The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 05, 1898, Page 4, Image 2

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4 SATU PI BA V THE IUCUSTI HE MID mmmmmmmrn * * mmtm -mm.m - - HP P'**"fWP tm •- ■ **>•♦ jg ■ A>*i iii mm imin'tW •* *«#«•*• W«|«H *«*«■*«* <■* . - pH'** « •»>■■ «»« ■ * m - »» ni «*u> wwHfk rH» M»Mr »• *•% •*“ ■Bar— *" i, * rT *■* Hoy WH .1 MPrtl VHP HtMl M to *'*•*• *** "to*** ** •* • M * Mi *» Ik* ►««■* •*•«* *** *2’* CMMWabaa- At *• «•**•*"• |« C- T_. JMIr —I “ «»* «*"»«*• rV »*** < , *,. • cv.* at Ska flat** mm o),m »<Nit MMA mr< fei?i*a - kart Vi* H»*a * "• w »>*.*• mm* tmthrnmm mm »—f— • *,«.* kk WPMtl*!# Ik* ia** ** •*'■• otto* TO AOVOtTMIO. IMMrtiwfi ** »*• ***' MlMla P *•**•""' «**rv *Tl* H***^** 1 •*'*^ > ‘ (^ JIT/1 pS* l i EACH DAY bEEi mE HEBALD OIJOAVo J V*i * fiat *i h T tYw'i El' kAT| ® 2 « IH rTa iiQp» Ijfttrthl IC.TIC tltfa brt*gMSaafeL&M HBKM.O 50UVKNIR5. AlyoM presenting at The H*r»M OHketlw Souvenir Coupon which la printed baton will ratalvc a neat lit tle Souvenir Button Free. If you want one apply narty. Mall orders will be filled when accompanied by (tamp* to pay poatage. I Rlii: DISTRIBUTION SOUVENIR COUPONS I j . « This Coupon, presented at The Herald Office, will be ex changed lor a neat and hand ! some Herald Souvenir Button. , 1 The distribution la limited and will laat only a few day* She greet* me with bewltrhlng smiles. She frown* on me no more; At night she fondly throws her arm* Around me, at the door. I do not have to rummage for My slippers any more; • She never lets me eat alone In the morning* aa of yore. She minister* unto my wants. She’* qutek to flit them all; Dear render, she expect* to get A sealskin coat, this fall. —Cleveland leader. Arthur T. Smith. superintendent of the Langley Mills, ha* replied In an ahle letter to theTradesninn. to a mis leading and Incorrect account of the management of the lauigley fuctory lo the Boston Transcript. Editor Tom Murphy's Augusta Sun day Herald is u very attractive sheet. It Just bubbles over with entertaining reading matter, and must be n revela tion to that demure old city by Ibe rives.—M. M. F. In Brunswick Times. “Isn't that rather an odd sign?” he cf the tobacconist, as be Indica-. t i a placard which bore this luseriu ticn: S ■ '/ ; ; v •; Cigars for Smoking. : “Oil. I den t know ' replied Ibe tidjßc cunlsl in the tone a man uses when be b: ct undent that he does kuo* . T have cigars for smoking, and ihen I have cigars for Christmas presents.' Town Topics. , himwhw m mmmm* m Jt •dn S«* - ■■ ■ * |# on&tnjh 4|||» oi*o* |n apt jrn'it# %rtt 14 ' *#•* MM ,I *, fig* T -sis «f «%* »IMP*TW»'i» i «mm% ppNWjt fS|p» «# IS* i##gp*i «MOMt >«*«* Hh» IMHIiMI • I # i**® Imp #ppmSnm| IBPB* [ iIMM MM*f rmprr ««»*4 fnwot mw [«•% Mm H» MUM MRi MmtCNI «•* •£ I tfc* IB tß* IBM I ft* tirrr-i *#•* tMpf «P llt« Iff* **#, |M*MM MilW IB 4NMMNMMNMI I • n|i Hmi H>m «4 B»lbb>* ** it'vimmi i% c • ImM BB *Bp* j, fMBNM BBBBMI. B*B ’* *B* MM* ; . IBW *B mM "'Mp! mm I I Imp —»T*» ! *li« MP •» •• M«PI «P« *««*» >«• I* llwtflt V* *» imifll*H »*■■ I *P4p§P9 * I* i *t#4ntPMi ks mmm* ** |* imMH MHMMII **4 l*kMMt *P* I mm* kl a »—iHwl —»■»■< ' *T pr»*fk«wl a papa* «M *k«* *kP p*« m a *«ki»w»'*a kkkk »•« m *« I Marta a Irk atoaik* apk **4 I kar* a ikkr a# u **«t to pak ' PlMr <*•«»> to tfek inrip of iW* fMMr. Ik* AitkkM Jakrtkkt, tiklrnlM ikv P* kMilk kart pkktuprrt Ik* k*ki at (k* Rwanl kNk k vlaMkrtMrt k*krt | *tg, ikfb rs nr# fnifii •## I «Ba| 4. IB M»«*«r4 *•* t*Bk«g tß* p» \m»mm «B»* tlwwß in ««rt MN mtllißlll BBUtv Bft M Blßlßii H | »# aakatasly wpM IP* •laP*' "* •••’H A 818 Ha** jfsa ***** tk* lart *<•*>*«• tlk ilk# p** aMltir** * Mr aa4 Mr*- Pipp •art tb* |ir j at* Ik Part* Mr, Ptpk. pMrt aft*r rtlaarr. atrp* «at tar a trm kt*«a»*«i» *Hfc a rkaar* arpaalktaa**- %• ib* ha*r rtr*jf trrt. II la I P a, *t **4 Mr* Pin* i* akaltlap krr apoua* • mar*, kßUUlatiMl Ok BltOECt laaaMurk aa k* ar* *» ***r to <*« avtgktxM'* arm** Ik* rltrr, tb* *tat* »ilb *n< h a*o-4t*arv* **nU«»*ni a f»k ««r<l* < <>n- *i*lm »*»•• ••* prwl>- ablp ibe smhh toirreailM aumilon i braagbi up Ik lb* rtl*cii**i<>a» of tb* r***kt Kpt»rup*l < o*»**l!<i« Ik Waab l*pu*' IXnmr-aill b* of lol*r**t. Tb* roatrnlion a driller*Hon* war* Km « and a*!|bt> o* tb* aoKJerl, and no drfinll* artlon »** Übrn ron**ru- Ing It beyond tb* a|>|HilUn*nt of n commute* wboee duty ll le to report to the next contention what *t*p* It will lie w!a* to take. The aeotlniekt of the con»*ntfi*n au however, to xlorl method* wblrb would dlarour •l« divorce, .% practice I *et(lem«nl of the dlvoree quratloo, however, I* a weighty prob lem. Concerning the growth and develop ment of the Kplecopal Church, It ap pear* from report* *iihmltt*d to the convention that *lnee the !**t conven tion the church he* been Imrivoted by CX.OOQ communicants, end 607 church edifice* have been built. The New York Commercial Advertiser, commenting on thl*. observe*, that thla I* a greet lncree»e; It I* ell the more Impressive became the Kpleeo pel Church doe* not proeelyte for con vert* from other organisation* and do« 8 not hold "revival*." Against the*e may he act the fact that It does conduct a very efficient missionary system through the new and growing communities of the west. Its growth Is normal and "healthy and shows the organisation to be .vital. The Brother hood of St, Andrew I* a Bociety in the church recognixed to be of greut value to the clergy. THE PARK. Nashville wants a public park, and The Nashville Banner proposes that the city purchase the old Centennial grounds and convert it into a recrea tion ground for the people. Augusta wants a park, but requires no pur chase money or issuing of bonds, for the site of the present settling basins for that purpose, whou the waterworks are completed. It belongs to the city now. The Banner says: "Why should there be any further delay in the park movement? have the matter set tled one way or the other and Imme diately. The proposition Is a simple one: Shall we have a park or sfcal! we not?” What The Banner says for Nash ville, The Herald reiterates tor Augus ta. ll adds Bitto and Amen. .toe Wheeler thinks It Quite pc*t,tblr that he may he the next speuker cl' the House. —AmerieUK Evening Herald. Is that the way it looks to u man up a tree ? ttf t«£*9lh EkSkcrt tkTkSL «*. In* m*mrn I «W EMMS fk*M emwMjMMrt L is. tmmtwm *ff M■' ■fMltrj M tkM* tv *• *mm4 Ithaf kwki a favtkk* «** w«*rt* «*y *m *»f»—f •* kw mm j tvw*«* M Ik* Mkrty kak* «f *b» *<• ** j Tk* wnart» b**» ak H*< <4 ff»«d * t««. «Bi 4« iBAi *B»* aa#Bß» i» Bt - | Ifrmlwit iß* «f B*«iB außabl fßf* ; IB*t »<«<*»« j 91 Burl f BP 1 Birß j ANwMfll » *B# fPiBNI mt tB» INbaBB < fdlMMbfw • f #1 |Bil At r»4A tt*m Baaimmi^ *«*»*«<•> ANMII 4 f»IMi!A« Baa *»k«« nr Bhifil <\m»a. •Vb 4 r««tf «ft 9BHBBH tBAI Bf lit 1 , ml iA# mmr Baa ap 4*m*» A (Utlx.p Mkartsy »"J I «*• > * *A tlrkkrtMathaf." wntiag I* "Mar ikiliaa ' dMcrtbk* tb* faatok* vacokk i«*f BrlwrAA Prof. H«xl*y and MM’m* Vllkrfkn. » khkb *b* b*pp*a*rt to be •* ayr-arllMm "1 mmm bapp> 'trough.' *b* aay*. **lk b* ***** at at the n«e****rwble o* at ft*ford • nMr HatMy b*ard*d Hi*b«>p Wtl fore*. Three were so maay of a* that were eaarr to b*ar that k* bad to »«k >mrn ti> tb* great library of th* *•■ j *««m I can atilt hear th« American aerrat* of Pr Hraprr'* «*p*a*t>* *J drra*. kb*»* b* #*k*d: "Air • * a for tuitous eoor-iur** of »mm»* aad bis dlacour** I seem to rsncßlrr, a* •omrwbat dry. The* tb* IPabnp roar, and la a light, scoffing tok*. Born! fluent, h* assured ua there w»* nothing hi tb* idea of atrotuMoo rock pigeon* were what rock Mffeons bail «!•*)» Itren. Th»B. terpisg to h » ant»g«w>**i with a amlbng M»#!*«r*. hr begged to know *g» It throggh kl* grand father or hi* grandmother that he rlaimed hi* deter at from a monkey. On thl* day Mr. Huxlay *lowly and deliberately arose. A *llght, tall flgure, Mail and pale, very quiet and I very grave, he stood before u* amt spoke those tremendous word*- words which no one seem* sure of now. nor, 1 think, could remember Juat after they were spoken, for their meaning took away our breath, though It left u» In no doubt as to what It was Heati* not ashamed to have monkey for hi* ancestor: but he would be ashamed to be connected with a man who used great gifts to obscure the truth No one doubted his meaning, and the effect was tremendous. One lsdy fslntedand hnd to he carried out ; I, for one. Jump ed out of my seat; and when In the evening we met at Dr. Dsubeney s, everyone was eager to ctmgralulatethe hero of the day. I remember that some native person wished 'lt could come over again': Mr. Huxley, with the look on his face of the rictor who feels lho cost of victory, put us aside, say ing: 'Once ir. a lifetime is enough, If not too much." An Autumn Memory. A picture hangs on memory's wall, A radiant tuce of wild rose bloom. Dear eyes, of dreamy golden byown. Sweet Ups that rippled o'er with tunes: The dusky curls that waved so free. The white hands tilled with Autumn leaves, The aklmmer of her violet gown. Against the stublded, russet Helds, o In memory's scenes she smiling stands I.lmned 'gainst an oak ttee's chang ing flame; Once more I hold her dainty hand. And softly whispering, call her name Again the hill lies bare and brown. To where wo wondered from the town. Delated, waving by the stile, Shy purple daisies, late of Fall, And Withered brier roses fair. A sadness brooding over all. The picture fades, today I stand Beside her grave so small and lone: I trace with loving trembling hand Her name uiwn the mossy stone: The hillside path Is Just in sight. Stilt sways November's shivering lYsvs, A few leave* left, »ofl lose and jTOld. Flutter away upon the breeze; M> , yus are dim with longing tears, f hues) where golden rod droops low. And gather np of Autumn leaves ,\ handful, for she ln\rd them so. —BERTIE EMERSON TARVER. TBB AX.T7QTJBT.A HBHALD till; OBStiRVI K A Hot’ll TOWN **» ***** ll BNb4a* Ai’ BA a Bit Bum b%«A i A ItNNMBAA ttAlllßß •• *•* BBB wm *SA AAA '’A IHB IB WBIM AftA s *’•444 Afß JHAA ABvBB BA Bi BBtB JhBAI •TAB BB*”" TBa BAf Ailßit IBa BBBMMMI a mb* |BBAI* Ba ?a|BIaB A* la**,| I Bab "I Bbab I iMMNMB I AABBt ib IB« A BMIA. Bbl fIBBI *B* Bit B Baaßßbb BMf I AlB aTtaM I A pMfl I# Ba A BdF* I aftkUkrt talk Ik* ArlMfliuk Mart n tm>t m asareb of anmatbmg •«* d»* Mt* up*, gar tb* EsWtattak art Hs* rskrtaaa krt tb* obk*rvat's cklaskk, akrt fflkkort k**V fba v» gl*t*v M hat a hs art rtMNrskl »t>t*» I* ka*4« n lag •art geawairtiip' Tbay atkmat t*H tbair tax alkrtass Tth*r* la the ba»- list sciaki abbfkvMiMa* akrt rark li ass*** of lb* iirsrt ir»**n kbu Is k,rrt ia H akrt wsala t* gat ta W writvn asw* blloasrt by tb* reat rt*kce. tiaavk aad stkt*. a# gerhaa* 'he soMrt l»ialD**s mall, kbo writ** hi* [ i hecks ia tb« aam* •*? ib* **»•* lt> *urt» ikfikß taskial tbara'tbw* tb*' •>** »• ohligci to lea* over tb* rv*Mt#r to rtaripbav them, kbii* o* tb* aett lln* tba '•rrAVt I* t«*A Uam t* lArgA. aiiabcMab the width «f the page Thru cotkea I the name of *oa»* Ivlslto*. prlklart I with red ink on th* broad surface of ; th* booh by mean* of a small rubber stfikM affixed conventektly to tb* "nd |of a lead ffenrti and rwiried In the | vast 4>c* hrt, tfrhen l looked up bud fouud klurph grinning at tr* I cokldn’t help cocks mealing on some of my surmise* I*l gaetbn* 'he <harattqf of the writer*. SalA be: "lbs last algnature? HeV a Jolly Kpiipopal clergy mart Just, from Wgahlngtob. and told me « goon story on the same subject -reg ' Birring at hotels. Illshop lkiane of | NVw York Is from Albany and had got ! into the habit of subscribing himself in various church papers as 'William of Altniny.' When he wont to Eng land a year or so ago to attend the Inuntieth Conference he slopped at the t Hotel Cecil. In registering he waa ; Just ahead of Bishop Coxe of Buffalo. Bishop Coxe looked at lfoanc s slgtta- Iturc. 'William of Albany.* and teftor registering said. Isn't it too had. Doane. you are not from Buffalo?' •Why?' said Doane. Because.’ said Coxe. 'yon could then sign jrooraeK, •Buffalo Bill.' " The little groups of uniformed Sec ond regiment boys seen on Broad street yesterday were discussing the probabilities of their Immediate future movements, and the Observer over heard several of them bemoaning the fate lliat has consigned them to a re turn to camp life and fare—be con and hard tack. etc. No more plum pud ding and buckwheat cakes with maple syrup. Speaking of plum pudding reminds me of a feast prepared at an English garrison to celebrate some event or day. The soldier boys sat down to an ex cellent dinner, the crowning glory of which was a largo plum pudding, made then, M*tlcd two days before and re-heated. "Seems mighty hard.” remarked the sergeant major, as he vainly tried to stick his fork in It. "Have you boiled us a cannon ball, Browney?*' "Or the regimental football?” asked another. "Where did you get the flour from?” questioned Capt. Smith. "Where from?" retorted the cook. "From store No. 5, of course.” “The deuce you did,” roared the quartermaster sergeant. “Then hang you, you’ve made the pudding with Portland cement." Dewey, Duke of Manilla. Pittsburg Times In taking over the- Phlltfitlißea. <ffe ought to itoakv DttTfy Duke of Manila The Maria Theresa*p< to be • received ;,t Norfolk with a sicat demonstration Norfolk with a great demonstration. '> mufliEcossip \ iMtjg- « r-fnt» |-mrr aßam BmmBBVBI Bm# I tMu»% MfffAAM IB» «t Ba«bb j I \ *>y ia a #aaa It i aßiano ’ "ab** | * If IB MABm l»4 Ml aa t* i * Arif lit- in* B|»aM*B HB»-' h 4l#i« *• w«mM ha Btßßf y#\ fAAi'f ttm W yam ArtfA hi «Ba | „« fitli«*rA: tB) m«v IBHIA Tab *rr i ft • aAoaaA Ia BtAroym** III# | I, ft hr aHaa Ba Hmalia atbaaß aaJ apaa » HAW Air h* Hi MhN aMB B»« B«tA. j Bt, I/aa *a ißa | wwaaa «MI an, UntftA. w«il, II Ia pr«*tr 1 t II IT TUP ••BMaBaMBOb p**€+»ri**n mm* j l»r ?vt rHlAll> aß»a, A fBBv w«y »«»t Ba oarttr nl«riy AAMkHt* Ib t»u> thtAA* for bB ftfl, tmt { Ha ««4ik) rillri t|o at tßait bivi* mnif i tuner fellow do M. _ . <y, A* soon aa the war la kver *« will ) alt duwn and Hsur* uutgwh.'ther A>l- ] mlral Iwwry. C.rt. or Rich- j ard Harding Davis Ihk d>M»’a*“ ! William C. Whitney UM*(M lyaw. dtroh It a k.hhl deal sa‘e*M|pbn><t ill v to deal In than delegate* to a national ; 'edkywwttun. A h'*rse stays bought, yuu ( Tttmw, Words Alike Either Way. Adda, Anna, bab. bib, civic, dad, bub. j deed, denied, derived, did. d<»id, ecce, j eye, ewe, eve. gog. gig. gag, level, mad- j am, maram noon, non, oho, pap, peep, ' pip. pop. pup. redder, refer, repaper, re- j : vlver, rotator, sees, relies, seve*. shaba, sir. slrts, Some*. *tel|cts, tat. tenet .tit, toot. lot. tut. waw, wdew, liannab. A sentence of the same kind ta the one ascribed to Napoleon: "Able was I ere I saw Hla." Disappointment and Triumph Dark I* the theatre, bushed the music, | for the play Is o'er tonight, And the actress, driving homeward, alts with lips compressed and tight. t Hoses red and white and yellow litter up the carriage space— Tributes to her matchless acting, yet a j tearslips down her face. What if hundreds did applaud her? — what If well she played her part? People were like driven cattle—could they read a woman's heart? All the loves that nlcjit she acted —all the hates and hopes and fears Fjter through her tired brain cells— come out purified as tear*. i Men, my brothers; men, the workers, when the world has used us rough. Hound our hearts we snap our armor —women arc of softer stuff. > What to her was this night's conquest? ■ XVhat 111-' flowers and success? j For the modiste disappointed never Sent her satin dress. i Never sent the dress she’d hoped so trimmed with pansies down the side, Jewel trimmings on the shoulders. | round point sixteen Inches wide: Well she knew that with that dress on Solomon in all his pride Couldn't hold a candle to her —ah, no wonder that she cried! Then she smiled—for on the morrow. when the papers told her hits. She would go to that old modiste, and would give the woman tits. -Philadelphia Pryss. m 1 """*■• “The Pacific is a lovely ocean," pur red SHKs Hawaii on the beach of Hon olulu, 'and lous may it wave over the land of the free and home of the t>iav-. ' ... THIS IS IT ki ibjMnil E*k •» nm •MM M, FOR EARLY PALL STIFFS IHO ALPINES ALL. SHADES $3.00 Just Arrived, DORRS Tailorinf. Hat%, Furntthinfr. Cucumber and Almond Cream n.c loti 4*ti#BtfWl Ti4lrk Af %t-: !*• myyf * f m * * Mi r* , ItcMagß ftßtft, Tilt Be* tfk NWB Coughs and Colds HNw t® tBMBMIf •, rts* Wi ? Rf# tr%ffy feancfft*. XL 232 ir.k^. T *' Or ir nt it Tooth Wash MmliMi bnutiful Teefli tn«i % KtMl hfMib. 3&C T*«MJ> Bujim »n Uw Nnk ft® tt»« city. Hot Chocolate With Whipped Cream. Ai'rt a >offifort*bl* rn Sa ea t«jr it. t’atrt I'iisii aart la* t'lvxs* toss Talai It tor Me xStovtt. To Our Patrons. Tb* toad l*rps>tkl* ot having Uan removed fr m *ur store, hereafter tuy a hole time end at* tenti.m «U 1 be gtciit U. tb* l*re *erii«tion and Drug t manes*. Near bat th* chtrtcvst and purest l*heraa*e*iclrais and ('ha ul'cal* are hskOiert here none bet Ibis eia»* #f Drug* enter tbs Vrescriptionv vest oat by ua Our pricss are rsssonable- Pat ron* cs* now depend on me per rons! service. 8, C. Dt «m>. Alfiaiier Dree Cniupasv ■m BROAD BT. IF^TIROISrXZIE •-The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY'S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street A MAN WITH A LARGE HEART Who will give you big value* for your money. Best Unlaundered Shirts at 50e ; 50c Surtvender* at ?5c All Wool Undershirts or Drawers ~soc Good Umbrella* at 75c Woolen and other Socks from 10c to 25c Suits. Trousers and Overcoats at rea sonable prices. F. Q. MEHTINS. Tailor and Cents’ Furnisher, opposite Planters Hotel. Monev to Loan %) ON REAL ESTATE. AFPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. A monument to th,. poet Holly is to lw erected in Hanover, somewhei* near his grave. Just where his grave is. to bo sure is not exactly known, for Hol ty, having been a German, was ignored and belittled by bis countrymen dur ing bis lifetime. NOVEMBER S CUIANYOIRHMASS IMm e«.» t«rt sort AkM«T-kM<fkH M* I o anti tahk leir cMM«M«id AfMB «fbd ifMitaJ «*» •« MMbdk. I j igCKffWlMrtd (haak IWO IfMtMm. LI. Cardeile. Druggist tool H I h*va (hg tiricltfaUKi A, A W. BfW>* %t% Tfkdh Auth •r*d will mak* good avafjf m*o ttkMt lh* brlktf puM CMfC. L I. Garcelle, Druggist. | Itkkfi Iha finaal and trkOHC • a pmowi vk Dfitg* Mfbd M. <iu him that cur* i*« fur* ntblMd by any dru<tl«t tn IN world, and my pfitt* gra nutdcral*. L. I. Gatde'le, Druggist. Tie Anpsia Herald binaL Brttiled id % Bui I.HT’ir hklutd u TiaSttiii qrirKEsT tu.kck irn snewa, tue kcvi op the WORLD W llfl.K IT IS NEWS. IS TO IS HOUR* AHEAD OP* OTIIPR fiEttRGIA AND hot HI CAROLINA PA PERI. --I TBSI KILL CPKVTtt TOP IMK. rtMffrtt^^s PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7ih St., Ansist*. Oa. 6fVfS fIICE EYI TESTS hr sff rtrtoets <M Sigh’ grind* tbe prMßir (Immmm «JRd W AM* RANTn them '.ram col hmo your frrt**+ whiU. yo® wri*. FRFE OF Ch’ARUE S ■ im -OIIPE» vol.'ll COAL and WOOD ——FliuM THE North Augusts Coal & Supply Co thv sod Qu.llty (ioaranit trt. F- W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT iieU 'FhuOs -lU4 tstrowgsr ** Eastman’s KODAKS. "k ■ f __ We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Richards & Sliavsr, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION JJEKCHANTo. 803 Reynolds SMeleßiioneiSEw.”’ 1 mate L.ste.l W ire* i nert to New York Chicago end New Orlesu*. Orders executed over our wires for Coiton. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions fur rush or on margins. Local •ecu;ties bought end sold. Referencee —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. _ _ _ ,