The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 25, 1898, Image 5

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YU EIDAY Gt M n rui \ • llvmmiHtomr W* * * ||||m ft ih* mm W M<l<9 iKii you » m Mtt A toflf MM| 4&**d tratk But Seriously..- II ym w# frt BMe* atm* I****** |i, j# 3Bmt» (Him «rtß hi ne Lkli ol tft«fk 10 yoor afpi*4«*»- Then Shan ut mM «Kn (He ynu im#** they *n Nfk tfdJk. irtißift tnr<w««n to mwe* 4frtfn* fMfWtfti. «**•*' ▼ JjoW*. sssraiipe KjMI Lin# sed I ftMMwstn* * certain tndMduillv, A wutn Mftnfth t**& Ahnwitily 4 cuo Uttr uvity SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW. |»:#M tiled—* '*»—* ft I *** t*s ftfti roftfaft* OR. HENRY J. OODIN. Ey<*»'«r*t Specialist. WMk. Hm»» ItMitW* H**aL atTIM) WITH A M 0» £*- IrtwHtni l« I WMrt Wk* «•*»• FM«kHwMlMtn») |*Cw«l«*- Hm« M • >liw *Nf h*fcir»*«l«*. vWI, Ikimjli Wi fcM* Isl Ire of «b> gaar. will. M d«rt»b*. b* at rere tt*nl IHfH ttt MMiy F*»|d* I* M6p* H tMTfll ttMNßßgfttf •—** ••••B*. |Va vllrea KM, Ire hsTVaaU'd PWh • iroPtr to •Wrtly ttl • •Of* #*M M ® » !•*•! |rwip>A An Mn Mr H C. I**k - •00 nf Cl«»«*f A V. Mr. It a. >»ip rautvi • ■DM tut tl» b»bllC AmOM lb* prt-< I*o ssascre* llv *•• Ifi Vortnßr •* U>^a v lo ret I Mkii, Ml whL Iff. b* Mid 10 • report**; T*t ««t • ptrre at lofomiMtoo that arill b* worm sorer thing to *->orebnd, j |( JPUO WMt to pitot It. * IPXWt W»*» propW k»fw»t th*dr tor# h*ld I*» j •lore with • *cyth». Ml at hr to tm'l ktrriM tb» to *t *ll. bwmitre. to iWt oplutoa. lb* arytb* *• 100 »**•»•*•* I and the* think that on orroont ut thf (ontulbl the a* of • wo»rr t» tin {irate ticobIt* But that is a mistake. I j too rot pra ' tore to a rore ltr!4 iloott •a mil) na oo httl ground. "I did out know this fgrt ootll no long m» I want o\tr to do to me mow ing ter Mr. O. C. Ormand Hr rlalw* M l that the mower would rut eom I •talk*, and Inflated that I try It I mad* a trial and btfure I <t»>lt I not *.* i acrea for him. It worked a» tlttljr m j you rvar mw. The eoiwatalka wen" down before the tnower without any perceptible realatanrc, and when I waa through with the work, I found that there had not bten any damage to the knlviw. "If a man waa going to bale the twa • Met,” Mr. Jackson con rinded, "hr would, of rottrae. hav* to take the rornetalka oat; but Mr Ormand put up gtalka and peavtnea all together. Hr aaya thr stalk* will contribute to the better ventilation of the hay and Im prove the quality.” Mow to Prevent Croup. We. have two children who are *ub- Je,.| to attack* of croup. Whenever an •nark la coming on my wife givea them berlaln'a Cough Keinedy and It •!»•)• prevent* the attack. It la a household necessity in thla county and no matter what elao we run out of It, It would do to be w'thnut Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. More of It la wild hem than all other cough 'medicine* com bined —J. M. NICKLE of Nlckle Br *a.. merchants, NlckMVllle. Pa. For Bala by Alexander Drug and Seed Company, C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Compa ny. A fine aaaortment of finest California fruit* received at Lamkin & Co. a. WEDDING | GIFTS^t rich cut glass ! STERLING SILVER | NEW LAMPS AND j VASES j Wi. Schielprt & C 0.,! Jewelers. mar*H*re w v ■re re re H V HV IS SIT Ml ! % AMM Mtllt.T AM) the hh tniif' j A AwN hi kowrl )•*•)« hag the Ink I* 1 Mu fIM9*4HMMN| I:■•§#!#. 4 ff%{w • t< W l<»t» ». - tt ! > i‘ % E* »i ‘I • ' j, II m mm «h m-kithM t fkt 1 n|gh (ha{ tAAd ggf I !«•«. «gs ||w RmlrrH "mxiMllirt of fW[ j wir Wa!i«v irnit. I* sh- mktiH t* Him I f <tdi?' tl Ip lifPttp llmil In* hki . I . »r»n o*|:l. ; |gm I fiwt 1 iftPiurMni Hfn>p|»t In# win nl I T»|e me nroiilf imvf 1 nirnm rT IhHr [\#. *n4 MuMlium*,” I Thp uiuilvw! lud Ui 1 part of <h« |W | \ t y (hr Siltr *f Nollli Ourultni l«» j I iHvM 111 AIIImu) W«* an Irl.hnuM. who waa | Inev r natuiallaed. nrvrr mended and left no hetra Th«* tra<t rovered a d*i- Imain of about twmty-#ve thouaend arrea. j The entire tract waa Bold for taaaaj more than a century ago. the purrhaa-1 ler todng John rtf rot her The huida aub-; I affluently peered Into vartoua hand*. { more the t'nlvrretty of North Curoll- I na rlaim* (1 thy Irm 1 . A* ths original grantee David Alllaon I left no hrlra, the truateea of that In-! xtltullon alleged that the landa ea-j I • heate.i to them, and tn u compromise eerured hulf the prffperty. fp to the time thr purchaae waa made by Mr. Vanderbilt the forest had been uaed by a number at mountain eeta aa a range for at<K'k. A large numlier of theae people made jentrle* uiion amall iwrevla of the land: and in this way obtained grante from j the stale. Tin y have undortiigen to | maintain their titles under theee Ju- 1 nior grants by ranging Stock upon )at reel * »o entered by them for aeven j yraiH. 1 The question for derision l». have the ! d.-fendants matured tbetr titles by aev-, len years' adverse ponsenaloo? ! This possession consists of art* of ownership over the land in the build ing of log huts and In visiting the land i every tw'o weeks for seven yours for 1 the purpose of smiting cattle, and In j feeding hogs In the community range. Many of these people suffered greatly in making these trips during severe winters to give attention to their stock land to make secure their titles. I The ease, which probably has no pre- I cedent, has been submitted to a referee for derision, the adjudication to be made within a few weeks. Several fam ilies are watching the case closely and should the defendants lose they will quietly move. The attorneys for Mr. Vanderbilt are confident of an early ejectment of the unwelcome squatters. See Here, Read This! Does anything all your hair? Then let me treat It now. It coats little compar ed compared to the mortification of baldness. I’ve treated many here in ! your own city and not one so treated j but was benefited. Not one failure tn I all the large number. Come to see me I at 825 Broad street . I am treating some of the best people of your city. MRS. SMITH. ___________ UTTLE DIFFERENCE. j Buff alo News. Mr. Cleveland has endorsed the Tammany candidate for governor of New York. Of course. How could he do otherwise? _ „ TIiJC ATJOTJSTaA *l BRINSON AND GARY CONFIDENT I ft* (aMAMt r« tfe* A mutt •tap link f PWhlfeA 4ttNNP4MhO ItjpKtli Sr'-Krar Vk hat Ha Say*. rtrtHl’-l •* tire nwrt of that • I taiwt Mr Haw aays ‘ — I pr«gret Mr iWiir«*utilN r ipfk of tin . «n 4, I(a aKwi dir«rlkip t think IN hot j 1 laolloi in 4 tin mmmirf m mb*™ will! ■ prtsmpt lr rwfil M? i«H li MfMßjrtJoß (bey irtlr** ’* * ! gpf«hißP of tli# rart In 1 f#n*rnl I mmf, Mr Him mNI In I rlmrnnirtntlr * If. i« «Ji«fftt. this In l nindwich, von knot wbit lo do with Ih# two Mid#* You throw Uirm nni> nod ml Ihr hnn> I think I hnYi tb# Iwlnam ’of nowrr nod <*ais afford lo utand null land n#r thr »ilvnHon n<n of thr | |,u( Minx' of Hin frlrndn.” Caliowav Mad. Mr Calloway and hl» friend* are In dignant at the reckless statements made by the morning iwper, with the I evident intuit to Injure bis candidacy. ! One of thsaa waa the one referred to Iby Mr. Ham. Another la the asaer- I tlon that the votes of Hall, Troep, Cobb and Bartow counties are for 80l- I feuillet. i The statement alsiut these four ! rountlea was playtal as a trump card j this morning. The point is that Mr. Ham Is from Hall. Mr. Callaway la from Troup. Mr. llardin Is from Bar ! tow and Mr. Fry la from Cohb. ami the ! inference set forth Is that these geu tiemtn have all been repudiated In the Interest of Mr. Bolfeolllet This ! might be good politics If the facts j were as stated. The only trouble Is that the state j ment Is not true. Mr. Sloan of Hall county said this | morning: “You can say for me that the state- I ment is unauthorised, so far as 1 am j i oneerned. I have told no mau how I will vote. - It Is possible that In some of the j other counties the vote may he dlvl jded. though Mr. Callaway Is almost certain to get a majority of them. The statement that the vote of the four counties Is for Bolfeulllet Is mislead ing. The Rome Circuit. The fight for the Judgeship of the Rome circuit Is getting very warm and money is being put up on both sides. This morning several even bets for considerable amounts were made by partisan of Judge Henry and Col. Reece. Hon. Walker Brookes, of Rome, who was in the Legislature some years ago. came down this morning to do some work for Col. Reece. Col. Reece is here today and has lots of friends. He was a member of the Inst House and many of the old members will vote for htm. Judge Henry’s friends are stout ly claiming the race. Mr. Vince Sanford, one of the most active friends of Col. Reece, does not like to be called the fighting tax col lector of Floyd. He has sworn oft from Batie eonibhts ami now devotes himself to (he clash of Intellect In the political atenu. There is a large delegation here working for Judge Klmsey’s reflection. Among them are Congressman Carter Tate, his late opponent; Solicitor Gcn- RoYal BakifMj Powder M*<J* tram pufv nrwmn td t*H*t. Sifcßxuri: the food Against Alum. Air- | —‘ "" r rt# fin iiww ggggggMl MMklkk *4 Wit gMMHHfI dfcßY f|ni ai# «if Hoow •«n» rM m H tiro* *r W. ***** \ ttMNHHMBy. #**■**# Clkßßldk 0 HI I BM#| m 4 I, It- tkn* ; II t% nil « fttrwfe # %*% ikrtro wf tk- ; IXTOWi kiWaMw «** Ml *** ***** j f-i ts- ||Maa la retd re are»% mm* ••tit wtawapj *<* fbnw vtreare frt* Caware*. twi#» wt 9 |tk# 1 Ik< i# Eiftwi m »tiwM ikrro tr4iy %m lwf|i IHpM* | ;*» ||mp iidiiii ro»»% it Ml Ml * t*n* #* I* m iiwn k# will «w « r wftiiit* kw j 1 r*iiftirwift fti (kft iw« 1 9 tftrwrr J m4kf*r ftlftnftiftni will Iwbt * i | yi»« ftckf MtWl ftftrlil Inkftwin • W A. (*knl9t» M «dlkltc«t ftrft- ■ [_., _t l!ftr at '.yf Ivy m’* ■‘ * * j. m*• > tinned fti tl* ftit*••• of Hr Clniv . ; || |*y , 4 .1 1 (ttKitf % . tit* mH Mr. I*l IfY n «)4fi Tk • Murfrtiift* ftftft Mr. kt M. Hn*ytt if s 1 rfmft •tk'F-1 H Bi f*ti I*l iuftiF r pfw f t i'* i iMflft Nilrktli Tire Awg«a«« Ctrvwlt. K* rtrewtor* l. Httwaoti at H«H. : y»rv rtnildrnl at «*)•* !, tM-nt h of the AwgwMa fir* ! «•!*. J»dgv trery a IrWhda are a# ««• j I The vouagere weuihaf. Mr J. M t At Inl ,A. ui r rlvrJt f rut aV ' and went around arm In arm with Mr. M H. Bower. Jr. Hre west youngret i They are height young mew nnd nsak • ling many friend* ’’lksit rail ua a pals of hid**, *nl*l Mr. Hnwar. “When wr haniUc any thing H la with gtoven oft. ’ Dr W. W. Dew*, of Randolph, la one of th» prcmlnmt grrlvnla He la a warm supporter of Mr. Calloway for ; t fark nnd aaya ha will carry that cot -1 lit r of the state. Judge Couch. '»f <ba deeond conge.** •tonal district, nay* Mr. Calloway will I bare a large majority <>f Its voire. Ha i give* Mm Decstur, Miller, MMrhell, Thomas. Baker. Calhoun. Rsndolpb nnd Terrell, with n good chance In Lee. Worth. Early nnd City. Mr. Calinway claim* the solid vote of the Fourth district, with the exception of one representative, Mr. W. Fontey 'Way. « former At* l»Tttinn, now sollcffor of thm county court of Irwin, and a resident nf FH*- gcrald. is here tndsy hioklng Into Ihe political pot. He b»*lpcd 10 carry Ir win county for Col. Candler, »nd says there wus only one vote against him In Fltxgerald. in regard to the congressional race, Mr. Way said: “Brantley win get a large majority In Irw in, but not so large »» Candler’s. The colonel had over 2.lint), which w is the second largest county majority In the state. Brantley will carry Irwin by 1,500 to l.koo majority.” This Is Interesting, considering the fact that the people of Fltxgerald came largely from Western and Northern state*. Allen a Candidate. Mr. J. Y. Allcfi'. of Upson, who wns a candidate for appointment to the judgeship of the Flint circuit, Is now a candidate, for election to that bench by the Genera! Assembly. He Is n prominent lawyer and is highly en dorsed for the position to which he as pires. Judge Mump McWhorter came over from Oglethorpe county today to help his friend. Judge N. L. Hutchins. Maj. C. H. Smith, a lifelong friend of Judge Hutchins. U here today to say a good word for him. Col. F. C. Foster, of Mclntosh, is here today. He claims a strong vote for president of the Senate. Mr. W. O. Critchlow. the expert cy cle repair man, who tvas formerly with Thomas & Barton, desires to call at tention to the fact that he is now with Davidson & Matbewson, at 831 Broad way. With a modern equipped shop, he Is enabled to give prompt attention to all difficult work of all Wheels. A stock of parts and lln-s Always on hand. Tri ces reasonable. 'Work guaranteed. Montana’s first-paper mill Is soon to be erected at Manhattan in that state. The material to be used In the manu facture is the wlijjta barley straw grow n In the Gallatin Valley—a product which has heretofore gone to waste. SCHLEY WAS IN ! RIO FAVOR. ft* wareMßMftaau > —read kaa* ret • tssAaf: AMI re »iiadaag » OanauM* • Bus m m gresMi j * - vwsMk $ I ft# reMp t* *** * j ■ < ? * BAi rest A * f** *• ■ j | flip ft Rpt mmmm ftt t ft# ftftftv ft#4 l Wftlftp ft InM kirftft ftftMNPft iftf ftMMft ] tftftft Iftri ftMMlil bmmw * fftftiilt | I ft *• -*»< . *l.rel ftA Iftr *«--fre«4 9 tm t%p» t »ro>ftro»ft>#ftft ftfctwt ft! tk# 4m- 1 I tror ftt ftßftHkftPftWft. fftßßftiftl ftftftftk M ] Iftfftro irfroikutMt ft* ftftftftTOi fttftlrftrj | ft ftro ftft#ft Iftkftftft I il iim * A '•*•* * ® “* j roM tftr itroft *mmm ***? #*ft# ro I Lmtu >~ re remit re» BUM *• «B* » •»’ wm BM m* ftwftf- f ! ftffßirfttftk ft# Mftftrol ftrfftftftftft • | r*mm**mm *•+** *** «*• 4 jigtig ftp fdfdMHWMIfIMI *4 t Vmb f* y »r* # wf p»dl I ■ n,)|,|pft MM Ms*la4»M Cftrolftft* I 'mm, #i fmm tfcfti Crrroro mm m l i ftiftp. ftt mm ftrftrft ft# tßftft H I IM’bAK <4 I ft# Hftik>ftftftft4 tkftl I'M* I fwtft trot fti rnmimm- frf»at9 j [rfftlftHl Iftftl lYftftMPiroftfr ! hummi ftf pftroi k» *ftft* ptft##- rnmm* i 1 1# ft*? ftfftftl i# rol Hr mmm mm* j j 4ft ms \hu 'i-iiiiw «ift i* ftkiftifti I i ft }•#*«* BM mtm ftv 9 ft# W 9 '%>• ; Tftr ftkrt Wk«lr tftr P*ftft*l ftftk ftt* pftHf fptift*r4 In of iftr pmfimr* hlftl* lift# »i tftr NNiitfti* of A4«ftirml I 11 tram o»f- of IMr tAbl j | |f| mrmtiFVi vim t(«4 ft mrorkrft! L* . , ttM ikre totftliti ftllnn of A 4 9ft if I 1 '. rHi of Iftr w«r m%*ul4 ftr ft»nlr piiM* Hr iftftt ftkro Iftr rrport oft I, • » - . n a t ,g*« —— * . wb< '■i ,1 I II OftMftOftftf 1 n* ft»ry « ft" * «"• ww i twforc (set c*hloH. the groHdaglf* U-\ 1 1 tftorr by i unmillioiifl yotr. wrrMSro ] | ,h«t t’ummudorv rtthb-v -huuld ire or dered Imulv to the United State* and | Admiral rtamp-m »urt In charge of th. tntlrr Or* 4# Thr fmhtroi oft hi* klft4lyr nnturr. «ii any uftier who hft<l rrnilrrrft irot j I Mrrvicr. iq4 opr i*Uy ftY.fim tHit to I rattan an J nrnylruiftiiinirin In tftr da* I if, wtiilr thr war t»» roollnnlng. * pat to a pTfonnl ptrft Iftr CwiuftHofi S* hlry and finally prrauadrd tbrj < übii)4*i to rrtonalder It* voir and to ! arran«r mattrra ao ia to irovr Com j ii-oilure Schley lu < barge of Itl* old Lquadruu but romblnlng It wllb Ad fiiiral BNDtwun'i, and pla< iQK Iftr Ifttlrr tin command. A Wire Order • Thla orilrr war madr and IW wladoft i demonstrated when Comreodoru rt« bley at Santiago rwie'ntrd b.meelf lii the |«yes of ihe navy dcjiarturettl by hla brilliaut daali agalnal Ccrvera’* fleet, ; which ended m Its entire deatruc -1 lion. . . Tli« action of the rablnet and the I preahb nt’a Intercession for Admiral Ischle? is now Interesting reading In connection with Admiral Sampson* report. BucJtlen’* Arnica Salve. THE BEST HALVE IB the world for Cuts, Bruise*, Korea, Ulcer*. Halt Itheum, Fever Bores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain*. Corn*, and all Hkln Eruptions and positively cure* Plica, or no psy required. It 1* guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mone-r re funded. Pries 25 cent* per box. FOB SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. HAD NG FAITH IN DOCTORS. Harold Fredrlc Died Under Christ and Science Treatment London. Oct. 25.—The Inquest Into the death of Harold Frederic, the newspaper iorre*tK>ndent and author, who riled suddenly on Wednesday at Henley, supposedly from heart di»ca»", has I teen begun. At the hearing Mr. Frederic’s daughter, Ruth, said her father did not believe in doctors. She added that it waa with his consent, hut under the influence of others, that Mrs. Mills, a Christian Scientist, waa Bent for to attend him, household, teatlfied that the dead man Kate Lyon, a member of the Frederic had usked her to euii in Mrs. Mills, and that Mrs. Mills came to the houae and expounded the system followed by the Christian Scientists. On the same day Mr. Frederic dismissed the doctors who had been In attendance on hint. Most of Mrs. Mills’ treatment, continued the witness, was what was known as “ab sent treatment." At the request of the sick man the doctors were again sent for, but Mr. Frederic Informed them that when they had previously been attending him he had not follow ed their directions. John Stokes, Mr. Frederic's amenu enels, testified that he had informed Kate Lyon she might be charged with Manslaughter if Mr. Frederic filed without receiving medical treatment. Drs. Brown arid Frichergcr, the phy sicians who had attended Mr. Frederic, said .he had suffered from rheumatic fe ver arid tlrat he was paralysed on one side. His death, they asserted,was due to syncope. Both declared their belief that with proper treatment the patient would have recovered. With the exception of David H. Hill, no man lias twice been elected gov ernor of New Y’ork since 1870. GOOD CLOTHES GAIN PRESTIGE — [ tejLjMtt frix* . _ , ■.jit in ‘ r , - nv-y. ■A* 1 'at 4ft #*■ 9»wsft(4!P f * ftf dMBBMgj ms 9444 % z: s: ju I mims ♦ ft «illft ftftpft# ftANI d BM* 49m* m44f | I tftre §h4Mß* A* Ah ♦* t * mfo ftpMft # $7.50. SIO.OO AND 112.00 [ *-itti t-y iirttrt ii imart-iti fTMH'irr-** ft +** *m-m m m mm* rrot i fiiTTur *# ftMftNfti iftroft BOYS* AND CHILDREN S CLOTHING. I rirft mm&r~ t j «» ft# *f mm ro*'«nro. Tnntiiir mm* 4mm j #riiiifc fmo*% fro *• **'» roft s ro» . M S M | fßg| «4 I fro if Tlu f f 4mm m •* m m m 44 «• I y • ftMBBAiPV fv-dp r'-# mt 99 9* f •ftro r sms****# Vkrororo . - •« •« •* H \mm*4mm#rn****** t»mm* Mi I jftfiii tr $» ,4ft tHftftr# 4 IftVft Pftl •« m 4ft* j | * m ***4t HftAr 99 m 99 99 Ml I s|«* * 91 4» ft* % *+ *9 m 99 ft 4ft . WE DONT FOLLOW THE LEADERS. WE LEAD THE FOLLOWERS. J. B WHITE l CO.. CloiiH Dspariioot. Will You Get Left? There is but one looked-for condition this fall in regard to business and that it a mom healthy one. and those who are preparing for it are the people who will reap the harvaot AIK| all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers Imrpense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in China. Pottery and Glassware. They are yours to own at right prices if you buy them. BLI6H’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 BROAD STREET. afiS /ill its j 31 Expert HVtOKAHEN. If you want two thing*. the hlghcat aaliafaclloß and • *•»'"« «* ** ir.nkr ynuiwrlf uor „f „ur cualomrra. Wa tan furniah rldara with MCfCia* 100, mu I the |»»#t In tb# mtrfcpt •( tlwl. The nK*l»l M per <*»t wm a quuur hit. but hcta'a a pruo»a»i«n of ln>me runa; CulwmWaa. |.v uo. n»d your laat . banco to get tbla popular model at any price. w« nawa ah..p worn lonlyl mod. I «. ladle*', we will let go •« lla.tforJ at lit 00 and Indie.' Vedette at S34 M. ladlea' Jill »t W- *“? *2 t„ >•„ and men ih«»rc i* nothing on the market to compare with the K> idal r.Vh and the Jack a. *!$.»•; -eccmd hand OaveUnda. K.m l.b V let ora, cdredge.nd Racjolea. from s«.*• np. all A 1 condition, and wa let them go at any old prKe-thay did not Ml thuuT were given t.. u. by people who wanted to ild« the HTANDAJtD WHEEL. OF THE WORLD. and only gold in Augusta at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO Bicycle Department. FALL OVERCOATS FAIR PRICES Conditions point to rapid selling, now that the frosty days have come to stay. We never had a better stock. We never offered such reasonableness in price. We never put more thought or care in selecting. Overcoats are here for men in all stations In life. The luxurious Overcoats are here-plenty of them. The plain and substantial Overcoats are here. If you wish to pay $7.50 or $35 we can show the best style and value in town. That’s the kind of skill that keeps us in the lead. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, ___ AUGUSTA, GEORGIA A WELL STOCKED LUMBER YARD iMTir r'~' 1 11 ' * l ~? : -~rrT-r~^~ ocrontntm —* Hfftftjs $ fii ML i «* |,«roM# r tiMwift**"*# mmm «• «|l ft J )»*a»Mha »r* *>»»«"# <N#MI M fHi Mft -h Seine ll* ■’ A INBftMl JE iJi - mmm %*mm* 4mrn t« m mm I* Ml f !'».,<•# «9#A Umrn* Pm** .9 99 •* m WP f mmm mm ftroro ****** 99 *9 S : nr ro rnr «»*»#»•*• £i lmm Irotaro *%m .999 9* rn* t mm*, ***** m* tm* m— -«*!»•» n _ •UiCyCLES **•! JJICTCLE Where you can obtain promptly the best graded of GEORGIA YELLOW PINE Building Lumber at all times and qt Special Prices. You will find this fen inscription: "BONE DRY” Dressed Flooring, Ceiling and Finish ing Lumber, Kiln Dried here under our own supervision, worked and stored In covered sheds. Full line in stock and quick delivery assured. Perkins Imfactiriu Company, AUGUSTA, GA., DOORS, SASH & BLINDS