The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 28, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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ruiOAY 4 THE tUCUSU HEMIO •*•«** •*»*** tt*m »n»<ww<Mwt * * WM/mgS?** -■■ - ♦ ■ •* * _ f * F #»-»**( >•* ■•** w ; »«** M|». ■. mmnß- ». “ ***** MM* <g» s-ww-c-wwa* ** n * • ~*** (ra»to4 **#■“*“* **» . . „ tjmtr - »i|miH'W ‘F • * *• * f-Hilim nr- J * to** «* to*** *«*►. *** %*»b *, »$ MM All* HW**» tgffww' •*»* (M < •»*••*«* Ml to*. ta (Mi MM , !!»■«•►*** «s*U MM. **—**«» Wi lli* MM _ ; ' fir — (r *m**f“-+ , r«*** m mi i«si» me niJwii' M MMM-M K*tM Afif"» •** I f 1 ** . ,w HMM R*M IgL INI *"‘SkAftAAr**W* *•* *M M M ~ ~ IMF-* #«••* _ ito* *T*CUuT--nr--*‘ «*• C(m»MMM "TVwwrata* M «*• | a to*. VMk CMr- •** *. (MM—J* tm4 f» ***** m .. n , VMI nMMI *4* *"*?*' rm*m «* i if —-r »*• **w *• TOAiniantt*^ MM** - ** ***' * , .(ipmMT M *•«•**• • »** ' ,Wm<, M Tto# ***** •** •**•* *** * fgptn **« irt* —‘—* b* »• »* *** b> gflgto HM**- ; EACH DAY SEEi 1 mm*" ttjTmoV Twi 1 i* 99 2 SuSLEXiI lA iTjieJift idi2i]if »]I4I * ~ HERALD SOUVENIRS. Auyoac >WMrtIN at TRa Herald WtUt the toNtmlr Coupon which to printed kotow wIN receive a neat lit tle Souvenir Button Free. If you want one apply early. Malt orders will be filled when accompanied by atamr* lo pay postage. FREE DISTRIBUTION SOUVENIR COUPONS! Thin Coupon, presented at The Herald Office, will be ex changed for a neat and hand some Herald Souvenir Button. 1 The distribution la limited and j will tost only a lew days The cranberry crop to *5 per cent larger iban last year. With Thanksgiv ing and the fall turkey approaching this la pleasant news. Bishop Potter. Bishop Ssterlee, J. Fierpont Morgan and others. Inrltulln; the entire cabinet, dined with Presi dent McKinley at the White House ou Wednesday night. The egpotu of cotton goods In Sep tember was larger hy til per cent than in the same month last year. The movement to China was 7,000.000 yards against 1.500, 000 I'iat year; to Vane tuela. 100,000 yards, ugalust 176.000 yards last year. La Patrle of Montreal, which to said to be the persona! organ of Sir Wil liam Laurler. and Is the especial rep resentative of the Preneh Canadians of Montreal, says in case of war be tween England and Prance the French Canadians would side with Prance. ED. NOTES —Ist cousin of El). PAGE. The first number of (he Cortlele Daily Hornet has reached us. with a top line stating that It is "tha liveliest paper In the wlregrass." If subse r i ; nt numbers are as sharp as number cot*, The Herald lliiuka that ibe Jtor t:.i will be felt. The annual report of the Mont de ;>.:te municipal pawnshops of Pails shows a profit of 64,000 francs after paying out (inclusive of axpanaesi nearly 105,000,000 francs. It is so man aged as to make as little profit as pos sible mu of the people, and has been in existence for 120 years. >i»M «t ****** *#Amk ft.ftKf ftNftftA*Mlr *# Aft **Aft RR MM AAAA m Mm M*“w' Ilf ft-* ■«*•*•■' Mu.:'* * IPi PMAIM ’**•= *M* - MmMMM **«♦ »«.**. » i <r’ ftA **** tRMAp ’*m MM' t .. a .iff* M iw » « flit ft-* t inio mi ***** M» lit «* ****** | i«Hf» I*** *■•<**— * «** ft** l1 * f|. f * * •tft..ii Mgj-jt #m imi»MX ip I . _ g* ilfctal# PMMfcMM Vt Im >»•*■* it** £ pff «# Ml9* * Mf<iMMp*l i Ifim* pi ppt'iMK ft*** ftt •*• ••ppp* 6 * f*_ r w-tt Hir'* (H HHM* m* . «..*| r MM*|M «4 ##IIM*tIf'MMPM E— - ■ .*■ _ *. *.,-I. , . , nm A* f «M I im% 9|hMl IP tww W* f*W I . . afc||| .(L. r MHr>«MiP **f P M*» 4 f«MM PPM >IM pllt-f pf i* M»*M 'Mg *•*■*«» ** NM** MMf M ! hiMHUw * Mr NmMlmhi hrt ««m «• «M* * M m*' «i mmw •* Mp'mm* t |M|l r| „,«!), !• IMIlj KM IMM i MM Ml MMMI «r W mmum ' •*>»«•* Mt> I* tme+m** {m pr»nM fc» MMmwM m mm* Hi Mitt* H mmm* mm M »M 1 MpMIM lilt* ** M M *M *• j atmi m mm** mummim M M«t«g *' ! pa«MM> Pm «*•» MM M» I* «* pmaMi »« *lm Mm iUi Mki»»iM»*** M ] k aklMI f IM* M»kM ‘k* milMl Im fwM m miHUm. M* I want* pMMII HfMlMtt M »m 4 Ml I **laA* lokkv kklM% •<mM kM#Wi Ifc# i gftlnpi Ippil to PP9 tp ipppuitof* P • MiMf fM» m* Wwil lk»* MfcMMtM , mM (M mum* bl ur hmiim tk*i MtMa MxM M> ••■Ciil la *•» MM* «*4 ihiti lit* rllMna afemM M «i*»* «M j MMtMHv «a MW i hr*m(% *N« ' ih-r rkMhl mmk* M ih- mlm la fcM I huh r for nIMMi •»< k— M ' IM Ik* rmMt U WrrtMry ti «*»— Him «lik ok»>i m«Mc» Iwaka aid Mr. HaaitlKM brlkuM rt>» |i«»iMw I hank to b# Ik* b*a« a«rm y for tkla parpuaa li okNUM kia irtlcla Mr. HoMltloo aojra: Thaa* rottaidrraltuna point to tb* .««!*«» bank aa Ik* toot adwotor la j prarllra* aroaoior Tk»f roropolM tka pr*«*ai KMoatr orler aa ibr orio of : ih* fotor*. in an far aa are ha— »■•** ■ a my rotunni. With tkla fart k-t*t la 1 trkw. H Mill b* a**n Ikal lb* rkiaf 1 rrm-dy pmpo**ti. atatr -durailua In ' Mviag, * *t»t»ot b* r*fard*<l aa la any 1 a*oa* arrlallatlr It a**ha to Impraaa j thr I ratline of aelf-moirol and a*lf dire pi Inr for tbr tmtlikOß up of rco i uumr «trm*th " Tkr rwamlug of Mr. HamUton'a ar ticle attoultl b* euMlrlrot lo orarromr I tbr boat)Illy of any our who nay fear ! that lb* poatal aavluca bank plan la 1 net In harmony with Ump-ratabUehea principle* of politico) economy. War Inautanee riaka are now bring written by thr morlnr tindrrwrltrra. owing to tbr iioaslblr rlaah belwrrv. Franc* aud Kngland. A rEKNICIOCS TIACHIBO Thr recent announcewtmt lu Th* llcraiit'a linol column* of the coming to Auguata of p high prlrateaa of tbo ChrUUnn Helen on cult, together with thr late lamentable death* of Harolil Frederic, In klngland, and *Mra. I.lnd aay. In Atlanta. liotti directly attribu table to their refusal to proflt by tho reacarchea of modern therapeutic*, render* particularly pertinent a abort dlwiiaaion of tlila jtemlelou* teaching. Tliiit a man In the ptlroe of life and it»>'ftil cxerclac of aplendld lllerary tal ent*. fell a victim to the mockery of "t’hrlatlan Sclenoe" In Knglntul, has apparently failed to make the Imprea aiou It aliuuld have made If tlila coun try. That an American journalist of moal forceful character, a familiar for to aliam and pretenae wherever en countered. with mental faculties un impaired by suffering, should willingly have lent hliuaclf as a aacrlflcp upon the altar of fanaticism, aa he did. is certainly mow extraordinary —and Is so regarded In Ktiglaud, where who.e isome reform may remit from the itop ular Indignation aroused. It Is tinfortnuotely true thut these faltli curlsts have grown steadily In tiiimbeca and therefore in influence in this country. It Is unfortunate (hut they are able to point to it number of recoveries, apparently due to control by the mind over th* diseases of mai ler. to encourage so fregutiitly the log ical pursuit of really critical rases to . a fatal ter«uiuaUon--whfcb the law rweugcdfes as aiauslwugbter That so many estimable citizens, of generally sound judgment, have sur rendered u> this peculiar faith, and un dertake to defend those guilty of man 4kmh ftH9 Miif* iifMi'it UN *OH/g0 •§ j IMP • Mba« ai **»■»« M%m *o* - awwsMaaM u sun i g| Ma t- f j sndu* mm b* p»mm» -a iw •** i mmmmmmmmmmmmm emuam or «viMn* I mRI 9RBdHHH99 9mm rwoMMHß^ft* INmMmNI <:%•— ft* i i“M>tr# 9%* Ift#4i ft •#% HMMMftMMft ftNN» Nft UNMMK 1 till i lift mtm Iftp *4mi WMMIIm* i ftN* MfOMMMMI iMkffM* |M«M4-«tMl *'#HN Hi *#** | ■ IMM Vm* War*«Mft tMiHiftwi M ftNHH H*** HA ftiAMAAftN# ■pw* MM ••*• • ••*#* awttM a) lb* ; «*#t innpit-f#it [ iAAMAft# VMAA f nj Mftj Ml« ft %#A»M Ok mm* rkM ijIMA •• * ♦ftfcifM ftj# jHNftkftiK TN NiHft pAftMAi 4i * TMilMi»Mr~B flu AMAH! ftM IftMftA,. ft Ik* MrM fthot AtoA MtiMiftk l ! fAto i I *m m MMMtp «C • 4mm pa"****. TV Oga. aaa» i*»iy *•>*'•• I* 41- t 1 vMa Mb Maal M«* fwwt aUitM. Twe* UwasMnata »f-' -4 IMr ate feiMl Ivin KMw With ssgaaatk *u>ae4 ll<>laaa*i wMk dv (a* tka " Smawwa a—w rw - wav— Ik. r, «a a ‘ tb* illy at FbW 1 ag»lab*a yaai.iSav. Tka (*,n*iHU I* aalwg t* twrnw a«a mU.*. hwtawcw 4ta— aw tb* (fiwwaaa **WrMk" MkMdtoty Imaka. Twa aainkaw ala hwitdr-t ih u**nl dnHara ar* w—d-d h* tbrr awd bay* bar I wigwam «wta baat y*ar. Tb* I ai m Ibtarbi cun party—Mbt! *1 ti* ititlHow d-aiar* to ta br lkn*|wfat • ad t« ttobt Ik* talito Irwat. ftowwral M C. Itottc* kw wrttlaw Sagtotory Atom that tnuiM* atlt **'- ■-ar la otbw tmim* • 4u* of tot* i* wait.. An Hfegtn* and (v. ran ml Ik- I'Mto dalpbi* and R-atflng railroad raw «* a drawbrtd«- tot * Newark bay r-at-r --day. ___ Tb- Iblral for ab obol<a<n la lb- In- J*rtl.iw of "niaWa." or ato»h<di«c| h»r **'a lb- dlati'vnry of a Callfiw nl< durtiK. Th* tllmilm gvnrrsl -if Ik* Pimim ('and <<ur|Hiny. M. Mutto. d-clar-a tb«- company ha* no d-alrn lo a»ll "til to any government. Th«* hop- of th- railroad* now lloa In rongrraa. and an .ir-irt will probably b* ui* I. in hav* ratal ing anti-trual law* tiUKlltlrd by Icgtatutbin. The aupcrlnr court of California d> - ride* that Mr*. Itolkln. arenad of murdering Iwo women In Dover. IW . by aendlrtg them p«’ oned randy, must lie trtd In California. If at alt. Captain Andrew*, who left Atlantic City on August 24. In a U-foot boat for the Aaorea. w»* picked up by the Ger man hark Fried* on Baddember ST. In latitude S» 44, longitude Sk.JS. He »•« out of provision*. Among lh« reform* proposed by Gen eral Wood Ut Santiago la to teach (Nj tiaita to work, and In order to carry out such a plan he baa ar-eptwl the i*f fer of the owner of a coffee plantation without capital, to furnlah work for fifty men If the United *4t»tea would furnlah the ml lon* for two months, Dolton Hall, one of the anna of the late Rev. Dr. John Hall, receive* under Ida father's will, only an a Ilf* Interest, the Income from a certain part of the personal property after the death of the teatator'a widow. Itnlton Hall la a lavv ye, n elngle tax advocate and bar tn tercatod himself extcnalvcly In labor matter*. H* !» reputed to be a man of means. Ueutonnnt Genera! stir William How ley Ouodenough. In supreme command of the British troops In Mouth Africa, la dea dat Cape Town. General Good enough. who was horn on April 5, 1833, held many very high appointment* In the British service. He was Joint au thor with Lt. Col. J. C. Dalton of "The Army Hook for the British Kmplre." He married Countess Kinsky. laiat year he wa* created a K . C. M. A dispatch from Bt. Paul, Minn., aays President J. J. Hill of the Great Northern railroad denies that he had any Intention of retiring from the act ive management of that road. He nald: “1 hope tny aona may aoma time la able to huudle the afraiin of the Great Northern and that I may rest from my labor*, but such a change Is not Imminent now. There 1b absolutely no truth In the story.” On the Fence S’ Y. Journal* If the president Is in favor of re taining the Philippine*, be failed to say so. If b* 18 opposed to The peace commission considering any proposi tion from Spain looking to the United States assuming the Cuban debt he has carefully avoided making reference to the (lticstion thk AtrotJBTA jsnmstJLJun Till. uHM W\ I k AHfHfT TOWN MMMMAI f WN %»*♦ Aft ijjAiftftniiiXiA ftp * «M VMM *4M MB *M4 *«4 I MHkAn Aft AAw> tftApt >mii ■ Im« <ftA I ♦AA AAAN* Aft ftN *MI Al#- : > Aft ft AUfti i AHMft' ' : ftHA AftftftA. ■ Aftpftft w ftAii ftftAMM f Ak# ft*:AMMMAKHkft* IM MANp I tfA fttt#* * AM ftlM ftft MifNi iAA ! 'NAftp ift'AMi A* ft ftftA»w Aft j | mt*ms&&;■*■ * Aft ijwi <nma 4ft A m *■■***• A>W rn ■ * 9ft ft ftAAifttft ii*lrftft*!Afti • Aft* . win ******* ik* *Mnam> **«m* <m* • | <4* Aftwrfi iAmml Iftif A AftA ftA9 A .-m>i A Aft AA ■ . oAMAT'O t ft# A MUftlwM «»>»-" »AftA* Hi j I ftriNkft • ftAWAVflftft 4* ft»*»4 I ft# pf I P ;f Aa cma *4* ftA(MM#'4 b 1 M's f §*"Wi * A AMw i All* Aftft 9ftA AAlHMlrtftaf li ftAt PA* ; rftl mi cMRfANNft «Arm mH* Aft A tiWr Aft ftAAAMft WftA# |i m+ P» **M Aftft AH»A Iftp ft* N ft#ft IaIAAMI Aa AA Aft* i laiwfw ili«ri4l mm -mm tiitu dr* I «*«* pp fAftMMftl Nt IftlA (ftftPft. Oft* li tft AAiA 9 Aft I fftAi P ffti • a ’ • aa4 ftftft AAftftf 4* AA f MAi lift if'll* f*AA*iftPftHltT ■ fft# rftfttf BUftAfAftaf Ak ft mmramaA P Aft* pyNftfA ftft«» ftAA »ft lft«* fftNi P ftp IftAAP Ip ftfttf AAftftfVpAft N ftAAAftNP Aft fTftffAltttAi *4l fAftkftlPftft* *4 ftAAP-NftA A# ftp ftnAft Tft# AAAftN M J Iftp ftft AftAftAftftN ftAAPilAf* N A Pft ftASAfff ftAftP ftNP ft%A»MAt iiftMlftM 111 Aft AftpAfltANA#. AwftwrPf AHMftA aaaaa4 a Anna AtAIIAP Pft. Aft 4 (As MArltf ftAvaAfft ftp If tllrll N A >ih4i*4 *ftft iifteMi yi«ftiA» It N PVfrllf ftftp* ftAA” My fried ftafc *hm tka <hA an** «y rarwki 044 Ho** Kigrass i'<*ww»>'» ' sale story «b- ton** lb tka totowlbg i eat Hoi. sad Ikqlblrb oo Wobhy l-tto H I vttt *ow*k for H A frtokd aft kt* ! was Ik tb* *fwwd kt tka imrtM abt* «ft j ab-lwlgaad elprrw* gbrkagx* *“4 k*»' r wad to kolleo a Mwatl bo* that -*• ; rtt«4 kta tot. tagi «m wtowl «ft tbo ■ ear* with which H bod to*# faotao*4, ) Tb* lift (U oof ooly oaruroft br aa «bo*«*l bwottor of aatoil. 000 l oail*. j hot a heavy cord bod b**« •« *od arooad It. aod there <*er» mno* eyNtob { ea* of ik* to* (ft tea* oo tie knots. ( The more be tanked at tb# pa- kag- th* owtr* thoroughly be toeato* raovtocod I that It roatatoed stHootkiog est value, j sod wfcea M wag ftnaily got op k* mad- a btd of flP*y cent* ftaose i body rala-d him. but hi* spurting j blond toiog up. be secured th* pit* ■ for fI.N, and mod* a bee (too for tb* *>•<- There be secured a katebet and la tbo fttvaaere of asvera! tot-reoted frteads pried off tb* ltd Aa obtaag packag. wrapped la whit* tl«*u* was lorn off only to reveal aa toner wrap ping and after that another until lb* floor was littered. At last tb* final -nvelo|ie ws* ripped open and liter* lay a *bo* ibat would have disgraced a kobo It was battered and broken. 1a tbo last ptage* of mold and dlsre potability. "Ureal snakes I" gasped the astonished purchaser. lifting It gingerly by tb* he*l “Why the detp * did anybody take thr pain* to pack amh rublali to silk and tlssue paper? It a soot* kind of a joke, 1 guts*." Juat then a few grain* of rice fall out of the r*Hc and »r?poa*d of th* mys tery. The parcel was a piece of post nuptial pleasantry which had missed 111 consignee* "I'd like to soak the groom with thta toy,” said the victim grimly, os he deposited It to the ash barrel. The gong on the rash register at the club won jingling right merrily last night and the utility and safeguard of that modern contrivance was contras ted with the old fashioned money drawer or till. After Frank had rung up a purcha-e of five cents for a package of cigar ettes, the New York traveling mau ■aid: “A poor woman who kept a email shop In a town I recently visited, and who was troubled with a husband who could scarcely to considered a credit to the family, one day found heraelf a widow through the sudden demise of her spouse. A lady who frequently made small purchases at the shop, celled lo see her and lo offer her sym pathy. though well knowing that, the man's death must in a certain sense come aa a relief, as the wife had of ten suffered from his violence She was not. however, quite prepared for the Stoical way In which the wife took her bereavement. Said the lady: 'I am sure, Mi*. G., yon must miss your hus band.' “ ‘Wall, mum, It do seem queer to go In the shop and find something in the till." * A sclntlllant War Record Boston Herald Capt. Wm. Astor Chanler Is mak ing things very hot for Lemuel Kit Qutgg In the latter's congressional district in New York. Capt. Chanler has n war record that is almost as j Hciullllunt as Teddy's, i SUNDAY’S HERALD ‘‘A PAPER FOR NEWSPAPER READERS.” ftftftiuftAHi NPI ft* fj, >»'Up P Blotto AN ftPMAW**4ft n - ,i mAM j rnji *>r # **■ - •- -•••••♦ I »am IMAftift wfti Aft ft p ♦■#•* «» ] [ fftk ft. ft* pi .* MiyA'iiiiiiii ftA ftp ■«**.■% ] - .s*.*# fttfrmi * ftNAftA# iftftA ftftrft IftAftl ift# | I ftft ft ftp ftftft 1 ftiMft ft ftflAi ftp ftAA I f ftft* fftrift #4MftftftßoM P ftftNHpPp - Aftft Aft# A APlft ft| «« ftAAft 9 A Am* ft ■ I ttt ANft Aftftft pV9|P iftp* AA fftft 'ft*# j - 9’"Mo fMAftoA »*» to* ft • M Mft | Aft llftftftft ftftft ftM -MM AftP VftVi ftNftft | At *#A ski «i.BH4*> p lAiMft IftApAlNl ftftft* Iftft yftft*9p* (»Wff » ftmr* t Pi Mil PfliWOifti ift ■ A %*mm MAIMMk# <*• 9m-* ( f 4|rin’ • *m Ata4 I ►*— war • kM-M* ***** ANkA : t Amw**# t %oi * tk # o %#. ii| ANfft • # • * • ftA# ta-*.* 3 * hmoi AffftftvAl ftll ftoft NMMMAftA fftft IAM9 TftAft* liftl AR# Mttft TfWifF lift! Aft : I a A A V*A <ft ftffft Aftftf PAffftf RAft * * * * lti | •*<»« (A ft# fAJAfftNA NftriMw ' #•*'•» §m |ft# Apfft'AM' A ft Jfttftfft"! ##%•« AlftAA IT?*' *■’ ftA AfwNf* ftfAMI, ■ VftffMi fftttMl AHA t« Tftl #»ft ft*» aaHr ■ Nf i•*» i # > Cwm-« ik*** a pvt*** twffayf j Ib-ttfA* k 9oaf Aim AfA m.ftftftft , Tii-rmt Anna ad *m %r**\. Thai a* a awfisa** tawt , Barb tr*» tovtt.# tto an*, i ra* earth aw-b toswag* sstk (*» drett* be* 4wwtV ***•' An 4 hasp* awrb MMsti r-w »*** *»d s*b aw*. A* Ctototow *4raw*to tb* M*v-vle tabto up -•* b pbw»* 4ft It* ptruwtag . i - igh'n-to: ■ Th* •wsssp «ok. with bt* royal pwvpt, AA, Otorto r< 4 as Mood Orr-nas tto stoking aun. i As toe —he y*-to4B-r t« a totting for lane cleave#. ’He took* a aarb«<k. ta r*4 tdantot wrapt. gisri and atvrn to his own matoovtM •opt t Th* (be*'nut*, lavish of thvtr taog-bld * uW _ i T*» tb*- fatot MWiwr. toggufto now and old. ■ Pour t>*ck tb* aunahln* howr4*d 'weatv her Uvurtng eye. I The ask her puvpl* dvim# barglvtogly And aadly. breaking wot tto general busk; , The maple swamp* glow Ilk* a aunaet ■ak, Ka-h leal a ripple with Ita aerarat# flush. | The Virckt moat ah>' and ladylike of tteea. ! Aa heat #h* may her poverty r-trtev-a Aed hint* at her tori-gone gentl'ltle# with #->me raved relic* of her wealth of leave#. j C'er yon low wall The tangled blackberry, cro***d *r.d rt eroaaed, woava* A -prickly network of ensanguined leave*: Hard by. with coral head*, the ptlm black#klers ahlne. Filiating with flame thia crumbling l-c.undary Th* woodbine up the elm's straight sli m aspires. Ctlllng It. harmless, with autumnal fit#*. In th- Ivy’* paler Utaaa the martyr onk stands mute. Whin finally the leaves are 4l*« end the early anow touche* -It* landscape. It U Ijivvcll who has tim. the love -11, at picture of It, In word;- familiar to eVwey child: Hvcry pine and flr and hemlock W. re ermine too dee;, foe an earl; And the poorest twig on the elmtree Was ridged lnch-d.-ea with pearl. Revenge For the Joke. Washington Poet. By coming out for the straight re- I publican ticket, Hon. Jno. M. Palmer t perpetrates a great Joke on those chap- who voted the Palmer and Buck j nor ticket tn 1896. Superior Inducements. Atlanta Constitution. Not only the cause of peace should Induce Mr. McKinley to come to At lanta, but the chance of seeing the Georgia legislature in session should not be mtssed. Strange, But True. | Nashville American. CommUaioner Day doubtless talks vigorously enough, but somehow the other fellow persistently refuses to be Impressed with tho gravity of the sit uation. Edifying. N. Y. Journal. it Is edifying to find that President McKinley declines to vi-it New York for the reason that he might he sus pected of coming with political and partisan purpose. LAWNGRASS! 11 Mv« tho Mi*tw*o of pA««or»i oiw* importP *OO Lawn* »os *,»*»'>e*t#*kflOA hy FFMi C-ftj jftMftO#-. Aftmil Idvah <| f fafattl fcloftl *M*nf*».v4M IhO l#lklM*0» I OiMkO iO-**l*»o CNI BOOVi (fkiBIMTO fp* *m¥m**i jß***. **!r NMI4 of th* fWMM U*k* *•* 1,10 ttgphy lo 114 MOOWIy »«Wf d »tthd'ly L. A. CJAkDIiUJi DniffttUt. tlrood Slrool THIS IS IT » Kr MM* ImBM Jt POR EARLY FALL STIFFS AND ALPINES ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Arrived. DORR'S Tailorinir, Hats, Fumrshinfs, / T» Pktrona r \ A 1 itnder Drug Co J \ Th# M IVMtiwtM btuH S # Mam f«i*M** fk- * «<—•. f / brrea/ia* tuy whole U«a* wad aa- 1 \ MmlM wtH hi I —rn o> tb* l-a*. C i arnie.. a amt Iwug irtMnaaw / V Km bw th* ebofcaat asd w J |ww»i I'h.fa.aaatiHeali aw* Cba- » ( iN.cs!. arm h.B t baee «.•.,« C Mthlatbkmgf UragaMtai tka J % Fra*rl(4lun. w* mrl out- l*at- 1 / m«. oaa *r|«D rei my t—*- \ \ twnal »ar*v«*. MC. Ut UiA t \ Hoi CbocolAt* r I tnd «alier Mat Drlaka at our % f Ki.uutaio. \ ) Cir Belle Lzzelte CsloEie > / Tbi> M|kdkl and relreahtag * 0 0 ( o tign. mi ti.. favory# to U.» J S city. •*<« u. li r Ho* I'srfsme* f % kud Tut Ist art l. Ma. \ b Waxed Floors S 4'a hav* lb* beat rrepurad S f W.i .ni bruabat fur doing it. # ( Full dliacUoii*. \ / Prevents Fever S / Tonic doara, night and mom- N C tng of our Bnak-Creeh t hill and # # l #v*r t nr* will fevtr V f and increase appetite. (0c bottia- / ? Trusses ? C Jf you are raptured call on ua. 7 A A comfortable lit gmuanlaad. I t Aleiander Dm Cnpim ( \ TO6 BROAD HT. \ UPPER GREENE STREET Friday*and Saturday, October M & 29, Each Night at ». PROF. GENTRY, the Foremost Ani mal Trainer of tin- World, and hi* TAE ENTED ANIMALS in a brand-new Performance. Better than ever this season and to his 12th year. DOGS AND PONIES That do everything except talk, per form feata never before attempted by any other show. Positively the most amusing and Instructive exhibition that travel* under canvas. Admission- Children, lee.; adults 2»c. F-^T-ROJsrizm ‘■The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY'S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street OCTOHFR as The Aopsia Herald urpti. Bfltliat ui fr B:fl hluiil li Tin Sana ' rtriCNT TSt.Klßkffl SRwft TUX VCki or TNR KuRLO BlilLk IT IS RICVO If TO IA RnfM anxad or OTftrit OA'tnU AND out TH CAROLINA rtmtA i*i tt:i vu comma tot PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, •09 7lh SL, Asfl'tl. Ga «p»f s n*f rrt ttsts n *n m«m« « Opvt fvsh4« llw ftrogior pan —■ aa4 WftJft psm «fto«o laNAttt i«t wo w«r ftrrko adala yo* **L FREE OF CKARuE. jaijryS - ■„...>■!(lit K IM S COAL and WOOD *■**» FROM THE— North AssßttA Cosl k Supply Co tfiian'ttf a< «t yaaitty inwraw—d F. W SCOMELD, PRESIDENT ban Jo* btfowga* »4 Eastman's KODAKS. w We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Biciarls & Shaver, j* 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. lOiiMIfcBION MKKf'HftNTb. 803 Feyiolfls st-TelejOoiiei^w.ry 1 Invite V» ires I nect to CliloßO and Kiw Orlwan*. Ord«*ri executed over our wire* sot Cotton, Stocks, Bond*, Grain and Pro, visions fur cosh or oo mar#lm. Local securities bought and fold. Referencec -National Exchange Bank of Auirustft, or Mercantile Agencies. Money to Loan REAL ESTATE. t ; APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 532 Broad Street.