The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 27, 1898, Image 1

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m * Acocm .nrr I tAVUKtt tw*~ 1 uml : tea tmm+rn E«ss •* t*» —n 1 HIGHESTRATE IN HISTORY CF GEORGIA TiHttfff toft Rh t IV (MtoWMl <rt ffiqafc • Ml BnffinrtMG *■»*«* i «■ mf9 |<f .% t, tV tM| f!#t S'» T *«# ##f%4A #1 I"- Ytot , l Ttoi* ft# Mi ItVIVIII ** - viil I+wtf !#**• tfi t&k* • i til# tt*4#to#y of nfl< #r« 10 )#|4 to op#* —t—t fyifft#f wittoru* a4vi)tiA!i nftriti On« hamk failon Norite tto* f«n It r#- port#4 It vm i *iat# tfi»po>ttory vi.o tll'fltNl Of til# #t*t#’# MUJto#?. Of tli •atoam |7.#Wt bti w ! I##t#4. THE DtfEVFUS CASE. Tbs CJurt of Cessation la S#*sk>n Today. Part*. Orl It. —Tli" court of censa (too, which deride* lb* qimtkMi of tn* o poo Inc the uw of Alfred Dreyfus, the priaoMr of Dttll't Mud. op**sd ■t sooa today. Th* ball was Wad with people, but there ru no demon •(ration sound the palnee of jMlk*. the |itH of which were rloud na a matter of precaution. Reporter Bard* optfid the proceed.nim by referring It, tbe eacltement and the acandals cans** by the case, even before the appeo for a revision of the tnal was lodged. He then reviewed t'ae history of the etse frrm the arrest of Orayfua. and Mid the condemnation waa for one of the crimes which inspire universal herror, and It strurk one of these In whom the country bad most confi dence. Berde spoke of the efforts *o obuin a revision, referred to the de nunciation of Esterbary. and reviewed Mme. Dreyfus’ appeal for a revlalon. HOVEMENT DELAYED. Troops Wilt Not Come South Until After the Examination. Knoxville. Tenn.. Oct. 27. While everything indicates the early move ment cf troops from Camp Poland to points further South, the orders of execution have not been issued. Col. Orrdlner. In command cf the Firat brigade. In Atlanta, and Gen. McKee were ordered to Macon, but cow It is thought the movement South will hardly begin befoiw the was Investiga tion roromiaaion arrives here, wb'ch Is expected within the next few days. Receiver Appointed New York. Oct 27. Justice Cohen of the supreme court today appointed Frederick W. Day of Elizabeth. N. J ■ and Edward W. Sanborn, ancila y re ceivers for the New York Wool ware house core pan”, a New Jersey corpora tion, capital stock of one million, on application of Wm. McNaughton, for stockholders. Bond of receive: s is fixed at $50,000. Tr nsport Mississippi Arrives. (By Associated Press to The Herald.) Boston. Mass.. Oct. 27.—The United States transport Mississippi, from Por to Rico, having on hoard the Six'h Massachusetts volunteers, has arrived Santiago Cannon Coming Washington. Oct. 27.—-Some cannon cartured at Santiago are now on the way to the United States. These pieces will be stored at Governor’s Island un til disposed, cf by..Ppnaress. Yellow Fever at Monterey. Laredo, Tex., Oct. 27.—The secretary of state of Nova Leon, Mexirr, official ly announces two cases of yellow fe ver at Monterey and ten doubtful. PUSH AUOUSTA AND EVERYTHING THAT BELONGS TO AUGUSTA ITS YOUR DUTY TO THE OLD TOWN. «tft tt*T» A *tt* Till! AUGUSTA IIHItAI.It nett *r %Ml MHf RUI . Ht V|t (.nal hMMHif) nf Uk* at* va *• W*a> **• *» ta s*n*rti ah. «tnj UwwAay. Ig.r ,w da om ji ,s#%* o foes. TIHiA t ft |, .s HA Ch*wgwt4 A k>4l« an tsad Ml*| - Ha. %-tmm <hM re—~*va aw m«*a- • tjuis QI.ASS f»AV HE SCAHCE. Oafyl as Fhiwl n to Efto *• ptaued. Oft. ST m Tli# towt tto#t th* window gits* thnanfnctnrwrn h*v* Immu omhl# to toMtfc** R ••to# SMll#* Hr9 i «rftS ip# to**flwMhi li crr#it&jt #Mi flgftlmi Is tto# tfto4# A m n -l | a4yftt*P‘l*W* f& r toft## ttoto? *J# **4 11*# lßlp>'ll toft#? S# IS t$ *" tic jto |S# AS# Itoftg# ft## M#t> < to. iftit #nfc tbs ti«vt I# so prsiltil ll of grating nmrr than half mawngh flan* j|o mrrT th* demand t’nlen* tb*r* I* n gvtMwnl nainjiikta. ksnn* *’*l be •raw* within sixty d*T» Alt** Tramps Fo* Griffin. Griffin On. On. 27 - Mon. Chnritn ffinWl. Hon D. J. Ih.k) Mon tt. R Blakely and Hon Robnrt T D*u t#l luvf r#»»»mr4 fvotoft Wnbiift *o. • lire tb#? btov# h### for it»tr»l 4toy* I looking ttl lor troops for Oecrßin. *«« [ prinßlttif tb# rt#ifl#B #f C-«n Northen a* a h**lthfni pl*c* at I all UnN, and a p*r; e ilariy d**lmt>le on* dnrin* tb* wlnicr tor Unltwl fitnt** trr-up* Col. Daniel wn* the on , |y one of the party a*en by reporters. and he said la reply to Inquiry "W« nr* very hopeful. Our reception waa more than ** could have expected. Mere than that I cannot nay. but I can repeat that I am hopeful with lb* *n coarntmaeßt given an” Forty-eight mules and six hors-s were received at Camp Northen by th* Third regiment fer us* and will b* un signed to different companies The on ly snecutatioa In comp now fa as lo who will be appointed major and Capt. A t J. Burr, of Co. B. seem* to be the favorite. A Furious Hale. I Cleveland. Oct 27. Since yesterday afternoon a furious gale has swop; over th* lower lak* region. During the night th* wind reached n veloci ty of fifty miles an hour, accompanied by flurries of sonw. So far as repor ted, the only damage done by ibe j shipping wa* to the yacht Signet, ; which was poundrd to pieces by the | waves. Directum Brings I San Francisco, Cbl., Oct. 27. —J. E, Greene, of this city, representing the Greene estate, baa told Directum lo W. E. Spiers, of Glen Fall*. N. Y., for $30,000 in gold coin. Directum U no v eight years old. and when four years old made a glorious campaign through out the East. He wound up the sea sen by reducing the world's trotting stallion recor? to 2:06)4. Louisville Defaulter Caught. [By Associated Press to The Herald.] 1 Louisville. Ky.. Oct. 27.—Police Ha ger today received notification that C. G Henning, who absconded from the bank of Louisville with $8,200 eeviral weeks ago, was raptured in London, England, by the Scotland yard detec tives. A Progressive Firm. The Augusta Mantel and Supply company, conducted, by Messrs. David son, Mathcwson* Boatwright, who have recently moved, from 807 to 831 Broad, have a fine line of goods. They are aIRO agents for Wilson’s Improv’d Air Tight Heaters. New York I utures. Bv Associated Press to Tho Herald. New York. Oct. 27, Future? o fin ed quiet. November, 511: December, 520; January, 525; February, 5?3; Mrch. 533; April, 537; May, 541; June, 545; July, 549; August, 552.. Extending the Line. Th* stret car line to the armr headquarters Is being rapidly extend ed. Three quarters of a mile of rati has alread ybeen laid, and Sunday tho extension will he completed. SPAIN HAS YIEhDED AT EAST. tnHiif TNt lit i stei tMf fit , i ft# %s4Sif4 iS l i A Of# i# C4HMS Hi* H### A»NP4 «t _. • Kmt fAhuf ijnf»l#n» afi«** M<> i Ibc Iftfltb CIMMai. hnA hr b#Hn«4, tofe> 4# *»# #• fSS f *99# fttoto#*!to*to * rr ' rw ** and point If f*c no #tto#r r<v<*, mam* tfio i* *tto#4 tbt pnllw* nn# ni ?•#* trvdny s noon ***sW»n. set tag under ih* s <r###lrilMl •! Mollnfy » •##* •jot tb# Spnalnrd# »nno«sr#d tl*#i they would forego farther argument on tb# Cubti d#4»t ind n«r##d inn*- pncflftltf I# tS# ISESM nod ahfo.Mtr 1y In tb* spirit <*f tb* ptwtocoi. tb# article .boat Cubn shonld go forward Into the final treaty. Philippines Nang. 1 Washing*on. Oct 2T —lt It now ex pected tn ofltriat circle* that the peace < ommiselon* t* wilt take up the nub ytc. of the Philippines The American much attention, bat so (ar tt bss never appealed before the Joint commission save In the shape of one n>»smodic ef fort made by tba ftpaniards at the very beginning of the sessions on the sub ject of the Philippines. The Amcrlc enn eommlislonem. among other things, have been MoHcg Into the sub ject of the Philippine debt, about which ther* has been much Ignoiance at this mil of the line. It is unllkely ihat the same Pule will be applied n ihst debt as wet insisted upon relative ,to the Unban debt. In other word*. If jtbe United Slates annexe* the Phlltp ptnea. which seems now to be the log ical outcome of the situation. It might lie reasonably contended that at least so much of the debt as represented moneys expended for the Improvement of the Islaod sfiould pass to the United States with the title The situation is regarded as materially different *r..m that In Cube, where the United States gains nothing substantia! for the an nexation of the Philippines. We ; should neiulre territory almost n« large as the British Isles wlih a teem ing population of mere than eight mil lion people. It will be for the Ameri can commissioners to arrange the de tails of the transfer of the Philippines to the United Slates, ns it Is expressly stlpuleted In the pea-e protocol -hat the disposition of the Philippines shall be arranged by the peace commission ers so that there Is nmple warrant, un , like the care of Cuba, for the rtlscuijr Irion of all questions of the Philippine cVdit, municipal and Insular. Thus Spain agrees to relinquish sov ereignty over and claim to Cuba, with out either terms or conditions. AH differences. If any misted, regarding Porto Rico and the selection of the Island of Guam, are also arranged by a mutual understanding, and the Com missioners found themselves well nigh | touching the Philippines question, ! which will be taken up next wekk. A GRETNA GREEN HARRIAGE. Popular Young Couple of West End Marry. I A Gretna Green marriage occurred yesterday afternoon in West End,when Miss Maggie Ancrenaz and Mr. Will'am I Ille were quietly married. The eounle have been attached to each other for some time, but for some reason or other their suit has not been met with favor by the bride’s mother. Yesterday, however, they resorted to strategy. They met and wended their way to the Catholic church, where they ivvere married. Both have many friends her*. Today ’they are receiving the congratulations of their friends at Mr. lUe’s home. The realities of matrimony sre usu ally less pleasing than the illusions of | love. __ _ _ „ _ j A. OA JAGK COHEN . HAS BEEN PROMOTED. tMMMIi tli# IN UN liwfttM TIN SImUM. A v *•*»*# «f ftwamlfcNM m Mw TMmI 1 Orwgl. SpHU I* Mfe* W«w>»4 A * £#•***. Hn% fl Aj f i m»*BUI IN# U H#i t« fkrnrmmt f J»*t» . R0*l«Ml 9*. * I HIM MAS AWRIVeOv Iswnni* «• (Ms* «ntev t* tW Cavalry "S ■ *'f .Bit t|N## *a# A H\£ f|lt t# lili4r4*l94hbI i li4r4*l94hb !*!irf»fwi *;ili <lt TV #4V#t* nniH # tUIM Hi IB#* ####4. mi t%mk 4 proNil4v Hc< tl# 4#fßtUN# 4 (If fttlilfjr mmf 4**bjt# ii < cm till* ##• If ItfT #f# 4>*<i~#4 K #flt J4## inrrnn mn Ho* Vlttßß HU# | jlMiWliff Built# tV# §{.>■ (|oft Ails til# f *9ftf» Alt## If# 111 «p#flk#4 t»t#| I ff v#nt« tN fotirn |q *%tf* b# qtiir V h •« (NkMibi# TI» PUIBU ftttl ( tilt# IttrM l)rt fsm|i Hit it* tnpplf 4V*> m*t mill iV TnrK»» Pftftft# Mipfljf ll f#A*V Th## r|t ft3rß*#h St.tQl (#!• #rh‘rl» I# li#f* #*•*•! Will Cf «»i»lkWllf W)*ff(k!d Hi V#* n lffd All of tl># pip# #r#4#4 to <•!# t|# «B|#f tO th* f t tHip I*4 I UROffOL mdii * 111 bt pot to #ort iijr'Qf th# sup#. The A A L. h said to have received the contract for bringing ent 7.bod troofto here and will tnrv* then la et*htc*li train loodn. Pteungnsi<>n* to this *ert are rapidly ttnd.r way. Bncb hour *how* *u«e b!g tmnmvc m*nt In the work and it will *ttll be rushed with the utmost soeed. Col. Galtacher left today for an itr sneetkM trip to all ramp* In thin til- PI T OFF A CAR A Law Suit Hv Be the* Wesutt Therefrom. , Lui night a twmi» man was put off « street car. amt a* a result a law suit against the street railway may re sult. Jchn Walker.who keeps a barber *hop at 1770 Broad. I* the man put off; and iui says that It hnpfienrd aa follows- He had bren to the show and got on a car tw gw home. Conductor Miller was In charge. Both sides of rtie car were full of whit* p-opl*. The right hand side had fewer person* upon It. and Walker sat down to talk to some white men. The conductor told him to move to the other side, rihlch was for negroes. He refused as the other side waa crowded. The conductor told him he would have to get off and stop the car. Walker then got off. He saya he has not yet deemed to enter suit, but says he will talk to his friends today and decide shit to do. Conductor Miller says Walker got on the White side, and when asked to move replied “not today." This same reply was received twice and the car was then stopped, Walker got off. He had not paid his fare. The authorities of the street railway say the case haa not been reported to them, and they do not expect or tear a suit. FALSE REGISTR tTION. Two Negroes Wire Arrested In the Fourth v ard j Two negro mem were arrested this morning for violating the luillot law— Bam Hammond and Stephen Hunnleutt. Hammoml was arrested for abetting and inducing false registration, and Hunnleutt for false registration Hunnleutt lives at 1342 Jones and reg istered In the Fourth ward, as Boh Jones, 1440 Broad. He waa known, and Detective Bheron arrested both the men, . . ~ | Hunnleutt claims that Hammond told | him It was all right and gave him sev eral drinks. Hammond says he only asked Hun ' nlcutt to rc-'ster. Hunnicutt is locked up and Hammond I is under a SSO bond. If convicted of tho charge the fine Is from SSO to S3OO or from 30 to 60 days In Jail. British C abinet Council. [By Associated Press to The Hera’d.] London. Oct. 27. A cabinet council was held at the foreign office today. All the members of the cabinet were present and the meeting lasted two hours. When th* ministers left tbs foreign office thw w*re smiling and did not give any. indication of serious apprehensions aa. to the future. Th# j Trench ambassador, Courcel, saw Mar quis Salisbury immediately after the ' conclusion of the cabinet meeting io |day. ..... .. QUAKERS HAVE A BIG DAY. TBfty tlNMli MB# hltkijd* It H. fkt hnKi m »*• QwMsd *»» • (tissi Ovgtlwn tMg Inrurtaiiidl toswn tw The MwniA» Mtollnto# W ant #NtH* niMawAiMl % tjuites Bra* tN# PM## #1 l«M *#4p>#m4 #*#U|B#lM##f#t |#M* §A#h |Mt#4* c*iM4N§t#4 4#t #*■#•*# Tad** jj|u»r# toll# b #*#t ##4 mtiHarv gnrwd* which w*« m (•* hew y. tw MM (to ft# to## tor>rAl(if~i A*4 Th* PHMMN Mto we* h*** *w4t with #M##h#f* •#» th# IBs#l* &fWky h#4 #•## #4 tiAMUHi *f r##M##l# *4 Hl* 4tf I*4 «#h#f SMftlHlH, IHMO*#4 *h# •An# irlth th#lf pit##f*. ftft4 Mtlh #l#MMt tops If# pofMlißf# <4 *h# rt*F rhtrrnt th# ##l4l##* B* th#p #MHr#4 ###l* th# r«tat# Th# prwHMit prm to th# inrft4# to4# til l fffrhlt o##f th# fOßt# Of th# pftB'fMOiCWL to % t#* th# 4#fOfß4 #t»4 MA# CTf#t#4 *#t 4 h tt #fmt,ll#€MMi OffttlH* With fJ#®#fßl Mil#* Hi th# t##4. th# |woc###ioo #ir* t«4 from (tru*4 tod hiv4tT bi#bb# At It oVtorli. bb4 t»n*r«toH|#4 tin H-«*4 mil##, font hoar* #r#r# otctipltd li | gtfßl ftoliOL BEAUTIFUL WI.DDING. That Iktirrrt Y**t*Hay Down at t'lythe. one of the mat beaailfnl and elab orate weddings that baa ever occurred In Richmond county mn* that of Mis* Lain Tarver to Mr Thomas Pilcher, which w>« celebrated at two o’clock yesterday at Mount Hopeful church. Hopeful church, tb* scene of th* kenatiful wedding, although a time honored edifice, was never before tho scene of a marriage, and waa on this occasion decorated most artistically. Graceful vines and autumn trophies from bill and dale lent their mellow beauty to grace the acene. and guests ft om far and near gathered to wltoea* the nuptials of one of R.cbmond coun ty’s fairest daughters. A novel feature of the marriage was lb* attendance as ushers of four of the women friends of the bride. Mrs. Bam Story and Mrs. To: bit, In yellow organdies, and Miss Maggie Gresham and Mlaa Cora Tarver In blue organd ea. who met and seated th? nuxtrous guests present. The bride and giootn were attended by M n Kate Polhrid with Mr Bam Story, Miss Kate Malone with Mr. Sam Tarver. Miss Annie Lou Wiggins with Mr. Ixxtla Allen, and Miss Kate Avorelte with Mr. Will MrCathron. Miss Kat? Woodvard as maid of honor entered with the groom's best man, Mr. Albert Edwards. The bridesmaids were gowned in white organdies and the maid of honor in torquolae blue organdy. The cen tral figure in the scene was the bride, who in an elegant gown of ivory Duchesne satin elaborately trimmed In pearl passementerie, chiffon and orange' bloasoms, was indeed an Ideal bride. The filmy bridal veil was caught up to the becomingly ar ranged coiffure with a half wreath of i orange blossoms, and fell in billowy folds to the hem of the gracefully fall ing train. A shower bouquet of bride roses finished this perfect bridal costume. After the beautiful and impressive ceremony performed by Dr. Lansing Burrows, the bridal party and guests were driven to the home of the bride's mother, where the decorations were al so most elaborate and where a splen did old fashioned country feast was served and for several hours joy and merriment reigned supreme. At 4 o'clock the bridal gown was changed for a stylish cloth suit, and amid many congratulations and a shower of rice Mr. and Mrs. Pilcher left by private conveyance for the city, where a re ception was tendered them last night by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Pilcher. Mrs. Pilcher is a sister of Mrs J. E. Tarver of this city, and is a young lady of many do mestic virtues and social graces. She possesses among oth ir acoomp ish ments a clear insight into financial af fair of this world, and has for several years managed most successfully the large plantation on which she and her mother have resided. Mr. Pilcher is connected with the Augusta branch of the Armour Packing company, and is in every way worthy of the bride he has won. The preseii'-e received were oiau? and exceedingly handsome. Mr. and Mr*. Pilcher are at home to their friends at 1515 Gwinnett street. r»h*i MHIAtoJB A u*« tm trnliav, (At #t fill: |||i,m nt* PtftA. *# Sm to *rt*# ftoiKf flit toh«tol tort m tototo h«wd» rw* hnrtnsii towg i»ua to * chwiwt* wf Aihwi in to | |§7 l*h#l<v *4 totv* *h# to#-t4 j hot#|... Mft Aih*to • h#» h to## totottoHl th*4 hpi % *4 A Atotto tto f t ®-to i# th# #o# to i iftf'S * ' ##to v»Nf< •*»# Ml lAMflft m* t tootftofeg <ft#t th# ftototoptoto* ItoßMto ItoitM i#*#4 toft < to# ft to# to#* to## ##t c#t i#to Mft toi« -%# A * tf* th#fi I «#»ti ft mm horto»4 bb4 top# hh#i t»* #«otop#4 Ito# RltolM tr*m rowpl# lOto ttot# , f . f| ii( * hi«i*or* #sl *w» «||# »##4 of Ahothrr toot#!. f«* tto# #lftt#r trto4#. op# vttt Btutmitiifdly to# totolH h» ##vt »ißt#f hII I I.D MIHSELE BY ACCIDENT >*d Death of Mr. O Mnstw Speer. to AhhexlM* vowaty. Abherlt)* A C.. Oct 27—Tuesday, at hts home, shout twelve miles from her*. 0 Mason (pen. t turn of the highly esteemed Mr. dearie a * faithful old Confederate soldier. Act ■ bimnelf to death, Mr. Meaon Speer had n store at Monterey, and lived on his farm nearby. Tuesday he was in hts rottoa field, picking retina, and upon bearing bin deg baying suite thing in the wood* nearby, thinking it was a sgalrrel h* sent hi* younger brother for hts gun. They went Into the wood* and were upon opposite •Ides of the tree. Inking for the squir rel. when the boy heard the gun dis charge and upon going to his brother, who had fallen, be dtse'vered that the whole load had taken e«ect on the aide of hi* brother’* head. Rla pre aumrd that the gun was discharged by Ibe trigger being carried looaely la M fipewr’s hand, with the breech down wards. The remains were burled yes terday afternoon In the cemetery o' Rocky River Presbyterian church. It adds andnes* to Ibe event to learn that the deceased waa to have been aoon married to Mias Gilbert, a young and attractive daughter of the recently nominated superintendent of educa tion. James Gilbert, of Huguenot ex traction. Some of the residents in Donald's Township have started a movement to cut the township of Donalds from Ab beville county %nd to annex It to Greenwood county. Abbeville regrets this effort very much, as there are many tesldents of that township whom the people of Abbeville highly esteem The names of Donalds, Mattlaon. Aynew. Dunn. Acker end many others have long been linked with the his tory of old Abbeville. Capt. Kirk has been laying off the lines. It is an un fortunate provision of the law whlci allows the cutting off of small section < of a county. LATIMER-W LARD. Popular Young C°“P ,e t 0 > Ved Novell!, her 15th. Mr. William Edwin l-atimer is the recipient of many eongiatulations un ion the announcement of his engage ment to Miss Kate Pollard. Miss Pollard Is conc-ded to be one lof Augusta's most attractive vomit; women, and Mr. Latimer Is esteemed very fertunato In winning her. Mr. Latimer Is the assistant secre tary and treasurer of the Augusta House Furnishing company and stands high in the esteem of every one. The marriage occurs Nov. 15th at t o'clock at the home of the bride. No. 1020 Mclntosh street. fir. Davis Here. Mr. W. Wilson Davis, of the Univer sity of Virginia, spent the morning in the city. Mr. Davis Is the son of one of the faculty of that famous Institu tion, and reports that the college Is prospering and has a large number In attendance. 1 Mr. Wilson is interested in a con tract for sewering in Aiken, and left on the artemoon train to go to our sis; ter city on business relating to the con tract. Faura Not Assassinated (By Associated Press to The Herald.) Paris, Oct. 27. The runwr circula ted in ' London that President Faure has been assassinated Is absolutely false. •** T #»JN tofiM# 9HANTfft* IOANANO NAVI NOB 1 *"*** BANK. Ptjtowltort j V 7 • *••««* «•#«*####•#» *#*• 0 RACE RIOTS ARE SURE TO FOLLOW T fnaif» lltt to IlfitnN to '*# f'fitttoto fits total** iM«*isrtts oxsffti'gw N*g, • ItwwlM.lMA to *•*■*» .as. Orx Mt Otnlfiagt tot- Mi*to* »|( p»-* A* Mit Ito## Ito tto toPtoptf • ##l toft toy t*# ««toMlfeto#l Ml pHHMMI ' «*•*! *# h# m MBpptotiMtol ttotoi tJto#f# tm totowiwNiiMi Ihm'lii# b> »u# •totorttoMß. to*4 to# ft# ##«s*■(#'*■ tMMI totoffttoito# vltoMlHHNto 49 s «*»%•###** wfiAto tto# ||« |>a« toltoifttoto ito «4N#I« Ito f«#tf«i lift# itotofl «4i (ton «t#i» to#*# «**#to4 Ito# tottoi ##4 It lA# toto»f !•!*# tto** to#*# IfttoMßiVt to# (to# totoßV# #fi'Btortol MMIt i to#Y to#*# Atott#* *##A ini# ito# #tort? toil! *#to i s« * u'i (A* i ti#*# fIM Mto tto# ft* rmt* f?<*##♦##• t#tt#to ftototto#* tto tto* A*to#*ft>* 4ttotVl9V toltt ltto#l* to# «i# *r .* ■, f >r i ###fi c*toto* ItmtSM liwh ***** t« h* *w*pl oat of sfiw tn tks tM* which I* rising •nates; negro Pwiuih* Th* altga* net «h*v* I* uistdrt M nan cctticwL •M *hn«(d a rar* war *a*«* U Is w Itkeiv that th* Pr«*t4*wt will cog* n far hts Amv of rrincta* for th* ap rotatawwt as wtraM la «•*# tn the tag#. Th* h**t*v class of RqwMirag poll tfrtsas h*r* M that It waa a gtvwf mtftak* nrpotatlng n*gro** to -(fie*, and Mlvlasd sgainst tt at th* tins. Th* lnt*r*ity of th* f**llng In North Carollpa la ikevi In tb* l*tt#r written to ftsMsr Pr' cbxrd by W It ("bad brum tb* Rcpubtlcnn tvstmutsf nt WifmMigtn* H* any* that h* can no tongnr sntwmrt th* policy whereby na gro** hold tb* ntlrra over whit* m*n, sad advis** giving np «h* local office* In th* vnrlott* countla*. Th* Rrpnh -1 ions ar* *xp**tlng to •** their party rompl*tr!y cv*rihrown In th* Tb*v ar* hralttnleg to tw th* fntlHty of th*»r egerta to holaler up th* nerro la that aerflon and sav* la a few ran*, ar* reconciled to the fact SAND RSVILL* NEWS. A New Lumber Crmpsav Added to tl o IndoMrlea. Paad-mvlllf. Ga.. On. 27.—*. O. of A*ndcr*vlllc. Timothy McAu- Itffr. of Oiatham c.-unty. and Walter B Glllli-an. us Mimtgomrry county, comprising th* Icing Lumber company, tinvr tiled with the clerk of Washing ton Superior court a petition for th* Incorporation of said com (any. Th* capital stock will hr M,«». with th* privilege ~f Increasing It to It*. Mg. Th* Pres* saya; “Don’t fall to vote ffr W. 11. Fleming for congressman from this district Tuesday. November Sth. H* has n-> opposition, bu: deserves a largo complimentary vote.” Senator Rawlings ami It.preaantne fives Henderson and Ilardwlclt left on Tuesday for Atlanta. In order to be present yesterday, ut the opening of the lesialature. Sand-rsvlllc Is feeling awful good over the aasurnnee of an Improved county courthouse. The eltlsens will doubtless purchase and present a clock for the tower Dt. L. O. Mcßride and family of Oconee have moved to this city and arc occupying the residence of Mrs. j.l gr. Youngblood. will goon hang out his shingle, and will no doubt receive, as he deserves, a liberal patron rue. Mr. Gus H. Howard of the llrat Ooor glu regiment has returned to Sanders vllle, w here he will resume the prac tice of law. Private John Water* of the third 1 Georgia regiment I* spending a short furlough ’With hi* relatives here. , Mr. L. M. Vin'on of Wenona, Ga.. In vlHlting friends In the city. I Miss Mayotte Spark* is v'sltlng i friends In Macon. I Ml** Mary Joyner has returned from a pleasant’ visit to relatives in New York city and among the Catskills. | Mis. H. C. Houghton has returned Itrom a trip to Virginia. She was ac companied, on her return, by her bro ther, Private Armlsted Watkins, first Georgia regiment, who ha* Just iwov lend from a severe spell of typhoid fe ver. New French Cab’net. [By Associated Press to the Herald ] Paris. Oct. 27. Nothing yet is defi nitely settled in connection with the formation of a new French cabinet. M. Rtbot 1s said to he the favorite candi date of the Elysee palace, and It is generally believed that M. Faure will appeal to him to so m a cabinet of re publican concentration, with Delcasse remaining In the foreign office. Such a cabinet would not oppose a of the trial of Dreyfus. Ribot alwa't has been regarded as being favorable to reopening the case. The life of u sailor is becoming every year safer with the Improvements in the construction of vessels. Twelve years ago one sailor in every HH> who went i.o sen lost his life; now one ir. 25« is lost.