The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 26, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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WfONCBDAV 4 THE AUGUSTA HERALD **».. —"T *,; Mgr™' , •« #*rtr»(*#)'f# >** *-•*••*•*• *3 **r'»r* - • »*'«■*»'» *> I- * « M#* Am* , R» ♦•** MU * RTRAU> S'mmrltm mm, ft*##* «4- Mil MM» tIKK HIIAIH M *«*••*• A* 4*#A MM t, g»i«—a** l *%• ujMm »m »_i MI. X, HIM* *"•*"■ _ , M «M »M M- M 4 !s■*### t#444#4 ' I* m» |d rv««MM*-A< tfe* <lit»l r ♦*'*•• Hi )*»• »•«*% Clip* ** ••* #■*•* *#• •«* .*4 r>Ml *»—W HM* hmm *»* *** *****7* - -a.- <— ftgfe MM#|f## mm mm *##*#44 444 w "* : • (dm* fcv MMMmMHI •*» , *' < ** TO ; *#%#**)*»*» MMMM M ••#••* - ,i .utr - — * *•*•♦*• • lw *«•*, -* tfe# «»MI m* >*** *«» p^p^.. # fry tt# t* #»* (lltrv MM IH MMM * *■•!**» R*M p«» Mwah M> Mrt PH* 1 j CACn DAY SEEb mu |sj cu .. i JJ «X* [iffoii if i.v h is jil6]l7 14 14 10 21 tt (li ltAl t) MHM SIR.A. Anyone presenting at The Hera'd Otlke the Saavtalr Coupon whkhls printed hrlo» will receive a neat Hl tlf Souvenir Button Free. It yon w ant one apply early. .Mail order* will t>e filled when act;, mpanlcd by at amp* to pay postage. FRtE DISTRIBUTION •MH'M :>IR COUPON* I This Coup n. presented at The Herald Oifice, will be as* I changed for a neat and hand j some Herald Souvenir Button. | The distrihullon la limited and will last only a lew days PRACTICAL COMMERCIAL EDUCATION The fart that (ho classes at Augus ta's leading commercial pi buxine**, college during the present Fall session have been most satlstaetorily tilled brings to mind the imiKirtance in these days of active imalner* competition, al- ' most the ueeesslty of a practical com mercial education. (iermauy leads I the world In the attention she gives to commercial education. Ureal Britain seems to he arousing Itself to the ne- 1 resettles of the situation. The lam don School Hoard. It Is announced, will give commercial tuition at evening schools This has been followed up by the announcement by the London Chamber of Commerce that graduates in com mercial courses from (ho lamdon schools will be preferred in employ ment in that Institution. More im portant than that, however. In all eases where they have been approached on the subject, members of the London Chgu bis of Commerce have agreed that they, 100. will give preference over all others to graduates in com mercial courses In the London evening tCilOOl* While ihls is bu experiment. It will be seen that it starts out In uu emi nently practical manner. The course includes counting, boon keeping com- ' mercial arithmetic, commercial En glish. business training, precise writ ing, commercial geography, commrr etal history, political economy, short hand and typewriting and the modern itwu&h- II f%m #*a <■ fed WW *•* 9M#4ttP444 fMI iiIMHNMf IN# Ml |M888M» Mi* m# *%m >»'># imp *# fN 9M#MB§4 [ 4*** 88 #M M944N844 #(9 ##■**## Ip :4§ NN NMNNINMiNi *B9 fmmmm INN |ii yiINiNN l|* gpiwii'niNi'. 48M §4 NNBPN #nmmmhn ml iNNNMiNi #N n nm# ,i, ni : imMN|NliNMMMp#*pp #iN #M#NmmP' • tt4ss 8(4 nnmmnn UN' M 8 ;; 84 NlpMtt# MRRn®**** wmm m §mmm- Mwm *4#** m* «mMMN M§ §M4*#*4 448 M 111 «mhm# N 848# #*4 4M04 tt##’*#'* '* .*•“ ” ♦ *p N» f <MM**B M t« |PiiWf»lß *8444 Mil Mi# .N# 4P *##4' |MpM IP 844 N4ttl *Nf ** Ms • INH## l####* I mm mmmm- 4# i«n Wmmm mm*** M*p# «p«t ».w»Ni*p mm*mm IN I imN|NN if 4 B#* *p ** ppp Imp mppmi *# t mu* NN MamM M PPMNpM «f i t&MpHN# IMP (Nm NNPit'* Nf Ml Np MN sis MNMi-*NMf* M#pMi iijp*P* ■ ? pP • * 'lpf in wnfeipji p»*ppfei pat 4 pMMPI ppwi «iM MPPMPIpN Ip AMftpfWSft «f fVPPMM MMMMPMM# '■■>■■♦* in* * t i-IMPPA* * Ml IN *• niiM-" 1 rmpr N Uni# M PPPM MpPP 18m I p«t Mm fpi wfPMMPPt MtHPiMlf «f #p|rff m tinn Ms 4 irlrrrt! Pf fiMMPt®** Ppp 1 t«H INI INNNP4 ppm* Mi liNflff 4NMI tfwpfHNP* pffiftltN4 14 tM# tr m ife# mh* rmmm II nw,d* 4 imi Kn (>•»') «MK|r fed *W* !• • pa, m • )»• m, \m c iidiMn mrm mml **4 Ifedi • * ' IMM fed* hd fed lltMixM dMH» Ifedd •ad Mi d* HaM tfe* rwdrtMhMM Ml tfc* I'dM** 1 *M*d did dddfe Ifedl • fe*dM PPdl •***fe* fed*d M fed »d*» Hm 'A* tnMMd«w!P»*«ii | of • dddfedfed Ifcrrd UMdMMMI dllld* !«d | i fed MUM* fertdd d* Ifedt rfcdlfedi A»* Ad ofefevOo* »fe>dfe ****** Md*«tai |td> jlt»r fe«t dfetrh fe, rrrf Wdlt feMW ifep. k/irr dll, P ifedl drd*4 fer *fe* nlddtl MdHdfeddi* dM d»dl ifed I dlld4 ltliu«d Tfe*d c j * Ifedl Ifed tdd«car*- Had df d fnirrdt* pt«( «y*irm a*ad* ifed twfelddldg ml thd dßliddf* raid of ifedlr in#, ud ifed gfadiMl that II dill *Mfe> HP Adfedrtwddl Mnr*d to d«UM<I j ifeHr hw»lddd» Idlo Ifed rdidl rtlMrx i* i «n<l Idlo ifed ,d*M liHM, la *d**fc *d , dtlddl *• la dfiu'lkrdllr drl*» Ifeetu out of btidldddd |Htk*r utiJ.riHid Id that tbc do* l • offlrd itdfeditiddol la *llll f*l Iron fed | Ida *dlf**uj»iioiilnd. and ifedr* I* *»> ridvlrv to add to IU annua! dafVII fed „nf Mpdrlmantd In the line* of th* imrrcta do*i Thai Hta not **lf-au|»- |MM*ltnc I# du* nllftlf l# Ibe fdet that | ifed public P enlldd upon to *ipou<! i mlUlon* of dollar* avary year for th* i iidnafti of ibr publishers of rh*ap ittMa slnnd. pampbldta, ad»drtl»li>g nedepapdr* Burrlt diul olfear publics* ilos* of till* i'l*H The abuao c< ihd ddcand I'ln** prlvlid** bar grown until It t* ilmuai beyond imlldf. Ft rat cla*» uialier I* paid for at Ibe rate of 33 cdtila per pound. Second etas* mat ter I* paid for at the rat* «f t cent per pound It cast* Ibe name to tran-port second clan* matter aa It doc* to carry flr*t rlaa* matter that la, 7 cent* per pound. Third elaa* matter pay* S cent* per pound. Fourth claaa matter, l« rents pec pound. On the Irnimportation of first claaa mat ter. the government makea 35 cents par pound. On the transportation of third class matter It raiilte* 1 cent per pound. On the transportation of fourth class matter It tnak eeacStns per pound. But on the transportation of second class matter It loses ti cents on every pound. It Is estimated that It costa the government fourteen mil lion dollar* every year to handle sec ond Class matter, In excess of the pos tage paid niton It. Some Idea of the abuse of the second class privilege can tie gathered from the fact that at times there are attached to express trains a* many as three postal ears entirely filled with mtupulnte or rheap novels, which have to be transported front five hundred to three thousand miles at an enormous expense, and for which the government receives but one-seventh of the amount It costs to handle It. The department Is compelled to for ward such matter by the faster trains, and It is treated practically as first class matter. The second class provision was adop ted on the theory that It would facili tate the education of the masses hv brlugiug good literature within their reach, but It was uewr dieaumd that the main benefit of the act would fee to the publishers of dime novels and advertising literature. It would he-pos sible. so Tne Herald learns, If these people were made to pay the proper vu their niaver, tor ,J-he tie m _ , | M4M44MMN 8M MNMRIMNi § fIMMwM : Ms MM* 04N4N mm ftm tPTttt*« «r ItHhH P»4MI 4.i)W» < * ii MM NMSMNhi Mfe4lliN*i<H i"t**i*i IM # TM» Mw44NMN , *Mi * #• TN> INwr* mi tfN Nn» N f%H IB#l N»# M 4*4HHMN f : f v 'oH ifiii4«i# Tnfcf* IMMMh vß** * *l*** •*>r i tv*? M»4ty inffifT ilmi** !«r#i!t **igtk* f [ ywm-W* It 8 wM !«• HVhHift 4i I Nit IN or • 4«A> »N I**44 mr* !• N» lirli N »»*•**• i ton 4 4trrr 9m * 441' Ms*!* NmmbMl M |««mif»i| m till IN 4»vm4nN *4 IN I’wi*# j (.\MAtQIN*W t p-to- IfeM* hr»< rrfea. ! TN MorW » 4 •7*l*'. an 4 IMr f-4k» 1 Aw* r*HNbnß Nit IN t jrrN * 4M4BWM ’ (Mr NAM may a«4l 4 rjrHNt fair, I Hut fra vka «M»4ul l*o N»r iNft. Mfe* itee* brlnfetly with the dawn While yet th# dew t* m ibe Inwn. And eve - t»» dtte.l fps* feltl nnd pt*m. She rfew ninny n time ngatn. I A n*o lie nnd her wheet aw* part And pride b> humbled nt the atnrt. I The upright rider wlmieth pralae. But wh« enn mrttd the humped way*? | HehoM the woman riding down ! uwift «» the Itghtnlng through the town She neorc bet It through the outer gate | An,l goal f»r and *tgyeth Inte. Her hu*t»nd. In the market place, i The elder* Mi unto hi* face. •'Thou button!. - **!’’ they rry. "all hall, tin cln*p thy talm*nt with a nail'" He pluck* bl» l»-nrd and aayeth a awenr ttut he doth n.U hi* garment tear. For no one hlden at home to darn (Have orally) hi* ault of yarn. The Burrow * Senatorial Troche. Cfel.ggo Chronicle. Unless Uover uor Pin grew can lie In some way placed Ineoramunlcgdo. It looks a* I bough the Honorable Julius Caesar Burrows will have to be heav ily reinforced by the lumber trust In order to maintain his senatorial tro che. What He Didn’t flean. Chicago News. When McKinley said. "Duty, and du ty alone, should proscribe the bounda ries of our responsibilities,” In terri torial expansion, he did not mean the Dingley tariff duty. All Right Now. Chicago Journal. Senator Proctor had better leave Dewey where he is. He Ir all right now and If he were president some earplug critic would be certain to find out something the matter with him. Pardonable Curiuslty. N. V. World. If our foreign policy is such an im portant factor In this campaign why doesn’t McKinley tell hr or even give uh a hint ns to what it Is. Quite Likely. N. Y. 'fames! Now If Admiral Schley doesn’t deny that he took any part whatever iu the battle off Santiago on July 3. he will be courtmartlaled. His New Handshake. .Minneapolis Journal. Mr. McKinley Is said to have a new handshake that wags from the elbow down and works without wearing the XBB AUGUSTA HEBALD THE OBSERVER All* H I TOWN tin 4* Wmom #m#A4M4 "4* i im tN# 4949 84 bp ■ itgag taanfeog fes» msr*>ww At •«**» -*i ' *># tm 4 NNB(4MB4NMWN a# * 4 *4 44 **• ' Nfli %i ###4 fUfti * A4IN j t 444 Ml mm NivNwf • #4481 mm Nit j ■ •a*a*t Ml fefel heeg Arad. I rt»P* pro*, aiwro (fee r*wf ***•. Tfe* owwe* »ft,c yg m# that s way* * M*#L awd, j '** tferr# au •» rwp *•** tfe* glggdv, I - kaa*H*4 tt m lsnl* More <«,< Waal r tfe<p» I | rtMva ta» mowM fe|v# duo* W# t we*« sisadiag at (fee iawfe door, awd t j ratred (fee feawMwev to a*e wfertfear tfe* MU waa atill .» w. -k ag <#*#. When ; | pg||#4 jfe# trdgrer there tw aa ev- t feotfe half oat of oar »>t» white the fewltrt felt a p*> felrg ease < * over ia a eorae* aad ham feed H lata *aitfe*reeaa. It w Ike roafemadvd «*»• : i feta* fe* i[*arit to go »9 waa a a*yv -1 t*ey aatll I etwaety vaaatlaed the fork. Ttm I aaw that aw rtd *tg had evi dently corrod'd aad at**, bed Itself to < tfee h.nearer which waa slightly rw’- .hatred at tfee rad. aad when I cock<-I tfe* weapon it rtmpty lifted off tfee alw plr aad caai* ap. 100. That t* tfee oa . ixMsifct* ttplaaatlua. aed Hla wn ibNibtedb rorrert. ae tfe* cap waa fouwd anti adhering to the fcaraarer It wm oaly owe es the little trU k* nt unltiaded weapona They are ttiigbty guod iking* to let atoae.** I rvmcmbir bauging around tfee I rt’lahlrta «f tfee crowd ta froat of the nxprea* *r(Bce on Broad atfeet oa tfee | or-aMoa of Col. Walker n«ct*ung at ' tempted to make a »m»l! bid oa nee particularly attraetlvg locking amall ! the laat “Old Horn” aale ami bring package, laU* of good atorle* are told about these aale* and here l* what happened | at one acme time ago la ftavannah A friend went to the Old Horn gate and bought a box for thirty cent*. It contained a set of beautiful toot*, ap parently for u*' In line csrpenter and i joining work, and worth considerable money. They were *ll band-made, and their An lab wa* remarkable. He sold j the aet to a woodworker, who didn’t ! understand the use of »M the piece*. | hot kept them. One day a safe dealer , happened Into the ahop and saw some ]of th* things In a cabinet. "Hello!” , ! he said, "where did you aet tboae bur glar’s tools?" That's what they were —a aet of burglar’a tools, and one In atrument that had been particularly a , putxle turned out to be a device for | drilling through the shaft of a com j bination knob. - A New Era. N. T. Sun. These achievements of the last six' months have put upon the American people at this time responsibilities whose consequences will extend to the ' remotest future. They have Intro duced a new era for this country, rais ed our politics Into world-wide impofc tance. and given a dignity to this gen eration of Americans in all foreign eyes which their predecessors never possessed. The magnitude of the questions brought Into our politics dwarfs Into something tike provincial insignificance issues which once were large and great. Roosevelt’s Idea. Memphis Commercial-Appeal. Teddy Roosevelt is campaigning on the idea that he must be elected as a vindication of the Rough Riders. A CLEAN NEWSY PAPER THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST 'SUNDAY’S HERALD. TEA TABLE GOSSIP > gfefeoa gpg|g . m *#fe out *-*• A** #MI raws «• (fee *am» * gfe* . HaMWue WtWA o > '*.*• •. 1 ., V fee* <M *Mfe* feeegfee saw utfe t* egaafetfeg' tlawa set lay tfe* iAhIM* of Iwt | afeUNHfete tfce eni»fe«** trf nealtaw and ibea talk afcwfe Ha wins a good ; gu Id*. (jovMVKtr fetyfetw of Wtunwi baa] apfan4nt*d a vnwaaa la* peri or of nilp tut tfe# Chy of M. ClAfSaa, to sarreed , Tfce preacher who talks afemM flnag ■ over ,fe* feewd# of Rwgd* had k*t»r» Harm that feta hue lore* la reading *« •ell a« flrtag The *•* should no* art upoa tmr anger neither afeoutd he ri*e upon our rentfblear*: we afeowtd freely forgive, bat forget rarely. Two •tdoy* la Hoboken made a Jus tire of (fee poar* marry them for tS each, laaistlng that that »»* all they were areuatuastd to paying Turklafe paper* were not alio wad to print th* new* of Ik* aeaaeyinattoa of the Austrian Ktttpruaa. They alatply aononacad that afee had died. Sfclnburae. the poet. I* aaid to be growing very recentrtr as fee near* hi* eigbtteih year. He I* rarely seen In aueletir and la Intsoaety fond of ebll drea. Btephane Mlllarme. the Fiench poet, who died recently waa a con-tant cig arette amokrf. The best llkene** of him la that said to be painted by Wht«t!er. No married man In Vienna I* al lowed to go np In a balloon without lb* formal consent of hi* wife. Even when this Is obtained there la often a falling out Wrecking expert* claim that the Merrimac. sunk try Hobson In the mouth of th# Santiago harbor, can easily be raised and restored to Ita humble but useful service as a collier. Henry Dunant. the founder of the Red Cross society, put half hi* fortune Into the society’» work, and then lost th* other half In buslnees The ritl ttens of Stuttgart are raising a fund for him. The village of Werda, In the king dom of Dahomey, la celebrated for Its temple of serpents, a long building in which the priests keep upward of a thousand serpents of all kinds, which they feed with bird* and frogs brought to them by the natives as offering*. At the entertainment given by The Figaro to the Spanish-American com missioners In Paris, Lole Fuller danced amid lights which threw the Ameri can, British and French colors on a screen behind her. Poor Spain’s color* were forgotten entirely. An undeserved snub. Wanamaker’s Shadow. Columbus Press. If John Wanamaker succeeds In beating Matthew Quay in Pennsylva nia. he will be the next United States Senator from that state, and will cast a loug shadow across the next Nation al Republican convention for the pres idency. A Timely Speech. St. Louis Republic. There was a refreshing timeliness about ex-Seußtor David B. Hill’s speech reminding the country that when it comes to a division of glory gained in the war with Spain, the re publican party is not entirely and ex clusively "it, ’’ . LAYVN GRASS! ‘I Have ih« M<g!u*w ©A 9* >tw*rt AMI Is* <.'»#(r<l t>****** Jftar |_aggfpg *w* ggfftm*<wf i t*jf life*) i--wfe(» (**»•#%**' Abftul MM#© cI ffof a,i( j* ~,, gft •**,!*<>.-,« ft*# Mife(«pf#< I Hgvg |*#W"ft umi lt’f Ike mm* MrtM#(R I Jf### * »*v4 mmm of km (mmi La»©» mi id* «.tl# »*»• to®#' ••»(* .. HkCkfky Ml 111 Uggtrly gtvj duf *Whf|t. L A (UROiILIJL DrwffHt. o«j tlmitU THIS IS IT feWMMrt AM# #9 r -* aipyr M* l#t*a* m FOR EARLY PALL STIFFS INO ALPINES ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Arrived. DORRS Tailoring, Hats, Furimhmgv To Patrons Alt saautr Drug Co Tfe* M i'TMitatnf Nti»« Nwtt r»m«>*«4 h* m mat tftor**. Ntrftftvf ms liM *J*f **- {#•'*»• 4i 4i*i N |‘y«# 84 *N Ff*» icr!fi(Mi« *i**l lffu| tmt lib# rß< Nfft m 4 ptir#»t 9*lwfef 4i4* f IcsM An# Oi#- miealft ar« b*adt».t seres; auM but !Life €«•*••* 4»l#r IN |'r«# vs »**«» I out. !*•(• mu* (IN N«* 4|*tKl »h» Nlf |#f *4n«l iirfKf. 8L C. iMni#. Hoi Chocolate ■od other Hot Drink* at out Fountain. Git Belle Lfteile Cologne Tbi* dfliffciful and refresh tag Cetogn* >* tb* f*v«.rit# to tot ettr, tin tw lor fin# Irr utrn and ToMat »rt Ida*. Waxed Floor* W* bav* the test prepared Wax rad hrtuhee fur doing it. Full directions. Prevents Fever Tonic doses, n>ght and mean ing of our Baek-Creek Chill end Fever Cur*, will prevent frrer sod increase appetite. 60c bottle. Trusses If you are ruptured call on os. A comfortable tit guaranteed. Alfiandtir Dmi Csmpaiv 70S BROAD FT. UPPER CREENE STREET Friday and Saturday, October 38 & 39, Each Night at 8. PROF. GENTRY, the Foremost Ani mal Trainer of the World, and his TAL ENTED ANIMALS In a brand-new Performance. Better than ever this season and In his 12th year. DOGS AND PONIES That do everything except talk, per form feats never before attempted by any other show. Positively the most amusing and Instructive exhibition that travels under canvas. Admission- Children, l?*c.; adults 25c. ’-The Barber Shop of the South.” H ICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street OCTOBER ? 0 The As£ssia Gerald atal Bniliol ill Of la ltiilQff Ptl!dkU A [ TtBSfCDL tti rniiffl tft£ mew* Of Tiff. *o*u» # lin e rr i* m# ik It TO I* IKU M AUKAfk Of OTHER I.EoBr.U AND •OCTII CAI'HJNA rAPcm T?!ii will cc’.rrr rxr wMwsi*. rtewwa •***••*"♦ PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, •09 7th ft.. Aitt'ta. ti*> *;vr s ran m nm •» * •tflll. gri»4> OM p*m»m »Hmwi MM W AM* mkwt* <lk>» t drtmf c*t mm** vfeV fam vtu FREE OF CKAfiuE , omug tom COAL and WOOD FROM THE— North Augusta Coal A Supply Co F W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT IkMi FMW -14 Hrumtm b* EasiaiaTs KililAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Ricbarils & Slayer, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ! 803 Reynolds st^-Teleplone®.^ 1 mate L.a»eo W ire* I'.iiect to New York Chicago snd New Oriesn*. Orders executed over our wires fo* Cotton. Stocks. Bonds, Grain and Pro. , Visions for cash or on margin*. Local securities bought and sold. Referenced —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agenclee. Money to Loan BEAL ESTATE. apply to Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street.