The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 03, 1898, Image 5

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TMUH*O*V ABOUT • WINTER SHOES.* Tlm mkotm d Wtmm Sinn w# K«vi Sk*w W» for IKI grown Mbs « ml ** Ink 4w Swim* Stms iKn N**s goal win. fMwf «n4 foHnt Mwrtawfah#. Oir F*V mell * h 4 al itw mwim 4*xl km Sinn null tor Wnitf* wm We Recommend our Cmn* ton d sl.l* tHiMMoto Slnca. <ml our Liim bnc d Si-00 Vtd Shoo far nrvte« tHil AC4A-AV. 1 j "®%**w* '■ ’» At dfan • AAmami •§♦** >#•# Wfrm A#*® l ®! . t mo «sM t#4»t*A# DR. HENRY J. CODIN. Eyesight Spoctalist. CHARGED WITH M:KJt«V. A Nml M • «W*» tW|f *«•*•»! nun, ,-|, ..ggi K«w S. *»• yAr H#”% r*iW PfcUOrtKdtt ptdflf If Ik# On*k Os j . rluirh % • » a * ’■ * 4 ' to • ( K S r t e of norfttrf. T%# rbATf# Ml ■mmN* kv Tkoßni Vcunikfa A Hfatf ; Sfo. 11 ywrtwipi Hiaa*. *fco tM arfmtnd «w»rr«l 4il« A#A AA A j rlMf|#. aa4 kdtl ••• CliiH A® • •HAMm wwO fruit dnAlrr *•!• lb »•<**, I*l«r> i« to •*•• rl*r»fWf. Aa«iaa at- | caaml hI«A «f AHA# rmptmslb}* for tA# gniib of fell bold »l#r# M# fAfiAer •*l4 iAr pvMK I*l f*l#Rljr ATRARR*! Aim of Aailaa oar* a kAtiib - i m | 1 rnr I ( htllTt *k« AAR* «• • ,n,,r "• r * PA ** in lii *ll* 4ralr4 tfeß fAtipi Wmu Ay VonnsAli Hr iooA a rAaaar of v(*ur Ui Judini lA«ol|i. *m waa «* charg'd bee**** •&* pfMMWor **' no* ready to prw'nt ht* **‘d*®c« In tU twt* TOOK THE FURNITURE. Her ok Measure* to Prf*Wt Hts riage. Chicago Nor. I. Jam** Barneu ed heme measure* lo prornil the aulrrlM** *4 bis sister Hurnlsy ni«bt Jnet before the ceremony hr attempted to move tb* furniture from fele mother * home. Tb* ceremony took piece, however, end • poltremwn prevented Berne, from etrtpptni tbe bouse. Yesterday before Jut'ice Martin he contended tbet tbe household eßccte belonged to blm end the! he had been ordered to tenve borne, but tbe m*g Ist rat* piece i suspended due of one hundred dolls in over him. end warn ed btm to k?ep ewejr from the family reel den re To Protect Awnings. To protect awnings from storm* when rolled up for a long time, a me tallic shield has been patented, con aieting of a sheet of steel attached to the top of the window frame be brackets, with the front hinged to drop down over the awnings a» it rolled up to prevent the moisture from get 1 1 tig in. OASTOHIA. Brats*. *7* _ t rJ i£o„ CANS? PARIS r <• * FINE * %® ® FANS—s, o *s* We have Just Received a T «0 Choice Selection of 2 V Rich Fme Fans V t EXCLUSIVE A V DESIGNS J | Wa Mweiiert & Co., J ? * Jewelers. UAV* IVWtNv 4HIHCV. (hirgu <gw>n«t twtei MHu UngnM* Twrsnnt <V#«a AN* A —At tA# A**%lf #*f I ilk# tw*Mff* •*##«■**l #• s» >*#*#• Al tA* At 5 ® A U V. , A **• anrrAr AOA RnMnMf***. **,l**4 VA** *AR AA#MTAAR™I’ drwwhen t'nttcd nt*t»* t> pt t mar aflwst* wsae tn tbe babit as eta tbvttsi •rrewttwg tbans bee drwvtkennraa se t taking them right to IM mlloa Atom tba atrwv i f tgetr armst far trial, as the fees derived from tbs arrest and r<a tlet toe as as Indian asve aboat |W Oea Howard said that tadivtdwsl taai bar gaater* were la tb* babtt of start lag §rr* «c the property of tbe la* ' giaaa sad, as a eeaalt they purchased tbe darted timber, nrblrh ta really as as tbe un. barred, aadsr tb* lusty of tbe T'alted Btatee attb tbe ladlaaa, at a |S !*■ reduction. Oea. H ward said in part : When It became fatly kaona that tb# lse*»« tab* ladlaaa were bat • small hand of tbe great Cbippeaa tribe sad that only forty as them Joined ta tbe rebellion or resistance ta tbe t atted State* sol dier*. sad that tbe entire tribe aas at perr as they bad been ever stare flrst known to tbe white man tbar tb# al iotment bad gone on and tbe mtastei>- nrv work al WhUe Ranh, at Red lake, at Bad River and other pedals, as ass brought out by the reports of the mis sionary sad others. It was felt that there was tsalty no great cause for dtsroaragsmeat from tbta course. "But beyond this It was shown that for more than twenty tve years these Indians had been treated ta a way to exasperate any people. Tbe fact* eun rernlng the breaking of trestles and the outrages perpetrated upon them through this very source of political appointments and political manage ment, and tbe conduct of their affairs by commissioners. Indian agents, pins appraisers, deputy marshals and oth er* nor with a view to the food of the Indlln in any sense but to plunder, for rewarding political service, for making poiitlcgl capital—ln short, for everything rather than the direct bene fiting of the Indian Three facts wer* Billy brought out and It was felt by all present that they ought to be ventil ated." Prof. Oeorpa D Herron, of lowa college, addressed a large audience at Wliiard hall Tbs lecture was 'be sec ond of a series on “Christian Scclsl lsm,” given on Monday* under the aus pices of the Chicago Christian Citixen shlp League. At the Central Y M. C. V every seat in the auditorium was filled with preachers and laymen anxious to hear Prof. W. W. WhUe, the associate di rector of Bible study at Moody Insti tute, lecture on “The Control of the Tropica.” Prof. White spent the last eighteen months In India, and his talk was a description of Ihe needs of the people he met and how to evsngellxe them. Place your order for fail suit with R. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. THE SEA'AS MAIL CARRIER. How the People of St. Kilda Send Mail The people cf St. Kilda never have any trouble with their poatofflee de partment. Every man is his own post master and letter carrier. He makes his own mail boat, which Is a cheep's biadder fastened to a tir.y roughly hew’n boat, with a cavity .or 1 the can containing the letter and a ‘-mall coin. The document Is thrown into the sea, and, according to the wind, comes up near the coast of the Hebrides or Norway. Here the rude ly carved “Please Open” is obeyed and the letter properly mailed. Knur out of six letters reach their destinations ! in t his curious manner. ‘ clajb tohia. , Bearlth# Kind Youl Have Always Bought i rr TBS) JkXJOXim TA H^IAJAX* T>. A STORM AMONG STARS lift 43 1 1AAN| Ia pA !i» I k*|! ting, MAMA •• MHMf 4* £***«*# iRifflMBA! m ' • « *MMA4Mr (Al Wfts tSiMR >T ■'”* ***l AA#“ f%of AIM Araa NAfANI H PAt •*#** **• A* aa4 It Am! ««4M *4Mn! Ia i*aH4A lAAAtAH® aalma |A* TIM (AMNiAMMHr AM*# **■**? *•** R ■MR*** rm ARw*# A#A *A * 4*'An C«i UtA Wfa wm MAM I#* |a*a4 tA4*R * 4*t#4A# (M# *4*4* #*|**A*il9iA4 tAt t«r** mrr* lAf|| 4>* * rA*##r I# 9A* ‘lfaf ***** tAat || Aar • irMf&r ®* •itiAflir* A*4 AmwARA TAr I**4 ••• ] rvtlt |AyA< AA* *A* i «»ftßf*u* A *Rff®#AMIACR. AA# *f*M*tAll»4 j At# to Ar A o#R ! CM Metis listened to tk- demsrtl. TArt RlAilUr T*Rrt must b# I fevered swd luxurious ap srtmewt iw lbs dwuslgg teut. * *#w poet*. stkllkg tbkt Ibis (wrticutsr met i was lbs “peerlras gueew 4 tbe arstta. better pent Is ton for tbe retluue of aer vaut* each carried, aad a carriage to and from tbe traia for tbe atar and her cbeperooc They were promised every! blag separately of rouraa, a®4 that sfteencoa's perft»rman«e was #e nured ftut there wert twelve per forms nee* a week Rr Ihe feet of tbe season to be looked offer, aad perma nent meaeurea were aereussry. Tbe hnaa raarasmaa and tbe chief of tbe properties were suntnsomd snd 'at once took a® account of ntcofc The star! was robbed of a dreasina table that bad been tbe pride of tbe rlrrua for yrare and hi* Joy for two | season*. Tb* concert *t**c was die . polled at three of Ha platform eec ; non*, and tbe canvas men worked all .afternoon rigging up three canvas dressing rooms that werr exactly alike even U> the stltebea. Miss Hibson's ! mother wae told that her daughter j wss certainly the best rider of the three, end would have been billed as the sol# star bad her contract been ; signed bofare tbs paper was printed, i Miss Livingston wss visited by an [txperlenttd diplomat who promiaed |her a new “Strobrldge three sheet." i and MU* Pavenpcrt's elderly sunt wss mistaken for her charge whleh dis qualified her complaints sos all time, it is to be hoped. The three dressing rooms were erected and the household of each star established within rope* lines. Tha crisis seemed to he over. Miss Davenport added a smile of her own to the ring expression which cir cus tradit'en demands, and all was serene end lovely. There has been no further outbreak, but Col, Sells Is still busy, devising precautions. Every eligible man in the circua has been privately warned to smile not upon an equestrienne unless he is prepared to furnish two of bis peers to smile with oqual order, A property msn has been detailed t<’ see that Mias Hobson’s poodle and Miss Livingston's Angora eat remain utter stranger* and the chief veterinary surgeon has been charged, as he value* his position, to guard the health of Mis* Davenport * pet monkey. Hostilities are suspended for the present, but how long white-winged peace will reign in the camp I* what keep* Col. Sells and Arenic Manager Melville awake o’nfghts. Discovered By a Woman. Another great discovery has been made and that, teo, by a !ady in this country. ''Disease fastened its touches upon her and for seven years she with stood its severest tests, but her vital organ* were undermined, and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. Bhe finally discovered u way to recovery hy purchasing of us a bottle of Hr. King's New Discovery f,i r Con sumption. Mild was so much relieved on taking lirst dose, that sin- slept ull night; »»d with two bottles Ms been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Luts.'' Thus writes W. C. Hammick & Co.,- Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles 10c. at Howard * Willet's Drug Store. Regular sir-# **e and *I,OO. Rv erv bottle guaranteed, ROYAL & feMM* iiir ksod MMinr 4*4hkmm md mbdmmrn ip nr ih f r m rrir lA# ilA#* H*» ***» VH*A I t. ail »rr. T ‘ltr ~ ('»4R. DIED Off STMIET C *U. flw sm4Mm Praia # a CAA4 Ia Chkage. < btcwgn Nor t Wbew Ilfs KC. tVckbam of Topeka Kan started to Chicago with i#r seven-week* old balMr, taellne. ib# tbU4 *l' stlgbfly ' Indfisfcwed On tbe tn>n 4? Infant twcmr* ariotisly 111 •tsl tt'' motber w*t hed pntWwtly for the fliet igtlmpae of tbn c(fy. When tl» l*olk i street atatloo was reached. It »»* plain that the baby «•» soMerlag from whooping rough. Mrs. IVkhsm carefully wrapped bee tiny burden la warmeat wrapt and banned to a North Oath street car which would take her to tbe so<-p of Dr. Mania, on Onario street Wht'e the car moved towards the physician s reel , deace. the baby bname quiet Tbe <o»shln* <• seed and tbe mother held its baby rlose to bee, rocking It gmt iy ao as to sooth* Its quiet slumber The car stopped, Mr*. Pechbaut atep | -sd oil and lifting the infant'* wrap looked at tb* little fare, leellne wns stilt sound a»te*q>. but ah* teas so mo jtloaleae that tbe mother woa frighten- Sbe hastened to the physician, but It was too bite. Tbe baby waa | dead. Fresh Buckwheat just received at F. J. Doris. Yellow Jaentlce Cured. ; Huffcrtng humanity should he siiii -1 plied with every means p<>*stld* for its I relief. It Is with pleasure we putdlKh the following: “This is to certify that : I was a terrible sufferer front Yellow j Jaundice for over si* months, and #t< treated by some of th»* beat physicians In our city and all to no avail. lm. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Hitter*; und after taking two le>lties, I waa entirely cured. I now take great pleasure In recommending them to any person suffering from this terrible mal ady. I am gratefully your*. M. A. Ho gaity, Lexington. Ky." Hold by How ard A Wlllel, druggist*. PLENTY OF CANUIDATES. Plenty of People Want to Be Oovernor of Colorado. Denver. CcJ,. Nov. 3.'— Ten state | tickets have been placed In the field hy the vgrlouy, political factions In the stall f There are fajnr candidates for Gov ernor. Charles Thomas, democrat, heads the democratic-people’* party; Teller, silver nspubllcan, natlon-'l pop ulists. and liberty union tickets; H. R. Wolcott, republican, silver repub lican (anti-Teller), and western re publican ticket*. The other two candidates for governor are Robt. H. Rose, prohibition, and Nixon Elliott, socialist-labor. The middle of the road populists will have no ticket, the. court having decided ut Ihe last mo ment that the party has no standing. There ate ten state tickets; for can didates for governor. The Best Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to !hr affected parts Is superior to any plaster. When troubled with pain, in tip. chest or side, or a lame hack, give it a trial. You are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which It affords. Pain Halm Is also a certain cure for rheumatism. For sale by Alexander Drug and See Co., C. It. Purr of Hell 1 Tower Drug Co. Shredded Wheat Biscuit and Qraham Flour at E. J. Doris. •him iitiMbiom r lf#l —At HaAaaA mrn It# k,M#AA4t* •amakm » *wm lip mmf ,Ht i%m#ar#i* I«r I . . * Wi»A Ym A Af# nt«* 1 to ® AalrA *n* |Ara «nA raa i (A# itlAtiw lARfIiA H «Ar m*m * «a4a mm ®u®* t«r fA# fumr# Alt A iAr rtftiMkn IAaI 1 A$W lAr araaaa (s Hi' road I have m* arrangement# about nsec‘lag anybody *• « »*" them all a ehaoc'* before I weal oat. My asuary t* row ap Y«n t*» *ay »bat i am open to any heavy weight that dries blwaetf l»> tw tbe bast man I* any Agb< ~ljtt tbe heavy Weight* light among tbewmalvea and pro** whhb la the beet man and then I will meet him aad am willing to make * match ai any time for liu.ibd a able radsusiaad that I am ant pan making ibis chal lenge. bat It bn* Mood before I went out on tbs road aad will stand as long aa I am on the road or st any tigs or I - a ** | pIAC*. OAMTOnZA. Ws.W ******* "•T” Cuff's | Curious llappenlugs. In Venice not long ngo a lottery drawing gave rla# to tbe opening of j c»Ans in order ibat tbe sign of a lucky number might be d* lecled .u j thr eye or on tbe lip* of tbe corpse Shrouds duety and covered with mold were examined for trgees of writing ' ibat might lend to the soiigbt-for ! knowledge and Infants were cloaely In spected for birthmark* that would re l veal the secret, while It Is said that la dle* of birth and education wore their I dresses with the Inside turned out in I order to propitiate the god of the wheel. In Naples a begging monk w ta fallen on hy two footpads, who inslst | that he should tell them the lucky number and on hi* assurance that he I was net able to do so they beat him so | severely that be afterward died In a | hospital. These expedient* to steal the secret of fortune display so ranch In genuity that It would seem as If their practitioners might without much trouble make mure meuey In other ways. • The horrible wire sblrt was a fa vorite form or torture frequently ex erted for the benefit of evildoers in Chinn during the last century and It I* said has been revived. The wire shirt Is n piece of wire netting, with a mesh about an inch across, This is placed under the victim's arms and tightly fixed round his body, so tight ly as to cause Ihe wire to cut into his flesh, which Is squeezed through each separate interstice until the skin pro jects a quarter of an inch or so out side the wire. Thus prepared, the vic tim I* adjured regarding his treach ery. or offense, whatever it may he, and he is then shaved with a Rharp knife, the blade bemg drawn close over the wire in all directions. After the operation is completed the miser able wretch is released, a writhing mass of flesh wounds, which arc speed ily settled cn hy the flics and other Insect*. The victim rarely indeed, hardly ever, recovers. Cases have been known in which salt or tea dust has him rubbed Into the fresh-cut flesh. | There Is little doubt but that, should the secret societies ever suc ceed in bringing about a successful revolution In China, the land would speedily be given over to a repeti tion of the horrors which were so common during the earlier Moliamm (■daft rising of the JRst cettlup'; Place your order at opcCj-anit;avoid rush, floods cheaper than ever. E. J. Henry *>Co.. popular priced .tailors. 21# a.ud 21# Campbell street. WE TRY TO MAKE Of OUR CUSTOMERS! 14«r4 w M s# m „ m „«§ t»##i »*3 J. B WRITE ICB. CMiib Dtpirimi The uMktrn <hdnj|ri R irfd*t»*r 'tight In wy* Mil the vrittfcwn of milling rtgNMfi ghoul your liomm Inc amid tomlort Eou«h l umber .... $7 00 to >K) 00 pet KIOO II Ikevve# lumber .. $7,110 In 00 - *• " V> 2 Pwt sfungkv $1 SO per 1000 Ho. I " ** $2-Ml ” ” Dr gum Cypres* *• *' Vitmtov* glaw. lotlt, hmgrt. doors vgvh. Wind*, and gnv ltod of tfwogl twodwoA «t Rlrgclive grim. >our orders will receive prompt gHeidtoo -bo matter how mull or Urge. CItAS. F DtiitN, Mgnggrr 'AufliiStoSuniGcrfe Will You Get Left? There is but one looked-for condition th £ fall in regard to business and that is a most healthy one. and those who are preparing for it are the people who will reap tne harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers immense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in China, Pottery and Glassware. They are yours to own at right prices if you buy them. BUSH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 BROAD STREET. We have a few more of our ’9B Wheels that we will close out at special prices from $lB to SSO. We also have a few second-hand Wheels that you take from $1 I to $25. The above Wheels must go to make room for our '99 stock. We do all kinds of repairing at right prices and guarantee our work. We have most complete line of Sundries and repair parts in the city. Come and see our Heaters to heat water for the Bath Tub. DEVENEY, HOOD & CO. Bicycle Department. WE ARE ALWAYS BUSY fLyMiD®! NOVI MWIH Supplying choice graded ol Lumber to Builders and Contractors. Prompt In the delivery ol all orders, and lur* nidiing nothing not fully up to grade and finish. I ectory and Saw Mill equipped with latest improvements, and organiza tion thorough in every department. Prices, Catalogues, Etc., upon ap plication. DOORS, SASH & BLINDS Pertins Maußfactirat Company, AUGUSTA, GA.,