The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 30, 1898, Image 7

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WHAT IS GOIHG OK IN SOCIETY np» B#** km *> i i f,.j* 3 t* In !»#“'! H t «h*n Hm tafc# iff** •« «*•! 19# 991 fit# #9*l •d*#*#** 19* 9999, Wi !• Mml r*-****** t®** •« fiiiNMi• nr* bf flkNpwwW NT r *»***^‘ mMit fur nWei nnt out? tli* #t #**•* wlkiri m«**t n#r* !*♦ MMi ft** i*#n «mk** rs * kn# i'Wtll**t >q<rf»wVin i*f •till I** <*©tlr*ty •ff th* 9M? hv tw**h mw* iljl# »i»rrt** will ##*• mm Ytr**f 9? Ni iH'ni, **l9* MW **«•' to pfftrrttt sii ko*n up It* At Hot Spring*. jks n#t*rt&ln *#• Iritrr from Hot Sprlftga. W. V« . that among th* fft*hlmiab!+t who hat* gsttMPTfd th*r* Mn, OHttr H P MMI ha* *>«*» th# moot iiiftirH for h#r g< jnml One of thrso *n g priori so 4f '*a In um «aah* mere fmAMatnm a tu. * tn*n «*• •f 4 |t 14. lit It tit 1 |iirow 'fn of row allk. «tnbiuldt:«d la gold i»»r »«i». «n 'be g« WB w*a warn a clow tog"- of black tc'vet. wtlb nn ornament of gut *t«*l In fr *l. The wruw. In eom nMitiil upon Mr*. Belmont’# appear anc*. aaya "Mr*. Pilmnflt baa a bran* tlful figure and »b» rmrrle* btraelf ao well that (be Prlirtiw itfli of dr**** au'ta bar perfectly. 8b* 1 alwaya w*a a rloaa bata, and tor balr la a waved pompadour. Then? are a few thread* of gray In her balr now," the writer continue*, "But abe I* *tllt very youth ful-looking, and the happtoat woman I ever aaw." Mr. and Mr* Almerle Pagat have Juat arrived. «nd alao Count Cassini, the Kuaatan ambeasudor. and Miaa Canainl. The two new Southern beautiee, the Mlaaes Harrta, of Rich mond. Va.. «vho were aueh bellea at Narrayanaett, are also at the Spring*. They have been called the Dread*n china beauties, and are to make their rt-but In New York acclety at the epm jnn borae ahow. One of theae young glrla wore laat Friday a gown of light brown cloth, with a long overgarment like a polonaise. It waa fitted glove like to the figure, and the seam* held tight with feather bone. It was over a skirt of bright heliotrope doth, which showed at the bottom about two Inches. The gs wn wag slashed on tbe sides ao as to reveal the heliotrope skirt be neath. Miss Harris' hat was olive green velvet, and her stock was otrthe acme shade and material. Four Girls Who Live In a Hat. One of the newer pens In fiction, Floy Campbell, has written a remark ably clever serial which she has named •"Uie Glrla of Camp Arcady.” It re corda the experiences of a nuartette «,f bright, vivacious girl breadwinners who she has located in a flat In New York. The members of the Jolly fam ily each have different vocations, which 'they pursue with varying degrees of aueeees, and meet with many disap pointment*. lint it Is "Indeed a bright picture, shadowed only by passing clouds, for there was room for little else but. good cheer and comradeship i 0 "Camp Arcady,” the name the girls gave to their flat. The story la in the November Ladies Home Journal. St nritian-Smyth*. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Sm"the have issued invitations to the marri*?e of their daughter Miss Stella May Sraythe, to Mr. John Foxhall Sturman, Jr., which will take place on the af ternoon of Thursday. November tOth. at 1 o’clock, at tbe home of the bride. 932 Reynolds street. (g# ftiM Ifar * *~f~ | tki H« IHm »i* i> | gl«***l **««*• Had** M*.«* 1 hr eiwawMt *w |<w «••• TBl# great awM tt ki *M ip*t tipi IsrtnM of pawl In tg» , «u*e of sewi-wt la OB* of the nuat wtarkeM fewtg**g of all rcttsi(Mi* nfgra'MtlaM at tkh rat Tb»* gait eel ntertrf la aacb time fuc auMie ape- I* to b* devoted to the adoe-attna of t_ t alstlmiriw tkatvs Traa- Mrr. Campbell I alert at tea. 1 The lhn*-*t»y Reading ('tub ai>4 a number of invited gueata were rham lagly eatertaiaed Thursday by Mr*. 'Joseph Eve Campbell at her l>.autifol ' new home 01 the Hill. There ware j p»e* ai: Mr*. Lucy K< aland. Mra. Hardwick Jackaon. Mr*. Btenard Owi-oa. Mr*. Frank Hull. Mra. Lawtoa Ktan*. Mix jta EUsabcUi and Lucy Allan. Miaa Al- He Kve. M»* Ailale Yard cry, Mian Ma ry Emily Wright. Mra Wait** Inman. Mrs. G. R. Argo, Mias Hotel!* Mer rier. Mltta Julia Carmichael. Mi*a An nnbal Cranaton. Miaa Adelaida Mcore. Ml«* Margapct Jordan and ML* M*t ' tie Gardner. Racheler Talds. Tbe Bachelor Maid* r.-organlx*d for the winter season Tuesday momtng at tbe home of Miss Marlon Rood, who entertained the Club with a delightful luncheon. The membership this teg son will Include Mis* Katherine Black. Mirs Merlal Black, Miss Madelle Bur rows, Mias Rood. Mice Ella Wrtght. i Ml;s Anne Wright Ml«s Jcona Garrett, , Mias la.ols Giwrett, Ml*» Lucy Allen, and Mlsa Mary W'llson Moore. Th • !The morning meeting* will be held ' fortnightly as heretofore. Bicycle Clutr The Bicycle Club held it* weekly meet Monday afternoon at the home of the Mlase* Carroll, and a ride up the canal bunk war enjoyed. New mem bers enroll**! were: Misses Louise and , Lottie Force, Miaa Gertrude Shepard, i Mrs. EL B. Hook, and Mrs. Nisbat. ' Wingfield. As soon a* the afsemoon grows shorter the rides will be in the I morning, riding with picnic luncheons, «mt once a month there will tie moon light rides, to which guests will be in vited Euchre Club A new euchre club, quite recently organized, held Its Initial meeting Tuesday morning, at the home of Miss Elizabeth Allen, who entertained the club at luncheon. The meetings will be held one morning In every week. Members of the club are: Miss Eliza beth Allen,, Mies Lucy Doughty Miss Gertrude Crane, Mlse Willye Roney, Miss Lillie Rountree Miss Belle Walker, Miss Ruth Howard, Miss Ous Smith, Miss Jessie Scott and Mias Harriet Ganabl. Pilcher-Tarver A marriage of interest to a great many Augusta friends is that of Mr. Tom Pilcher, of this city, and Miss Tarver, a sister of Mr, J. E. Tarver, which occurred in Rlythe Wednesday. A number of Mr. Pilcher’s friends at tended the marriage. M Verdery-Lamback. Cards are out to the marriage of triage of Mr. Leonard F. Verdgry. w'hi< h occurs Thursday evening, November 2d at 8:30 o’clock, at St. James church. TBTHJ AUODBTA STyJN JJ Jk. V MiLKjK.JhD PMMMMb iMk * ! mm** # 4# *%» •*%« «►*** **■ ■■ %rnmm • ******* I VImM % <»#>»» *W*4n CMk t . 'mum m | ««mi mui b* ** : M v f >4 m MNPf Itom* **4 ; Hm i Imnk HlMi Hr-fr Ip tMMfHMI IWNNI* Mft Ilf* C. II Xvtb (Nr 6 f»« IK vloll. IfltMi di»r (kfiliif hm fidtfrtMMl ffwai j ! a rldt (9 fyltadi la 14**9t9*i9>*fT> Mra Harratt la tNMUac liar mm tf»-j l«w. Mr Clark* Hottll. la AUwut. Mr* <?f Ilfcalar. !a tt»# [of Mrr Mr* rJ«»fa** Howard. Mle* l.wcy Atlew w ill Have Toeedap ! tor a vi*M to Mra, nuhth ia New York. Mrs Stanoard Owen* baa re* urged f na a visit to her parent* la dtaua- ■ . (ob Va. Miaa Lartr l-ewia. of Warren ion i* tbe guest ut bar via tee. Mra Frank Min* Mrria Ulark wrttl laave nett week for New Yurk to toßtloue bei violla atudy. Dr. and Mra. W. If. lla*rl*«B and M’.an liarrlauß kata returned from Long Island Mia* lone Harbot. of Charleaton, who has been visiting relatives here, hat J returned home. Mr. and M». George Wright were the gttesla Ibis week of Mr. and Mrs j 9. M Whitney. Mias Helen Wets'ger has gon* to (.‘plumb!* couuty. where ahe will t*-ac . school Ibis winter. Mrs. W. W. Montgomery, of Savan nah. is the git*'*' of Mies Anna Mont gomery, on the Hill. Mra. George Baker ha* returned to Columbia, after a visit to her parent*. Dr. and Mr*. Detiaussiire Fold. Miss Roselle Mercier left Friday for New York where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard rtqulre, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. I). P. Sullivan, who have been on the Hill, have returned to the etty, and are with Miss Ansley on Greene street. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin* Who have been summering at the home of Mlfis Be:tie Brown, on the Hill, have returned to the city for the winter. A Rome sorrespondent writes: Miss Belle Walsh, tbe talented sociorv edi tress of the Augusta Chronicle, baa re turned home after a pleasant vitlt to friend* In th* city. Mrs. John Twlggw left Tuesday for New York, where she Joined gome offi cers' wives, and sailed Thursday on a steamer of the R d Star Line for Cuba, where she will join Captain Twiggs. HAD TO WALK HOME. Tom Whltlaw’a Esperience in North Augusta. Mr. Thomas Whltlaw, a well known Augusta young mao, was last Friday night thrown from his horse, while riding the animal in North Augusta, near Mealing Park. He was not hurt, but had the unpleasant experience of footing it to the city, as his horse ran on to the city and left him lying In tbe road. The horse w'as found at heme when Mr. Whltlaw reached there. An lowa man was fined forty dol lars for squeezing a woman’s hand, and he swore he did If. by: accident. Perhaps that is what made the woman THE STATE OF &49*N||y| '%—*%#** !IT**** l "' *W* , 1 c % -MiiNl i *«9t |9* | *M| I** l 9K9* **"4l*l? ** •* rwiiiii #«#•# *• mmm Amt'* *”* i trip. ilfni g Kf4» *49(Tit Hipß i " *» •“ * * IIAN V COITON. miMlin* IV rwHWi ,t 9 +*pl* MJ4. •talk'll Hilt r*fx*rt9 t«l |*9»!*<t*tr*Hl* |%Orf, f.4 aM 44|Ml4 fMmniuili (iii jf hpi , U.*Ut ftrmm »• * *>•* U..H aslee UK #*-k «T» r;,:;', Nee Orveaaa. U*i ” ***’ •(till* 4% »e« raw*!** !!*■* gw*#* re ■ . ipte U. 28 aak « :**, *«•■* h IS*, ekl-wts i« Great H*M»ln : I Mobile *M l» —Weak. BlfittM *\. net rswetpt* 1 .(<*, n*** nwiata * J"' eak* TSP, elock »«!«. e*p.<rte «x*a»-j ' « tw 47*. , M*mvhl». «*rt. It. • -Week. oilAAUna g, net rerelpta (JB groee r**c4|*te S.lai.l ■alee *.*»«. *l« k J4.SJ*. Augusta. Oct J*. —(Meudy. mbtdneg I, net receipt* J.tß*. Itu* retelpt*». | Mle. l.lea a«o*k U.OSS. **he*leel*Hi ikl. I» —psltl. nitooling net retell la 4AT4, grtew receipt* 4 474 stock (t.tll. t*ln*»ialt. Oil. ia.--Ouiei. nthMirr Oct. »,-Bteedy. tnltHUtatt j IW bt. |.<-tg-. Oct. 3*. —Quiet, 1*14411*4 1 ♦. net* 1,4». Meuaton. Oct- ».-Quiet. nibWbug St,. Mel r*-*elnta S.'-’W. gnae rendpt**. asle* tST. attek 175.M4. Nee York. (>t. Quttt, mlrtrtlln* g US, aalea IS. stock lI.SSO, export* to tireat Britain 274. New York Cotton New Toritikt. IS.—The cotton mar- j Itet t relay oyfnetl aleady. with prices 1 ‘ to 3 polnts®**wer. under heavy receipt*. | dlaapp-ilhtlng new a. from the English | cotton maikct and the absence of out- i aide speculative support. Humors ihSt | Neill was coming out w Ith a 11,000J«iO i minimum crop eeltmaie and a vci-v | . | M .art*h statement caused a number of, |discouraged tonga to unload soon after j ■the opening. The hear crowd were not; I alow to ace their opu<*tunlty, and j Packed up by European selling order*, hammered the market vigorously Tor a time. Prices went off slowly under this pressure with the market feverish tnd - fairly active. The short factions were stimulated also by favorable weather reports and new* relating to harvest ing operations. TOie maiket fur futures steadied somewhat near the close mi ‘covering by short* who feared possible j bullish developmjtlls abroad or In the South over Hum My. 1 »t the dose the market was qulvt and steady at a nel loss of 3 to t points. Estimated re ceipts at the port* today. #4,0000 bales against 08,11# last week, and 46,960 ao tual last year. , t Thls w-ek's receipts, 410,0000 against 4U7.281 actual last week and 368,344 actual last year. Todays re ceipts at Memphis 3,235 ugalnst 3,294 last year: and at Houston 22,238 against 9,995 last year. New York, Oct. 39.— Cotton futures opened steady al the decline, and clos ed quiet. Open. Close. January - «•« *•» » February “■- 4 " ,1 At»ril s i, ,{ “ ,i " j un y ‘ 5.42 5.40 41 j„Tv 5.44 ' 5.43 44 lugust 5.47 5.40 47 November 5.10 ■ December 5.10 5 ' Kpots dosed quiet, 1-1# decline. Mid dling, gulf, 5 9-16: sales 28 bales. New Orleans Cotton. New Orleansertct. 29.—Cotton steady. October, nominal. to c i OH *; November .. 4 ’Jr ll December .. .. , February •• - 4 • S .‘ March f 7 4 -“?“ ,! ' April saw .May THE (DARKETS i I i #*{§ 49# km* m #** *** ? . M». skl# « ** # I « *»*“•# *i «« •• M •• *• #< »•*•#•♦••••••• W M k • T. I»* •• •••♦ ~ |}' S j • 'HIUM A# •««••••• ’** J \ flit I 4' i > ! ia Vk «•*••*•*•• *** j X*<flltr(* 19* ••••••*• »*» \**t * 9, Y. CV 9 IW !•( w* a* •• •• •# “r* j y BB _ j »|r*» I# M .* .. ; o Smr. l*f* a. - .. - 1H ii. X*v 4# )*••*••«**** ** | o. n tii# i« t r« •• iJ»Vi I O. il Uni’ 9, f« fa «* g* ,•* •• M »“’• Bt. I. * Han Ftaa. t»ca *# .. I»H HI p. Con .. .. .. . i« I m Paul C. • F tala 'I’S •u.intwin Hailway 7a ,* ~ M „ 14% i Hlengard Itope 48 Twin* *• .. 77 T. in*.— • B-» wt 3« *4 Tea. I*m . L d . lata - - *•? 1»>. Rg . Jd* - ** Wab. tat l« is. . ***» i Weat Aborc lit i c-lrginla 7«>, 1 HO. .leferi **d » j \\ la. cit-in tTonal lata *lk Stacks. IDk I At. his. n. preferred | Baltimore and i Fanada Pa. in. .. .. <• •• *• •• 11*8 Panada Kouthern •« •« .. •• *. .. H CTntral I’a.m. .. 2# | 4*itesa|..*ake and Ohio •* -• TIN; Chicago and Alton .. 628#, Phi. ago and )-# lllin-ds .. .. Chicago and ETaat Illinois, prefer lotL* i Chicago and Great Writrra *• .. 14 4"hit-ago. Ind. L. .. .. •• .. •• 'U H.J.. preferred 2# Chicago and Norlhweatern 13'i iJu., preferred .. .. »• •• •• •• •• h-H p. C. C. *• ft. 3 *ls Do., preferred •« •• •• 1,4 I Delaw are and lludaon 10l#i Del. L. * W 140'k Del. K Rio ,2 H Do., preferred sr ' I Erls (new) J 2 14 . |n-.. Ist preferred - cl * Fort Wayne .. l|4 Great Northern, preferred .. .• 137 Hueklng Valley ; * Illinois ('.-ntra 1 I ®* 4 * Luke Kile and W 44 Do., preferred laik - lyiulsvllle and Nashville r * Manhattan L .. . ■ Metropolitan Ht. Railway loo'- Michigan Central •• tJJTw Minn. Hi. L - 7 pi., Isi preferred ™ MlHsourl I’aclflc Mu Dll-- «<* Ohio f' Do. .preferred TT™ New Jersey Central "? New Yolk Central 1 * N. Y. Chi. #• Ht. L GW Do., Ist or " Do., aeeond preferred .. *••••• - Noi ibsrn I’ai die „:1 North American Company Northern Pacific preferred .. .. Ontario & Ore. It- ’’’ Ore. Short Line f® Faclllc Coasf. ltd P»' I "erred ;» Do., 2d ( referred “S’* Pittsburg Reading J.®' 4 Do., Ist preferred h. «- w Do., preferred , Rock Island ,u *'® St. Louis * S. ' * Do., preferred (HT?. 2d preferred * Tu. rfouis ». n. w Do., preferred si. 'j; l Do., 7,’ Hi. Ihiul and Omaha X 1 Do., oic'err-d I'* l ’ SI. Paul, M. Kr M T# B Southern PkOMlb Southern itailwu; #» I)o., DieCerred •• •• 34% Texas an.i ,: l’, Cnlmi Faclllc' .. 32ti F. F. D. -8- G -- •• -- 584 i'nion Pacific, preferred 6t *'*4#9* *** i* m »• *- ***• 1 P<p9w9 ' ; •**>#' & #s v m \+m % «*4» *#«*%• K I afciHlUkf ||k* lM»Q«lB*ff» *f «#*• r i*f 19* PMM **—* urn mtm** #l* f | m , ( „ftsnw«l UfAAttmx*. ft# r«H'**« • « llAfltrr- nHhaatUfte AMflf 1 |||f 11* r r»#iiltr (t l*i lwimnll*‘« ftdmt) In Ivli# i)r*mr«*r9 #t V9# firi iwi of % itu** l/Mfrf i i'*Hl J ttM*l * fmliif In !t# •49#r <4 19# fT»*u*» fiM 1% j n |inftine*i*n ttarlf TVir 9 •■f» ~fA ! ffft (io9 19 Ihr Start In rtrnaptSAy, 1 irtit thr r*!ln#4 rtoiiii |rn« ttHy f rs» n ,4 f, (tvp gml hr#* «*#r to I. | fts llonf I'rkft * ••tkllrtltrsf hf’MVt If) ,Ift. tnllfrall trtrt to (hr rk*r. Irtift ih* j tin iins p «fft (ffttMrd to frortloo** thr Ur*9#rV* And ipr 9ltSm. | j The l ank alat.-mani -•/ srhh mt* ta f tinea. <• »n Stuck*, th-niah the growing j strength of the Hssning twatltu tbots was evident tPtvrmmenl n-l-*s tt* ngute largely In the .ash Uur-ase and the large sspanamti of biang roual again be <i. 41 ted for thr moat part . . .|, i«||uns lu at hang- in. t.1.-atal to •nttng motaajr abtoad Th.- *tien«B ->f {silver waa attributed In laiytng .adecs from (lie t4|-sntsb S-. 1. Inment. | Bund* have *h»nn Inci.-aatng sctlt my mid atn-ngtlt dkrin glhe week, the I koluni - »f .b aling* on Friday using to ' !£,,3|3.(saw. Honda of and aouth 'v. atern r-acU an-l norganlaallois Isolds generally luivr l«-en favorite*. There have been large d'-allngv In th,- govern jnent coutM.ns uti the rrconl tutor tots, and the 01. l t* coupon and lh>- 5* cou lam '*. while the old t* rrgiatared and the new In have declined tk In the hid , Th«- total aale of aloek* were 215 4*o | shares. liy-ludlngWßaltlmore hiul Ohio, II 415, Him k Island 5,143. HI. Paul 217. American Hobaeco «».7*o. Sugar 10.- j 020. (Soverntnent Ismd* easier, atate ls*nds inactive, tallroad bond* firmer. United Suites 2» —. Rank Statement. New Yolk. Oct. .2D.-The weekly bank statement ahow a the following changi-a: / . Reserve, Loutw, Ini reuse Hn -eie, Increase 5,295,100 Legal*, increase t.M*,** Di-poslls, Increase 15,781.t00 Circulation, Increase 22,900 The banka now hold $2#,091.550 In ex cess of the requirem -nt* of the 25 i>er cent rule. v New York Produce. New York. Oct. 29.—Flour dul land weak at lower Prices to sell. Winter patents 3.75a4.00. Rye flour quiet ; buckwheat flour steady, 1.45h!.85 t buck wheat quiet, 43a44. Corn meal, steady, yellow 73a74; rye quiet, No. 2 atate 5Vi: barley, dull, malting west ern, 471ka51; feeding 38fta41; bari y malt steady, western 57a70: wheat, spot No. 2 ted, 7514; options were weak and heavy today under liquidation, big northwest receipts anil u sharp drop In cables accompany peace news, closed a shade steadier on covering, with %a'A cent lowet; sales Included No. 2 ied —March closed 7486: May close*! 72 ; December closed 7314; Corn, spot easier. No. 3214: options liearishly Influenced by cables, prospects large receipts and the break In wheat; closed UaVi cent | net lower; May closed 37; December closed 38; spot steady. No. 2 29; options neglected; beef"firm; fumily 9.50; extra ! mess !1.00u9.50; beef hams 18.50aI9.00; 1 packet h.OOalo.OO; cut meats dull, but firm; picgled bellies 4> T /„a7}6 ; do., shoulders t'AaVA; do., bams 714*714; lard, dull, western steam closed 5.22 Mi; city 4.90u9.00; October 5,22%; refined, quiet; cheese, dull, large white 8%; eggs, firm, state and pen E’l%: potatoes steady. Jersey 1.00a1.25: sweet Jerseys, J.12%a1.75: Southern 75; petroleum, steady; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 7,35; do., In bulk, 4,35 : rosin, firm, strained common to good, 1.46; turpen tine steady. 37a39M,; rice firm, domestic, fair 111 extra, 46»4«: cabbage quiet,, per mo, $3.00; cotton by steam 39a3R; cot ton seed oil, dull; prime crude is cents, nominal: primeYiimmer yellow- 22'.; off summer yellow, 28; butter grades 28a -—*»•* wsaaßHHiP .•aft *we .so -««#» «rn *z*m* * wlo *rZdi^'**^**^ %.««.* . i g>| • .«*m i nif* it jut-n*rrf *m t s**mm 99 <9MW|MSB #a 8 m, I# i m ■ m mm* ’*99 #*fl ***# 99k up 9 #«fMK «%*% 9 f *9® + i-|wf-f m#| mmm |f#l* **M9f' , j. ft<: - .-r ftg-i ■f* #HRM • HMtth | t «.##-. i 9*o# (nnipintfiwil % ■»#*#* $R9® 1 Bpng tones Si aaia B—aldtonßs 1 «"*#»## , f# y#| 9|. 499999®' iriiilH 1 t#t It# ij.i (#. , gii tM* * 99i9 #9 9 99MNMH If# « h m m •• mm AstAtfmmm * ' I •touf’H.t.i# tP 'lM)#* ml turn »i m. 9M9HMfe % « # * *•••«•«•* 9MMS': **o«w**s****s)«’Vß* •* wgftft taaiiMi* t| 199991 { M «a*MB ss ss ssss sw ss se ss I * : -Y- irr -—- - , Mart Hms Uatl kb«sa«w tonsvisknaa. npap. Plan- M*l 00 •iMa #>#♦ *• t***«#m 00 m m m m , 9 tS% ?Hk Hm* .. .0 9% I#•fffiNMMist JufttMKP"* at *3r •* •* *. ** * “ m M M 1 9 « ®i ” 11#-- „i M * • 119 m 1 *iQ9*g — 0 ‘M 0 c#i>*«r* mtrt .*9k» 1 * •• .. ♦# *• •• •• 1 •• « « Prm4m*. Hilttmort. 9<i on 9 %t*M h*fMf* n *f W9ml., (NMrtnr, •§•**!, m##t9 •ml Ndt rfnktpf f*®%, 1-iNw rirthrr TJ%®9k« fhHiilirnk wfcpftla hr •C#*TA|. (Vim, r«• f . 9***l tM *m -nib t7ti*Y i Nevssakes *7a'» newr or *H 27* 3784 ] January M#a>7. rriwuarr K- Howthscß white .om ITH naked Dull. J*«. • white aonlem (Sat*: rya. atrwd) . Ha. I. near 11*7 No 2 srstsrfl 1%. fiogar, strong, tort ter-1 at -ady\ un- banged; eggs, nrm < Sees. 4 steady, unebsligvd. Whisker umbaagrd. \ Chicago » h#*4- iTib go. Ort, Me—An improved ag ing t r.emaxd today and storm) »eath . t throughout the umtbaeat . ao««d a iinivgy fiom an aaily dveitne In tha v heat MrtoS, De«-egiWr rloaad un changed to* t% Iflitff. com pared with yralriday's final llwuiaa. Oarn U-ft sf a ahad>- trtgbcr Gate advanred 14. Fmk rained S ■ i-nla Lard gained 2% rent. Riba un*banged. Galveston Grain. (, Otf. Jt.-Esr-vrtß grain tbla week to Uvcfitiwl a. a. Gaga n nor K.WM bur he I a wheat; •- a. Ka mi, ran 40,900 bushel* w 1..-al, Mancha** ter a a. Nleeto T‘ 00(1 l>uahela wheat; Itwtt -rdam. a. a Llndiafame nd.oon Ini - shot* wheat; ljieii»wl a. a. Quvcrndf 35,714 buaheia cura. Naval storg«. charle.ton. 8. 0.. CKt. 29 —Turpen tine maiket firm al 32 firm, no a.vle*. Rosin, quiet, unchanged; sales n.dte. Havannah. Ga.. Oct. » —Spirita tur pentlne firm. 35 rents; r-w-elpta I.TM; sales 1.343. Rosin firm, sales none; ra eetpta 5,39#. Guotationa un. hanged. Wilmington. N. C.. Oct. 39. —Sntrtts turpentlno (Inn, 35, 34 half; receipts to. Rosin firm, 1«6, 11«: reielpts 545 I'rude turpentine firm, 1.33a1.90 and 1.90; re ceipts 43. Tar firm, 115; receipts 80. Dry Good*. New Yolk. Ocl. 29. —The week closed today with n much better reeling pre vailing in holh woolyn and cotton g»<>de In he former there 1* a decided gain In I merest In light weight g.mfla for men’s wear: th* dnw* goods hav» shown u sympathetic improvement In th*- lat ter there has been a feeling of security apparent based oil 111'* fact that I lie print cloth Is or bids full- b> a surpeas. This lias helped neatly all Hues of eqt t. ii goods, particularly staid.• linad W fixing values more definitely. GONE TO HIS ROST.’ A Well Known Citlien of Burke County Passed Away. On last Sunday night Mr. J. M. C. Pollock fil'd it his heme, nt Hlllls, having reached the ripe nge of seven ty-seven. His licuth was no surprise to his relatives and friends, as ho had been a confirmed Invalid for the past two or three years, not having been able to leave his home during that time. He was u man of great activity and energy, hut when his strength be gan to decline from old ago, It seemed to leave him oil al once, and he spent two years of his life in a very decrepit state. He was a member of the Chris tian church, a constant reader of th© Bible, and In his latter years a devout follower of the cross. The funeral cer emonies were conducted by hts school mate and life-long friend. Dr. Robert Ixjvett, who has performed the last sad rites over every deceased member o* ■the family. The remains were Interred in the cemetery of the Christian church. Mr. Pollock leaves a daughter and ten grandchildren to mourn their loss.— Waynesboro True-CUlzen. Really prosperity is coming sorfhick that we are tm> busy to enjoy ItA