The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 30, 1898, Image 13

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16 PIIBS-SlCtiH H VOLUME I, NO. 7. SOLDIERS WILL SPEND $(),oo« A DAY Thc> art a Royal l-ot *>< Ffftowft and Will Apprcttau* Haaity \V*kom*. Th* ImmtoM E*p©nd»tur© R#nuiffKj to M*)ot*in an Army of 10,000 For a V#ar--TNi Small For tuna That la l*ut in th* Channata of Trad* in Au©u ta. tv ,mm»rn «t a* t »*«■«# *• at*■<• V »«a B t*V •*— 1 t«#W* «•*■» — *■» umm a > ■an - **' tv .praa» m* •***, »»*••«•'■ a »nirt»iii- ««i «r mm*i a* 'W* a** vm • -*»-*© *a a»**a’» « -ram* tv— a- «vm*» W— #•* i * ** * felio *uf>pon fewtlMwni AitfeMni aml | •i kow r»«» iMf par w I* i* j (o»k«i«4 that a lio4> of »°i4w» . spend 10* of theft m>i ih*y g*» l*o d Ml TV wages of o®c*« a*4 »*• at lh» ntiln oo*l lata airy oydered h*ra »IH la a yaw. If tl*T r**»4a that toaa toot up about *2 aaa.aoa. Thia tlooa aot tariud* 6t pot «eary aglgt* ttat ( ihr 4*pot nta.tlMn Via* toparatr •bu dlatnet tram ta# ir'«n» Nor 4am It iarlod* aalartoa attached to tb*4 hospital salaries sttaeh*d to the ala* j aal rorao. «r the engineer rorpa, ail oi j w.iow latter o®cer* and mrt are la eluded ta (be order millu tbe troop* i Sooth It I* aafe to pot the annual aaiary Nat at $1350 «•»' and if they ' aprod tbatr money like *ald ‘ * r* p ” the . computation tfcgt aoldlera apead three- j quarter* of what they earn In lh<* plate la which they are paid off. we tan *ee over a million and a half of ■lollara throws Into trade la At««u*t« If the troop* remain a year, and $750 - otto |f they stay all moot ha , lllustrativ r figures. Here It a rough eaUmafe of llgurea | which rhow that the amount* given are Inside laat< ad of outside Agutea; Infantry. Two major generals.* cart* tr. non Teo Nrgadler general*. *4.5*0 each II.W" Fix rolonela, *4,400 each .. .. ■■ 21.000 Kightcen major*. *2.500 each .. .. 45.000 Reventy-two captain*, *I,BOO each. 128,600 Kighty-four Jet lleut*., *1.500 each Seventy-two 2d lleuta., (1.400 each Six It. colonel*, *5,900 each .. 18,000 7.200 prtvutes *15,00 per roo 1.447,040 (1,013,240 The Staff*. Staff of eorpa command*™ 1 ae*i*tant adjutant general, 1 chief engineer. 1 inspector gen eral. 1 chief quartermaster 1 chief commissary of subsist ence, 1 Judge advocate, 1 chief surgeon (ranking as It. colonel). *3,000 each *31,000 i One assistant adjutant g> npral and three aides, rank of cap tain. (I.HOO each 7,200 Staff of division commander J assistant adjutant general, t chief quartermaster. 1 chief commissary of subsistence, t chief surgeon with rank of ma jor, *2,400 each 10,000 Three aide*, rank of captain .... 5,400 Two staffs brigadier generals—l , assistant adjutant general erfeh, 1 assistant quartermaster each. 1 commissary of subsistence each, rank of captain—6 at *l.- 800 each 10,800 Two aides each, rank first lleut. 4,000 *60,400 Cavalry. Major **'s22 Six captains THE AUGUSTA SUNDAY HERALD. I MMI M aiiMill. M H M MX »•* - SSS s—smd tWat«W*‘* . > >a «. m *—» !mm Haw* „ ,« * ; t*r m •MMM TV gal —Mini 8— < VMM *»- v« mmi a* —v M *war V ,*«*- MM. TV rMtat *v aaM—m -at tmmm mm knag aw —a—■> a*** TV MMi as V m*B*ta" p— »’***— p— V M abaat M r»M< Mara as <V M<> pvt—ta— atli V* V pwc rM*M v— V. aiß nat «a»s and HTMa *V bigg— tatataa as M alll V t«nav« ta *«*••*• TV pa—»**— »• tv iVV^Wj )N»I MM —*fd ta»l as *•- k MM At '•Swart f •«*<• p— V*i 'V »»»*• 4rtar* p— da, 8— frewh MM MV - 9am m ItU* w •—* inwi*- * T Of ntrtika abaat *.B t*M. •t m a«u p— r««< ™*a« «m trj» iv tv «»*a tv. imm apply mlr <• prtvaitw (»«n iWKa uM grarttrali, all Adthl— al Ml Mart* «*rtV by Ihem wit; V Mb|M t*»ta a—rV* TVm Vila IV n«>MV m 4 IT—H Mata maar o*V V«d irtlrlM MIM V rt*r*4 V*. TV fnart fur «V Vm to Nkff Mas It la aI|T»N I VI tor raVtateare of oMr-fk, V and ho—es good* tVI wilt V V V.rrt I* ibta market mm 4 Mil* mart* at IV Nrtela. iba .ttaMl'r, will V »|..<wo per *eek TWtonea of tV tit<aw of .nWrtaw* wl» v i»a4* up ta parrhaww oatade as thla market AV If -ddtof, spend MVf Uk« IlHf v* tV, V tHa, Mil pat la e.r rutattoa la Auvusta *M«» a w*eh. ' -ah lag a total of M«"W «*ar waak or aaarl, (t w a 4a,. which tV goidtor* •pao4 while loratvd bar*. TrawpirtailM c hwrg— are aot ran rer—d la ibta tatlmate t’rOKipal Bvavfklarto* Of to area tV bar, rooe la lor thair ■ bare of Ibta large eipcndlture. The ! botala mad rvatauranta cook aa*t. Ha berd— ahoa b«uw» rlotbia* «•- tabllaktaanu. JawalrV. gat I heir share BnirVrr and U—Vr* will Bud a) they ran 4« and will V sfordN aa»< ®|S|* *" CLEANING UP CAMP. I for All they can offer for *ale. TbJ I newspapers enjoy a Klondike business. Booksellers and stationers are not for gotten. and druggists and every other possible line of trade will f<el (he bon j tJ ftu of additional money in clrcula | tlon. | Soldier? are given fresh meat seven ! day* out of ten. eaeh soldier being al ! lowed one and one quarter pounds per i day. Twelve ounees of salt, bacon is a ration, it being furnished three day • out of ten. One (round and two ounces of flour per day per man i* allowed. Beans, two and two-fifth ounces per day. or rice one and three-fifth ounces pe: day. or hominy, one and tbree fifth ounces per day is allowed. One pound of vegetables Is allowed—eighty per cent pf potatoes and twenty per cent of onions, or seventy p r cent of potatoes and thirty per cent of toma toes in cans per day. Other allow ances are per day: One and three flfth ounces of green coffee, or one ami seven-twenty-fifth ounces of roasted coffee; two and two-fifth ounces of sugar; elght-twenty-fif’h ounces of vinegar; sixteen-twenty-fifth ounces of popper; sixteen-twenty-flfth ounce? of soap, and six-twenty-fiith ounces cf candles. They Are All Richt. Tbete has been prediction about hot times in the old town when the sol ; diers came. It Is better to await and see. In mailing my calculations and in gathering other facta for newspaper consumption during the past few days, *1 have co*jsfc in contact with a ruimbci of army officers. I have met them at the clubs and at ihe hotels. 1 have never met more genial or more gen tlemanly persons in any w'aik in life. They are intelligent, courteous and considerately kiud. “Your fears about, annoyance from the troops/' one of the officers told me, AUGUSTA, GA*. SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 30. 1808. •» Jw | fe. ' tarl ? ©i f '».*•«¥ r* **w r©*». •o font tab V am, tV |MM« Mha V ~«• o a—' to Vatw-t la IV* •«, Of (wan* tv*o a «ota« V V Mttt aaaW It" WwtM IV If «Vs MO part tooMtad Iy, MV m mm. WH» M a foot Vi tows ohm» to poor no, mow a o«‘VM rttt it*, Hrnah iato a vtvtw arav at tV tbartt* wall tVtr l«a ,*H aad ,oo iMob aothlaa Of H TV aMV< • lit V Btatrrr vi tie, ate ao« (UM to raaae INaiWa A .«aiv »ati mi V ftaai aoatd win v m dot, ta IV <Tt, V MHTt"t With IV rletl oatVriitor aad tV "V aad win wo to M tV>- atiioaptod mo dtlmat «f aa, HIV will aot V laiet WVa mt V, ooaoo tH* Hora *#> ■ning to •lip la towa wiiHoat a Ire •no of aar Hind aV am MM to tat* a Mg tlta** ta ■"<•* «f *’"• tb-awaltoa . Bat wav, ,no roll a Mart, U«H aV a )oKr d«s» and fiat J»paW ta» a#f *aag ta aaopafaUt awwr. »wa f)l,o. ,o« need Ha»» v l-ar* The odW V*e too wurb at Mab# to mail rowdrtma Ot»e tV bo,, a iojral welcome The, will feel Ml the better toward ,oa l» It The, are aoldlera who at* reed, to die for jrour ontaeo aad lor ,o«r flat IWI rr, oot tV* row fear tVt Ibe, are going u» maV a row, THI them to mme o,t| and en«o, tHemme’rra while tV, guard orer ibe nation - . Honor ” BIRTH PLACE OFI JOE WHEELER He Was Not Born in the City of Augusta. An At hfltiffiff SUtftnfnt For lie Sund*) Hfnld. Auguata. On.. Oel 29, I*9Bl To Ibe Editor of the Herald: Hr- * In reaponre to ,otir» requeatlng th** facia In regard to the birthplace of Uen Joteph Wheeler In in, poawariou ihey are aa followa: When my father, the late Henry Moore. Baq . punnaited th? property now known a« Murry Hill from the estate of Isaac Henry. It ««a called the Wheel**!* place. The old grave yard which was allll discernible the !u*t time I was there was culled the Whi-eler grave: ard, and the road that starta at the Summerville cemetery iand terminates at Murray Hill l» laid down on the map io this day as the Wheeler road. Happening to mention these circum stances to the Rev. James T. Barton. m hose lands adjoined, on one occasion "Come * ith me," he replied, eand I will show you the very identical spot on which Ofn. Joe Wheeler first saw 'JOSEPH WIIEELKB. light. He showed me a place where a garden had been and evident tracas of a house, the remains of the chimneys and a large gate post still standing in a perfect state of preser vation. Years after this I chanced to meet Gen. Wheeler at the Aragon hotel, in Atlanta, accompanied by his two daughters, and recalled the incident. He replied that be had visited Augus ta a few years brfore, and with his friend. Col. Charles C. Jones, had at ; tempted to find the place, but- had failed. Furthermore, that the house ; had burned a short time after bis MM It aad Ms fa»V»‘a fmmuh tawaad M IV HtN «V M*g«V tV feWd m» tV anstal twgMWV t„ <V at*, aV itwMV «• Nrwws KOta M ttaw TVHrt Ca tVt Had a teat la «tai wa» salted WVatar tawge M IV fwrwat *r IWsAd •ad Ksßwt air—, tam tadd tVI tV pear V MtatdtlW lg wknH tV W •as taratwi ta tV «a bow n r apt** Hp IV Wing*.-Id Hardware Cm (tag WtMtar'a iwnlV, IM Hta wife aa Matedi at. Him Halt a dawgkte, of CtaW Hull, im • ■xanaatnee Halit of tV war of tits Ibt WVital wa* •ppolgtad la W«at Pwat at ahoa* tV age of It year* After the war. •Ml* a fagtiims, try tag ta nta* tV a fad* eta la V wa* »at—talked at ibe boa* pitakl, bow— <*f Oe» M.aiit—* ramtl, at Thommm. Om. Mra Jadge W W Mogtgtaaet, betag a gras em •la He wa* <aagbt aV abar—l tV fort— of tV Hr—Meat as IV Om federal, Rtl with atotral furl Made fc* • tthstnod tV Vrdablpa aad trtciaat tad— of prtana life and tV man that aaved tV day at Haailasn never ™n plntaM Om Wheel— married a widow lad, Hit Holliday H, name who waa a Mia* Jove. I am Informed • daarea dan’ r f Oot Vt-f Rartr of H—rrgla, whoa* mVi real oa the taaka as ibe ' T| iii !atW£ ffi *“£ L /* mm W.; CfIMRS V L . ———— * 1 1 " I i wYisi i M J W EVE'S HfADMfK! $ mm \ , , ■! . | —| i * lit# U.S r " ? J' ARSENAL i WA L-TON way ■— CORPS- Headquarters — Oconee river, fourteen miles above Groenesboro, an the Scullshoals plan tation. One of the daughters of Gov. Karly married a man by the name of Jones and moved to Alabama. A few years ago I chanced to meet in Tuscttmbla. which is In Gen. Wheel er’s district, a gentleman formerly from Green county, who inquired if I knew while Gov. Karly was buried, and on bring informed that, be was burled ou a plantation formerly owned 1. my grandfather, Dr. T. N. Poullain, ir.y recollection is that he suid that Gov. Karly was Mrs. Wheeler’s father. Mrs. Judge Montgomery rays it -s probably true, that Mrs. Wheeler was a Georgian by birth, and she thinks that she was related to Gov. Early, if not a direct descendant, but she can not corroborate it fully without re ferring to a book of the Wheeler fam ily which she possesses, but which «be cannot lay her hands on. She con firms the remainder of the story, as do other members of the family in every essential detail. HENRY P. MOORE. Wood for the Soldiers. rapt. Twiggs is hauling the wood for the soldieos. The first shipment is now comings- 1W car loads. THECAnPSOF THE U. 5. SOLDIERS Wlkix Thty are leafed «nd M«%h They lta%c Been Prtpored h»r the Soldier*. ! Th© I'fpagiii Cum© of th# Cavalry i* but T#m©o»Wfy and tha Watar Affan|fm#«< For Th#m ta but©orary--Tha Hoapttal o#ttin© Akmg SolandHtty- - B»a Worfc. OwhMl »a ptwrtVnap » nwO*| n-m 8— ’V im# iM ta mtittaw van MMdmiem m tv um tv* wttw ftniiw a ©at, ta mabwg .pwwdtd >#—it an <V Huipwa* 1 TV m rnrtt#, baa# M— V. ’ Hfal—nta 1 14 & ' ' THta atrartare ta a oalgoe one It taV> IV bum of a ap*4er rrom a central building of tear targe raopa there spread oat *erra wing* wsN* All are .ommndtna* and wHI planned TV mmmmt of raaMrartloa glrra ran tlltatloa and suneklne to every ward and in every room At pi—eat there are irlephon fat-ill* tin M ibta patal Wat— I* bow at hand and I Hr el-lrk light* wilt V up very aooa THta will gtv# opp«i"»"r to work at night should such aere—i* ty art— TV Vattaa of tv HasptMl is well remembered. It Is on the right.; band side of Wrlghtsboro road, Just ft 1 bit further out than Judge Eve’s Monte Snno home. The site-Is u most adml-. cable one, and every army officer who| has seen it pronounces It one of the finest locations Imaginable. Contrac tor Daly Is rushing the work with all possible rapidityconsistenl with its Im portance and is satisfied the pio gress that he has made. Certainly the govi rnment officers will be thoroughly i satisfied with <bis department. The Cavalry headquarters. The present cavalry camp is but temperary. Gen. Graham has ap proved all sites except this. For this reason the water supply to the-camp is temporary. The cavalry camp is also on the left hand side of th • Wrlghtsboro road, driving out, som distance further out than the hospital. On the left of/lie road just above the hospital site and some distance this side of the cavalry camp isth? site for the division headquarters. The (roughs for the horses are tem porarily arranged. The water supply is from ihe Summerville water works. Th' Summerville people supplied Wa ter to Capt. Twiggs during the con struction of the reservoirs. The sup ply pipe runs up to the big resorvolr. It is tapped at this point and piping M raw V tv *wm watt* bnam <d <V ujtih gw* nni* l vti It ga—l MR IO twt as tatadwg m mm tV was— ftwm tv f • tan* krtanai *g tv Mae wnte* wmarra© TV w— •• Hdrad—i tn*<» »wm marram V •a .—VI v and V tV um Ma' aliw awrV a** m n#i«it*m thn a—nngaamwt aa atavt ta • e.vawift and •**— atmang—taan*, • tt; na« V #—**«»**«», m# 8— tv —raw »m, am# tV Malm Ctaaasai —rna av.e I8«a .amp d*» v Md Mta tha* ttarawrt *,.avm armwaa tv eaaatn mm/m IV aaaa va vtaaral V • V graatad 8— *V <a*alr, Mr. ftetc j , .ag gad Mr VaagHaa Vt* dav *ar*t-! I Mat work on at, #* Kara tV ran* i .ktt rate—4 tart# tv «#Wtt as tv ar- Vatara aad w—Vd hard aad faltHMUr •Va H mm taaraed that IV raaalr, TV tartgadr Hisfttartw* TV Mtaad— Will v ra« a taped aa tv taf! band aide as IV WrtgbtsWwrw read right at IV laartlra as IM rttad and WVtav toad THta ta IV l-ta •rraagvmrat amde ,*—erda, alt— * ma TV nis dlrtatra will V la .--amp «m tV right Vad -deaf tV WWm road, fartag Wbetaaa aad tV THIN brigade «a tV left hand aide TV —mat, r halogen* baa been vtaar* lag gmajr title ,lte aad H ta alraady peart trolly ready to r—eltw IV iroaga It ta not derided yet abeth r tV traopa will tea re the tralaa la tV rtty | or wVlb— they will «*> "" «*. Wbetea, 1 and march from WVleaa io tV ramp TV distance from WV!e— Io tV junction of Whele-, roe.l and Wrtgbls* bero road ta abtmi an- mile. Cara will ran to brigade Vadgnar ier» Cara are running tVay m far as division headquarters. This camp is a capital one. It is quite close to and south of the resor volrs of the city water works, and ihe drive to and from the city Is u grand one. The corps headquarters site Is on Walton Way. west of the arsenal, almost at the junction of Highland avenue and Walton Way. opposite the Hhinizy lots. It s an Ideal site—one of the prettiest spots around Align a. l urknett Springs Water. The work at Turknett springs is progressing splendidly. The well lias been piled and excavation is well un,- der way. The engine and boiler, mounted on well driven plies, are get ting in position. There was a slight accident to it being jolted off tlie transportation vehicle, but It was not hurt, and the slight delay was immaterial. Quite a number of visi tors were otit yesterday afternoon to watch the; progress of the work. !he piping is at hand and Is bring gotten in position. The supply pipe from the springs to the Water works pipe runs into the iatiev some distance above the springs. There is quite a force of hands at work a: the springs. They are mak ing close connections on time, but ev erythieg will be in readiness by the time the troops begin coming in. Mu- 16 Pages Sectinll 3 CENTS A COPY |«# fS* #wl «|*B It Min tp*# Mi •%» I !«■».# m m intlwit i** «NII i- ««|g ©Mi um m r- * n-frn* »w v«* | vINaIRRMMk | f ms*— Bmt v wa# m mama mm tam CWavwg* Ham Vta *w <mm mm. ©M a rar as «nv * gagw—w tal ft iHiai t©tadNk» bIAiMMMI RMr' 1 umti f» iMM MMI ITV pH# traa if * V tap* wad IM* |Mjm iwfPmn r : 'lT ■maa^M p<*4 or «** r.H,inu» »»w**d foe ww* IP pewvidiM w*»*w f" r ' ik* Ifwapo a»d of IV at** aad h»w4 \ Which Win V weeded la 8 ..oamtiua with ih» (*k» taaana* props. wh>a V Iwafhad «f 'V ahlp* meat that had mmm* tramp aad «aeg i alght he rtoa*d ftw H. «h* parrhaM ngorw* WH much below the f. * • - * price la fhal'awonga The trwaal (Inwall To thnw* who do aot pretend to know -nothing at mtlitar* ararteft It w a nutter of aurprW* that the ordaaacw headquarter* here ha** aot been q*»l- Itod la any way for the volnattgr It •»*«** that la army clreWa the nednaate aad othar .l-part meats ar* dlrorvcd la every way t»ws4M% •ad while they both are of the mili tary «rgaai*attoa they temala a* awp* ■rale and dhrtlnet *a poaalbl*. It wa* believed by wtaay that si i*aat tha cor pa headquarter* would ha la lha arsenal buildings, or on the arsenal gi minds, but this is not to be so. Army officers who have been he. a selecting and superintending sites have cotrniented niton the beauty of the ursenul grounds, but. It would seem,-It never entered their heads tj> pick out a plaet on the grand govern ment property for camp or headquar ter sltds. Tlie accompanying diagram gives an | excellent idea or the location of tha I camp and headquarter sites. ilie army officers who have been in Augusta superintending and selecting sites have made a splendid impression on Augustan*. *