The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 06, 1898, Image 1

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GRAPHIC OETAIIiS OF THE LOSS OF THE (DARIA THERESA ARE CIVEH IH TODAY'S HERALD. • n t mmmt* «**staff* » » tap n> »no mm. »«M MN>«4 ** MP e-afts* • ewa*a»* «*» —§ S» HMk Ml* Isnaaff H vtMMM h4i<Mw • * HM. VOLUME I. NO. a INVESTIGATING THE ASSAULT! Grand Jury la In the ."Iklat of Inquiry. limtti Till Hut Ini #•# I m run; Jill-- In ritmtri Tiktt TViyTmi iti I <kM Mm (mi tea #•• « * % aaaii -s*® ## *#«## Mp# tlap ftie b finir I ««#»•«* led f## ift* §Mvf A»«—H» mi lit Jail. a , «. k • tm , m it . j, ou*ir •,!, The ffiuf* 4 r cf Hut'tr ?# Mill freah m Hi# niM* of (ft# pc>on?r. ('§•(. Nr had Bair# fn r*!*. Bfl##iftiY, MftHft . Tori!#. Yftr ormrrH m SatnrHay •tfbf ('api |t«>U*r «m iHfbtißi ft« m u #tr##t rar Morrell had ft#*o to war- | ft*t and had a bankrl with ftktfl Th#r uraa it a ?’ * vof.h. n j «tr>-» a plant! and shot Ibe Captain j «w so Imiredtat- hubbub It «u my : to •** that an attempt would be made at anrtft fetr'buiioa. The landfna I pi* of Augusta want to tfca Jail. There | «ra« tb* gre? ,'»t rrowda. It waa appa- j rant that that* was llttla oaa of at trmptliic to wltbalaod tba lya.hers. Everything dona *ya<ematlraMy Th# mm pot nto fh# lull nnd pirkrd I out tbatr man—at taaat plrbad out tba I to n thay thought waa tba murderer. I There waa no undue, It waa . •moo found that they hafT’tho wrong J men—tba murderer's brother. They ; pot the mac they h'd book In ]alt and poi Morrell. Tha tran thay Brat Wait ed to kill la atill alive and well in Au gusta Morrell erkoowledged the erlme. He begged' for mercy. He >TM given 3 trial In the middle of the park. then the rsrade grrunA H>' wes to hr guilt" as he plead and It was ad judged that he afcouU he shot. He was made >o kre»t. Riven plenty of Mm-* for prayer, and fh*n vtt thct to death. The Seeded Lvertlae The second and only other lynching from Richmond comity Jnl! *?• when « party of m<n came to the cit" and took out a negro who was guilty of gssault upon a white lady. Juit brnr the lynching occurred hna never been fully explained. It would a ppear that there wah a* many police men end officer* present a* there were men In the lynching party. The narrv at first were foiled. They could tv.t get in!o the jail. Thev were ilor-ed end rer*lstent, however, and kept vlc ; l end watched their opportunity. At last th°v made a final rally and got their man. The ueero was really kfl'ert. It le eta ed before he left the budding. a «>r'Vlng a vital point having be. n fired while he ivai being brought down the jail statrs. The man was taken across the street frem the jail and filled with bullets. the community it iaree bad known nothing of the trouble at the ta'l dur lug the night and even the re'ehbr.v- j hood of the jail It was not known tl”. morning that a lynching bad "C’urr"d. The body of the man was te ,! In the streets until It was taken charge of by those at interest in the morning. Asssu*ts or th- Ja'l. The Wednesday night attack has been the only assault on the jail, though there have been threatened as saults quite est n. Never before, ndw ever, were the jail guards fired upon, and never before was there blood spilled in defense of a prisoner. When Marshal Bob Harris was killed by Henry Ramsey there was talk of lynching. The Orphan Asylum gate v'as the place of rendezvous and the | crowd gathered there in full force. The i police had word of the gathering and police officers and. prominent citizens gathered there , to persuade the me:r from attack on the jail. Tbe' sheriff I •nd jailor had taken every precaution I Till] AUGUSTA SUNDAY HERALD. H fm tut m i #"P i «pr> * j* * th* *##*♦ etthMPhfl flflwl ft#*## Hi* ft# f ft*tl*4 UrtMt-fl* t4##ft# lift## the « utM (aw. j firtiMprr hou#it*r th# (iriirn< n( j f|| flUflyed ax is, that An Fulllat lime In Jnil. in Vi! vftt «h(tt ilpt *v' #l* »hot dove isl hi# r#ll. Ihiiilß «*•* o*l# ]#Qd icatMl bur*l»r« ri t k#rwn !» I Augusta. Ha world rob a house at Itiigbt and no to work naxt morning I tad labor hard all day. Ssr.apiclon inever attached to him. Finally hr l"ft tha ally, lie »n I caught In Colombia and avldanrt-t of a number of burglar'ri w.-ra found a|e>n I him. He waa Irled hefi.rj Juil»f Gib aon and waa. bavins heap ronvlcted | m rover* I counts. tunrur.d to fifty year* In the penitentiary. Tba man became daaootaia. In hia call In tbr jail ha becem ■ nabrnrabl*. 1 Ha started Bra In bia e !i am' secured tn Iron bar. a boy detected Mm and told on him. Tba man terame fren zied maniac. Nath ns could be done 'with him. Offli-ara gat' ered tsbort him. I Nothing el*e could he dona. Ha war rbot to death. One man was wounded in the Bring. Firing on tha Officera. Never before WefioMdny night were j low oO’c ra Bred upon by lynchers, i This portion rs Inst wvk'i assault on : the jail la not under# ocd. Why the lynchers opened fire t r m the jailor, the deput'es and the policemen cannot be iHirieratcod. It was >c most Inf: creet thing Imaginable. T.ic wo’ild-he lynchers are cf the men who pay to prt these policemen on duty. Yet. it is stated before they even tried th ' Jail, they Bred tinen the •i(tlct>r#. It has been held that they did no. nit them because Ihey fid net try. There Is evidence though given by holes made by bullets that if the lynchers did not try to hit the officers th->y •vrre pre'.ty confident of their ability n shoot be tween thorn and between their levs. Tbe lynehers must have understood that if they shot at the officers, oven not trvmg to hit them, the officers would fire back, for the officers could not know but that attempts were be ing made upon their lives. This feature of the attemnied lynch ing was more than deplorable. It was ou'rageetb OYSTER SUPPER. - Is To Be fl'v n at the Red Hen’s Hall soort. The Red Men of W st End. Pap- cse Tribe, will give an oyster sup per on the night of the 26th. This up per will be one*of the entertainments given to raise funds (o send the tribe to tbe big state convention in Colum bus, Ga., tbdt will take place in Majr. With every ticket sold is given a chance at a $5. set of furniture that will be given awa-’ on New Year's Eve. The supper takes place at Red Men's Hall, on upper Broad. New Floor. The city bridge hands are busily..a,t work putting a new floor on the bridge over the canal on Broad street. The work is being pushed forward rapidly, and will soon he completed. r •' 'Jh£R . i ... . - AUGUSTA. GA.. SUNDAY MORNINa NOVEMBER 6* IBDS MR. MICK.nAN S INTERVIEW. Hi* IV*Hion on thcCul In the mil*. ||h iittrartl Hit iiml Marl (•torsi Tfe# fIMMM ilflM iflwrflil flf lit H M |ll<» HfIWMI *# gtfflNi Ml »WM «i#f iflpfl ihmi MNMMi IM# it t*m* Iflf## ‘ft j*# fit#ll ■•>* lit tnmm ?s« «A** Lit# «K*l If N ##* fl#»' flflflflity Ik# §**'**s* Ulllp #|fl* ImM k «# <i!■###•#'*l flflflMm . j «• 5Wt! Ml tat«•*ii| r iff "ttr-tr Ilf TIM M#fl-» 0f III# #f ilfl Mkm of aMHflMfcrtitto flHj| MV lit k JWMfI * MH •i> fawn* flf'l* Hit rtalfllCMt It ••* # MImM Mr. HkLsiM AsM. Was Vhuark y.#*..l* o* of Ik* fraaatr* • “# * *1 m ; \ -tißß frit* ; {.awhile It included a number of n ills outside of Augusta and several larg" meetings were held here. But In re j cent years the Association has been I composed entirely of Augusta msm i tier*. • A few months ago President Hick man was requested to call a meeti ig of ! the Association for the puipcse of de -1 vising gome means whereby tile mills might improve their condition. The First Me ting. The meetings was called. The direct : purpose of the meeting, it was an nounced was to reduce the wages of ih-; operatives. Mr. Hlcuman waa np i pointed to this and in dirctisstng the question pointed out that, in Ids opin ion, there wes no necessity for such a reduction. He said that, he bad figured nut that a reduction of 10 per cent In : the wakes of the operal'vep in hn mi l would affect a reduction of a sixteenth |of a per yard. Members cf the Association were already selling their goods at an eighth under his price and if they wished to iticease, their profits let them Increase tin ir prices t. i elrl’lh, thus not onlv avoiding the redue/ion of wares, but making an added profit of a sixteenth. Th 3 proposition, however, was made tha' a committee be ap*n nfe.d •• hidi should v' j»!; every mill lo the Associa tion, rat Ihe pay rolls of every denart rr.ecf tier ret together with the data ir, hoc 1 c" i reach an art"Vrir-n: to le dec wares To this Mr. Hickman objected. He said that he was riot willing to' have the committee going through the va rious de pertinents cf hia mlßs, demor alizing the labor, etc. , When he stated this, th-’rt was n motion to adjourn, which wa« prompt ly seconded and the meeting broke tip. The Second Meeting. Shortly after that, Mr. Hickman was requested to call a second meet ing. it was explained to him .hat a iilan had been devised which, it was thohght, would meet, with his approval. Th4' meeting was called. It was then I p-e-f Mani MUR (RHfIfIMMM Ml ##*% - j utm w* «M Mi t%» fci#»r»a «# I# MM #***##A*i* fMM# #f . 11flail? flfl * fHRMMM# pH# • fqHMRS4M* Ms if,.- fcoaa# MUMImB BfMM ftwt tNHt «fl» in jfflaM Mm »»#»Mfl#» fNMi Ml I* Ml #p* '' |ii rTBMTIf* *f M* m i«HMM tMMtNMM# Ml MP# • IMf Iflji rt»M *Mt MNmm* Mi > malr. Mm f## m* hr Ir Mi « Is tm Mil 9IMR i# «NMftNI MIR IWINPR Aa'i—Mii* twwnkN'fN. A wirnt — W «*—♦ ■ • *ke AaMWtaakMl ... «k«m aa4»**< »w*ta*4 t%» 4«w.Mp -wa 4nw«r.<M* RhwMM «MMR , ttMt 9tk# ii, i pa lit* flf MM Rm#* #’ »** 4mR tHflfliM* »» wf“ **4 wm««kw**e4 wMk a .j»i a»i akd H> IbrLtMt Ml 1 MR i *» «Nwk |M it* N‘ n r* '*• t—*" i r..matl*m wf tk* k* a*vk liaaafa#* jiwrMk Aawav'•»*(*•. Wki He <Mr <••• AM lif Hokmtm MM* Mmm mMIhI M* •M , “ wtkf M# •#• IhM • I*‘Mml M* fflfli# * r«t In tM# RM mMliiM _| | jk 4 . Mn*t flijrirfl Mi# Mill m ff-t li* f rflrfl!#* k . jj# tfttll * «| < * #<*f Ite-vlcl#* iKa| *|v fa ***%i«'*| It ft* ** f "•!»# *®ft»*t • «* tM#lr flpmi Mr «t*#r rftiiWl Her In a* Ike Tog Aflut If tt (Hit iHtTIBBr ft###*##rf 4*: i»#M* a riit.'M ofttlit Nl «i»fi»oB J«»* wdV Mil TM* RS#*ai* of ft ftatSl Mt» t MR. H. ff. H CKMAN. :ecn! as an operative could stand 10. This was a rocogoizcd fact. On this basis, the rut In official salaries ivould i tic equal to the reduction of one hun dred operatives. even averaging the wages of the operatives at a dollar a day, which is more than tffey rea'ly get. He had proved his faith by his works. A number of years ago It did become necessary to reduce wages at Oranftevllle. He bad reduced his own salary by 16.000 n year for two years and all the official salaries were pro portionately reduced. It was i policy which he thought should always pre vail. “There." said: he, "y u have tho full history of the proceedings liy which 1 wits left out of the Southern Manufac turers' Association and my own per sona! reasons for refusing to moke r-it In the wages of my operatives. Tb'« *s the policy I itiways pursue to wards my operatives. As a conse quence they are contented. They are | devoted to me and the interests of the mill- s healthy nnd happy community, as moral nnd 'fUciant as any factory labor 111 Hie world." c rev' f. p spencer Will Speak on “Success” at Y. M. C. A. Today. Rev. F. P. Spencer, of St. Luke’s church, will speak at the Y. M. C. A. this afternoon. Ills subject will be: "Success.” He will handle it in his usual excellent and interesting way. The meeting begins at 3:30 o'clock. All men invited. MANY T HANKS. The Herald force lias been enjoying a jug of differ which the popular film of Detry & Law kindly sent over. Tin be...cage was made in Virginia an.l it is li; rarely than such fine material comes our way. TMany, many thanks to thj donators, _ , u . .. BLOWS STRUCK YESTERDAY. Mr. J. J. Cohen Hit* Mr. Trank Calhoun. pNitaa Hatim i* itiaa at I* at i* TiaaMa. I Hftffflai » o9*ommm ftl tM# I Hfli ftiflip* m iM# fMM •■*:##■ Mm «'«»**** m+Mm*. ftflhflftPß t|« f nitft J 1 CYRMfIU RIMI MR Tfftfti QlMawft r L* 4|r- ft, t»--4 4ft# rtrft * ■ • a* « i «aa*| o# BMBLijH* l%ft tftl# yftMMWQft tftfl*## f ii*#** m4lMftn •MBftt'Mnflflptft Mfta ftHPM ftl * |i#«Nlft Mr, tniaik*t* Mr. a#Hfti * **■ - Mr. CftfMfttm'* %♦#• #•»#•• f “nhr i ii •»# a iftfD! a h**Kl !h • *' p >•' ho'*ti .t «t mrt ro to IM# H* pt| rn Mr t\»b*ti *•• »<t bit . n ~ a mrnlloa thel Mr »t ewtt waa to lM na'ued for enua 11. fir. Ctl* . k«<M« '• ttkrr •»>► that be did act know nalll 4,ter Me Mines had tv—o mni-d l>- waa i» le named. ll' I d at, ! ikei'tp - of rrtiree «** to t*v fofien ihut It- would .npprrt Mr. lt:»wn Mr. falbont ye«i *rd«y wa* on' of t:* g'iit.rm>a f odurllng th rle-rtion for •''.1.•0l r.,— mi»»ioner In Ike Fir*'. aar<V tic nay* .hut during th' rarlv nfterno «i while kw waa atand'nv oMt ' side *>f the tilling plai-e, M>. • ed.crt rppi ia. bed him'and Bald to him tkat In b.m iMr Cotient •<> ! voi* for Ml. Blown for council Me. | Calhoun o«y* that be coin rad* ted itiia i rtateaent % rep'yin* that he had made : re such promlne. when Mr Cohen. In • ilrtlng that he ha<t made the promla", struck him. He aaya Mr. Cohen atrurk h m over the head with aotneibhiK he had In to* hand, covered with wlmt apparently was wrapping paper, and came down i with force upon hia head, striking a blow that crushed the stiff hat .te wore. ||e showed the hat and It ia oadlv ; broken across the crown orfm an ap parent blow. Mr. Calhoun aaya bat, : having acen that Mr. Cohen had struck 1 him with a hum knife, aiul fearing fur | ther injury, he seised the knife, and hi* hands were c t painfully by catching hold of U, hut not severely. Mr. Calhoun says he has promised no man to vote for Mr. Brown, that In took no stand In the councHmanlc canvass until up to a few* days ago, when he told Mr. Marlin that he was going to vote for him. fir. Cohen’s Statement. A reporter called on Mr. John Jay Cohen nnd asked him to give him n statement of how the difficulty oc curred, Mr. Cohen replied that he pre ferred lo give no statement In the mat ter, (hat he deeply regretted the ne cessity for the occurrence, and den ied that the matter be given as little pub licity as pjsalbfe. The reporter In sisted upon the statement being made, saying at the same time that he had already procured a statement from Mr. Calhoun, which he would publish. Mr. Cohen then replied (hat lh» fails were simply these: "I had been nom inated to council In the First ward ;>t a meeting at which Mr. Calhoun nt tenjjgd. A few days after (he nomina tion bad been tendered ar\ for per sonal reasons 1 decided not to malic the race, and withdrew, and was ac tive In the advocacy of Mr. Brown as my sal cesser. 1 called-upon Mr. Cal houn to thank him for his support of me, and said that I presumed tha: ho would transfer his support to Mr. Brown. He replied that he certainly would. Mr. Calhoun lias repea,ed this rj prominent citizens of the ward, I was Informed, and 1 was greatly stir prised wher 1 heard reports that he was not a supporter of Mr. Brown. “While on my way home to dinner about 2 o'clock, carrying In my hand, folded up in i piece of brown paper, a ham knife, which had been ordered flint day from home, never dreaming oi bavins sny difficulty with Mr. Calhoun or anybody else in the world, I s'opti#) at ihe First ward polls to cast any vote for school commissioner, and there met Mr, Calhoun, whom I ad- j MILL OPERATIVES ARE ORGANIZING «##*«,t**** |pM**!ftoft ft### *•*#% ' *#ftftlMMft> ft#***# NMI «p* If Ift ft*# bfl#Mft# Blbflß RbflfliftflßtlMft Wflf bft »*M)BRNt B *ft'#f# ift# Bft###'ftflN*f ft# ift# ll*lff • flflMt fflflr ¥ *w«"Hfl I fit I aftftM# fffl ###>##*?*-»» #1 fft# 9ftßßß#fti flf ift# «ftfl#flf?*«ft •## mm Mb*## #•%- ■** * vft### ft ft* # Hflftß ♦ * ! ft ft#*# ftflf’tft# ♦#*• •*##• ###* *## w i I'lWiftitfti *ft •«* l#H Ift# ##RMRRRR flt _ »—— - fl.#*iMMWPnfl' f# flf#* fl*#fl?--flftftl m f#H#ti#i Ml #ll Ift# ftUb <Mb«# M*##f»#•# ftl# ft# ft# ftftti tN»#l#M Ift# ###• #ft4 tft# •##% 9* »• ft# ffttflfl### Ift ftlf'MlftilMftitt I* 9ft ##9 m-■ t• f <r»4 *ft #®*# ft# t k-sirs ft# #•• *#ffl##NM #ftr##fl «# ##M#N#ftWf *• ift# ■tr> 4 •IftMNBt # ’ nufttaflftr r fljfft* * R#*|klf Ift# Us! €###•' gw-kiftfit I# lb# flii4 i»flktti*rc»«* I? i# torr f vw |« ftf#mrt#«t lb#* tft##ft flftt b# ffturb i»ofl <-*»# ft#ft ##•#* Mia ifc#™ .*- j. ;f w |ft U iff |)rf fd if (ft* jfttt fgf a rtf § ,ft ||f fpifl I |* | * )(#T j f<(T # .««i*ho« or fllff tb# Iflh Mil tf T -M mil Kgi tft»r# ft 111 (ftnf tftrir • *M b# ft ftttf'n l*rt#r ftttfl*' pff ####*(*▼#* INPTTTO Of 1W *•* " rl ft* hill) ftft JB I»#r If ft# 9 - ki|»VP. |f f 'i ft# fi’ioi* 1 ÜBft# Ov»**Tr ill# *4*i .a» out tb# rtJimkfl flbDb tb# r##l#*ft Tb# rat do** #ct Bo l#t«* #t#. * I#, loorrt'ft. but a ft* r i«o ft##b* froii* it# Or , t n##rftGv#ft ft#lll br uftft#r tft# |r# ►. #*ic. MNiOmniMr of Ik* Ameri can Kfshratpw rs admits that k* i> me, ting with hi |wd for »u.-r*a* In hia podeavor to organise the opera tives "I have nothing for newapapera y*t." he aald last night. "The operatives are peculiarly situated Just new. They ap preciate they must move along quietly and slow y. They hsve already laid the ground work for organisation In sum* branches. But I must not at this lime enter Into a public statement as lo the progress made " drcaacd In Ihe friendliest manner pos sible. advising him of the rumors that were being elreulated, that were det rimental to him to the effect that he wn* urging the election of one candi date while he had agr.'d to support another, lie denied the truth of this statement, and 1 reminded him that he had toll! It to me and to others. In reply he said that It was not true, or words to that effeet. and I struck him with my band, not with the one In which I hail the ham knife. He struck hack at me a«d I atruok him on the head with the handle of the knife, breaking the hat worn by him. He grabbed at It, nnd in thla wav his hand was out. •"Mr. Phllpot Interfered betw-en us aB a peacemaker, aril I regret exeeed ingly to h'ar that be was struck. The entire difficulty was unexpected by me, as I presume L was by the other gen tleman, and my having the bam knife was equally as much of an accident of chance as my having tbe conversation related rbove on the subject. I nev r attempted to use the blade of flic knife in any way whatever, an t only sirucl; Lim with Ibe handle cf It In tbe tx citoment of the difficulty. The friends of both parties arc now end ‘nvoring to satisfactorily adjust, the difficulty, which waa ea much re gretted by their friends as It was by the principals, HANDBALL GAMES. It Is Likely That Some Will be Put on Despite the Winter Season. It has been learned that there are a number of first class handtball players among the cavalry troops here and the endeavor is being made to bring about a revive! of the sport, evect during -the winter months. There are, It is said, some first class players among the officers and. men. BUSINESS IS ALL RIGHT. Receipts During the Week In the Stores Has Been Excellent The past week has been a splendid one among the merchants, large and small, in Augusta. Retailers especial*, ly are in great gly over the business tiiat has asserted itself and evcrythlna now lias a prospt rous and plentiful outlook. “Tuesday ami Thursday of the week just closed," sail* a dry goods man to a reporter last sight, ’ our receipts 16 Pages Section! 3 CENTS A COPY ~te«tittjr Held During the I*ll*l Week. Mgt* (tixaiMrV WtHtiaiWvflK Mil MIN*W| hfltM )!•« Hreff Ml*, hi Ikt’ttHr* t* UtR • {*#!*«• Vftf#fft#ft4 \##. **V #> ##• *#»*#♦» *#4 *lmm Ift# ftlß f###*4#ft*t s*#4 ##ft#i If Ift## ftßfftNßp I#» »##ft»fl» l« flfftfli i ftft ii IflMk"* . fftMltf if «ft#| ftft#* IftfflWuft Iflftfl# «#<#»# ft##*# «ft# kmmum PRRftriiif"» CftßM#*# lilfl# ft** III# !•*»>#< flf * flifllftt Ii v#««#ft^••• tft# l ’ft#*# *#l«#9flftl #• ft#H# ft ft#%4 aft 4 «)ifti if - Oftirat in#ft* «*#*«• h*m*m m ftflfiu ' TYr# ft# Knftrf? f«* tftftl* ft* UMMflk ft#f l« oftiv Sftlitft aft*y ftftuln# i p #i#l###ra. **l ft*! I«r# fft *|fl* fttmiftfstr ! -tiMNNI flf lll#’ ft#vftfNf#ft( flf fft# %#• iMw 4#i|i»«k flf liftft«fftrt«r#tft %f M*t#ft -Iftfli ft# ##!•##**#« ##ftf*f MM* flftft# **m4 «*€»#• Ift flfft## ftl Iff #4|,lfH fr##ft tli* aflftujHfjg cut9t* r#4hi## fft#f# tralft tfl fttt*f(t« *ftfl* *.*#»# flftftfl ftrftlft Tft# Prr*W'*«* v ”f*i9wM«#4. M l *# *ur# (ft#l Ift# »*•#-#i#t!ftft •i JU (,| |n irltfl of .fts* 4 -.mrMkiß ftr#f« rM# «ft# tflrft##!ftg nf v#ft#ft 111 r*ft#f di#frf#(# fft r id#r fftftl Ift# *••*? fft Wr Ifmii (ft# 4#ci#r»iU9# of Ift# tft’.fl pr##*4#ft'« M ftflld# ift rough *l»#lr (’ffl* Nl#«(. I# m### tftgt (ft## wifi c! ml ffl r#t(or# r fid lii####fl° > *•### wft#vi fft## i #i* * Hrn • ’»ft»r#»l*flr ml!!* **«###ftflft * Tft at 9# • ft# l wt *r# ir nr k Isl ( ffl#— to »h (ft# #«#m#l# our##l##* ft#4 k#%# f (ft# rlft#r fttlf df#t#f#t» c'fffufl #ft4 ##rur# • fair win rst# C#rtadiily fft# : ro#i of iftanufaruir# rafiilaffl t#U* mg pries of pr«Mori. #od ###*# n# ft* | ftoC if> IB M#fl> #f flftflf of RIIDUfI 4 gf*> ;It la th* enn< isql cost It sbaultfLJlEt most wb'illy regulate the pri#\ Were i there a unit trm mill wage arbedol'* all over tbe roMtilry land thla t* h » ■ to obtain i and were the seal* made If# - per cent higher than Ir ion the av'r ngrl now ia. every lljjfi would lie af fected. capital would not be hurt In the Irast. The market price would go higher and profit* to capital would not be curtailed In the least. “The mill president* In the Augusta district aland committed to Increased • ages a hen competitor mills increase." j showed more than double, nearly tre ! hi*, m hat they ahowed for th* corres ponding days last year. The season has opened up a bit late, but there ia every promise that It Is on with a de rided rush aud will remain with us a long time." “I never saw a better prosper!,'' said a shoe man. "our business has been gratifying—very gratifying, especially during the past week It mikes ona feel like working and preparing for work when 'here is thla kind of eu eouragenient.” THE CLU I INTACT. Why No leeting of the Organization Has Keen Called. The stntrment was printed recently thr,t there would he a meeting of the First Wiinl Democratic Club about No vember 1 lo take under consideration the primary that is always had In the First ward to name n member of coun cil. No meeting had been called and E asked of one of the officera of the or ganization if the club was still ltitnet. "Of course It Ik. There was no ne. cesslty for a meeting to arrange » pri mary. There are but two candidates for council in Die ward and they have agreed upon a primary and agreed up on rules to govern the same. All that the Ciiib can accomplish has been ac complished. There was no necessity for the clnli taking action. But the club Is Intact. It Is duly organized amt officered and Is ready for business at {the old stand when duty calls upon If FIRE AT LUCY LANEY. The Department Called Out Last Evening. An alaim of fire was rung ill from box 86 at about 8 o’clock last evening. Fire companies Nos. 3 and i responded and four cl a slight blaze in the Interior of the new Lucy Lany school building.. The blaze started from the pyerturft ,r,g oi e gasoline stove. The depart ment did quick work and saved w'hr.t mijgh: have been a large conflagration, The total damage is about 826. Special Meeting For Boys. A special meeting for hoys will lie held at the Association building at 6 o'clock. Mr. Jameson will conduct the meeting. He always interests the boys with his addresses,