie Howard & Willet Drag Company MAKE it. (AU tON Augusta Brewing Co t IXPOPT Mile ft Jk f J -a* ft BEI.LE OH* OEORO I A Our Draught Beer Has NoneJuperior. C4I.L ‘“W AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN. In any turns desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AMer&Joln Agsni. kaattMi Amtnmm Mongag* 4<Nh|MWT. 705 Broad St PORTNER’S HOFBRAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST AkK FOR THEM. a K. MITCHELL, ALEX McDONALD Supt. «i Con. s»c. 4 Usa. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclutoab StreaC Klactnc Suppii*-—-paakiug Tub**, at*., ate. R- pair, m all huMtical .pparatai Electric Light Wirlug b »p«cia!ty. Rsil'Wion* KM? - - -t mruwg.r «7d- An* vary LOW PRliT*. l-*rK" *"«-k. Also I-IPF. VAIVKS anrt KITTING*. tA !,ivr.s. BOII.KRB. »liv »««• RKI'AIK*. Lombard Iron Works jk Supply Uo., Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1899. Lv. Augusta ... 9:70 a. m. 5:21 p. m. Lv. Sandeisvllle . 1:1# p. m,| 9.09 p. m. Ar. Tennille .. .. 1:30 p.m.; 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.j Lv. Dublin ‘10:9« a. m Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|11:53 a. m. Lv Tennille. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersville. -5:25 a. ni.| 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta ... 9:00 a. m.j 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made (it Tennnil’e with Central R. R. for Macon, and with WrighUVille and Tennille R. H. for Dublin and Hawkinsville. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. AgU James IT. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands. - V'lt’i .iS 1 : ! Receivers, ««iUKi«ti mmammum Chwlmon t W Carolina . • . • *.«••*«*• »■••* • l*w mpmmm ft ***** any **k *•* ~ BBSAl*** ’" 11 " r ~ j mPiB 9 ArAwijft ppatmaamma mm- 999949 | #ftfliMpMfllißNlMMß'--xe*>x«H#MK 4.MM* ■--|AAM I # BwM^WMMVißhAftft*-*^»7 VfIWMMt ■ ' *mma m * tpnwwiis >*»* dftSft^jiiwßPr * to*tf***ft*v mmhhw fl-*'#*! H 4Mm Si-nAfPA I * fIpAAM (MP4ABA--i+** 4 •#•■* PMA * - 4M BhAriMWA #•*« »-**«►*♦* M.-Mma **•• *•* * ■>*•• nh*mi| gift * Pmpmmmm **«<**« **** ** I 9mphil - ■*♦•■***• * pWMMM4m* »*♦■*** tp* :iftf (L# ■ »-#s*#smm» v *!'»•••••*• 3 f -MpwA Jy| JUOPp9t49 . *—*»■*»—| 4000099 ; * f pHti-nni $i r- *•*». t*t**i*»*! M|pM * lAPAnA*. ftwmrn* f Jhjpill MMi 'liliflifoaa.- *" pAfi AM|n«r* M4AA, * M “npMHMlMfef**•« *#• mm*-** * I**** I AJHMV ! *Cli<Mi*a<f*«*i L *>.♦»•*; »MfM i R lllftMMfcl 4- C * APMAaM mww. ‘ * JMM rn is At PAgW#### «■•#«••••] MM 4000009 I •|A»iiCmf«>*««»»«**4 Mi *1 * InMak* -»*♦***. mm*** I .*** *• * 10909009 m 999a*4a00*+m» mm* * ***** j**«* JJJJS ■ A# A ftiftW—ft --- -■ «.* » JH 4 dr»l l .liPM ; I 4Af m tftMA ftPMI HfMJ 9944*0 94*0 •IP ■ PAbA M 4 a(A*AA PA m 090 A 0 MW will limswesw «* »m*»*Nnd •» •* *»4*>W «.M, I, n< 4. SB ■**■* s*pi h**.* >way ••** kmdfcey *»*pft Pa* any *» * w..*—n mam *n kwh»*» ».a rUMtOw, Dm Aft. ft I. Iftflft, Mafti 4ft ft ft wAßmcthß ftsßopß MaMkSh 1J ELLE O 1-' G 1-J O K O I V\ BLOK RIDOE RAILROAD. H C. UATTiI. Man"** ■SMIwM. Wrath** * r rat 8m 4* n**l Mr'4 Ckra C im*K Clara Ctora Mis* * MtrS r*y, Oly. ; >Mtt«k Wf **#• N, U kal £ #*•s! *•<* AM .rw.l Atyt-a Lrara :n* !*•■ I* M IM# « An ****** .M IMG ** I# IS t IS § ... R****r „..l| $ 48 11 -* I*.*T‘ t *• IS.—. Ararat .~.X I W ** j »|* 5 U 15... rraklrarat ~M 3 1811 « j • 4k | Mlt iVm Cr»» **B f * 98 1* 44 k «j t raw Ug**4 erraf* f] 9 »4»s M I #:W 1»J4.. IAN AC A ..*j 4:MSJI I k ift i I I 4 •#! j 14*1 H. w*rat rra«w .« I ra « w is... Mktlraira ..-ki SIU AM fm.r |L*#»a Am** PM 'PM. jffaft HkJ# Na il N« 4 S Ragn'kr RMtleA. P Ska* ktation Ait rrautar trains from Andorran (a I Waihaitn bnr* right la track •**» train* at th* nm <tsra m«»m* tn -k --prrat* Anrtltk. onlaw ot hero in* *p*c :lM by train or**r». I Will a Ira amp nt foffowka* ttnttoti* to tab* <m nr t*t off ; aa**n«*r* Pkln .rfA Jams* an* Unruly kpiing* 1 No. M ronnsrta oitb Soutkorn rati os-, No U at Andarraa. Noa I an* 9 conaoct with RonUtata radoay N«a U a.i* IT at B««Haia. I J. R. ANDERPON. Bup*r)at*a**at ATLANTIC COIST LINE. BHORTHBT AND #VJICUBT ROUTB TO TUK AA ST AND NORTH. j'MpnH Lv Au«u»ta, On..Ar J T 55am l.tkrmj Lv. .. Alk.n Ar j T Warn l 4 Upn,, L«.. D*amark....Ar j 9 17pm 4 Mttmd LK-. .Orangh'g ...Ar j 5 4«am 9 o*pm! U .Romtrr, R. C... Ar , 4'2kam I Bpm; Lv.... Floretsca,... Ar I 25am Ik s3pm| Lv.. Payattavtlla...Ar I I:l4pm • llamj Ar.Petersburg.Va Lv | (:12pm 4 Miami Ar.... Richmond ...Lv | 8.12 pm 7 41.-1), Ar..Waahtngton..L* | l «pm t njaml Ar... Balttmor*. ...Lv j J 25pm lt:ttam! Ar.. Philadelphia .Lv jl2 09pm ■ 1 03pmj Ar Naw Tork....Lv j 9 90am j Pullman palara buffet .teepk.f ear* j from Mncon and Auguatn to New Turk without chang*. 1 R. A. BRAND. Gen. Aft., 7ss Broad St.. Augusta, Ga. I T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON. Oen. Para. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER UTH. 1899. UKlth Meridian Time.) j LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 2 For Savannah 1:20 P. M. 'No. 4 For Savannah. Mncon Atlanta .. t 8:40 P. M. No. t For Macon, Atlanta. and Way Stations .. * 29 A. M. No. 62 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Savananh .. .. 140 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah. Ma con, Atlanta • *:3* A. M. No. 6 From Macon, Atlanta, and Way Stations .. 9:50 P. M. No. 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 5:30 P. M. _ Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4 dally. Nos. fi and 5. daily except Sunday. No*. 52 and 53, Sunday only. Sleeping car* on night trains between Milieu. Macon anti Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther Information aa to sg-hedules. etc., apply to M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBBES, Depot T A. J. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. eT j Ter bel ding PLUMBER, STEAM, GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO. 641 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land's Headache Capsules Mad. Only By HOWARD A WILLETT DRUG CO. OCTOBER 24 4*tUQ4i> mc«iOß**ttM*n $. C. I 6. MllttU CO i# A M»AA4»a4— M4M9 IPlijin Hi iwmp miA aha - ■ Irma immaam 9nna (A#At A pAf BanA# iL* iIIPwMP JifpAW T 9 ft%90'’ ! 409 0*094 ## |A IttMfeiiP %4MMi A* I Anil '"HA . «A** A# -A* * v m*o > Inf Imp# 9 S9O Imp* * 1a» }|miapA AA%4A p* * aim**** MwtftW A * f *Np» «A AMtj**. _*♦ AftftAoft* *MWM t* lUftk't 4 ISS a# « #amaa it Maw a* v twp'tMw-MiiMAfe (ft A iAgNH*W 00090* I * f spMAM * AAMM ft* « Ax* -fta* ft|A»W i 4« A * *►*' "M A A**«JA A HIM A* tMM >N*4*A flit 9009094 $9*490 4499490 « t • AftfMAA *A* I* lA* HA4I H *M w*fTp ilAl «SS ** wA 4900004 0949049 9m 990 H«AA i#A %*iA (Sml Apw**# .|#ypn)i | • K«a T«*l J*«n a* P PM A «AW i* W«* ♦*• * Am* A# «AANAM%»-. AIVAW I- * laawhaiA A VMm A# $ #AW"4. .AMMAfIP l«N# 4 t - lA«wI A«w A * A #gA* AAft , 1 00904 0$ 4 004 * Maap At Haw YmalMam-A# Aha mm *aamp **IMWMA* *4 IMMiHIi PA Amp fftt <*«nw<f PHn WWW'*** Wf AniwwMMli PiA, pa «M 990490 m 004900 m 90s*- orn * diftil AMHfI Pw Ma A* 4 pMMi A #■» a* AsWilft ... ’ li ««»!• La *9****** iMMmi Hmmbml Mi llannißk f r tl lT 1 M* * a**—*4 *»k j’ SOUTHERN RAILWAP. * «* >«-n »* Beta, iyiy < *Bh *-**>—* (*LtT FS5 r * f *'r~|«: #, SS33 »*> «*»* Ua; jjt ft kdMOtim * * * *** : t~T f§| iS| e, ,v‘”» tß’i Seyt «M IS I*l i&spp-rr. - j-*.»«; I: ftn». Jfi: j. JTSTSIae ‘. »| »** I u .«,.mm.a. ' i ft anfc* . .. -.1 : *** :'• fharul* . !T |IIMy, IBy | » i «By ']S: • KTeTSh . t!:::::: «***» «■* P«h «'»• »• I sui i I mil.. ft> lnf«k,Hkk ....... *ar If Bn* • {ST* if: ft* *U'H ie Sf *#V li o* ft. mitAmmmi '. ~il4unt li-4m fta DnaH»rTT?!T!!rT- ..... j *«.‘.| *U y frfcgL. ..:::: Tsr ~ Id On***" -t». tßy Ck.rla*** » ft. tv By • ft- « Rut MB. :: «ty ■ Wtiiiiiw II U. 12 Bn el CtoihU Blenite d It Una. ICI * Oolmmbml'a dey’t. lUy 4 eon * J.dua«vu 2Mm I* 1 . * Tran Km j.. *«*!> «*• * Omaitevitln **ky tula Ar Aiiyu'. ■ 4 Uj> »•*>» Ei Aantll* '« ••. "» i*,p e. Aynrtnnonr* . ... It 4U. t 4My ft* QaIIMn.H.C.BOBy ' * uu t ; <*>n A* fhviMUi • «p{ II Ura t» Oel’kiA.'p C **'kt . .I II Urn It 47 a " OaTnnainh I 447 y. S 0»» ftr Jh k*mrtlle. »My *lt a lUcfiitn (4* <r*rk'i St ret lent d*l!jrp««eea|er nmn between *ktnd« .ml Sew Vnrk No# 87 U 4 <at-vr#.hin,t<m »n<l %4dnMi«i LUntt«.i HoUd Vmtlbulrd train with dm'ng ran ud Brat elan, conrhe# north of tliarlolta. Pul imar. drawing room «iee|>lny car* beta "n Tau.ji# raeannah. Wadtinytoa and New Park Pullman meipia* far. let ween Charlotia and Kiebmond. Puilraao drawla*-roi>m »leepta* earn ha twen tlraennleiio aad Norfolk. Clow- e'Oiwe Mon at Norfolk for OLD POINT CCU4DH4T. arriving there In ttma for braakfanl. holid train, with Parlor rare, hatweea Charlnutua and Adiavtlle. Noa 3B and « -JO. * Fast Mad. Through Pu.liuan drawing room buffet «!eep»ag car* bn tween .Im kaonvlUn and New Turk and Pull man ilvciiifii earn batwsea Auguau aad Char lotla. Pullman •iratwag oara between Ja<-k --{^n villa aud OnlumMa, ea route daliv between ■ckaoßvtUe aad I in. lnnafl. via Asharilln RANKb.MANNON. J M ( CLP, Third VP A Uan Mgr T M . Waihlagtoa W A TCRK. 8. H HAKDW It K U. P A.. Washington (i P. A- Allan In GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (>otb Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 18*1. Pullman Sleeper, between Macon ar.d New Tork. Through Pullman Sleeper, between Au gusta and St. Louis Lv Augusta ..{ 7:o6am! I:2opm|lo:3optn Ar Atlanta ...|l2.S6pm| *;2optn| 6:00otn Ar Macon ....!U:lsarn|. | «:45am Ar Athena ....|l2:lspm[ 7:3opmj Ar GalnervlUel'J tSplhr. I Ar Whlta Pr*i*loflpm| I Ar Mlir«*’le .|10:10am| | 4:3oan» Ar Wash'ton ..|lo:loarn| 7:lopm| Plca>-une train leaves Auyuata dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mtiledfevftle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta s:l* a. m, 7:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. trt.. and 8:» p ta. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedute in Effect, March 6. 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave August, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. &N.W. Ry 7 '-45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Hock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. w. c. F. HARPER, President. 6. B. A.