The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 26, 1898, Image 1

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rtuT #,#%«**• At urrfAj * lAtt*o* M« nit >#»■•#» *«*•«** mm mm, *•••>»• SPAIN HAS EVERYTHING TO HOSE M» t| TVIHw («MMi k QtAMr Or*f titff Ni*t Wfll m mm um •*> dm • »*m |Ht Immm &.#*#4 fy »m Mft 10# || -tti| 11 W|Miolonos*#Mv €ttl# itt, »■ 000ttft ttgf*## 090M#irq| M (0 MWltfcftM o##9- 1900 Ml Mi Ml* #*nKt-s* **• 040900* «4tttt# iuMM IMP pMMPP *■* *-«m #• 9044* Ml MM 9Mfto#o*o4 111 §044000 ts ft* •MMPPP* MMI !MMt IMP JMpMMPM 99MP M 111 pMMIM *M«mI IMP 009M9I*#i MMiPfM'MPMI Map jit 0100 111 MMP mM PWf*tMMK Ml gtttM Mp MMf tMIMM «M«I «Mft Ml MtPMfMI | 00tttt00 00 «Mp *4o9# 4#ookftottoi #4l - fpwrM «f Mm mm *Mp 09*0*M « «m| ||mM *r fijft • #Mgtto# if PM'IM'MPP Ml »Mp mpmimmc iMMr MtW I y, r m r t«4'£ amokC til* fifmifVti MM* MMpplttt MmpmMmm. TMM %000| *Mp wl#** iM'** o*olo9 Imp(00 ImMpp 00 imM* Jp*tp of l*on« Ruo i&4 m cooiinf #*•* thi gpnstpM to nor pmpopitkMif from «M* AMtrkai ro«i»miMPi«HHK». fwn mi nop fPfPfPMCPn of it«ni|ni •* *#•* * »“ to Midnf. }'t** no ta# icnmi pco™ toots ov*r #tteM iHII# point Ms ifcsi t!to4* of tiro Amorlrsns. w*» *m tMo] _ »• _ ___ ki.lK la!iv fit# Of vtlnM- !>0 OH* •«««» ''•» imtMW to joat What rvw th* Polled Buif» rial* Will bo u lb* Philip- P> ”? wrf ta . mu , h bulm opl|llon the Philipp ne people and their r«par ity for sclf.govi nuneni than I* It** - •Up •wppo*«4. He bu represented to the American ronntirloßen that the Philippines northern group, meaning I,,iron. Crbtt. Penny, Lalt*. Mindora and Ha mar. are, aa a g. noral role. In leillgeut. prat tkable, and far belter qualified for seif-government, than the inhabitants of Cuba. Dewey it at fa mt'iar with the qualification* of she Cubans as almost any navai officer, to that his itatement is bound to have weight with the American eommlasion eis. But with all this he has made no recommendation as to what should constitute the maximum or minimum demand of the Americans, and their demands consequently are likely to bn based upon original Instructions, qua!-1 ificd by art' change of opinion Pres ident McKinley may have expe rienced as a result of his western trip. CHARLESTON RUCK RACES. Mr. George Summers, of Augusta, W ill Ride Charleston. 8. C.. Oct. 26—Tomor row afternoon the L. A. W. races will take place, and some of the fastest bi cycle riders In the country will ride. There will be both amateur and pro- i fessionai events. Before the close of the races for the week it l» quite probable that a match race between Starbuck and McDuffie will be scheduled. Both riders are now in Atlanta and an effort is being made to bring them here. The following Is the program for the professional rsets with the names , of those who have entered: Two miles handicap, total value of prizes, 265. One-half mile handicap, total value of prizes, $55. One-third mile open, total value of prizes, $55. Five mile handicap, total value of prizes. S9O. Australian pursuit, l>c tandems, to tal value o. prizes, S7O. ENTRIES. Bob Waltbour. Atlanta, Ga. D. A. Kreomcr, Chicago, 111. G. I. Ktearner, Chicago, 111. H. W. Eckhart. Philadelphia, Pa. J. Chapman, Philadelphia, Pa. Kendal Spier, Atlanta, Ga. Eli Winsett, Atlanta, Ga. Geo. W. Summers. Augusta. Ga. A. L. Welch, Charleston. President Diaz of Mexico bad an ex citing encounter with a mountain lion recently while runtlng in the stains near Buehue toco with a party of j friends. - 1 A LITTLE LEM INDIVIDUAL SEt FIBHNFSB AND MONE CIVIC UgEFULNESS WILL HELP VOU AND THE TOWN. tt* sims a %*»»*»* % A A&OfRIY TMutßt. 4 js*f♦* p mvm4 fm!) * igtH ii feMfc. M» fkai Aw* Nwagsag tm a A«ffi o#w9 100 #o#. %»U! *# ft* HUMIi-v « ** It f HIM fNwMi) MM>i»ts. •*#*mm f|MM ' m* I f« • wn I Mo# Mm 4 0 Irn* te *tt • ♦ *■* • 4 Yi# ■ Mholt*M Ml #■»-%*» MmM t inf iititif [mmM Mini #%**** i gr ** **t «n i | imml m* m '%M< MM . f OMkWRi * 90 AA ** •***.# . djfe, .■ |Mwwol fi *<f | i*A '4 «ia - * AHwigt |ngN#*o IM CM %l us mms M Mitt*. MMI I**%* ffr fl4or T (MMMMVW 9MMM U Hi"*** Ml MMi iMMhf *00MI? F tIMYi fti» «# 44»|.|w0*aM Mp>o WslM tilt*** (lltr'tiN t» 000 * “ THE BOND ISSI’E. It ttas Rtf* Prsttkally Completed Now. Washington. Ort. 2£ The treasury department haa practically completed the issue of two hundred million 3 p, i real bonds which were authorized at the last session of congress, and thn last temporary- force of riarhs apoo'n-, ted to duty in that connection will be dismissed next Saturday. Whatever else remains to be done will be ban died by the permanent treasury force. The hlgbeet allotment of bonds to any one subscriber will be SI4HO. Swb rrrlbers for S4,.VW will receive sl.3<M each, and possibly s few hundred dol lars to addition. The amount, If any. however, depends upon the resnit of the suit now pending to compel the secretary to issue to subscribers sboul SSOO 000 on subscriptions rejected by the depart mem on thf ground they were irregular. Four Bit!ion Cigarettes. Statistic! rocy not be Interesting, but they are aom* times serious. B. Ed- ] round Hatcher, special correspond nt j jef the Nashville American, furuiahea [the followlng: ‘Ten years after Ihe smoke of the first cigarette was blown from the Ups 'of the pioneer American cigarette smokers the annual consumption amounted to 1,000,000. That was about the year 1874. The large number )f foreigners coming to America during the Centennial at Philadelphia in 1876 gtve the habit another impetus, for | cigarettes were almost common abroad before they were known in America; and from that time on the consumption grew enormously each year until it i reached the fyUUcn mark In 1884. Five years, or in 1889, government statistics shelved the consumption to he 2,000,- 000,000 annually, and In 1893 It was 3,000,000,000. “ A comparison of these figures and periods of progression in the habit will give some Idea of the rapidity with which it spread. For instance, while it took a period of five years, from 1884 to 1889, for the consumption to in crease from 1,000,000,000 to 2.000,000,- 000, it required only four years to add another billion to the statistics. In 1894 sed 1895 the figures made another big Jump; and in 1896. the last year in which statistics along this line are obtained, the number of cigarettes of all kinds, foreign and home-made, said to have been sold in this country, ap proximated the enormous sum of 4,000,000,000. Miss Florence Nightingale, who has never recovered from the eft'oer.? of her labors during the Crimean war, presents in this respect a strong con trast to Miss Clara Barton, who in the midst of her Red Cross work is nearly as old as her English prototype, aud vlio says she feels as well as ever in ! her life. _ __ _ THE AUGUSTA HERALD. THE SOiiONS ARE 14001 IN SESSION HiM| if Ilf Clrffiat* | r<*»go» i tf%oof li 0 10* #* 9** pwftiiiiM m I Clfot IMtfttb o*M|k a A *, * : 10 mm VOMk 100 •MMi 90’ foi %4 <IOO ■###* tMI r itoftMo o*o# 0- 0A o’iMk e’.!#•*§ »#«■# •. * 4*4* |f ■ .«$ A O mb4 109*. |ii*# i lit l profw r i ti of of'»* Movn Mi v«#T torio Hotfi fimMM Rttirfll# h# rifMNt'fl to nhov roti«#t- TM* rmArki of ik*> pruMisi vne tlio4|ktf«l fir&itktS Met fl Ist Dmtifi, ftivtr upavrV* for ballot rtfnf* »n 4 0 fotrrr sl*lllos «f tflt*i4t hum rrr»tallfl*4 Halo Tnveatioatino. UaiUmmb.ion Look lag Over Cawip lorw. Iluntsrilte, Ala., Oct. 26 The war Investigating commission today began inspection of Camp Forae. preparatory to an Inquiry which will be Instituted here later. The commissioner* were separated Into patllea of two for th* purpose if inspection, but even then they found the task before them quite arduous, as the ramp here la a large ona, with about fifteen sub-dlvlalon* of troops, to say nothing of the hos pitals. There are a great many regu Irrs here, and among them are many who participated In the Santiago cam paign. Many of these will be examin ed when tlie commission begins Its sit tings. The commission postponed the In apecton of the camp here today owing i to e mild snow storm and very muddy roads. THE FR NCH SITU TION. A Military Blot Is Believed to He In Existence. (By Associated Press uTThe Herald.) Paris. Oct. 26. The Potit Journal today pnbUrhea an In e v’e*- w tb "v» former minister of war, Chanolne, who explained that he les.gueu ua acto.ui of a difference of opinion with Pre mier Briseon about the Picquart af fair. He added that he had not demanded the prosecution of the papers which have been attacking the army, because j he considered the penalties provided by law sufficient. The moderate pa- j pets say yesterday realized their hopes; and the radical and revisionist organs express belief in the existence of a military plot. They urge tho union of all republicans as the only means of giving stability to a future minis try. Steamer Sunk. Kobo, Japan. Oct, 26.—The Japanese Btetmer Mljagala was sunktodoy, al most immediately after having been in a collision with the Japanese steamer Kinshiu Maru. Sixty Japanese were drowned. Sailed Today. New York, Oct. 26.—The American liner Paris,' known during the Spanish war as the auxiliary cruiser Yale, re sumed her place as a merchantman End sailed today for Southampton. No City Court Today. Owing to the absence of City Soli citor Cohen, there wav no session of the city court today. Mr. Cohen is in Atlanta on business. Whatever prevails is called truth if the rule of the majority Counts for anything. AlkH At A. 4Mb IIU l!lol| ; Ilf (« la HfgtM OMB ttMMif It 40ktt. IA A* Had »Ndksdl tiqwrt MiMli lua»i I f%O ittMPMMMI 00£Ml4 114901 • 11*0* «rmOMK %"#.. pMfMO o**l |mi Ip#9o»*4 o*9o I 1 <50900900 000 OMMMOOR 09 0M904 Mil 00 00010 0%0 0040 MM* •MONOO9O 000 ; •M9# #49*o 1000 Ml O*MWMO4 'OOOO #| -0| M90%M4o#9 #OO C I# A-4900W fcWF'fSMlf 0000000*4 | 0 *J» I Dm* MO9O fl #4o4* M9O 0 «■'•fPt# 11 0 -<r9bHMN#fe4 Mot 014 M § pm***- ; |4M# 040M400.10 |M9*OO 00H0W- Pj ; MKllll * CMlu 01 lt0fM»0 V#,. mm* j 'f J -n»i»ir ##4f4>o 10# t#otf M*M #1 1000001 100 mmmwmi Ml M* *OO K.iyd .j TW*> 4C" | 4 • f Of- 49 19 CM#-* tmf'm * 90'<r «It 4|f9NM# f* 100 # *## «f#o 00*1 00*04 00 floli*it t#*#■## 09r»M 900 000 4f* 000* 10. 14001 *OO (M# A*lo' «vr t S in Mi# |mm , -M#9. 004 ONMiOO 4*. *0 Ml f#oo4 *4 tM# dit rl |4.>fr#4 10# *t«* f#*o4 00 tit MOrM mi 00 ioY#W»|># Ifcr# «ti| Mr r ~ Ttirj « Iftllli lit 01 #4lll OMKO IffY NsMfYtlMf M tM** M#**?ft» HmH fttr o#rr# ifcm 0 jwr Pof 0 Quinl#f nf ##olo M# >9ri 0 lof 10* mi: of #O4 w*t <*f rmpkj>oi#a Hr 000 MibJfH lo 4l# of ittmitoo. #*j9 a f,*« ##ofo ;*or #p#o» m*»m* llo># lit Mir« 9 0 «if« »m 4 taw rMll4rot». nitoHy OIOVO. Ylt)ok Is rtarkftiil* He #O4 Ml# 4lf# M#r# tn#« §###lol #4 #o«b# tvtlTf or osiin* jrtin. but iM#f* «#r» no 41 tow# |>r *m»4l00« Hr ot#*oll #l* bor* ll fUrh»iO©4, but *#i»»# M#r# wi l Ml# Mtttr during IMr w«r nod Ml# UoyM 4 ««#4 young maabnmt were here, wbera As bad me ay frieudt. He waa about 47 [ y« «r# C*U I Tbs an.horiliee <k*viaed aa Inquest i nntrwuri' The body will be Inter 'red In (be Erlscopai burying ground tomerrew Hi* relatives have Ireea wired and it la thought some of them will be present at tbe burial. Mr. Stegall had travelled a grant deal between New Vor* and New Orl<wn», anti bad large acquaintance in all the Rowthern cltiea. Hi* mother waa from Richmond If la aelf-deat ruction hxa tlirnwn a pail of andness over the en tire coniroun'tv. I A ROMANTIC MARRI 'CIE. Voung Boy and (llrl Run Away and Are Cha.ed For Jo Milea Columbia. 8. C., Oet. 26.—Many ro mances have occurred In Brookland. Just across the river from Columbia, but none more thrilling than the one which closed In a marriage at the home of Mr M. H Witt, notary public, day before yesterday. Mi . J. W. Meetxe, a young man 19 or 20 years old, who works In one of the cotton mills, eloped with Miss E. E. Leirick. daughter of Mr. Andrew J. Lorirk, of I.exington Meeige lives in Brookland, and his yung bride’s home Is In Lexington. 51eetze met bis In tended at Lexington,put her in his bug gy. and, after being chaaed for thirty miles by the relatives of the girl, he arrived In Brookland. where they were married by Mi. Witt, who disliked to perform the reromony, as the parties and their relatives were well.known by him, but he saw no other way out of the difficulty. THE VITAL -QUESTION. The Peace Comml-sionera Are Pre pared to It. Paris, Oet. 26.—The American peace commissioners held a session of sev eral hours duration today prior to the Joint session of the two commissions, which opened at 4 o’clock this after noon. The Americans fully realize that they are approaching the dircus sion of the chief question entrusted to them, namely the future of the Phil ippine islands, and it may be taken for granted they are well prepared to take ♦he matter up If It is broached totlay by the Spaniards. LAUNCHED. Has Been the Rio de la Plata at Havre. Washington, Oct. 26. News has been received of the launching at Havre or the cruiser Rio de la Plata, which Is to lye presented to Spain by the loy&l Spanish! residents of tho Ar gentine Republic; There ore many wealthy Spaniards residing in Argen tina, and at the outbreak of tbe war they raised a fit m 2 with which the ves sel, then in prat-ess of construction, was purchased. Mr. (1. W. Jackson returned from Atlanta tbhs morning. BARNES IS NOT A CANDIDATE (a>fft*#ii !>•*•* # Hitt 3C« hmM# I’# itMMk t»Aj»— a> $ aw* fir Itaswss >«»»*»wd tM* Mmwia 9k* tilt 90# ** e#t #M# III! 1 0H00 ittMtm tl*f*Mo* J«MO II . o>f j #4 Tfcn iiio>>Wo 00# M 0 ' fWMM #m In# tM# o*o9 9#«W * ITWntT r ( 00 |o(| MmMR# 90 VfiMil 11010*0 mom 4 IMO* M# M##o 0 i#N"g ll>M>o lM# OKO- #O9 OIS M Mt* 0044 rwNif## |0 *# «M# 090? t# 4 Tn4of M# oi9#4 TM# H##il4 ## |oh ' Ttirgn* 70 CL# (Vi J 0 mm 000001# ##4 Ml 9*#M*o4 (tillv sot tM# OMOO4M* #* AT THE F «\T. .Vmks mIM Wa> falsf ID Caaay Dwrtog »nd After IM Flfbt Friday twaiii, irtapiti skny with Pa A. of lbs flrvmtb infantry, w b f\y |i was burr ad oal of Casey aa fkr marching order*. I got an Mca of the way the individual soldier viewed the battling In vbHi they bad taken cart. Tbe talk waa mostly of fall -a «cm fade* writes (Torlia M. Pepper In tbe Washington dtnr "Did you know Shea* dead**' In qoired one "He'* Mb' wounded ’ wn* the reply "No; be died on the way to the hospital Poor tinea! IT • •as good feticur." "Did you bear shout Dowd. He bad a package of letters from his wife v l her picture In bla pocket. Bullet went right through ibetu. lie never knew." ■ Thera waa a lad lying by my *idc on the top of the hill. He was mighty cartful In hi* aim and got one Span iard. sure, tic raised bis bead an ireh and then they got him. I'd rather take the cbanirs of being bit etaodlng up. Not so apt to get you In a vital apot." I ’‘How * O'Brien 1 ?" "Pretty fair. Ilia arm was shattered and he'll lose It. but that bullet Itt h?a leg made a clean bols nod won't bother him murb." "Three feliowa went over by my aide end not one of them got up. I kept raylrg to myself: ’Old fellow, your turn'll come next, but here l am with out a acrateh.” "My kid had a birthday—two y<)ar* old today and when they were slaughtering us along that ridge I couldn’t help thinking of home That'v so. fellows. My time's up in eight days, and I hope we will have done up these Spnniards in that time, for if I reenliet I can’t see that kid.” The talk, of which the above Is a literal a transcript as can be made from memory, ran along i« this wav for some time. Then, following a pause, some one said: “l suppose there’ll he some hot fighting tomor row. Wonder if I’ll he in it?" “In it, you chump! Somp of ue'll be in it, and won't pome out of It.” The Kaiser in Palestine. Haitla. Palestine, Oct. 26. The Emperor and Empress of Germany arrived her at noon today and landed during the afternoon. The town is decorated profusely in their honor, every house flying German and Turk ish flags. The Turkish troops llnpri Ihe streets and a band from the cav alry regiment played the German an them. Their majesties were driven to Mount Carmel, at the foot of which the Oerman-Ameriean colony is situa ted. Loyal to Spain. Manila, Oct. 26.—The American au thorities have released some Spanish sailors captured during the war. The authorities at Iloilo have cabled Mad rid, expressing loyalty to the Spanish crown. New York I utures. New York, Oct. 26.—Futures opened steady at declino. October 5.18. No vember 3.15, December 5.21. January 5.26, February 5.30, March 5.34, April 5.38', May 5.42. Jufie 5.46, July 5.49. August 3.32. Mr*. S. L. Hollingsworth, of Mil ledge. spent yesterday in the city. Mr. R. A. Brand was in Atlania yesterday. »s%* I oil A## A It A# kH aOM 9 #*, 9*l* MRS. ATKINSON S MURDER IS AVENBED- An Edgefield Mob Shoot Down T.woof the Accused Negroes. ! / it# Not Known Whotbor Ihe Third Esc aped Alivt. i rpnifTit I* 0»# 94*00*4 tHj»'fl#f4 4 C €O4 0 *** T 1» 4* 11# irrin 9000011001*04 90000' *OOO4 » fct«|.oW#* «|OOO ; •#0199000# 00# 90094 INM#***#* li •ft**#! ## |oflnoi J)## U*m » |4OM#4 1001 ntwmm 4*4 |f 41^*400*49 •Iga JHa MrKla «ai «* •*>■***+ Ks»| fti#4 M#* is## |**Ni*f» M#M#4 IM# I'tfi# ott A4OOMK 10 #*' \* F*f* Oot frt 9M# 0#? . . _ tiii he mm.rn |0 AllmM## ■ I ANmi 4atM itt JNwrf 04*4 10 itt o®** f naw that Uav had heard mmi* msisas as praaaat. T c*v iwirwi atm ■ inMrwled the cwcaect i» have Jta* Me Kle Wash M< Kir Laibw Swiilvaa hquir* Green aad In* S**l h comaai'- led 60 jail sad have then '.rrsMght tack Novetaher aaveeth far farther lavwti galioe It waa rumored ihat they would he lynched if atartad to bMrttld Cool , heads tried to keep it down and pat i.cly adviecd M. fhvrlS W H Oouu'a j was present and deputised a number nt irea to ateomfany the pr.aoners to th* jail. TThey ail formed a Bar. with tb • j prieosere hetweea shem sad began to march towards EdgeCeht When they had gone aboat threr hnnrtrad yar.i* fmm the church aot a sound could be i KITCHENER RETURN NO tie la Greeted With Cnthueiaam Everywhere (By Associated Pres* to tbe Herald I Maraaiilca. Oct. 26. General Lord Kitchener and Captain Baialier. the bearers of Major Man-hand'* Faahoda report, arrlveri front Aiexandr.a ttvday. During the voyage the two officer* j dined together, and cordially convert ed on the customs of the tribe* and people* each had met The British Consul here met Kitchener on landing and Baratler received an affectllonate : greeting from hla mo:her and brother, j Kitchener and Baratler left for Paris on the same train. The eiowtl which assembled on the platform cheered Baratler. and tbe delegation from Ihe J naval and commercial schools presen ted him with a jeweled insignia of the legion of honor, to which his ap- i pointn-ctit had just been announced, j A deputation from the geographical j society at Marseille?, after the con- j gratulatlng of Baratier. proceeded to | General Kitchener's saloon car. j There (he spokesman of the Ficneli party expressed admiration of the j general's remarkable campaign and i woik lu behalf of civilization, and j thanked him for the courtesy extended : to Marrhand and his colleagues. Tliej general thanked his visitors warmly, and eulogized Marchand. whose expe dition, he said, excited the admiration of the Whole world. The train then departed amid shouts of “Vive Bara - , tier!” “Vive Marrhand!" POWE L-WO'HLE. Quiet Marriage This Afternoon at 4 O’clock. A quiet marriage which occurred at four o'clock this afternoon was that of Miss Lizzie to Mr. Frank j Rowell. The marriage ooeurred at the home of the bride on upper Broad j street. Rev. Mr. Atkinson officiating. 1 Miss McGahee Is a young lady of many friends, who regret very much to pat t with her. Mr. Powell is a very prosperous young planter of Columbia county, and Is the recipient of many congrat ulations. Union Painters idle. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 26.—The union painters of Indianapolis are all Idle today. This is in accordance with the programme announced by the Mas ter Painters' association, which served notice that If lh» union did not with draw the boycott pronounced against a oerittin linn, the bosses would dis charge every union man. Tin- ultima tum Went into force this morning, when ; the Ulen found the shops locked against j lh*em. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oslin, c£ Wash- j nifilou, Ga., were in the city this mOrtl- j ins. | »4MMf | AMM# ’ MM* I ♦a* (o|A*o #OO4 0 * oft »<H* <Mfto j in antr## ( t AN AND HAVING* |ANK, w*om #♦ ♦■#♦•# ••*• M###4... |p*f «* ##* «M!00 IPofr’»'M v %# 40 tiff >M# 0- f 4 "%#o* 00ft (99**0 90* t#f!«Fo#4 ttft 0 * *>■< --#1 0I 40001 k 10# l»|»i ■< 9400 M> S 4MI N 0 #»o# 100 IS* r OM4 ia M • •* i -j?|9oo <*tJ 4 ** 0040001 t#' 0494 Mttt* 040 00i#M* 4-, 4fo*o 34# 94 r«M# #4 |0» *fO»M »f 9M# 4iol |>« mgmm «M* 4*44- !•#* 04# 0*44 a l s 409400* *4 9loftoo. 001 0 I# 049 M*P*o 9lHtt9 0* o*o o**too. ofMtt 9110*0 o#4 Jt(4 f«v I*#4o# U«l4*o M# M# 4*1900404 »09# r g Wtg M 0# 1 # 04*1 't*"- t"0 fiifttl ih*m hm. 10# »4*t*o## < #4 0 100* 90## •|9| 00 9 00(114 TMr I00«#*4 t ;;t 0# 0401 4t#4 lift# o*l ft*9M »•* 449 tv #044(104 «# vr«o*r n» «i* #101494 |0 9(o# 0110*0? {#ool «0# r#f 4 1 .Mill#* tft* 0041 Ml <4 100 rl#c4 TV# 4#*wXtto f## t#l)#4 oM 100 rttH*4 4## 10 #oiPit ftftrr iftt# fltut |r# •»## hr#*4 hot oiiM o*l rvonft# Oh orr «M#o a r*M9flo9ft#4 9041* I K»HT MHiHWAYMCN CAUOHT 0 40009* 09100*» i. #l*9o*o 40 t *Hf# WmL KoKocmo |IM) On. 9i h* *10944 •ad »Ni|mi 4*ff being tkm#4 li’9 *0 4#icir4nr MIOOI oigMt 4nMf*rt ttias IM# *hn>*U M*h of ho 41## tt| **”*o2o fi) root# to hotn#* TOO ■(V 4ro ( a fur a Matt!* Itt vbh'h 00# *1 *V ift9| «ti thru (Mrough itt hip. r0004*4 th#m up 4*4 all ir* Itt |atl. Tljf !*tt4#r. William Fish#*, who *#* *bo , Mjrt (h#f «*r* rwatif ruplortt ttt ba*lift making at th# Vari*l| Iron works. 9*ii|4‘jtor #ir*#t. c’i*v«*lgml Among th# vicHm of lb# (10.4*00 •«r* A|*bi Glttuit of 10# i*ttlt#4 *xprpu cosipiftf, O*Si. and W . Howard and Hart Burruli. JUSSI: JAMES, JR. Hl* Trail Attract* a Great Deal of Attention. * (By Associated Pres* to the Ilerald.l Kansas City Oct. 26. The trial of Jesae Jamc*. the ron of the noted out law. for complicity In the Miaeourt Pacific train robbery at Feed*, on the 23id of September. I>egun in the crim inal court today The day waa spent In securing a Jury. Prominent law yers were retained for both side!. The raae of young James who had up to the time of his arrest borne an excat lent reputation, excited great interest, and many of the best men of the city have come out in his defense. Chief of Police Hayes, on the other hand, de clare* he has evidence suffic-ent to convict James. Frank James of St. j-ouls, an uncle of the accused, and a brother of the famed Jesse James, is In the city. RAIN INTERFERED. The Philadelphia Peace Jubilee Had to Be Postponed. Philadelphia. Pn., Oct. 2*.—The President arrived ut noon today, hut Instead of finding ihe city In the midst of the enjoyment of a |>enoe celebration, fuuud u dreary, desolate condition of affairs, nnd many thousand oltlsons ami visitors disappointed at the Inter ruption of the Jubilee exercises by min. The day’s Jubilee programme included n civic parade, the greater portion of which waa expected to !*• witnessed by the president. General Milea und other dlstlngulahed visitors. At five this morning, however, rain began to fall heavily, and until 10 there was a heavy downpour. Dut lng the remainder of the day h avy rain fell at frequent In tervals. ally In the day the citizens’ committee concluded to abandon the hay h program and postpone the parade until Ft May. Transports Sail. Washington, D. C’., Oct. 26. The following was received at the war de nartment today: ‘•Manila. Oct. 26.—Adjutant General. Washington: The transport City of Pa in leaves today for San Francisco. Large mall. Major Whipple, paymas ter, and Lieut. Williams of the ord nance, on board. Transports Scandiu, and Condor still In port. The Scandla will probably leave within ten davs. Quiet here and conditions improving.” Americans Arrested. Liam, Peru, Oct. 26. Two Ameri can Protestant tract distributors were arrested in Arequippn, the capital of a Peruvian province of the same name. They are charged with distributing pa pers. contrary to tbe state religion. The state attorney will apply for their release. Mrs. M. C. Jones returned from Ma con yesterday. ...