The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 26, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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FIGHT ON UQUOR OVER IN MACON 111 $Ht A##* •§ Hi I'Hwi iMfe mm* m mmmmpm «* • «•«• ’ #v' GMMb 4 IF# Atftpia, • < ar*«*t» ®fff# •**<!* N# d*"W**#d •« n *• ■■■!*■■ t| s Nn ®*4 ts i’ v lit: I MHI ®H*d# M ®»f® |®l#ffd fn# Nufc, llmii ilmi I'tith MlkNi <ewb t®d 4*®# t** i a i*htp# #si*m*** tii run** #i* I Ml I® ®4**#d ** j |n|» |f;rQ| iamut til# A ##d- j ti*»»4r#4 doHffr# •## t#A#*i lft It* : tanfc Alt t#xt frolß tl # J®tl tw of Ili tfcird rfc*|**r at Rfwlailnii IV* mcmlktm t *#rt®®. Mit A# ftMltf w#»t | for tn# rtti (4ktt.« HttA *«ml «» 4 At*! that •» Ik* *'*< * b *‘ vo ii 14 w# lit U> Nurl ■ Utt *«r« Ntrlm ti t#rr> ta* owl tl** j lav. Ho ittiffcH mnv of ib# ova#r» ot lb# city fct rtfwlfn b*tn j •par# to pul up kb tent. Mr. U» ikft itfanad to k.s »«t**oo »n« j taot 90 aioQVfli Ibat faaay la lb# , coo|T«fiikiii mm *kk«4 to w«i*. Ttt IM port ot bit wruton *u oar j ot Ikt gnuiAMt tkEtp ttrt j In Mawftn and was fatly appf*rlat#d by ] the ton#rrcaiu>n. At the end of bte Momnn be asked that every wan. •<► wan and child present In the conwe- | tion oho vra* in favor of hi* BMy tneni to aland up. Nearly everybody i lints: rvapooded. and when be asked j Vboae who bad ilti»d lb# petition ibct | ta to be pra*en«ed lo the ordinary a»t- \ Inc for an election to hold up their , ban da nearly every hand In the tent i wem np. Mr. Lee cloved the meet loir try an nouncing that on toroonrow night there would be a speelal weeding fop the ne groes. and that the colored minuter* of the city and himself would be present and addreaa the meellnt? A colored prohibition club wit be or- ] gsnixed tomorrow night to aaetst the whit# club In their work and good re mits are expected. He will talk to morrow eight on the logic of license, and qil! also take up the matter of taxca. The Citizen* Club- Savannah. Ocj. M.—The Connervatlve j Club «u organised last night at a | meeting In the upper room of the Odd ! Fellows' Hall, at which about fifty j men were present, Mr. A. A. Uttt * j renee was elected temporary chairman and Mr. Charles A. Lamotte tempo- j rary secretary. Mr. C. A. Hrandt. chairman of the committee appointed to select a name, ] reported "Tfc» Conservative Club' us' In Its opinion the beat title for the | new organisation, anil the report was adopted without discussion. In Hiking the chair an temporary I chairman. Mr. LAvrenttt decdaj'ed that the course of the present admlnistra- i tlon renders It necessary to perfect an j organization to give citisens opposed to Its methods a rallying point around j which their strength may be centered , and used effectively to prevent a con- j tlnuance of misrule. He believed, i from the comments heard on all sides, that citisens generally ore dissatisfied j with the conduct of the city's business , by the present administration and are; not willing to allow It to continue in \ office for another term. The fact it j had been left for five men to Bay how Savannah should be governed ho re ferred to in terras of strong criticism, and the assertion was made that the spirit of condemnation was already sufficiently strong to defeat the admin lastatlon ticket in January. He be lieved a good organization, putting out j a good ticket, would win. it was decided to have r committee, I of which the temporary chairman of the club shall tie chairman, to select a ] permanent meeting place, prepare ap- | plication blanks for membership, etc. This committee will appoint another committee which will prepare a plat form. It was decided to meet every Wednesday, beginning with Wednes day of next week. One or two brief speeches were made to the tenor that the new club should not be run by office holders or those seeking office. After the meeting there was some little informal discussion of probable l;*ptrf£ tUHkd. I S«tl &**•*#• art m Wl*’ j Jar gii fwtp—m tit* (At j &£kw ! m I |T* ■rwSfc I mi 1 a.Ori'l aJH RING. PIN STUO. EARRINGS AM MHUfll S IOO Beach ii-i Earrings Art $2 Ptr Pair. SPECIAL CAUTION : Ete im-if * „ »#*■#. VurW# i‘ * umikraii IvNHnnr. %*+ mail oroers. « tea m t wm ##' #* 'KJSftIJ »n«* mwa I Art tit#* m« m+fntt tm I MMiflk fr Nat* #•»•#•* * <yinli >M'nAir» « a■ it iff »*f. **J*-*m Mnrffis "It T ~inJ,ZW m% r#*a.A I ih uas #• nbknii of gr»«t UHLuM **e *• IHMant OT ■ njtktVbAT Kmmt gUTar'r '*■»*< " I** 4 ' ■" ■U tw mu* j sa#"Beware of lmilalore.“«« jt«i —r Natl «lV»» V ! IjAKRIOS OIA.nONOCO., • lOtMH BUIUHM6, 42 AMO 44 A#OMO ATNAAT# fctw VOfflt v ,'WMI «M# p&fftv* **i»*yon»Hf *Hin!l4«t#ff. Amonff th*.v wlkspm nivnrs w#r# mnntlunH wart Mrwsir*. Il« r man U)>r#, J. A. tl. far [ ptift' <»* orw* W. Ti» *l#man and Col. William CJffrrarft CABTOTIIA. jMCK A Curtowa liiL Detroit Tribune. If John Riley Tanner of Illinois was not supporting sound money and the national honor, republican edllors 1 might suepect him of being a detna i gogue. WINE OF CAftPUI Something Unusual. Hfvci'LES, Mo., lan 28. I have been afflicted for years with female trouble and a pain in my la»t side. Our home doctors Could not help me, so I went to Spring field for treatment. The physician said I had en largement and ulceration of the womb. I got so weak and poorly the doctor told me I had better go h. .ine. He advised me to get some Wine of Cardui to take at home. I bought two bottles, and am surprised at the result. It helped ms more than anything 1 ever took and I am up doing mv housework. _ 3 LAURA CUMER. WineTOr^* You don’t often find physicians recommending what are called "patent medicines”. Thousands of them however are frank enough to admit that Wine of Cardui will cure "female diseases”. If this great medicint does not cure, nothing will. The case of Laura Climer is simply one of thousands where Wine of Cardui has restored women to health after the best physicians had given them up as beyond the aid of human heip. The wine is unequaled for all the peculiar troubles and sicknesses of women—for the girl just entering womanhood—for reducing the pains of childbi.# And assisting in quick recovery B DEPARTMENT. / i requiring *pe- i' m, giving syrop /ry Department, ( Medicine Co DRUGGISTS SELL LARGE BOTTLES FOR SI.OO. WINE OF CAR DU I THE A.T7GTTSTA BEHALD WILLING TO RUN FOR MAYOR Hml 1, 1, NrtMMgl Mar* to* pmiiim. 910 1410| ML#4k-p tttoo H.4M # (4 A #4Nh4 WMHN4 H* W* t - •*'»» * * NNit- V-Ttt IfM 01 Mtlff Vfft * - H« • « * •yur*#* «< » t * '*•'*' l ''" * • |M»( NW *4 4ff If #sHi4 •iPNN t# ; .rmu. orml fHioliif tvfM If 99m*m Art |.)t# ffMwpß* 1 Nff##* "m# ■rolfflirM# 4o *49 4-Vr* t« t 1 (4 n fli# ft "u a !• tm #•! la f»’r4#r I Ifr Ms tN4oß|l t»s m*k*4 matm* 1 h* firm amkuslf 4#4i»#4 Its again TW MiHf tlwl atmUatilna IS*] to perfurm k* doe* not lake seriously. l It* belters* the nty ten* Quite ns *cl I I tad svanalt ill) managed aaAr the | iM orcMlaalluQ as It la sow under lb* • I o* no n«*d for tniaiiistlont " Mr. MeDunongS mild, "but If It Is desired to hare them, my idea la to bate nn act pamed firing the rlty the right lo 1 reatr them ns It seen Hi. nttarblng no [ tmerera lo any of them that will Inter fere with Ibe council's complete con - [trot of the city govt mmenf One of the I moat regretable defat ta In the present • '•mmlaaton Mila la that the roua il boa not the power to carry out Its ob jects at times. Being run separately and apart from the main branch of the Icily govern meet, some of the depart- 1 men's exer> iar arbitrary piucra. and , I for that reason do not work in har mony with other*. The ronimlasiun*. If they are again created, must be subordinate to aud coordinate with council." "The fact that the city Is now being run wide open la aa illustration of lh ‘ Inahl'lty of council to execute the law,” Mr. McDonough aaid. "Saloon* are kept open Sunday*, and no effort la being mad# by those in charge of the police force to put a atop to It. Coun cil might he expected to assume the responsibility of this a tale of affair*. I which is altogether too plain to require | a statement of its existence, but the ft «4M' afterward —for Change of Life —for ulcerated and fall ing womb—for leucorrhoea, headache and backache. SHOES THAT ARE KNOWN! 1 ftfivlhififf rs a!v# lah, jMiMtc ind con>* comNncd with the hot of worknun !thin will lv found in lljtun & Sons Shoes. CftSHIN. GOULET i VAUGHAN. 808 Broad Street. 4ttt Mm HkMN A £€)%. ■*9w in tiNmm *4 w Tiffppi in vmni j (of ww) of * Mt Mfi inmih m#* tuidk * .III# I #«t4#*%f»t *4 to Irfffft w#* I** ktffur vstll #o# roorttojr. I «p«I l#w. a«4 lAforviiMc *!##*«• in nm'&Kmk liMv lan***•*» that tl waa ao intention i fafofrt Hto tlw 1 I#ti#f. 'lulwily 04flHAlA44 ntfl» lb# Ms n«i4 gavf tin na ifonol#. •wof ««4 j r«r ffti4 Milt of th**» »#r# avonn in? friend#. m**n who a*i|iporl#4 n># »n ! rot rirf. Wb#tt tb# •»#• tw I®- j pt»a#d. aom# tboufftii I vna i»* * * r #ai* in* tti#n right lo no* r#tniitln* tl»»® 4 hat lh»y nr#r# iri frlmida. Bw mi#n l«b#r rrond tbl# in r<®df»f»ation of not PinplfißK olth fb# Inw, 1 told jthem I thought they were my friend*, hut I eonld not hold to that opinion If ilbcy expected me to allow them lo vio- I late the tnwa which the people elected I®# lo #nfor«*r ” •'Would jDM favor ilodttf tb# ita®U t as den*’" Mr McDonough pjim fur im r asked. "While Itiere la no city oriUuaoce covering thin. lA<> rlty authorlfN* can ,t<*p P as easily ta If there went. They »vpp gel the evidence and turn Jt over lio the solicitor general, and In this way a atop would soon be put Vn the avll. I would favor doing It." "Do you think this platform would split the present Überal Club organi sation?" he wo* asked. “No. I do not. For every one who left It Ir my opinion ten woulik he gained. The people want the law en forced. During my former admlnla ! trutlon there were some things done which I did uot approve, as It was not ithe right way to grt evidence. This I was the feat two men performed by l climbing telegraph pole*, thereby get ; ling a view of a room In which ganib l ling was going on. Huch clrcumatancoa I might give the people reason for dia [ satisfaction, but where there Is a fair. | Impartial enforcing of the law, It j raises and elevates the community, i aud makes It bettor for everybody." “There bus been nn effort to gel the I tire department out of pollticji. In.Jjie ; event you are mayor, would you favor j turning It over to the winning side?" Mr. McDonough was asked. "My opinion Is that a compAtat man should not be removed from office merely on political grounds ” was 111® reply. "Tiie tire department Is now in ithe bands of able commissioners, and men who ore «R>t concerned much 1n politics. What l mean is that while they are interested in public affairs, they are not whfit you would call poli ticians. Under their management the personnel of the tlrp department,which is probably the moat Important branch of the city government, is doubtless composed of competent men, and those who leave politics alone and attend strictly to their duties. This being the case, I fee no reason why they should be removed, merely because they happen to be on the other side. I have j appointed men who were not my i strong supporters, and my attention I has been celled to the fact that others Shad worked harder for the success of the ticket, but the main thing to be looked at Is whether the man Is com petent, This Is the only thing that should be consfcPered in making an ap pointment to Atfy public office. This doctrine may bc( applied to all the de partments.” Me. McDonough waß mayor of Sa vannah for two terms, from IS9I to 1893. After ent®ing on bis duties his attention was tlfteetcd to the frequent violations of the Sunday liquor selling that proved qiftte effective. The min- Known from Maim to California at the BEST that material and good workmanship can pro* due*. II rot STTLt I! 11l lltt jr * 4 ifa* i i**®#’"”’I*' 1 *' 4#liffin9 #*•» #~-*a*n4 #gk £*"- *9? 1 • ledk 9*4%# ItS* Mr tfraffnimifi • * I 41 ii® i«# ciHi ftirl 4m at fib# f *«•*»###% * ‘ [ j||l%-gk (*|h|) IflMPt t cfif ggf ~i , > t M ||> * I Trid#r> ** *f9 **fcrd fnr lit i n# • [ p*rnm* K*H*r at I tl#® UNdtitd #®##<Nl | '|i fi »urd ill# ‘ffdekffti f tbff« Ms M« Ik# I ottfki rfidtdjiry vi vid t#V)4 In m*® * I | fdlrfft# ®#M#m. Tib# Id#* of III# Com- j mtiaHt r dull #fi3tui##fii I# io fUrfct «**' oa Ms ('*•' irks sod nwlAids If Mr McDn»o«Bkl ' mn* vltW • ii#or iHijirvl of m!d#r®#e tk# 1 N##d mil tnik r# itiik n«l®!ibifif r*f lot* i 1 nnllrlr*. slid tbrnhirr mi» th* ! Cmi##rvfillv# dull of ®urh at It* *® * : mmitiiofi for fib# Aghr Thl# I* «#**® | Iviely Ib# m*y th* of tt*#* ! new rlob regard the matter. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. Tilt Kind You Haro Always Bought gigaatnr* of diyfffEoSt SAYS SMI; kOHIU I) A ROHBER. Maid's Confession Lead* to Her l:m --ployer’s Arrest. I New Haven, Pniul, »Vt. ifi. —The |>o- j I IP-e here are Investigating s very sin gular rubbery <■*#*•. A party of four I last evening registered st the I'nltetl) Htates hotel as l>r. le-sndcr le-on snil j wife, her culured maid. Midget leon j urd, and Ik. Is*un's veld. I K llive Al [, xl*. also Colorod. This morning Dr. Leon declared tlmt during the night lu» hnd le-« n robbed of 11,too in cash and « diamond valued st Xt.OOU. The maid and valet weie missing. They were raptured by the police while trying to eaeupe in n eab. Tlie diamond was found seerd*d away under the eab eushluns. The maid con fessed the theft, but charged Dr. Leon with having originally stolen the dia mond and $2,00# In money from guests st the Wauregun house. Norwich. Conn. On their testimony Or. train and wife were arrested tonight and, lodged In the Central police station. ( Their Imggage, consisting of ,srveia! large trunks, was brought to head- , quarters anil examined. The examination disclosed that Ur. | Leon has many aliases—ln fact that he I has had a new name In nearly every I state he Ima visited. 11» claims here to' be a clairvoyant. In Boston he was C. ' Clarence Wayne, Jr. In Worcester, ] Mass,, he was known as "Nlblo." In another Massachusetts city he passed us "Klro, the palmist." In New York he called himself “Amro Pamlro, psy i hologlst and astrologer, offices In New York. Chicago, Boston, Han Francisco, and London.” The police think the whole paity arc swindlers and that the setvants have sought to rob their em ployers or 111-gotten gains. The money has not been found. Tin* police think the maid sent the money ro New York by telegraph or express early this mo rning. YOUNG nOTHERS. Croup Is the terror of iliousands of young mothers bocauae its outbreak Is so agonizing and frequently fatal. Hhi loh's iCough and Consumption Cure acts like magic In case of Croup. It has never been known to fail. The worst cases relieved Immediately. Price 2f» rts., 60 etz. and *I.OO. Sold by—Re tailers, T. A. Buxton, Anderson’s Drug Store, Alexander's Drug Store, West kind Pharmacy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesalers, Davenport Phlnlzy. U. C. V. Letters. Capt. N. C. Butler has received the letters to be worn on the hats of the veterans of Comp 435. All members desiring the letters rac obtain them from Capt. Bu'ler at his place of business. OABTOniA. Beam tie <4 11,9 K l[lll Vou Hare Always Bought ‘ v T , CS^Mgau JHE jjERALD STANDARD UfAfc fIILAS Il is populir bacjuM it I* *Mftt 'Ahii thi t~F*s( n#A r publ c wsmia, l*p**r* Itrisind cl**f» smMui y doubis vw iljiß of any others publiAhud. Th#y sr# b#sut»- fully printed In five colors on heavy map p*p« f IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR GEOGRAPHY you will find th© Atlas sn DdUportMb’p aid. It will help you to nb»©rv(i th# dally < h,»ng©t in th# sltuat on, and ©nsbl© you to kt©p pac# with history. You Need An ATLAS! v lie! the luitest and ttisfc - x Contents of The Herald Standard War Atlas: Cub# - - - 14*21 inches The World - 21 *2B inches *fMis l*g Him at st#44* »i**4i*Q kiHf ffSbd IfVffsffc Milk West Indtes ... 14x21 inches North America - 21 x2B incites M©SIS| iiMc II4C *• South America - - 14x21 inches Phll.ppine Islands - - 11x14 Inchss Hawaiian Islands - - 11x14 inches Europe ... 21*28 inches Spain and PortußSl - - 14x21 inches Asia ... . 14x21 inches showing new Tratt*Stt*riM Railroad. Africa - - - 14x21 inchss Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 x2B inches China - - - 14x21 Inches Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba. Havana, Cienfuegos. Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out, and entirely new. The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the slain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents A A / \ / \ firnouu / \ / \ 9 Cushion ! \j \ Sbof. I / \ Possible \ 1 / \ only to a \ I / \ hard Hitter.\ V \ Centre B*!l\ \ Very fine \ |v \ RightTwisf^; A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS By JOHN A. THATCHER rotbfon rarom ( laarnplon of Ohio'44- 'nt, winner of Hr, I,mi lx Hnniilony 'K7, tin- longfxt tmiriiuiiKiUt «m record, A ri«l flic only player 'vho ever tietl Arhacfer. Hioxbou, and Ivea la the nuMic tournament. or INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL. CONTENT*. 100 OIAORAMB OF 3-CUSHION SHOT*. SCHAEFER'# STHAIOHT RAIL NURSE. EVERT BTYLE OF BALK-LINE GAME. ALL NURBING POSITIONS. FRENCH CORNER GAME. STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL CONTESTB. LIST OP OHAMPIONB OF AMERICA ANO TOURNAMENT RECORDS. ETO. The author gives many valuable •URKeatlon* to novicex which nerve to render clear the method* employed by the world’n experts. It will nliow you HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 78 cents. Flexible Leather, SI.OO. 244 pagea. Slzo, 5x !H inches. Bent, prepaid, to »ny adilrete on receipt of price. iiipsla EraiDt Herald 7