The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 27, 1898, Image 8

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TMUIHPAV wa AKKCHILDREN'S OUT-FITTERS DON’T FOROKT IT. Humtrwft of £**>•?tfi p«nml| Mn Mnm n«cf R#v#r to |o •fnowHof# for o»U*fr#M*t Oolfvotf. Mo*#. Cot*#. •nd Fv*n*hln* Goc»)«. W« tlmvvAm amupukmi* Ml# •Chofcirty (ton*«# to Um com!*#* * of (Mi Oort of oi*r tmnmow. Wo know thol It*# Mus of lodoy «rM bo Iho moo of tomorrow, and wo oro bornnio* now to cot* tfvato hit Irtdt for IHo Urn# whon »*o*M nood Prtnco Aiboriw and SwoNow Tad*. Th* Hu u ready for pmo&m who *ojoy baraam* nmvi alt wa aay. PEOPLE’S FORUM kwimw «t a«w•*•* aw# awn tong Gnoattna oka wtak h» Aww wwa ta mmm*a in yfcHßßMtontnry w*y ».i ta fVMMk Vitt fc* •okwan*o Ml tk. oatas** A a*w*oßo#v U *• * w*r • OOMI MMUMOw# Ykrangk n ok* ga-t> a*, a wa** fcao*** fc*o» ia ngfct to fffean nw— 1 * W *o*ati»* MM tawcau Way toss *oiv» yw ia aawr of hi itw i wt • Owi Mw>i a It* dOwWAt «AaM» #►- WMir limn U»* *MIm am AkM ta —|‘j »ls IT*trill IU tk*agktft»l b#4«w* MMaa to* tor to took wttfct* iliwitl*** ■M *** tt tk*y, W* wfc*ta*. at* >'*n»» TW* writ** a Aft Aiirtim *r- WWlftlM Vttfe Ik# CAHA to gtar*** ll* r« am of tfc* gtainrfcnnr#* 1* '*• ****** ml Tknn*****. North C**"‘>“* *M yawl toi|i i at a it* prwt* 1* i»** i< <* Ato* **<m>«A f#* Wilt AM |**H*tr IA mam* w»y miaamwa* od*k R- Tfc* negro ts aa M Wtoto* »• «k* a* irwwtr 19 (IMF At Itftftftßl —WA WA «*H a— "A 10*0 war." I* I* Wt*A toflAtA fMAlllArttr a allowed ktto <Kat kA *AAI«**A <9 oartoliy All* wttk Ik* wktlA* Tk*r*Tor* toter on wh*« k* hall***a r*rtaln rtgh'« belong to fehn whether «a»T*rt or aot. lA* Alta*** tfcar fc* baa wHfewM aM I--a tfc* tool uud for tk* garyo** *«*l>ol* d.n« kiwi to *totot* tow ktomrlf tAKih -I*o ikAA. Mr CAltor. to wkAt we know to Ao Uto am *bou'.4 w* no* to rareful IA handling tkl* *l*m.o thfe* Sfe la omr affda* taw w* might »* tb* ran** In «!«• •«.* of lb* troobto anumg a*. ' _ Aohi!* T rwMl WHh tntenwi different iuaa nfctdfctkta* ha.lan a teadenry inward* whit* grtmarie* lo •ml* th* aatotlo* a* to who nhouid to th* connriitoan In It* different Wfeid. WMH iWiJtoMo* feAT tolrmlnded . elMzen rontd h*r# to M* jl*alm to a aaat la conßdl be'ng by a Jure of ht* whit* tallow cllli*B* 1 e*n'l Im agine and la at? J*dotn*ni If h* ob ject# to thto mod* h* ahonld to aban don**! by lh* white voter* of tb* ward. Every citizen who love* pearo and good order, and that th* paanlon and eicitement of lh* toft election may not h* renewed, will Join with lh* Good Government Clnb In bringing about thl* end. I wa* pleaiied. Mr. Editor, when 1 read in Th* Chronicle that »uch an organization had gotten together, life name portend* good for the eomtnn nlty. It aurely could not adopt th* name hypocritically, Itecnua* lt» **- poeure would It* tolrtaln lo follow. Thendor* M tnuat mean the doing away with unfair *lai;tiona, fal»e reg ttterlng of vote*, .pond*taolng In eve-y way the purrhmusabl* and Ignorant! negro vote bolding to a nrlcvt at- j count—be he white or Wach the ; peraon who would Induce the poor ne gro to register oontrnry to law that he may vote him many time* on election day Should thla club have adopted the name of Good Government Club for any other porpo**, # would be a tra veety. and It* Insincerity would be held up to ridleitle Citizen. Canton Glneer, preserved, atT. P. DORIS. HORSE RUNS AWAY. Overturn* a Fruit Stnnd In His Flight. Yeaterday afternoon a horse became ! frightened at the corner of Kills and Campbell aud dashed out Campbell at a breakneck speed. At the corner of Tetfalr and Campbell the horse over tut ned a frutt srand and then ran on .•o Mr. Tom McCarthy’s, where it was stopped. Besides the overturning of the stand, no damage was done. Fire Yesterday, Yesterday afternoon departments t, Z, chemical and truck made beautiful tuns In res posse to a rail front box 1«. They found a bed on tire in it house . n Centre street between Beynotds and tiny The fire was extinguished before much damage was done. —- Old fashioned buckwheat flour for sale by Lumkln A Co. The filling for these Is made of chop ped olives and grated cheese. HUONAI. Jwaf Am<tfc, *f VIIAAIA Ml A) Ik* he I >it| M. Q. kWMI. *f kntoWA I* A* <k* I k I J, II wt HdlUnnfi. It #i (Uni j hm om». «f n»# iimh it ii id* Hr» H-«#W if IfeNMm It Iwti ffNHMI [ Mr M A. Mml hm rttrnMl trmm it is WHin i n f * •* tM I ArMftgtm (««q || Rift, t»f Aflttia It it tit j ArtlMtoai W, tie RaftMwi. «I Mewla*. It mi ti# AfttlflW R A of S*w Tort, it of it* AHlOfftuo, J, R R«fr«t of Atlooio. ft i lAd C A. %l«**f**r of (IwrlMi. s lo «t (low K Tool# of nuirtooMNi. lo ot Wflilofll Moolfor. «f Nro Vwk, it ot tlko PtiMfra Row A. Dr Vrro. of Kt»#lhy. O.Uai l||N* I' illl< i 1 Geo Utobberm. of CMwlaami. to a: ( G. W. Fuller, of Oafnesvlll*. la at Ike Arllng'oo C. C. Moaslaa. of CtaclAAAtl. la at tfc* Arlington John It IHngl*. at Baltimore (a at th* AritAgtoa C. If. Andrew*, of Nashville, to at the Arl.ngton U. F Hardeman, of Athen*. to a' | the Arlington. Chrta Ha*>h. of Pten*Bßivlll*. Ky.. t* at th* Plantar*. A Y. Itavtiteon. of Pbltodelpht*. i* at the Planters. W. R. Boone, of Galne*vllto, 0* . 1* at tit* Arlington. Mr. John T. Mcßride, of Abbeville, to nt the Planter*. Julian Bachelor, ot Lowell. M»»» I* at the Planter* H. O. Ux-hbrldge. of Philadelphia, la at the Arlington. William L*wrrne*, of New York, to stopping at the Planters. Mr. and Mrs. Prank H Miller have returned from Washington. Mr. O. H. Puller, auditor of the G.. i J. A 8. R. R.. I* In the city. Mrs. P. J. Roper and daughter, of Mobile, Ala., are at the Planter*. Prof. N. Wilson Davit, of the Pnl veratty of Virginia, to at the Arlington L. A Middleton, of KOrepaugh and Sella Brother*’ clrcua, i* at the Plau*- cr*. Thomas Wise. George Parsons and Adolph Jackson, of Cincinnati, are at the Planters. Hon. Thomas- K Watson passed through the city last night, cn route to Sylvanla. Ga. Prof. Chas. Lane will lecture at Masonic Hall. Benefit Asbury Auxiliary Organ Fund. You should go as you will be pleased. THE SPANIARDS YIELD. Our Refusal to Shoulder the Cuban Debt Accepted. [By Associated Press to the Herald.l Paris, Oct. 27. The Spanish peace commissioners have accepted the neg ative view of the* United State* com missioners towards the proposed as sumption by the United States of the Cuban debt. Cabinet neeting. (By Associated Press to The Herald.) Philadelphia, Oct. 27. Secretary Porter stated this morning that Mr. McKinley would leave for Washington at 7:30 tonight .and that there would be a meeting of the cabinet tomorrow morning. Mr. Porter declined to sny anything about last night’s meeting of the cabinet In this city, but It ts au thoritatively stated that the session was informal and no mention was made of any communication from Paris. The Earl of Minto, Canada's new governor general, and Lady Minto, leave England on November 3. for Canada. th jc auoupta mw FRED MERRITT TELLS OF CAMP ll* Y«M • t*fM*w* ifa# 4»fU9» •I Uttotfto* t Igt .*fc*MNok#t tfe DMA* Afcfc a* *oo*o *»•* RRf RNnuMI 44m* RNWS4 94 I ftNHHtfl A*+* MM IMNI HI | (((Hi HPH H VMM9 (*Ni I (%• tMMMV # 9MI *4 ■ ■% t» f- I H» **#* *4*l I# ftMM m mm m * %#**#** | Ml t» MMi IMI • Hpm mu' M 9mt rn KM# M mmm am Hh Hit **s m (i» Amt* i M •• Dm #4^* wra<l»*»# l«iiS«Mlta •DHt '•HP TT» (MtHHI **mm m f,** m* 4 (IP* RPRSIPMPmk • Mi HrtPPi mm Ihh** **■* s4»i imt tloul <Mt (4M mm IpM M* ■ Mm PiN 4mt It ?4*p mm* m 4 **+ ■■ I (4 PP a vw w* I"lV4'-/wT JberuTt^w**H at I •'#(* HpR StTrUrt STelk^^ j nigtiaari *( tfc* 00*** «0y Ctop. Hv Utlt It *OO gMM* *••» |k*tttooo to toto i»t*idiaa kim | Me wa* *tt.*fe-n o*oo Oh*NM a 00*0 .t * M*e*at to* winter grew*** Tk* rmw gto •« let(ogt«a 0* m* *mw to **o .._ j, they have k*m*otet k»r* ( a *(*•'• 1 will 01*00 • tot *f At t > *g|o H»mgt- a (tk* wfc.«* w*l . ate #fgfct**g rwg>o>»»t». rntogoto J of Kentucky **o T*Soa**e* Tkay In not a essteat belswm them g»v>v*o Mr. Merritt (Xpert* to go from here ‘to Maras. *her* It* will open the ras ter* at that pt»r*. when th* mMlwi i get t brr* Capt O't Vaaor m aww at jCatsg Wail. "How long before yon expert tk* *oi- i liter* ts change ramp* naked lh- re porter i "Can't *ay for rsrtaln," repl'»o Mr Merritt, "but expert It will h* wtthla a week or ao lam awaiting *t>rtker order* from Capt O’Comw r ' Mr Merrill aay* that tber* ha* been 'a provost guard of fC# men atattoned ' ta Lexingtoa and they hav* kept order iwrll, the police having nothing ta <»» with nrrvwtlng th* *oldlrr» when they it* d'aorderly. Th* provaat guard ha* !a hnrrack* to th* town nnd art a* a regular pol e* fore* AnguK* will hav* I the tame thing. "There I* one thtog.” rrmnrked Mr 1 Mmrltt. "that tk* negro aoidl*i» will |do and which great trotihic baa been ' 1 bad to put n *top 10. and that la In dulging In crap *hootlng. They get off I in a secluded spot and 'roll dc bon**' Ito a great extent. Etoveral hav* been arrrated 041 that arcount. M 1 Mr. Merritt said ther* wer* at I mat ! 20,000 eoldlrr* mramped at ls»xlngton. but th* weather waa exlremcly cold in i that Kentucky city and that M would be a relief to th* aoldter* to get to a warmer plac*. *uch aa they will find at Macon He la of th* opinion that Au guxta will reap a h#rve*t of money hv th* coming of the regiments here for the winter. Mr. Billie Ford, a well known Au gustan. la now at Islington, engaged , in conducting the canteen there. Mr. Merritt has found Lexington a ; very fair tort of a place of 30.000 in- j habitant*, but he would rather live in Augusta, he aays. The soldiers there I have been calling him "whiskers” (ho has been turning out his heard) but he don’t mind that and Is glad to stale that the canteen he has been connect ed with has done a rushing business. He may go hack to Lexington, hut more probably ho will Jolp the sol diers 111 Macon. All depends on what he hears from Capt. O'Connor in a few days. He came to Augusta to arrange some private business affairs. , Fresh Malaga Grapes at T. P. DORIS. BROKE OPEN CAR. Unknown Parties Went Into Freight Car Last Night. Police Officer Reynoldsreports a freltiht car that was standing on Gwin nett street last night broken into by unknown parties. Nothing was taken, so far as could bo discovered. Place your order for fail suit with E. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. SAVANNAH LYCEUn Is Definite and Y M. C. A. Takes Charge of Lectures. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 27.—The Savan nah I.ycdum has kindly turned over their list of subscribers to the Y. M. C. A., tbey having concluded to aban don their course. Fresh Saur Kraut at T, P. DORIS. I AOLTIIa to vHJ7jH %» t t jidhlMiia Nk MP9 4MMI mm 44 #4 f JtyrtiMMit pN44M4 M4H44 #4m Hliw» N *4# pmttp m*?* «• *** lh* dlrtnnc* hto*e*a th* de*p*rau> Amelia and >h* otkat* gutokly ! acr*fc*- My k*«: my k*t‘~ •** •*' 'kat ram* from km. "My feat to teat * w*(d* that tk* rto*c* stepped tonxnl* ■ aT ,, mrned hark Atselto had |n*n left *sm* divtanc* behtad - standing tunes h a iwfeil u*lt b*r hand- clasped ov*r her forehead ||*r wheel lay shar* It fell when *h* diaaMusted Da* th* braarh of th* irr*. a llttto a bora her hung her bat It had been thrown there by th* re bound of lh* bmoeh which knocked It off Amelia pr****d her hand* on her | head and stared at the rest of the re turning party Ah* said nothing. "I’ll g*< It.” offered one of the men of th* party, "tt* rvay enough” Oh I doa t. plea** don’t,' answered Am*Va, .to lh* aatonivhmeat of the party j ”i(Save it alone.’* That roused the I "Tut we have got to go on.’ feald J op* of them, sharply, "we hare loat t»n minute* already. Do you want to go without It?" Amelia did not re ply. and tb* girl fehaok the tittle tree Down fell the hat landing on ita crown Everybody turned to took at It and Amelia stared with anxiety. Se curely attached to the front of the front of the band wa* Amelia’* cheat nut l«ang. There waa silence for a second. « Tb « the laughter wa* unanimous Amelia alone wa* tardy tn Jotnlng in. She looked at flrat a* though she would rather wtep, but thinking bet ter of It she laughed with the other*. Then she reached down for the hai be fore anybody could hand It to her. and turning her bark carefully adjusted tt on her head. When she faced the group again her chestnut hang was as becoming as ever. "Come along, girls," she said, mounting her wheel. "There’* one thing about it. If ano» ther tree knocks off my hai. It won’t make a bit of difference." N. Y. Sun. You should be at Masonic Hall tonight and hear Chas. Lane lecture. A premium will be Riven those who do not laugh. MORPHINE. It Caused the Death of Hrs. Bax ley. Mrs. Baxley, of N 0.1415 Jones street, aged 68 years, died yesterday after neon from heart trouble brought about by the excessive use of morphine. The remains wore taken on the 3:20 train today to Allcxi's Station for burial. New Maple. New Orleans and Geor gia Syrups received at Lanikin & Co.’s. Commodore Kautz, who has just been appointed to the command of the, Pacific squadron to succeed Admiral! Miller, retired, was the man who. at the capture of New Orleans, in 1562, hauled down the "Lone- Star Flag” from the city hall when Mayor Munroe refused to strike the colors. . , Mrs. John Sherman, who is ill at Washington, ts aaid to have made a study of the management of a house and a hobby of housekeeping. Her household was atwnys under her per sonal supervisions-•* ■ , „ 111 OLD fUC POLE fitt IjHK HfWH IMP) («44vtip| i m V4m> 4**# I 00 #O l Im di 41 44M49 4f H 4 tdtofw* r4ff**-s4 t ((Hi '<*£» ( bt\9*m* (Arm 4t #• 4 fi* * * -f f| ry 4 t (4 Ml RUMrunt'i 4 0 togto’VNV (kto 9| ' def tMifkll V|| 441# Id ■rrmr,* &&* <*f 44l 4*‘'44* 4# #|IIN mOltl 4d#n ||»# H4Tt 444 Hnprt H# i i|tod «iaft#4 (4 4 f®4 fmt i4# ftwt tWlg##il 4f DHtf# H44l##V 444 OUM4T* orjiffd 4I« Id 4#K 444 44 4# fi-M 4o «o ro4i4»ff<ir 4 tit ilmw* T4# f •C4K!lf tO #«I4I 4Cf444 H# KM 1 ..•L iNJWfft e j»?>* f ‘'•'("l* * IliffUd «*4 Robenaos oevßrred a good whlto he- j font the war. b«t tb* flag waa sever ratoad again upon th* yol* Three day* after Mr May w*« elect to Mayor la HO. h* granted perm!**ton foe ian gun* to he fired tn Angutoa In honor of tk* bombardment of Fort Sumter On thin day th* confederate Gag •** ran up on th* **n*mbl* pol* amid the cheer* of Ik# nmembitad crowd. Some Ore or *ix year* afterward when the war wa* over and the flag daff had b*e« rut down. Dr. Cook of, Beech |*.and had an old raft nnd •omc j timber moved from a bend in the river on hta plantation and t<eaeath the 1 driftwood discovered a skeleton. By t means of a bullet la the chin, and a , watch and knife, the bonea were tden lifted aa those of Roberteon The b*** 1 of the pole la In good coodltlon. and - had It not been unenrthto It would probably h»v# remained for «ev*ral generation*. Large *toek new rmJMn*. *ll v*iieti*». just received at A Co.'*. New* From Bath, S. C.’ Bpeclal to The Herald. Bath. S. C.. October 27, ISSt Our new superintendent. Mr. H P. Metk’e t,am. and wife, arrived last week from Massachusetts, and we hope to soon see our little town thrive under hi* authority Wotk on the dam to being pushed rapidly and we hope to have the entire mill tn operation by the middle of No- ; vent her, Mr. Henry Lorenz of Aiken to in charge of the public school here and to giving complete satisfaction to all concerned. The family of Mr. B. F. Crouch moved over from Augusta last week, a valuable addition to our communi ty. Jdr. and Mrs. W. H. Dent have re turned to their home In Columbia, af ter a pleasant visit to Mrs. Mathis of thto place. Miss Ivy Leaf Jordan, a very pretty and attractive young lady of Augusta, Is now our postmistress . She has at once become popular wttH all and the people are receiving the best service they ever had. Mrs. I* F. Bargeron ts on a visit to her parents in Sardis. Mr. Virgil Hollingsworth has re turned from a visit to his parents in Harlem. Miss Allean Mathis is visiting her sister In Columbia. Mr. Job Dawson has returned to Bath after a short visit to Mends in Aiken. Protracted services are going on at our little church. The meetings seem to do a great deal of good and converts are being made by the score. “Lessons Not Learned in Books” is what Charles Lane will talk about to night at Masonic Hall. If you have never laughed you should go and hear others laugh. RIGHT! j fyqht qoodS. right scr- j vice. risKt prices. Money back if otherwise. | **iA3k t Dft#9V X«M|»r. vuousla S'ii mbert* W*mom 4# r* v • , vmukv*# "iamem a sfyA i I4f"? M# IMPHKpIT 4iTIRII - T4. ’ (RstiifNtt ? s* ** *♦ »0 #* **“ 441*4(4 WPIJIREItim. 4WIFHBHT*. I %W 4 JTfl ItTit ‘ ORC4I RfrWPTR. lit? (41 r###4|4# -• *. 4HM iam Tfcrott*** ****** t«44F .0 .* ** flris4i ««44y *# *• RRH 4TOCK / S 0 RDCKirT*. 1447 7444 i mot A (4 A%irnmmtm *• *• ®-**4 i 4K9(pt« 44# t 144714 imm W« 4## Mir 4c#t tffort* to otake y*m pvnlMMi r4tir#ly •4l #f4ctory 4474- MAHONEY & ARHSTRONG. COAL and WOOD STRONGER *B*. BELL 17*6. Offkc nod Yard No. 1 Macartao Street NEW YORK COTTON. O. C. O. C. January. S.Si 5.M Ju1y....1.19 S.t* Ft h S .» S.II Aug,, .'.it 5.53 March k.JS Oct... ».l! M»y I.U 5.t0 &.I2 June S.t« 5.M Dec... S2l 5. # LIVERPOOL COTTON. Own. CH*e. ' January nnd February 2 «2 2.« t February »nd Match .. 2 *3 - 62 *1 March and April .. .. . J.CtaSd April and May *•*> 3 W May and June J M 3.0 t June and July —— 3.U2 July and Aug 3- >2 -3 J.‘H Aug. and Sept 3.03 2.07 Ot Slept, ami Oct 303 2.6L31 (tc-t. and Nov 2.«2 63 263 Nov .and me 2-61 «2 2 *2 Dec. and Jan 2.61 62 2 62 CHICAGO PROVISION. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Op. Clo. Op. Clo. Op. CIO. Oct .....666* “ Dec 66-6 «7U 32N 22*6 23H May 67*6 67', 3t>. StS 24*6 243* Pork Lard. Sides. Op. Clo. Op. Clo. Op. Cio. Dec ”!".’.7.90 7.67 4.50 4.85 4.65 4.65 Jan 9.07 9.07 4.97 4.95 4.67 4 «5 NEW YORK STOCKS. On. Clo. on. Clo Sugir 1145* 113% T0b.. ..128 128% B. R. T. ..65’, 65% CBQ .116'* 116% Mo P 33 33% L & N..36H 56% Man 96% 96% P. G... 103% 104 Union P.. 32% 32% R- 1—302 103 St. P.. ..108% 10S% S. R....*34% 34% W. V 91% The New York Mai! and Express say* that the commission of military Investigation is pursuing its work : with a diligence and thoroughness that bespeak in advance respect for Us ver dict. Its mission in the southern camps is to look the facts in the faoe, and its findings cannot fail of truth fulness. The war of victory over Spain cannot be investigated too close ly, for the more evidence adduced, the greater right the nation has to be proud of its feoldtors and their offi cers. The dried beef Is shredded fine and mixed with finely chopped fancy p ck lcs with mustard dressing. OCT&44* ts VHI WMIHMt ig» %0m l»%4i''•##“(, m%m I, flE f " ft# |p|k» tug tip# *P> ’<4 4m# ti* mti% 4 fcuflMi (4# 2t Amy* tw#4 «Ml §*%s*'**• mh*fk *V Ini ItlDii fran Ofrvrrd passed a wav. *Uan I •»«»* W aHos Dtod I a*« Night. Tk# death at Mi»* Ltaste Walton, wkich w o-red toat a gkt at kar hooM> on R -no’to* rtrttat. wa. lenntod today hi ttli si j< b tufpfUM* tii Mttjr #ipr#4- >lon> of tono« Mis# Wsilos, it* though In da Urate tor wo* lime paM had only hern ill for a few day*, and tk* aanoaareinent of her death *lll be * abork to awny Her ■irknaaa waa rau»*d by a genarn! breaking down of beT con*iliut*oo, rnaaad by tb* aril**. bn*y life *br bad alway* tod For a number of yearn Mi** Walton conducted a •elect pri vate arhool and many of AuguMa * meat talented men and women reretv fd the foundation of their education under her tutelage. Bh# «** a de voted member of tb# FI »t Ptanbyu— ri*u church, and a beautiful Chrtrtsaj character. She ha* lived her life wlaely and well and bn* now pa**ed away to the reward that awaita bar. Ml** Walton wa* the daughter of the tote Mr. Robert Walton, and a atoter of Sira. M. L. Robert poo and Mr Robert Wal ton of thto city and of Mr. Lee Walton ot California. The runersl arrangement* have not yet been mad*. Tonight, at Masonic Hall, Chas. Lane will lecture on “Lessons Not Learn in Books.” Go and hear him. You are bound to launrh. Funeral Notice. DIED IN AUGUSTA. GA.. OCTOBER 2«th. I*9B, Ml#* Catherine Elizabeth Wslton. Funeral eervlce# from Flirt Presbyterian church. FRIDAY AF TERNOON. Oc iaL'r 24 lb. flt 4 o'clock. TOOL ATE FOR CLASSIFICATION THE FINEST AND FRESHEST stock of ftoh In the city—Blue tl#h, speckled trout. Langley bream. Langley trout, black ba#*. hlackfish, mountain trout, bream, red breast, oyster*, chick ens, and eggs. Send us your orders. People’# Fish Company. 413 Campbell street. Oct 27 JUST RECEIVED—A FINE. FRESH stork of all kinds of fish, oyster*, gan-e, chickens, etc. People's Fish Co., •,13 Ninth street. Oct 27 TRY THE NEW FISH HOUSB- They have a fine lot of fish and oys ters, etc: dressed and delivered free. People's Fish Co., 413 Ninth street. Oct 27 SPANISH TAUGHT BY ORAL SYS TEM is quickly learned. Night clas* of ten scholars, one fifty per month. Information. Room 403 Dyer Bufiding; Prof, de Pcreyr3. Oct 27 WE WANT YOUR TRADE - TUB finest stock of fish in town : dressed and delivered free. People's Fish Co, 41S Ninth street. °ct 3< Mrs- M. Mitchell Wolfe CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PRACTITIONER 937 Broad Street. OFFICE HOI KS 10 A. M. TO 1 P. M.