The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 30, 1898, Image 6

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AUGUSTA THE HOME OF ffIAHV NOTED MEN DtotMf uith£<i AfntHcini Who H*v# Ltvod m Ami Around Thii City* Btnilrtiatitt tiMl>fn»nt •«lo And M«n t*f *tm*nm Who Mttv* Oi.mH tNk* Moiw# **» Th* IhwmOMl* •onion TV i Mmm tan* tv* V* #§###* iitei ***** t**m *##• •*# * ■ *•#■#4 S# ##*• ##•* •EH#"***#© f«* «# Hi# ®#*#* *********#'* •*©## ## ##i®i44#ik ## H# ## #•■ i *o**A #4 ip# HwtP# •*#•*#♦ I §•&**• •#*• Hjw *#• 9*#* #**«s*- *■-* iii trrtbfm* * "■■**»■ *4 •# tNMN * ##•# !**••* ft» * ***** ft #•*** MHt •*#** ftklftpi t##*# «%* *#tt pf Pip"## * §**ooo*9 H# P iPP *OOOO tm*m§ %ipP'* ■ tP pp ffe* KMNMMjft »* *» •■‘p ■ » »«—. ##r- jp;”? p£}Hs)ft9 iT~ yr'. 11 . fc„' ,»> J cnl ppm**i ’-*'*'*£ ft•.■*#©#*» ,|pk ; # ywf» ■*•’•« ivr.v '{Mw> SLm*«» a *k j |V.| _ , ,| 4 £4 MhA-O, y .II f > ,n |# 4n,i*if©t vMVf ? alltl *4 »I Ife rt# •« tMlf Ai l< t;< ; : r 4 AMn P fVAP* t t f PfPMHi t **4 Vt*P ] . a* *_ *«'**fe PlO» frITT bad aa *V'©p**f|l Myfr #. ** *** ** I ******* *'Y (PWOW IB»W * w ' ** i vara rtgb* •* MR**#. *# tT»IVt •****>■ id iVm daayrv* lk# parinannat Mil* **? > •r*vta*w M lit* *aw* tk<* •ta** <4 Ilf* k*»# Wea -aart## **•*'* at g»rt* *liMa.*l IWa**t, ky attayg m.m m 11 a wtaaat aaaw* of I*l*l** v» *4trti#»d ktanakd' Ik* **•*. *•' vVnaa aftr**Nav* *•** dwlrav Itfcevg* iVf Ini a* aaaa**iv**a ilftikrli Ikli 1 ccNMiirr. raaoai tv nalvaa*4 «ma* at jMataavM* Ta Ik!* tfictrtd vata Vura. rrart4 , aa4 fcrra tobor*4 Ik* Ml«vla« a i | jnli (•. Calhmia «V> I vita kvi-aw rlr# a*r*i<l**U t*««a aaciatarr at •**. amt* aamiari of data. av 4 lor a lva« «Im* a a*v«uy. Vidaljr rraaH 4ae Ik* *Mw>t mti'rti <rha*aru* ll»ai h*» ***» rla*a op fiogg Ik* *»<’*, WMHaai liar ria l'ra«|(3t *f* * ’4* •*•* kaiat fy**l<l*ai |a (Jit *«a a*** •anatarr of *«at* uf|aa vuvlala* to,Matte*, ami for a loaa liav aaaaior Alaiaailrr M Wrpkrn* fie* *f**lA*ti! of Ik* * <•• Mrmr loaa Hat* • awaibrr of gran aa4 a awa at alagvlar ahllMr; Roh*n Toowha, tkr •’Tfcaadaoor.** vho m> ib* taafar of ika #«otk*ni parir vlth J*ff*raon llaria ilurlna th* !•*■ j Hos Jaal praoadlng ika war, Ml who. j following ika • tar at lon of Magkaa* In Ik* aa«>o4 alallon la lh« Coofr Irr | gag HV-am* Ik* Co»f#4*ral aerrriarj ; of Mato; llovrll Cubb, who vaa *p. >k ' or of Coagraoa Hs I kit. al th* ag* o! SI. arc rotary of th* Irraaury ami |ir*a- I4*nl of Iho OoBf«Hl«ral* ron»Utuilonal i rongrraa; Oeorgc Waahh*gloo Craw- j ford, arc rotary of atatr under Prool drni Trier; Armlalead Hurl, who aarvrd aa apeaker In UU». after tkr re tirement of Winthrop Pro^Vjßrook* who won »« k»W>' r ’l l lotion from bid cbnfil Rumner; Heraehel V Jufcnaon who wa* the third r*ekW*|(««i|fb*'laf' of , Ihe Dougina llrkaf#b Henry Grart'. the oratorical 'Wtt'kif the South It la Ihe dlalricl UhISV of Tom Wataon and Ban Tillman, who wkat erer elae be aai.l of iU*iu. ware. «ot wlthatandlng. lhg,tPO Jft'vU|lramatie and atrlklng ItgtiA* 'it r fhV Jh'nthern . political field durtna tke pnßoaal cam- | palgn of l«9ii . Waiaon au4 IHlman . f th* present <*a» mm tWlgUboaa, one llv- j Ing twenty-eight mile* In a wealerly j and Ihe other twenty-three mile* in a northerly diroelino from Auguala The borne of Walaon la' vlihlu twenty miles of the oM Hwmtt as A inlander Stephens Tia -konlk >g# Taoaaba U only twenty thlle* from the home* of Stephens and Watson. W. 11. Craw-j fortl and Wotsom were horn lu lit* **me eounly, tboiish inter ( rawford lived higher up the valley and oppo site and almost Ip vight of Calhoun. Calhoun and Crawford (who could al most see each other's back yard across the river), were rivals for the presi dency, and either one, but for the oth er. might have attained lb* goal The birthplace of CalhotW U only forty mile* from the home of Toombs, fifty mile* from those of Stephens and Wat son. and forty from that of Tillman, along the arc of a circle. Burt was born in Tillman s county, and Preston Brooks lived within a few miles of Tillman’s home. A Grand Array. Besides the names of those enumer ated. all of whom have undoubtedly ploughed deep furrows in ilieir coun try's field, others of secondary Import ance or less prominence, hut well known to the student of WaU>r£, who have come froin th!* district arc Fran cis Wilkinson Pickens, who was l’ni ted States minhsfer to Russia from 1850 to 1860, and who was conspicuous as the war governor of South Caro ’ avi |a, j|r i| «# I§-m$ *»»«• *> Hi* #•#'•##' ' ; KaMMMMI ©<* *#l !*♦ H# “wP# w “ * I . mi : r ,f iAMMHPKA <MI tH# . Utrnrgm #*4» T«n» tfewr mm** I «tt© Mrfi (W C*m , t :i<nt am, m* j H JUfii Hi ih# IMI> j it of tiihhhh mml mm** *M Hi s ; - ,v , a...*,■.**.**.« , r v mjf TMmmm fr M jliC l**m+4m VlMfi *** **• • j I HetleHi i m+* •mm Hf HMKMtff iMNNI Hf Hfc# ptH fHi” *•# j *»*»* fay Hi* i —i it CVmfMP . u * a ©Aa) I was bora and teared near tk* ksw. od Tkepkeaa aa4 Wauev IvaV Trav*. enat Wtgfait I'attatf ktataa negator tum faaam. and atvoag Ika *«paH*4 j l ,rts‘rn» ig I act. van born and reared ! tn tk* dtatrtrt. irt ke M aaa wkv am j . vpftt U. MCI. agon a** tag tke tag of gum t*r (Maerad. rod* oat ta tbe ktiet Md made tk* kwal demand of aarrrn d*r to Mai Aaderaoa J N Car- Iry, I'aHad IMatea mlatrtwr ta Ngsta ta 18M and at prwrat tkr dtrwrtor of tk* IV*body and Blatar educational favds. Uaav from a county adlotalag Wat- L'i Hilary A - Herbert recent arc ! retary of tk- ootry, won bora ta tfcl* I dtatrtrt. at baarcaa. 8 C„ tkr am lava ta aklrb Prctdcnt Andrea Aoke •ob conducted ta talloe sbt# MU Whitney thougk Kortkera kora llred i for man yearn at Angnstv and her# j invented and pcrCected bta cotton gta. j the greateut acblcrrmeat .ever msd# ! for tke agricultural and tommerrlal South * Worthy of Okservotloo TV> ultarly uorthy of observation, and a fart that has not been widely | noted, is that Tbowss K.'Walam i Hrrsrbrl V, Johneoa were from tkls - !ibe une district; the l«»o men *V, | one to l«9k. and the other In t*«o. In similar great couvulatona of the Dctn- I ocrttlC parly, rrrrtved nominations | for the vice presidency, and thereby, ! probably. In both instances defeat' t the darling wish*, of the Democratic parly. It la r#m»rk»bl# that tli# roun | try should have gone to egaetty th* ’same locality, to wtt. a,narrow strip of land In eastern Georgia, and nude • Igncdty so, for vice presidential ran ij'datea that have been taken from the South since tf!>9 Johnson lived with in thirty m|les of the home of Wat-j ■ son. This little district has been, from '(he beginning of the government. th» 1 tiirthplacc of the •'lsms” from th* I South; It ts the new Bngtaod of the i south tn this respeet. Here "Nolltfl- I cation” and "Secession” had thelv birth. Here w«s the eradle of the Cor.- ! federacy. between these two ridges of : mighty hills that form the wnfershed of rhe Savannah, Hnd as tho Confnl i cracy was boNt anil rocked here, so It came here to die. and received here its Ucpnlrhere. This happened In a pecul iar way. with a double coincidence of remarkable power. The first secession meeting In South Carolina was held at Abbeville, near the house of Armlstesd Burt (wllhtn one or two hundred yards). In a grove th«t has ever since called "Seoeaidon Grove." an.l within rflne miles of the birthplace of Calhc-mi. By accident, the last meet ing of the Confederate cabinet was held at Abbeville. In the house of \r mlstead Burt, within sight of the Grove of Secession. On the evacua tion of Richmond anil the retreat of President Davie and hie cabinet, the retreat brought the party through Ab beville, So this became unwittingly the circuitous route of the long Kray fox, who returned to the brush from which he started, to die. The Confederates. President Davis, accompanied by Mr. Benjamin, secretary of state; Mr. Breckinridge, secretary of war; Mr. Mallory, secretary of the navy, and Mr. Reagan, secretary of the treasury (see President Davis’ hook-, arrived at Ab beville on the retreat on May 3. 188.1. That night a meeting of the cabinet was held in the house of Mr. Burt. The next morning the party proeeedd to ward Washington, Vla , tb home of Toitmibs. After crossing the Savannah river, about twenty miles from Abbe ville. hearing of the presence of Fcder- TH® -A.T7OTTBT>k SUNDAY HICKAXJ3 j*. uwm gy aka aud *o* 1* MMaat at Aa a" —AM aatawa Au [ *n-» t a iun»i« AdM| aula ttu •*•'** f i Aa* HHi iIAT ■AtIWI pA'At JA.tA |H#**MMlAf J • «Hb# *%a#i p§ #mp# M###i ******* ] Im* fHpAHI Hi IHhMIMM #M9 •' 1 i s*«#** MM Ml Mil HMH MM *0 I Im* 4MH#a Ha €MB# HHP####*# # ■A N *# | I flkl «« *i I iijiiH' rn* Ma»* ■*•'* s*** ##M* *** *M# I IMf fHfH *4*4 v* MahMM# mm# s*** j | -* * M # mm*' 1 [iy * 1 0 i HP# Hpmmhpa §H* a#* smm ni:urrt **• HHMiHj *0 * *** J ts Ht mmh# mm* mi tmwtmm, I mm mm I#m p mmm** mi mm m I ***** . (pmmmHm iptHilM HI IMfc TIM 4H* { I aunty A|»i#M •I Mti* HMMt «•#•#» '0 wm.l ~m *» rtfulWl HPtl MiitlH ~1l M • IMH# f wm ! mmm in iH# OMU* *0 *** *** j .(Hat. ta ika ■iVitganr A Atkaa* saddsara***** 4 *k kekaaa rmama • Woman uidNada ka* tamra adk*#»w* t |f| fAttAflll <’«)♦***••• *aMWI *• “▼ fmwmw [«# ifc# Mmll flMi Ht «M*tf mMMMm f tit !• MMI H#f*# MBRIMfI *#* . i Ht# #i#P'9'# HMIm <***»%* MMI IlitHM ft AtitvM fit ! ' | Mlit ItM#* w H rVM*« m tea vagaasrauag Waeaaa'a uad AagA- . jams- d»u4*M« A Cm—was aa a ttamm j r eat. aaa sgaaker as tka it*#* a | i Hauaa aad leadae tkaea for a ta— («tm* aad aaptraa ks laaaaaakla •* , Waaktagioa Tau at t ettrrv Amo— atea at tatter, tkaagk tk- HoMlk Im H**• poorly poo4HrU#t »• ■ lIH fra pm »| to HoMfu) *l»lltof toy I oiHtr HnUif of lit loHl In Ho*t fHlWß—ty prtH •» marnf rtMlfibt torn to tk# ktgker tlteratar, of tke rountry aa tkta. ftaat Hamllwa Hayar aka competed ta tke popaiar mind •ttk ftidnev Usmv tklmaelf tatea »«•' out aide Ike dtatrtrt. at Macon (ta » to | tka palm aa Ike greatest poet gat pea- I daced by tka South, lived attkta If -1 teea mtl*a of Auguata out among tka aaada aad ptaaa Hu hard Henry Wilde. Ibe author of that Immortal little rtaa* Isle. My Ufa la like tka Hummer 1 Rosa '' was born aad lieu burled ta Aa- Igaata. Jam** R Raadall tka auttaw of tka South'* great war poem: My | • Maryland " and probably her graatcat war poe* tueleaa IPatker Abram Ry '»n be that one) llvea and work# tn i Auguata. and hat done a» flora Ihe I civil anr. Fntker Rynn. lived for n | quarter of a rrntury. during bta prlmr, i in Auguata The aartlrat plere of Geor- ! I gta firtton. aa well aa oar at the ear j llrat la »h* South. "Orergta ftennea." ! j stilt a atamlard, waa arlltea by Jmlg» ‘ Igmgatrret. horn In Auguata. Rlrh* lard Malcolm Johnston. Ibr novelist, recently itaeeaaed. wa* born anil lived i the greater tart of hi* life In Ihl* dta -1 trlct, whew the scene* of all hi# j "Duke* borough Tale*” are l*W. Har- j ry Stillwell Edward* live* In the dla ’trlct, at Sparta. Ga. There are other poets and writer# of fiction here, who , , have the national attention. J The peculiar temperament and de gree of activity of the people of thla district are apparent. Following the 1 fate of all people of eutcrprlae and 1 promulgators of new and original | Ideas, they bnve sometimes brought I themselves under the ban of public disapproval; but they appear, accord ing to the evidence, to be nothing dampened by defeat*. They continue to produce “isms'', and Stitt hold their bridled ateeds. And poise their lances low; Prepared swift blows to deal Or to receive a blow. THE EXPRESS COMPANY CASE Told of Last Afternoon, Caused Much Talk. The petition Med by the stpckhold ers of the Southern Kxpress company, asking that the courts enjoin the Geor gia railroad commission, which was tully told of tn yesterday afternoon's ] Herald, caused a great .leal of talk. 1 The case Is one of large degree, and will he watched with Interest by tho public generally. The defendant will make answer on the first Monday in December. David harpster Dead. |By Associated Press to The Herald ] Columbus. 0., Oct. 29.—Hon. David Harpster, known throughout the coun try as one of the most extensive wool growers In Ohio, died at his home In Hnrpater tonight from dropsy. He had been ill for many months. He em barked In the wool raising bustness in 1850 and was so successful that he became known as the “Wool King." He owned real testate in a number of counties. Death of Mra. Howry. [Associated Press to Sunday Herald] Memphis, Tenn.. Oct. 29. -Mrs. Chas. B. Howry, wife of Judge Howry, of the United States court of claims. Wash ington. D. C., uied here today, after a lingering illness. , „u 'COMMANDERS TO HI.AME | Art KtppoAMbk I«c SkhftCM |*fiHgfVHl m ll* m> if I MMHMiMMI i M It II 4’ tHH I «%*» •#*«• •* s «iutf m t%# HmNiHtHi ••• I fifty (jIHHM ll# | tff#iwif» HHftt tin #fHlr# mm** •*4*f flHf mn! «h# fittft UMHuffTntn m lit# tf|A«r §♦-!#>• ##A IH? #HI rH VIP# * —tta* aad Aard, tanal »**♦»» aa* am* «a;»*d a* tauttfv ta nmrt tm tka •ram ,f Jliti ti- r»*aa aba A— da flag •*# taMatgaa a* tka fwatdt as a in * rra i m tdra*. Ratv*v *u*d tkw : a«*a«.kataa4l— Ik* tmaa aa* la a mat* as gtufauad akark »fi*t tka tm-* 1 1 Aral. IV H absurd au—aaa as kH ! regtawa* taaMßed ufam trnmala* tka | auaadad m*a tm rklraamuka Tka HMta gted tka any oat Best** todd as aaa data as Vtaapaata tdrk wktrk a* kad ***a tm Ik* *ray knaa* w'tfcout [a madb*sl nArev ar aaadleal *u—taw as aay itad _ TM* r<saaaui>a etaaad it* mitlag k-e* t'UttgM by bearatg tba oamay as mmb* rwMdeata. mating tk*tr etwanra liaMt* «■# ta* lUslitva at ffctikaasa gw garb, a kit* tk* 4ran— a**» tkaea aad givtac tfcefr twmrta*anaa aa la 4taa -'lT~rr of Ike sn bmaa as lb# atadM** They deatneg lb* ewmai* a* *alaa*M*ia» aad bmltkfal. aad gaaavaßy attrltmted tb# peuvaltaar* as flasa •* tka baiota us tb* votaalear* At midalgk!. ibanl fkodg* • private car wa# detaelsed »t«m tke *a*»*i*t train io permit tb* train tn d'part tar fan vttta wHO all Ik# «aiuaa»*»r* "• toavd, earept ttaaaral Intaa*. Odoaet tt—atoa and IM. «»«««»• Tbem tnre* memtirrs of Ik* mamaAMua iwnsis It. tTraltaaouaa aatll tstasrsv mgkt.nkea Idtey win taave tar Laamgtna. My . j proemdtag tkerne to tin. mnatl. Ctal cago »»d PatrnH. and taktag teallrooay at each place la tarn. The majority of 'the i«ntmM.a enneet ta anend t»*» ,U>* at Knoivllle and the" pwnvwg lu I Washington, direct. Kdward Belt#, engtaecr «f th* rthlcfc-1 aumuga Park rVmimtaston. cat* the I particulars of the e*t*bltshmc«l of I the water RUiptV ayatem of the park j for tb* army. He said there waa an .ample *u|»ply Of water for the 11 ( at »|t time*. *«d that there would have I hern *pa. e for 11,0 W more troop* on the |d|w Hue. ] t. C. Howell, railroad atalkm agent, tald of an tn#tam-e In which &4 #t«k men. being part of a WHconatn com mand. had been placed on tram and Started to thelt Unmet Without medical •upplle* or physicians and without fut* lough* or transportation taper*. They w era taken off the train at fhattanoo 'ga. and their want* administered to by member* of the relief awletle*. Ira J Haines. • private, acting aa a member of the hospital corp*. who aald he had been a prai ttclng physician In Louisville, Ky.. f'U' eight year*, waa 1 examined on the tinea of a communtca jtlon he had sent to the commlaston. In ithia communication he had charged that |MlGents had lieen treated for ty phoid fever when they plainly had pneumonia. Upon being pressed he modified bis statement*, saying that had not con sulted with the physician* a* to their line of treatment. He said, however, that he considered some of the physi cian* Incompetent. He also charg'd that appol” tn,, * nt * were made In the hospital upon political Influence. Capt. Daniel E McCarthy and M. G. Zallnski. of the quartermaster depart ment at this point, gave testimony a* to the conduct of thi* office. They agreed that the administration of this department had been aa efficient ** could be expected under the circum stances. Dr. F. B. StOpp. a local phy sician, detailed a visit to the hospital of the second division, of the third corps. In August, saying he had found It overcrowded and dirty and with no physicians in attendance at the ttme. Dr. 81app said he had set-n a great deal of drunkenness among the soldiers in the city, hut that he had never hear.) of any special effort to close the sa loons and other places of vice. He had seen drunken soldiers lying in the street and ho was sun- much of the sickness at Camp Thomas was due to the hab its of the men. v Poloticsat Juan. [Associated Press to Sunday Herald.] San Juan de Porto Rico, Oct. 29. Political agitators continue their state ments regarding the unpopularity of the Munoz cabinet. Of the twenty-four San Juan couucilmefi 1 appointed by General Brooke, five have declined to accept the positions, Mating that they will not serve under men who admin istered Spanish affairs. Senor Francisco del Valle has been sppaointed may or of San Juan in suc cession to Senor Villamil, the late Spanish mayor. PAMUMAukk. HfeMik m mm**** m t# hi mmh###*# Hfa m*m **m* t *0 h 4 mm** • HH Mi*# UtofHi jlamkhwi •### twHWHHHi ***** f HP# I r $ Htok* ** #* Mai#—# MH* Hp# 14|pRHH|M4M IK' • mrnrn* n 0 m*>m ****** •# ** *•*# I H s#*•* *»*'* *$ <%■*■■*### •• •* •#•# j *o***l pMM H MiHM. Hi **** ******* M # *H# i I - , -T a.i M M Pakta* A AH—it A• Aa I Art)— tm a jth# naaisra N II Aafi— at An— ta la a» in fßaa**nw M I*. Ri r-'V" at Mat* Tart, la M tba Arttagtaa j a y _* Ml #t w, C. MpwMh. hk it it m tka A*4t—fiatk. j«—a W 9 R*a rat aaa— W*aa At tat is taneeda, W, A. Waefta. at ykitata'lfikt*. ta | at tba Hsaata j, h R ktadltak. as CbafAat—. ta at Ika naaatt tv J F Rvwakitatd of Maa Tark. i l* at tk# ftaatee* jo « Gray, as fkita—lpkta I# at j tba Arttagtma. Mr ]aav 9 MeOowaa tad y*a»av- ! gay far tba North 1 judge R H PaWaaay *#*— yeatar- ! day la Wayaaabom Mr J. D. Haw*— rvturwed fr—i j fiavaaaab »e#te day. W t. Fergara—. at Hra Orl#aa*. ' Is at tb* Arttagtoa. H A. Rrklldi as Laaraater Ky . ta at tke Arltagtoa. I Mr ■ Jam** Daly 1* at* aat h*a k<—a M Reynold# atreet. Mr*. P. C. langstoa ka* rvtaraed J from Waaktagi—. Ga. Mr and Mr* E A Hill ar# #P— dhtg today Io Madlaoa. Ga. Mr. W 8 Burton I* Mvodto* a few day* IB Milledgevtlla. T. H. lawreoraand wife, of Monro*. |Ua.. ore at tke Arlington Ij. E. Waterman and wtfo. of New York, ore at th# Arttngt—• Dr. and Mr*. John Mobley left yes terday for Mltledgrvtlle, On. Mr. and Mr*. Lewis Schley rime down from Thomson yesterday. Hon W. H. Fleming waa a passen ger on the Georgia train laat evening. Misses Lilian and Mtgnnn Brown, of Flat Rock, N. C., are at the Arlington. Mr, A. M. Verdery. Sr.. Mr l/>ouard Verdary, Mr George Verdery and Mt*» Mary C. Bridge* left this morning for Brevard. N. C., to attend themarriage of Mr. A. M. Verdery, Jr., and Miss Mary Cooper. SUIT AUAINST s! C. AND <IA. One For Filed Against Road at Charleston. [Associated Tress to Sunday Herald.] Charleston, Oct. 29.—Several big damage suit* were filed with tbe elerk of court this morning by 1-egare & Holman. Tbe suit for the largest amount of danißge Is brought by Mr. J. A. O'Brien, executrix of A. F. O'Brien, against the South Carolina and Geor gia road for 820,000 for death of A. F. O'Brien as a result of a collision on March »th of this year. HEDIDAL COLLEGE. The Graduating Class Has Elected Of ficers. At a meeting of the graduating class of the Medical College yesterday af ternoon the class was reorganized with the election of the following officers to serve until the commencement on the first of next April: President —H. M. Hall. Vice Prescient —R. AV. Fuller. Secretary—F. F. Floyd. Treasurer —Wade Woodward. Historian—R. q. Wooward. Orator—J. M. Anderson. Poet—J. AA T . Strickland. < Dude—Kve Blackshenr. Til your conversation use short words, and not too many ot them.— N. Y. Times. LOGHdKJRDON. i***s # MM## ml ####>#* w** f tur# #|*a mtm***** tmm *0 IMH' I itto#- ##Nl *a©4#*—r*4 ##§##*' |iiH 90 mm mm# rnmm******* i §*** •##‘ : * * m*m *t f#"*Tpp## im* I #mMIAF ? ihgj ©4— H (© \ * ftf-twA* 'HI i—A #4PIHA" : - ■ 4A—a—a t%m km*’***** Wmmmt*** ****- rtna - tflr m..^ T c .; |)p TH# f —I J ika i*t*o*f9 4§dke *M Ae—4 •-I # i wmm p*mm #m fAr# #*4 «H* *mm mu* mtom «Hr# ****** iH# out **o-*<*»#>'* (ftpAi#* #iM j ## It# f* 1 IT T Is* - ■»> 4MMI Hl» smo at fbilndr4»kia. Mr* Rtrka-d ! H" ml S#f##i Jmf*m* , Ml## ( •wit Mm Wm Wcavi. mt y%vmM pkta: M*«a Ayta*. as Ctawak CRHs; [Mr. Jsliaa MrOltt as CTneagw —■ ta Imt ti* mm#, mm xm l - Tk* ttawa—a Arana— ■ | tit mtdNMMfcft# mil m §Mifi pm# mi fH# t**m *0 U*m i 0 lb* v*t Srp To ll## j 1 wrnmmt M (oil* pfW##M #MI (M#tJil f *#* j 1 M#N>i# <•#**# vHK tH# t#(V## M Ml j #H#I4 rm i*«fi i§4 © l*li MriMli 1 ' ##4 | amp pH if# r * #>#m To tip# m#l MMl# H# ' Ml!* tt' % f # M)l>|*t ts «p At « #jM# oilffWli—- i©4 Ml til m 4MiMM»m4# TH# Hfl4» mm 4 flFfMmß' Hat# i«p#l%#4 j #####»! fc«M4r#4 h*Bo ****** l 001*. Mi* : ctomiinar •ftmi## ii <*m ffwii mem** v #rp nMOMIiI : r irrlio lj*M#rml CkMNNGMi*# oft If# Mill j H# • »m*m (#• AOl rmth* o#nr»r# #a«l I til I#• dill #f UoN #IMi IdOlf J«nff Mill pft##|( tP#OI Mttfc lH#lf j (•Mt itMi TH# of k#r o»Mn of | lim tmgk a mm mm it## p#r#oo#i; jprroriti ffi IH# brWU* In. H. Mil**. J of KfoM»H nito Mill ft## • #H#o irop licMit, afitl ItM Hfii## id *tl*f 4I»- f BIT IU|BI l#4 n#MI Mr aad Mr# W H Stytaa at Eto wah CIIC*. will pn—eat tka young con pie «uh aae lad art. Mr and Mr* Ed ward J Swann of Quora Ranch. Can ada will prra—t tba bride with a set of antique I>readea chin* frutl hot*#*, aad Mr and Mra W. W. Gord—. Jr, • silver rotter pot. * Mr. Arthur Go'do* will gt** a *ll - hot wa'sr kettle Mr and Mra. R. Wavna Parker, of Washington and Nra* Jersey will preaent them a sltaer' pitcher Mr* O ft. Harrta'a. of Hratntm Vt. will *«»e them anUffite atiaer aagar banket' Cajttain and Mrs Hlerae ttmrdon of Havanaah. will pre sent them a Klrke sllrer platter, and Mr aad Mr* R C. Harrison a cutglas* ftaranter Mr*. Gordon Harrtaon will gjv# them a allver p -pper and salt set- The*# gift* are «aly from the liamt- j ditic member* of Ihe family of tne; bride and groom There are a grea' many other* just aa handsome from friend*. The evening of the marriage Mr and Mr* tadgh will leave on an extended trip rast. They will visit the family of Hon. H Wayne Parker, at Waah- Ington, D. C.. and sail early In Novem ber for England They will reside In [xmdon The (lordan Family. Savannah society *Hf very much to give up Miss Gordon. Though abe has spent some time abroad ehe has been at home a good deal, and has a number of friends here. It was dur ing a visit to her sister, Mrs. William McKay latw. that she met the gentle man who is to claim her as bis bride. She comes of the best American fam ilies. Her father Is a descendant of . the famous Gordon family of the] south, a son of the first president of the Ontral of Georgia Railway, one of Georgia's main arterjes. while ner mother Is the granddaughter of John Kenzie. the first settler of the city of Chicago, and she was the first white child born in (hat city. The people of the western metropolis have always taken an Interest In Mrs. Gordon and her family, there having been set apart a special day at the World's fair in honor of Mrs. Gordon Mr. Leigh is the youngest son of Lord Leigh, of Stoneleigh Abbey. Lon don He has been in Savannah about one week, and in that time has grown to be quite a favorite among those who have had the pleasure of me ting bint. He will carry away from Savannah one of the fairest daughters of probatdy the most honored family in this city, and the good wishes of many new made friends. WITH A PAIR OF KNUCKS. Son Collier Was Hit Hard Last Night Son Collier, colored, was sent to the Lamar hospital last night, suffering front the effects of a blow made by a pair of knucka In the hands of another negro, whose name the police failed lo learn. Collier is in a bad condition, it is said. There Bre 250 glaciers in the Alps, said to be over five miles In length. ONE CENT I WORD ! vtVnTF*> fk* WY a* ' A R C* « mm** m **& • *mtmm4 Im#(|4 ##4Mm# mm* ****** mm •* *m# m*#. "" “t555Fc"a3555r. r*lb i otm*t ttaamaa Mafta* a U**4 Cd—ta. Hf#»f mmmbrnm. * ***** mi miM i Imp f •#*# m tk f. m#4o9 Mm ll fimn im mHII# #Af% Km • ***lm**m tmt I TH# Amtmmm porno moo# mmiMMI • I#m iftofi iff# (Mt m*t mm# *m** f Aio#t> Pmi" # tto*'*f ****** M#M« t* t##frH of HIM M#l two#4 I*M to«( aitoimM i««f MoHftvf> N 4 i MMN <toM iHo H«y M# o*• . mo««k* M H»i#4ho ***** IMA (if \r«mtT# ### O All ||# mm loH##4 op **4 Mill MB LOST. (—tar f rwtv cat—tkta Mkt Cktaf aw*- .-—a. A llWtl* ##. Chief Hood tart alter— rarrtted i tb* lot low rag tatter from ColMahta, | P. v»J Chief as Nk«. Auguata Ga. [tear fiti Kindly to— tMt tar a tad ! about 14 year* add, of tallowing 9*- iertp«bu> Bros • rjrta, height abotrt S feel. 4 tnebe*. weight about IS* pounds, • tort broad ak—Mewd, a full, waaf 1 far# aad *mall ante upper Bp He left her# ab—t Ortobar kth Woe* I a gray suit, bare —at*. If y— ran lo cate or find —y trace of btm tat ear know. , , CHief of Pottro. rolonbtA. *COW TAKEN UP Waa I —ud W audartag ta th* Ceme tery A Roe Jersey row, found wandering la the renwtery Inal afternoon. II **» taken up by a couple of boy* and turned over to tbe poller Tbe eon to now ts the yard at headquarter. Uav* you lost a Jersey? Roll ot rtoaor Bt. Fatrlek'a Commercial Inatttut*. net. 39. tw* JTret Cla##~J r. Bartley. 'V. W. Hattey. P. F. Mura. F. 8. Mura. J. A. Chapman. K. J. Cotter. A. M. Shee han. J. J. Collin*. *■ Bee»»d Ctaaa—J F. Camptudl. G. A. 1 Rubenateln. J. P. McAutMfe. J. J- Kelly. W. A. l-yona, L. E Flynn. W. Ij, O'Connor. E J. Coaarove. J. C. I Hayes, J. A. Murphy, J. E. Collins, M R. O’Connor. Third Cl***—T. P. Kearney. J. P. Doyle. M. J. Bheron. W. J. CC—II. V. J. Hcnqett. L. A. Renkl. J. B »ul livnn. F. J. Hannah. J. J. Sheahan, J L, Herman. K. A. Brendel. C. A. laimbert. W. Btgnon. W D. Mahoney. \v. L. McAullffe. 8. P. Kerr. Fourth Ctaaa—H. L. Huhenateln. C. C. Padgett. J. C. Margarah&n. A. M. McAullffe. Chas. Sweeney. J. L. Bus sey. D. B. ftculley, C. A. Hoopper. J. It. Hester, W. A. Carroll. P. J. Scully, P. J. Carr. W. D. Horkan. Fifth Class —William McCarthy. Mar ion Silver. John Tnrlrton, John Knuck, Charles Jenkins. J. T. Pope, J. C. Lan ders. George Hayes. Ttioma# Kelly, William Knuck. Arthur O'Connor. \VH ! haul Dot*. Joseph Schrwmeck. Claude lenders. Thomas O'Connor, William O'Connor. Jerry Scully. John Koun-l trec, William Bollinger. George !»ler. BRO. V>DON, Principnl. ; F VERvU P-TO-DATE., Was the Show, and Especially th* Trapese Act. There was a slag party hold at th" opera house last night. In other word* It was a men'* meeting, and they were all there. Tho Imperial Burlesque com pany held the boards, and they cer tainly pleased their audience, Judging by tb" many rounds of applause ac corded them. The feature of the evening was Mile. Bertha Dorian in her "Charmlon Act,” dn act that startled the stage of tha metropolis and likewise the Augustan*. It was decidedly interesting and held the audience spellbound. It was a bit “uptodate.” but the boys enjoyed it immensely, and dubbed It the crown ing event of the show. "The Bridal Chamber” was a pan tomime that caught the house; likewlsa the studio burlesque. In the parlance of the day, It was a show that was several degrees ahead of anything of the kind that has struck this burg in many moons. It is the talk of all who saw It today. Atlanta Enterprise. [Associated Press to Sunday Herald 1 Atlanta. Ga.. Oct. 29.—A movement is on foot for the erection of a large cotton gin factory in this city with a carital of half a million dollais.