The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 25, 1898, Image 1

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HIGHER WAGES, LOWER TAXIS APPEALS TO EVERYONE BUT THE POLITICIANS WHO BELIEVE IN ASSESSING IK« COMMUNITY for OFFICE HolJ^g< • If s**4 ’t ik MAiuvav >—» ta *» *»< |**MNM TVS A Uft ST A savukm SAXX. ENGLAND'S ORDERS NOW ISSUED GREAT! NEW FEAR THAT WAR IS ABOUT ON Portsmouth Told to Prepare All Ships. Including the Reserve. For Immediate Mobilization. slip* «f i|t N#nl A—rttsi &t«4> tOB i'MMMWvWHt M Atfttt At Hiiittt-Tb Irtthl N M ••4 ll Aintl OW tie Tear* SM- Utwtt UfAef * “ IfQttel «• tie (11* Mtp IstiAer* —Frtgkifil lit ta fart* Tito Merstot Ortr tie ttoeift* (|*i r.Mltt to tie |*4gnllei totie lltttotefiFWit A«n*tot*d tota* to T*» M»tosd t j ■ i»jwl TSk i »n'iTtrr si ■<#—**** i .A rr tlr of litUNff i Mtf it air admit* of OffnHtiUnti |fo> . mrrnm**mmt IV «atirr mmii »R* *4*# , <4 (V pa—folnß of FutoU <«•»*»* tii# (■MRrr* ®4 dww Horry Vs TV P*P*** **+ **** p*rttr»i*v» of WTil R*#? Vt iV °d* ; |y frwh (RmIBRaMM V*• or ®* f •** Him) at fNifiMWrtoil R r *R* r * * ' tl# whip* ot tR* V*t ibo ria*rT fnr issfdiAit Klffct •« 4if!ott«l to»r»lii f ta tß#tf**. ** r»«i^ qti< a fb* «\ r< itsjto#tirra roai dk and ow>rteNMf * fiiatH o« ttf>*rd IV Btß«r rioftt vma- j nU. AHRo»:*R fwH r ****JjJ war |»r#fMsr»tN*o» ifttßUt'a | FRANCE'S PART. rhe Yellow Bosk ns With Thai Ou*- tr*iM*l m 4 tht W «. IBy JUatififttcO Pf*w to Ttw Hifl'4l | Fart*. Ort. Th* French yellow j book, deallc* with th* port France took to it>e Spanish American oar. ta published It tnmprtecs aereotren document*, and consist* of a «iry rec ord of th# exchange dlapatrbe* with Madrid and Waahlngtoe. wbil* ar rangement* ware bains made for the mediation of France. M Camtxm. French ambassador, cabled tba. the 1 nF.ed State* had accepted Spain's proposal that peace negotiation* be belt, itt Pari*. saying: "MrK*nl#y emtldered I'nited State* government, thereby gave the Spanish government a mark of it* good will, and to France o '.okeo of Ita confidence. The book conclude* with Deles***'* tlUpatrh to the French ambassadors ar linden. St. Peteraburg. Berlin and \ lean* iuforming them of the m •tlia tten of France and summaris ng the negotiation*. SENSA IIONAL STORIES. New* as It Reached Charleston Last Night. KiigelMS. S. C., Oct. It —The Atkin son inquest will be resumed tomorrow. Five hundred white men are expected to attend. A negro woman was bulged in jail yesterday, suspected of being implicated In the rrlme. She. with the three negro men already in Jail, will tie <nrrb‘d under guard to the aecne of the Inquest. News reached here today that Jim McKle, the negro against whom the evidence is strongest, but who for good reasons was not brought to jail, had raised a company In Hamburg, and v as defying arrest. The report Is not believed here, but, if true and resist ance is made by the negroes, it will certainly tiring about a serious condi tion of affairs. The rhancea are that the guilty parties will be found out tomorrow. If so they will probably meet Instant death.—Charleston News and Courier. There was a rumor started in the city that a riot had occurred in Edgefield, j ifnd that thirteen personß hud been kill- j ed. Telephonic messages from Edge field say that nothing of such occur rence is known there. The Herald has made as diligent in quiry as possible, and no news of any company organizing in Hamburg could be secured. v. Died of Jaundice. Sam Head, a well known young man of West End, died last night of yellow jaundice. Mr. Head had been ill for only a few days, and his death was totally un expected. The l'uneral occurs at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon from the Second Christian church. , ,—I t** «IMs A *£tm THE AUGUSTA 11EHALD. mmi vik I %mmm Bl*#B*#«<4 •* • Rf |ir# Ci|V ifciy %>ryifrti Im tR# Km | Ml iattii'rsHl Sms <-to djrt to Rut Rpawt b#b I (RRNMASMS RdfetllS'toßfflMl. S Rtm l#«to SEMI IBMNhr InM A#* Itftfß#*## tR* AliAMiy iwRIBB R» l »t(BN l IIV |R» |B##WNMMtof BURMA H# %RRfR. H lit R#ftr*#4 ti 9 R*|» i%m I>tl%lßlpi Ibß*B gfi4t Rat <wrrttf»... tR# RiK p*»* • I ftfM «#toto»ito «4 |R#?f f4*gm iß<—i I rS4# SB Mi«m « i St * .•* !»-%,«.? j| I RSnR h*tfi to t BMRi RrMSi* 9$ HtHfito HtUftot V A.. oh tv «• TR# OWMA A*! ffVMBI lA#TB4MiB. OtEMWRI l#N [ H Ato* Rphi r#t jßian Rp> |R» fiRiM i>l I Brtfvftjr IS MllißfT SAB iiisl (HR* Itm I rtmk Cak**il Wmi. P*fU Ors JR •to* BtfORR lotSIHi at Smbb4 at tR# l*tottol« (imirßmi (UMI III# |*l 4i* -r 4k* Is CVbhmNV I(oto4st. t(S RfPtPST 'tV fw«*J#rt*tol fitoSsrsitifßllHSt SI tR# c*B#S "®E «4 tR# HmimlrH «f 4#{Hit** TR* fNStI rsßftfl A* IAN OMtrslsf »b 4 of Iftsiiß# IdOrßwr ss saas«*4 tßst R# #m4 iVritf Air# •ltd flMßriai mtr«sslKsilo# <4 th* t»« A Rifttin of Rroc'Htotolt*# sad r#* * Tg-to ißlPrui poiiry _ VHIk Hourbos toftiiinr <4 tR* Smiihivi I •titfmrtrft TR# ■MBH# r* Of W | l*Bg u# of pslfisii it So »#r# (roiftaf I I A* Plsff A* Is (Vimnl, ißwunl ENGINEER DEAD AT TNROTTItE HU Train Kuns Twenty Miles at a Terrltic Kate. f 1« had Two Hundred Passenger*. Killed By a Water Crane. Susquehanna. Pa . Oct. 25. — When the night express train, cast bound, ar rived at this station at mlduigbt. En gineer Kingsley, was found dead In the cab. with hU head badly crushed. After the train left Ringhampion. twenty-three mile* west of here, the trainmen and others notic'd that Che engineer falld to give the usual sig nals at crossings, and at small station: and that the train was running at un usual speed. Fireman Cowglll noticed the whistle was not blown for this sta tion and going forward into the cab ,'oiird the dead engineer. The train hud lip at • terrific speed twenty miles ivltbcut ao engineer. Thors %ere two hundred passenger* on board the i»aln. It Ib supposed the engineer was hit by the watur crane rial ts Binghamton. Kingsley was cue of the most reliable engineers on the Eric rood. MURDER WELL OUT. Mow They Cut Their Victims Head With a Razor. [By Associated Press to The Herald.] Washington Court House, Ohio. Oct 25. Hannah West and Abraham HufTman have been bound over by the grand jury on the charge of mur dering Louis Bal!_of this city, twelve years ago, by beheading him with a razor. The arrest of the prisoners was the result of a deathbed confession by Mrs. Anna Jeffries, who said she held Bail's head while Huffman cut it off with a razor in Mrs. West's house, the blood flowing into a tub, and Ball’s head and body being laid across a iailroad track to create the impres sion that Bail was killed by the cars. Two more men will be arrested for the murder. S C. & Cla. Late. The South Carolina ml Georgia train due here at 11:51 o’clock this murnhi's was one hour late, caused by waiting on the down train at Bianchviile. ihe : coductor reports heavy travel into | Charleston. . rtto* tmmm » 1 J 1 immm " * tIMW* »#>*••**». it A* AmUA#'* toßNtotototoft. A RAA4 tMf BA##- I ! zzi~ x" xr xi ?r'~~ «%** II t*MM* Ik* **«»• I to toikto’ • I f ■■l if rtf totRWR k« toto’ir*#M*4 tR* ftoktoktto |R# Bftohaßf Mitts nw MM to I Rtoto l I'RtoxHtMl. € < *RtotfN4lM | LA#B l*fl tR* H mt Riaht «m un*a l*)rtt cl Italia* t.n f>«*tni w4*n aay Moth .Market I ulinl. | %*rry t««Uy of) til* to tor - 1 *#. v. to h*» <4 1-14 (rum y«*tot*f4tofr‘to | t «7. Aatofirii) hi urHi«to ojw nH off « I or more, tun l«l*r toßtorrd in tR* UNION TOBACCO. , Certificate of Im<>rporatk>n Filed In Atomy. II By Aaeoetated hm to The Hrreld.) Albany, N. Y , Orl. 25. The Helen Tuna.-* <i company of America, capital ised at ton million dallar*. filed a cer tificate of Incorporation today. The company's capital la composed of two million* preferred and right millions con moo stork. The principal office la at New York, and Ibe purpose it to manufacture aqd sell tobacco In all forms. The director* are Fraud* Q. Ingerroll, fhaa M Billing* New Yorh. and William M. Coleman of Brook lyn- IN CHARLESTON. ■ The Professional Forger Is Thcught to Be There. The gentleman who tried to work the forgery game on Mr. J. J. Dirks la supposed to be In Charleston. The Charleston Post »ays: “The public Is warned against for gers, as there seem* to be an unusual number of slick gentlemen In Southern cities this year who are art sU with the pen. At present there Is supposed to be a professional forger in the city. He recently made his appearance in Au gusta. giving his name as C. P. Cave, and came near securing |375 front the firm of J. J. Dicks.” PLACES SI:I ECTEI). A Corrall and New Offices Secured for the Camp. The commissary department of the troops which will be here has selected four rooms on the fourth floor of the Dyer building for offices. They are 421 to 424, Inclusive. The quartermaster department has the room 430 and 431 on the fourth floor of the building. Just across the North AugU3la bridge a site for the large city corrall has been selected. Here all the wag ons and horses used In the city by the troops will be stationed. The site was selected on account of the easy access to water. WILL HANDLE HIM. A Volunteer Hoodlum Who Is in the Law’s Clutches, [By Associated Press to the Herald.] San Francisco, Oct. 25. Judge Oonlin iias refused to surrender to the military authorities Private John Whitson of the Tennessee volunteers, charged with assaulting a woman in her own home. The judge said the guardhouse had no terrors for such a. man. and he proposed to make an ex ample of him. Whitson was convic ted. _ .... _ . _ AlUtktA- UA. DEFENSES I ON OUR COASTS llttoNMlfel K'ftft 11 HHt»4»f Oto mi Vito* tbt i' *»!***» i towto Ha* Caw* ammamml r gs« AMhto4il4Nl (Mb (Im* tlatotoMl. | |<r*R* <4 ttRBNNN** «t f*» I BM#* IRttfAi IR* Utotol ftototf tR# ■ f a<«| ' t i * J*M • fit* amai Tama* Ft* »M to- Ml* pw«*. T»t<> Al th* fka* mt th* IMVM tar lb* t«a«w*dta»» arwrtwa nf of star dirwlMri tk* •mwwwlhM* <a* fiiwun* at iawp**'< hatter ea her of Inralltt*-. aawmg 'beat Fort Hoy a I sad ( <*.. Rruas wieh sad l»art*n Os the atamih of iha at Joka'a rivet. At Augaatltie Ml sail sad Tamp* Fla, la addition to the fmrv«otag temporary halter tee . prcparaltuo* were tnsde vgalnst pco *ible hostile attack* by overbaaliag • caning and patting to serviceable | < mdtttoa the ex rating at unmant. and he tcmpornrilv mooatmg twlthin them addltloanl gun* at tbr following pin-, re*: Fort Truml»ull. tot Mooroe Fonl Macon. Fort Pnlasbt, Fort Pltnrh. I Fort Morgan and Fort Jackson. It may tie ronfMently asserted that the • ompiethm of the projects upon which | operation* are now In program will | practically Insure the safety of our principal harbor* and searoast cities against nny nttacka from aen The existing projects fur sea coast defense* tontwanplsle the emplacement of about fire hundred heavy gun* of A 16, 12 sad 15 inchm calibre of about seven hundred rapid fire gun* of varkw* cal ibra. and one thousand mortars. II is estimated that the approximate cost of the engineering work connected wun the installation of this armament will lie 9U.000.6M.” i THE OKEAT JUBILEE. Philadelphia is Revelling In a Grand Demonstration. [By Associated Proas lo Th# Herald.] Philadelphia. Pa.. Oct. 25. The great peace Jubilee Is now fairly on. The first three monster pageants and the naval review on the Delaware river are occurring today. The city Is crowded wilh people and the weather I* fa vorable. Nine naval vessels are heie. COl.. ALSTON’S SUCCESSOR. Senator Tillman's Nephew Made Col onel of the- First Carolina. Columbia, S. 0., Oct. 25. —To till the: vacancy caused by the death of Joseph ! K. Alston, Gov.ttlicrbc yesterday com missioned Lieut.. Coi. James H. Tin man, a nephew- of the Mutator from this state, coland! of the first regiment. MuJ. M. B. StotJes, first lieutenant In the regular army, was promoted to the position of lieutenant colonel. Other promotions will’follow. Theto is talk of an effort to Keep the regiment in service. COWA *DLY WORK. An Attempt to Dynamite a Saloon Keeper and Family. Wfi’quatte Mich., oc‘. 25. An attempt was made early this morning to murder Jam..s Pcndlll, an enthusiastic anti saloon man, and Incidentally hit; entire family, by hi twins up his house with dynamite. The charge was not heavy enough to wreck the house. Fendili and his family escaped. There is no c^e. ’ Death of a Little Girl. Colie Collins, the eight years old (laughter of Mr, »nd Mrs. • J- Collins, of No. 5 Ferry street, died this morn ing after an 111 ness of one week. The funeral occurs tomorrw morning at in o'clock from the residence. Little Miss Kffio Gertrude KLiy en tet mined her little friends yesterday afternoon at her lovely home on lower Walker street, an honor of her fifth birthday. , - i ATKINSON PLEADS FOR A PRIMARY AND FOR A STRICTLY REGULATED ONE Attaau tot to* to *to* ffitoMMjto] I ha* tomtoM h*a awaaato ta to* lento* j til* taMkd *hwW--4 ta ma* atantte t ****** I*o pwesn 'vWc'ssi < *—m • v earrwto’r 9mr»tomd la fatthfa!.- bb4 IRrm y**#?mf***#) #i*l R# j rnmnmrm*** Nvttßof «4mnißl bb #bi I tol»«to* Rtotfto ail toHKfld of . mmw M I WP-entmta 188 Roto Rito Wtottf «o9* «M i 9R«# tR# ißßtottßß m**t BRntoto ißtlfK#! toni iliit* \m fßto «BBl* •* (Rtot j <4 tR* ftfUtfUft R«t toßnu# u*%* Bt « B#«r«#4B t \ niN R» BB> MrfßllY I tßldtf riMWt b* U» vlfftollli Btf*it#rt tf4 #B>fß#t BBE ißlßfußtfr itltffittf* IMwHto »• Ob# o#% *'JR» MMtfftrfOtf Rtf» R**B tR# RTBr • (Iff pf Mttot# (>f Iflllfi'* OB DB# 4af tßtol | • rilll4 Rr til BtfXßt RfOf porat* ißt# Ib tR* It*. an«! I tfouM also advise that tbr date of the prt m*ry R# Btdc t axed day at *nch •eaaoa aa may he most coove*teat to the m***r* of the voter*. If necessary. separate succeeding day* might b* I named for each party, or all could be held on one day. The first provision prevails In New York, whose Legisla ture last Marrh unanimously passed what is generally regarded as 4he broadest and roost complete low regu lating primary elections, political com mittees and conventions; the second provision is part of the rerently-#u acted law of Michigan. Such a proviso would be perfectly Just and satisfac tory to all candidates and factious alike, nod would remove a serious cause of complaint recent.y made. Vote Direct For Candidates. "Candidate* for all offices should, of course, be directly voted for, and pro vision made for delegates who will ex press that vote in the convention. In some states, notably the neighboring one of South Carolina, the nominees are named by tbe consolidate vole of the whole state, a majority of the whole vote being required to nomin ate. In any ease, conventions would seem to be necessary to promu gate prieiples, and these conventions, in turn, should be regulated by a provis ion against proxy and secret voting, and by proper restrictions against in terference with the temporary organ ization. "With these safeguards, including also a provision for securing the fair submission of all party questions to the members of that party.-we would have a law unexcelled by that of any state in the Union, and our primaries would command the confidence and re spect of all parties. Then party or ganizations will always l>c responsible to the peop c, and political leaders will become liberal statesmen, advoealliig beneficial public measures, instead of scheming politicians, earing only for the favor of those in control of the machine. MH I M l At# A If# ■ tidttit net «a> *fA Outline of the Governor's Message to the Georgia Senate and House ot Representatives. •to* Rtf*# fR# BBBMfBt «4 Miff" 11 n|» ItflßißM | 1 ib •• mmb hi r#««r «t mrmrnmf | IRtBR tR# r#tf##4 Bf Bt? *4BMB«A«f» #t#tf?Rßß# BBF BB xtfltfto W fß*tf* fjiTtfßT korßtttltfto #b4 i< INdltl IB tR# tHUt IB BRiCR ?BBf r#t*f#| •IttfßttOß I# r«tl#4 tR* ?Bt#B(iBB ®f i ptofMTt? bbbM R# «b H»*r#B##4 m I |»ul*#4 BfM IR* t*t ttotofß#- iß#t tR# stnnunt of revenue that *e at* rocetv- C bang tot eh* Malwta. i "la tWJ. ta* value* wer# fixed not by the taxpayer, who has a direct In terest in omitting to give in property, or in placing the lowest possible value upon 11. and thus burdening his neigh-j bor with a part of the taxes which be' should pay. but were fixed by a board j of disinterested tax assessors. As a j result, tax values Increased from! 5444.000. mm In 1891, to 5453.660,066 in’ 1892. This act was repealed in thej fall of 1892. The next year there was. a decrease of 511,000,000 In the returns of the taxable property, and now, fit ter a constant decline. It is 5- r *4.000.0()0 less than in 1892, when valued by tax assessors. “If so much good was accomplished in one year, with the experience ot this effort, tax values would ere now have been equalized and largely in creased, and vast amounts of proper ty, real and personal .which now es capes taxation, would be bearing their share of the common burden. This law was not a failure, as was claimed by its opponents, some of whom suf fered by its operations, and made other people believe they had suffered, so that there was a general clamor for Its repeal, to which a succeeding leg islature succumbed. it. had its im perfections. as any law which you may enact will have, but these defects should have been remedied by further legislation. I have repeatedly called upon the legislature to enact some measure that would bring about re form in this matter of taxation. Former Words. “In my message to the general as sembly of 1895, and again referred to in my message of 1897. 1 said: " 'in reference to the value or prop erty as shown hy the comptroller gen era]*B report gathered I rom lax returns - it is my duty to say to you that it does not approximate the real or market value of the property of the r !Ti^53L AgggtatoT^ Vffi&T • ir- -T’ "‘-’'.'Mill.', wniuto •<to »lANTftftf . , AN AND HAVING* BANK. i#ito. ♦ Rtf### a #*• V«u tN frttoin Biw u ilnty Vrfrt. t myei ttitoiffto to Ai LMtoltN tol I* N*e Met Vik* TV* tfi«i Tlei A*, tig O we «( m«te ntfeeto its Mate Ntn- dih it to* Titn to tier Vie toe# fit Ta\e*. i* H*i#*« ab 4al ill Mae Titoe Red art It, -cttlßPß* Bf tR* «i«t# *BRRBf Rtf tBRB* tR# fBtR. Bb B'-tf •B**rktto4 R? Inißi *#% # "toCtotoß* **■' f*MtfßA ##4 fttt#B» k _ i!t |* |j, omi’B fto% totamtotoMtoh ' #«4 A# Milm tptfßifßM#4B(K ' kit tR# (MBBBBI Bt toßi#R i* A-mm ChtoM'B 1 <to Ms I Rtf Rfß| luttoto Rtfßtß BB *f»f» (NifMlf #tf*BlMHl •• the real vahm of the p »*re-tt. While the tegtata’wre aamtaady ftaaa the ta* rate tor the state to b* cotter*- ed form her cUtaeaa each rtttae* haw th# prtarer tw ft* bt* own ta* rat* and many of tb*«a do ft* H a« aw ‘almtly low rata he ptactag a vateatton npa* • heir property far brkrw Ita *aiae aad on a smte mu- b lower thaa that by which the property of tbetr oetgbNtfg are xaleed The man who pays ta*** I up.-a property uafairlr ealaed at ftan. 1 white on prxaperty of th* aaiwe vain* bis neighbor par* «* 11.6 M. la tower ing hi* own la* rat* one-half, deprte lint the stale of I * ja*t reyenw* and p'artag an un)n-1 herds* upon his R*>«i*tft BtlibSiQT who iiltMA Rts pro pert ts oirrffUf, The Kceummrndattow | -'I mewl Muwe-tty recommend list eome plan be devised Hy which tb* state ran airl*e ni something lib# a just valuation of the property of Its rli liens subject to tatatloa. nod pro tect the man who honestly return* hi* properly again*! imposition from those who return their property at an Impro per valuation. It I* well lo hear In mind that any plan whirls yon will adopt will, when put Into practical op era! ion. prove Imperfect; but aa tbeae defects appear It will he the duty of your successor* to correct them and continue to perfect the law. Certain It I* that no sysiem which ran be adopted ran t>e open to greater abuses or morp flagrant Injustice than the law under which our taaallon Is now refv under ihe law under which our proper ly la now returned for taxation. A proper plan for assetsment of proper ly for taxation will not only equalise values, hut place upou the tag book* a vast amount of personal euect* which now escape taxation.' •1 now appeal to your body io rt rpond lo an awakened public interest on this subject, and am persuaded that effectual steps will be taken in the direction Indicated.” CHAMPION-?VALS. Card* Out For the Marriage of a Pop ular Savannah Couple. M:iJ. and Mrs. Garland M ttvals. of Savuattah. Ga. have issued cards to the marriage of their daughter. Carrie Lntbro'i. to Mr. William Davit ■.'baci plutt. which occurs Wednesday aft* r r.oon, November the ninth, at five o'clock at Independent Presbyterion church. Mr and Mrs. Champion wSL be at home at No. 1212 Bull street after November the twenty-third. Mi-r Ryals Is very pleasantly re mm.bored hb the guest or M«s» Gertie It’>|ler. anti has many Augiis'tt friends, who extend to Mr. Champion hearty * oogralulations. COULD (JET NO POLES. The Telephone Company Gets No Bids From This Section. Mr. Louis Barnard, the representa tive of the American Telephone and Telegraph company, left the city last evening for Charlotte. Mr. Barnard has beoa in Augusta for several days trying to secure bids on several thou sand poles, which will be used by the company making connection from here to New York. The timber has been so badly cut out in this section that no bids could be secured. One small offer from Spartan burg was accepted, if no bids are re ceived In Charlotte, the poles will be furnished by Northern firms. • Infant's Death. The inrant child of Mr. and Mrs. M. Left rand passed away today at their home. No. 17 Dean avenue. The fun eral occurs tomorrow. Tender sympa thy Is extended to the sorrowing par ents. Little Miss Pauline Barnes entertain ed « number of ft lends yesterday in honor of her third birthday.