The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 25, 1898, Image 3

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TUSsOAV I COUNTESS : WHO IS * THI! F f «im i %i ii## #i*%- §£ rm*'* rmU**. ttf ftftg ft* <M fftp# fftvl to * flfttot, Qp« man f : %ft f# ■#>!» if «t# I ftftatoto O'o Him »i ft* «*'**># t*m ill A tuto#* top*#’**# • # *#> ■* # ftr- IP ## ##(MMHjft#4 IH4 i #HMr% t» - ' *, fh&’<*#(# ft ftgNftft I ## fitoftt? fft-iirnrli-r «## tottotoMUto «ph§ | |i»4 m *-.,-**.*,,% ftt# *■«#*•#•# 7 Imm# ft#i» ! ftftMi !%•! *#* to fttoto*toft| ] I*##* natfimaffni »i in totoiito flu# I fttoift# ♦#•*l### flMpl *ft#ft IKMNNI ft #>Mff : ##■#. *#4 «*# ii#i i* «m*i mm imm# : « 4 %«* •« * in wif tj ‘tit tf+m ItllHw « ftft* **#« t*«ftft#4 (4 *ft#ft £*4 iMf to In# illnw I ft!# Itoft-ft#** t to**#* tft*# •##* 4toftH ] #4 ft# i# •nwt-i#ft4* fPitoftMto um# to ! ***««#* »#* 4imwr9#4 «• # toto i m ftft# ! CiMMI ft«» 4 > iftfti jtft Ml Ift# fcto*N ' pl f#«ft toft ftMNi ji|nftftwft $ »4 t# »M' Ift# ] fftiifftftwl fltUMi «ttft m**% #*• | T%*f tug## f taftPir 9ftto*ft#4 ftft4 II | ftNI ««ftft * lift | | port ftpfeAm ftmnft ft Ifftlft | ftftl ifrftft' It ftfftt ftft fftf ft# I ft# r#4& : ftp if iftft#r ftftftp*H94l *• to##* ftftw* f «Bftftft Ts W f •;* •tft t §*“"4 ’k • H# #ft | fttoftW?## t>-Mf *• fct * ftflN# ! ft-Hf-ft (hf Tftl# ••* tft# ftiftii ftf Dpifit Mftft- T%# j i into gift ft ft»* #4 tft# ftftftftftfftftft toft# frw*#» In |m *•-*#* • m# Qff iwftft H 4 ■ *** *l*# *#l4*4 waft <4 ft ftvftilftf ffttoltfU fthnftM * ftflHl ftfti fCMT ifttofMfcfttlftlft fli *wMftf ! tft In nf tftftf ftftlft ftftil# tft# Moaftft ■' ft## tftftftM 4Mttf rl#ftf ml tft# u»##i#r • Tft# 4#t<N tit## rftftftftl tft#ca to tft# | *rt iM in<«t4 tft#«i A *##rrft ft* llnff ft||4 ftft >r 4 l»ng fft)Sl#rtMMl ftf : fttlfft## 4i>*| ftftftVi • r«|w* * ftft I I nt< ike MoeMi Mr a c. n.«M. of m nwnnw. TVs K »- (wM a DM* raloaht* Ala-' c t*\ *-!*¥ ? h 4-» {«a V#4 ft L. tt 4|ha f'Mftfll ft** *tlff' > V , 4l tt9lt**i<9 ] • i* Q » gun ,M|,iii «%«ufth* ini i ’ ilii f|# 1 4r«*4 <S«.»ll«r# « Mil*. Am fern a. Itnn I ( h ita iM alt lliroal in<J lunt »#*dl«)fta I %rr (maujvrlr rutrA bf Dr. Ktna a Nr«r | *s»* yrs y f-»f CtoftMMMPOift Twlftl w#**J U mim*. <# (aanis mrul fl ft. UuarantM to Cfttft or |»rt<# j TAKEN TO THOM3ON. The Negro \M»o liar* "Uetk" Miel Blank Rills \esterda>. Til# n«*«rr> inin who gata bit Bina to thr poUcft jfalrrdaj l aft re noon at John It*«<l and who tlird to buy a couple of watebrs (ton Pan! Davta, gltlng la return blank trill forms Instead of money, turns out to be Will Kmory. a negro who ha.* been! wanted in Thomson. Oa.. for killing! another negro named Kilts Martin. \*. was stated yesterday Kmory was held j by the police until the Thomson au thorities could lie notified. Ijhi night Sheriff Hail of Thomson ar rived here; said the negro held in custody was the one wanted, and left thia doming for Thomson with bis man prom what can be learned, Emory has been In Augns'a for about a week. He kept shy of the police. The first news that Emory was In teas was given the Thomson marshal by the Augusta police. Pineapple, Edam and English Dairy Cheese freak at A Co.'s. A NEW FIRH. riessrs. A. E. & L. K. Dicks Open Business. Messrs, A. E. and E. R Dicks are getting the emp ;> store next to Prontaut’s Jewelry store in shape. ar«<l will soon start a wholesale grocery Both of these gentlemen are popular, well known business men. and have many friends who hope them sticcesn In their business dr. Bayne Hack. Mr. Chas. J. Bayne has returned from a most successful lecturing tour in the west and southwest. He is not in the best of health, the fatigue and work of the trip having told upon him. He will be at his desk again to morrow. CASTOHIA. B«art th« a I tit Kind You Haw Always Bought ”“.r BLUE POINTS ON HALF SHELL LOBSTERS, NORFOLK OYSTERS, DOVES, SNIPE, OPOSSUM, SQUIRREL. v_-EVERYTHING IN SEASON— s jV\ohrmann’s Restaurant OPEN UNTIL 2 A. M. OPEN UNTIL 2 A. M. Why Ours Is the People s Store Because we sell desirable seasonable goods at the lowest prices In the city. All purchaior® thatH leave our store have confidence and know they get the moat 1 FOR THE MONEY SPENT. I,ooodo*#n Merino Und#rv#«i» At cut pr»c#». OR I .OCX) do/on Umb’i Wool U»>d*rv*»U 76c.. Vftluft S 1 25. 600 pair Uc« Curtmin*. 3 1-2 yard# lon#. SOc. to $1.60. THIS IS JUST HALF THE REQULAR PRICE. * 1.200 Ru#» from 25c. ouch tos4; auction good* Homo mid* ail Wool Blankota, coat of mfttftrial. IQc* for th* boat doubt# Knee and Hoot School Hoao. 20 yarda beat XX bloaching. better than Lonadalft. S I . 30 yard* Lauronco Sea Island Sheotina for SI. 100 New Role*. Columbu* Made Coreet, at 30c. ft yard. Looks and wears like S I good*. You save money on what you buy. T=» n. HORKAN «fc COMPANY. BTIHA.K DOWN M.OW.M Y, Una< kntrtsft Jska O. ink* si Iks DM Mkst i Hftrefti. Cto m fft‘4 SS *•- Ilf teftfti t< I tftftt#. graft 4 iftvsif? ftf it* atftft l ; liaftto* ftt Cftftft Nto#» «t Uenrato- ***** irftMftft ftft ft tlftreift ftftft t nil ftft * IftftM ft fteft eftftKft4t# ftft# • fftwl ftftfttft* I tftMftfttft to r* ft####*** «M 4 ftriftM# I|i (ft# ##<§ jif (ft# MMftt t ' fell * w tft* I car iftiw M eft* to •ftftt*c4i Tfte t ftt | «*ft# tftaftftfttlt ••• I* •'## [ fo*»(fe4 tft a* tft# fteftefftW# gefttl* tft at* j H*4 fftttoa, faitftiiirlji. eft***# ft efttoi iftftiift iNI ftft# ft# 1 * litoM *ft# toil. |He «•# to wto# ftotftNl late tft# Si# 1 elf#* 1 feeldt#rr At til# fftgtfte ftcMfw I ft# ••• fdrftN teairuffttflf sty tft II *lftrft Oa reftrfttag fcte hoat. fft aitol mm #>oa ftftl# to f##««ato» lOn KTOtiil of ftte ft4tftto#4 yeftfe. fttft j ago ftf tft#t* #tifttftla#4 •# tojttfy to ftte teg by fttlatMftg; upon aoaie fttefte | but fttft fttnmg eoftetftuiioo «Maft»fti ! him to a*k« • ftfttoiy rr#>w Tft# | itftv of fttft pfcftftftt ftlllrtloa ftlll ft# Or iftHiniVv r#gr#tt#4 by hie aide rift I# Ls frt#a4s ttirouftlioto ftoorgia and toll* BIu« Points on Half Shell at Mohrmann’e. TACKLED A STATLE. Ha* Bren M kipping Boy*. Rnl "*l Hls Hatcfc. A ranine of the yellow cur variety had quite a surprise which tickled tbq risible* of all who saw the occurrence today. The dog was trotting up Greene whipping every little dog be cam* across, whm he espied a s*atue of a [ dog in one of the yards Our frieud [ the yelow cur Immediately decided to [give that other dog a licking and made for the stiiior with double quick time. Instead of meeting a soft body and getting bold of a shaggy coat, bard iron was encountered. With a yelp the cur tucked hls tall, and mad* a quick retreat, wondering what kind of an animal he bad dis covered EPWOkTH league Union Meeting Was Held Last Night. A union meeting of the Epworth I .ensue was held last night at the lec ture roo n of St. John’s church. Pres ident Irvin Alexander presiding. The report of the secretary. Mrs. Julia lis ter Dillon, showed that all the leagues were actively engaged in work and in good condition. . A motion was made and carried that a comtrlttec be appointed to distribute literature among the soldiers that will be encamped here. At the conclusion of the business of the meeting, a pleasant social ho»“ was Bpcnt, during which refreshments were served. Canton Ginger, preserved, atT. P. DORIS. Rear Admiral Shard will lie placed on the navy's retired list on the 30th inst. Ho entered the service about Oct. t. 1851. Mrs. Elizabeth Donnell is sexton of a cemetery in New Orleans, and bar given entire satisfaction to the author ities. TF# # r> FFFATr WHAT THE JUOQft MID Mlm H* Had I M#k*4 k l <IM« Mi u*n Twdky. M* ••• ik* •*•* «•»**•» as tmn I *«■*•* M* t* ■ ukki d *ki k»d tkra* * r*.«k« *t ku UnsUr «nil !**• atek* i «rnt weld «» pa* a **•». fc* w rt- MMI |k* J*dp* MU* BW |«« *,,4 D*rt*f*4 Ik* * ak *** h - N* pklw twin* I* kavlM Wwa ! drw*K H* «*:4 k# k*4 •« IbtckDok • ,4 bmMBkM ißtoskau* and naked Iknl j Ik* M»u*t tw e»*rlooted but Ik* r* , Ann* May Tarvor. I ’ . j ZT.ZZZ ’V ; Tk*y nr* thm* colored femal** who ■ i al | «|pki gop* la a** a friend : Th* friend aatd tb* Hour wan 100 lat* . in i|tc rtk. i*m and shut <k* door In . <b*lr fneva They pmr**d*4 to bom- ! tisrd Ik* Hone* with brickbat* The triend nllppnd oat Ike bark way and procured an nfllipr AH cam* la enwri 1 thr lodge remarked thirty day* f in Jail for rach j Kill. Broom. Ni« x rtoks fftitb b#4 b##o drlciktof next wnk ! bad und#irfftk#fi th# t««k of pttottog *h# |otft#r bom#. An «»ffl>#r pi ltd #4 both 1 1ey poik« eitoioQ - Miift tft# jtidjp# Mid Doc Robinson ** ’ Georg* Nriland Dor had. on laid Saturday night. ’ given Geora* a terrible gmdi on the none, nearly rutting that member off. George appeared at court with bis face 1 3 mas* of bandage*. The judge heard the evidence—and he said: “Doc Rob inson. I bind you over to the city court on the charge of stabbing--SIOO bond.” | Jesse Thompson. Jesse I* colored. He was charged with bring drunk. “Dat’s right, Jcdge," said he: "f wuz . much dissipated.' Thu Judge said I $2.50. Fresh Malaga Grapes at T. P. DORIS. STEAL THE LAMP. ' Contractor Burch Has Been Having Some Trouble. The well known contractor. Mr. i Lloyd Burch, has been having a rather hard time keeping lighted lamp* on his lumber and brick piles in front of the various houses he has In course of j . construction. The light would he spirited away I night after night. The spirits, lie I thicks, were negro hoys who wanted the lamp to use In illuminating crap i games. Today Mr. Burch was before the re- ’ Icorder on the charge of not complying with the city ordinance regarding lights being kept on litmlier and brick lilies on the streets at night. He said that the lamps had been placed on the piles, but were tak»n ayay, as told above. ! I No lights were found on several • lumber piles of hls on Friday, Satur day and Sunday nights. The judge took into consideration the fact that the lamps had been stolen, and dismis sed the case. He warned Mr. Burch that, he would 'be fined the next time the ordinance was violated, boys stealing lumps or otherwise. (ioat In the Parlor. A lady living on lower Greene went, out of her home for a few minutes, leaving the front door open. When j she returned she found a large goat, belonging to a neighbor, preparing to give battle to the image reflected in a very handsome Imported mirror. The animal was frightened by the cry ut tered \yj the lady and took his exit without doing any damage. The doors of the house are kept shut now. and tlift neighbor has been notified to keep the pet shut up. The ghost of a smite—a teaspoonful every three hours. MRA WAMV L MOV. >ft* Umi A*» •« to Tftto CUT tto All## as ttSftPft# if ftwe tftas ftol I weiftf f ftn pstF efttrtt *4 Mr* iiftfT I 1 1. ftift toki <4 Mr toft* W ftto?.] -«<w«4i tin fS toft! to tint lft*4 (4 fuftl'ft 4# | - iiftftf tftft### fttoto* itotourtto i#toft a## | ftftl fteftft ft Vffttoeftt (4 tftto #ll# F*tft j I ft## fatally aiftr# ttot Tft#y em# ft### 1 |fr«ito Cftto'Ntotoi a C atftf# tft# 4#-1 I (Matlftr# «4 ft#r ft(p»toft4. Mm to of fta«| jilted M IBM Ckrri* Mr***. AafftetA I lick* lot !»*•• Ik h*W* hcatihlwoj lof tftf# l # y #• re peel T#t la to as# ##** j !fr#ftft*tM*e# ftft# ait tof «a# a*** !■•*» i 1 rteorfßl a*4 bright «h>w* w**ha (*»*■. • ate had • kteh" <*f pa'aly* 4 * which GmlM.I» J Ik her death n t h th'aj I RMKBiag j ffh* ha* 11**4 b*voo4 tb* allatrd H»* |rt«*a to th* gate *»4 rUnghter* of lax-g dk* ««• l* b*r righty *«w*4 [year of ter ag* wh*o the «*s»4 ratk*r !«4 IU all took he* from h*r trial* a»d |.tc*a tile that horn* of riavaol foal. Her Ilf* was ok* devoted to th* ***- |,|re of God add to th* good ks men ; JSko »** » devoted member of M. John’* Methodist ehatnrh. Wh-0 too! feeble to attend servlee* at her ««» ehurrh. she would attend Anbury, whlrh was dearer her home Hh* was i a devoted and loving wlf*. prayerful and rowaerrated mother, and always a I sweet spirited, true and good friend an I Heightsriao'l cmfwyp etaoln rtufwypaa ! sweet-Spirited, true and good Blend and neighbor To mourn her going away. >h* leave* of her Immediate family Messrs J. W and W. C. fftoy, Mrs J I- Mauldin. Mr*. J. B. llaveq nort, and Ulmm Enroa Isabell and Elisa Btoy All of then* are of Au guata escept Mra.Mauldln. who ll*ea In Anderson. 8. t". Mr*. Btoy had a great narober of frienda and loved onea who will rher- Ivh the memory of her beautiful life all through their live*. Her life to thc:n has been as the ointment poured forth. She is not dead but sleeping and w hen God shall bring all thing* to a con soma! ion we hope to aee and know her iiriter. It "We shall deep, but not forever, In the lone and silent grave: Blessed be the l/>rd that tnkrih, I Blessed be the Lord that gave. . ' In the bright, eternal clly. i Death can never, never come; In hls own good time He'll call us. From our rest to home sweet home." —FRIEND. ISoulhern Christian Advocate and the Charleston papers will please copy.) Shredded Wheat Bis cuits at T. P. DORIS. CUTTING TREES. Superintendent Platt Destroying Those Killed By Blight j The raine cld story of cutting out the beautiful tree* that have died from blight was again witnessed today. Hupt. Platt, of the lirsc alarm system, was superintending the work ami says there are many trees that will have to 1 lie cut. There jg no way to slop these trees dying except by spraying them and thr, city has made no appropriation to this cud. Augusta hr.s always boasted of her streets lined >vtth trees, but unless something is done to slop the prog i ress cf the blight It will only be a few years before all of them will die. -4~ The American dollar always goes for all It's worth. / / . ALEXANDER SEED CO., Headquarters For EVERGREEN MIXED LAWN GRASS SEED The best Lawns in the city arc made from OFI! HELD. Our LAWN MOW ERS are Ibe best. We carry GROUND HONK MEAL, which i» line for Iswna, Vegetable and Flower Gardens. Hold in 5 pounds to iOO pounds lots. CHINESE SACRED LILIES. Just strived, it large importation of thfse "Flowers of the Gods" from China. Price lOu each, 3 for 2f>c. ALEXANDER SEED CO. «S 2 Broad Street. Bell Telephone 2076. NMONAL I Mft* to# «*•»♦(» toll tftw tor i ,% t ton Hi. Mv «*tfc#tV4 $ ft#»«ie ft## urtfttfftNt 9# j f*9#i»ie«« ftaiMeeft M If llickt «4 H»*fMi»*F# to fti tft# V^#tit#re M K ieftftto# e 4 R»» Iw»«fi4 to ft! tft# I ftoftlev#. I <l#e A Tftllt <4 ftnetto to #1 tft# PMstem Artltftf H (4 (Ttlrtf) to #9 stft# WMftrtv W. R Aw to T*tft to at tft# Arltojito. W. ft Barrie# to CfttrM# to |it tft# 1 Arilß|UHi. C. M Law of New York la at th* J Arlington. Cha*. W. Pnow of B-»*t f e la at th* Arlington. j. J. Foot* of Atlanta I* at th* Plan- Item todny. I J. D. lU* t> of Havannah Is at lb* Commercial. ft H. Cohen of New York is at the Coer Mr. Mel Hram h of Columbia county la In the city. Mr*. J. H. Alexander haa return, d from Atlanta. Green T. gcatt of Philadelphia Is at the Arlington, Ism Oppenheliiior of New York la at the Arlington. A. If. Dawson of Philadelphia la at the tiling ton. W M. Dunden of Monte, Ga.. la at the Planters. Jno. W. Gray of Sumter. Fls.. Is at the Planters. G. Hanslierger of New York Is at the Arlington. A. B. Watson of HUiernl*. 8. C., Is at the Planters. James Fox of Raleigh. N. C.. Is at the Commercial. D. F Pender, Blidock, 8. C., Is st the Commercial. Mrs. F. W. Codln went over to Ma con this morning. Mrs. W. F. Law Is visiting friends in Columbus. Ga. James D. Moore of Harrisburg, Pa., Is at the Arlington. Mrs. J. A. Allen of Warrenton, Ga., Is at the Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Willingham have returned trom Rom '. J. W. Lewis of Wilmington, N. C., Is at the Commercial. James Gilmore of Greensboro, N. C., Is at tl.o Commercial. Mrs. L. A. Trammel of Abbeville, 8. C., is at th • P!anlo-s. Mr. Boykin Wright returned this morning from the North. Mr. K. C. Barnes has returned from a visit to Lawtonvllle, H. C. Mr. Henry Hammond and Mr. Bry an Gumming are In Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Fleming have returned from Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. W. W. Lumttln of Columbia, S. C., was In the city this morning. Wni. H. Latham and A. N. Newman of New York are at the Arlington. Mrs. Austine of Cheraw. 8. C.. is Hie guest of ATr. and Mrs. Marnen l>u vall. Judge H. ir. I>. Twiggs, formerly of Augusta, now of Savannah, is i the city. French Peas, Mushrooms and Sar dines cheap at Lamkln & Co.’s. INASOCIALWAY cJ i ll«t mind'# * i«r4*n, »•»**»■** 4<n (row Mtt'rrt likr fauptn* In • ret; j H*t imil In ti MMFtt# luctni ciir. I Ttai nhiVM*c ujwn up froth cfftfi * Mw Iphl'p mi fiNNiii, tkk and Whrro tilrllßf wiVMof f inlofi i Ayr. drrprr than th** 4rr|*«*«| in, [Aim! wide as soruiii'r myatrry, o man. thr manner, btpirr*- Vrt mil I «hafio«* a »hu*« r»*rk Ihrrr. j ~ROBERT i/)Vi;MAS, in CoamopoM tan. National Council of U omen. A UiapalrH from umaha j«it*rday , Majrp; | 1 hi- Natkmal Council of Woman la* I gan Ha .imillvf mo'thtf to4af allli a business ..Mlita, ud formally ope n tail thi. afternoon with ■ public meet* true In the First Con|tffatl«n»l chur< h. Hunan H. Anthony, president of the I National Woman'a Huffntt aasheis - lion. May Wright Bewail, of Indian- I spoils, president of the rounelt; Hev. j Anna Shaw. Mra. Jamtaon Miller, Mon ! tleello. 111., preahlent of the National , Woman’a Belief Con*; Mra. J . Allen i Foster, of Waahlngton. president of the ! Woman'a Hepuhllcan association; Mra. llanna fl. Solomon, of Chicago, preal i dent of the National Council of Jewlalt tVomen, and many othera whose name* . are familiar were nreaent. I The addreaa of welcome waa made l>y ! Mr*. A. F. Sawyer, of Lincoln, presl- I dent of the woman'a department of the I exposition. A meeting uaa also held by the Na tional Jcwlah Women’s eounell at which j reports were made by Mowlames Adama lof Dubuque; Llelierman. of Kansas City; Haas. oftOhleago: Hlrach, of l">ea I Moines, und many others covering the practical philanthropic work being done by their respective sections. The difficulty met with ty the Jew ish women in alltliating with the state Federation of Women's clubs was also spoken of. This difficulty Is due to a clause in the constitutions of the state federal conventions barring out those women who owe allegiance to any reli gious sect. The Btute federations of women's club are not represented in the National Council of Women. Removal of the War College. Newporters have had another disap pointment. They have learned that tin* war college at Newport is to he remov ed to Washington. This will be a great loss to the city. In addition to being one of the show places, there is about the college and the faculty a delightful social atmos phere that has been cultivated by the cottagers. The Newporters are natural ly very indignant over this report, and, it is said, they Intend to make an or ganised opposition. The war college is a large stone struc ture, situated on a point of land at one side of the harbor, about three miles from the city. The local societies of th" Sons and Daughters of the Revolution hold meetings occasionally in the hall of the college, and the cottagers often attend exercises and receptions at the colege building. Ciood Dinners for Four for a Dollar. The November Ludies' Home Journal prints a series of prize dollar menus, accompanied by figures which show that such dinners for four persons can he obtained and prepared at a cost of one dollar. The menus printed were selected by Mi*, s. T. Rorer out iif a large number submitted In competition for a consid erable cash offer —large enough to In vite the efforts of the best non-profes sional cooks in the euntry. The din ners may, therefore, be accepted as the very best In quality and variety and preparation that it is possible to ob tain for the outlay of one dollar. rv THE»»* ****'"’ I Cfttoil Uftto»(t(toc lx iftofttoft. I iftfdifki j.ft* fft*«ftft## ft* r%»#«wft(to*tt«to ' f9# % 00 dag ■< * • - t<g » #fft ft ton# ft tfi # ft### * jftv# ftf |#r (««* g>« |ft fft# X'»Y«*fty ta#4W I Tft*f *## *ft#4# fyftnwi i h'“f^#| i Fftftftft #ft* 1 lllUrd fti r fwto|#littTr -■ ftl#to# #n4 l#p* ! , r , ||| r ( w Hi * t**Mi | fttoit •» at# | «*4to 9# rftvtvft## «# TKftnkftflt'lWf |4#ff 1(H (r##t Tft#9 •tw |ftl#4 (ft 199» into* 1 ftftftflwft* ft*** to • ftft ft Vto ft# #*to«r aiutaed bv slwhmm aav rhatch al Ik* : G|e>w of a little eketl and the eteC* IkckCw Maid*. The Baihria* M*i4« r»-.r ganlord f-*e i <hr ttkii •**•* IM* morning at # -home of Mle* Marion Hood, wh# *W- I tritatnrd th* Osk with a a. itghtfad Jon r.H tfu tud* Mia* Kaihertae Itlach, I Mia* Merial Hit.k. MM* Madetle Bat— I rows, Min* Road, Um Klta WitghL < Ml**' knot* Wright. Mia* Jenna Gar rett Mis* taoda G»ffell. Mis# laser Vilen and Mis* M Iff WiltAfl M#Wto#a I Thr iDri ntfif mrrtlfiir* #991 h# ft#kl f*»rf- I nlglilly ft# ftattotowr#. Btevcla Cltshk I The Bl> ycle club held Its weekly meet kestrrdav afternoon al the hoove at the j Mieses Carroll, and a ride up Ih* canal I isink was enjoyed New metniiera en ; tolled were: Miaaea leoatae and led Ila ! For.e, Mlsa Gertrud* Bheosrd. Mr*. ! K B Hook ami Mr*. N!»•«■« Wmgflrid. As soon a* th* afternoon* grow *hort -1-r. the ride* «111 be In the morning, rid ing with picnic luncheon*. *nd once a j m.aith there will be mormlight rbl«*.-to which guest* «UI he Invited. l uchrc Club. A new euchre club, quite recently or ganised. held It* initial meeting thla morning, at the home of Mian Ellxa lieth Alh-n. who entertained lh« Club lit luncheon. The meeting* will lie held morning In ever*,’ week. Membern of the club arc: Mis* Ktlxabeth Allen. I Ml., Lucy Doughty. Mi*. Ortnid* ftune. Mis* Wlllye Roney. Miss UlH* Rountree Mis* Relle Walker. Mlsa Ruth Howard. Mlsa Gua Hmith. Mlaa Jeaale Hcolt and Miss Harriet Ganahl. Pllcher-Tgrver. A marriage of Interest to a great msny Augusts friends Is that of Mr. Tom Pilcher, of this city, and Mlaa Tarver, a airier of Mr. J. E. Tarvar. which will occur In Blylhe tomorrow. A number of Mr Pllcher'a frienda will attend ibe marriage. Verdery-ljun back cards are out to the marriage of Mlsa Lizzie Belle Lamback to Mr. Leonard F. Vardery. whl«'h occurs Thursday evening, November fid, at K:3O o'clock, at flt. James’ church. Notice to Thursday Reading Club The Thursday Reading Club will meet this week with Miss Julia Cnrmlohaef. i y request of Miss Carmichael, Instead of with Mrs. J. K. Campbell, as waa stated. Miss Lucy Lewis, of Warenton, la the guest ot her sister, Mrs. Frank Gra ham. Mlsa Roselle Mercier Will leave Fri day for New York, where she will he the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Howard Squire, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Sullivan, who have been summering on the Hill, have returned to the city, and are with Miss Aiisley, on Greene street. A Rome correspondent writes: Miss H.dlc Walsh, the talented soelety ed itress Of The Auguria Chronicle, has returned home after a pleasant visit to friends In the city. Mrs. John Twiggs left today for New York, where she will Join some officers wives, and sail Thursday on u steamer Of tile Red Star Line for Cuba, whCTJ she will Join Captain Twiggs. JUST RECEIVED —at— C. H. HOWARD, JR.’S Tlie finest assortment of Hair Brushes the iinest line of Tooth Brashes and most complete line of toilet Snips. Come early and get a lirst selection- Me Wit! guarantee to phase von. C- H- HOWARD, JR., !U» itroad Street. N. B.—Our Hot Soda Drink* are a spec ially with us. Drop ill alter theatre and got ■ a Hot Chocolate or Beef Bouillion. ft r- We are si way* open.