The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 26, 1898, Image 5

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WCONCOOAV •»«* MMII f 1 —* ******* * marnm+m ****** * mMiZ » «s*a*a %***h-*m* Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUaTA, OtOHtilA «*»»*%* *t» M iMM m- MB* AMM#CAPVTAI, •••••• fw*.— *►.. -4MMKVMA- —— % M»., -Yt, V *4MK V »—« #•**# # PMNHM* .'rj?UT*~ vr? 'a % jTVTtfK Mini i 4M*»W tw» Own f«M F*w» #*** MM MMt Mk#M> Oft. HSNftY J. ©ODIN, »r r-iiMttl >M< M> fll—lMW' ftftXV MU HOAt tUM (Mil * -"V** «■ •** Moat Mm*#** **• trmmm hmimM mmm* mm® Hi sto* Hamito toa# to to##* «H‘ lw» **o*o*oooo9 to MM*to 1%1 | #1 * W Mfl a■ _ —,M —. ■ O I tttt 1 **#9 #K« lit ■«', » («*.;*%. f» «%f fj».|T% 1 > «4* i 110%# *»** Jfer % (MM* t%» liHNr ** #ls*® ’ Xurf 1 -•* **-■ •* * f« # ■***•* *W #®%#RR I**s * * » * • MMMP t*» -5# MP* I*B* **M' wt *to* *## *•*«#»* BRtotom* *■•’**#* f H* a ..»«**# < to* gj#*& ■***»# f *%.»>«'ip• Im m ) w» a *art*? m«i •* ih m»tobito| tlrOM*#®* V*a®VfbiH • «•£ f #*%*-< I *• i#a#tofn® Ht KBftto s4Bto®Ms ib# • *f I gaJW «€ WP Hi* ■ V till PiN"'tt m* *i •* Iftwr I# **iM**i * iwi. ***d tHr «*JM v» I tot* as th* •*«*# »lato* It J* s#*t taas®***! Ml hm% 9m a M »toft* *»m IH®* “*" nrt * ,s * •**' i Tto# HR®** to eattotm® m* l *"# •#■umw 1 -Ln H» t>- >*d«4». ' h.l H any *■; ill t*t* • i * too a* Mp f * ■ ■ •" _ 'w ” ” ’ " w *»Tlw* 4.1. n.h. »l#« Itt •fy|i<•n«ttn« **T *%*fy A'UlHftß cmtotoHto j H< ttt sto# Vwnt»*f44lt »#4 i§tr FttntfMj’ for Uk twittoy J4*MMff , r' iMiB •jnmrw •»* | til# pfrllplllirt <|Ptil»l« •ipi« n •M* «U* ir*T**a». f' 1 * v •**»! •“ •" *”*' 4 ** j fk»r th«» Us s*i*to. Cagfl HrCirthy hw tit trim Iwrd j At wot*, iiwt ly lit #**4 of thto h.*r* » to h»%« thrm. •»<! •«. to j pink of miwtHlop Hl* *ork <|#*4*tvr* | frtftt pulir-to to InteiK- ttt*i. up*to* j date to footbBl! «»d » h*»a. < >*"• »*» tlouß worltr, wl tl*i •tircoß* I « hi< h Bl! Atb**f»tmJi» Br«« wtobins Wm. ] A Uirf* nutul«*r of Athnu* ptopl# nlll | *ttrod ttw* f*mr A tol tr*ln will bo run over, rh«Uvfo4 by Ih. athlMlr •owx-UUod. and a arrvtal rale mado to Th * .r.inonro f»r the Ooorala loan) will bo Mlpoo* Uabol Th >niaa Mid Mary Sd y n f>.* d acromi aulrd by M opara. Bd* wiri) Maddoa and Krank K Id. With auoh rharmtn* aponaora to I'-n ! thoir l#plratt<>n, in adjlllon t<> tho leva o! an InlwHloalato victory, old Goorala Ip purr to win out again. Th- loam will practico roaularlv J throughout tho proa-nt w»clt and leave , for Atlanta Trlday at noon. See Here, Read Thlat Doo* anythin* all your hair? Then let me treat It now. It coatp little compar- | ed compared to the mortlflcatlon of j baldneet. I've treated many here In j your own city and not one ao treated but wae benefited. Not one failure In all the large number. Come to pee me at 825 Broad ptreet. ! am treating gome of the beat people of your city. MH9. SMITH. A little learning may lie a danger- j ou* thing. »ei the dangerous clataea | are not found in primary schools. WEDDING BIFTSdt rich cut glass STERLING SILVER NEW LAMPS AND VASES We Mveinrt & Co„ Jewelers. IN* *4.1 till A a AHUU fcWat— rnmm Mw»a»ea a mmmm mi A#4*nimvi.« fNtoitoto* ftofeißliji flMfe fi*B. fto ** A toptokto' 1 *#'*»•§ |B (BMMNNf MNf MMi ! iIB MM* fMtfi*** *0 B BwpO-% iißt |toto*ayi laml ftomtoMMi Hi Mipyw . fc'# • Ml fiMk toNMMto 90 f a.’, i-*# Ma'.# # *»i fftoH tomß Al* fftofi y * Amt * #•##* * . • .. • IHtoßi fpfyftotfmß bb Imt" l * i%*to ** -■ * m-*# | «bMb Hi* 4M#h4 H fc<»y Utoit <w i * «nAB to jiiWlfA»B *4 tHM •'%#* (BB |Pto« toff* *#4 ft* prßfß® 99%% I %*t **•* HMrliftf • am* I . B« Htf « |H|ri **<t fn«ii*A tofH lAi pßtwiit* H f%* i Hr**« tip*!, : tfPB Hi A#i Mrs ib cnhbimi ah *% #** jiMi fA'fi i<Bt iß'Bpf 81. Hn» #'BB*iiltto% I Mi** ?■* BAN* B * * * # *►# w *%•( f#» | **4*4 «KI B*» pftfßßtA til t*l tol * 1 } |m#b inißß** Hr ftoar (rmnuun* *b4L <*b - ! to» Ml Bto ffciUßir ifr#MN»« fBBmiB 0m pmms m m I* I' %m bH*«*!#4v. bM b •*» ! *#•* j l • t«*M <B* 909 1 to* to** I |§Vt«KN*f B-#'M l|# (fill BWVMMI l#to p I *<*. *»4 ton Bnr«'IB*BI»BNl to** IMB*. M#i • I I rIMMTI IB Mlf*!' mm*4 I# toß*# to*Hffl iW t * |t*aiw!’ f ’« wwtfcia* aa tkar I f14*8419 W*m ttolf (vn ffMß# to n ! NiHf* (to* r»(*#** IH** *f#pp#4 ftcwß ; •*ff i« b «k *1 ff kMNI' * «•> Hr b toalf gif. W 11 Cftekiew. Hi# #gp#r| ry -1 mHtm't* i MMMhtnl *Frt- MAVS 01.1* NIGHT HABIT. , What W * i Mwchwly Do to Insure the Glitch Vult of Strep. t g..ncD, says the New York H#rald I Try U> sleep, of I rcpltrO. So." Mid hr: "hot I want you to 1 ! tell me what little tr ek you resort to i I -what particular disposition of your I anatomy you make in order to woo the [ dream god.’* 1 fal>d to noswrr satisfactorily, so. 1 with a gratified smlla, the physician continued: ”1 scarcely expected you! : would know. In fart, there are few jpt t sons who can tell olf-band Just; what positions they muibik to Invite I sleep, and jet there Is not an todivtd | ua! In the world who has not an me fa vorite. esnttrlc llule plan—some trick - of distributing limbs and trunk —to In 'acre slumber's I assful spell, which he practices unconsciously. This Is a ! night habit, aa perpetual and Imniut -1 able, under normal ondittons. as the I succession <f the araeana. "No sooner are we really off for the land of Nod than the night habit ns- I serls its dominion. Our hands and j | erms seek the same parts of the bed | jor the saros portions of our bodies up |on which they have nightly rested j ' e’.nrr infancy: our feet and legs I j stretch at the same angles or loosely j ion:wine In comfortable relaxation, as commanded by unconscious will. "It Is seldom of our own deliberate volition that we place our bodies in po i ailloo for sleep." A LIFELESS FNOINEER. The Train in the rteantime Was flak ing Terrific Speed. Susquehana, Oct. 26. When the nt :ht <xpress train No. 12, eastbound, arrived at (his station at midnight night before laet. the engineer, Henry Kingulr-y, of Susquehanna, was found dead in the cab with his head badly crushed. After the train left Bingharnp ton, 23 miles we'st of here, trainmen and others noticed that the engineer failed to five the usual signals at cross ings and at small stations, and* that the train was running at unusual speed. Fireman Cow gill noticed that the whistle was not blown for this station, j and going forward Into the cab he found J the dead engineer. The train had run i at a terrillc speed twenty miles without an engineer. There were 200 passengers on board. It Is supposed that the engineer was hit by a water crane at a point Just east of Binghampton. Engineer Kingsley was one of the most reliable engineers on the Brie road. He leaves a widoow and several children. A Tip For Quay. Nashville American. Senator Quay should invest in Porto Hico property and grow tropical fruits only. Ti tS3 JITJOTJ»TA> M v %» NAtWW MMHmI **• - ' ».<Bt* *A#« IH IN#**#** *» h* i|* *B »l» *.ißi*t Al* #* in* #»■’*■.** ignAM 'i»**hi* oß# I f tk-r i inwii,Maiib:iimo#Mi. i «a- »w»hm»**« * sj|# Bt4toK4M*# «t#aA AMliHto* »« *-• toMto Mto* [**# v« in BMP 9999%!' lit *ANH*BB' 4 -A. t«M* t*w* 9AM#MIBI» BA I fw to to nrw mi mi < # of toto *> * * toto ’■ fn# 1 * **t* »• *»*> *# A********* ♦*»■* <NM*#dM#Ni ** I* i#* «•«****• «n liwfto | ***m a* Pto * (Ml toB*P *to# IBM**#** %* ** *»■ *'*WMtfto*BPt * %mmm9m9m *t **»' I# topi I to**tto- •****! ; 4* twjy" r irrr» p* •* ******* |*• fca - « ifci 't in I** B4to (toNto - *** * ’■ Ns ♦ * ’ ■ ##*toi*B(BP^*‘ , a* a •* f *t # | N*A* r * , *w* brni***. bam* m* mmm • *i**BßiAßtoPß *"• im* **bwub *t ? I fMAto ttoßt totottmi Ito* MM **•# tto* j fy#toßftlHtoß at tto* mmmrnmm tottottyp IBp ifmto* toBT* Mito «m*p*y*4 *<*4 an* { f*ar> ««} *««|| fPAMMtoBIBB f*NM**ltfPPaß. «N j f ||£#4 ib# f wl*tp"irni *■»t«i a «||# I I Win n i|w §.*i* »* # • toß*p Bta«*a t<* tti# pHtot b tortop#* •a 4 f*lipif*»l pwttotopp, IriiAHll'4 (top ftpJ tlMIt B ff l<* • t*#Hl J a** too tolpto V w *n Hpwiiti j IB pßttti . •'•*! ttor farttopf fß* t ttoßi j «cm |o*v b rat* *«M4 rtripplp bb4 rpa*| tor toHtoHi? tto* *rrw»rp t« ttop I • M«awtltoßt*p4t«iC tt» tomß4 patoafto.l If r**epijnlPr-* ttoßt t tor WBt fWitllll* BtB: i * Bp toy #arto mm *4mln(*ir*- 1 fla* <*f )f* ■!»«♦*)' r B* tlfeßt i*'!! I to* nUNtto *a4 ft** ppapt# *rt«%ttof f**l *t I **»•»*■* {fi*t #w ry cam plot at atto top p*tl*n«lr toml and ih*n f •uhlUllU tl." 014 fustofonp la dr*Bß nmy *•* r*vl%**! tut a» Old f*Phbu»ed medl. me can re place •'ha m her lain a * V.l l. , Cholera and IHarrlbP* Kcmedy. For aal* by Ales -1 andar Drug and Meed Company, C. ft ! Parr of Bell Tower Drug Company. I.VNCHEO WRONO MAN. AM Alabama Mob Now Deplore* Isa Maate. Wept Point. Ua.. I let. M.-L. L. Morrta. who wap atraated at Fredonla, Ala., yeateiday aa an acreeaory to the murder of Charles llolmea. uaa re leaped from cijMody night befor. - lapt. a* aufflclem evidence could not lie ae rured to convict. Morris was arrested ui«>n the convic tion of i"«e negro. Anderson, who *«* lynched beat l<uK»yrtte early Hunday' morning. Rxpreaalona of sorrow ar<- heard <m every aide at the hasty lynching of An derson. as It la hellcvid that If the two men had l>een brought face to face the truth would have become known. Public opinion la running high agulnst Moriia. and he mav 1"' com pelled to leave the iaunty to avoid trou ble with the frlenda of Holmes. MKS. PINKHAM CONQUERS BACKACHE. Four Women Who Owe Thoir Preuont Happlnoaa to Lydia B. Pink ham's Vegetable Oom pound. Dbar Mbs. Pineiiam: —When I wrote to you last June, I was not able to do anything. I suffered with back s /vVh ache, headache. bcariug-<h»\vn pains, pains in my lower / mrW \ limbi, and ached all through my body. Menstruation* | V W I were very painful. I was almost a skeleton, 1 fol \*9 £, I lowed your advice and now am well and flashy, and ablo V J to do all my own housework. I took medicine from n k ' JsSnsslip’"*. physician*tor over a year, and it did not do me u particle gbw W\ 1 JniJr of good. I would advise all •uffyriug women to write to P j£ llln *l to Mrs. Plnkhnm. bho will answer all letters promptly, J cWj_ and tell them how to cure those aches and puinssocom* mou to women. —Mrs. C. L. Winn, Murqucz, Texas. J3|| I think it is my duty to write and let you know what JM \j ®TO your medicine has done for me. If or two years 1 suffered Jff \ *£. /£ with femnie weakness, bearing-down pains, heodoche, ffflf .“y ' backache, and too frequent occurrence of the menses. I was always complaining. My husband urged mu to r* ■ 'J* try your Vegetable Compound, aad I finally did. I have htar jtj&g&btek, 3 taken three bottles and it has made me feel like a dlf- Vs \ ferent woman. I advise every woman that suffers to \ 1 take your medicine and bo cured.—Mrs. Uaeuett J 1 Lichty, 612 H. Prince St , Lancaster, I’a. J J I had suffered for over two years with backache, •X J headache, dizziness, nervousness, fulling und ulceration JL 0 t the womb, leuoorrhnoa, and about every iil a woman ifflSCi> dam could have. I had tried doctors, but with no success, Wtiliiill and it seemed as though death was tho only relief forme. After using live bottleaof Lydia E. I’inkhuro's ipgWU’JaL \ Vegetable Compound, and four packages of bunutivo U fZ 1 Wash, lam well. Jiavo bad no more pain, womb • 7* W ] trouble, backache or headache.—Mrs. Claudia |k /kjA J J Balpin, Cream Bulge, N. J. IS&J Before taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound I was afflicted with female complaints BO that I could hardly walk. My back ached terri bly, In fact, X ached all over. Was not able to raise myself up some of the time. 1 had no appetite and was so nervous that l could hardly sleep. I have taken but two bottles ol your Compound and feel like aifather person, can now eat and sleep to perfection, in fact, am perfectly well.—Mrs. So* McCullough, Adlai, W. Va. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound; A Woman’s Remedy for Woman’s Ills ww»i» «t» Mm»fM*f!|ha «*«■*• * itoiii. m* i |.i t aa bi I BABIB toto-. "" 9mm Btoßto’A Atto : . a» tiw* *A*ff m* Ap*i if rnmt* **ll' ipjP-ii a A*B>i»*toto tff H .«* mm mO9 Uto b **»• 9%m toN** ***** *♦ 4llP »>#**(****i** ■ f *'’* ftto ***■*#*•■ to**** AtoßtoMAto 9m to-* mmm mmmm mi?** *%**. n» ### ## ***#- !«MW As tohto*** *Bt r.« s #A is* - MABto-A BBlhP#*** fc» ffoyrH: totol l*te» tip'*, *0 *mm *- z * *».*♦ *;:•# «# b***bk •<to B*Ptoto--«4 to* vahhar* •Mtoßtoß* ** bAi toto Mtoto **Ml to** to*** a,*. « “ ,a »■" * »AAM tP'Atoto *to»i BcvmlMi, K*n Fim mM to* AtoßHMtof ] ',* m. aa) ** ' I CAPT. CASTOR'S IKIM- Tbi Pagers in Ibt Hands of I to* f*rc*44cßt. A?iip|itttoi<»ti. Oh. m —a*#s4. f 4rt*r‘« j r«*r to«* Itolßllr ! **• H* «| |to 9*V*«t4 Ml | iHw tvtirf Al**r h < ihl* 4 l«* I to* IV* ' {<to?it lu iar Ito ilfi4«nß* «f I to* r«»ft • j inprual *n*t tto* ntoiil »an»inii)i tip **• 1 t | M . i. gai *u(li*>i h i**p ua (to* *Ml*|*rJ i hto*v*lßry Mu* r j «tlh.iy v*ft*pH ««» LVL|J( Ihl# rpm.r! 4 4* mifttßlT (o*l I f,, r purh a |<N)t f#yM. Wh o <ju#** «»« (to* Biifcj*rt (od*K. to* **l4 1 have «|*nv*r»>4t (to* pßl«*ri t» lto«* Un in lll# |*r*<4<i*iil. Ah*! >•»*• *»*M*( ’ h*uk lu tolin f«* ftir»h*“f liif»riwß* {matter.** H* w*» MidpnUjr r»4l*%*tl. j fl»r thr war drpaftmmt t» furry. Tn* Ij. .. f ii|.. «iiuri lift lif tn hti vtatt Ito the Peace Jubll -e at Phll.idelonla. 1*1,4 |t la pr»i wlila be may |> jgt|>one I action until after the etertloe The fitenda of Capt. Carter are atllf Hoping j that the President may Pee MS way I clear to let Capt". Carter down easy. The whole subject of river and hnrtior ; von tru. ta will our-ly lie Inveatlgnlnd 1 when congress meois, attd ll la said I that the fact will lie tilscbierd that a rltut of conlractote have for years I prurtb ally c»nirolb“l all the big eon ] rracla In rbiuth’.rn rivets and liarbiira. aud divided llie spoils. The Pca-e Negotiations. St Igmis Olobe-Detnocrai. About the only actual rerult up to thlt time of the peace negotiations In Pari* la to afford General VVeyler and the queen tegi-nt abundant opportunity to guess again. I 9nn* ***f. to' ** m4* fc Bii—* mi it ■** HtoMHto abm fti* Atoto'i* l ** *o*-9m *momm aAmnnA to** 1 .Btowi INAto *to* #AtotoC AM# 99? "tr-ißfl *AB Ato to**>f ; '" i| iiA to**A*AM H*A| to>«M AMtoMto to* amal 111 Bto* toAHto %9* Hi *Mm***«i to*-* t i***-* 4 *## *to**Atototo totoiiß B*«’BAi' ARnmab » to#**y <** tto ;a» - Bf*rt I* Bah Baton **#*ANAMt to*; f «to* ABM* into |*tolA BB # Bi Tto>A l | A*A* . Mb to*4 iabA b** b* a*bi §99091 §! AiMB B 999999 *4 iimiiMMMi f%BA to*4 toMMB> MB **9-9909 mm * to*** toll *B* pH® I Ma»" ~iii to 9%m 90009*4 9smmm&99m toAm* j .. Ah** HBtaßßlw B*® toto* ) wm* Btototo to* fMARMNi Itoßtototo toPto* AtoRAB | •I* to*® mßd Rtoto AWBRt 9990 4 ’-to*, j ’ ******* ««MB to* iAtotoH* to* totol Htoto j I to*Bß fBARMNto# A® «* M'toH'Bl to«|Ht j I ftwi'i iii'B'lAto* BB* 144*® 99099$ Vlif j : fiMMBA* *4*l (MB* B toliaMANtolAtoM I . tor to to* ~ WfRuA t**Bi.ißi4»>i frnmm 90 j 1 m 9PAHI b tin Atom 00 Btoßton Ato I I toAm. *ba to* B-** B-ttotoßii to* ttoto 90m ] [B# fMNBpMI *O9 to** toBH* **4 #BB BBBR I i- Mltoto I fv>it •*, * #*4 to* B** #t|BnNM#4 to* i * ftoNfetol 9NN to* to I* toil to**t»B*i to»MB« I KBltoA'i Ar*kt Mit T99® l?r*t PAt.Vto ib (to* w ortot f f f «_ ftol' mlkA all i V , [ r _ „ •waaiitr*'<l ft |a *ti t* , si, •■ _ rtr <l#A I*fl«* JA **lltß |»*f tMB, roll • A L.K MY HOtoTAHtI 41 WIkLBT. \c IHti*s ru WEO A N RLBfIAN : llaaty Pinas Made My laMHw Paw. lon and a Heron. Pan Fraat lato. Orl .« Madeline I ItORIOR All BTIfASB dim ***** ll*f* four' i rnßthl BA© B* toadliil I*4y IB (to* ' h*3# %l*jr 'tr*ai*(M r©mpa*ir will lr*v* I for Nmr Yurts to *ifr« Haftni Klntirb j j Th* <** r m*B imrom dll! imm b* put of» •nir hnit*r and ton* **nl « »u * of v 10 Ml#* tlifiiion t<* fbildf b*f to _ coakr th“» |o*t**ir Hi Blit Th# (art ! bat *t»t bi#a mail** imhlir, hut ih* *f t fair I* *1! **(ll*4. *fi#r bo #i« li.og «i#*li of *%#nl# •# h!« h ihr a'pmd to *rvwk th* hapßlQH* of th* haro* Bart {tor* Ih# young lady*# !<S#a« one#; 4 fully «l#( rittin#rt on a month s tour in i th# Mavrallau I#land*, amt *0 1 (h* larufi IVorrt *•* wlr*rt ha* k (hat j 1 Mh# must not go. Martalln# t*a# Bdlfu! and <tn# morning )*»( *#f k ih# »»a on iwjrad no l#*« (him i#n m#*tax#«. nlml mg up Miiii on# (o (h* #IT#«( that If I Mud#lin# iuikicd on going a ruptura, |of th# engagement wa* inevhab*#. \ Hay trunk* are now packed for th#! Journey Bail. Million* Oiv#n Away. ! It In nrt a I lily gratifying t*» Ih# pub j lie iu know of ot»e concern In th# land ! who Mr# not afraid to b# u* n#iou# to th* needy mid aulYtrlng. Tli# pcoprt#* j I tor* of !>r. King'# New Diaeovery fori sNinNUiiipilon, (*ough# mid fold*, have KiVFfi away over ten million trial liot tie* of (hi# great medicine; and have, th# aatlßfactkm of knowing l( ha* ah- ! Hohitely #ur*d thouaand* of hopel*** * rmmm. Aathma, Bronchitl*. Ho*#*#©#** and all dl##*a»M»» of th# Throat. Cheat and Lung* «r# *tir#ly cured l»y it. (’all * on Howard A Wlllet. drugglat*. and get | it trial bottle. Wk*. Kegular »ll» Me. and SI.OO. ftvery bottl# guaranteed, or pric* refunded. MANFRt'MMIiXICO. What the Constitution Says of tha Show. The Atlanta CnnMitutlon says that In The Man from Mexico, at the Grand In hi night. In Atlanta, Willie Collier [proved himself a king pin among com edians. Willie Collier and The Man from Mexico one Is not complete without the oilier -- had been heralded In ad vance, and Atlauta theatregoers an ticipated a treat. The treat Dsurpoft*- ed all expectations and Willie Collier won new laurels for himself, and de served an “S. H. 0.” Bign. Willie Collier and The Mun from Mexico will be at the Grand tonight, and will be welcomed by a large and appreciative audience. WOULDN’T LET HIM 00. Willie Frazier showcd Great Tenacity Last Night. Willie Frasier, colored, gave Police Officer Murphi-y a deal of trouble last night. Willie was. when seen by the officer, holding on to the rout of u man, the latter doing his best to bread away. Officer Muiphey persuaded Willie to let the man go, end that Individual was walking away wli n Willie broke into h run after lilm and again cnughl hold of the man's coat. Again Policeman Murphey whs forced to come to the man's rescue, mid this time Ip- decided that Willie should spend the night at the station. She cursed the officer and.resisted when she was informed of his Intentions. Today at eoyt she.was fined a "V." Only one young man has been killed at football In the Unlied States this season. But'the season Is very young. Clot JO. KKTTkR AND BAST Wk«h B» ym» i*** t WK* 0 *•%*#*, ihf Inml That » ; f'T i*lm - I r u< - Ham «r«a m*&*. arrM tMNtf SKm*» * i ttmtt*? ci 4*iitl Ml* iwixivt iHuth Arfia%*> ai iN #*«** tetmc a«4 4an* ©ttkiAMg <n>ibi<i 4 ymtt kmrnmt, WE REPEAT a Why lAhf thllK* f Fra* ihf hii*H I* grcFMn trittii, *< *f« itwMni iHt be* mika snd «fyW» oi rcluhk. mimmUi ro# war. Our guirifM* * * (uiumm iKii pwiaifc flADtt A WATIX HAUL. tIM Rwum UMin ■ Hhm« !«• LMawto HmMi. ‘ |. prat H»1I«< Pwtkk . . 3 ayw> Bf 1 * BMt A' ■ lAh I to** A ton# b**»»h«*•#*»* Ms A**® Cktoßtoi I fruit* rwrtviA it Urakn. A tb-'to Our Coal Promotes Health, Wealth and good Cheer It burns thtough and through and leaves neither slate nor cinder and but very little ash. OUR JELLICO AND C CROSS MOUNTAIN Household Coals are unequail d for cleanliness, heating and lading qualities and money is saved daily by their use. I-Kir. Nut and Steam Coals of best (trades and at l owest Prices THcgMc j FRASER & CI’MMINfI, Lessees. ££2!! im ' CO-OPERATIVU COAL SUTSLV CO.. io 4 > Jackion S, “ ' A FALL OVERCOATS FAIR PRICES Conditions point to rapid Selling, now that the frosty days have come to stay. We never had a better stock. We never offered such reasonableness in price. We never put more thought or care in selecting. Overcoats are here for men in all stations in life. The luxurious Overcoats are here-plenty of them. The plain and substantial Overcoats are here. If you wish to pay $7.50 or $35 we can show the best style and value in town. That’s the kind of skill that keeps us in the lead. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA awell stocked lumber yard L* 1.VM.'i.1.1.i ywi” 1 —-■ I OCTOMMti MCMfftl H IffiNO iN Ib# CM A* J»A>*rß <>rto*Al| Hell % **i##toß9 , Tto* Ma#4 *0 All >| MI infß *4 (to* «to*4 Ik | MR mmm arfimßßA N#ii to Ml* H Bag #•* 4 , ri*l Bf I ilto map* mm * N>4 ib * n m phMBM Ttoe- ts*t'* H‘ J, toUMHto ii* H ArHttoMßM*. J. W , A$ dltoMßßk iTwkfts I ■ ,r tArto ««mi« MM A «B«a*lB **4 t** ii mm 4 *O9 Vb# 9%»m09m tto*t m «AMW®* IWA* He * tome*** toapf m|n> Mbaaßtfl toll Tto«» , )M*ik «4 tfe# nmmmnx m N*m y.® »•* | la# (M'#* tretoi RNto*; to-üß* It I* it* Vi* with *A® Hill i«ww®|| Ha ha#*tfk. KB am mn4 Ka«U® Hairy f»#*to *f lamlift 99 O*.**, H«* anal!*# a bat ib* ri* »*1 'fMiutry l« in) Muiy M) 9%m to® xmaito* (to** Br"iiley • Hfalif fired BH*r* »|mh# ««m! trr 4%'HI mate *f iV *>%■• my # *bata ai ttor 4*'»«ranmmi ad O»v*e* a ftoatt than any <Hto*r etoip *f *mr AM. CRAZY AS A BEDbLIO Wni what i#opl. :ir«*und an# as our nan |mlrnn* thought * hen hr fall down on lib knuckl# bom.* i*‘ft*r* hi# frrahlg laund.-r.-d ahlrt and »atd. "at last I‘v« •irmk It." tty thta hr meant that he had found the laundry hr had bren looking lor *<> lung, that sent hie linen home like new. without fray or tear, and with the piopcr luet#r and color upon It. Hulse’s Steam Laundry, —3ll Jackson Ktreet— tihirta, 10c. Collars, 2c. cufle, 4c. Where you can obtain promptly the best grades of GEORGIA YELLOW PINE Building l umber at all times and at Special Prices. You will find this on inscription: “BONE DRY” Dressed Flooring, Ceiling and Finish ing Lumber, Kiln Dried here undi;r our own supervision, worked and stored In covered sheds. Full line In stock and quick delivery assured. Perkins Maiifactirim Company, AUGUSTA, GA., DOORS, SASH & BLINDS