The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 26, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Vm>Nf«DAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL vyksikau# am* arrtai m u#*« t* JUrTiirtn fhi igiT OMOCft OP M|,iflii'f ,k * i * I • elm- — »*•* »* *"• •»•«* ass ""city ice company. ai«h At* ’UHri* f#a i *«4 Do*# Ml <!»<*>*•-.« M**e# ■H Hl—* *•»— MTTM MM IM*"»» „ «t * AM* gbbMl Mml SV9M9 m m «• M IMA am Sm H M ,* *#_ MIAMI tflit ltv 4t»f» 4' *' *fYl» f t>l9*Mrt "v '• flaw gssMtaaU MMM. Mi#m *« MM IHIMM 4 Jft MM**** tr******' Mp# s Jr ft 4 ft##M $# fbMXMa. fw* Mmm4 if A *» • . AM pUAMf #4 .44* I 4 #* 4 Mre*»** % *f**s, MUM** ** AM *’l Vmmi m» »*A .. .. »*’« •• fjrr ~r bsavp »■.*•■» m ♦ MM rare*#.* fees# CaaMMM*. ■ M M*4 M tU"wa s*M*are i—MbA *• re 4. MM* ImMHMM , , 0, , n,, MJ Halt h* ; Mma ihmm-m* df J .. ■* «* AMI AMM MAM *»•#•*«»» ** •« «* ff IMM . ... .. aa—s-sare* *• *« ■ ■ „. .< vMiffit-mm - ****** UTI wt%m3H, M*»*t MMW 1% ••** * l*A » K-tn MraM aewretM •**<• *• *« *A * Betwre «MMM *' #**»• »•• . AA-I 0«*-»# #••#**» *♦*# .... *• B M MMMNIMM"* tAMAMfIUMMI Hi 9*9** .**• Ttt I*# ClmmMM* »>»r##» ##ftatt * ♦«** P* ■ 1 * H*t> # !«■>«»>« 900**'** t# #* t«* 4# *-• .** *•• ** A* ** A* ** *♦ ! H#*-Hl •#•** 00*900* #»**• . 4& *** ##*■» tt** l #*## «« ** .. Ms-*- M ».t RMM AMI *•*#*> A* ** Must 14 Im» # o* Nil #*•>**• •** ■■■**• wnm»pr^4M4 M M. »•» So«b **Am. ••.*»» AM . •fork-*. I»» Mm 0> A IM AM M 71 tbrew M»«M. re,bar W * *• fM-» . M m ■«! MAm ts M i* M |*»T <MM» H»*( MM INm »•**» #•»<«*< •* « • j O* *•■'•*<>'* % II A »MHHm . » *■* HEHHHMriMM OI,M. d.iAnMM* «• * * |»HI • .. ~ . * M «}♦*«'»*« ':•* Mil M-. •- •• • * iM*m r KMM AM • • . * * < i«Mt P MMM. •* MM* ***•*•• *** • MnH< AM.* CMMIR IM f <M« *• *P*M, W"* .. M Mniwill. M »<5» M Iff I. r* r AM *» *L«jin»/w»* M<*'*lMi>**l>* *M'»A| ?AR .... M M M WKKIAM. m>!| M IM Mm- M M*Am .. .. • 1-* rrult at rtMJMMI* T4MA*M» •• • * ’ CtM. t 4 ItrMl * J **A Cttßl, * *** AtpM« H—«. M .. ■> «• «• .. *« M P?MM *>* Ik* •> 1 AM. P. Kin* t*A II It Mlrtin* .. J *-• jn >. I*. K>M V 4 A A ihffUa* .. • I* UM*K •• ” V- * ** Ji |* Kin# lAWr*i * . .11-» J»n P KMM. ■»! ■Cl'*,,, iMIsJ .. .. «. ** f.* WM. .. •• I *•* !■«. P KM. *• «»• *» m* HMnA *. • ” ' ln>* P KIM A.As.l Mmw .. * »-♦ Amartran «#«•* . *• •• * *"■ IMrrlma* K »fclrfl«#a. A*** 4 - • * t'hattar OaJH l<M a*MM MMO . S I*l W..hkn*t*M««» «M»M> •• *4 ” ••* Allan • "IMII a. •*. ***** •» ** * **• *i»l*«'« MPMM .» • Cmi*i wU n M« Af|..,. .. II Amiruan IfAltn M 144 .. .. S I-* ■tainr «>U# (MIIAI **»«« I Amnrl* «n IMllf** AM *MAI .... * InIMMIUXIII I>AM» M*M .. .. I Alin* a rarAKMl* •««•« I AllanV L«toM» A*»M 4 India hlu* 4 *"* India Wun M«M .. .* .. •* •• «• 4 B*m«l«u a M»W . • - 4 Marl ha Wn»t>M«t«n "art* * *•« *lnrn*r » mdlant* hI«A4 .. .. .. 4 Charter Oak*. M**«n I J-* TICKS. Hampaklm .. 41 * AminkMl A C A j® Amoakeac A •• •; 'UC.I* Vi , . . AmoikHl C .. .J •• t * •** Ractpronty .. .••• "•• ;• • " 7 '•* t’I.AIP MOMKSPUNF. city Mill - •••••■ I** Four yard. K»«d » * *• *• •• 4 J' 4 lx»<li »hlrtlrv|» Maid * 4 ].nds drasa alyl*#* MM* •• 314 fit Clair draff fiylAf n ,. .* ** •• 4 _ Ocean aolldf ~ ~. •■ * *’j Martha Waah!n*tt*t fam*lM .. 3 1-1 Mlacellaneoud hraada. Ilahl weight .. .. ur*'.!«*■'».■ *• Wait 1-J luartta i yanli ptnifi r.jr «v» H .• •• 3 t-1 Thorndike B .. •« ... »h •• * 3-4 Htreulea .. ~ *. ,-.,.f* .• •» •• •• '■ 14 Am»rk*»« .. * * Oaacent •• * **■ Pelham. SI bal It# boa 16 F. 11. F.. S« halh* «*» h"» I® E il. P., I» bhlln to Sh IT 1-1 Mtiai'Ogee B .... 3 >•* at in b 4 l-S yd. plAldf. belt *o*k« Simpson atik ilniah foulard* «4x * 4 J ' 4 Pacific mourning* 64x64 4 1-2 China allka 04x64 4 1-4 -! Slater 64x64 3 '-2 Concord, 56x60 3 3 ' 4 Rome 56x40 3 3 ' 4 Efd« 3 J"* Fifth Avenue 3 3 '* KRABSKT’S. Heavy Columbia, i.eovy Keareey 8 1-4 Kineald and othera - » l* 4 1,1 MK. CEMENT AND PEASTEK Lime lOttSs Roeendale cement .. 11- 43 l»ortland cement 51.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sacks ..11.00 Plaster ki bbls *1.71 HARDWARE. ;v is buckets, per dor. 13.00 Painted buckets, per dox 11.10 h B B cedar pails, per do* .. .. 51.75 3 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. $2.00 •fobs painted, per nest 51.75 Rope. Manila, per pound 9 1-2 j;opr., Sisal, per pound 7c Mope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc Nalls, wire bn ‘* Nails, cut base Kbovels, Amea. per do* .. .. * Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. 57.00 Shovels, riveted back, per do*. .. sl.*a Plow blades I 1-2 base Hanes, red top, per do* .. .. .. *'-■ *» IW, -tt iTiKI. #M*4I #:dK(| A>*MNMI, pP# MA ' \H § iftinwi IMNMI s** #Mft m **m I** * hmIM a*i was go* m „ „ „ ...... AM Mm msm- ««m im« „ m m , M , «M» ghM |M Ms ...*♦•» m ami iff 4* *+» '-'i |»> a— 9 m * & MM# *• DtpV iMiM 4 fat# #»—» * m *** NM «t 4 *** % . • :*» * «• a. ii rWNi ***** m* ♦, * Hi* A*» *m«- »»*"» m* I $m 4M m ** m it %A #• s*b*****k ** ■■> * s** 4Nm# «*. «# wl *9O *oo*oo W* 4 tm* o** t . m » # 44 A4MN <4»ii *oo*** #»* o**~. i*» (NiH M'- aft # tMkJWMA flr4Kt«M ; i 009 Ml ** ft iMi a gdi— f* tt t M • l«t v If AT ATM MftdTIMI MamaeghMa AaaaTa •—d *■■■— M ftpSKfafi. •4 kg A,A* AT, gMM* MM AM* A O gff gat. M a ..Ml m* 4ae—eg— p I ’ a MM .. ~ ~ MV . OaiHnfM ■ I-Ta MM , H « « Ml m* AtaMnafA Tap laaa „«, *• .. Ilf ... (V>r'«*<*Al fk MM ....... M ... | #«, iMg „ .. ..... IM <le®rg.» N. M A dkg CM. , fp tea .. 11l Charhrtt*. CMMioa A An gwstA. tat 6’a I9M .... .. Ml ... iChartrtw <'«rf«an bps A A*- iwnp M Fa. Itts lit ... ! AvcsaiA At. M* d t*a. 1*24 , ... M !C. N H dMhlng Os. Cs4lst- Ifpnwthsrh Railway S*A Iff! m .. At M t entral eg Owrftt dailway. lad consol Pest. As, lfM .... A ff *C. •( O. Mi pr*f In If ff Cesitral si Osorgla HsUpsap. H pref incomes. tP4P •• .. IS If jc. es O. Ist pref in.. Ifff ~ ~ i f •1. A. A P . IM ID. I‘a. IMS .. IM IAI } Mouth OsorgM and Florida 1 td Fa. IM .. IM ... ! Sooth Oeorgta and Florida M ra. IM* .. IM ... ocean Ateamahlp Of., let f*a j Id F— IMf .. .. .. .. ~ .. .. Iff ... FACTORT dOND* 1 FnterptMs Mfg Co., Ist ft. i IMS IAS Sibley Mfg. Co., lot fa. IMS .IM ... j Sibley Mfg. Cc.. let fa. IM . lof ... I ilia. It. R Alt Co. stock .. I*7 SOt 1 Southwestern It. ft. Abrek ~ M 100 Augusta and Savannah stock . M IM DRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oats, white, sacked ~ SI Oata, mixed, sacked .. ...... .. .. If Corn, white, sacked .. .. ~ .. .. ~ 5A ♦ Corn, mixed .. •• ~ PS Meal, bulled, per bushel 47>* Flour, common .. •• •• .. •« .. S.s*> I'! via fnn, > extra 1.71 Flour, second patent t oo Finer, standard patent .. .. ~ .. 4.1 S Flour, fancy patent 4.75 Wheat bran, 100-lb aacka SO Kin., feed. HXMh sacks M Hay—native, per ton IS.OO Hay—Timothy, per t*>n II 00 Hay—choice, per lon 14.00 Hams—choice sugar cured .. lOalllt Smoked rib sides f Dry salt riba « 1 lArd, pure leaf. In ttercet 544 hard, kettle, rendered In tierces, f 1-4 A PUBBBIAN MARRIAGE. * Daughter of the Prince of Walea to Marry Beneath Her Station. Notwithstanding all the numerous ib ,utils, it seem* to be a fact that the neiml (laughter of the Prince of j Wales Is to wed beneath her tonal kta 'tlon. This la as yet no authoritlve an i nmipcement of her hethrothal to Lord ) Ravelstoke. but those who should : Know uaert that their little romance will end In marriage, John Baring, Lord I'livelotoke, la the win of a busi ness roar, one of the celebrated Bur ma Brothers, hunkers. Long before his fain*. - was ennobled. In 188."* young John bad become a welcome nue**t at Marlborough l ouse nml a gyeat favor ite wit 2. Princess Victoria. The young man. However, did tiol aspire lo lie tome the son-in-law of hl» future king, but wifit a-W'iolng his charming cons. j In, who let him declare his love ami ! then ujecteo him. Baring thought |his :i*art quite out of commission , ;,nd shipped h mself off to America in I hope that some Rocky mountain canyon I would iwitllow nlm up. That was tio nled him; he forgot his disappolut tnent. tettlrned to London, and to so ciety there, and on the financial em barrassment c! bla father's firm and the dcaih of Lord Ravelstoke the | young man took on himself the task of savins whatever might be saved from the wreck. He proved himself an able business man Princess Victoria show ed more and more plainly her anient llkiug for him. and now her majesty's risen .lal a*3ent is wanting to make tiicir public betrothal possible. Jd. Zola Is back in Paris, and no body ia using him for a cuspidor just F et - .*■ , j,. IcUs-isi-l j«m»*—»*'-• TBEf AUODBTA HBRALD ■ |%!.»» in - o*o* 000*** i I U* * ***** Hwiftiiffll: 0000000 ■oool* 9 j ! 00*0*0000 & *•* 9** j 100 mm *OO9 so# *o*oo fwm*** *OOO .♦aa»aw> MMr» ***?., < ' 1 00090000 mamw W W mmpm w 14 f■ - -I-# |M Irr -rti~ •• S# *■» " : j TftfT'fr 9*oloo ijpwnrf *m 09m 00090m** | A«e*--»# 900** % <%M IHJTiIt 9900 00 00 |jllit tNMf H4| 00/P 99*0*000*0 if '* *OOOO 09*0 o*oo* itrtlf *——* t%» (#• 9000*9* o*oo ***** ***~+ • i#4» t §o*o*9o*o s9*9o*s rm4* tlN> t -0009 4 F4h m m 09* I * [iwfw w*m ** |«4|. mo9*m I s****o**m4 j . _ . . # fll JMW I fit*' 4§Mi-f | }i IfIMKI Ilf HffßWlff 00 t f***9 *9*o* o**' **4*t K lfr<"f«r». m rmm** 4? **tf I r fhF* 9409 to* fit# Mo### 00000*0***** j t ik# irffifd f|»»( I SM aka Mi.1.1x4 (at mlito-tk tfc* «|4# til# (llWnn I» #T»irT* »» w»m r |M. Iwft 4# 10 **** fit# rod of til# ttm, M» rrpfWHMrd i fetutti r»mli#o In *K# t’n*f#4 i ff#n#f# from 1474 to 1974 IJST OF ADVFRTISKD I.ETTEW 1# tit# pHiiofl Y mt AttfH*’ i a cin .OH Si, lIH l*rrw*f»» raHtnir for tlm tellfri mil tIMNr *twt BORif th# 4NK#» A mlln# (0m» fOMinit* drpiilmFtt rrnrirn IMI on# root b# t#id MDIRT IM* M- Ml## KM## tt#rn#tt. 'f*«# K#nnl# La Booker. Mlws Edna Rb»««wi, Mrs He4ler Black. Mrs. H. Bartetis. C—Miss Ida H Calhoun. tv Mr* Mat Day. Mlaa Mary Dump. ! Mias Josephine I*ollngt*»n. F Nannie Foitnsr. I O—-Miss Sal t* Olover. Mlaa missle j Orem. Mrs M A. Ouyion. H— Miss Maud Horton, Miss Emily Harmon, Mr* Alba H*»tgeon. Carrie I. I Hulbert J—Mr*. Minnie Johnwon. Mi*# Clsrrtr IJachaen. Mlsa Caraltne Johna*m. Mra- A H Jonea. L -Mls* Annie Latte. M- Mlaa Mary Mile*. Mrs James Morgan. Mrs. Elimar Stlma Mia. »a rah K. Murphey. P M las Agne* I*st|erson. Mlaa L*'U - l*a Wulker Pierce, Mr*. Jane Perry, Mlaa Ellen Plckona, Mr*. Halllv Hall. Mrs. Saltte Prior. K—Mr*. W. E Reardon, g Mlaa Priscilla K**»lt. Mis* Mary Hamucl*. Mrs. C. C. Bhe|>ard. Mrs. Ab ler Sllvean. Ml** Mary haiaa Samuel*. Mrs. Rebecca Bh**lm«n T—Mis* Ma:nle Tice. Mr*. A. K. Tay lor. Ml** Arbuden Ttw'mas. W Mia* M. Williams, Miss Kllxa Wheeler. Mis* Rachel White. V—Mis* Hussle s'arlar. tJBNTLEMBN’A LIST. A —Ben Amerxon. n—L. P. Boltle. E. A. Butler, Al fred E. Burton. Jr.. James Bynea. J. Keatcr Bunn. Geo. Brook*. G. B. Boa lick. C. 8. Brown, Scab Brown, Alex Bussey. William Bovlee, Robert Bur gcß*. C—.R. E. Connelly. D—A. B. Dy, C. C. Doutlas*. J. M. Dowdy, John A. lhivls. J. A. IVrlggera. 8. Davis. E—Kllnn Elenton. Charlie Edward*. John Elliott. jp—Geo. P. Freeman, Exei-all Ford, W. H. Fanning. O—Willie Greaon, O. P. Gumer. H—Columbus Holsey, Columbus Hol kcv. Daniel Husaeter, Cnlman Hyerler, J. R. Hall, Albert Harrell. Sam Harris, J —H. Johnson. Henry A. Jones, Joe Jones, T. J. Jennings, Peter Jackson. K —J. W. Kelly. W. W. Keener. L—Tom L. Luen. Jo Long. M—Dr. Buna R. Moore, Robert Mar tin. N—John A. Napper, Chas. L. Nlt ter. O—Frank J. O'Donnell (2). P-L. A. Price. H. J. Peery. R—J. R. Russell. Frank O. Rose, Boyce Richardson. }l Lomce Bummer. George Silver, Gilbert Smith, J. J. Stone, M. D., W. H. Sebastian. T—George Thomas. W. N. Thomas. W. Trotty. V—H. Von Glahn. W—Jimmie Williams. James E. Washington. Edwin Webb. J. B. West. Willie J. Williams, P. H. Whitfield. Reuben Watt. P. A. Watson. Paul Wright. Y—Jim Yeasley. MISCDf-ANEOUS. Mr. Clark. The Mcrnfeant, See’y Rac ing Ass n. Messrs. Richards & Bix>., Sect. Augusta Fair, See. of Fair. Trial Justice Ht-nnies. Art Gallery, Gershon Bros. & Rosenlield. W. H. STALLINGS, P. M« GGOn LOCK BAKING t FOffDEB 1 . la iha iwpi f t* mmmm* * h > Hired of ti> 800. WKwIK muffing, ooltvFh or o®b* Hnla't. 9*o9* * n '* tMOHS*' ng homai # red mi koni wf inla ligatil hmisakeapati wad* Hred ffCOmmatid ll pf mM tm *•* v#**f**# i>fi*adot. Combin#! c)w4k Hy •ml dw4kottt)f» Afllrewftgct.lwFmd (Hjf The Souitiem Mfg. Co.. RICHMOND, VA. MUL MTAT#. To Rent IMM#! l # o*o to*9***9o9 0* IP# W#4 \ot |to>«d *da»t n»a m »h* 9940*0* 0* *4MN *o*o *9* * #■##! s**99*9oo 9*90*9 ** 00 00*m 9** ‘ 74# W» —» *909 «ift 00* 99*9*0 ****** m o***9 f*OO L 9*o 9* **9§ *99*09990000 Apply or PrumiiM or At 808 Broad St. For Rent of Thirty acres just below city. Hoj s, Stores and Offices in all parts of (he city John W. Dickey t A t library BatMibg. I ia* UsaM Io» Price*. II Drew* Shir:a at Tb* tt Uataaadered Shirt*, ai *— ~ .. Me ft## #t aa a* *• aa •• •• •**? k» #t a. .. aa aa ** a. •• *• I#? Me Undeishttts or Drawer#, at .. Me I £S Z $3 ft# t*mbrf>;i*s », •# .. .* II 3ft ! F'lne #tAffc of Wookl f*»r Bull# aa4 Trottam. r o ft! Klf TIN#. T#U«r **& o«hii* rur#(#b#r. umnmii# * ptftsltn H«t*T EAGLE BAKING POWDER Saves you money. Makes high grade Bread. If you value your stomach don’t put a IO cents a pound Baking Powder in tt. If you value your pocket don’t buy a 50 cents a pound Powder. Eagle is 25 cents a pound. 25 cents Is the correct price for a good Powder. The Howard & Wi let lw Company MAkt; it. THK NEW Broad Street Barber Shop For an F.a*v Shave and a Neat Haircut f t to S i. 715 Broad Street, ground tloor. F. C. dos Passos. Th# Rotary Razor Strop for bale. FOR liTFICI CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO.. SlO 101 b Street, Augusta, Ga. of Town Work Solicited Gilder’s pills No Southern made Pill is so popular as Gilder’s. It was born in the South. It was raised in the South. It has always been made in the South. It has cured more South ern Liver troubles than any other Southern Pill. Southerners should use it. Let Northern Pills cure Northern people. Tie Hoiari & fillet Dm! Co. MAKE THEM. CMI row lu|usta (retting Co t KAHOflf HCCR i r ■ Il I * m *1 BEX. LE O E G E O Ft O I A. Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. Ifttt I. r*m AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN. In any turns desired from S*IOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aleiandsr&JoliDsoo 00** * • He. It isti 0 itp r’fsn 705 Broad St ? PORTNER’S \ ? HOFBRAJJ and ) / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF / l Export \ ? Beers j ? ARE THE BEST C S AHK FOB THEM. / B. R. MITt'HKf.L. ALEX MCDONALD Supt- o't'on. Sec. A Uau. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Melntnsh Htreet. Electric Bo|'pli«—-preking Tnb-a. etc., ale. R t .|iair* to all kiecirtcal »j,|.ar*iuc. Electric Ligbt Wiring a specialty. lWli’PboD* MM2 - - Strowger 870. indverr LOW PRK’KS. large stock. Also IMPF? VAt.VI-S and riTTINOS. KN (iINKK ROWT ItS. MILLS ami REPAIKS. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co. f A (TOVBTA, GA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1598. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m.| 5:21 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle . 1:19 p. m.| 9:09 p. m. Ar. Tcnnllle .. .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:21 p, m. Ar. Macon .. .. . 3:45 p m.| 8:55 a. ra. Ar. Dublin 4:20 P n» j j Lv. Dublin. .. .. 'IO.OO a. m Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|11:55 a. m. Lv Tennllle. . . 6:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. X,v. Sandersvtlle. 5:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made et Tennnil'e itith Central R. R. for Macon, and with, Wrightsvllle and Tennllle R. R. for Dublin and Ha wkinsvllle. C. W. .TACK SON, Gen. Fgt. Pass. AgL James C. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands. . : Rccelvera. tr HUM At-A t* aCNiftArtlMM Charleston A W Ciiohm • •##•## • * * 9*o ***** *o**o * 00000 o*o*ooo* $9 ***** 0990 000: 09*0' I * t ttttjNJj *%m§§4Uo9999m* +* - 00t00* ***** : ' # PM9pßmm **- 1 *gPP* U >w * ommmm*m\ I # (BMP##.'-fs * dMMT*| 90000*;*** 1 *** I ' * i *ooto*»*** mm I * ortooooioo*** * * I %mooos****"**® 1 I fH>»« ; IHk - I * 09*0*9900*09 v . ..4| 00**9 o*o*n* * PMtt - v«MS 09*900* ■ ' * MNlf# •«#s#** • * 9*s** ’ |o|pO4 t » **■ * **** * I 9*0*00,: *’ 9 00000000*99999* --A “■#■»#». 4 o**m*mm -- * » . ***** j MS? '■ nC j # §990*0000 *********** | fjfcMtt I * p.4gMttMN« *■» ** •* **■# * #■-' ?•«###(#*; • »*** I I|# s9m«"**p, . um** «»* **»«■ 9 1 09 00EmSm ***** —* **} **♦* j#*!## ] • 9**9 ***•-> | aa*»«*4M| ***l#P#o | 1 Uoo*o9. t• *o3o4ooooo99o********* |. i■, wei # P"|## ] i( # 9S«#6mn» J•• * ««* •' L»» • I I # o** i - rr itfrt. fl j ] t«M| * op* 00*** | | **0000000 «******« * *4*4 *• | %Joop9* 00** j * iPET M0...0M1MN.H4 j * 0000K0000*t»**—* .•*»** t* **9* I 0000000*********** (At A t«Ktt f» A*9 *4*9 tt#4*# 00* f I 99***9*** •« I ***** 00** 9rn 9* 9*os ! 00 4 Aa ift ttt«# 94*0m*%00 m oswm***o§ *# «l» : «#«#•# *« #. 4* |a *9 0 9,00 000*900 \ *OO mgmm I f « I* s mm** 9*9mm* m **•* I m*9* 99§m0m** #•#* *o9*oo 90 9 tt# MMI 9*m ftt# 4Utt* * * ** 900000009 Uk f b tttttiwtt 9mom Ww*mm o*ooo* 90* BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. M C MATTIE. »«•**** r -m 1*44 r>»a* •*» < Oa, data * Oam tT»*a M.sda ■ ray. My. s Mdß'dk My. Mg- N.M N«4 4 MaU !»* * AM PM t I Aryl** Laaa* 'PM ’AM MM 1«0»* .. Aa 4, rai a ,ai I*H 4* II It » pa T ... |m«w * 4l<ll SI M •* t:MM Aatua , W J IMI » 0 M t Par-Ilataa ..* lb:- 44 I n t at 14 Chnyy Crawa'T f « ed it M t ci t orn **a# s fyxmP* fj mu •• tMI I'M:*... tftNACA ..4* 4.9 U M I o.MI I I I ®~*! • pS) «*• We*ti t.'riaa ■* I «• •tt wj.44 WAlttAil# .. 4 4 l?f AM Fit ! Awltt fM T4I. Hu 12 M* 0 h*ll NaJ I. R«ae<ar Ptatlaa. F. Dai Station AD regular trains from Aadarson <• WtlMllp have right ta track over traia* ' f tb* earn# riaaa rneYtag la »y I ,!i< gtractlaa. unlsas akanw ipc 10*4 hr traia ardvrs. Will a tan rof at fnlloirlaa sta'i na to tab* ua or let d r ,ae-r. pr rs Pbta aeya Jaanva sad Oaaar fkprtaga Na. U aoaaect* will* Southern rall aay No It at Aedoraoa. Non I and 0 row so t attb Voatkai railway N- • M .o 417 at Smaca J. R. ANDCRVOIi, Super n.rndent. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTS TO THE EAST AND NORTH. StVoyai L». Augunta. Ga. Ar j I:M*na V*ofMh M ... Aikea Ar | 7 t»*m P ITpmi Lv Denmark....Ar | 4.17 pm 4 Mpm; Lv.. orangb'g ...Ar | I S»v ( M|im L*. .Sumter. *. C...Ar j I Sax t.Mpm'' Lv.. ..Pleranea Ar j t:Mara MiOSpmj L»...Fayetlevllla...Ar I 1 14pm I Ham! Ar.P*ter*burg.Va.Lv i 4 17pm 4:00am 1 Ar....Rlrhm-md ...L* i i llpai 7 ,lam, Ar.. Wa*hlngtoa..Le I I *4(l rn ».o*4nit Ar... Baltimore. ...L* j L»pre lliMam! Ar . Philadelphia Lv |l2 04pm l OSpml Ar....N»w Turk....L* i » SCam | Pullman palace buffet sleeping rara from Macon and Auguata to Near York without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Asst.. T2S Broad St.. Augusta. Oa. T M EMERSON. Traffic M.wafer. H. M. EMERSON. Oen. Paa*. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail* • way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH. I*9*. (90th Meridian Time.) LEAVE ATTGUSTA. No. I For Savannah 1:20 P. M. j No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta B:4# P. M. No. 6 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* j. 8:20 A. M. No. 52 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations •• 9:SO A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA No. 1 From Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con. Atlanta 6:56 A. M. No. 5 From Macon, Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 6:50 P. M. No. 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 6:30 P. M. No«. 1. I. s and 4 dally. No*. 6 and 5. dally except Sunday. No* 52 and 53, Sunday only. Steeping cars on night train* between Mlllen, Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther Information as to Ochedulea. etc., apply to M C. JONES. C. T. A. W.*A. GIBBES. Depot T. A. J. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. hTjerbelding Iplumber. steam, gas and 1 HOT WATER FITTER NO. 541 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE tJSK Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. B K L L E O W GEOIiG 1 TV OCTOBER 2d MgtUMßMk** 4*g4M»**Ut~*a S. C t G Mllftl! CO ## # • # 00$* *9 9"* 0.0*90 9000§*9tt§k tt# • #* ♦ > 'tttt ##ft * ttpwtt «R##V 90*0 1 * - tt tt# Ptt#® 0 | ## f %Hi#f 99*:* $4 9 <»&m**9* 9 *9*o I ll# %■s*■#'** •» .igMg.a. \ # * ttebw*®** 6 .- 9 ! # * f 900*** 4ft ##►* o*9 ».4 #KMr## C njjpMtt jt 1 00009$ ■}’ .«§• i * *ais <9mm ** tt *o99P«** 9 90*0$ 00000 0* 990*09410*49 900 *9*009 9**9900 9*09000 I #.# I jirnrit ##■###!# MNkm.IMMI if #«##* * > o** §0 om§*m* (Aq f o*9s 90 4# ttMl o*m '9* 7*"*# : 09 0000*+* * * ** ttM# #*• 90090 ** 9 IttMtt ’ m TJZ ****** i mmm *o**o* i*m*9* *999$ 9*9*o 9990* o*99*** !• vfaMflMk * 1.4 09$&00t90 tfttl *9* HmMHMI 1990099 999*400* 0, 9 >H I ■ 00* 0 -f'*# *** •OUTHERN RAILWAY, * -SR'. ttttttt mm —itt# l * ***** n c br.. f»a; Tgj Zsssr L-i'gyjii r, m I J ||F • , M gf —". |g, nii tr m j •*» »*» * p> : .11 Is»*# • g'** I IMw u a« • j2e«t ...I IMM 8 Mb a* ffiSAkbre I (fin 1 »* K,'rt bhmd tm . - j * I*e 44* * • * * . I Z#yi ,X| • <XWM “ ... ...L I #44*, • ia* gßau " liWjg: ifnrr- . LTg* ; » 4 »»> ITbvem-. j" 4 * 4 «»» V Ik T*l *? • ft,. wJßSa it* • )(iNf li »p| #»• *mm9***m*+. Mm. 99 UftMljr hMlif Ls 9*w T«rtt, 9* 0.9 L .... j « IItt» • Mdß4v! 1,4, ... j 4M p Ihft - ( m I 4 lap, 43t S L» Wasb tee. da br j k rtp it Ms L* Bv-kwioad , : Hirer, Wka Lv Deaelli* ..... 4 9aa| 4My Le I 9 Maj”” Ar Ihietehtre ... Id, .. Le UmeAere ~| tar* f sly • (Vii.iis I 9 94% W My • i..« nn ......... .. ..Mbs liny • Chester I MMs tt «7p • v mn-here II 4ls U4t Ar Ori bu> hissd *et li gas. I*« C*. (VihuaUat'a dcey'v I I l*y| 4(B* • J ] i tip *ma • Trente* . ... I ***: #44* • Orsß.ieeUle j law TA* Ar Anfu.ts ■ . ' IMW (j* Lt Adiavdle ' • ' > Lt rperraacarg il ro** 4 lap L» WW.iU'a( by... »®p ! 7 00* Ar Ch*r:ee4o* i 4 g[tf It ®, ETo..ri4*. y car Hr . . i*ii" v.* is e * m Va.aaaah ......... j 447 pi 5 04* Ar. Ja-lisimvilla »My 9 14a M KtrlXA f*a >5X71(1 K< rilroi dally pajusagar asrvic* barvsea Vtoi ta and Saw Tark. ksa X and »-* a»hmgi«i sad SaathwM'srn Uadisd. SoUd Vreulndsd tram with dining ear* and Aral wlasa swh** n,,r(h of Chari.>(ta Fn.lmiui reran sirepm* car* between Tampa. Jacksuand*. haraana*. Wadkiagma sad Sew tfarh. Pullman Cieeplaf far* lagweea (harlot t* at.d hi 'bmond. Pullmaa drawtae-reom *le*p!n» cars tw tween (treeaebore end Norfolk flora 'xi?"e~ Mon ai Norfolk for OLD POINT COMPOBT, arrtrinx there la time for breakfast h .lid trsui. with Parlor rare, between Charleston sad Asharilir bra. Stand *4-C. A Past Mul Threnfh Pnilmsn Crawutf room buffet *l*epta( ear* ha tween .le kaonviHe and New York end Pul) man sieepinr car* between Angnsia u J Char loH*. Pullman sleatda* care between Jack at.nrilie and Columbia, cn route dally between Js.-keoovtUe and Cincinnati, vis Aabeville. yH ANK «. GANNON. .1 11. CULP. Third V P A (*en. Mgr T M , Ws-hinetoa R A. TUBK. ». H HARDWICK. O. p. A.. Waahlagtao. Q- P. A.. AiloaSfc GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th aleildlan Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1891. Pullman Sleeper# between Macoo and New York. Through Pullman Sleeper* between Au guata and St. Lkntla- Lv Augusta ..( 7:osam| l:20pm;10:80pia Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| *:2opm! b:ooam Ar Macao ....|U:lsam| I 4:46am I Ar Athens .. ~|l2:l6pm| 7;3opm| Ar Galnexvitlei*3 :45pmi •!•••• •••• Ar White PI ai*l :00pm! i Ar Mill's# U> .110:10am| | «:30ana Ar Wach'ton ..|lO:laamj 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mtlledgevflle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augueta 8:1* a. fix, ■ 7-45 a. m., 1:20 P- m . and 8:25 p ra. A. G. JACKSON, O. F. A. JOB W. WHITE. T. P. A. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY * Schedule In Effect. March 6. 1598. Eastern Time Standard. Leave AugustarSouthern Ry.. 9 30 P-' I '. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:4j o.m. Arrive Lenoir. C. & N. W. /ty 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage ■■ 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER. C. F. HARPER, President. ®- P-