The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 02, 1898, Image 5

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widnuoav wm Hi W|k>l4lk % *• »lNpi»lll«il I k Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUtTA, OKONOtA (ink IkYAA fl* Ht. nM»* |dfe%t'*l4AJf j*. •#►* CAIO t,f> VAPItAI. ••*•*• to**M*m «94ft6ft00 , • , '■* , ‘ , •■■ , " x ..... .. - « « i«m. « 9mmm lh lt>>tli m fe&tetl**** £*-» sStfm h * jrftto AjHHHr A 9#*oo J**ooi « IkiMA *lt ; T T wMlPlk *' aw * "'• 1 * I'ii * I. twl «|W« I»t f *»• OR. HftNRY J. GODIN. |yi»|l|W It* rnaitl N*< «• MMi Haw. I out TOE C««A A lo HMf At A'WrtMt* 11 *** ** I ♦,»9#9#• %.#4o#ftfl#« «**-»!* tMMfI At Ik* A» l »*•» ■HHM - S*4 <l*l iIPttSV * • At '** . n*.At Ik* nnay *W A " ’IAAt *M <** «M W«KI* •** «*»* ■*l MpnlfAkHt Alt MAI AAA At ’A* »;*»■** * *if ftootloft# ft M* MTOOO 91# MM o*ft fttHl## •9 Mr * liR A*«#*** #*<*♦ ** ****** ** «o 4 00# « M **** ** ** ftf#?# otol fMNNWiIIiMI OMO * •** 9» i# 11*01-%<*> «l*o4§, Tift# ft • §*»*• of*oft4i ***l4#«r* IW *4T pfcfUrulArty atnianpw 4149 * 09 | lO#OII fepfttft o#ft 9§#o9o* v •*M r R* ■ 90*» 4 fee 10# ,l ! lMt;i|u ltd rP** b«4 imtm mmlw*W> | A 90054 «T It 009 MB» •»* *** rrw * r«|.t#M o*ro 10 T.i*«*n. kat k*|, * ft *-• h''•l h!?U, ** *llOO j •HIT *t*rl ho bo* *• ’*«*»** fmi&d Ifid 110 •nffRIIKMIUt * **"" *** ' I U #oojtrfiiml- It I* pm*m% tw I .. | . k 4i #oii#fi into iltf btotv or wh« »• •*«* °t **• *’• •* 99?0<* fit ?B* I*!®** I "KH • B, * l | I *fftn<!{*»irJ »(»«! 0»* d« 14r4 to ****** »* ' oflk*r* lh«t the rtno* will be found If th* hoi derive. »»*» * '•»' *°l California hot* to to employed to do tt 00PftMI**fl* Wtile'll laney* l ’** m * | orti> •w^u* l iwmw# i«oii tw» iifqmitt form of catarrh. Avoid all drying In halants and ua» that »bl< h clean*. *. •noth* and hrols. Kly * Cronin Brim I* such a p-medy ai»4 will <-ur« «-a<arrn or cold lo th* h-ad *a«*ly and plcaaanlty. A trial *ll* wilt I* «*ia«*d f..r 1« *fntA j lirf> for to c*n«». All i}ro«*rl»<« c*l>< It. Mv Brolhvra, S* Warr*o Atm*l. | Kaw York. DYNAniTE tlad Two Pa*a*n»«r» on Steamer Arriving at Ponce. Ponce, Nov. J. A aen-ntlon waaj earned here yeaterday on the arrival j of the Red Une steamer Philadelphia, from the Spanish main, by the di*cov-l cry •“ 'he hundbag* of two paseen-, gera of a number of explosive car- 1 tridgea containing dynamite. The dis covery »aa made by ffie custom* 0111-; rial*, and the passengers were arres ted on the supposition that they were anarrhltt*. Yell yoi r sister A beautiful rotroleilon Is an linpoisl- ' blllty without Rood pure blood, the sort that only extern In connection with * >'»d digest ton. a healthy liver and bowels. | Karl'e Clover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidney*, k »|iins j them In perfect health. Price !* eta. I end 50 fits. Sold by—Retailers. T. A. ! Buxton, Anderfon'a Drue Store, Alex-j ander’s Drue Store, West End Phar macy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesal er*. Davenport A Phlnlxy. ! Diamonds • Watches I Silverware , Our fall stock is , now complete in , EVERY D part , ment. Inspection , is invited ; WHICH REPAIRING ; DIAMOND SETTING | ENGRAVING —. 1 Wb. Sclmfiprt & Cg„ jewelers. AwllKlA MMA f’VRfVNMI 0t 00wt»4H 90 #• 0 tIOHOO AM*®* $ ** -«m «# Ifee #nml Mnn**oß «i I MW# ♦** 000 PI 00 MMOO. #OO 010 OMM MMO tNMRS 90 A t.IML* 0 i■ % S-...* t « 0 i-v --00 000 00 * * ® 00- > U <OOOOOOO §<•* 0000i*#0t yM*®* 10000 Ml. o«k4 100 oi<o9f oM*o*»'* V * 00'9M«l0ft| 00 : 0 * 0100 10 100 000i0 “ M #«» mm «e>i«»«0 0 M N ‘OO4 100 |o*f •opof*fi*. A # 'f- oiif 011 so€ TOO 09*t 10 9K mt * 101# POHO foo*®P c 000 , . « | » * rjiMt t €l9 or-f 0100. «Ai €OIO9OO 1009 90# 0101949**01 OiM 100 loiftof»f ®l o#f 000»t rt4er li 100 lufM. im) foQ 001 not fro# that iUM«Ot«i 00 909 Mt*» • ftui m thoufh vtiil yum Mij | to tm. 10# otr» works ter 0«r 40tlr i 0r0;%4; III# MitffNlt %t*o ohjirl to to ! mm o#r in irncto Uni o** not j *Ko* «oi«| RUMN4O flrmlt -0# (Otiar It wo9f!4 not to true. Vtu* y<w j tn*y mt (to! »b# to 10# in#«t etow! rt4rr In ito norld" PUIU4«SpOU (Ml KNOW Conimmrttkfn to klpnv# lm» i>ru% • n that* mn4 nJ»*» that to fttl< ktal. Tto a oral cotft or cotilh »«ti t w «ttrro «|th HhHnh * Cotifh an«l CiM* ! •uniiition Cure Mold 10 puRUV' icutr mnim lor »\*t fifty v*am »*44 hjr-ttf taltora. T. A .ftuiton. And* r* »n’» l>rut Wtoi* . Aiasamtot'» llrua Htorr. | Waat kind l*harma« y. Th# KifiC TlUir* maty! Whoi«aai#ra. Davroport 4 Phtn* WANTt'U DEVNOYS SHOES. Did a Naw Jersey Taa. But M« Wd’kl O.t Them. New York. Nov, 2. T, H. Ream, of New Brunswick. N. J.. recent'- sent to Admiral Dewey a coat of arm* of the I Dited Sutes. made of bit* of postage stamp* Issued during the world's fa4r He asked th# admiral to send him tba shot* be wore May Ist. In reply he received the following letter! “Flagship Olympia, Manila, Philip pine Islands. September 20. ISSK. T. Handy Beam, New Brunswick. N. J. Dear Sir: I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your note of August 10, and also the coat of arms of the United States so In geniously made by you of postage stamps. lam greatly obliged to you for the trouble you have taken to give me pleasure, and thank you heartily. I am aoriy I cannot send you what you request, for I have a great many "pa" rs of shoes and do not wear thn same pair two days In succession, and consequently have not the slightest Idea which pair I wore on May Ist. 1 send you a souvenir, howsver, of that memorable day. It Is a rabbits foot which I have had fyr some time, and which hrought me luck. May it bring you as tWuch. “Very sincerely, * "George Deway.” attacked by qeese. A Flock of Geese Do Damage to a Young Man. Toledo, Ohio, Nov. 2. The young soa of Jaeob Green, while going through the barnyard at Bucyrus, was attaced by a flock of geese, lie was knocked down and his ears and nemo torn ofT and his face badly bit ten. IDs calls brought help, but he was senseless when found, and bleed iug- ______ The Cabinet net. Washington, D. C., Nov. I.—The cabinet today devoted most of Its at tention to the consideration of ques tions conected with the administration of affairs in Cuba and Porto Klco. The ad minis native feature of the Philip pine question also received some at tention. Nothing has been heard from th»- commission ns to yesterday's pro ceedings, and it. is realized that noth ing is expected in the way of develop ments until Friday's session. TH* AUOURTA HFBALD. MILITARY BURIAL OF I RABBIT. ' !||M if fife f o§t«M Cfefc* pfifeMto (NfcftMt 90 40 oft 100MMft tkM (0«0*i ft* Ml» 041 9tooM* I ft** ♦* *'f** sioNk feipt * ohriiof [%%m 1000001 *#MON *# i «rwßA.f'>* * • f Hb - 00m# 09 9 40# ftolttMk m* #<4o ! 0 :0 *•*' ;• 00401100 90* #4O f 049400 4004 90MP9 ft* l *#* |Nt S* ■#•4 » -1040 «40m#«m9 100* ||o 050*9 l«'A m i -m* t oi# Yit ~ 0 ft to • i»#*. to* ##* 00149 0| 0# o*4oo 004N9* # 000009 lift* ftuNl 0 050004# 90(0 ft# 9900091 401 ftto 011’ 400 |O9O 109 ftp99fto9#4 04|#9 4p*Ml #4 |o# 4to9i# 09 *o9' 9 P 9 <►«»# i t %* .t * ii 1 4 • ♦ fHto ®** rl #9 0* o#i 09* #e« *«## 1011190 90 tflto 04490 0f 000 I*o#9 oti#94 €9th9#o 10*9 099 Ml 0091# §O9 0 9190# #Mft ft*o9 0940 99490 0940 (#>*»>94o M 904010 000*0 ft # <•» » 4Nto • '■* i> 11 ft* 4 09*9*# | OWIO4 t•» T' ; -f % o*lo *4 4 09 499 rnmmA ofto #Mll 00940 Ml 10# 04941 #MO mmtmmt to «t towf# «uit#ft*4 • iftTfim TOO OWMI §090040 941 4 944#** o#o ft#o<, 9490 <*w# n -hm ill9o Ml 109 Vlttt TV r?vt#9# '-:'V«*1*00? 900# T%# _ l —j «|4|| # ||ji4i #ai #ui I## OAftTOTIIA. 09« ft * t HELEN UOl I D IIENEROt S. She Is Wigilsi le <M*t Howard Hl* W bole I oriorn New York. Nov. I. Helen Uoold went* b*f brother Howard Ik be given hi* crtlrr fnrtune. In apU* of <be terms of Jav Gould's will. Rhe told a friend . rocenlly. II Is said. Ikal site believed !o a little lime abe could h» t brother Georgd'a ronaent to no mar riage wltb Miss Clemmons Ao she left ber borne at l.yndhurei for a vlait to Ijketmd. Mbe will remain at ber brother's New Jersey bnme fir aom ■ la) a and lief ore she return* she br - lleveo the family tangle will have been straightened out and tbn path will bava been smnitbed for Howard and hit bride to return to New York uml l*-? rcn-lved by the family. Ml*a Gould ha* practically won her brother Edwin to her point of view. George, however, always bitterly op posed Howard's attachment for Mis* Clemmons, and now be la asked to not only withdraw all oppoaltlon. but to give his formal sanction to the wed ding. It la by such an action only that the legal technicalities can be over come. There are many of George Gould'a friends who believe the Influence of hla alster and hi* affection for his brother will Induce him to do aa she asks. TEIALS OF SALESWOMEN. Ura Plnkham Says Standing Still la One of CNj Woman's Moat Trying Taalca. Rave you ever thought why It is that so tranv iviimrn or girls ratin-r walk for au hour than stand still for ten minutest MMi* It is I>i.cause most women suffer frffto some derangement of their delleata organism, the discomfort from which is less trying when ~ tliey are in motion than when standing. , ■ T. go serious are these troubles and so dangerous to health that the laws in some states com pel employers to provide resting places for But no amount of law can regulata yS ' . the hard tasks of these women, fun- /T Vomers tiro exacting, and expect the *(4*®- K*Oi££-s saleslady to be always cheerful '' ~ and pleasant. llow cun a girl -I— —— be Cheerful when her back la—— aching, whenslic is as sailed by lassitude and Waring- r —-■•li (aJ [jp down pains? Nomat ter how sweet tempered she is ) ' naturally, her nerves give way under the pain after a while. Employers, however, don t want cross and snappy sales wo YY men. Cheerfulness Is very Important capital, and no one can be | ' amlnlde when racked with pstn. If you are ill or,suffering, write without delay to Mu. I’lnkhsm, at Lynn', Mass., and tell her all nbout yourself. Your story will not bs new to her; she has heard it many thousand times and will know just what yon feed- Without doubt, Lydia E. I'inkhain’s Vegetable Ciimpound will heip you, it has done such wonderful things for suffering women. Do not hesitate to wntoher all the little things that, make you feel miserable. Your letter will not be seen by any man, and firs. I’mkham's advice will cost you nothing. Read this letter from Mrs. Mahoarkt Anueiison, 403 Lisbon St., Lewis “ Deaf. Mbs. Ptnkuam: —For years I had suffered with pnirrful menstruation every month. At the beginning of menstruation it was impossible for me to stand up for more than live minutes, 1 felt so miserable. One day a little book of Mrs. Pinkham’s was thrown into my house, and I sat right down and read it. I then got some of Lydia B. Plnkham’* Vegetable Compound ami Liver Pill*. , , “ I can heartily *ay that to-day I feel like a new woman; my monthly suffering is a thing of'the past, 1 shall always praise the Vegetable Compound for what it has done for me.” Ask Mrs. Piakham’s Advtce-A Woman Best Understands a Woman’s HU likpertl tlafflcd. •«#i to>i9o v* m mm to §» 9>#m* »*• tfc* zztm SSSflod 099*49 tof #nn» *** **• ****** ■ * fftl-vfta I H4Ej4pii Jtf I i (I Z 'rfV' RIff6.PIN.9TUD EARRINGS *W **»t4*U» sgOsi lEACHF-f^ 1 Cdrriitgt Arc $2 Per Pair, SPECIAL CAUTION • OMIO4I 009 me. . m • rSh"* - ~ r *«- •• Mwlto •#» a* * * JS| 090 ft 0499 ** <to*»oto* : Horrt- L#f# •*# - *1 *■"'# w# i |m| #'..LifllT ?“■ i49<Nf {flit l** P *di a t 4 MAIL. \ firg i|tf®ml 841 l|«ftT»r 04fff-’ , r*#«»4*»t«s* mm m -wrT'i 149 l a toft I 0 t»U4 40 tto rttoto tiffi* javw*TtJT 4fo 4## vi c ■ n f<4 ’ **”** ( Alt 11 M ftf % 1 *4 011, « IHU S.Vt.of•• q* MwrOrt la «, ( s #** »t4*W ss# i%#7l?io 1# U-r r*to4l • R«M 04#T*»a» t '#■<#•!•*#9#to'oi #4 4 r «l t#i*ii M# *** fs* t'AlUitf «lAT pmmftif itftotol M fil •• nymttotol a#~Beware of Imitators.’ I #* barrios diationdco., e tOISON BUILCHNG. 4? m» 4* bKM grater, Ntw Voat n« mtaa IM* a*t*r. LIFE INSURANCE .May Be lastltutrd {ln Hibernian Order. Hpringfield, 111 Nov. t. The slat* delegates of th.- Ancient Order of Hl bsmlaiM held a meeting here yester day to vote npott a proposition to es tablish a life Insurance department in connection with the ordet. The pro position win adopted. Hts'e Ptvsl dent John T. Keating pienented his resignation to th* executive board, giving a* hla reason that he has been elected national preuldent of Ike or ddr. Place your order nt once snd xwHtl rush. Goods cheaper than ever. K. J. Itenry & Co., popular priced .tailor*, fit and 218 Campbell street. In Chicago there has been formed an assiH'lutloVi for the promotion of mar riage. The b*«t association of that fclnl has hut two members. IKE HUNTING SEASON BEGINS f|i IraffbrttaKe Ht»# to ft# 10ftP0 loto tol, #900009# to # 9 MOO t : 09§f §0 10# to»#<9T##k I MtMk«a <#i 4#o * * 09 #M9 90 9*990# 9k*# i I m 1% wt 0# *■ «* .tout-' * i f 9#44# ft# lift# 90M9#0ft9 *o*«#9o9#ft§#o #Mft tft® 1109 90MP00I *f 9ft#of9o# 90099 ft## | TW ###♦ *OO 9f§ 100 940000 k# ftf# I*■ #• 0M409 9ft# 00099 0«l 10# 00*999 90# | * Mr#* r“t I * 4 09100 *« * f 09 a»w'9 i •« tt**!**## 0»4 tin nrwir 9019 9# 100*! I- Hu g~f 1 fc# it*.)|; a It- 0# 9N#4f m#||«toi I Aa* m m 111 tel 09099# 109 It' #to9 f (toft «f Innti, tllrl 009 I# <04901 i » t** A | 10909 10490009 10 10* #ftto| tft 0001491 oft • vr*\ ftoTTi^ <# 00»fts*** 9 9to4S9o<of*t»<o €tof* ft 10ft tontKr ”AII tor o*o ft 9«0 M l# ufk |9w*fltM« «ft Ift <*toßt*tolt« «ft 1019 Mlk ftoilkftottf. itoti IP r*to (IN a#P t«4| 09# 9«4 a *e' , «ld*9l'ttN® 901040 Ik* oKt* lie to r«ur Ivwim and be amv te> fwmi 90* ftEft'* ftoftl I*l Tl *"90« * »I 9 00# §l-99. Itoftft 0#*H09901149N0 »* A. Il01l«»0. An*lfi»ii‘» tHtog #%*** Al* unto' f. Tor KIOO !**kotn«#* )r; Wo<*k#m»l' «-f# |i*irft|itin ft Ifttwitir. STUDY OF COf.ODS. flow Varies* Shade* Effect the Surroundings. The study of rotors and their ef fects Is a very curious sad Interesting one. There arv miors that ara re* fresbtag and titoadening. aays The Philadelphia Rcord Others that ab sorb light and give n boxed-op np pearnnee to a room. Others that make a room with a bleak northern • tp<»ure or no eapusurv at all appear bright and cheerful. Howe that maka a room appear warm. Soso that make It appear cold If a ceiling Is to be made higher leave It light, that It may appear to riwerle. Ireepenlng th# rolore woirld make II lower an effect desirable If the room Is small and the celling very high. Va rious torn* of yellow are substitutes for sunlight. The thermometer seats lo rail six degrees when you walk Into a blue room. Yellow is an advancing color, therefore a room fit ted up with yellow will appesr smaller than It Is. Gn llie other hand, blue of a certain shade Introduced gener ously Into a room will give an Idea of spare. Red makes no difference In iigflrd to slxe. Green makes very little.. If a bright, sunny room gals Its light from a spare obtruded upon by rut pcl-colored or yellow painted house*, or else looks out upon a *lr> t< h of green grass, II ahould be deeorated In a color very different from the shadn chosen If the light comes from only an unbroken expanse of sky. If ol- Ivn or red brown be used In con junction with mahogany furniture the result will be very different from that obtained by the use of blue. Blue would develop the tawny orange lurk ing In the mahogany. Red brings out In a room whatever tint of green lurks In the i-oniposliion of the other colors employed. Green needs sun light to develop the yellow in it and is very necessary to mako W seem cheerful. SENSATIONAL Charges Preferred Against Omaha Exposition Manager. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 2. A sensa tion has developed In the department of exhibits giowing out of the arrtst of H. B. Hardt, assistant manager and general superintendent of the depart ment, on two warrants charging him with forgery. He will be arraigned tomorrow. Hardt denies the charge anil in turn declares he will make some counter charges tomorrow that, will cause a bigger sensation than Ills own arrest. Both complains charge, that Hardt changed the awards of the Judges so that the medals and certificates of merit which should have gone to one firm went to another firm. The five general managers of the departments or the exposition were arrested at midnight on a warrant for contempt, Issued by Judge Scott. This Is an old flghl between the two Streets of Cairo of the grounds, in which the exposi tion management Is alleged to have violated the Injunction or the court. OASTOniA. Bc»™ tw 1,1111,11,11 VW Hate Always Bflmlii T* (Zs-rfMrJiK ABOUT WINTER SHOES.* Tto mto ii rt t#lt»tfc*v al Wsnttv StoM* #0 M*t £«tt* 140 tor ito grown kftn aa *<B os tto totlc wf - Sttod St* on iKki to *4 ff*x)4 oft** ptomp uffvrt AftJ potoi s siiflvtnito (to F*l tf«k * ihwtJ* huff 4 ito otwoi sn4 bw btoo* im4 tor Wmuf *rvki We Recommend our Gtnts* tow el SI J* ihfo »k Shoo,iftd our Udka* tow d 52.00 Vtt Ston for ftr%i<oK m rvtc* 0 iKu MAKO. jmmfirnX Tl>T AMI Nl roll DRWr.Y. Ik #M*a otri wsh tbs Akmlrst Osw. m * A,. | wlkM jtep S'ltirri9 K#4 o||#i#Nl I . j I'mii # •90*11 T ##10909099 I*to§99 ft#o§*6 A Shan «M» J»t4f thtkk •*'» IW • 5r4,4 to th* kkUokkl ktlssdkk for I# I irtbkUkh •«*•! thk SoMut toys I* I €*9 oft 109 M #o* 0 T#li*4ol that littl* Jsavt had roatrtbwtrd I" Las isay H had boeoh* mp*t**4 I from th* ml tabs* < ttrytkl*« »»* Lady for *ht|Mk*at Hn*t •** as«r . and Mrs. R«l*> j tbieight ska woo Id the Te-ta im-nl to Admiral Drway, t* b* hrrRE \W33zj WE ARE ALWAYS BUSY < 104/ *I f, THE SEASON , - IS UPON US. Clothing needs must be supplied now. Fur ther delays are impracticable. These early frosts and the sharp nip in the evening air sug gest Winter Suits and Overcoats. We give the best value and afford the safest service. Don’t think all Clothing stores are is a difference. Compare intelligently Examine of ferings elsewhere. Then come here- Notice our styles, notice our qualities, notice our variety. You need not be a veteran judge to decide that our stock is matchless. The merest no vice admits our claims of supremacy- I. C. Levy’s son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Our Coal Promotes Health, Wealth and good Cheer It burns through and through and leaves neither slate nor cinder and but very little ash. OUR JELLICO AND CROSS MOUNTAIN Household Coals are unequalled tor cleanliness, heating and lasting qualities and money is saved daily by their use. Egg, Nut and Steam Coals of best Grades and at Lowest Prices Telephones - ( FRASER & CUMMING. Lessees, Bclf WgCr 'ao \ CO-OPERATIVE COAL SUPPLY CO., 1041 Jackson St. KCWKMNH 3 la kk* kt UP w»»« » hawk, [•a «bk Mad law pHwksk mmm •Jd ttsN kad matdaa hats l*ro u| po i 'ksoa ta IM tsssdt Ih* a Whar ur i *rwia a ahwn msssak* a* tba Of Xst 1 sad a*iM tha **»•**• Tka ashar )4ay a its* •*<* ». «a«a *441*4 ha I rmwiya *•» ■•«***# by Jaasa aad ' <h* la *«w laaksd fc*ts* aa • hktv- A Sara Vfs at Cswwp I lliaroam th 4 sUi that k* a shp-i 11* i psis w a sorr- Mkwha «d tho ak* . prone hat lb* dtasas* . IrTTsambrniia * 1 Rfwrif ta s \*k aa saas. as tha Ivhitd hwaiaaa beat**, as «v*k i/ta iba 1 rriMsp* roof* baa tiyssas it wt!t pro* 4 *at ••«*#. Maw* n stbast *b*» sir* 'ims< riliKivs atsrara fesap ihta 'r*an*dy at baad *a4 dad that It wtss tbsws morb trauata aad warrv It eak | ala ay a be d'paadad opae and ia ptaaa* I sat to taka. Yst saps by Aivaaadar Drug and ttaad C R. Pan of Bril Tovrrr Itru* Co. CRAZY AS A BEDBUG Wm «hi( people trMnd one nf „p B. %» patrons thought alien hi- Ml down on tit* knu«*kle bones M» tnnklp Until, r.-d ohlrt «n,| aalil. "at lost I've ,iruik It." fly thla b. nwul that In bad found th«- laundry ha had hear looking for an lona, that taut bl. Itnau home ilka aea>. wlthoui fray or tear, and altb the it -IH’I luster and color 11. Hulse's Steam Laundry. -in JnrbUn Ptfaat— Shut. l«r. tVdWra, *e. I’uffa. fe. Supplying choice grades ol I umber to Hulldrr# and Conlractora. Prompt in the delivery of all ordera. and fur nishing nothin* Mb fully up to grade and ilnlah. factory and Saw Mill equipped with iateat Improvements, and orgaalia tlon thorough in evary departmaat. Prices, Catalogues, Ktc., upon ap plication. DOORS, SASH & BLINDS Ptrtins Maigfacltriii Coipany. AUGUSTA, GA.,