The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 30, 1898, Image 4

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WISH SHf lIIID SST 7© B*» too «*•*» j iBMWtwl |P ilMi fRMO A mps##* HH sjpp «* ******* Mm» •*•>*•# iMMMtii •' 9* HP **•«*# ' «ti> ***-■# Up ****## VMNNpIL iNPI 09***$ PpHpppMi MpMM #fe fin i « «m» • tv* th**, tie* Ml (Dr. - kmmm tit.. Mttiv «M » I*** jg M '|kw» ***** sW tewa*** «*» *Me NVUW Wta IM V *» H M Msna tYhswa hra eawto# eraevend » MNW »■'»»— •* «*Artto ©**• 4ptiP# MP* 99*9990## *» *■»*• Wfc*# f*9mKo sskW% Mil 9iP*> **s* Pll 1 Ot Uti «f «*• <* **»• »* «M MW **» **' ppp «# •# * *MI mm t* ft- r**i^ ■»—— *7, _r» gVnwM © untwv aHtwy *v qgjgg |h yii i r*| «£* mM as BPigweVa. kwt tw» rw*>a a* i«u > (i«- »*■>«**«♦ £ *mh* * al«djaw«y I *m Matt. 6».«m *m«* haw #ra* *■•• ** ***' ra v •■**# a- •* ***** *"»- *T** v «. mv™« « v aw »*— *** •, |*irf gg*| l»I * nl> That to the m** trag «a «tMi tv a*v«. fffath sew aewer* and new rwa4a tonk- JTii F* ••* »*#*#« v«4*e #*4 »»**• rMl't** a*4 • IMr | ■Wtvt t* ••*• H I w » "dgro V ©V ■tarinigM" l * WpMhk —** t**g ~*wl* . • |i an "FHlßtoßto to •** to bwr *«v - it «•>• -Fataihra w MM v (Mg»y |Mk A*M On* «* MM *«*■»#• lo tv tv Them*' F. Htr*r4 *» * *«mi- M putlib*. We ea* «*» t**e •'• | lagtoMl BMpearittbr off H-ntl-m* i ta Iti• ,I*l at *rn -r* -4 MM iMmWM. W* atoll haee k»«* Mto'* »m« «ff Ma . v «■»«• Itoa OatmaMjr to# I* U» Ptoia atottotoA. *M. WM* Vt M aU. | ■Kil (to*. Wmrnrr M a frwto a* MW*, a hit. ha* i Is «to <>Mr ihlna ihto •*» •soaru>• la fraM W* arr allllai lo *l** nxirr lIM »• ||.am ;n art arr tfwet«* i*l at iVm. lull Mpr.rto rrall* Mi™ a atart. Wfcto akr haa torra talklna al*.ui nm tovlna tMto aanoah oto naM tovr t««*«l at Ira*. 31,SM of tto llaarrrr* and toil n.aliao*'* in ttevato Hua*i* want* a irorml Jlwtrmam'fti. kut li a I*" r*|ri linniuna nllh |ijrr... •>!- ladlm, whil •< hlrfca hardrr than <l»na irllr TV ritltnl mat** wanta l»-ar*. kul Diva ala*, taum-hrd thr lUtoMa, TVar mrMrnta m«V tt llhrtr that IV MV. pro*la «IU harp lhr V**. Thr prxMt* r,lr * Mr*" *• •hnrtvrd In thr alltavr arhlrh M la •aid thr young nuron ot Ho(lan<l la about to mahr Hr la WllVlm and ahr la Wnvmlna Ma la n Wlnl and ahr la a dairy. TV itrgumrnt of Ihr Kfianlrh > otn ■Maaloorra at Pari* Uval a* arrordlmr lo Inlrrnal tonal haw wbrn a |»**r »n --noxra lrrrllor> - •* '• tmptlrd that n ar.rufar* all tV oMlgatloiw of atnh ter ritory and thrrrforr thr I’nlind Miat.n i hould oarumr tha Cuban drbt omlia hnr important fact. Thr t'nllnd Htal** fa not aanralng Cnhn. It ho* inrrrly ovrrthroan thr yatf of Mpaln la that laland and thr rtfrrt. ao far Hi Cula* la la to gl*o It a lahuln rara. Thr Trutonk' limtr of uh* darlnaatl art rolony la todloatod by Ihr follow ing rotnliUx'd bill of faro und "ytdl lasur<l In i-onnr. Hon with th*. Art rrirnt houar watndnf T Wlmrrwurut l*lga Krot Saurkroul Haw Art lwagur' Art U«gu»! Har Ha' H*' Bran*. Drai grnlly with u*. yr who r id' Our largrat hopr la nnfnlftllr.l; Thr promiae at ill outran* th* fnfi Thr tower, hut nut thr W* buUd. Our whitest pearl we never find; Our rtpmt fruit wo never reach: The flowering moment* of thr mind U>*e half their petal* In our *pee. h. Oliver Wendell Holme*. "Many a shaft at random sent. And* mark the archer little- meant." V tva* cxemt'llfled In Ohio the other day. In I*l2 a Biltlah warahk* on Vho Krlr fired a shell which failed to explode. It waa treasured a* a relic In Ashta bula for year*, hut accidentally If got into a pile of wrap Iron delivered to pee pvilx Iron work* foundry and per formed ll* function* *o well that the fui'Mc door* were blown to radtne rcen«. VVi.h lof*gl»« eye* il»e faditi* Year look* hack To view her youthful way. a* .me grown old. June smihe to her across the lengthen truck A*uj lo! th<‘ world IB Urijjht with *»ir>HTr©i^4r«'ld. f|HI Mt*** 9M itU fit t 1m» *HO IrmNi imhi 4RO m ipmmMMmmi 1 tv IdrifcNß* & HOH# m*<qmm****+ **** tliß pi« *© ***** •* •» m • i | M »WdM«i*M» M I flpl© 111 iQPI tiNI •!► 1 00H *'' I i inniti m f »iNI 9** w&nm** 1 * I • (MU #MKI Mi I m*w nmgm m ******* L n ' «f IM ***** I* t*** flit Mi «*» I tmm* *** ****** rut mm ***** 9m 9m*m mm *** •» Ilk Ttot kto* «MR* *k (■©*••»•*•*» ]•** Ms tito* aMM ktolto m* kto* jtoto %■■•*•*•* itogg* W ♦©•© IgMMMIBM «f afgghak. llagMgaaa* j few* *HMagk« .MM m* i»*vgß ’•to* to* to tot. totogi t«*k* i than *M*t MHkagg iwkPMW TV MatgM aa»a«Mg *V «M to«.M ! Mm* (to •*•*• •! fk* a|Wl*to 1 nkirr*-1 e««*to'e »to MO** Ml tha ‘to Iha M% Ml Ik* aftoMUtto TV to ato i«Mgy«i to to ik# M*w»ggg *t grfltiil Ik l*g Ag«M*g HfllM kMI to (to plirpto* Ml pg**"«"MHgM tMM IM dkf totliliT ftok MgtllMM ' wafto to M kto •***! MM4 tonrlh# Mto «pMan W A* AugaWa tot riel to g < Ilk* to* tot*. Mt aagaa g|«gwtiMM<* Tkava mmm* ka m •trlfctog TVe* ■Hto ka oegaah*lk»* Ito Ik* Augv to ftofMivea toka *ka to Id* 'k*» •to** iV aaaato>*--—< to ink* to •rafiva atoarkar* -la otVe dlalrteta ( —Min IxMom. IM tfctoi-to «tor^ l||MC-ll tv M—* «M*totM «r - to erery mMII. everywket* TV «MV- M*n Mill aa* to I* ikat M tV h to. teased ik* market prka of IV pro d«rl Is tor raved. . i Valtar tV operative* ru effect sock j organUatlno Bad Btolgtala tt. of all employe* of all »IIV-tor aot v .etfl and iigai • •*» l» »to». TVI » all there la aNart l». TV America a rveratiuo V latoor la iryiv «“ or gan lu IV toll kaad* TVI I# •*>•< tV state nrgaataer In (kotfta le la To* Herald, vale organ tier*, hi olh '• stair*, are trying to do the aaine iTV «H*eratly*a akould mcM tkaa* geo i I lent I'll ato aaalat them rad orgautia llna of every mill han* «•*' eooatry most V brought about. Whea iV u»- ga it nation la pertrclett wisely and Jo • dlrhmsly fix tv wag# rale, takla* lm to eovldcrattoo tha atatv of every mill. When there la a uniform advance of ii per rent lor morn or legal In Ike wage rat*—when inch rale affects *v rry opefatoi" ,h * countiy—AV oper ator* will have «*> heeltaney—will wel come IV opportunity—to to.reaar tV market price of the product 45 or SO i>er cent. The'wage should regulate the price —but Auguala akme cannot tlx that wve. hut all the operative* of all the mill* can. AudAugu«ta« opcrallve* can begin IV movement for a aolld, compact organization and under wise leadership and fair and judicioua deal ing and legislation the wage can V Increased or maintained wltbont hurt to a dollar invested In the manufac ture of cotton. A valued morning contemporary think* that the selection of KUitor Clark How. ll of the Atlanta ConatltU llon to tespond lo> the toast "Our I5«- united Country." «t t'w jubil.-e l*»n<|tiet wn* akofVc happy evidence that our country I* reunited. It «**. tudeed. dull ,we did not hellers anybody ever thought that kitlltor .-untomidat ,.j B disruption ot tlw »»*•*». -chleaxo New*. t .netts the many .juesiions troubling Spain i» what *he shall do with hot •x-trochas. JLTJ&TT&TJk* BUNDAT ¥€JCTIJ<T*T> i inea MtuMja ikftiffiaf f%i ■ m.*im ** tom* *l* m* ****** t *mm **** *** ******* Iw* mfr“ -ts Tin -ii ** 9*m* %«*% li m mmm** ***•* ****** ** ***** VMM M V* r _ *********** mt ********* * ****** *m******* MIH 111 w*m*m *** , | *mm*o* m*t* ** €%•• j *. !ryTk' jmviir I StoNto fVa.MS« VtekarVto *f MMto Ikaa tkho.y.. k* M*M a aam pm as vnaMw * »iW tot *v mgk* j [aasM* mt IV k*» «V a#* VaMIV j itkMVi. MW* a high V cw» oaf. la* AM |to •• V nifl rrd *at v*a*a«a»a HMa l up Me H.patota as L—M *M IV V aM» iM»M. H la aatd IW IV »att»a *f TmV« has tmm «am>kif f •• IV*M IV Vg* •aa* VMM M» IV MaMi Vs <V MM mWM as awgyima I* •« vi* TV niwtvw way* "TV ***** irMh yaM MM to* # *wm» IV M«aea l*M*w**W yaa o*4 m> *f tow TV Hast a maa la liavr* V ‘MI Ik* V* ka • aw*a tw kk* Mh» ' Ulna's HreyM »*t.waV» a giW ( I •«.yp|Mg mv«*wi paa**. W IV l-taa* .to tmn tat* as tl - I!>MV WtoMßlhm «* iV * ala*** e*4 eiaiee. I R.»da«t«r WuelM offer* to give law raVHldhi * •< IV P*»w to •* !*• w sag*era In IV fVV «kai nasaagp <T «V »«• ka* IV ra- j IMn d *at**aM tMfWWX Haiti to T*M H-tato HIM cwr. -* ■*** do was alto t- MW Mhfe.' l«' ,h *““ Oto' I alway. Mb a I* ia tv ntaair.a of yowr *'"*• in* hen. ta tv emaa of 1"* ™' j ('•averted ChtoM IMW _ trrm California V <'htan yvava muat *Mhtol iVtolan nMhaea TV great emtwc I r *Ba<nei.< •>■ la t« •••**<■ toTlb'. to IV thronging mull. Itoea. ____ H.v. Aaihoa* K*tona«»k». »V e« oommunb .led H«wnaa toeM; ha. appewto «• Lto» •to Htat •* to pr>ga.'lh.n He ha» wen \t rof kV rvWUh., in nwm |W Clark. »l <h- Knd.HVr.r p -yety M>* the "meaning . daavur yin I* * uutel **f ®* 1 i„.!.v that M t» l -luff <***■ I ,|on't think tV world «IU -» •" rr .i' j wh* n fe* *P**4 The Advance «»• »■ h “* r ' reived IV honorary degree or J* » , K t Narrow Minded lllg.d"l. lawauae i urged ihal Prol.»tanl* «»«»»• *• drive t-alh.dlc superstition* out of th. i Philippine#. . 1 Why not," wy. the Congregational- j I*l. "dispense wllh IV secnml Sunday Service altogether and concentrate *n- I ergy upon other line# of activity or romhlne with «v or two nclghlwrtn* rhurtih** T* "If wr wprf idvMM f>( theli own iniereat." say* «h- Register, j "we should »*y atlrk lo IV emmutlal* Of religion and righteousness. The preacher who d.m* I hi. will V sought for and homo rad Ifnlled’ Presbyterian misslnnarle* are having great *uc.e** In Nyasaland. Af rica. Four thousand convert* recently gathered and spent five day* In prayer, conference and song, and mt on* day 2*f convert* wef* hapriaed. gpurg.on otter *aid. In explaining th* way >d salvation: "You have vlthrr to l.*>k skyward nor seaward to find It out It I* n. near to you a* * >Uv * laasparvhle from you a* your heart. It lias before you an open Female emancipation In Chinn. 11-e u ,* „f the bicycle by lh* f«lr Cclcatlala. ih* publication of a weekly entitle.l "The FVmlnlne Magaxlne." edited hy Chine.- ladle*, ihows the progreat which Christianity in that land. v The Congregational Ist nay*: "There t* no mtrplu* of minitßtPTs*. who. m tno Judgment of the churches, ern com mand the salary of *2,500 and upwatds. We believe that not a few such men are yet to tie found on the hills and on the prairie*.’’ "Of the more than one hundred thou sand patient* treated every year," “ays the outlook, "by the medical vnlsslon »rle* and made sufuainted vlth a gentgn faith, many Veotrte .llssemlnat ot* of that faith In regions still un icjicTieJ by (trefteVr* ■" The s.*<*/ Wiyafi fho alftthvror Of Japan y,. lu vu defray the funeral expense.-* of the veteran missionary, Hr. < leu ego p, \erheck. Shows that missionary work of a high order I* appreciated ami desireil by the Japanese government and people. umun mtm, |IV atok MM .*k V"Mi »MM tow I *«». a«e» rr-fi #e v*s«» aw* ] tv* .«*»«*•»*. mMbm mb* i*wwa *W «*y*„ . *I. __ |iw gw* new neghgiM-TW «ai mmm# . «• •»’** < «M Ve ‘MB Mtg h* .* - ka w»i« kwafaeßas ea> waa *♦- j As (V WMM THseeM *cbM tka Mae. ) ..188 M* ehaggMwg VMM • wkl keto iregif. t f*b* 9* iMPi *m *******» I tihfft (Npi ** m ********* * ******> \ I *ms **» 9k* 9***m* Ml **4 HwaMPt* , tßtai *** *%** ****** *' «#’#* I ****p*tmK* t ** t* : *<m* f **t* $m *** *** ****** ***** ***** *** j f f * Ititi f - # ****** Br %»< *> DMift *******, ■ I Am ****** K* ****** *«4 BMfc j I I liptiiipMtiMk mmm 9*»* mm* ** ifc** IIM m* M IM tWMMM ***** 9****** I * immmmmm *** ** fen mm* m**mt m** * **m* j *mmrn** *9 t*** * itfititiimt -• I fitaMM 9000*99 99990099 009999* I|a tv •MMMBMwaAMa eeg* "4 tv ***** i I Ato ter MV liMkiMH etoo i«*t 1 ktokM i * _ .•MAklAflg ff JnMHMIN. I TV teaMMM (totos fc agga MMffk Pto j ave rtitirniT igiiaatiii V. Hniinatf* * *'• I • atatweahra «f IV •* W«T tv j •tv* engk*®t Bettito ato j 4ht g lurrlii". to k M (Mb iawMhge w a*M kavtotie* e a-ettoto aw* i tea«at» ato MV itot aa win a swv i j v>« at* eg aewa< egvn ato mm*«m« ITtiae* i f mt**** inti 9*9 (i *mtm < j i iigka "• *f ReMtH k»#Bwg» »*•*“* !vMw*a»t*f *kaa iV Vtoi ©Mkiaj ! aeto TV Wav e W-ek TV*^ * imb> towkWk* *4 »V Mato ••** »*toWto ■ IV MN tv Mree vW *to a I H »> yenrg tV ISghMt' M h*("*•*• ti fur • <MHN> ******* *• *mo*** IT -n —— vtMBWMk Ik™ wee* p iriaM tVwwtto eaigasa • A*» ato ■h. . t»» awki *t tV pa" f *-*''' ifetotk tokkak —iMwa *h aw It-St I ' 11.. ikatoM fwgtofc V4t* V *•* *• j |tV ***gß. . HP hard Mil Mag IhtrMf war MU* la iV g'tosV V*iwe VaM «**k !tV Veto tueaa »•** tsaiaw "* **’ * "TV '!•*>«• aaa a*a*to V tow* at- j ■to h*MW* W .-ttol I*— M* to*MMt» ( [to frma tV start •» "•* ••• *”* I - »%h aay eg «V «ftot w©i**» *2,1 have I—a (VM BeMaMea IJH «M* la tok* «t|tV Vt iV» IV Caoro' ia rtigagto. MHh Vt »V*e »- oetoitoto tea** I i tog fto «♦ vßhtMWa. TV artW* bm TV NbvM In *V War. V Captain F. •». Cktoalek as IV, I HagtoP H*» Toek m iV iffMHVto e'la IV X Mto » ato( I ikarttatlve acmpgi as iV Many P*”*- i Maa that bto V Vfltot »■ 'V totaa tt.*a of aa a4e«|Bat* V*« ato tV toM . iaat«.n« tv V drank tr»m «V the™** i*f.a» Haaltaao aa ta miMthß* of type . ..natnwtkM. *f .. «* 'V nary *» »• future 1 TV Ceatury .xunpaar toae la i Nov eta he* a VwutHul tolßy* *4 *V Pilgrims Progreaa. nltk HhiUrtlSiet j and 4erorathnM by tV tkrw brothers. UouM. 'leerge ato FradSfleh Khead I ahuh were exhihttto .« Hew Y«*k h*at i i winter. TV Tribune wM ms «Vae ph - i ■ urea al the lliew «? Ihelr nklNU*: ! <Vrtatnl) !»•• more arttatl' ealerprtae than tht* ha* ever been carried through I ip tv lountry." Limit Bradley A FleV I’ * ' hea written an article for the H«*eem -1 her Century entitled M'hy We Won al Manila. Ueui n»he contrast* the IHirlr“~* marhamanahip and training ■,f the Ameiicnn and Papmah *all.ara, and give# en Impreaaion ut IV engage meat from IV view polrrl of lb* man behind IV auua. Th# Chit a*<» Time* Heratd think* » . aVurd in treat lludysid Kipling a TYuce of th# Rear a* an allegory and regard* !« «mply a* a etralghtformard. ■ .-rcn If aimewhal varnished lale 1 save- “Any hear hunter couhl tell three overt*l**' critic*, a* Mr Kipling ha* told them, of lh# feeling of pity they j have experienced when a Var about l» ( I lie *h«t amumcß that W*MWI altitude and expression, little baa than human, by rising upon It* hind legs »*<h UP llfted paw* ato toturtng unateadlly to ward iu foa. The International Journal of Kthlcs for October ha* for an edit Offal com mittee IV Vat men In F.ur«|>e and Am erica In the numler Just at hand may be found: Tho Parting of IV Way* in Ih# Foreign Polk ) of the Untied »«•'«*• Felix Adler. New York: A Moral From Athenian History. Bernard Rnaanmut. Hondar. Belligerent IMscu**on and Truth kln*. Ukharil i . m*- ion. l.uxuty mill l-bit lavagutuc. John Davidson, t'nlversli.v of New Bnina- Wick. Canada; He* In Clime. France* Vlloe Kellor, I'nlverslty nr Chit ago, lo ireth. r with a review yn th» moat luv portunt work* published during the last six month*. MR. R. E. ELLIOTT. u$»U f H« to a Candidate for Council In the Fifth and a Popular Citizen of West End. J»k »*A*t» *iai aw m **mm* J mm**9** « # •• o*o* tih«n»>.lii» t m I • *m* 0 o*o* 0909 *m* 90*00 *9 «**; * mm* **m*m§ mm*** 10 m*o-*mmm*. §■# 999900999009* **** 99**** 009* ***** \ fIUMI |pnjwj 99* 909***$ 000* *****9o9ooo9* I „ti tijUti tU’-t'l* *P‘** *OO 99**0 90# ■'•***'» |P * j flf mm* ***+ *** • **** f >*m 00*0*> 9*m** 91*** m ******** *** i ito|tii ti* tiik 9* 90m **9999* m * , s j » * I % rif M *#%•«* 0 titi «sMti ****** *0 9*9*o ‘ * mmrnm 0 000000*909*** ****-* w*o* | tiUMtilflV« MTkIMMM * t*w# *9 #w<© [ m*mm**m# *$ # ***** *9 9900*** *** mm ? 1 o*9* 909 m * •**** ********* j Iktiti * tiMUfti f‘V* Mk*‘* 00*0t‘4rW*'* "• t».ii Hi mm or**o 00*m * o*mmm **s • ; I ti—lti *9*o [ 00*9 99*9***09 990** m***** | aamVatoe «a «V mm to Mk—to **•* [ * ‘#o*9 o****mm***~- 999* ****wt/mm* mm* I mm**** o*to<m9 mmmmrn m9**m* * l * * I tiPv-' til' # Mfftiiti* 9*** ** * *** \ mmm*m»*m mmm 0* m******-- 9*m mmm mm* [*#>+* 099 ow9*m , •Ut o*m**9 \*m*mtfso*99* 099$ mm***** *909* mm* w* \ m*ot $0990999* *9* 9k***»*m** m9*mmo***m,- itito 090 mm *%m*o*rn* m * U*m* tmm*m* tunMfy *m* Is** i»« W* HUP s*o**m IflMl 9990909 k M ILJL |A. ‘1 ■■ titi© r'* *m-0 toVf'gktil ••1 ti»m<Trm m 909* m*m* *** nmm*»* 99*0* 99* 9*909* •• !tl» o*o*9 m |»W* ftiw— \m 090* 9*990*0 99** 00900* o*99*oooJo yvtftik ftitiiif *ms fNtiiwtp 0m i viti *4M| mf** IH *o* _0 <9 “ | „to (to __ If alt Wl* tiltil v ti j I I* *O9O 09 90*m *9009*0 omm ”To* ttotovetojk Tva' we- T ** ‘ * •*• i„ la* fv atoto *4 Khfhe prrato ato IV *1- ? !»ltolf as iV M> «<*»•' Ml HhHtotoM. j M\rr\ (V laltur feara *4 Ma to* “rt* l ' «gp#to, ato afeaMM’ I ** •©• * 4 " M »-g »V |r«v as* VIM-I —t to lit MWB« IV | r kfaAie ts<« <4 IV • hto ! *mh»* aatk-rr akato k**M satoge*? - onm -g to hank ato to * 'V j | - -~f ka>f btomewwe.*. ka'd •'•' "fit * ato ala*»a »Wk a ek*e»4 a»Mto «4 «V !«M* inner tig as Me setoiva* ato Nw< I ng -g- Me Ma**4te pu*4t»v*» f [ aa arts if *m »V »a*M as [aatokwa tsrtteee ato !*• #*•"■•* ai.awae IM MMM4 Ik Vto • «V »•*# Mb iumM Maktoa A™b#a«-M toto. 4 MPPtoe. .Uk-Mto V -WWTJto* i Tb# traktof aeuMib t bag* * | -b>Mto*l fto ato *** W* < * > r..-*.■■■ I L>. Mf«e« *•««. *«h • totiMMS* •* ; 4 ttkih.* , lh .| Or lately «kk* *a »rra. tort »Vi «V aathcr «rs "Hr Vttp !**■• to * and TIM Ttmak to M1441# I-—— --vfhTnt I a*t ' vhMMMeat gwarw. •nagelcriy *BM aa air «4 inrtk. to «toe « to reto aaiy of j kartm t taka wllkout noggmgf IV ' nehtsatoeat **•#»." *V toadern* to the fattkfhlvto «4 detail *_"*} *h«kh Iky are replete, tort IVto to a * j umi 11 * y t» atir Howell* toe IV tot|n**w«. haa fonto ira—fV qwalMy or power as Wia-at -1 ing iv* and * #a to k a way a* make lha laV tV ptorv. of ll*- tn g aoawalalanrea Ih Ik totto «f «V I leader. R to Ibto Uidaw rtahto t.awh that sets IV seal i 4 lma*ortallty upon IV week of IV art to*. ' TV rtmplbiiy «hei Mr H_-.lto find* m IV work ot CUbwet aa. a part «f ik man H» wxmld lalh •bout hla *oth aa naturally ato to ,rnpersonally a. a «h»M. *»d pw whh, that politely veiled • ta th. auperlorlly of Ik krttoUkt to •tomtititiTTti 0900900* when writer* W*,k# couverae wllh IV mon who only read* book* and MMI Hints doesn't even read them! In 1*57 Colonel Johnrtv gave up law Just aa V waa to V pul u«a»n tV Wnrh. am! took IV cVlr °f •’“'T* 1,-tire* in Ih* t’nlveralty of H*-"gi». This seem* to have keen Ih# Aral *l*n In IV direction hi# gcnlua Anally led I* TV Ueorgla “Cracker" waa to him a bring of wide poaalbllltlea. notwlth atandlng hi* narrow conflne*. "Th,- ‘Ueorgla Cracker* I* not under ato'd "hr **td oner. "There - * good I stuff'in him." and thr grav-blue eye* grew bright wllh hopeful engernesa. Whether or not he mlaard with re gret th# old MotltVm Ml# B waa nol #aay to know. for. although there w*« a suspicion of a sigh when hr men tioned thing* Ihst hsppen-d "'when. 1 was |.r*rtl<lng Is* In Oeorgl*. dignity and gvntle courage of thl* gen tleman of ik obi school forbade any- I ihlng Ilk# th# expression of disappoint ment. . . . The fellow ©hip with men of nt»i own nuitit have »* aonfoaw j Intrnsr pleasure to him. One evening h - esme In with a radiant face— What a time we've all had!" he exclaimed, with tV Jubilation of a i*>y. We have; had a little symposium—Warner. Ju- , Ran Hawthorne and Ueneial Wesley | Merritt and It was easy to Imagine W hat that "little symposium" meant j Sometimes, per hap*, the unexpected descent of distinguished literary Ughl* from afar mav have lieen a **■»' heavy upon the feminine part of the little household. Hut housekeeping dif ficulties did not 1 mther his genial, hos pitable representative of the ‘ 1 'ld ftuuth." "Do you know , the gltl* were quite put about to get ur> a dinner on sueh short notioe," he would remark, after relating quite casually that se veral distinguished persons had drop ped in at 3! West North avenue with out warning. The sympathy with any sort of suffering, the keen sens.' ot the absurd, the wise Judgment of a singu larly elear and candid miml make thefiiselves felt In all of hi* slot le*. Colonel Johnston Is In his stories as he was In his life, a representative of the old regime. His most provincial men are at all tine's und seasons re ligiously careful of wounding the feel ings of "delicate female persons," who are supposed to be especially scnsl livr to “languages" of a rough and unoruaraental *ll ye- Hi* women are of the kind that find solace in soclul nmenltie* »ud tvlw do hov easily for give the neglect of certain chivalrous attentions from the sterner sex. It Is a notable fail that out South ern writers never touch In lietlpn upon the unhealthful hmdetland of Impur- I*# kasMaa* MMa •** V towa* •«■* | t>'A%4 tied# Cflfeti 9****** '***#* m+-*m 0* 999*9*0 ***** ***** o** o*m* | MU 99990 0990* S9O o*9o 990 99*90 **s i 90*09*9***$ itoMiifi *>n» mm 00m*m0*m. **< ’lotos* *099*99*9000*: 9*o*so 0 90*$ ** • I iiiitf»i«itirn #■ *■**>** $0 9k *0090009 9m o*9 MHR* osso+- 9 f m■, i m n 00* *msso *so o*o*o o** ] llPtitii *m *ss * 90**** +***+*• ■ lso9s msts 99** 99500 m 90* m 0 topi tiMMNfIHPMMi 00 9000* 9$ 090 . o*mm i # wt©a Woom. 1 99* 90*0 9*o 90$ **“* j *$ 9*os *»#«*** 00*0 *** 99*0*9* j 00* nin tit »%***mm 99***m$*»0 “ J a# |l I tirtitil #M toti ***** ftotik# - -■* I o*'* 9***m*~ Ititi-* j* l * 9* 990*90*90 * m 90909*9 9 m i ■im to tat Ml rn M-ra-ti i 4m*t ticy 0 f* tife 00**** 9009$ H-fftiti tt* '<M •4*#'* totoHto sh, . cr-rr a<#av * •toktottok* a>.. ™a Mat • I* •»* »• ,-tw to m toseaa. ato mrnmtt* mm** to 'k# xartoaa ItotiMMMk. tto *"*• * I ; nl .!• to IV seek- | _ - ra** ftorfMti * *9 909909*'* hf*9t' | (M titolt ■ n fi|« f. * pH mrnr *9*9009 9** H*ooo*s ; mm 0* 0000*09$ **9oo 0*91% t*oo $0 t i ft, mmrnem w ******** ' Ttiar iti-tiit -4 • ■■ •** * j ! , w 9*o*o H*oo*m> m o*9mm \ . |ogi |_ tifrir-n 99f T. I mm cmmmmm «l Mt?* 00** *. J \%sm i*»y •«* •» 9*9m*m *** j Italy Hi IV hataday .Vki4. jOHLT IH I CT MTHfIOL . I eg- «a* toiiina «■* *4 Ve rttoae* lUUMrt W. tor* tv mtosffn t*na* aa4 ,kla ia toll at V# •«*** toterktort: • kad whto tv IHtto fflfl 1 Aa* 41* I brtweea to toato form or* IV ©•*» Itai m Ik* We ©4a ot kae ca»eh-a tail .dveof hta V.bto«k4l raUM bold of tV at har. ab 4 »# »aaA ti* r i bead hark DA. It’* mar * *"* . I mat *tV tear Y»» * rt »• toAowl * I* H*" laiefTW*#*4 «Aa IktVf. . "Dfc •#«" retaraed IV A-jtaar «*M 1 frank!* <bta t V that »a tto ra£, ; ntar aetotot *«• Aaow. oaly to the, Sunday aeltool ’ It es lac tto a* «4 a llackator. atth wowra ka HV !*'»*< -it U j am.a -k* Moaa X Ala »taato* while V ta learning It. Woven kaow toor* .Utal lore *Aaa ,t vv du atornt toe-tol «vn know raw# I t hat toy tog IM# they do gbowt low- Msrr>a«i men are ran# »A«*s» ffr’d# to I JE-TtlM lAey -ea t her to thrak they might hare Urm refused whea they proputod. Kerry clVr woman you »<♦« to* either a missionary Wto* «Aat «♦ t* Inlarestad la or elae a kittoo that •he *»aat# yoa to take Hire of. I her* to ao surrrr way for * »■« w make • «tr' «Ai»* * h * h ** ‘° l J® have another maw than for him to make her ihtok he Ihlaka he ba* got lo have her. —New York Prraa. A Sure Cura. knxloua Parent- Doctor, my daugh ter appears to V going bltad snd she I. about to gel married." Doctor —"l.*t hr B« rI « M 08 w ‘ th the wedding: If anything can open h r eyes marriage wlU.’-New Time*-Democrat. Religious Notes. The Christian Register. In an edi torial on "The Providence of God," al ludes lo the statement* In many relig* loss Journals that "Dewey's vU-tcnr. the fall of Manila, the taking of Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines are In | rtloatiop* of the favor with which the Almighty regards the punishment of I Spain " and say* " this i* Irrellgioue. i »nd disparages the universal provi i denee of God. The writers .elect the ! events which please them and *»y tbi* is the work of God. Did God direct the guns which destroyed the Spanish 1 warships off Santiago and some oth*r ! power direct the malaria and the yel low fever? Did God sink the fleets un der Dewey's Are and did some other power sink the Maine? The Christian Wau-bman says that "character is not aolcly the product of vears of training and habitual action: It may he the achievement of a mo ment. Many a man has entered tue church door « hostile unbliever. and passed out of It on affectionate disci ule. The apprehecslon of a great truth of the scriptures, the experience of grace the revelation of Christ in a mo ment.' have melted the hardness of the spirit and recast It." A new spirit Is evidently spreading In China. In 1877 there were emiy 13,00(1 Protestant communicants. In 18!io the number had trebled, but Hint gain, it I* said, was slight compared with the prodigious advance since made. The native contributions «t Foochow average four dollars In gold for each church member yearly—equal at ‘.east, it is claimed, to 250 here. m, V, (to* MiMik «HM» Q 'w' THE OBSERVER. ti til-tiHiti 0 090*09*0 C'MM* tti s9s999of* If I %aygg| lMg-*- m-tiifc# e* - .«?* ti **®*m*m* ! * **** 9*** *9 iPMti •»* mm* I tft#» VUI tti# m*99999*$ tiPtirittitMiti 1 titipiKt titi t*o 09* 00*0K* *0 tit s9*o* I 99*90*00 990$ 0 * Ititi TT it " MtiNM 0$ *o*f m*§ 90:0*0*$ *oo** 99099* 0$ * **os Mews j» «s %■- - m> -**», f **om***9m **s *9909*0 I 9 a* fnitlH MtitiM Ttiklß m*m MM *9*9*o*s titiMl f¥ ■ titiNl tti ** ti Nl (ti • wMtititi v tttf—iiT f-4 W* 111 m ftiWA IMMptiTrti Mfttiti fpwtiMl tltiti ' !«• 9m mmm* mm# 1 * 90* Wmm **• » « A M« 9m4 m~ms*oo 00* l +m# 4*» ii««C • c’irfc Wfftif tito Ot ll ji ti«t* ! , _ ?Jtr . Jti" 0* ti tititrrwl l« Imp h> ( »f *49 [ t 4|# ItitiTti ti 44« *A • *ti ititi JM**titi •■MI rttmw L 4 tfcj- t&|tstt4l«*ti ItrtW'lM* v•• • ti:4 • <■‘oo**’ *4 *o*m o**oK *iw Psk- soo* tiiti sm*m*4 mss* CMM 9***, m*9r*st*9, !••»-**•« 0 9099m* 9 *U4 009* *rn mitemtmm msmt*Wo9 *%** fMMtiti* Hti ImM *m #*9o*9 rnwm % tun itM Um jw»Bp *#oo oimim** M 0 s9*9o Mffli * %$m *t %00 9900 10 90* mrrt+r **f ti**u!J lti«« 07uvmm M **#9 • HitiMil (Mi tnr)4ti«»« mi oi* l^>- 999 A *»s%ss# parfWtiUr fttrfr <* thmt n*rr »m jjfwjrt ti*Ml JOW *9s T 9 * IU * 9#9to*4s9 •IfMlftrt M htifi 9*o •titi « auui mil 90 *Hti« *of s** % BWB* 'key Wllh lively. Rttrk a fa** *l* #y* ibnuin tV rar* blending off a«d fby.b *1 ■"■rag- Itol eto •ißutas WMI vwb«e Tta ctoM'l arara ihal ■ ban aritk l*a (#•• as dynamite -Mat if yaw let M «»ff behind him." re -1 marked a byelaztoer, "bm-ato* V a Uttils* I waa rtodiaa <a tort Sunday's H#r aM a dvet talk about Ihr Ideal men -f Augusta’* womrw- a mile <-onflt|-ti« I Hal wtadly feminine dsn aiwund lb* mw In th# late iflwee*. Tke 1 tatver tap' Feminine IMbte* rdM It ton and raid "Why to It that nearly all l*“*ha that •hew a deo|> tawwtodg* «f femiolnn , haractrr are * i Ittm by m*n. TTiat • easy, my hoy." replt-d the Phllua' pVr. Women never c.wiflde In each other: they pnnfldr In men. Wvery h >m*n feels that If she untaiaomcd heraelf to »ne of her own aex her *l«*ry would be rvceivtd with private doubt and de the ten d dlar William dldn t, and Fatty for dtaaectino to all tto* other .oaaipa In IV a. Ighhorhood. «»» she reserve* her awret# for some man.who pretend* to believe them, sympathises with hey and snaps a little Information la rw tura." I r nn aero## a honrthly mutilate! iMrotm cut «f the famous ftr e"~Uie familiar feature* of th« tiet-klss** ft«w York dermatologist—ln * paper* bll* reading the exchanges fw* terday. In the neat column was th«j account of Mansfield** makeup In ■Cyrano rte Bergerac.” Immediately r thought of what » different klnj ol n<.to* Cyrano would have had. had h« Ihvn a modem dweller In.Ootham All %e wouli have to do would have been to have escorted hlf proboals around I l * the palatial quartern of the dermatolo gist, taken a chair, ha.l a little eocoalnq squirted Into the cuticle of ht« none, the alee) knlve* would have lieen deftly wielded and presto. hla w ife wouldn I i have known him that aught at dinner. Another charter member of the old club sometime* fears that he la not Ihf happy possessor of two whole lungs, and consequently he takes the greatest care ui himself, especially at thi* Season of tlio year. On one of the recent cool night* the Observer went with him Into a diug store to purchase a eupsloum plaster, and yesterday he favored me with s' l shortt dissertation on the art of> re« moving tqc same from ones person, •'There ate'two methods.” said he, “of getting off these clinging and affec tionate things, and what I was goin* to ask was which style’of removal you prefer, the quick yank, advocated by physicians, or the gradual eviction, an inch at a time, usually practiced by laymen .' Both methods have their ad vantages. The jerl: plan resembles bee ing scalped by an At ache of ahrunt manners, who has an early engage ment for dinner, while the gradual sys tem Is more like being flayed by a gen tleman v.ho has plenty of time on hi* hands. The Jerk Is probably the best, but w hen I peel up one corner to taka hold 1 invariably adopt the othoi* scheme, ft gives one more time to think of appropriate things I" say- Besides, ill is wrong to act too hastily In this life, Sometimes when 1 get the plaster par tially disengaged 1 realize that it wool* ho hot tor to leave it on Tor a few week* longet. so os to give me an "pporiun nljt to arrange my affairs." < I