The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 02, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 WEDNESDAY COAL-COAL-COAL HHfll t ll <1 f *M» WlftAll. I** I' i*a<o THC BUT CRAOIH Of H*irr Olffl Jil*W GOAL Ami BNil mu fjffSSSmL £5?S[ **■ AflftflMfcMMl •• soo* * • dyn 04*0 * 0 #■#*-. CITY ICE COMPANY. a fumtt ifp***m 4«H§ ft*** 4Nm§ !#•**' *• ■' I 4 * PMM#4 Ml SIMM# MPfVNI Pkawf #*4*to—» ,*'m m** PWMMi MMft to**l*4 «* e* to firing 6a»*e> »■*»* • .• .« *• *<*• mm tHWMO .. **,ert ... J Ml * MM* gUgyfTtk 4 *4l CNJ4.* ¥ fiMItH.N'Th H., r'ln' |,«*h Lege . •»* T|* -nn». MM4 /, , II •**• ** HIM*. PM «MMM yCyi. * ***** * SSSSmv#,, (p## ■nM ♦ .* - ** **§ * ** * «* mm - ..*» • V*** fa**.«» «•.»«*♦ pM»«MI 41**»2* 40000000 m, wm *mmm ** #* *# * 2 MMMMpMI. 'W*Mk. wWmWHm ** #♦#* &rm l »Wiii »>% » "■*■< p, W "■' ** **#** *■*«•# Mppl If *« -* ** SmIMmS fHvi ** *• *• »* »* * ItmJi Sss«SßK #»*♦* tmihMMl gw#* 4 ® gp#* ** *** fcl»w« tmm»« **» ••**• * 4 * J 4 |*»frt» *<* I# t«M# *fh*« §►£* 2 g*44**« ♦** ..»* 1 m f #» ♦ *'# J* l fMHNP •*•#*• »* MU ' I.J|II<, Ifi rill It V* m#-- fn Ulldt «****- > IWIP INI Ml*. #.J# ■?*'! fill# IllWfM# *• *« •• M •« #•«» •• w** H***#! If I-f MMMtf# SMI mmm. n iHtttSMjM #■*» *••* s-m •to,*"** It* (Mat o, «, ‘Mi ll tt. IIWM M# 'Mif i * M S. *i JJ** % Si It fISMM# ** *» * Of i*i«**v»f»* Mi • « MiMM .. * * « 5fS» .g.. - * ---* j ; • Or#«kH#vllt« M H H il , *. ** 1 »** | ' :in OrlMtltl ft fS». t# #S*Mf f-f #*» if If ttMTV'lln tjriKif tits #>tt *>.»«« ■•*• Mto *i wnvuM mm «f tiMt I*, m. if itch M.. .. i M •roil ;#• to»m. I*l t l !4«*M • »«*« IUPP. ** *** rr>4* «( llw *<M» . .. .. •* •• •* « Jta, r King T.| R R «Mrtt4g .. t H Jg. r. Ring H** »lMPtltig .. ♦ *-• UnnkU «-4 • -r 1 * * Jro. P< King. h Onnrglg .. .. « • * Jnu R KMC I* MKM * © w IMang .. •• ”••■■* ••* r •“**« » BO p King H tgrti Bfirlof •• 3 1 ffturvs. Amirlfin .hirtiiMit, ~ •* * ! ' 4 MtrHmt< h thlfUili* fitff • _»_• •* 3TI C'ltrltr Utftk Iwf iljrUHi lt*S .. I t*l WtafiMigtoti (MU Mtwf|l •• .*!••* I Alfaci • <*tnnl V. .* •• •• •* •• 411 •ten (>•<*•'• w p«r«4l«i ~ V-* •• •* » CoalM Rp**«l cntMPi. M»* *"••• • *• ** Anx-rlran JiwMgo - •• * *•* ■lain Olla WH4J •*■•* ** •• ••* Amrrlran Indigo Wuaa> «*«4 .. .. • latrrnatlonal Ida* h* Mil* .. .. • Alton a <-ardln«*» M«M .. .. .. •• * Allon'a lJii->nM * India blu« .. •. •• *• •• •• ** •• * **• India blue * Ktln«i**n * «»•* •• _■; - , Martha Waahhtgton » *'* Uaroor’a radiant* M*W ■ J Charier Oaha, * *'* TICK*. Ilampahlro .. * *"* AmoaKoog K C A J® l "* Am. ahoag A .. ... •• -f •• •• •• *® Amoakeag O «> *• ,•• •» •* •/ ' ' *■* PLAID HOMKSPUKB. niy Mill* •• ••■■■■• v •• * Four yard, gnat W Dt< l» * * * ahlrllnga t*»** •> v*'•* »•• j **♦ Lodi drea* »iyl*« *•»•> •*"••'k. •* •* I'* Bi. Clair drea* alyl** 4 _ Ocean aolld* .. »■■ *» •• ;*a ** * ®' 4 Martlaa Waahingtoo tanct** .. ~ J 3-4 Mlacellaneoua brand*, light weight } j** laaetta « yard* p'nln .. * V® Thorndike B .. .. .• •• •• •• •• J J' 4 Amoakoug .. •• •• •• u *” *• * *• J I ‘® Pelham. 33 bal lto Oox U F Q. P.. SO ball* to box 1« K O. P.. 20 bgdl* to lb.. .. .. 17 1-2 M nmoge* It .. •., •. •. •. •• •■ * i- * g! Ic*h 4 1-2 yd. pWild*, beat make ■lmnaon alik finish foulard* *lx (4 ( .. a* ( 1*( Paeiflc moumlnga 64x64 4 1-2 China alike 64x64 .. 4 1-4 Rockport 6 Staler 64x64 3 1-2 Concord, 66x60 .. 1-4 Rome 66x40 3 1-4 ISdward* 3 **3 Keystone Klftlt Avenue 3 1-4 KFjutsrra. Heavy Columbia, nenvy Kearsey S 1-4 Kincaid and others 3 1-* LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime 70aSS Rosendale cement 31-4& Portland cement 32.76 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sacks . 31.00 Plaster k> bills 11.76 HARDWARE. Well buckets, par dots 33.00 painted buckets, per dox 31.10 3 H B B cedar pails, per dox .. .. $1.75 3 H B B cedar pails, per dux .. .. 52.00 Tubs painted, per nest 31.75 Hope. Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope. Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound ... .. lOcallc "Nails, wire.. bare Nalls, cut D-tf' l> a fr Shovels. Ames, per do* .. .. 311a|ll.,'U Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. $7.00 Shovels, riveted back, per do*. .. 54.75 plow blades * 2 ba *o Harnes, red top, per do* .. •• •• 32.25 1 f«i Mg <NMK4 f*t 4mm m l tVMM t'MML pm »«•# lift ; i HmMw# mm* pm 4S , » *»* „ M |P4 -iM t: —rmsu pm IN t« ** m «**••» IH . ppmm. pm »*« M *,,* M il! I mm* it tt pm mm m>****, •* *• * (MMMMRffMi <mmß# pm Ml h #g *’» Rm ah«k*Na g*a gag ga* r 4M** » Hnn.s a*« tan* gaa gtwag M .4* 44*4 t* rt-g-T MM* 4*« | gaa §+~m .. .. •*• SMmI MNE pm S m «« «• «• § •« Ml i< ? i>t gm Mm , 4 *4 ft m mm ******* m* • $m pm *.*««•• A#** ‘ij-ii t"MS* A §m Pm »» -m VI Amm Pm pm Pm*. ,*• M«S ShMm pm* m % i M I l« MTATW fiifltM pi mP* mmP SmiMMS *4 St MMi W. tmmm M 4M» f ' *ommm Mtb VMM *+ »**••**• **mm *«*j tin mm i Mr* Mi „ „ H is 4*. Aagaatg fa t«M IN ... Aw • a t« t**g .. .. .. 1* AavaMhak s'» MW* .. HI .«# 4x 1414 .a 344 ..a <- 4 I r* Ml a. ~ 141 Max* r> 1414 .. ...... .. tit ... rMrMM 4'a, 14S* .. .. .. .. 47 ... RAU.RDAD ROND* Orwegta R. R 41 Bhg 04. i r*. ir«f in ... OeswgM R. R 4k Hkg Co 4a. 142 t 216 t*h*rl<H«a. ColMMiMa 4 Ag* g uai a. I*l |*s, ligg .... .. Md ... 4’horieii* Columbia * A» ' goat* id r«. in* lit Astwt lla R R.. 4'a. B'b, ... 44 jc. H R. Baaklng Ca. Coilal | real Trust 4’a. t»7 .. .. ~42 44 Omit hern Railway 4’A 14*4 . .. 47 41 Central of Oaorgta Railway. lal rawaol mol. 4a. 1444 ... 44 44 fO. *4 G. let graf In ..... *4 44 (•mlral of Oaorgta Railway. 24 pr*f Income*. It* ...... IJ 14 C. of Cl tat pc*f In, 144 S .... 4 4 1. * F.. I*4 m. 1 a,.1*44 .. 144 147 'Mouth Or rea *ad Florida. | Id Tk 1444 I4> (Smith Georgia and Florida. : >.i r*. tin .. .. in ... .Ocean gteamalilp Ca.. lal 4*a 2d PR 1*44 144 FACTORT BOND*. Hntsrpiis# klfg Ca., lal 4’a. IMS 161 ... I Sibley klfg. Co.. I*l Fa IM2 . IM Sibley Mfg Civ. I*l fa. 1403 . 100 (Is. R. It A B. Co. Olnek .. 142 200 Southwestern 11. R. gtock .. 94 mo 1 Augusta and Savannah etock 99 104 OKAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oita, while, *o eked S 3 ihmts, mixed, sarked .. ~ .. .. 35 1 Corn. While, sacked •• •• •• •• .. .. 42 I Corn, mixed 44 Meal, bolted, per bushel .471 f j Flour, common .. .. 1 49 Flour, fancy extra .. 3 73 1 Flour, second patent .. .. 4.00 Flour, atandard patent .. .. .. .. 4.25 Flour, fancy patent 4.7 k | Wheat bran. 100-lb sacks 40 Fine feed, 106-|b sacks 90 May—native, per ton 12.00 1 May—Timothy, per ton .. .. .. 11.06 Hay—choice, per ton 14.00 Hama—choice sugar curtd .. .. lOaiPf ' Smoked rib sides 6 1-2 Dry sal tlb* 0 3-4 Lard, pure leaf. In tierces ~ .... 5% | Lard, kettle, rendered tn tierces. < 1-4 "a sailor oirl. j Vaunt Woman Fnlisted as Sfimin on British Ship. New York. Nov. 2. A Ixnitlon ca ble to The World says: Alice McKin ley, an American girl, now staying at the Scandinavian Temperance Home in Ixindon. passed for one whole voy age ami a part of another as a hoy and a member of the crew on board the British steamer Blgnon She ia 16 years old and wa« born at No. 12 Clark street, Chicago. During the voyage she performed satisfactorily all the duties of a common seaman. Including that of steering the veosel. j He r sex was only discovered on her I confession. The American Consul ha* I charge of the case, and Alice expects I to return to American soou, so she says. From New Zealand. Reefton. New Zealand. No. 23, 1596. I am very pleased to state that since t took the agency of Chamberlain's medicines, the sale has been very large, more especially of the Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold more of this particular remedy than all other makes for the previous tlvevyoars. As to Its efficacy. I have been informed by scores ( 7 persons of the good results they have received from it. and know Its value from the use of it In my own house hold. Tt is so pleasant to take that we have to place the Kittle beyond the reach of the children. E. J. Scantlebury. For sale by Alexander Drug and Seed C,)., C. R. Part- of Bell Tbtver Drug Co. There is something charming in the fact that comet burning goes on de spite war, blood or famine. TV bat is America to do with all her comets? N. Y. Times. , „ . twit AXJOUBTA OTCHAUD 1 ROAST FOR THE SENATOR fit ittiMi %. f. Etf*** m *f* |M ftl #*434 gad Nk* IkgaMgMl Mg Vtg* VafcM *• Pmppm* MM#* pm** t» | ; tmmm iumb mmpir <mmm» mi *m» rnmmPPP* 1 I iiihAT «A# mm* ****** rnmPmp ****** # ] Ism:&s£rsssz:\ I ilruiiiii itke- ****** *4 tt*» «*•*<* ttifti ] )W Twhm msmmm **4 hum Rga—sl ' pmmmmmP* #Ni wmm *&» m***m***P»% ■ tIHR #|il frnrT* J f *$ *%*** 40* pm*** ***<*- I , mP *w*pmm m* %P* mpp* • • i *mP Pm i mm >if»M I mm* 4 j 1 Pm In Ppm* * -&m*** * * **m* < #4l i mmp*m s*• iiuimwiiß. Th» *** 1 ; |i» tip ImMNNi "4 Alt'iilfHf * 411 [ *mwpp *P* mp* P*P*m tp*pm I [ Nr 4*o* P* fW# *POP> P 04mm"t**t ! *•' - 40 pm Pm it*mp I t%i **• <» nr*m pmP* In P*4mPm f*Yd* j • Imhl ttml tin Aim # • i*« i Hr (A# m <Y«' •i I AiUhuti'* 1 # TPmt h*4- ' *f* iii"** fA*m ** ***§ mpm Pm * !nl **4* $m ppm* Mi p***o > 'm* Hhs wlMte gewg#* What •*** *m44 ! tin Ag-T«i w v r(• m < *nl 4 in m i* «A#t <Aa< •A# 4NMMn l i*** ttwill t*s* Ml MnMA ' - f4(M| 09*44 tlM#4r 4Tm*p W# Ai4 pm* * j ' i«t «Am» Hit# ««»«ii ftirimifit —r !*?«' A«r4 • I "JmZ tjz\ **mi hrfg 11 tfitiftiMfu'r fin 4rm - rmti | ig* 44k of Nweeenber t» AM tkkt tkey •'H*# • i Av* (pMim'f m ifß* (pi* I (WE I# (rtlhTY ®A# 4§AHNM*P It* th'" hf** t . nr* M Irnvfi trill «*lf tn 4 Ui iwill I \P* MEjprlty. i fHptor PrttrAar* i r~i»+m of Pr**s- j iM)| IflrKlftM > to MM tro»pß l» North CirolUNl Co p«t «!>*•« "fAT ##«t I prevan' I4n«d>b-1 I* all Mvaull to *»••»# i*w-iAi<tinr rltlvfi In tAli itit#- Mm* j alar Frtlrkard and hi* crowd attempt i to ifo by federal kayonata wkat thee raJl't trnsnplbli by argkmeot and | twllnta The white people of the stale are Indignant at this outrage that ta ' about to he perpetrated up- n them and alii resent It with their Iwllota on the ith day of Noeetnher next, j The fellow Covtngt *". with a whit shin who. In a speech In Richmond !county the other day. told Ihe negmea [that they were the heat race of pe«t»l* La earth and advlaed them to put their arm* around the while college gtria when they were employed to drive them ground during vacation ought to lie driven out of the atatr. Hr ia an enemy to hi* own race and to the mo | thcr that bore him. Hanford (N. C.) i Expreaa. LUXURY OF DOING GOOD. Queen of Naplea la the Angel of the l*oor Upon no member of the late empress jof AustrU'a family have the grief and j horror of her aaaasainai lon fallen with morn crushing weight than uron her | sitter, the queen of Naplet, eny» the j Philadelphia Prea*. Living In the most complete retlre j mem In Parle for the greater part of 'the year, the name of the queen of ; Naples I* never seen In connection ' with any court or social feetlvttle*. The luxury of a court has been de nied to the queen. It Is true, but not what la tor her "the luxury of doing good.” Day after day a large packet of let ter* ia laid before her. and each con tains a pitiful appeal for aid from some poor Neapolitan. Every letter is read by the Queen herself and every applicant is aided in some way from her own private moans, unless It can be clearly proved to her that, the de mand for help is a lictltious one. The quarters where the Neapolitan poor reside arc regarded as among the most dangerous tn the French metrop olis. and would not be entered, even by men. without some Justifiable mis givings. Nevertheless, the queen constantly penetrates fearlessly and unguarded Into the most dangerous of these quarters, whlrh even a French policeman would hesitate to enter alone. One day It will be to visit some poor Neapolitan child dying of con sumption a terrible scourge among these half-starved southerners In the rigorous Paris winters- whome she compels the padrone to let her send home to Italy; or a dying workman, whose wife und children she consoles not less with kind and gracious words of sympathy than with the material help she renders. "Poor boy, we cannot save his life,’’ said her majesty to the writer last winter, speaking of one of her numer ous proteges, whom she was thus send ing back to Naples—'"poor child be Is going home to die but.” she added, as a light seemed to beam over her face, “he will at least see the sun and feel the warm air of Naples once again!” Oberliu college students have been informed that they may indulge in card playing in their rooms if they choose. As a consequence the good old Methodists are horrified—Kansas City Star. „„ GCOD LOCK BAKIKG | [ FOWDEB (• IN Dark I ft* IR*( •*** •f'V Il irKS Of bfwifl, bitcwlik It i ufflfkj. OMM4MI Or D*R* Mojo*!* fOOMMMMtIk tkOortf • ng houMMi and ft* 4 ** I #*#'# of inljflt|iW( howtak eapgf* utg ami rtcowimtof /t» H<«Nii ofoll tn i«MYontng tvowdor. CofnOtfkßO owfuttif Manufocfurod Ay The Southern Mfg. Co., RICHMOND* VA. For Rent Farm of thirty octroi Just boluw city. Dwtilitlfl, CtOTM Rod offico* in all toe t ions of IN fcH»v**r*l of J. B. WhitO*» now Broad »troo( houtti art alili unrantad. Spacial pricas will ba mada lo da «lr«bla parties. John W. Dickey | 41 A I lAf if? Aa''lAM4|- T o Rent "* * ftav* gad ******* *4 ISBaad laR #«l .«r*v< Ow* #f tka Wat Aaadt is th# *f a good Ofweayy » Mcfo, er i* hot, any lomm*. Tk* i M<ww ba* Ml .«» ,, r«# »•»<. •»* I* *4O .oavvwwkl | Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. I, I 1 > PtiEEix Si Lives. Notwithstanding my ofTiee has been destroyed by tire. I am still executing Job Printing and Book Binding. Office at WILL NIXON'S. BJ} Broad St. Bell Telephone 271. Tbafl C. Jowilt, Mir. REMOVED TO 711 BROADWAY- E. VV. DODGE. Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters, Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. August*. Oa. Btrowgvr Phone *.C2, EAGLE BAKING POWDER Saves you money. Makes high grade Bread. If you value your stomach don’t put a 10 cents a pound Baking Powder in it. If you value your pocket don't buy a 50 cents a pound Powder. Eagle is 25 cents a pound, 25 cents is the correct price for a good Powder. Tbe Howard & Wiilet Dreg Company make it. Mrs- M. Mitchell Wolfe CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PRACTITIONER 937 Broad Street. OFFICE HOURS 10 A. NL* TO 4 l\ M. CALL fOM lugusta trewtog Co s H XK)RT ttCA-rt HI Ijfii r &A *§4 wcj m :£ %. m 9 MP L *- ~ U GEOttjj * ’ ' m -c'V f '•hi AfafC dk BELLE O TT GEORGIA Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. I . a 11. i"k AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TOJSAN lr» «ny lums desired frotn SfSCO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years tima, or on lOyaarstima, payable in aqua! annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney! and record fees. No delay in getting the money. ileiaoder&JotiDsoo Ajppn'i feittWi A 49‘ r*«*» M»flgag* t oßijaur, 705 Broad St PORTNBR’S l C HOKBRAU and S / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF / j Export \ ? Beers \ ? ARE THE BEST C S ASK FOR THEM. / uTil. MITCHELL AI.KX. M, DONALD Supl. o> Con. Sec. * Uau. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street. Electric Rupi-ltes—'|*»Wing Tub-*, etc., ale. R pair- to ail Klectricol »p|-ar:ittL2 Kt«trie Light Wiring* »p«i»tty. Rail 'Phone UW2. - - - Struwger 0.8. d uCED. ILER f E YEtP R R Lnd s - II ink's. BOII.KRfI. to I LI-band BEfAIRS. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., AUOUSTA. o'*. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. IS9S. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:39 a. m. 5:21 p. m. Lv. Snnde: svllle . 1:19 p. m.| 9:09 p. to. Ar. Tennille .. .. 3:30 p.m.| 9:21 p. m. At. Macon 3:45 p m.j 3:55 a. lu. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p iu.i Lv. Dublin *10:00 a- m Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.Ill:5:i a. m. Lv Tennille. . . 5:13 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersville. 5:25 a. ro.j 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnffie with Central It. R. for Macon, and wl h Wrlghtsvllle and Tennille R. R. fur Dublin and Hawklnsville. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James U- Jackson, Joseph H. Sands, Receivers. j HP ft iMflll jl Charltuton t W CarollM ppppmpp p *»##♦♦» pp pp**p i##A f •(NMAPM 40 49 m* *** NA M# 0 * ft A# s*mooPoooi*m**mz **# ’? 4 PPPPP . s*** 1 1 * # « ygM»| I *■' wpHmP-. t- * mn ■m •' * 40p0*- v*# w *••• 1 I * I * PsmooofoPoom ktHKMN -*9: *4 ARM# i I * ftfeiWMfllßlAt gTg : i ITf -m- # o*4*4 1 I 4 *ooHpmo* **■*% ** *-*«** j I #” * * -'■■■ j §» 000*040 tMMH ■ tMMHin* . |pm mtßSm . ******m+*+* * •**• *«•*' PPPpm I •SSS wm~,ZZZ^uGS, |t IHNMfIMM4 4w , 4 s*4*4oo * Ad <** i * Vlil Smß**.. . **»*. , m*m ' j&f -m . j 4*»- lam I AJPMII ~ fStS<A itti " - iiTTi r!Tu** ‘1 * *** I 0 i * jmmmJ pjpmml j wBO tiijpiiA •*#«*»#} ajaam! * iww3iM .ui. um*m 09 044000. 44.+ . *»>*» iv»4 1 t tM> i 14A f m smo 90»0 smmm 444*4 s4m 40 >' >'•**'! A WU4*w o*4o 040 40 pi MM - 40 0 A ilk „ f «i 4 *.#?■*»* 4* 40 U 9494 so**m *■-* 44 0*49 •* *0 * A* ft . *t# 9•0 m . 400404004 . ’ 400 940004040000 #«A **4*9*oo 400*0*4 ] P«F MKf »•*♦**■“ • 9* s*4**9 $4 0040*0 ! \ Ilf **oo4oo* **> PML, 9049940 (K,|.< |AMI f«rr h» 000* 4 * t M AJf I LN*\ 1 9400* 0 111 *m* Inm# 00* BXUC HI DOC RAILROAD. H C UUITIL Radiaar I SaatkvMd. Wag*ban 1 r<*M |n|j F»ra« Mart Ofci CkMM tt Oaa* C4*ag •4**"# g I# 4 * 4 Ry. tMv s MUM. w» !*/■ Matt No • g M* U M*4 All m l (Airtv* I^*4o'M»4 lA* li II (4 *.,i Aadaras* *| *MH *• If W* *M t.. M Usaoov ...,« 14111 4* tg.glj 2 14 54,.., Autua ..««# 4MU *4 g » I If 14* .. n*IM44 * 441.-44 ‘ 4 I* ; Mt« tJMrfff rvwarg f 4 44T1 61 ! 4-42 2:4* II AdLM'a *.'#•«#« !| 4 ; ll R•* * r | 96 241... 'lk MAC A -4# 4 24(14 44 M4* L * I 4 '5S 1 A Iti Woott Culei .g 4 44’ 4 m H... W alkali* * 27! AM 'Pw.j |Leav* Arvtov'FM 2***- No 11 24* * 4MU MM i in • j g Ra#*iar ktgtloa. F f'»« station AU rvextar traku from Aadaraoa t* (Valhalla kgv* right 6a track owe 1 trains of tk* m<m claaa moving In age (wait* dtrartiaM. antaoa atfc*t*»4* 4»w* i fled bv train «4< r* Will al*n gtog ni folt.-wmt atatl -a* ta Uki cm or lal <>l2 r»o»»ns»r» fhlo -1 nev a, daman asg flnnur •l , rm«a- N 4. 11 roro*4la * I'.h Souikem f»U •ay K*. tt at AnAamm. No*. 6 and * nncxi with leiUma raUaay Nos II sad 37 at flevmr*. J. R. ANDBRNON. gugar'ntvndaaL (Tlmic GOIST LINE. gtlORTCrr AND VICK BBT ROUTS Tt> TIIK KA«T AND NORTH. _ 2 ,vaj L' August*. U* Ar j I.Mara 4 «4fiiu Lv...... Alkan. Ar I 2 ll«m « ltami (,v Dvomgrk....Ar J * 17pm 4 4-t-uTLv.. ,Ot4Bgl’g..,.Ar | 4:4oam a Mpn Lv. Sumlvr. A. C...Ar | 4:24am 126 pm; Lv.. ..Flowncg.... Ar i *:26am 16 (,3pm! Lv... Fayvtlavtll* . Ar j 1 Hpm i naml Ar.Pctcrohnrg Va Lv | 4 12pm 4 00am' Ar.... Richmond ...Lv | 4 12pm 7:tlam| Ar..Washington..Lv J 4 Mpm 4 01am| Ar... Baltimore. ...Lv I 2 25pm lLttsml Ar . Phl!adel|thlA..Lv |l2:49pm 2:63pmj Ar....Nv»r Tork....t>v j 4 30am Pullman palace buffet sjeoplr.g car* from Moron and Augusta to New York without chang*. K. A. BRAND. Onn. Aft-. 724 Bread Si.. Augusta. Oa. T M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. H M. EMERSON. Oeß. Pnas Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule in Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH. 1395. (90th Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUOUSTA. Nf>. 2 For Savannah 1:20 P. M. 1 No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta .. *:W P- 52- No. « For Macon. Atlanta, and Way Station* .. 3:20 A. M. No. 52 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 9:30 A. M. j ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. T From Savananh .. . 1:46 P. M. ! No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con. Atlanta *:33 A. M. i No. 5 From Macon. Atlanta, and Way Station* .. 6:50 P. M. | No. 53 From Macon, Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 5:30 P. M. j Noe. T. !. 3 nnd 4 daily. Nob. 6 and 5. daily except Sunday. No*. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping car* on night train* between Millen. Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther information as to schedules, etc., j apply to M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. ! eTjTeR BE LID! N 0 PLUMBER. STEAM, GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO. 541 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE -- USE Land's Headache Capsules Mads Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. BELLE O F GE O R G T S’OVTMRPn 2 |lgM Iflgp a«*glk6*t*t44« S. CI G. Gilt WI! CO 90*004>P09mP **44t Pm l 9oo* om* ' ■ ■ 0*49040 fl# # 0 *4* 04**4* 0 *49 04* *9 * : 4 * " |Mn *•» §4 * 44* ** * »f- H-90P | ' pm** P*m* - 00009 !•%#«• (4* i *** pm* Hb •4 * *n* m ** ** ***4* [ 09 % 40*4*0 M 9944* 9 ' t ** + * *&«* 9* ■ 44*** [o* ff*** ■***' 09**4*- ,4 g -40** ’ i 'P* $ o* m "P mit u JZmm Pmprn 000- mm I|» oi*4* a. 9,9 mm 4,9 4 ' 0 pm '** I lyl | H *pp 4(4 Isl %| a ioPil 400 - f LHvdbtA-L $ **449 P* 9*4 9**4* *O4 0904 £# Mil .Mft'iiM I • : 0* A >9m**% .. JO9- *PO9 L* VISA 00440 [ At I" rtr tf~* llflA l * Ci.AlHfc 0 I'Nm# ! At #(d|k«t‘fl OW44* if ? S|a<A [O9 p ha:i— tii> •« 4*4»m -4K At ii»* 4«% i 00pm. 0m M *040044. * t M*mi Tpmmmmm i fw*p a o*o o*9 v i >99494*994 o*o o*4 ••mm*** 40 I |r « •£ * *• 940**4 0*9901 0409440 , ««t|« 9*40 $4440 0*904 4040*049 ' • 49* 00m 0 40$9p .. I, N MitPk 1.1 f 4 Aaa*- *, •** 40 om~ooP'oo . - - SOUTHERN RAILWAY. mCIU -oH f fgHbH (PfeHAAttkttt fml 34mM (( 49**4 l,»>» •** owm* nmk : ■jfil.WJ 1 !?-... m m in jflT A«o. *4 Pm4*4owmmo s9*9*9 0400 M rrv-ic** r~\* 2: Yti ** sas . - "» «»* fc 4 if t' jgJtjT** “*■!'>> •** fix gagNOgJ* Rr- - I IBft J 35 » *#'4kg»2-#-n • * .* fan f? gs Ifi l§| .... - ■ ■■■ far! 12: 2 r (IM.C [ 24 46 4 - H 144 £*”* ♦" *JgJ 4l batfOM . i • .. - (TTm, 1»4 to Hakia’ **‘ *»» ttUgfr ih 1 iS;; ill leattlOTat. im,. mibJ Lv X» |.-rk KXX : « fly ffilsfl " inauvivipkia— ....} i Mr: 6aua • kaitgoorv . 4 il- *si a L v Ml, u So Ry . IM Cl II 14a jCTSiSHiaK . . ... 'll Mol lltflia Lv DaavUM [ 4 (Sa * 14, Lv N--rbdk IM, .. Ar Orvonaliars ' 444 o[ -..... • Lv UrwvAwv ............ 1 2 44* Iga • l i-vrMH* 4 tga I4«| • k--a m . »»* Il #, • Ommv to 44a 11 4fp • kiiMboro. 11 Oa 12** Ar Osl bta Bla» r» at 13 46*e 147* Cv. ColtuaUaCa Uvp'k ... I lip 4<x>* “ Jokaalaaa I £3p| I ■> > a " Trsatoa ISkp *2s* • OraaitvvlU*— ...j *l*4! 7J! a Ar Augusta I lip, 41*1 a Lv. Ashsvilto I I MaJ~l i«p v. Spavonoarg ... { ll to# 1 4Up Lv CoPVIa. «C A<< ky I leap l TOP* Ar o,ar:e«t<ni .... j 4 top; It 6D* L< Carina 7F.P 1., . j II M a It « a - e*vauuab ...j 447 a 4US a Ja k—nnlla __ »»4 4 14* *L4t4iFTjlO CA R HKVITI Kj -ellent dally pa>-«*of*r aarvu-a baewsao Vk-ndaand Nvw Vork. , Kja a; aad >—w aetoagtna »od *o«tkweat»ra United Sn.ild Vaatibdad train with dining car* and Aral elnaa euu-bea north of <'harlotta. Pullman drnw Ins room -leepln* oar- bvrw-m Tampa. Jack-mvtll*. Savanna*. Waaklagton aad New *>rk _ ... Putiman S’evpla* Car# betwvvn fharlorta and i.t t.inond Pullman drawing room slasplna enm be- Iwaen tlreeaaboru nnd Norfolk. Ctoar .--.nnae- Moo at Norfolk for OLD POINT COIIfOKR arrivtna there in Urns for breakfast. Solid train with Parlor cars, between Charleston nnd Aahevtlle Pus. HI and *~C fl. Faat Mail Through drawls* room buffer ~ -!'t*K car, be tween Jackeonsllle am. New York and Pull man ileei.inr cam between Attruet,. and ckar torts. Pullman •leeTimx --am ta-the- u Jack s-n villa and Columbia, en route dally hetween kckannvUto ami (inetnnaM, via AshoviUk RANK AGAN NON. ImiVlJ*. Tbml V P * tieu. Mgr T M . Wa-htneto* W A TL'BK. A H HARDWICK. ti p A . Washington. ri l*. A.. Atlnntto GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (40th Meildlao Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. IS9A Pullman Sloeners between Macon ao4 New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and Bt. Loula. |Lv Augusta 7:obami 4:2opm!lo:3opia : Ar Atlanta ...j12:35pml B:2opm| b:oiiai» Ar Macon ....|H:lSarn| | 4:45am Ar Athens ....jl2:lspm! 7:30pml - Ar Gain*avUlej*3:46pm|.... - Ar White PlsS*l:OOpm| I Ar Mlll'g* le .|10:10am| | 4:3oa«k j Ar W.vh'ton ..|l«:loain| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Surday at 6:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mil'-dgevllle at 8:10 p. m Trains arrive at Augusta 6:16 a. *L I 7:(5 a. tn . 1:20 p. m and 3:25 p m. A. G. JACKSON. G. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A CAROLINA AND’ NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule tn Effect, March 6, 1393. Eastern Time Startdaid. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.- 7:18 a.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry itlo a nt. Arrive I-enoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1-16 p.fii. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2:00 P- m - Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.-n. gTwTharper, c- f. harper. President. G. P. A.