The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 01, 1898, Image 1

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m>SST ‘ t * ttlMJt, $ «•*. m* au.ugi a*. •»« |» »saw *# fkNgHggNt. TtA acocita AAfiSCi tiJiK, An# MmhMM gfc SPAIN MAY APPEAL TO THE POWERS Reported That She Will Break Off the Paace Negotiation* on Friday. When Her Time Limit Will Expire* That la the Sentiment C«orea*ed in the Pin N*w»- paper* Today. x ftm t rif*» pegegg #■#?*•* t** gw g-g as igae bs#b #f ib# gegne Ijgfefiniwe *B* gnpf stag jMifetn jgrr* ink gg|! are lgiepe#sttKg ee INmBmmHIBM III* Cgrte fß# Hrti >re— |«dtr he* Ml* 4090004 that tSa* fa»ee on of frfto PU^n freed ft nets fron N»y fepe* deetlged to ctat'tJt Is ee p# rat tag tat deli fnm tfer eiNtoe. the wort gag r •row the kwa. e»d ee M le Iwpoaetblr t# ittfl ea B»<kr»i««4ii»f thry *ek*d itke! *t InAtl the order el tin grtAoroi rOKEF TMCR 5 DAY. MaJ. Joseph a CwwHwtwg I* *« One llu sp**krr» a« ChTtrstow. Cktrinii* • C, No*. I. The ini of Forefathers’ (**» will be celebrated la Cbarteatow with wonted Mtbui wot U»i y*of th* pipm Ksgtend Stori 'ty tied the pleeeiir# and profit of burin* Justice Brewer of the Untied 81*ta* Supreme Court. All Charleston welcomed tbe great and (an I*l Jurist This year on the Bad of Dee tuber, th« principal iprtkir will bo Benator fianrf* F Hoar of Mtsaa'husells. lha Neator of tb* United State* Srait., and pci bap* the tpost a< com pi a bad me>ntKT of that august body. la bl* letter of acceptance. Judge Hoar lay*: "I am *i:re that you *lll not drub* I feel myself highly honored by your la*! tit 100 In behalf of the New Englard Society of Charleston, a* I am deeply touched and gratified by what you aay In the Inter which coaveya It. I thank Ood that 1 have lived to he boid this day. and that my eye* have seen the people of the whole country united again In affection aa In the early time” Senator Hoar la chairman of the Ju diciary committee of th" senate, and there la a possibility that the great question* that are being considered bv the peace romm ssion in Paris may confront tb* committee of the r-nate ao as to compel a session all through the Chrlrtmas holiday*. But this contingency la ao remote that while stating It Judge Hoar says: "I hope and expect to attend your ban quet on next* Forefathers’ Day.” Among the O'her speakers who have accepted invltat.ons to respond to toesta upon the same occasion are Senator Pavey of the New York Jegls leture, tow In atendance upon the Paris earn Commission, and Major J. B. Cutnmlng o’ Auguata. Ga., whoso fperch on The Old llonth several years seo before the New England Society Sot only electrified all who heard It. but was published In several forms, and is recognized as one of the clas sics upon the subject. THE I XTR \ FORCE At the Postoffice Will Be Added on the 10th. Postmaster Stallings states that the extra men that will be added to the postofflee force will not be in etelled before the 10th. There will probably be three mare clerks added to tbo riapertment. The mail for the sr Idlers will be put up In special mall pouches, each company having its sep arate pouch. These pouches will be called for by a messenger from each regiment and delivered at camp about twice a day. The delivery of the military mail will he entirely separate from the oth er mail. There will be no kck, it is safe to say for Postmaster Stallings has plan ner the matter well and the soldiers will get their mail promptly. The clismge in the situation of the money orler department will soon be madp. The nature of the change has already ■ bee? made mention of. THIS ISA COOO TIME FO.l THE Ml RRV-MAKIM ASSOCIATIONI TO REORGANIZE FOR BUSINESS. it* Okfji a «m THE AUGUSTA HERALD. tfUXI Mi |#j tOTSfAVkwh NlMt f%# mmem ->N NT ti# NMI SMBS ININBigNNMMMIifNI ENT IM P94o* j <*£nl IB t%» tAtn>t iM rNij j %|w* W| Mw-g ■ • §M .J* *, s graloml ** Th# Om!on r*Mrfc»: W* Bog* AfNlB. It to r#r?N***. *(**)4 t|k# I’kT | a r»iß#r iHw •übniit t© A««nii* j t*'!e« iirm* NEWS FROM RICHLAND. TKn Crop In OcofSN# CwiMy Art Es* pNclNftty Rtc RirAUod Oxhi « County. 0». Not.! 1 —Farmer, batreabtmt art pref tr blue over 1% eewta eo.iuo. though other wise 1 think this raosiy t* ia better rot.u in a that usual. Theer has been more hay sown In the county this full than In an* two j seasons prex.ou* Hay ta now soiling at j four to flve dollar* per ton Ther. , was scarcely *ny fodder saved, and all on account cf rain, though probably there Is sever much lost by leaving the 'fodder cn the stalk, aa the core, when , foder i* not stripped off. I* usually ! much the heavier. Your eorretpondert ; shucked up a small lot of corn laat week and (elected SI ear* that weigh- 1 'ed 70 pounds, and thinks he cvn show . SO ears that will outweigh one bushel— j 70 pounds. la this writer’s opinion Col. You maa* la right about the rost of rais ing corn; certainly corn can be grown for ten cent* per bushel, but tht* must be done on very rich land and with the I beat of management, easona, etc. There Ila land In this county that will mak* 100 bushel* of corn per acre without any fertiliser, end the work can b* done for less than ten dol'ara. but this will not do aa an argument for raising corn In the South. Forty cents a bush el is nearer right, ard that is about half whet it coal* the all cotton farb er when he has It to buy cn time. Now, Mr. Editor, (here Is where the trouble Ilea with the Southern people They are forever trying to buy a living at two prices and trying to pay for It ia cotton at half price. Oconee made the finest wheat crop this year that has been made In many years, anrt there will be stUi a larger crop sown this fall. The County Fair anil Stock Show | opens on Wednesday next. A good many prizes are oFered. for various kin da cf farm products and stock. There will be racing and som» fast herses will be there. Mr. Ben Harris, manager for Mr. A. T. Smyth*, has the beet trotting colts et the Sereca race track that have ever been on ex hibition in this county. Dr. J. S. Strtbbllng sent oof a young horse from Seneca this fall that is probably winning the best purses of any horse in the South this season. This horse “Hartwell.” in his first ap pearance cn the track, won the for all purse at Macon, Co., til's month, against some of the best herßef in the South; time. 2:21; L. W. Verner, driver. Ocoree Is folly alive If coiton is only worth 4Vfe cents. Wedding Cords. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hlllis have ; issued cards to the marriage rs their ! niece,Miss Carobelle Racbiiffe,to Mr Os car B. Stoughton. Themsrriage occurs Wednesday. November the sixteenth, at half pa3t two o’clock at the First Baptist-church New York Futures. New York. Nov. I.—Futures opened steady. Nov. 5.02. Dec. 5,08, Jan. 5.13, Feb. 5.18. March 5.22, April 5.27, May 5.30, June 5.34, July 5.35, Aug. 5.40. j TBOttfi fol (114. Tfc*f* Hi* lx** fit n»»t* *f | Origin I hi* tw*« m*mi *■» Swwg tWm »*»*** I <rnta>i*w ti •litMX Ni«r**9 (*4# ** §M|I #*-.* NtMd*4 r< i4 KINO OI.OMdi: MAN RI TIRL. lath of Orvawa’a Rwle AMkaHwg I* Urn mp 4. CoprotiffD. Nov. 1. -«* Ktni OfOfl^ lof Grrtff sir •bdlcTU# In tl# *P f «o* I In fftvor of frovv PnifN roittiidt#. Tat* itpan la p» r »W«u b**e l» court | circle*, but naturally ranaol b* verb [ fled King Uvont* U Mill vla'tlng bar* after a'umdtng tb* funeral of bis mother, the Queen of Den-n«rk Tbe krown unpopulnrlty of Prince Constantin* with tb* Greek pcop'e. attribute to him many of ibe ml. for tune* of the war will. Turkey. tends to discredit the Idea of bis fath ers abdicating In bis favor. Ilia well known, however, that Klag George would Ilk* to retire and return to Penmar.k If be could safely do ao. without imperilling the future of hi* children. NOT ENOt'OM DOCTORS den Ba'ea’ Testimony Before the Investigating Commission. Nov, 1. The war in vestigating commiaalott this morning b gan , examining witnesses The chief wltneca waa General J. C. Dates, who testified n* to the Santiago campaign and Camp* Mobile and Cht eamauga. When asked what In hi* opinion was the weakness of the medical de partment. General Bates said that he thought the greatest mistake made waa In not sending medical officer* in auff'cient numbers with the regiments or., -red to tbe field. Additional transportation should be fiinnished for medical officers and medical *tip p'iea. ambulances and horses. Dr. Conners asked: “What do you think of the propriety of allowing female nurses to accompany the army into the .»"ld?’’ “I think it perfectly proper,” be said, "to have them In large hospit als. but not In the regimental hospit als.” PUBL'C w ALE DAY. Four Realty Transactions Took Place Today. Today was a dull day at the court house, an unusual thing for the first Tuesday. There was the usual array of hor ses, mules, and vehicies, thronging the square, but very few of them changed hands, and with two or three excep tions the horse that brought the far mer to town was the one which car ried him home. Col. Walker sold a few pieces of property: One-eighth interest in the estate of the late William B. Broad- j hurst, being purchased by Tutt & Boylston for *195. In the adminis trator’s sale of the estate of R. H. Harris, tbo properly was bought in by Mrs. Harris. Two lots on Twiggs street were bought by Mr. H. H. Cam ming for sll3. Runnw y Last Night. Last night as F. M. Dugas and his eon were driving home on their wagon the horse became frightened at some geese and ran away. The wagon oolltd ed with a dray standing on the street. Both were thrown out, the elder Du gas' head striking the curb and frac turing hi* skull and otherwise Injuring him. The son escaped with a few brui ses. The son is out today, but the fa ther, although not so seriously hurt, as was at first reported, will be laid I up for some time. A! m *t A. *l4 MUST BE NO (lIORE COfflPlifllNTS n» tlwfi Ist f»tttb*t Ihli lid Nat Mfitiiti r%*» *c* i mm* |» i«m »*n >w M o#t Rib (Rbmnnmnnmi. m nil fNHL I m T*n rwqmmm *»NINfBNj fNNB ttftßP* ** *%* 1 iHxi mu** 'mm* l m owm**4 Bf UN mp* ***• *#s wtt |l |di n*n 1 4 * * *4/Ivmto wf i %*■ mm *t*< wN mrnnn n mp tpf’ommrmdmttorn* tB m * urNlv »«> Hit HR.N**' . I‘ifeujttfk (k}| |x §# i nlb. bn a I# m*' t »tt k >!bjwM| IVrf k** R9NI PMPP INIR #>f |*«*» f«f 04 * rtmo (Blf tv# ivßßit w • RUtti kMI of Bltiffl ff#t H rRHBHIi. 404 * garr.*. n duty la r*t§a M’ !«!•«,»« » tbe rtillpytaea. >lt t* believed bytti* lUMtvnJ • ••cuffrrabie perlioa *f It. r*atte«* pof>«la«l*B **f i* r •*>•■<• *ab«rl*iiy tfccae Mbs bav* t>*ea baa* tag am* la tu—rgm' or Bp»atib ar tnl*a will be kept quiet aad law »bid-, leg. It ta stated by tbe offterrm tbat j army dull** dqvolvtoa upoa trooga un der tbe «*w order of thing* cannot b# satlofartory to votna'cera, aad aa rmy will bav* to be provided which wttl go wb*rv H Is seat wtthoot com plain u cf any Mad Tb# men uk* eallat la tb* regular army hWMfltr will aader atand tbat they *r* likely ta be c*lt*d upon at aay time to •** out of tl»* eiuatry aad garrison diataot lands for long periods. It la believed that the demands which have been made upon the eenetora and r*pr***etatlve* to muster out volunteer regiments end discharge the volnaleer* In th« r**i meats which here remained in service have been ao neat tbat they wUI be .•envlnceC tbat a regular army fur gar fteon duty in the new possessions la an absolute geceaalty. j . OFF FOR PORTO PICO, Tbs Fifth Cavalry Aoon to Oo By »Vay of Saa-annah. ■ Huntavllle, Ala.. Nov. 1. —Brig. Gen. Combs assumed command of the Sec ond brigade, Flrat divialoti today. Brig. Gen. Arnold ia now in charge of the First rivalry brigade. The Fifth cavalry expects to move to Porto Rico In a few days. The railway* are asked to make ratei to Savannah The Flrat Infantry from Annlaton haa arrived and t* now In camp at Went Hunta ville, Maj. Biro* commanding- Prep arations are being made for tbe troonn to spend the winter here. A contract Involving the expenditure of $55,000 was let for erect'rg mesa hall* and ahedn, every regiment to live In tent* supplied with stove*. Investigating Commission. Washington. D. C., Nov. t. The members of the war investigating com mission who did not go to Lexing ton, Cincinnati and other western cities reached Washington today, and Will hold a meeting tomorrow to arrange for ■a trip to Camp Meade, where it Is ex pected to procure testimony bearing upon the conduct of Camps Alger and ’Wlkoff• The Southern trip consumed 1 sixteen days. The run frym Knoxville to Washington was made over the Southern, and the Norfolk and Western roads In the exceptionally short time of fifteen hour*. Presidential Appo ntments. Washington, D. C., Nov. t. Ap pointments by the President today were ns follows: * j Col. Sanme! M. Mansfield, of the 'corps of engineers, IT. 8. A., will he a member of the California debris com mission. Third Lieutenant Richard M. Stur doynnt will be a second lieutenant in the revenue cutter service. Joseph K. Goodrich, of Pennsylvania, will bo interpreter to the consulate cf the United States at Naaaskaki, Ja pan. The Emperor at Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Now. I.—Emperor Wil liam proceeded to Mt. Zion today,where occurred tha ceremony of hoisting the German and Turkish flags on a piece of ground, which, according to tradi tion. was formetfty occupied by the abode Of the Virgin Mary, and which the Sultan presented to the German emperor. The latter subsequently for mally presented She ground to the Ger man Catholics. fcUGND <*ty*fcl*!l Jol\A Ilf. fulf il Vfert i*t4f fat SfffYNß Vit! t*« «• bet ri‘ I ffflt —— : *» a* tbapawua ■» * >1 luaa m t*t»» Meta **•*!» »n N**Ft|pHiMM# #• ttf #N# i ti in ilm« U* tu*w hi*fi Vfft *1 T» IN mm 4 IN* r«d«#i fivnhaMr Hnn t« n» Nrftll IB#, Mrtmi MIMNI «• «H# pin 0 R* BfiHmfrt «IBr»Nli. THi! MARIA TUUISA SAFE sb# VMM H*r4ty I mcowmUt • W##l Indian C> clone. ! WaablagttM. Nor 1.-The aavy de 1 part ment Is under ao apptehoaaioa as to tb* safety of tbe Marta Teresa, al though some fear to n* present at the Santiago dispatches that tbe vessel along with (be e*,aeons, bat* failea Into the apbere of tbe Went Indian cy clone. Tbe Teresa passed Cape Slayis early jester day morning, bound far Hampton Roads, and signalled "all well” by tbl# time, accord'*)* to tb* eakrtatloaa of aarat officer*, sbe would be nelt to tba eastward, and away from iba Florida coast. Mean while tbe weather bureau reports a pjc one farming southwest of Havant, which will probably come up the southwest roast of FloriC.t, and If thla predict lea 1* true tbe warship wtll be well away from the pathway of the cyclone, at least a thousand mile*. The Trreaa ia expected to arrive at Hamp ton Haa da Sunday. SALE STOPPED. Refusal to Sett Stock of Gray & Son in Bulk. I Savannah. Ga., Nov. t Receiver SI. L. Bycit. in the case of the H B Claf (tin company against Christopher Gray ti Son. reported to the superior court yesterday that he had realised from the stork since the refusal of the court to sell it In bulk the sum of $2,312.56. The bid* for the tialance of it at the time were It.jno and SI,OOO. He la now of fered SI,OOO for what ts left by a coun try merchant. Thla offer wns reported to the court and accepted. The sale wttl therefore be (topped at once. INDOOR BASE BALL Will Again Be Revived This Season in Augusta. A revival of Indoor baseball will soon occur, i-ast winter the sport flourished for a brief period. There were so many political meetings about the time the sport was Inaugurated that t e atten dance at the games fell off, as almost everybody would go to the political meetings. The game is an Interesting one. and should be well attended. The C. L. A.’s and the Y. M. C. A.’s will put forth teams. Flßrfs ILL BURNING. The Flames in Nixon’s Store Giving Troub’e. The firemen were again called out last evening to the Nixon building to put out a blaze that had broken out from the debris. After two hours’ work they left, but, this morning, the hay and grain were burning again. The fire is situated so that It is impossible to reach it with the water, but a large force of men has been busy all day re moving the hay and sacks of grain, and the firemen will now be aide to get at them. New Religion Causes Death. Los Anrreles, Cal., Nov. I.—Nell Thompson, colored, died while being taken from the home of Mrs. Minerva Williams, who calls herself a represen tative of Christ and preuches the doc trina of fasting as a means of grace. The Thompson woman had gone with out food for eight days and had slent in tha river bottom on a piece of mat ting. The matter is being investigated. Miss Mary Renfort, cf Richmond, Va., is the guest of Miss Minnie Weed Pinkhatu, on the Hill. |t%9 tail A** 4 »»»• niiMt w%, •* *«• A SANTIAGO HERO TOCOMMANDHERE Con. Monry W. Lawton Hat Bttn Appointed to Sutcnd Ctntril Graham In Copv* mand of tht Second Corps. He Commanded the Rtffht Wine Which Commenced the Attack on Santieeo. •I* NM#lß#m (MMIMIM *%O ONBNflt OrdfeM) *• *• Bn*» *#• *# Pm in«n t»*-%*i* iwimi p*4 A—n»b< tmmm mr* TIMRN 4 #Mna Nrfll 14# 940 P$ tße Pf94 l iMNNMMt 0 (Be INAN Nh 99 ft* li N wei# eat gre#iy nnnnnninn NNMMf eiNl IB# #NMB|» IfefN Bff9 tfcKefe# tie * # <ttf ■;#%♦? t ee#ml#fe«t NBti NONklNpltVMfi ti to M»ii ■■ A tram Ti rtuM V*J» G»n#e*t than W L«*- ma, utae triArrl xg i r*i-* **# -ace t» «4* kuttw at Omti>s«n *M tM#v the at tnert >cmw*4u .4 thu city Mu lusa sgqMtoiieA •» cnaui—A tb* tie rfiiNd 94490 940 NH9I iBtHNNMfN •# " Ml ANIjBMN f' ' 3+j if' (// i /7 \X ' vl y-,A (vMr?\ ” 1 // & A' - "# \v /' - - pp MAJOR GENERAL HENRY W. LAWTON^ General Lawton car born to Ohio, but received hi* flrat military appointment from Indiana Thla waa pa April lath. Iflfll. wh*" he was made a sergeant in tbe Ninth Indiana infantry, which po*irion br held until July 29th of th* same year, when It* waa honorably dlacharged. On the 20th of Auguai. he waa made flrat lieutenant of tbe Thirtieth Indiana Infantry. On May 17th. IM2. hla ncit promotion came in the shape of a com mission *« esptain. For two years he served in tht* capacity. Finally on Nov. It, IML ha waa appointed a lieutenant colonel. ..... Fot roerltoriou* conduct he was given the brevet rank of colonel oo the 13tb of March. I**s He »n ihen muatered out oo Nov. 28. I**s On the 25tb of July. 18*«. he entered the regular army, receiving he rank of sie>nd lieutenant In the Forty-Arst Infantry. Thla rommlaaton waa changed fer that of flrat lieutenant on July sl. I**7. Retaining bl* same commission he wse tranafetred to the 1 weoty fminh Infantry on the 11th of Nov.. 1869. and was again transterred to the Fourth cavalry service oo Jan. 1. I*7l. On March 2(1 1579 a cap-it to’a commission was given him. mr nine vear* no promotion Mint, hot on Srpt.t7.l* was appointed major and inspector general, which place he M eepted on Oct. 2. IMA ,B IM9 another promotion came In the shape of a commission aa lieutenant colonel and Inspector general, then followed by a colonel and Inspector * "Tt tbs 'opening of hogtitUle* he oerupled this P o * ,,io «' b ''* *** promoted to a brigadier general sad given charge of a division that went tc Cuba For his gallant sei vice there he waa made a major general. Gen Lawton only relurned to the United State* about a wrek ago and will take charge at once of the corps ai>ftiKned him. Lf»d the Fight at Santiago. The following extracts from tbe account of an tf* of *|£ fighting at San Juan gives some Idea of the service rendered by Gen Law ton '“Thc right wlrg of the army under Gen. Lawton began the attack early * * . Oen Lawton waa reinforced about three oVloeg and Ut, . y » « r-niTiTf iU’ • * * On my way back froin the front I t's messenger hurrving to the chief surgeon aeking for stretchers for P U Frnn, hU I knew that Gen. Lawton was having n hot time. ' hP “When Oen K«t made his charge on the fortified height. , , ..tmuiiisrl hv Wheeler and Lawton and the fighting oe r crrlV' dru Amcmireans advanced the Spaniards slowly fell Z™ ‘Ts Gen Kent started toward, Aguadores. Gen. Lawton’s men ad vr.r.ced to Taney. Upon these troopb fell the brnnl of the battle. HA KINSON & O’KEEFE Put In the Hands of a Receiver Yes terday. Mr. L. C. Haync was yesterday ap„- potnted temporary receiver by Judge Simonton In the can? brought against the Hankluaon Lumber company by the National bank of Augusta. he defendants are required to show cause on November 28 why the receiv ership should not be made perma nent. The liabilities are about $30,- 000. John S. Tyapn Appointed. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 1. John R. Tyson of SAvannah has been appoint ed grand secretary of the Odd Fellows to succeed Col. Dietz. Mr. Tyson has been grand treasurer for over five years. Embezzler Dies in Prison New Orleans, Nov. 1 Frank B. Leese. convicted with J. N. Wolfson of wrecking the Union National bank, died in the parish prison today. y AsttoaaV* • * PtfWNfW*! M * B ppopo I mmm POP PI e WTf NN l< AN AND hAVINON NANA JOTTINGS FR HARTWELL. Personal and Cleneral News From Our Neighbor. Hartwell, 0.a., Nov. 1. Toasly & Son’s new brick store Is nearing com pletion. When finished it will be one of the nicest buildings in the city. Miss Victorino Nordln, & charming young lady of Anderson. S. C., is vis iting Mrs. A. W. Adams. Hartwell is one of the most popular trading points in northwest Georgia. Every week there are people here and from sections tributary to other trade centres, buying goods In large quantities MISS IDA LEWIS. Passed Away at Mns O’clock L-.*t Night. -After a lingering Illness, the pur;, sweet spirit of Miss Ida Lewis passed away to the great beyond. Miss Lewis hail been sick ot her home, corner Lib erty arm Estes streets, for several months, she has borne her suffering with a patient resignation which has been a lesson to many,