The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 05, 1898, Page 7, Image 5

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" tNp*» 4 imi «hm§ it I '."X *•* mmfom *»+•*. fW ■* *i Mm#*# #* *♦' j 48#* i * * ••NINE’* W*®# 1 4W j H inij| (Nr ■ *HP RRMiMi *“ #™ *■* TMK EDITORS. t* h'ira" M It h" J own ul t«v tr*®* * 1 hi* life. Percy Rsimle*—llaxs, a* »* <**M film- *a* rpcwited mu*l«*l of The organ. Hl*. »n«l Indeed all the staff .M*>lnt,nent* *-rc mad* alth a tlful sense of iho Otn s* of things. Bag * xlster t<> ho a t«nl< *..1-fa loach-r In a Ijoardln* school, and. a» IX< k said. If flat* didn't know n hal music waa ho ought to. Taylor aald at present ho rould only offer tho rest of ua poalUoaa a* ouialdo contrlbutora. I confess It hurt mo a lltll • —Bob'* landing waa a« voiy dratty-hut ay tho compoaltor explained that moatly riut alda rontrlhutlona aat Inaldo the otflr« | and took up tho editor's tUno It was agreed that for the present *e might , ait at the editor’s tab'*. The room v aa swept and garnished and somewhat lavishly decorated with | Mils. Huge yellow posters, with flam- j ing red I tteis, hung from the walls end from the celling, white Inkpnta and j.aattliruahea gave an air of midnight oil’ to the apartmont. A lounge also Taylor assured us, waa a n cesslty ; otherwise he could not think. It stem d a hit odd that a lounge should make one think: hut. then, (if course an editor Is necessarily an outside con tributor. Before I became connected with The Organ 1 had a vague notion that pa pers. generally speaking, came out at a 1 fixed time. That. Taylor assured me, was an amateur Idea. What was want ed, he said, was originality. “Take the public by surprise, so to speak Keen them on the tiptoe of expectancy.” So each week the paper was issued to a thirsting public on a different day. It Is strang - how prejudiced the public Is. The few shops that had taken The Organ wrote complalntngly of Its un-] certainty and theratened to drop it In consequence; but then, as Dick said, J who cared for them? The articles In our paper were mark ed hy a degree of originality and fear- j Jessness such as I have never met with j in any other periodical. Thrones must have trembled and tyrants tottered when they read The Organ. “It s all very well for you chaps,” raid Taylor, ‘‘but tho tremendous re sponsibility is wearing me to a thread. You don’t seem to understand how much The Organ will cost the oppres sors of the poor.” ■One hundred and fifty pounds." muttered Bob, gazing gloomily at a pile ~f returns. “One hundred End fifty' pounds and not a penny to show for It." j ■Going to press woe the most ex< tting time of the week. Dick's landlord had been appointed master printer ami be composed the paper In his spare time and got it stitched and bound in some ! BinKtieri !> **«•* «t M MMI •» MM M r I i a#** mi tinaaii ♦ ( * ♦*#* NM Max** M*« w* m # 4 1 ***** # Es-rrasci ( * *i*M -«►* • * Nfl J II PWHrv MVM AMM ! .♦♦♦%♦%%♦%%%%%%%* my in*ml4r4 «**«! ivrijr Ui j f&.'f «ts b**t ffri. ■*Cg(i fdm f»i* iny inlufmatton?** »h • *4**l to Hob I frit iuot a HIM# marry for him. Af-] wmm fcardly dtfflilft nihv hr <1 dm ihhS I th* rr h* •! w irti itght li*oth* rr l»r*»t*. vhh h hi* t«*if*|«rr fir* j «»)4 hm frrt arhr Hr h*4 4l»Cdrd#4 fhrfn t«rtf th«t m<Mmioß tnd «i* now' tutoring about in r-4 #*»< k*. trying; to 1 that Ihr w. |* It. «*i*tti'**al#<l onr r.ot. While the owl bog hid the other. Kat'h Umr hr irted to bow thr 1 oil I mix I L*vr a lurrh am! In rwntiin* hi* hoi- j an<f o\ r r a rot thr UnVt. Rv this t|fn« in, eamr 40 an from thr cloud*. i ‘ If y«u \% 111 lir fcinil t*rv*ufh to rail iignlii this afternoon I %tll hav# thr Tin# waa a bob! atatrmrnt and aa »U4-h w** tir«t«(2 It »llh rra!W( , t v«m havr a vstot), Bob." aaiil DU!t, Vhrn Mira Miaa M«<rrla ha<l «ot>r. Hut Hob re brtlrtl. Not f*»r all th*- «»llr of the altlb tr»| would hr part with that tuuh. After much ararch- , Ing, however, and aundry vlalta to an ohhjrinx relative te scraped togtth- 1 er »ix pounds. Now thr difficulty was how much to * pay her. It waa childish to pay too j little. None «»f ua had ever written for any other paper than The Orxan. so we . had nothin* at all to *0 on. The sketch j vi-as about -00 words and w« decided that wed make It five pounds, aa she; a lift. Miss Nora Morris often railed up as- j ter tha't and we got quite friendly with j her and told her all our trials and trou ble* with The Organ.’ She seemed. | however, to like to talk about Dick more than the afflicted, which wa*. strange, a* J always thought women] were tenderhearted. Dick aeerned to have grown a deal I ‘older and graver than h? had been and some of the fellows grumbled because, they said, the paper wa* so much tamer than it used to be. I think Dirk : had changed 111* opinion alxmt what I the public wanted. I He said that at present they <the ! public) were not educated up lo so I much rlglnallty and that It was better to train them by degree*. The com positor had been discharged long ago land Dick made other arrangements. I [ learned that he had sold out the small sum his mother had left him invested I in consols and paid the printing and paper bills In full. He wanted to give Bob back the £l5O, but Bob wouldn't touch a farthing. The Oigan had always meant a lot more to Dick than the rest of us and i now he threw himself heart and soul into the work, writing most of l lie- ar ticles and mastering al* the business details in the most wonderful manner. But In suite of ail his efforts the re turns grew smaller and smaller and the ] poor old Organ walled only very in termittently. One afteinoon when as usual W;< turned up to see the paper go to press we found Dick, stern and despairing, all alone. “it's all over, you fellows,” he said. •‘The Organ’s dead, I’ve no money, and It'S no use trying for tick. You'd belter go. all of ycPi," he added with a catch in his voice. “There’s nothing to wait for.” and il was that very after noon. of all other, that -Miss Norn Morris chose to call. To fell Ihe truth we were miserably poor. Bob had given UP bis watch weeks before and f don't believe Dick had had a proper dinner for days. Miss Nora tumbled in the slat? of the case in a moment and announced lhai shed THE j\ TTOTTS'r/Y HEH A. IYD >4<m% # xaHHfci# #4 pM*! Hi HnH ♦•**# ♦ *«!»4 [ < mMt |.MI* * s»■* <*> * *s* *- t •*te" *4Mf™ ** t *4l Mu •niiml A4* * ♦«* 9 WON SLUM'III K ON DlitiEf I'nirr Unit Ml W hkfe Mr* Raster (!•( Hmt NhMkM# iiif HM* Wbm I Ur mi la Na*iH«il». Traa »ni ' Miid HaaM Wlabf. ■ Ik# mtefttr*!. * 1 mw DMM ha«! kMiYtlll AHHflftft. A W| dully RAV* p mp*t. Hi*»xe otiwr»liij» on a pair of vtrirk li III# AnKfitvo aid tax# roi - | •aikteff fn iA vvatffii Ha «aa cm# of i hat H»i« a (to at4* Honirrotta ihi wwfh .1 •.ml (k# Hal#. * Ho, a# tk# wMai ‘law aiciiff to lam,' aad tko rajoy' Hotktvis bh rr ilia ititlai WMad a kd# tn n#. «c»!#m» H la alt tins bflilad • vrrv tilth! Itt tk# Miivall and tb* Iktor Cooprr waa oo* at tk# bold H l p|ay#r» in th# atate. and a#it to film. p«rhapa. wax Jerry !taxt#r. a lending cltlien and polHlc an. and a [very wealthy fallow. Beth wars good lad bluffing, and when they raked In a > good pot li Just seemed to tickle them "One night Cooper and Baxter «o« Into a same with a number of the TO ral lawmakers and 1 chanced to be in the room. Thing* went along at » pretty good gait for a while, bm hon ors seemed to l*e nearly even. 1 ooper and Baxter, I could aee. howtver. were lnylng for each other, and aa they never played with a limit, the pros pect was that if they did lock horn* there wru!d be some pretty tall bc>- ting before the hand* were turned up. “It waa not very long before the op portunity showed and the two got as it hammer and tong* It was a big po\ and hy the time cards were drawn att 4 the liettlof commenced there were four Ip. The bets started at *IOO. hut the thing did not get ground before Coop er made a plunge and Baxter gave It a boost that main the other two drop out. “Baxter's bet was *5.000, and It had not got cold before Cooper came back hard. He raised the bet *3,oo<>. an 1 then remarked In a hulf Jetting way, ‘That's all the stuff I've got here, hut I’d like to bet my stock In the Ameri can.’ "Without the least show of nervous ness or anxiety Btixter retorter. 'Pui up a due bill for it.’ Cooper took him at bis word, wrote a due hill for the stock, and put It In the pet. Baxcr thought a minute, drew a card from his pocket, and wrote on the back of It: ”'I. O. IT. an amount equal to the value of your stock In the American.' "He pushed the card into the pot and called. “ ‘l’ve got a bobtail,’ said Cooper. ”'I thought so.' retorted Baxter. ‘l've Just a little mere.' and he turned over his hand, shoving a lone pair Of dvucos. "Somebody asked Baxter how be came to risk so much on a pair of deuces, to which he replied: 'I got a hunch that he was bluffing. 1 set him down as drawing to a. bobtail, and I couldn’t get the idea out of my head. Dune Cooper Is the last mar on earth I’d let run me at a poker game.' ” n,^°“ r CATARRH A&£ atic PHHi Nothing but u local Hr V". c °st, Hf/W*4 remedy or chance JH 4| Ely's Cream Balm soJbed. q ckSm Kc- COLD *n H EAD Hes atones. Opens ui> i cic»»s*s (he Nunn Paxsages. Allays inflammation. Heals anil Protects the Membrane, ftestores the helixes of Tests and Smelt. .Vo Cocaine, No Mer cury, Vo injurious ding. Pull s'./.esoe ; Trial size 10c at Druggists or by mail. ELY JJROTHEK9,S6 Warren 01., New York 'ii ’’jPl csSroHi* HSbfsbdWr Nypxrwu wtx* A* | : Ik t v*l .aad IkfaM - < | ®g«g*»MfcM*«*lVawte4 J ! | |St«Mrahk|r*N>-' ( L | o|fflßß.liM|AiW Mweml I ,i ifcrr NARruTH*. Il J# i'W&tf i /i'RJHSI# I AW i i > grra#. f Mg [! AhO*»Tf Wrfxw fv fprfoßa<4f» || ' don. IWkt S4»*«ti t»taffßt»A j 1 I Vlifgt* JT sfMfrxktt t<wrfi*a IJ I IgMkMMi •* mivtynp* fi \~OHK 111 Ok rr; ■ j (iv4t Co#f OA WMIfIR, We have a few more of our *9B Wheels that we will close out at special prices from $lB to SSO. We also have a few second-hand Wheels that you take from $1 I to $25. The above Wheels must go to make room for our *99 stock. We do all kinds of repairing at right prices and guarantee our work. We have most complete line of Sundries and repair parts in the city. Come and see our Heaters to heat water for the Bath Tub. DEVENEY, HOOD & CO Bicycle Department. Will You Get Left i There is but one looked-for condition th ; fall in regard to business and that is a moE healthy one, and those who are preparing ft it are the people who will reap the harvest an all the others will get left. We have gatherc from all the renowned centers immense quan titles of desirable up-to-date goods runnin mostly to novelties in China, Pottery and Glasswar. They are yours to own at right prices if y> t buy them. BUGH’S CRYSTAL PALAU: 809 BROAD STREET. There Arc* Two “F” In The Clothing Business. Mr. Fogy Mr. Flighty You’ll find them everywhere. One is bad as the other. We are too energetic to be fog ies and too clever to be flighty. Our store prospers by bright, modern, careful me thods. it’s a pleasant place for you to buy. The ample assortments, the attentive sales people, the handsome goods, the fair prices and the honest atmosphere of the place create merited confidence. So easy to win when principles are right. Our business principles are impe£able. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., i TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA READ HERALD S WAIT ADS WORM I fg, tnfanUi *hJ riiMitg I The Kind You Have I Always Bought ?”“• /-ti' I Signature J AIT | * i u W/ Kind |\/ You Have Bought. JHE (JERALD JTANMII yyAR fITLAS II la popular bf€AuM It !• 'u§t whit th# SriMit DRwupiipaPHrMdißii pulsttc want*, ih# \. t \ > .h« at*,*#and «. bm My doubt# j ala# ol any oihfift publiihtd* Thty ara boiuU futly printed in fivo color* on heavy map papa r IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EO6RAPHY you will find tha Atlai an inditpantabla aid. It ‘will help you to obaarvr- tha daily rhangaw In the, and anabla you to kaap paco | with hiatory. You Need An ATLAS! V ckt the Latest and lk»t \ Contents of The Herald Standard War Atlas: (-ut>A # • 14i21 IncNHl Tha World - 21*28 locha* Mixstsi ,«*fM d M«m« *MMIx. tiM ax»4 Mf|f«rk Wot Indies 14*21 inchas North America - 21 *2B Inchos Show tag ,xM« Baa*. South Amarica - - - 14*21 inchas Ska*, lag caMj Has*. Phillppina islands - - 11*14 inchaa Hawaiian Islands - - 11*14 inchas Europa . . <* 21 *‘JB i chas Spain and Portugal - • 14*21 inchaa Asia - « - - 14*2! inchas .showing new Trnna-SMwHnn KaMraaS. Africa ... 14*2! inchas Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 *2B inchas China - 14*21 Inchas Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba. Havana. Cienfuegos, Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out. and entirely new. ~ , The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the Hain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents-PRICE 30 cents K /\ rn ankC.lvg,* / \ / \ -famous \ / \ 9 Cushion V/ \ Shot. A t \ / Y Possible \ / \ only to a \ / \hardHitter\ \ Centre Ball\ \ Very fine \ \ \ RightTwi|t\ A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS Bv JOHN A THATCHt* Cushion Carom nmmplmi of Ohio’*4 •*>, winner of si. J.ouU Handicap ’fh, the longer tournament on record. Hiid th. ; only player who ever beat Hebaefer, Muhhou, uud lve* In tho Mire tournament OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTENT*. 100 DIAGRAMS OF 3-CUSHION SHOTS. SCHAERER'S STRAIGHT RAIL NURSE. EVERY STVLE OF BALK-LINE GAME. ALL NURSING POSITIONS FRENCH CORNER GAME. STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL CONTESTS. LIST OF CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA ANO TOURNAMENT RECOROB. ETC. The author give* many valuable puggeHtionn to novlcea which aerve to remlerClear the method* employed by the world’s experts. It will ahow you HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 75 cents. Flexible Leather, SI.OO. supines. SlM,SxSHinchex. 8-ut, prepotd. to soy udUrex. on receipt of price. Anpsla Kvenim Herald 7