The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 28, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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wmuv 2 WISDOM ID SUTtJKI PIANOS EVERETT PIANOS Am rn* *mn t*mm m MM few**** •*■* '** ***9 mm*** mm*** *»««*»«*«** **§ •#» «r A IMMMI*** Ml* **UNI IMn>J > TIME#,# Mw •».- • »»*»■•» *4# *»* •>•** Btmans *(►'•(*'* »*#*»■■*»— *'wrr» m MIMS Of PUSCR (|i(>V ||6{ Ut*W*W». Tinas & Barioo. Is# »j* |'*M* A A At - *.SS*WT A CSA.. Nt*« ik« n«miui» •#•»*. a * CL Or* •* o>*» OW W*m* ass CfcnH*a*««4 «# •MW <M M» «*■•«* **•*• •** Him Mm Gaflt * o*M* P»»* : Ha, 4*«*(kt#* »* ** *»»■<"- (MS as Wkiklata* O- *' - w *•• * •»' imm MTr I4*f-• ll**W* •** I** I* M |M* »af**> T»mw**** «* '■»»•*•*** h M O WWfc «* . wwaM*, Mr*. Ham* #•**••• •*•** ®“* ’**• ,4 " •bed toW»M W •**•* «»0 YYtgfal' O tl Yak** «ff *•* *•** ** *• **rv *wril Wnrwd •*-« t*W wn-wwaHv Mtak* fcajp* M<* *nod nwwhaa I* |rfr« i a* •» *0 WW*»< W is'-' OR ■da«fl~' •* may not fc#v* Wry***# la n!|| from IM* lit**** 9yr f tty la fn>d<r ** ae*d *>f kwa*« • i the K— ,al '**•* ***** Wft* prist Ml M»*» Mr* <M arrow*! «f *4*- (•llar tkrir rktidcro •»* •»*»♦**• »* *• *. M, Art* tad bate# » ****** h***ar In I T4HWO Mil* happt W*«W ■**> Mm Ilf k#Ard »»*» it* till* o* *M *»•* 1 »«M tW.M> .Mr *..» »• '• •*« ~!. Cr»:e la all (Mir alar* •»*• «*< i o*l. J»»** T, ltor«hi nhn «a* out •a t laeture inur ihr.x.Kb Georgia an.l •oult Carot'na **• railed how# Tue*- day last ut errouat of Ilia mortw r • ill- KH-fl i will aiund * Mart* *-!• NT* I* Hon W. »* Calh«a* *«MI Wlfr. ■M will soon Wav* Atlanta to mat- IMIr horn* la ini otdtf TM ■. 0. C. I. bora *Mrarl a *•** ••onal of attaatitM In (Mir n*«* uni form* which iMr •»**» ilowiad with •allsfa- iwn and prida Tb*r ara all naelr Iwya and hno* hoar lo rtiow off thru button* to tb* Mat adraatsa* Mrs D- I. I**»«r ba> rotlrrlr r# rorarad from Mr rrraat llln**#. hflMar J. C SMnfsHt haa k»* cpandln* aarnral <tar* in Albm this mark looking aft** buslnra* affair* A namMr of our rmma Udl«>* ami pOODK n*n will rrprrwnl K*l*Hlrl«l at As state hall Mi Columbia nett month S#ffra' pnrtla* bar* Immo arr*n*«il to take In IW clrcua In Auguata wrrk after natt Col famr* H. Tlllmau arrived In *d*etlei<l on Tueaday with twenty brutM* officer* of the First re«!inenl. All 'ratnrneil to the same day to Co lumbia, rarrptlna Col. Tllltnan, woo c Will apt nd eaveral day* her*. DON'T SETTLE ON YOUR PALL HAT ON YOUR FALL UNDERWEAR ON YOUR FALL NECKWEAR ON YOUR FALL FOOTWEAR UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR’S NEWEST AND LEADING STYLES FOR MEN. CALLAHAN'S-TURPIN’S, 818 BROADWAY. MACON'S NEW POLICE CHIEF fWffiUNiMl l»a«Ml DNff tba »a* HI aawak thffffffii Mw* Mamwadl Mffa ffi**- AffirtavANiA ■'m m Kin— mm 9mm mmmrn 9m I&9*m ■■ mg 09mm m AMiMHA wA 9909 9**s I fwmmmAm* m *mmm m 9m •# *m «m m 9$ trntmrnm Im 9mm m*. v mmiMtiffMMHMHi anh 9m rnmmmmm * i mm* I# lINA AMRt« Ha mm mmt mmm iwm tmm j 9999 9A9 • 09A 999909 909 9m99 »m**4 *9 1 9m99m AArp *99s Ahm* 99999 9mA f9m* 9** j mrn 9999999 99mm 099 9909 m 99 m mm*** ' \*9 9999 mm 9m 99m 9mmm 9mm mmrnm ' Mij - f Am* A mmm m 9Ammm 999999999 9m* §0 r ! | AW#wAWD*w**«*k am*» ommm 9/mmmA mo9* i j 9999 99090999 0900999999990 A®* lAlt , u 90999 99009999 *9*990 I A*WA 9999090 1 |isnm w» 099 m 9909 *000099 m mm 009 mm ■ ■AD* 9090000)0 99m 90009000000000009000 009 ®9m 19000*00900 0090990 909 9990 IWATf «►'♦*** | iAHINWAD Hi 9009 9009 ANA** 99m AltinwAT m 1 f *m9oo *OO few* • *«**»♦< OmA HA** *OOO 1 990A099A0 95090 9*o 9009$ Aw 9099 99099 0999099 ] 11*9 9900001* fa (wm CaMwittn Hat I Tear tma *M*a Ww* b»a»>< ffW*'.*** I An nawnnawa e*dwwd IW aaMwa if W r**e t* ■ mtm ffW TM »'»■* bn* !•» Jp t| M a»«% taMit ptttir iiRNTtv f pmm , ! TM Map* wm* *ff Tw4 Ooury. atwm s*m «*•** Mr**** 1 baa affiaswimw waw - »■ «ebe4 vWb a naltffbwd bbd aStaafb- . I e*a bWffWibaa fa*# aaMMvmW abwaa a mawaabnMM da* '•»** id laiuM* «'» and •**# *w»y »b* Iwiavd id tbrna amatia in wrdar t» bnwar | {•bat in da. [ A feat*™ «d IW Wm waa tM dr* (anama. A aaauan —ing- fa «*• *w be* ' |IM alaewi Is ■:inad>»A **d ttw Med awd I hadWea an 4 taea* ewaafmbtn* ranfeead, a i : stream »f wats* la f*ar*d eat |W t*ra-1 ’.a# tMttdhe* sad tM <W* M etUßau eb jed Tbe beMMtaead y#eits at* all anted ' ' tdremdb nttb bp aaltnata. | AawdMt tntaawnttnd art naa live ! wmiini of Ittmuril fur at* atm* a heed . etewb- A tnta I* arranamd tadnnaa iw Wm* and wboewsr Wtaa **te a w™f. ' Neal. Hwmh k has alrrsdy aataa tM ateab sad *t*n'l t»r» bhemf ratiilaf Utc tti» anywa*. Tb* a t*ner. trben M ffwda mat User* ' is a* (award, and wb« tM «d«a* «d M j te in -Ida a leewlitiu* wtlb bla bet tod nimwetHern, and tbry dartd* It TM nallnwa ta r—>.u*hl la. dtaainrrh la etruaa ut>. aad aftar a aadbrteal tuna low end Ween -t- *4 and Is hauled e*ay la tM dead wadow. Tbe enwH*4ta« art id tM *b*nr In the ' marry- n»-round ttkhaa. In wbh-h erne M aatataW wnia d--*e and muakeya— are Ittrlun— qnely fttHipfO and IM |ital a ■ form W at sited ** it* lemad '•» aaatt* ant fraaW*. TM eabihfuoa Ma many courte*nin mlfturti rotutactad with It. It ta a •koa that ladle* and children nhoutd . eee. They will M mated with nil re- 1 ■lie. r and rourteay. and rhtldrm should 1 visit ib* ratilbitlaa If alons. Another pet forme net* will W given thin evenlac. also tomorrow la both the afternoon and evening W# have seen the performance, and have every ■emttdnce la reeotnmetidtna It to all our f seder*. Mr. W. fl. Crttehlo*. the espert cy. da repair man who waa formerly with Thorns* * Barton, desires to rail at tention to the fart that he Is now with Davidson * Maltnnaon. at Ml Brand way. With a modern equipped ajiop. h* la cnalded |o «ivs pr>>uu>t altanlkm to all difficult ararfc of all v heet*. A sto. k of parte and Urea always on t|*«d. W-, .ns r.asonahle. WofV suarantied. CAHTOniA. Vw Kw BeagM LAWS TO AID THE LIBRARIES UtffiH C I tddmaa A IffUfimbi I* Itßttt !*»* mm Iliad—< —ami. *#* Pad' *4 It .m j t« * | (jWHH 9900000000* *9OO 99900*9* 0990 mm 999 | *o* |m 0000 ArpANI *oo9*ooo 90* 9909 09000990) l« 0*99900 999000 90 DA 099900090. 90 09m *N aHApa •• tomrnwm 9m f9m9* mm ; 000900090% *O9OO 00090** *W#IAfA*A r *•■* 't9%00 9**ooo*o99oo* ? #■^MD**• | * ~* AA*I fmimm «♦ « •*» T9*m m ifc» 9Am > Hto wr•««*** gmmtmrn' ml Ud* o**t|H HUM* ummrnf MAH 99*4 id vm \ooAmoom mtm* •mmt »• RbAlffMl AmDAA iwpfßl A* D*D (AHA Imi •'* AbAMI I |—M—MM IddalM «Wm» t.“Slrr w**b to tea day lb ass ttw larffa rtttm; be* area tbaa* pataf Ml aa andadt™ j Id amabea lataaaat Id pnrtaaatdt »» j ream aatakWabmeal. add M eaeryj ptdßi I aaad* a «t«4y as tM library iwaSlttod Tb# fweaM as* a rayrtatkm la dm I horn* tM ttbaary hagtht leg mi baarbf **ary dtp I found 'hat trery etty retarded ttaedf aa tM da»a» library rammaaxy Ml IM *al«* ts *«• Id the wsrtd that tM RdblK aappnrt Id tb* aabawldthid MtwarW* every a hare fdasatHaa lesrepf »a T*da*aw* and M<aN**tpwii waa pMtfwl; that In •wary etty tM hoard as dtraetnra war* truants* aad*r tMtr burd*d*. at (Urhaumd ffiortolh Cb*.|(Wnt. Ha vasdab. Aaffwat*. Harem. »«*a Atlanta I# am* *gi*st Blimlaahom *tr, Tb* board* war* la amt yda* dwMart abed. They told ma IMF bad Mtumd aaUI they a*r* 111. I* moat plarm tM autearrt tan w*f» to few aad monrf a« abort that tM libra ns* could sot M kept opes at atdbl I saw fan raad »rs ta tha librarle*. asd la several large cities arruihulatloa* of dust on lb* table* bar* pathetic evidence of IM lark of papular support and appre Halloa of tbm# boob collection* I could sot help having the thought raaataatly torend upon me that we must M pursuing aa antiquated sys tem In tM aouth ta refarnuo# to the li brary. or that romathiag waa dreadful ly wrong with tb# wbolr matter. I t-eraror convinced upon further study that the trmihle waa wa war* behind tha tlma* Ib this Important rnaprH that tM day of free public libraries bad come, and we had not adjusted ourselves to thl* condition To ahow this I* caap—tha thought of the ag-* I* In thla direction and It t* uwlesv to try to combat It. When 1 entand the at at Tedit nee.-e from the other Mate*. I encountered a new atmoe phere It wa« like going from a desert Into glowing and growing field*, com paratively speaking. The state of Tennessee penults municipal aid to libra rle* and they are thereby made free to Ihe public. The contra ft was striking to the utmost degree, and the Illustration la a» strong a one aa can tie secured. ••Id Nashville 1 learned the hl*U)-;'» of this law. Tbe director* <rf the Howard library In thl* great unlveral ty town—the Athena of tb«* Soiith (and If *he eould not anpt>ort subscription llhrarle*. which of n* can expect to do so?} told me that they had in 1»9« decided to clone the library for lack of public aiipiKirt, that tb* hoard h*d begged and begged until It Wm* ex liuuated. but that the people would not !support the library. Mr. rirm*!! Bmlth, a MlasDslpplan. wag a member of the hoard, and suggested a* a last recort that an effort be made to get the legislature, tbeu sitting, to pas* a bill pernilttlug municipal suptiort to libraries. ••Mr. Bmlth was mtuie chairman of a committee to present this matter to the legislature. As a consequence, a bill wa* passed at the winter session of 189 C-97 giving the cities this author ity. The city of Nashville in 1597 ap propriated something over two thous and dollars to the Howard library, and made It free. The city of Memphis appropriated about three thousand dollars to the C’ossltt library in this year and made It free. During 189 S. the Nashville library, I believe, got over three thousand and (hat or Mem phis five thousand dollars. The peo ple In both cities were hsppy when I -;iw them. The room* were full of people, a librarian and an. assistant were kept busy bn tiding book* over the counters The thousAiUls. paying their mltv to help support the library, took an interest In the book*, the ob ject desired. The libraries in these two cities are now In a flourishing condition, though other cilie* in the TTfJn O BT, BJL’H LAD MARIANI WINE--The World -Famous 'lonic. i MISS ADA REHAN WHITES: Vin Mariani is certainly unexcelled as the most ef fective and at the same time pleasant tonic. M. J. LED* AHP CflffwWO, »f New boa* Ut). wrtg## be Wa MA “ - Beat* Hast,” gaMakaf *f 0. ¥ hrtaan'i —MI -Of an ta— grew*ran.-a* avaa Mtew land t# IM MW *f 'M *"—» VIN MAitlANt la an— ibtegty th an eat potent #r*» g*4 h tM tteattnent <>f fibanatlv* and lerMallve randttfon# j *f the eentrsl wtnm ayetem.* state had not last summer adopted mitnb ipai aid. Mr Nail Nuaaally, tM llbrartaa at M-mpbl* .told ma that the aagru guest ton aa touehtag tba free library propnHtloa la tka smith wa* a bugaboo, to naa hi* language TM race* atyra kept aaparau. hattag dlf fi rmt room*, aad vary saw colored people daad IM library, tbaaa Mint only IM moat tntelllgant rlaa*. Kara D tM moat axrel.rot procurable proof ad Ui# wl«lora of Ml*# WaHaa#'* profinaal for a Georgia state cre ating public llhrarle* *u» h a law should be anactadc North Carolina followed Tabnaaaae tba same yaar lijr tbe passage of a similar taw, making tha fourth southern stale. Georgia would ha tha fifth," Atlanta Jour aaL (TrOVETOWN ITEnS - of Old hrianda-Hacaptton tilt an to Our Brlda Hlact. By (Jrapa-vlna Telegraph. tirovetonn, <l*.. Oct. 2*.—Ml»* Mat tie Blount suit Mis* Nt-u rtiuffwd |stld our village » flying visit Thursday. Mr. Wilt Xnrherv returned to Ohar b-aton on Thur*tlay after a pleasant visit to friends and retotlve* here. Mr. Hal ttt. lncr spent Thursday In tho elty. Mrs. Pmudffl and her fair duughter. Miss Irene, 1.-ft u* on Friday afternoon for th'-lr home In M<onphl*. Mi and Mrs. W. Ilegate Mis* Otr rte N.-wton and Miss MaCy Willie lieg gte amt Mis* Mattie Ism Ui *n went down to Harlem on Wednesday evening t(* attend the wedding of Miss hheanor Kintlli and Mr. Walter J. Hell. Mis* Ductile K. Hrnltho paid a short visit tu friend* In the city on Wetlnea day. * Mr. P. Itamaev was tun ut Sunny side on Thursday last. Me. Will Muse, one of our soldier lads, is with u# again at Catherine View —We are always glad to see our soldier# at home again. Mr. Hen Jordan opened his searlwny on Monday, The children all seem de lighted to begin work again. Mr. Stewart I’hlnlty wag a guest at Little Pities on Tueedav. Mr. Frank H. Wells arrived In the village on Thursday to the great pleas ure of his many ft lends. Mr. and Mrs. Lamar entertained on Wednesday evening at thetr pretty home in honor of our fair young bride elect, Miss Lucille Barleseotte Smlthe and her maid of honor. Mia* Lillian Holt and her girl friend* und brides maids. Miss Carrie Lev Clifford, Miss Carrie N. Heggtv, Miss Mary Willie 11.-ggle and Miss MaMlo Lou Greene. The bridesmnlds were met at the door of the hall by tvro dainty little maids of Seven and eight year*. Gertrud.- ! Huvne Not-v-ll su t MIW Mary Hatton Norvell. who u*her»d tiffim Into the long reception room, where they await ed. received and iuugk*tuluted the young bride and her fnlcmald of lion or. The dining room vr»» beautifully decorated with exqulsitq roeos of every lute grown in the garde As of Hose Ki-St, home of Mr. and Mis. T. E. Norvelt. The brkle's cake vas biiiught in t>y the r VIN MARIANI 1 FROM I Hit HtOMH-W-Cffilil’ OF TTIt: HtCHH Alt AIT I tmrtaa baa tiiten* mw aa*-1 j (tiers en* af—-r* h*«l HMNaal Wkf ' from fa Kg a- and hardebir* • ban nafng j ' ttw ma#*#lla«a inn, V|Jf MARIANI N pMoflUl fever* aM ale knees M IP* ' narAf ,*f *abe#t«k» bfrttwy, H. übkhmamA. M D , ffurp-en-ta Cheat. Franck Army, j tlnjr mal t* and ml. afl*e a r*pwal «#| many Aettrtwu* r»ur*e» *>r the #r»i t«rid**wi**4. Mla* fliiyly la# * ,mr pretty village Mlt. who thew | puwed aa a toaat tk* hewlth of Ik* *trl i itrklr it folltt i: "A* the dtarooral* brlflll la tWr Unttil It# hi. la ib# aai« la oar I'uaa; Ok tkew imW yoke cuby *ln# T<>u amlllaa (Mwtheen !«*■**. Kny thaw'* nauahl an (rood Car youthful l>loud ' Aa tbia pur* a*id »pwrfctln« »*•**• Hay tb* Ilf* of our Urtd*. Ilk* tka wa ter*. *1i.1.. Of our Dial*’* atreama »l*.l motion HU her boat aha moor* oa the *olil*a ■ ihor## Ctn the other aide of llfe’a <m**n “ After a delightful evening the 111*1* bride »«* borne away by her *lrl mend* and all dlgpcraed to ibetr bom** in III* villa**. Minn Idoila Oanler open* her Uaa* In embroidery, applle* and fanry work next wrek. Her work la exquisitely beautiful. Her pillow lace and drawn work la like dainty snowy cobweb*, em broidered by the fairies themwlve*. We wlah har every auceeaa. Twv itentlemen from IllrarJ. Mr. I'nlmer and Mr MrCV.rd. rim# to Cath arine’* View thl# week to be rreatad for the Idte# of a mad eat and wild eat with th* eeleloateil madatone owned by Sin.. M*r*iuet Flak, which ha* cured without fall everj - ea»e irf the many bites of atmk.w and mad do*» brought to It yet. One of the gentlemen cauitht a mad eat anion* hia ihlckena and n«i tdtten In the hand through the l*r* of the Im.x In which he had confined tt: te other had a wildcat aptln* from a tre* on to I* shoulder aa he wa» paaa- In* alun* the road: he tore the cat from off his neck and to the *inynd. when It aelxed hie ankle and ton* and mangled It badly before he rould get away. In both Instance# the put lent a of the famous atoflc have re covered. Mrs. Walton went down to the city on Friday to meet and return with her fair youn* daughter, Mls» Edith. We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. T. L., Palmer. Sister of Mr#. A. J. Mardonnel, of Orovetbwn. She was burled at Berxella. ETHEL. HATTON. DELIGHTFUL SoiREE Was CJlven Last Evening By Mrs, Isear Mrs. Fannie Izear gave the first ol her winter soiree# last evening at the Commercial Hotel. The affair was a most enjoyable one and was graced by the presence of gome of Augusta's best dancers., who owe their skill to Mrs. Isear'# teaching. Mrs. Isear's skill as n teacher Ui un questionable and her former patrons will be delighted to leant that she lias decided to take a limited number oi scholars. children and adults, and will i«ach (item at her home In Silver block. Place your order for fall suit with E. J. Henry A do., popitlai priced tailors. [BRACES BODY AND BRAIN Mariam wine [ GIVES STRENGTH VIN lARIANI (MADIANT WINE) it Irvulutblffi at thla | on of tha yaar, whan oting to trying c*imat*c chtng*»<s ha tystam la aapaciaify autcapUbla to attacks of ma arU and la gripps. ! MARIANI WINE haa stood tha last of thlrty-f va years* tnal. It Is tndoraad by mors than 8.000 American Phy sicians, in addition to having racalvrd cordial racom [mandatlona from royalty. pHncaaof tha Church and ut !ha State, and psraons notable In all tho walks of life. [ MARIANI*WINE Is acpacially indicated for Throat and *Lung Diaaaaaa, General Debility. Weaknaas from what ever caiiaaa. Overwork, Profound Depression anu tx haustion. Consumption. Malaria and La Cr.ppe. MARIANI WINE It an adjuvant In convalescence and a powerful rajuvenator. For Overworked Men, Delicate Women, Sickly Children It Works Wonders. It soothos. strengthens and sustains the system. MD SV ALL IWUMIUri .. ICntT. BSMTntWh*. MS UAL Of I »,»-?«■ all ab* vHIa •fj** l * ll eVaSt,?? t*!««■( portrait* *w 4 *ah*n*«wrwl* ad tkH PtfHk. Lkldil bk. PSMCbS* t*W«hAUi AlUlkltltm- mi <*her du«...*»..b#a •***.«•** . . isariam e CSC. tw tr. mm >«**. fkiria- (I frank#*— —w. I nmtlir— M*—»—» Mow*. S»wn*»~»»«» HtAa *»■ J DAtCniMl Of t.NOUSM •OLUMiMA -11 ffvMWi tIHD *1099409* iMwMcII **| I (Iftff ii BAR RLvflyß *9*oo- A** ■ OSf-Ht*o tlN> tm*r*-9*m*4l. M **oo ■; tb# tNMDt •#*-« iiwrttNi 99$ **O9IMO*A9A It A i4ht‘»Dk*i . «r •tUMr# I *oo*o 9*009 9*o\t*m*4 tb#r# JB RffiAfß 88#- Many n#r»ft #VBM> t 4 ItWfNtNtt «| tb# t«ab mn4 fin#- IttlttM*! of % ! )4 Alt lANI WtNH Vb# f»* r«fl«lA, •• |ft *ll 8# III# m##t pvtliil 00 |ttt4# U)| r*«b!ii(« t*» tmumm ** WANT ADS. SITUATION WANT l U WANTED A HITVATtoN HT A roo'Ml m *® : W ‘ H * 01 #njr bl»d. #BV «• Of plot** WUMfIR lo Cirtiy V. ta. i;iu«*u, car# !l*r*»18 offet, Oct ;i HELP WANTED WANTEtV—CABPENTKH* TD WORK at Mania Harm, ear far* furnished. Apply T. J- Italy, corner Mr Ktnaia and Walker. Oct 24 »wk WANTkiI I—CO>K AND BtITUUt AT X&t Greene *trv*t. Butlar not to In over 1* <»r IT years old. Muat bring rac ommend*tlona. Ocl FOR SALE CHEAP—PAPER FOR WRAPPINO purposes. 10 cents a hundred old -x change*. Whit# paper 1 cant a pound. Nov I FOR PALE —100-ACRE FARM. ONE mil* from city limit*, a bargain. Ap ply W. C. Jonas. No. 124 Jnckaon 81. Oct 1 CREAM—CREAM AT 24 JACKSON *T. foil SALE—PAI’KH FOR WRAP PING purpose*. Cheapest In city, one cent a pound. Apply at Herald Office. Both white and news-paper. Nov 1 TO REN -p FOR RENT—A DESIRABLE FIVE- Koom cottage and bath N®. 1812 Walton Way. Apply to Clarence E. Clark, *32 Broad street. ' “nHSC EL LAN EOUS MISS BELLE SMITHS DANCING School, at northwest corner Kollock and Telfair; Tueaday and Friday# at 3:30. Oct 31 WANTED—REGULAR BOARDERS { good fare and neat bed*, also one un furnished room to rent. Apply Mr#. A. J. Aver*, corner Kill* and Washington, or 603 Ellis street. Nov 10 STRAYED FROM HOME THIS MOR NING. a mouse-colored cow, horns sowed off and large bag. Apply Geo. H. Howard. Oct 28 The Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS. Coder new management. A fnll line of Fresh Drugs, Tollat Articles, Brushes Etc We male a specialty of Physicians' Prescriptions. PATTERSON & WADE OCTOBER 28 Tl ■•<*» OF LA OKIHff! (FTmn Use Chuag* "Madtcni Kta.") 4 1|«hi 909T0 9* m * >7* Tb# iMMitwi# 8841 rntrnknoom rtlb f#t ♦■■ki'tbilMl 18 lb# 99 0 t<ißßt:, 88i» i f g IM* par paa* I am satisfied that * tMUNf IftllUl 8 pf»l#Wllbß |b#t AMtUI tb# purpom t r#«#f •# Vim UAMASi " special Notices^ Administrator's Sale IffTATK OF 4II9ORGIA, I Col.t M I’IA COUNTY - WILL BE ftilJl ON THE FIRST TUKiHiaT IN NOVEMBER, I*»*. I at thy Court knar I* Appling, Colum bt# b#tW##B tbr It** ■al kouff of mlf. tb# Nlo#bf r##l I r»ui«. Monfifif to tb# ##(•(# jmtipy M Amlrrw. Jr., dvc#M#l. I*l* es aAld slat# 888 All thAt (ru t us |*#rtv| of Itftd In Colum bin muoty, «»I« of Ott»rfß, BL«>ut t#B mile# fi.»m tt>« city of Au gu#t#, o# . nnr Jmktn*# Bt#tion, on thr P. H A w. C. H#IP 18. j titntni iti huiutred md ##v#Bty-two tviorr or I*#inß irtiumird by land of Mr* M. K. Jenkma. Mr*. R. Green. Mr*. E. J. Dog U-r. Capt. C. L. West. H Hhlmky anl P Arm alrong. The Improvement# thereon c Judst of dwelling, gin h*iu*. *, two l,Hrns and eight house* for tenant*. Place Is well watered. Terma—Half cash, balance In 1. months with 7 per cent Interest Pur chaser to rceeiv bond for title aad pay for all paper*. PATRICK ARMSTRONG. Administrator Estate of Jit*. MoAn drew. Jr. jTrTTWOnisrCt j FOREIGN CAPITALIST® YTILL ILOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty in Auguata. Oa. Term* 7 per cent. For further information re* their attorney at law. P. J. Sulllvau, Ea., or Mr. P. G. Burutn. Notice. I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE THE RE MOVAL of my office ,t<> 816 Broad street, over Macaulay * Co - W. H. GOODRICH. M. D. REMOVED TO ?irBROADWAY. E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Hroadwav. August*, tin Stronger Phone '.62, Mrs- M. Mitchell Wolfe CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PRACTITIONER 937 Broad Street. OFFICE HOURS 10 A. M. TO 4 P- M.