The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 28, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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toss or a (lambi .Kirs coin I IwM « «*-*%»* *- <wi ><■ %ip my# # r ***m **n# i •Nap* * PP* NNKwi I uiPMI f *l #•**-' “P PP pwpltf I Ip I ; I PfSl *'**' il# ppl f P## lirflß* ’****® ll # Pun PMMI *9 pH MN»>9*P #'*# PPPPP * in *L* %* **. ».* in '# * ■'*#»** Wffgmtt *•* ». •* .» dqf*'*s * T»—' «M --* mmx *M«a | Md Oni> pMnwwH Mm i'i.(* 1 ' I '* Mil m Mm mmm MgfMtt**'* f yg*- -* 4 * rugm tt *»*»**# MOM »*»■**-#■* “t'gM MM wakd ttww ttMtt,* | «MM M»»» * M I (d»"WU IN)** »■•* #« yog* *M>4 M»*WW aa* MdMi WHOM i*M •*> M#M"i T * MMMMWmM Ml Mm i ll— 'l iMMMi’H UWWfW ■ t-~* M*ggl ffWMM* tt <gM»tt» • *Mtt Mb. I MM MM* *» 5 * MCtt *t #m i *h* <mm mm Him in *MM i . ifMi* 4 •**•'■( r *hkWfW t ’f%»%a*u •>** VMM »**M MM* M way Mint f * MM n*nn f* -w* t *M Mir* |M l (MB «*»*<* Ml M* H .. "tM yokM-tM* ** M a »wm«Y.* I MM nm #*■«'**». *l <*•••«* imm* »•* •.«•• * *** * t*M*n 9*m no* *•.- «f** ■MM*-'**. **i Ml tM 1 M *Mt» i. M* *•»■* IjMnMt«l • **•*' * »*> ~i MMI Am Mr Mn I **-"»» > «ag M«t MM MM MMt tM* MM tthMd ttf M MM t ' I *m* pMt“ nil* MM I* MM if»i Hi. •).*** (* h.***** ll*| n ••*! ■ MU Mr** *.* ”|M • gad MM MMHMI li MM#M •* n * M«»W. t MM'MM h|*aaM *Af a I rhmwid I <a ■<••'• mmmm mM ttd Mo*miM* f* Ml* »Mi* ir- m<»tt. Mt MM Mm* VlMrt.* 1 *»**(, *1 MMM** dwgMMd tt ft M* M I * it* ««niy tin -urn* -* I •*'**«■**! gW*M*tf , TV* ** MMM intll* «HJ la mjr Ml IM **** iMng Ml I* M M -> '(IMMM |*i MU * Mt fii d* •■*•* " *M li i»MM*r"T MttM • M—M **f Mi uM Mi** M 'M man*.' _ I i**m*rl Mr* Mawwr *i**l 'in Whph tn* m«i waa n**OM gktrwtttir. "Wm - i »«* fM. **f unMnnf* i Ink*) MMMB" l> tl M o M *M*<» |iig 4 <fe* rtnt* * wit ***•' •« IM rw*tl nnrik i'*A * »»*«** r»*l > *>■ »| m •! I* Mi'i." I ««M* *• * * <‘••l4. * *tlb * Inlrji t*M t*n* t.-u. it*** Wf * n*. n#i nu *r»« (»»rt****»y. Ilk' itftnlt ' **ts‘< ftMJwrl or*** Ms rl**to. "It. - •** nM lt>'<»l*ft) •" t. flul I WM .»-**•*«» MKOrt MMI M* MIK l _ . , , j Yn**» u* nn ihuiM*. i *******tiv*i •r*N> . *ft*r k HMMrftr 1 IMMnrii. '•Ni l* M* * n<* *»tr» *M»wt ' TM-rv nnr mbw I MM*-" *!"• tw in w( - Mt ' wMrtl k-kMMt •*> -MlrtMnntMn* : mm* *<*t* MUM** •*«•"» of* tMiMM*—«ik* n IwrMM'lt of f*t**»<teHli* Hr* *»•** (•«***•. *l«4 Mr lU*n»J Mr »n*<t MM-Mjr. -I tnn «•!» Mil »«•* rb*rU|r, I •*» -nu,h «hte«r*." «mtlM*»**l. •r*i*ki* M m**m w*t*»<l. m*k** <*••* tn«rl4M «*M ntl**r*l>l* If tk»* •*» »•*« -«l-‘»lnr4 “ -Murk IM***» *• my »('Vft<»«»* !*»>•" fart* *4»- a * 'i» «*«r Ml ywT «»* MtweiMl f.<**«!••*" MN* •«*NNhI- . -Anil you •*■»•«<• *n **t>UMOo*r , *Yr» • ah* Miimii ”• 4»-’* -n**n.” **M » **4iy, -I r*« M*ir **y M* 'hit*lT VMM. O » IwrkUW* 1 l't*r fW*.'* hufif %*t h**p4 alteatisr ph«l ir^m -| lor* you *.* mu<'h." I r*p**l*tl. **»o much, that I r«i» <mly ««> Hh» Ilf*Ml up hrr f*»r. with th* t**r» ■(/famine do»fl hr* rhrwka »l*4 h»M iigl hti han.t* -Oh! Marry." ah* rrlrd. “ran - * you a**?" I inaiwl at"U<J. ' Mv po*** HOI* »lrl." I waa afraid It rannm hr" Mh- 4rlr4 h*r *y*«.4 •■You at* talk in* nonary**.** aha hi- Iran. I rlahtly. *lf you lov* m«—" • I do." “Of raitnr you do. you silly fallow. Do y»u think I couldn't see. And if I can put up with you, why that settles the question.** f»h<* toughed. unoomfortoWy, Wstoh lng me out of the corner of her eye*. "My dear. It deeim'l." (the stamped her foot angrily. “Violet, there i* or)lv one honorable thing I c»n do only one way In which f can preserve my self respect and a* t a* a man. That way"—l spoke firmly t» !>y going away a* I am go in.'.” ' You are not." She caught hold of my coat, lnit I gentTy removed her bands. •‘By everything which J hold sacred. Viotei, I am. Any man who was worth his aalt would <lo the same.' 1 She knew by the sound of my vnl't that I meant It. and the color left her cheeks. Harry.” she said piteously, ,“dkl you really mean what you said about Ilk- Ins me?” Every Wold.” “I—T meant It—too'” I lifted her hand and kissed It. “It cannot be, dear*” There wan nothing else to say. “You care for what people rvoul 1 think more then you eare for me.” “T care for what I know Is right and honorable.” There waa a long silence. “Do you remember a conversation we had crmlng home from Kastlake's ten nia parly.” she asked suddenly, “about modern chivalry?” Yes! but I scarcely see—” “You said it was giving everyone a chance —even your worst and most des picable enemy. Do you remember?” “I remember," I admitted. “If such ft one v ere at your mercy, you said, you must not slay him with out giving him an opportunity to fight for his life. If lighting were imp jssfible, yon must give Vim a chance In some way* you would let it rest upon the fail of a coin. Yotr. remember?” “Yes," I answered, wondering, "I re member." •‘Then.” she said, with a keen ring in her voice, "I ask, nay, I demand, the game privilege” “Th • case Is quite different, Violet. T protested- But l could not avoid a fierce ilesire of one. wild basatd for happiness. "It is ill no svay different. On ope side my happiness: i>n (he other side i'i|MrU tlaffta!. »«ftf »j—<4 *fM BMBMHMf Pr rn pnMi ***• Pc GmiixflJM a W Jb -* ' «iM6.PtN STUD. CARRM6S pMPrPi «t pppp m IN NmiHl goo Beach ‘arring* Arc $2 Per Pair. i<*£CiAL CAUTION : Ca> **n ****** • •mm •***•• Ma *n> am •■ * •> * ••«••• •*■•* .a* «* wan man aba*** MUiraa »-;*» n r~T~ •• • ♦4... -♦ btu. «•»•**** ka*» *►> afttana* <*■ •¥ •** w«t9a* an- a****«*4» *• jn **•* *** ..4m m m „•'.»>« T* * (♦*» tn *#• » 1 * . « linw *»** a*« * ■mint, ta ona WatMIMHaM aatira, 4AIL ORDERS. 1 mnaiifat. am at Mnmtna ***** * ;•*. ‘ ~7 v.;-.; .nr*;; tun** tnaa*wu *r* .*•«**» **4 M 4 . an an*M*M» «mWf- M i ‘'‘wkn iSlVnil I fund Hama w , T; , 4ais , .?rr -my ywrii) otoM • |M» «• at! a* Nr*.wl»t. •nTßewarr of Imitators. - '*^ Akkra* *kU <**4r* »• rURRIOS DIA. IONDCO., * EDISON BUH.OING, ■? tap 44 Ba .*• liaur, Ntw Van l l -buna MU* *apar. foot toll id#* c*f honor, which you ‘ i'hft abort* tny *#*•-"* "I <i«an«r. * 1 *r«*aft«»<t. { * Toti mum.** mhr Inal*lHl. "you fit* not rtitaf m# whti you aotild grant it* *4 your foea.'* j f»n*duf cd a penny from her lit tin Mira*. I “You will not I* so erud and unjust 'll to rr'tia** m«* thisT** ! **lt la not ri<bt.’* * I *’l vay it to!” ‘Then Wf (Sitaare#.** ! "Th«rfforf a jud«e to aerdrd—th# lia- | partial role.** i*hc latiehcd f »v*»riahly. I could not | htar to h**# r hv« .**• “Very- wall,** I said, wildly. "But tot | m « »h* honest with you. Violet. At the bat tom of my heart I daaptae myself i f v r fivinn way. and know' it ta breausa I want you and not because It is right. I You will abide by the lemilt?" | “Yes. yes! and you will? Promise!” “I promise." ‘•Freely anil unreservedlyT” “Freely. Slid %nri - ‘rvcdly. ’ “You must loss for It.” she cried, ex ! Hti-ilty, rutting the coin In my hand. | "Quick, quick." | "I spun up and she cried swiftly: | *'H»sd!” • It fell 10 the floor sod rolled over and | over until at last It rested Just un jil mouth the stands, but still In view— head uppermost. Violet burst Into a passion of tears, ! and I clasped her frantically In my arms and hissed her again and again. “You will never, never speak of leav ing me anymore?” she sobbed. And I hild her yet closer and whis pered 1 never would, If I coqjd, break my promise. “1 would never have kept mine to let you go,” she said, defiantly. “Hullo, you two! Whatever have you been doing all this time?” said her brother, coming In later. “Oh! playing pitch and toss," said I, lightly. “VI Is a dangerous person to gamble with, let me warn you,” he observed, laughing. "Hhe has a wonderful coin, which I picked up at a bar with two heads.” , • • • “You're not cross with me?" she pleaded, holding tightly to my arm, as we*'walked in behind him. Cross with het! —St. Paul’s. i >, WHAT IS SHILOH? A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century, has cured Innumerable cases of incipient con sumption and relieved many in advanc ed stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 25 cts.. 50 cts. and SX.Ofl. Sold by —Retailers, T. A. Buxton, Anderson’s Drug Store. Alexander’s Drug Store, West End Pharmacy, The King Phar many; Retailers, Davenport & Phlnl zy. ■ Perhaps Hobson may yet conceive a scheme of digging up Cuba and float ing it over against our mainland. TUB TLTTOTTpTA. HKTRALD imrtNNAP— or tm INN#f, Ilii—Bi nt N» t>d» Nona mirmmmnmm I IhN* *' ••• «* <* * - ' * " |»m #VP>P |%» IPiUi mAlPilii Pt PWPNii I CNN peep PjißlH I), pwpi * •*'#*»#«*.* # %# *%v **• «.«. «•«**« «|t ipp »«iN.CK«N f CndSiN Ik* f**- f-ft ip «pp Pew# a »|.icnii> I **# Pnpn# * w ppN Im»*» PH# MPl’ ■ I pNPp# N PP INMBi#Mp PNi P’N* Jtepp ep PNIPPPIPNA IMP #p p# •##PPp» i '* ]«*#*«« #pMP nhp cP p«% imm*** ypNiP lip 4p# #%Mi a ' !•« PIPP IM ##pPH» #t Pa# »N»tN *1 fMarkna Maai ami «*• •**•*■ ■a**** nata a***k*a (Mb* »• a*a ■mnaakiia and ****w-aandkA Mh* awn* ****«•'*- *k *«*• d.a% Wnn taM a# »%* * 1 adwia ir»«ni>»*al •»*>»*■ *#* m*i» «%- •* -c p pppg^Hftiia. pßpMft f - ' t li- Plm# IP# P>«NN n*a mm-Nifaii n Wa*a«n fea< •<-* a«*»« •%* aaa *b**» n iWnina nan m<«»aa- Y tta* »at»l Ikn *»|*n***'« Mr IM >«*» .a Mn a*«* hat **«***<• of IM MHw* aa* a«n** Mta Mm *Mt*#»»* *4 if *h* kk<l»i wtn* as »M *•<*«»< ■* a an. a a nmaiwr Mn* •warna**** •*■ 4«iik>«awt»*a M* - Maan <*».< I« (infra I 1 «aa*MM**«ta am It •» m ilia M*n «f tna I'Mt an % («»*«*aaiaaHwa ■ ta ta •♦-*w *d w Iran t* tM inn M *>»«*• •y ■»•* «naa»'fa as a fatra**#* a*aatat*aa «• nan* IM maaww* m ntMk im ***n»d as a nat *nafMl *n .*.*w*4a la Aaaarl* -aa *lwf waa Mf* f. • WMt*.. «■*•**'MWf as tM* tfaa** *N Tran >• naaaaa* » a*nr as iMw am* %a*» k*f* a < nrawa*- •<» as da TM war *a* ak #Mnfe MM* Hknttiak "■•I. fnldMrod da* Mr# MM* aat tM *>i'iMk a ta IM' taaaa as (M lailaa nalfk a‘»" » iai-d A *tt ft. Irak mnaaiiw «*t ■M *ai«lmrrl as Mai nan***''' aa lyt# LLnHb m* naaranruna df man ; a# ay ta tin Mruni as th> feaai dw «* IM »-*% TM adts-# and M*n*fa <«w ks tta 91* . !***. trtwni that *»< M 4 aartraMt ■*<* fit»*a*ik»« A yattMahni IM MM >*• ■a'HMnttTAKT J(**TMTt T» (Nttirta and twM*a AUaaMd In Ihr Anaha of tM fV#**al and ttaMr-! rat* ftataa; t anaii M* harm •« *»«#»>* f* *• «•- *»*• and «tka*a ftta<Md la aliM* atn>< •MtaUca as Imy-nant raama aad *•**> • !af la*«d»aia * hr* h aa* r* ar -lar na *t.< •nrnan.MMk at may l« wh». h arwata iw 1 kraal'* IM iwtaniry y ■■ **.. k akrt.haa I aMt yny Utwra!' ! I» . M> .«<#*• wf art'a'a tt un«uai<l»d ta M 1 anil>. *»f <m*faammdanla ran •»*t*a i «na iM< * ak> • (vn, M«*tn*t J traffe. Mat yiindft »d la iM karat Mirfo of art Any frnilrntan rmmwtad tilth with r I aiaar. »M Wttt fnanard a *mall ahotr-b > •a a *tn • Mttan <d 'ta aikllt* a* a * lauifcomao nil I lw*t*« ftnttilinwalr l*ra«k lnkl«‘» IMnatiatoJ Natranaarr 1 l«* IM • Amine ywar. •mrial atiMiMna la rtinriof t» thtt n«Ma. I'nf.'rtunatrlv. blatnry dm ant nrroad N» many wf tkr <ik«'ft if «M rfawnh m> army availed IMmatkvre as thi* «#To*. hat It aiimtt Mtwaf* that tM *itl*.w /.Hirnala •>! th. ntwnt day did »K taka a Kal «al of thrt* morv frm ly Mtal'haM < *mt*mi>..r»ry'a l**>k, and rnaka an uffrr n year * auhn tii»tt n (n* t« Kt>ant*h *fk’m who would fora aid ak' t'hra and ntimrta. The Srnniarda would haw ion »ur prtao.l al th* mmlla. au.l Ihr Ain**t. an I*<rt>l* would douMltna kava tuna In* ■tiwtid and amuartl- Th* Trltwin* of th'.w daya mail* no •nat iTotnatalioiia as Ha lalmllnna. but it manaaad t« atour* t«n<irla —a frw day* late, to I* nirr-Ml n*v*r»h*- lear. rarrful. a»rurat* and written by | mrn of a.i holar*h(t> an<l diwt-rnm. nl , I There Were n<» woudt ut MaJllnea In (k»*e daya. Th* rhaate and dlantAwl ''r*u»in See* H*r rtnlth." It* letter* four Int he* deefi. ; had not nimi to th* edltota of th* «r*at | dalllaa aa an tniaiiatlon. not to tie readlna puV.lle aa a nithtmarr. The new* of th* day war n<>« «lv*m 'nearly aa eotiit>l*tely a* It »aa durln* the war with Hraln, but after all » hat th re waa of It waa well nigh aa rellalfe aa guafel. Kxlraa w**r leaa aumeroui. but they war* worth |mreha*Jn«. and were not to bo iiae.l tn heat th* wife* not aa won aa they rea< h -4 home. The atudy of the old method* la In terestlny, ua It ahowa ebarly what enurniou* alrldea have Iweii made In Journallam during the oaat ihltiy-hv* year*, what great gain* have Men made, and what great danjera have rapidly been approaehed by aoto« of the organa of "th* new aehool. M Hon. Beverly D. Evans. i Atlanta Constitution. I Hon. Beverly D. Evans, who will be elected unanimously as Judge of the Middle circuit, to succeed Judge Roger | Gamble, Is In the rlty. Judge Gambia 1 tins filled lb's responsible position i with credit snd retires from the | bench to enter active prantlce. He Is ' one of the strongest lawyers in tlj_» state and occupied a distinguished po sition at the bar when he was elected to the Judgeship. He has been consid ered one of the ablest circuit Judges of the state, and the lawyers of the Middle circuit are unanimous 1n their expressions of regret that be is to leave the bench, though they are de lighted that hl» successor, who Is one of the most prominent and popular lawyers In the clrcutt, is so well quali fied to assume the duties of the judge ship. Mr. Evans was forme-ty a rep resentative from Washington county, and later served as solicitor general of his circuit. He has probably the largest practice In the circuit, and is held in cordial esteem not only throughout bis circuit, but by those who know him In all parts of the state. Hq will probably be the young est Judge In Georgia, and It goes without saying to those who are ac quainted with his ability that he will become one of the ablest. Bad Enough With That. Washington Star. hi Hung Chang and the Empress Dowager probably concluded that they would get along more amicably by not introducing any matrimonial compli cations Into the situation. FRE^FR EE Aa Eiteraa! Tonic Applied to tie Skin Bcaetifics it as by Mafic ■rnE discovery .: age A WUktVN %N AH TUB IftVMNim f >* f f «| r m 0 4 tt nal >1 ftwi'tf'B tirnf rdhweh*** ***lt ' * * •*»*** ami *Oak ■ iyrtW«Mam» «k am r ra|i ~1~ 'i. Ml i>*r mm yd am-1 *-■’ . I <mN dr* W*-*a* h i IM M*ty fam mm» t *w*u than #*•*• *•» as f* Tnh A**m*m. *<• %*ak lki» . m-MaNf IM t -h Mr MM* takthl • ■ ■ * T««*s • TM wawa* *>• maaty t* Ml *» mak* lh«* dmnw**Y hdttttttMttw h.«waw IM ha»* |Nft4lm»d tM l%*v r*.M**dr hart*.- rtncimic, la »«•*,. «pr .. N' 4 * * *%# • ♦ !i*a#i C •II *%«* Ibclbm P "**' |V* •«*«*« tt*tr*(tam*k»<».w l«* haw # Pm*4 #•• NNfc# »IPn A mp*n IP (Pdf ** ** ttm **mm and > Moek of aH iww-trtrre. Wh*fh IM Mawi hf Ma mk iml tt*Ma I* ' MHttktr Mia| M Bar twttMk as Oh* Ain. I* to i-t *M *k.a *\»t * > . .. tumk l»»- tM Mood awl n< . a k*nd *k mdk IA Mai Im.-wdMdr '* * rMla***** ami aoeytlw* ihmw a faded Im mmkf ym. t m Ml *:*•«<• lw.m~lraw%. and tt * l(M*dtty Maddrr* •*- ■ t fr-aa *M *klo lew*la*. y»m)iMk| kaakimda. Yjk> I«• lini wrtnklam Mr* fai nmrhttia { «*ttt*M. ttf l ! mm n*d dkauMnkwu U dfy Wmi £ • la «edw Oral ft hraf t* *«!.••»« I , I Ahelr ••nal Hkm**} iM Him Ml |(* | ‘ Uurib* lU. fanenlaw-oth rtt* tu ail rad‘ 1 •Ml 1 i ».**' |**W*mr '*■ » p • mw **.i - - w'w THE MISSE3 IMSU-, n »•»* *« v** at*. For Said in August# By James Daly A Co. V > t ■■ ■' i — i-f—~i M , . . f L SHOES THAT ARE KNOWN! sk Known from Maine to jjwA California as the BEST * that material and good workmanship can pro- AS iOR STYLE iiitM os CASHIM, GQULEY & VAUGHAN, 808 Broad Street. AGENTS FOR HANAN & SON. WE ARE ALWAYS BUSY READ; HERALD’S WANT ADS f »aa mi •-** |a»A«m *•* NW[%••#* if Aa» jr aHktt'O frak #»■'•***.»( Ma { *—t w* Jmm* Maiivw t*lw< imM **4 «* *M liNttMMMf Ohm %tm VlMh Nttf ha Mma* *m4> M*t •tdiaaidiiM Mllh •* aw* ad* j dram, ad y* »»** •• *h* •*•*•* «• ] 3 (Wiltt tWisnaya a* «**•* 1 ta *i**a» omt *d 1 iw>* mi and dri-«• * Tm i»e i u*f ■ ' ildi Mlaaal afhk rb wkl ha *aali«ai*d *»y a< I tV kM> #*• ha<* iW y - - ■ < iko «aw tttt. -knatmi* tt lttmdy.* TtMtiMW* •■•all tt Ma la all <*. ■ « TM> haab Mwto «Mwr<l»»*y tt lha >my*«k*m* tt • ar*tt * a*mtt* « a ||«J* May an»»i«w honor »•• < 1. *» MM*«a! tMffcrr m »M raiatt lha hair : larti M k ■* Utqrt.*' *’- albi t i ii»h* tmlMtt* tt matt -of lM half yt* •arm In natural haantY aad mb*, to* M Mt and aa- dim iwanwlMha b*» M l ...bk w|.da*a hair Com lha hm r.k and am wrtl“**» *» Ihatttt ! Tlrla haak »ttl hi mattad to aa| addanmmi i io i; Trial TVktlr* tt WondrWbl Cam -1 tdrtbtn Ikm* (hr al |tß*b*- or *1 ***t«* I lerid y* awl malhiifM" U*aa at a j I'wmyaabw* aofdttUy fttUttA A - i 4tao CRAZY AS A BEDBUG Wm what »«•..»■* *r«.u»».l m ..f ..«* ■aw ialt»«< thought whan M Ml daw* tm hi* knu. kl* hna*w Mfurw hi* fmwMy lauw.trr*4 ahirt and a*M. "at la*i r*« Mittrk II." Hr thi* M meant that M had found Ih* IwuMdry M had l<**-n tattling fur *•* !•«*. that oral hi* llnra horn. Hk* new. without fra* or i.*ar, and with »M t>>"(a> lu*(*r and color up- at a. Hulse’s Steam Laundry, -dll Jaehgoa Mtrwl— Mhlrta, He. CVlia**. I*. (’uff», *c. Supplying choice grades of Lumber to Builders and Contractors. Prompt in the delivery of all orders, and fur nishing nothing not fully up to grade and finish. f actory and Saw Mill equipped with latest improvements, and organiza tion thorough In every department. Prices, Caialogucs, litc., upon ap plication. DOORS, SASH & BUNDS Perkins Maaifactnrai Company, AUGUSTA, GA., JHE jjEHAlfl; STANDARD Hi* popular b#cAuM it *i vchal iHo Rrrttt m»w-|>«i>*r-rßA«Jinii pub I c *Anl#. »Hb Incar# ••*««andclcMir. andfui y double In* nigp of «oy «iih#r* pubMshiid. Th#y nr* boauli* fully printed In fly# colors on h««vy map psp« r IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR GEOGRAPHY you will find ths A Has «n ndi*p«nsabl« aid. It will hi*lp you to observe* ths dslly f.hAn«ss In th«* sitii«t.on. nod enablo you to ksep paco with history. You Need An ATLAS! Oct the Latest and Bc«t Coniems of The Herald Standard War Allas: Cuba - 14*81 Inchat Tha World - 31*28 tnehae •bawMi tmmm tt •**•« »a*aaM. uMa Mi **»«r*tti «Ma* Waat India* - I4«2l»nchs* North America - - 21 *2B inchac SbawlMg caMa Una*. 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