The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 02, 1898, Image 2

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tPHt IDAV Ism® Vows AMI NOT MORE BINDING m* toto4 . #4 f TEAS IS THE COABAVTU Ml Piano! READ THIS: "B*«*f fun* •NN |f «l MUM! IM fltoto in toflf»9M*4i • **4p ON# NMNMwi #4kM4 •# fNMNM * *NT ll# •M*NM itofiflfc# •# MM ##■** liiifMfttt n**%> («.* I«A L M momas & Barton, SOLE AGENTS. tit MMKSAHWaY, At«l 1 -*YA UA P, fi. - *t» poWlag mmt ln«t*| ►» ArtM*. THi: TRITH AWNT NtCOTINI tlnd Man. M RM A* MMurtw* I* 1 (ffN Orictii Hmm fNNuK fl# | “I OM l life# ti» VpiH I rlarteM If*’ AtO«Mk " mm 4 m AiiSliv. * H*» Is MmnmH to 4f*totin# «f t4# nnnnC. ' kit ib* ttolfe MM# b#A> • of ||Sfcri NM M*ilflUa( IV OMNI W Is NMmHv rot file frit** I* S 4>Sftlfr (wtiua, MS* 4#*## of It ffttt MSN* S puc <1 lll#4 SMMttff tMfS sr III# Isms* If itoj9#'l#4 Mi br ut* fi mo ns! > 111 H MOM 14 tfk* gfffltoto# mtlf Ml » to inn s mms Tlm tmtti »• tfcot IW| tint* I# skoorlwNt, *%#m Ip# tl*« is pottcit!* 4 Mom alhl t N<n >cw fitd of m *f* vbfi its fm» »ir#si*t to fesrrti tft»iti| ift4 Of* found rrs luttip* to b# rf«kS| till olrofls* Alt dbbiiti N ttbivig »f tb# hlv4 ft*' h* rr * n<4 Agiii, It to s fittjf'f* #* fN#f'f*?r *|t tO blllM iSObf tfc «•>«>*# i 4it: f4#rr4?tof t std (bt Kttiß t4ft In pr is IM {Mtlsvijr tnppood to b fjd# by Wftotttoto It to ratoft# oil o' tohSiMNt. ohk’b to s h >rs* of * <f?ff#r*r rctof Mo. tb# rlitof birtn kSf to gtojtofctto# to Hi* Mtmiilstk o tbirb If ptvo to tto l»#»rt. Tilt* I* )f tfw# of rttirril# FiruftUii. *hfr« *Mtoft«r I* noirtt si mat* fiTsrtk**A Krb tftso Mm **mok* to ltiHsl*4 It sett as s slijttit sfoir to th* h#srl sn«’ n**ftr «* to nsv. (tier* l# pure to In* » reset lon. If the •ten her In In good rmrwl health he w’ll probnh'y tifte* (hI It, lint If be Im't there will ha> pe rlnda of profound deprenalon. and. not knowing the rani*, ha la apt lo try lo brace up on drink, which make* mat tnra Jtief that much wnran. If ha ha* organic heart trouble a valvular weakness*, I mcan- lt'a quite possible that ha will tumble over some dark dar and pul hla none! plumage on, Thoaa are the cold fgeta about amnk t*ig- none othrra are genuine.'' DOKS THIS STRIKE YOU? Muddy rumple alone. Nauaratlnn * brantb come [rum chronic constipation. Karl a Clover (tout Tea la an ahwolute cure and haa been sold for fifty year* on an nbaoluta guarantee. I'rlCe 'JS ota. and M eta.. Hold by-- lletallere, T A. rtligton, Anderson's l>iug Hlore. Alex andar'a Drug Vtnv, Went End Phar macy, The King Pharmacy. Wholesal er*, Davawjuun * Fhlulay. DON’T SETTLE ON YOUR FALL HAT ON YOUR FALL UNDERWEAR ON YOUR FALL NECKWEAR ON YOUR FALL FOOTWEAR UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR’S NEWEST AND LEADING STYLES FOR MEN. CALLAHAN’S-TUKPIN'S, 818 BROADWAY. IN THE THIRD; IN THE FOURTH 1 tafftM lUtoltW if • totof ** », *«»**-« |Ss % «•## §S 9*flM iMNriMI Mil MM MtsiMM tot M S*nS* MIMfS 4 +■*- ' * Me* *SSM -A ’t 4 ' S***M*N MbS s*StMMMMMS SHM SMMto S 9 tflM I r«tMt SNMi riM»# «4M*m. is sr *#Se* I • Atrir Sf f||# SflSi MM* CMSS tSNMS If%e4 Isf MStM snms *s* N|teie sus *4to -*• I AgiiMMl l|m* TsS t tw* wthMM* ss*sk#ss4. S t+*m ft#’ *ss fM Imsmsml Mm tsset# I •%* MgliMsrsi 544 is ** «H»% Mm 1 IflSMl M*s wi *imi.s>>ss Mm »*stiffs -1 - aims tss M* «sftf smv s4sa4 ts «ss 2 #s4 ssrv it #* «*##tlf SS s* Ifep# Is % I SfSSM sfc#M sMs feslfp Is Ws#4 4 I tsslM fSSf SMSfll l 5 S* VI SNM Is MNm4 I V%# ssMf sfMSS Mm If 4s*S letMl SSSitMf If Ms tl I tfbfll# H* I tsstof*fs4 ft Mm itosttli set 4 «Mk"« I ism fltfSfNans... f*« Mm rwff *vf las- Iksf fi |4# SSMtfS SS4 SNMSf I MM taMHPa M HI M ktHlfne Me* MI lYtwtlgwr at*M* MM* I omh* r**ar*ng wwnla tlat la • Mi ! w»fn**ntl Tk* raan*W wf Ikk In *nt ] ■ -»-aw -g M*aw« the 4i.Ming than few* I»naan Ward* I n*M A tnkna n taw* wan* IV* KlfkwtM'* ranHa*** |l >k'**U t* *a**gik*ra I tkgl nil I *u arr« a* tlaa #wa» MAa wf f*a*mlng I ti.*t nan- In Ik* Third ward n*d nit n* I -1* near gk* tn tka ImO k w erg on Wttrft atda wf CMMktng Mr I Vkmk ttvnn I* • raflMC g*uUng Ml - I 'an Mi ( kanawi SronMi a* fYAMMNMkr Mr Wkink r kenna In on ll* a*n*b I "Me at fYAnOCnkr a*rent da tfc* want I f (ha howee la PwnlM Nl*K Tn tb* I oMik of rka Mrwan a*d n Mttla la tka net ta n‘ia«i Camming atraad- that la. M l amming Miaat In rum nawne of ha work Tktg pWcea tka r*alde*e» * tka nanf aWa of mm pnri es Cam nlag and «• Urn amnt aidn tm tka atk* ! Mr ITkMtla aa«da kin rkPdraa In tka *mrik *nrd pwkMr mk«»«>l. kavtng mu told *• do an kr Anpt «v»na H# ciarnllr tkoagki nat kg uH W tk* vnrth ward an kla tkUdrwn mat to rSool In i hat ward Aa n rearlt k* tvakf to tk* Towrtk card nMre and auiugraphi d ft# wna rapormd lif Martin Mall* **<t I hit Mkarbef , Mr Whltttr conauPad Clip Allomap •rr*tt on the matter tndar the j * tract ao aapa Mr. Wklttlo. la of I opinion tlmt k« tWhltflol llvrw In I S# Third ward. Tka whole matter to • mlatake and ! o Intenili n on tka |»ri of TNllilr to i o anything Illegal Tka mm will be -erd bp Judge lto*tw tomorrow rornlgg- Puiklra * Arnica Salva. TH* nCTT RAI.V* IB the world fnr ut, itrulara. Poraa. tUcara, Halt ithaum. Paver Poraa. Tatter. Charned llcnda. Chllblalna. Coma, and all Pkln r.ruptlt n* and pual'tvaly curat Plica, r no pap required, ft to gugrantaed to rive perfect aaiiafactlon nr rnonc - ra udad. Price » .eg» l>er bo* *OR Utl HT HOWARD A WII.L.ET REV. WALLACE THARP. la Now I ocated In Crawtordvllla. Indiana. The many frlaoda of Rev. Wallace Tharp, lata paator of the Klrat Chrlat lan chureb. WIU be Inlerealed iu learn ing that he la now located In Craw fordvllle, lud . and has charge of a flourishing tuirlah. Mr. Thaip haa on ly bean there for a few mon tka. but h» 'baa already greatly locreaaed the mrm berahlp Of hla church, and la doing some very effective work. To Cure a Cold In Ona Day Take l.n*atlve Hromo Quinine Tablet*. All druggist* refund the money If it falls to cure. I6c. The genuine haa L. R. Q. on each tablet. M«IH WMMt M MW* HitrKH/et * rwewg *g m» gatak §§ ••*• mj * gawg Mtimai tu* >gtgawai l 1 mm ggak a*** a# •**« Ms aa I l UMB I iaW-JWSRS [ PBSW SfM * J PVMI t*wmt*wi JkflALjk tagg gs |g* ■**»*»••** ffggtwrtai at Ikg ttm Tk# «mw m*« *#»«»» wf tka A gam I fiiwp *#l ssi mm Msistopfs #ss#s. fi flMriSSf SSWfs— «4i»s* S'SM% mm *sfritff si * «SSMHS f S-«nSnl» *#fkl9f IAS. tsff SfM SiTtr iniji *ms amt SMS fi SfM SWiSlf Sf I fSlfSli'iif swift #i sSMfI St* StosSS IS MSiiiffS-Sfi* #S4 ftSl# t#««£'SS f** MfSMMMSs Imw# Mm MM *S4 ttSlii «Ssf MmsMN* SSfff t|M As SfSMMS Si SNSS * NWM*MiS#fMw 98m S f •iss m* *%* ffff isfslwii a MM' 111 Mkwk kaa w» «*»a«*»par* Si *shv «*%ft s# NHsiSto# It I# TsfS, SfSwiS iff * S*4 fSfMtlisi snsto ssi SSI Mss#,. fSi •toM# *ssfMs*4l sss*ssf «s 4 stst* tsfiflislf* MmHN#4im Mm sml sstfstofs# «s 4 intofltf* *#** M *sfMf» is flftsi sM S*ff fSw* MsfwMf Tlms# b«#» fffss tiMSf ssto ffsito #f#4 #nsto its *##»•» *■! Sr9*4 f #S4fltoS#fl toSMHtf fHN4 lsl*4H j #>■*»■'* stoMI *#**<lss*t* fluff ffslssf* I*4 itMstost 4s* 4##M4|m4 9s #*•*% # 4s* I#*** iSs« itoss mmmrn* »«*» tost* I flflMflf9sfl4f fflSffsMtoto I# • to si I i|rir finfs 14# fMMrtff si ss44»s Is I SsfSf fsi <4* SrSM* Sf ff*i#*4ri|S* tflSfl - [flflfffl sto Ifs 4 Wft4 iff#4< fit# liippsfs Is »ss|»tf 14# ftoM’S* wi toto# i#s4 a#is# f|»*T ##♦ tl# flfcsfl ssfatotrif#. (stsfisflf #s4 isscflMtokto fItoMMVSa wm* (•klflii isfflto## f#4 SWT? * MBffi " 19%* flutosfst klssAris ltt#rf to»4jr #4* isiirsfl #s4 ffflasto ttos »s 4 t4* |<4ll4vss fsflf to# *194 ***** 14#SI toi Os# fwlns t«s *sm* sst# tss*Mitf4# aiat si Is ys cSAf'S* to M. ff#s ry 4 r4fto IVofowr C#4 Tss ftocV. Htr n«Ni #ift Sff IS • •!!*#, ss*l S»*9 #%’*S IM tm to It.ftil Sat •h# IM Marini #s(to##4 S* tslp 4#f M«4 s#li* lisssr- Ttol f f fssrftiMfi #Sto»s«t%* MC *4* |p*M, * Ist I’m ttifisf It t# rstritrsl* tto | tu?nim srsr «»f * s*s tos t, **M f**r s rmatuatmw It * rather 'N"*a Pwr pmra I re been lad away np the women mag aslnea V have aptdled more giaat fatal - I late with white pawl that wavier drte.l | and braaa la* he that newer w at In quite at might than would fit out a wlmte bouae. .‘Tvc agent more mamp tty tag tn be eennombrwC And I'm going to «iult,j Thu fall, pott knmr. we’ve moved, and Ike. kiwi 4 Ike new ptac* kail to b* oiled. They were alee, clean i «**ing light wund, but I wanted them dark A man offered In do them for me for ft it. but I wanted to aave money for thta hat and I Mid him nap. I b»ughi a great big bottle of aomethlng with an awful email and a lot of rarnlah and bruakca and liegan on the lltirwry. I nent all round and round the room till finally 1 found myaetf In a Httle island in the middle ut 11, with a era of ahtnlng dark Imitation mahogany staining between me and the neat drp epot. You aee. 1 hadn't thought about how i wraa to get out. "I grabbed ui» the big boltle.and you know how agile I'm always been—l made a b-ap to cions th*' aialnlng with out marring It by a footprint. 1 lit on th* varnlalt. “The bottle flew out my hand, and smashed clean through that lovely new water color of mine and emptied Itself against (he wall, wrhlle l—wall, you aee thl* wiiat. “I Nil on that, and the doctor think* It will always be a little allff. There'* hla bill to pay. the picture la ruined and all the room ha* to lie repapered. “All that because I've been trying to be economical. “I've quit It. “I'll never try It again. I'm not rich enough to afford the luxury of econ omy." And the woman who wa* with her smiled sympathetically. “I hail the brass tack and barrel chnlr habit once myself." the said, "but, worse than that, I had the auction hab it. “I bought a lovely rug once that brought me moth*, and o bedstead well, It was a. bedstead. I Just had to set up nights nil nue spring. Hut I was cured of my vlee Inst year. “I went to uit auction and (hey put up a lot of bottles of Ink—trig stone liottles. qimrt bottles, 1 think. Now, T write, untl so does my husband, “Two of my brother* are newspaper men, so of course I realized what a stroke of economy that ink would be. I bought half a doaen bottles. They came to sl, I think. “I hired a Imy to carry them home, and when I opened them the Ink Avas red. “I haven't hern to an auction since.” —Washington Post. , Shredded Wheat Biscuit and Graham Flour at E. J. Doris. THE MORNING COURT. How Business Showed Up With the Recorder. Business at the court of the wor ds' this morning may he summed up ns follows: Cornelius Read. Prank Blanchard^ T hey fought and iveiv lined f I. ”><* apiece. May Smith. 12.5 U Jitn De-Hay, |2.5». May Carry. $2.50. Nick Cheeks, $3.50. \nother case against Nick Cheeks. . . TtolC ADOU9T4 »r»AXJ>. WILL RUSE 120,000,000 jll YlB tto i Utoto J** 4 i t’4b H#4 §9| MfifrflitH (ftotto imu tif»4 ifM to# itof imm» I trifpf flu #4to ### to I«4to to# Mm ftotoi totoi mmrn 4# toftofM |t« It Ms tto*#to4«i *fi* *to* i j 9th*fl# m flftotoffl Mt*9 MMf toMI m* I t4* #44w4ito to ItoMMtoto ff ito *•• i t p-rrrtTtr fi «4#«4fft 44 M9* Ntotofto#* IfNHI Ms i TEiAljr iftolfMM#* <4 < %#9#tM I Ufa f#4 9flll 4# Ito* flftMftoMl *tow#9 *# j : to# ttoiftoM#* fff4f#*f4*to 4to to*-# fto* j ; B#tMi# 4ftototorttotof'M Tto# if* #<4# | j ||« irilfUNfi Itotol 94# ftototo • 991 to* j ' .J. —Jiyjj «flt| <4 Us I4lfci4lt‘ *tofttto If t VtoV | ' flujint 44 14 *4 #*to r i**# ft ito# ftoto# j : If H? Mrt 90* m m *l *tot • •*• It 9# *p* 1 % MiA >an ■*# • fir.* ef## * *|> 04 t*f l \ SI I 1 Hewnr th Oa k W a*4 S* j Till: At ll\M k A Tl’ n - Work W»* Begwa m Ik* OnMk Tftoff* AMmtif, Irtof ,f. *T' AT## riifif Nrtj## ; (!#•*##} Anil#'## flirt it# »i«to f 194 ! Is*xlßgt«B yeatf rdgy and will f rasa 1a j th*vv until th* camp I* ready lo rv- I reive the tnlgade ehtt h will hej it* oicd here Ml SOOB AS p.*Mlkle, CJe-i j finngi r, acting major general gad hi* staff. cnißr flown on n special Mob day afternoon and iMtwtrfl the ratap alt# and author!***! the tettiag of *he a vesnnry cOatract*. Th# general j was well pleased with th# camp alt#: gad said It wna oa* of th* prettieat h* | had area He bad th* plaa* of th* camp con atderabtp changed however. He did not want th* regiment* crowded, and will bar* one regimens placed oa 'he | west aid# of the lefrluif rond. Oa> m will b# camped on the wind hide of the rond, the ( road 1 10 tb* new bildfl*. aud th* crook. | and the other regiment will be •«* Honed In the cornfield Juat aowth of 1 this TOrgtlon on the ground which waal first selected far the brigade drill ground*. The brigade drill ground* will be on th* weat aid# of ibe lo>e*burg rogd ' Th# camp I* helrfg slaked off and the county convict* hav# been put to work digging the sinks. Capt Spear*. In j charge of the pioneer detoctiraent. which la now camped on the Is mipertnicndlng th# work, and that !|>*rt of th# camp work will b# finiah [ cd by the time the pipe* come, when the convicts will be put to work lay ing them The work will b# ruahed and the brigade will b# moved here at an ear ly date. Place y»ur order for fall aull with E. 1. Henry * Co., popular priced tailors. PUT S()N ON THE TRACK. The Cold Blooded Crime of An Un natural father. New York. Nov. —Nicholas Jack- Uon, of HackecsacMMio was sent lo iTrenton prison to serve ten years for ycqslng the death his si year-old son Uouls, confessed U> Sheriff Her ring and Deputy Sheriff Jackson wbile they were on tbclr Way to Trenton from Hackensack IVUh the prisoner. On this information Mia. Jackson is held as un accessory to the murder of her stepson. Here are Jackson s words to the sheriff: "M.v wife, whom I bad only reoenlly married, did not like lajuls. my little boy. and we had many quarrels about him. She helped me to plan the mur der, and I was to put the boy on the tracks. I went to Tenneck and stood near the Went Shore railroad track. I was afraid to put the yolingßter on the track alive for fear he would get off. so X struck him In the stomach with an Iron bolt, and that made him un conscious. Then 1 put him on the track just below the crossing aud waited for a train to come along. When 1 was convinced that he was dead I went home. 1 fixed up the story about lav leaving the boy asieeo oci the bill near the tracks to save UVy life. The jury believed me tutd rutifid me guilty of manslaughter, thirling that Louis walked on the track and was struck by a iratu. I got off,-dead easy.” Old fashioned bujk" heat Hour for ■sale hy Lamkin & ( 'u. WANT ADS. SITUATION Vb aNTfO HI Ll* WANTCD 1“ FOR HALE I f*Mi!Ar VtolMfi INTtol to ,r ii i totof *s*% i I MMffMMf** If «4>K to totototoFMf 4# ff \ I f mrnto* n ft «#4A f tfTf t># i ismi I 1 T t»u fAI I- I** Aufct F 04 4 i toff* t‘r*m fM# twits, to t»•»##»• 4#- »*» *• c. #**Bk M* U* Je-ee-w A an I i CMgAM < BkAM AT M < »rfi* ig 0t I roll pAtrft- '•'ATKIN TV»R WHNT* yi go pwegnwaa m #*,p ' *•* I to Affff #9 M**#*fl fftofto : TO RENT r«>to HUNT-A UVmillAllteK f*IVK* M**y i lorrirr a ji®9 i>f*?**K if !*ntv». j«nl. .99 Hf<f9«»r X#v 19ft M IfCELLANEOI I I.OST ON MoNTE SA VO CAR, 1 handle thtcher Hat. H- '.iJ It bit at I hi* office. NuV I (THY OCR PORK AND MIXED PAf. I KAOK. aleo beef, pork and mutton at japot <aah prlcea. O. T. Uuah, til Cm- j iillfif. REI.I.K SMITH'S DA Nfl NO | fk-h'ail, at northwvet corner Kollo, k j {and Telfair: Tuesday and Friday* at ] 1:M. OH It WANTED—REfIt'IJtR BOARDERS { I good far* and neat t>e<la, also one un furnished room to rent. Apply Mr*. A. J. Aver*, corner Ellis and Washington, or *O3 Kitts street. Nov I* LOST—RED IRISH SETTER DOO. Answer* to name of ■'Jess,” Its re turn tn »&3 Roy noble will be reward ed. Nov * C. V. WALKER WILL SELL AT .137 l!ro*d Street, Thursday. October 3d, at 10:30 o'clock, elegant chamber ftir nlture. wardrobes, sofas, mattress, etc. Grandest sale of the wesson. Goods for sale received Wednesday. Nov 2 Nicotine. I have sung in many places Of my lady'* charms and graces: I have frequently described her as my queen. But now In poetic phrases 1 Intend to chant the praises Of another love, the numph called Nic otine. Tho' I trust my dearest lady Will not think my conduct shady And with envy and with Jealousy turn green, For the notion Is distressing. Yet l cannot help confessing An attachment tu the nymph called i Nicotine. I am not the only lover Of the nymph, for round her hover Worshippers too numerous to count. 1 ween *JaJ.M Young and old adoring gaily Whilst they offer incense daily At the altar of tho nymph called Nic otine. ) Tho’ her charms arc great and many, Of the fair sex scarcely any lit the ranks of her admirers will be seen. But the simple and the gentle Have a more tban sentitpentat Adoration of the nymph called Nico tine. Then her worship is a pleasure, For she speed* Xhe hours of leisure. And site makes out nppetltle for work more keen. If you ur»* not too rapacious She 1* never aught but gracious, Sweily soothing is tin * nymph called Nicotine. —•London Punch. New crop seeded Raisins at E. J. Doris. j v—T)f WORLD? s LargEsl id Rife! Stas Dolled auqurta mav ttoftowtowfiifto i Ki» 11 . a x nu ?» 7 •s*** u|qsm/iu I Show Th* Pi ft. fla TWOWife UNITED AND EXHIBITED AS ONE SHOW L*/ vD r%«L?t; ciKJi 'll a ! jMI rUK Unt aiiTULt AL/DuajiuiT « THE AGE OF HUGE EVENTS HAS SURELY COMB IV Sr -ONLY More Rare Animals Than All Qlhto Shuwt OofnbiiicdL More of everything worth seeing than all other Shows Exh bit. Only Aguarium, only water Circus. 104 Chariots. Cages and Animal Lairs. Anima sin open dens. Elephants. Camels and in harness. Biggest demonstration in the public streets ever witnessed. The only actually Big Show You Can see this yea r Two Performances Daily, at 2 and 8 P. M. Doors Open One Hour Earlier. •Admission to all 50 cents. Children under 9 years, 25 cents. Seating capacity 15,000. 25 uniformed ushers Numbered coupon actually reserved Seats on sale at W.llet's drug Store Broad Street. __ 1 Special Notices: 7lerCTssoo,ooo 7 PeFct FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty tn Augusta. Oa. Term* 7 per cent. For further Information zee thelt attorney at law. P. J. BuUlvau, Es., or Mr. P. O. Burum. Notice. I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE THE RE MOVAL of my office to SlO Broad street, over Macaulay & Co. W. H. GOODRICH, M. D. Special Notice. To the Voter* of the Fourth Ward: AT THE REQUEST OF MANY CIT IZENS. I am a candidate for mem ber of Council, and eollrlt your eup port at the approaching election. The regUtrv list closes SATURDAY. No vember sth, 6 p. m. Respectfully, J. A. A. W. CLARK, The Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS fc. l'nd<>r new manaponient. A full line ot ‘Fresh Tiro?*, Toilet At.ides. Brushes He " make a specially of Physicians Prescription?. PATTERSON & WADE I ....... NQVfIMfC* f TEE Cl EC USES IK S El NOS Huge Elevated STAGES (Grind Imperial Hrr>drome Water Carnival Sr High Diver* - 2 Herds of F«rfcraiaf Elrphaata j Col Magnus Schult’s Troupe or tvtn a skmt UV Sts LUi’l PEMIIJG BOLL Madame Yucca, lemalc Samson Wonderful BICKETT Family Marvelous Octavian Troupc | II Bxfekiek CFA APION RIDERS UvMjptaw D,mora» and D*wt Troupe lan*-Wilton Sextette of AcroGu / V »\\ F 'VI r ?'fA\ k faEvlv «k £ #/M / \•• 'f ,', v n~'-\f 't J THE NEW Broad Street Barber Shop For an Fast Bhava and a Nil! Haircul I go to No. 71$ Broad Street, ground floor. F. C. dos Passos. ■“*’ The Rotary Razor Strop for Hale. Foe IRON FEB . CAI.L ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO., 810 10th Street, Augusta, Ga. rini of Town Work So idled Special Notice. WANTED —TESJT FIRST CLASS CAR I’KNTERS. Apply The Inman Com press Company.