The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 25, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TUESDAY COAL-COAL-GOAL At B AM* irt ta» (< (♦» •*** Hmd A Ait J.uwo THC >KttT OMOIft OF 9hmC*m3*m*» ! - - OOA I* imtitiOf ■#« »w# Nul JAt 1W I<m t»» M«v r%. ""city ICE COMPANY. AiIQAAf A {rtf****** Prtrtf «MM* *>«»*»* ♦** A*rt AS ASMS* Mb**** Mim* . t •,•»»«• ftt*e ft* Km pMrtMt «■*»*•*'liput m <m n w PMA )■»» SAM** »•*►** W M*> *► i gft»«e» * . •» ft* * •AM ■Mil* 4Mt> !>***?•* FF*«**tNrF | HAW »*»> '■'* «»«*. brtftrt a* _ nr-ii imb—, toy* .« ■ •»»•*•» flM»—*. *■* NMMf w .* *-*•»*' * j fUft—MM f*» b*rt4 « » ... * •** Fra**** $* *? «• ***** I%##'ll* * 9mOMwL« # I-606 : |jM9mm9o fHUFf »» _*« •* *- €**o#** 4m.. • * **** * • 4044 fi—fHHMMV , #9ott j flMttWfti »# *• *♦! * • Bhrti m ftggm ' 44# • torn* » *.* M U #» IMi; CfcMnfti m— « •*•*#**• •* ***» J 91*411 * #***#•<• ** ** ’W ** t%l* ***-*» ** A* n ** ** ****** •* * lift IWTiWJf MAftKirT »•**«* *M«*- nw*My,AW« U '[* ! It*#*"* Sail ft ft*iy ••**• • »e ***'•" |MH<t tww*4hftWftk *•**• i*L * •»* * |AH*n ♦*** ( >««.»• **»rafe ■»*#• *•»•■* •* •*’" ** i Mai ft IM«ft MftM ** " •*• • *• ** Mated ***** ftfteeftgw ftM *<• >• filM »* •• •• •* ♦♦ **** " *" * M«»**. M M Mtathh Ml *•*»* *• •* ** 3ft»4a* M B**H» f*% •*** •*•*** vMf *M MM »«m h*o# 0#IM»Jl. Jt . •mI'O. !•* hrtft*. ** A l** A*• 91 19. Ill** hm+. ##*49o 19. 91. !• r9*9 * (t •», *»U bar.fcet*. Dlllt D**f 00"IM Mi.wft rvriM* •»* **• *•'** Oraeifewtlt*. w A*ww(t .• * *•* Hi»ftri ~‘" %It It ebinhaft , ft »-* i «* B B «RftMl»* . •» • , % ~S\. -» —* | H ' M f W B * • * jr; tauxi^r* »RXA fttl.K CnHW*«*t *•• *• ««** Ar»..M <s*ftt**m. » ys*. i* **•••* MjunniK 1 . B)M*nillMM tn** l ** V‘l )••• 4* *• A WIO*) A M r**.H •* *A# "' mK 'r - • !** y rul i is* Ism*. »-• »•**•• .. •• • ’•* CfttaH. »*• * \ * • Cftkftt. w :!| AlMft. Rnft». I* W I rrM. ft <*• Wftftl .. .. ■• ■• •• * I-* Jw „ r. XMI TA ft R rti*r«tn« •• * M jfte F KI*S HA A rtwUM .. « *•* Lft*ft4*l* •• - * ! ln«» r Krnc H-IWli <l*0t0« •* •• • * *! j»» r KI««. « Iftch * c j Man 4 •* ■■ ■ 111 j Jno P Blft*.,M *•* ** ... i»i»i><* ■ ■• ~ -••' .• •* i J*» P Kll* « KW** Aftfftrtw • » I * I J iUKTf Amrrtcaft •»•«*<». «*• * '•* |i«rrlm.t ft UlHftftM* «**« •• * *•« Charter < 4tk 4r*«* Kylt* * 1 WaSKInCtoM O* l * Hmttrk-,.0 * Allan * (Inner» • vA 1 / * Rimr**i > »** P*l , e«lA' t • Cftftle* AMMican Jmw> Id**** «*•« •• •• * w Him OUt M**l . •• ••* Am*r«< xn fiJaMn •!««* *«•* .. •• * Intftrnatloaftl M«ft» .Aw •• •• J An*« • ctdlMl* ***** .. •• •• * Allen'* Uitftftft* ***** •• •* *• " J . India * * *’* India blue ***** •• * Rtlnclanra «*«« •• - * Martha WMlhlftM *»«*•• .. .• •• 3 J t flirnrr'l radiant* •*»«« < Charter Oftk*. * *'* i TICKS. Ilampshir* .. * *'*' Amoakeaii A C A J® *** , Ain»»k. «K A .. m •• t» »ft •* •• Amoakeat C .• •• •• * ' Rftctprui ijoMKSrUKS. " City Min* * 1'! lamll ahlrtln** Mat* .A • J * drew alyl** 4*»*» •» *« •• •• 3 l * 8t Clair dcMfi /RPMft * Ocean »ulld» ,• •/ •> ” 3 3 Martin WaMtnlrffnM tahfleft .. .. * *-* Minellancoun Vr.n l*. light weight .. .. “ i** l VJ Jsaettu « yard* »!«•» •• •• w .. •• 3 >-* Thorndike U .. .. .. •• •• » * 3 ‘* Herculc* .. .... n •• •. •• •» •• 3 *’* Creftc-m 1- * Velhain, 31 bal lto bo* IB K. O. P.. *0 bn Ila to be* .. .. .. 1* K. O. P , !u balla tu tb ».» .. i. V M Muacogee U .. •• * I_ * SI inch * 1-1 yA. plaid*, beat make ~ 4 3-4 Bim peon all it finish foulard* fi*x * »-* Pacific mourning* 64x6* * 12 Chiu* stlka tl*xt>* * !■* Water 3 l" 3 Concord, BIxSO .. .. •• •• * • ... 3 1-* Home 3 J-* Edward* 3 1-3 Keystone •• •• 3 i’ 3 Firth Avenue 3 1-4 KEARBKT'9. Heavy Columbia, newvy Kearsey 8 1-* Kincaid and other* 9 *'* UME. CEMENT AND PUASTEK. Lime ‘ oi,ss Jioaendale cement .• *1 *“ Portland cement 12.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sacks ..SI.OO Plaster In bbls *1.76 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* *3.00 Painted buckets, per do* $1 10 nll R B cedar pails, per do* .. .. $1.75 3 11 B B cedar pails, per do* .. .. $2 00 Tubs painted, per nest $1.75 Rope. Manila, per pound » 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. tOcalle X dis, wire.. .. .. sl-75 bare Nails, cut .. .. $1.47. base Shovels, Ames, per do* .. .. sUasll.7o Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. $. 00 Shovels, riveted bgck, per do*. .. $4.75 Plow blades 2 l a . b^ a r« Hame*. red do* •« .«* •• •«- a * f Mpm* 9ms #*■«*• pM* #M9 m m 99-99 j Itrt —toM »M«i9 |M» #m* «• p^99 jf* *,:.*#.*• *«** fm* Ip, , i:ym M m |lf I'iM TfriWt pvt Ml m m tmmm 994 I pft>»«M PN9 9*BtV s»** ***» 9 9 [IIPP VhMti pi# 9m§ »! «• it «i m mM ‘ till flMWtii I 4WMKK pp 99 m tm . . «9i %*p m tPtpMii pp Ami *r« , 9* Iftiil • ! fcmm pvt ppm* ,» Phm m | flppNt P 4« '** m 9 P9t ffrilW tt *« PV* rfipf PPlb p»» P M 9% m» *• m * P tVNVp |Mt Pvt ~ s H w f9j| : A#« ftp#*** Mu ) pat Pm§ g* •« • P f At# fiaurftmft. Pdft t pat #m§ M «. 19 I Pat %tr fiirm PP 9 pit #n§ m *» 99 itawiNr Phm ttphtf. 9*t #wa«o *.* |«tp WvH pvt P **(M. p i ipaPPp ppirr- — 9* n, 999 9 9.99 t. t P Qm*m**«m fiyrSa tt*4 fr-rt la fartup . IPI |p ppp 99 tipppp 9PP Ai»»a ] «lMH*#tpa Pt. PAM «« «r, ~«**•* ,|tt j IPAapWM 9 TPPe MM ».*. c* 1., 999 •#•! * mphmp r* im „ « „ „ M iii r* MPft ft. ft. tat I [ AIPPP Plk PM •* »• •* m 119 I - IMtwatat Tt tap **««#**••• Mt ». * I iAt Piatt ttm MR v•*•••• *• IIP «•«I inalftftitaft «I r* tM> .. „ I*4 ... Mar est ft*. s**• ~ „.. mM .. Hi ... I CBwtaM* raw* m *— lift a AmA ItAUJtOAP ROKIr* Qeaftgtft R R. A Bt» Oft, r*. m tu ... (lewrfttft R. R. A Bkg Oft. r* i*n im ... Char let I*. CWftMß* A Aft (Ml*, tftt r*. Il*ft tftf e. 4'harlot l» Columbia A A* gtMNft. !* 7# I*l* Ilf ... Ausuata tm R R . i*a. Wl . ... M C. R. R RtMtking Ca. Collftt tsrftl Trust la IHI .. .. ..ft K (Southern Railway I'a Iflft* ....*$ *i Central of Oeorgia Railway. lat ttaaU fttort. »a. I*U .... M M C ftf a. Iftt ft ref In ...... W 4ft Cent’ll of Oftnrgla ItaUwar. id pref Income*, 1*42 , „ „ it 11 |c. of O let pref tft. I*** .. .. • 4 41. ft. * r.. I*l m. I a. tnu let t*T South OeorgM and Ft Of Ida td r*. its* in South Oettrgl* aft* Florida. Itd r*. i*m . in ... Ocean Steamship Co . l*t t a Id Vm, I*M IM FACTORT BONDS Raterprtft* Mfg Oft., tat i*a INt IN ... Sibley Mfg Cft. lat *a, I*o* . IN Sibley Mfg. Cn„ lat Fa, INt .IN tia R. It * H. Oft. fttork .. I*7 20* Southwestern R. K Stock .. M IM Augusta and Savannah *io< k 9* IN UftAIN AND i'ROVUfION*. Oat*, white, a*eked .. JS Data, mixed, mrked .. .. $4 Corn, white, racked .. .. .. M Corn, mixed 4t Meal, bolted, per buabei 47’, Flour, common ~ .. .. .. .. .. 3.M Flour, fancy extra $.71 Flour, aecond valent •» *• •• •« 4.00 Kk.ur, atandarti patent .. .. .. .. 4.56 : Flour, fancy valent .. 4 74 | Wheat bran. tOO-lb aacka .. .. .. M I Fine feed, 100-lb aacka M ltay—native, ter ton .. A .. .. 13.00 Hay—Timothy, per t<>a IS.OO Hay—choice, per ton .. ~ .. .. 14.00 Ham* —choice sugar cured •• .» maim Smoked rib vide* 0 Dry *alt rib* 0 Lard, pure leaf. In tierce* f.\ Lard, kettle, rendered In ttcrcea. < 1-4 THIKVINQ AT FORT M FhRRSON Chaplain Nave’a Teatlmony Cause an Investigation. Atlanta, (la.. Oct. 24. Chaplain Nave of Fort McPherson. ha» made a statement to the war Investigating committee that will cause an. Investi gation of the conduct of the hospital here. He declared that clothing of sick and wounded men I* being con stantly stolen. He says that soldiers come to the fort without clothing, and when they get well appropriate th« clothing of some other man who 1* in bed. Of course, this Is not general, but happens often enough, says the chaplain, to be annoying and cause trouble. Ten new hospital corps men have ar rived at the post. The frame of one of the new hospitals is up and the work well under way. No more pa tients, it is now said, will be brought here until! the «i>® buildings are com pleted and everything is In order. The hospital will then lie filled with men from Jacksonville. Free Pills, Bond your address to H. K. Burklen & Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample bog of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will! convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective In tha cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Uver Troubles they have been Improved Invaluable. They ate guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly Invig orate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Howard & Willet, 4lrV.g glStB. 1. . ... tttf: Jk-TTOTTgrrAk hirald ratftHiA** ittYM* m»w« RvmAmmß Mftftftft * >»»»«% <•>• M*» Rftftt ****■■»• *ft i «>#WNMV 4R9 99*94 # <V99 ' 94 Eivvvvv 3 aw . 9mvv999VVv9 9 ? j t*# MM NRIMi M"*9 *O. f ?>* a » -* * * Imi I tm Hb»< *mM* 4ft ’ 'NMB* *' l AII*. *B(VI ” * £ <vi. giifY fttv Am *»*v tMW9 «# l t I Bgnii ft» 1999 9*9* $m IM Mi * i*l99» 99* «MM *9 pIPVMVNW ™ i mtm 1* Im# « »■#% «*ff < I*# 9VMHW vWMV''*v*i ■ 1 • t*'i#it 91 ##*(i ip p p*i I p |,n VNMft ' ft** 9 IH* till-ftf 2 ) *rn< %* fftppvipß W tmrnm, m *•*** •vwp • j I •I*9 9ft*M. ftil Ml** 1* 9 1- * I |p4gMvlftl|i at 19* TrnHmpmw * 9* | t. —ts A tfm ip mJf I (ftp* ft, I* M9ff99li k JoPtm9 tvgtmmm- I lAilt'F *,,# ft*** ii i .d| S a* .| |* I| V *4l* 'a* 1 I |«st vpp# ft **•»«' •#•*"# fa ’ tv ■’* M»* iMI IMi KtvfPif. *9 ••4* I Ji»*f'B twm mm #4o*4*4 tvi lit* wfiftM* j I In#* trim IN#l9 ft#4 ft* * ftmpi*** If - | »«• • rpp** W. C I9m» 1 Ift«m that 4t»trbt gpert* Joftft* aft* I Ift aa alerted oft that iftftftft TW Joftft* I ft** rtaim thft deftarw rats MtnfWftrtl of Falk nftftfttF. ft*# BvftftMt »•* eter I ted ** aa t*4eya*4a*l with popovai I ■ad tepwh'iraa angpori QwMlbaa! Ilk* !s•s• Nftkft rft*ftft* «W •« raftffta | tmpnriaai By***dt ft ta 4*atd. refoa*st, I4> ailhNlt to a detonrratb ffiftliy aad j Might ftot ft* let lain a «»*»ctse There ■ are alee fapah# aftd oftft republics* vote la Ike legislature, aftd thftre will j tw muck roqanting with them j tfttoftf *r|omeaU am general policy > are adraoewd for and M*l*4t the | (ftaraa, nae aid* imping frith ao fe* left a broad potFy aroold bring the I remnant of the pnpotlat* bark !■!*> the old paftT. *bltft * fr****-oot s*»»s» -! ry would embitter th»m and perhaps drive them Into republican party rank* On thft other hand It t* rtaimed th*> vary beet wap to kill populism t* to IN It Nay outside until H I* ready to come into full fellow,hip with the democrat* Much human nature I* In the quea- Hon Men who ran get the pnpotlat vote are Inclined to oppose rnuru* and tbio* who cannot are Inclined to Ca viar It. W i. Mallard, eecretary of ih# Con federal* Veteran*' committee, spent two day* among thft politician* »nd say* he haa not found a man opposed to the acceptance of th* veteran* bom* by th# lull CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought „rr:, dUtftz&u: PENNINOTON'S REPORT. Permanent Quarters For Artillery at Charleston and Port Royal. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 24.—Tlie annual report of Gen. Pennington, eominunder of the Departm* nt of the Oulf, was Is auetl today. It recommend* the build ing of permanent quarters for artillery garrisons at Sullivan's island, S. 0.; Fori St. Phillip. la.: Hilton Head and Ifttid’s End. Port Royal. S. C. The regular* taken from the department at the outbreak of the war are recom mended to be returned Advertising a Play. In the English provinces there Is be ing played at present a bicycle drama called "A Spin for Life," In which one of the characters eacapes from the po lice by sprinting away on his bicycle. The ingenious advance agent (they have ’em In England, you see) the other night threw the whole city of Pevonport Into t* tumult by engaging two men to scorch through the streets, one in a convict's costume and the the other made up as a policemen. Mon, l>oys,women amt dogs started In a fren sled pursuit of the pair, who were final ly rounded up by a r»uil officer of the law, and taken to court, where they paid fines for traveling faster than al lowed under the city regulations. The local papers wiere taken In bv the scheme and gave no end of space to the affair, with the outcome that "A Spin for Life" received « large amount of free advertising. Thus far the bi cycle drama has not flourished to any appreciable extent in America. But perhaps the Pevonport escapade may serve as a hint to some enterprising road manager on this side of the wa ter.—New York Telegraph. (len. Merritt Marries. (By Associated Press to The Herald.) London, Oct. 24.—Maj. Gen. Wesley Merritt, recently in command of tho United States troops at Manila, will be married privately this afternoon to Miss Laura Williams, of Chicago. i COM LOCI BAKING - POWDER Hi th# hail fw rndbirt# *Py If inrl (yf Itfead, biktwllh, £MsMftft ($# p-*d*M s4f>tftie, f o*lao * *n 1 x $N (MB #tD j MW hot (%** gml fit i lltofift {s# intdMlf N< hmiifthftftpftf* U4Mh Aftd f #CO*l4H4#f>tl HU Hi#hw«t of td Hi lft#yftfil»»# In i mrtftf Cfxvvbirt#* i|ur »« y Arid tiudflllly. MifiufAtiufftd M * The Southern Mfg. Co.* RICHMOND. VA. I |MiVIM p aMHW Kr,#Miftftd | ftMA | ftftftMftN || AMft | ft«NBB *• j m *t, ifiATn To Rent 99R0# 9MOI bBB0»I i«# 19#ft mS ttmatA Id 99# * kt# Imp # 9#mo dftftHHMPft flftt«*lfts «* Ml flfcrtt #»t %rnrnmm Yft# mm Mt 99 mm• w mm% 9 jgmmt 00#i II ##l9 4Moft##M9M99, Apply or Premiiw or at 808 Broad St. For Rent of Thirty acres just below city. Homes, Stores and Offices in all parts of the city John W. Dickey I I I l ibrary BNldlftg. Ha* flood* I oft Prk*». tl Dr*** fthlrt*. at .. .. h* $1 (’ftlaundrred Min*, *t 6ft* Me hnynslrn. at .. .. .. .. .. .. the Me ftorfca. al .. Ift* Me l'nd*r*l>lrta or Draft***, at „ .. he 76c Kxtf* Fin* Ovality, at .. .. ..6ft* 1 sl. » All Word I'Bdcrahlrta, at .. 6*o ($2 5* Umbrella* (Mlfcl •# ,* ~ •• $1 26 Fin* Stock of Wuulee for Butt* and j TTauncr*. F. Q. MKRTINh, Tailor and Gents' Furnlibar. oppoNt* FMntcrs Motel. WHOLESALE PAINT WAREHOUSE One-half car Atlantic Lead Th*r* ran b* no better Leed tn America. One-half car Atlantic Li.iseed Oil 4 cent* • gallon Better tb*e cheap 14 rstern Oil*. One car Dry Mineral Paint Outhouse*. Roof*, Kencc*. Ac. Cheap a* dill. Ochres, colors Dry and io Oil Pratt & Lambert’s Hard Oil and Varnishes Pure Ready Mixed Paints Th* very beet made. Plastico. The best Wall Finish. HTH yon are in doubt about a painter we can al ways find you a good one, and a reasonable one tu price THE HOWARD l WILLET DRUG COMPANY. THE GKR-A-lSriD Wednesday, October 26- WILLIE COLLIER, THE QUAINT COMEDIAN IN TH E “Man From Hexico!” MP-Sale Opens Tuesday Morning at usual plan*. It doesn't take a blooming idiot long to go to seed. call roe Augusta Irewing Co t t: H t*i>M T ts|£fc R BELLE OF GEORGIA irJ m Wml ftk \ mt> (“* K r \ *#i tin'* Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —call m>— AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AleianderUobDSon AC*' i'i lio (tis)i A»»ro> Morlmi* * «.«open», 705 Broad St ? PORTNER’S < C HOKBRAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET / f BRANDSOF f I Export i j Beers < ? ARE THE BEST C 5 ask for them. c 6R. MITCHELL, ALEX. MopONALD Supt. or Con. Sec. & Gsu. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company UU Mclntosh threat. Electric Supplies—-peaking Tnb*e, etc., etc. R. pair- to ell Electrical epparauie. Electric Mght Wiring a specialty. Bell'Phone ltW2. - - - Stronger 6,8. H i&l%^ ro 1 Aodrsry I.Ow’pRH’ES largo stock. Alao Virit, VAI.VES amt FITTIWO*. XX OINIt*. BOIt.KKi.MIMA end REPAIRS. Lombard Iron Works dc Supply Oo.^ a vousta . aa. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oet. 2nd, IS9B. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a, m.j 6:21 p. nt. Lv. Sandersville . 1:19 p. m.| 9:09 p. tn. Ar. Tennilla .. .. 1:30 p.ra.| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon .. •• • 8:45 p m.J 3:65 a. ru. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p tu.J Lv. Dublin ‘10:00 a. m Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|11:55 a. m. Lv Tennille. . . 5:16 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersville. 5:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 2:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnllle with Central R. R. lor Macon, and with Wrightsville and Tennille R. R. lor Dublin and Hawklnsville. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James TT. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands. jjt « ii4t „ ... Receivers. ( hdiMKtdP Charleston I if Carolina #9#9eo9# <9 #•##'##*♦• mmmm #4Nft# #•9190909 49 INN## 4ft#Mft 90ft MM#- I . : ft mm-m I #%#» I m »*a- ■ ■' .jf - f 1 I * #*990909(991#### :«* <7 ##« II- I *Wm Mfe9N« ###•*■ I 999999' £f -, f#*# i J "WhtTA »9*#d|i* *###• I # AftjftftS', i. b Mu## w*"« I ft , 990Mft' ■<##'**♦#•• j 119 ftaftll99p9s *»» m*• •»•■***'9 * 4MH9M9K X * I * |«OMtM9\ * . * run ftft.Nlf## 9 MIM9; I * |g9pt>9#ft»Mß»ftft* *wft j t99f00 **9 1 *«#••« i ++* * *•** 1 "o*4l wmm « ■ '■ .. 11 Im§ JpMUft —** »««#$««• ;.9M9099 »'—b w« I * ftitftflr yftftft fMsAttJ * MpPiMft 6Wl**M»*> .. | §mm 3*N*»*B I▲# ftSpMft t«ft«»fttft»vw|wwmft - M9Jj9J9 * I >9l IH— **** MUNWv J Mp> |§! | # ’999NA9li.f 90>#0 | * fm m #«mm-**ltlAMMßfe *4H9M u ■BiBHBBSrjrf •*-. *« #’niiss ** tmwmmkiln * * i(( | ?mmm 3 I * ISnfi 'Tkmtm • t,n t 4Mom#3 I ! t ov# | VMMMMMb 9nßooßft SMBPMOI ] I * jhwfch... .^...**^..ißdjNh! * ftfi—MA I*#N \ ft# A or—«* >.sftM* | I dftft ft Nftftft **Nft F#*** Nft ***m«t»ft #ta4.l lad* lb* art f**Nl m a ih. i* 41Mrt isftftftftiA* ft »i**aft'*i» A* *A yadftn aft ft. ft, L **d f.J • - Mft tuailn* li-ftng ft« 6 VagtftNß Rftlftf I IrtWt bAArtgrtlAAftt* ft IM j MMA ••ftrtdftMW Art. rtftfttArt ft . I f KftMi 4Mw tft* Aft* B. H BOBTV MMftßg %fk } | tVIIA'i hi# law ft lift—, ft* BLOC BIDOC RAILROAD. II C 9EATTIE i kw *1494. W4MMt#P#r * |p -ft«d| Bm 4 4 F»r#« 9»r I . fTtu < 10m# 9 o#M# C%*m mil g n»« 4 Ml t*t# ; HeiMk Wf Dtl* 14# IS 9t*.i r 9* II M«>9 AII >WIA t lAfft*# twav* -TM JAM. Kh tWR.. ft*id»ranft A I hll • 1, Ift 2ft D»*l4 ..,.fl * 4111 » gi; Ig |« Aula* .....f I 6* tt *6 I*MR I IftflF. * Pft>4ly*rt WJNI. U . , ;M (4 Chrtry *'raafg t, 4yII 71 | * *: $ ftft tft Aftw'4 It'rtftg f) 4 It It ift • ft; |'M 24f-.. IKNACA ..At 4 »’J ft ft:Ml i I I *-a t ftl M, ftr*ytt t’otart *■ $ m , ft Ift M 8... ft'ftdMhft .. ftl 6 IT! AM PM ' 11*444 *wn FM PM. Na t: No ft RWM MM », Ragairty hlfttlart. F. f>»* hUittan Ad regular train* from Andrraoft tft | WtihtlU hava ftftht to track aa*» ' irnlnx <4 tb* *an>* rioa* mens* tft «F --pa*tt* dtryctftrt. nal«n* *tb*4»t*ft *rt*<- lS*d by train «»rd*ra Wilt •>•* *’.oß at folio*ft* **•” a* tn tab* n* rt M «( pM**nt*r* Phln* nty *. Jawrt sitd hnr.or Spring*. No Ift conn*, ts vltft* Swat barn rail way No. 12 at Aad*r*oa. N## § #rxS 9 WMirct wtftl Hos. U t$ at ******* *.. j. ft AKDERiON, Puprr njenJrnL miNTIC COIST LINE. BHORTBBT AND QI*ICKJ»T ROUTB To TUB EAST AND NORTH. 2:3ftp«f £*■■ Augusta On Ar j T «ft*M t.ftftpm Lv Aiken. Ar j 7 lVain 4:l7|t»ni Lv Denmark....Ar * llpra 4 6«po>l Lv.. Ornngb'g ...Ar | ft to**-. 6 Oftpnii Lv. fiums.r. H. C ..Ar | 4 2»*m I.Mpm] Lv.. ..Florync* Ar j I 16am 10 330n.| Lv...F«ye't*vllle" Ar j I Hem J 2l*mj Ar.Petersburg.Vrt.Lv | I 12pm 4 00am' Ar....Hlchmond ...Lv | (12pm 7:4t*m| Ar.,Woaklng'.oa.• Lv j I 44pm *,[ Ar... Baltimore. ...Lv | 2:26pm ll:S6am| Ar . Philadelphia Lv jl2:o»pm 2 03pm| Ar... New Tork—Lv | ftJQam | Pullman palace buffet sleeplr.g rare from Macon and Auguita to New Tork without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Aft., 723 Broad fit.. Aaguat*. Gn. T. M EMERSON. Traffic M.nmgcr, H. M EMBRSON. G*n. P«w. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH, HS*. * (»oth Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 2 For Savannah 1:20 P. M. j No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta 2 4® P- M. No. 6 For M*con. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 3:20 A. M. No. 62 For Macon. Atlanta, and Way Station* .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA No. 1 From Savananh .. .. U4O P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con. Atlanta *:35 A. M. No. 6 From Macon, Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 6:50 P. M. No, 53 From Macon, Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 5:30 P. M. No*, t. 2. 3 and 4 daily. No*. « and 5. dally except Sunday. No*. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping care on night trains between Millen, Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther information a* to schedule*, etc., apply to „ , M. C. JONES, C. T. A W. A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. J, W. NALL, Commercial Agent. eToTeRBELDING PLUMBER, STEAM, GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO 541 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES* NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD * WILLETT DRUG CO. 11 K L I. >: OF GEORGIA OCTOBER 26 R#«L*o*D *g*MR#H2MB» S. t l C. MILWtT CO 941# # # #M##9 #OO 440M0 #9999,1 t i.% f f it t*gi9t 4> ip* i, * *» -•• 9* * 9#ps iimM 14 10099 0# 9 Rf '«#•#•. 14 * OMO9 t ,dft ; , ,4 • oc# id If i oteft<dNl !'. * Amm* l -Wmm * ~ ... . .. . ■ * lo.i im ***■ • .«#%#* 0# ot*4# ,Mk o mmtm Wamm *♦‘49## $■ o##99 909#Hi9 * 9w>#4l I £9 piMpnMMMiMi# jptt/ttttk *mmm 1 40 Qmmm 9 a* %, »<9pol 0 «4lßjo 0< 1 V >UOI ** m f i # «•#« Bgg^Hp !•A-* • * » 4» 9*>99 149909 4* 0 mmm 9*0909 0 < oft || 00 4* kft 1 19 %.M I*o 101 00 • * +nm 19 mm 4mm **4* %«#9 ft tMimt* **+ Y-.*i#*# j 9# 9«N9*.*.,* 4‘«9#o U mmm 9*909 |o# |— TlfiitTl 011900 I# t9#o#M#i > 9 4 l*##o i 9# 9«1m9'0 09999 4 • ImHM* 4 I ' Jin# 19t WM9*|M9'« %m o99 9* 90h#9 I |999l I 90 >«• 1 <o|i .909 it 90001099 ■ ’ '4o>oi « m iw# mmm 00 c 99099999 m 4mm l 4• - * • «M#M. 000# «9 •**»'• »*• 9# .f 1 9>--» tl t 9m. m 09Hi90| 99991! 0991909 •99 9f * 1 ■<*»>#4# mm 4 mmm 9mm 9*1—901 * 00Mp| 000 (9—99 h __ (I. mtwSmmT I- 4. MICM9 I igMidiTtt 9l##oo|9o %mo4* *••00190 p,~ h hb»n*'ft. ft*» *** ""ftrtb u* ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. " o^p»#Wl T%m* Wtmmrnrnm * •*•<•— #o 4Nbb9* --■ \z m - ~ 7S "IS ft, —W. «•» *■» 00, Zm ' Z~ZTmrn . 'I I »»( t 19# ¥ fcsr* ~::: Ifß gtt ip|g9.*r... - I i 459! !»• 0r <9—o9 .... I •*** | drt SiiXm"* -- ‘■ —I ,m * • " Iftrttft.. ..... I 61 ** W 2*F VM. *»■*!*gem , | ••*■ ,{§s g jnlttr'-jafa u ’> : ■•■iSmJ «f! LaibbMsft. •• Bull Bally. Li Xrti B |rtii.Pxftk ......-I tn, tftlftai * PbUMhdgMn~ .......... | (Ui| * »>* - hfiain I ft 33», •31 a lie w eeb'fta ft* Ry ' Ift 4**' II Ift a U 3Muaw< itbwl l*u«m Le Koavtlie . ■ ft ft*a' # Ift* L* •"tift'ftl " . ' Ar Ori'raaknia • 4ft *j ..... L* Oraeaibeeo 7 *4• f Mr CbarMja ..... »»• lv *»* • buck ttU 312ft* 1! <4l* • Chaw** MM* 11*7 * % uwatoec. U4l* U 4*ft ft UrtTa* h»»,t r«< I* 43ba, I*7 a e. rwambt*L’b d**'X 1 Ift* 4*l I * jnhßrtra* I 3 54* 4 <*. » * fraaio* ....I 3»*| ft Mb * GrsirteyUJa ... 3 3B*( 7ft a ftr Auguela. j 1 t*M !»• Lv A Ut*n Lie ..... F£i* 1 Oft* Lv Syarlaararg ' If 40*| ft tft* L» (VI W*. H.C *l* «y I ft (ftp! 7 00* Ar CWierto* > « 40*1 It On* L* CVU-bw. F C.»F Ky iirift •' 13 47 * - M.UMI. | 4 47* 5 o** Ar J«. t*! ft Ift a Hiirlm tin «*nVII ■ gi Olient daily j.uuaagw rtrrte* twywee* Rkir’. l* *ad So* Vors No* 87 and #v— W and a*Mbw«*,*rn Ltm 'wi Solid VaattbuTnl train with dining ■u. and Unit riaee euacbr* n«nh of Chariott*. i Pullman drawißg room tlwpin* ear* between ' Taint**. Jwkaouvtk*, havunob. Waakln*n*n ■ad New *jrk piiilman SleepUg o»r* br«we*a CharMla and Klcbnond I FultßiM drawing-room air**tng cor* ho twwn Hraejwtxvr* and Norfolk. CTloeaLfo*"^ 1 tlon at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFOBT, arriving there la lime for breokfnat. Solid Iroia. with Parlor com, boloeen Charteetaa and AahavtUe. . Kuaßtaad m—V. A Fart Mail Through Paiimaa drawing room tmffet aieeplng can. *•• tween JacksoanUe rtid New Tork and Pull man alMWlng com between Augiuin and Chai lorto. Palin*an oleomag car* twiwvrn Jack !..avtlie and Calami ik, *a route dully bet nee* ockaonviiie navi '■ . inno 11, via Aot»«yilt* ttANK i Gannon, j m.culp. Third VP ft I4*u Kgr T. U . Wa*.hln»to» W A. TUBE, 8 HHAKDWinf I 61. P- A- WaalUßftpa O. f. A., aiiaata. GEORGIA • - RAILROAD. (»oth Meridian Ttme.) Schedule Effective April 24, ISIA Pullman Sleeper* between M*con *n4 New Tork. Through Pullman Sleeper* between Am gusta and St. Lout*- Lv Augusta ..j 7:05am1 3:2opm!lo:3opm Ar Atlanta ...|L2:36pm| »;20pmi 6 00am Ar Macutt ...,|ll:l6*rn| | «;46itm Ar Athens ....|l2:l6pm[ 7:3opmj Ar Galnegvlll*j*3:4spm| j - Ar Whit# Pl‘*i*l:Oftpm| | Ar Mlll'gale . 10:10am| | 4:3oam AS Wash'ton ..|lo:loarn| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta daliy except Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar rives at MtlledgevHle at 8:10 p. m. Train* arrive at August* 6:16 a. rta. 7:45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m , and 8:26 p, m. A. O. JACKSON. G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6, 1598. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ky 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER] c7f. HARPER, President. G. P. A,