The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 06, 1898, Image 2

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THE MARIA THERESA LOST IN A STORM Th« Cruiser Wrecked While on Her Way to Nor folk. Having Been baved By Naval Con structor Hobson at Santiago. Graphic Detail* by Command#* Mifrit *° Navy Department Merritt’* Men Savotl the Crew on the Marta Theceaa The Sur vivor* Arrive at Charteeton and Start to Norfolk -Inquiry to be Made by the Navy Department-We Will Raiee the Colon. a * AS-#* i teffr'anh# f m§ I W****** ##W*jp§ •* j MMRfßM**** B*#* *#** * fe * 111 ■-* ,i ape»e ••*§ Mm *#M a # *# *M** Mae --a #«*» i%# * * e peOeep •»«»*» H|Hf Mh* «*><• * ear «* * ■Mle* avwtaa j . tag •• '•••**•***■• §MPt eao*-* ##*# MM MM #*mp* Mp **■ 4 *** .Uiffl MM99 *9OOOOO Ma**» IM* M*M ## Igfc* *■##* #t*#M Mwere- Mbeeil la*M #**4 M‘RM# MMMt ee •***## •#**• RRVf gg» l <£*# •#*» a* May# **M #*Mf •. *•«» •** •*» ** ,< ** *** ** — , 2*2* era* am eMeeiaNMe i#*i€ pmb**«m ** fi IMBMMM • M#tf *» in*ai iMpy RpRBMi •*■* **"* | ** *• •*•*» i •«t t*» rty«y»M <*•*'—•* , U»«***Mt e*»- • i • • •* «•*» **•*• * **»**« ** Hi* tto *t •** ee*W»* j tti.e i*» «**• .<•*•••»"• *• ™»■ »«** <»*«■**— ’ ••* *m> ** * ***-'*' tige Ifniiua ttbe *#»*##* #***t# *tai e# Meath The eeen art in* ha Jtarfkith j llm. > •<««*•> | «nl *, f*oMto«d *0 *S* »**»»«. H»ee heea taseae pea mm# bmmi Me-i fe*#<- hMeMM the MhSf» t## 1 the treio i Oneemoahet ••#***• He*- eat ##> hta M*R, »a«t after he***• >4, ’‘ ei the fati aa4 heaad that a*t haa4e j Mere areiwaht *"*l hM* he mm# W to See *—«• *to* * i, Mrrt**‘ a*4 H*» g*to*»t <■**• •* Mr—u*4 g—f br Ir t* |«4*J . I "*** tQ€ j Ihrr- * s**t* tow tS* limit* * Tto* rkmi (*♦•• * It* * »1H <f%r« >mm r iMM fwt rSm I Sr { Omnium"! • Huk an 4 *>•'• I.Mw a«4 tS»f •»*♦* *!»«• fc^rtrtg. Hartt* *S» i*et !• toe** IS* Man* ttotrt* - A ISHIItaS Mmry. WaMtingt n It C,. ?»•* * ,fc il u ‘ lag •Iraijr «f ttw Se n * Ito «•*>•*» ■•* tig Tfcr<*«* i* gt*-« tS* '*■ nf tirwtrrani rNimmender Marrie If* the aarri teiry of the aaty laeetred hy tetearapa at the aatry depert ment lair itsl* r'lwimti It to 4et*S «■ Sogtd jy \ JHI« V Sp Lb f f m | t § r^-* th- wrecking steamer Merritt, llfly miles off ChatlMpun, Nuvembar 4. and SSJX: ■ Krt ivttrr of the Navy. Washington ~H}i. I huve the honor to make the ' fallowing report of the lo*« of th* tn fama Marla The rex* on November 1 at 1 s »**.: "I found that It was blowing hard and «out on the lower hi Ido. Wr had left Walling* Island light abeam at U o'clock. and up till midnight the wea ther waa :>l>«aant and all went well w ith the ship. althongh we had trouble In keeping the pump In the forward ftre room from Ipluk choked with coal. ■•The wind continued to Increase In force until perhaps at 3 a. in., when It leaelted Ita height, although there were timea all day when It blew ax hard aa ever, The direction was about north «*a«t. , •The gca continued to rise until »wr bapx <S p. m.; there wax a heavy As* All the following day. The pump* were reported every hour. ••goon after l came on deck l lellev ed the aecohil mate. Mr. Johnson, ao that he could go below to light the wa ter. At 3:30 the flrstmate. Captain L.e eato. came up and he al*o went to work below. Captain Crittenden, who wan on deck almost as Soon ax l, gave his at tcntln to the pumrx and especially to piloting the centrifugal pump In the .. cw-aid flreroom. Thera were many leaks. ••"When a heavy sea struck the sides the plates leaked at the butts aiitl prams, showing lliat wtler the tire they toad resumed their funner appssrance, Pul we lit Uol light- Tltne waa at th* rrulnmeat an inch of Ihwartablp vi bration ahd ottly half, an lholt of longi tudinal vibration ■ While making this examination ab out 4:30 a. IU. Capiahi Crittendeit w...■•• thrown down and fell on the chain, hutting Ilia side and back bad enough 4 _■ _in T ■ - » tuna <ljl - mm ie* * -awp j 1 jnrerM fc* as *■< ee * ♦*'**# Mh the i *hii at aa Made e ***** ** I f gtr-aa hh# M»rmi ♦»#•*» awMheaad ] nrrT-f #'* «# wee* #a ‘hap #«ep*e tip § a. fahiiij a ae- *•* aaaa «MMMha ~ earn !•«, 8 *em <pi #et ] i j r . Jt | |p #•«*• la, lar the ##e*h*med *d i ! nTafw *m iiuMhid the *«•*** I «a fae# lh« i a»» ae a* " l* (nnrr M» i i~f is* 1.. _ .i «t j** **mmm*'*m#** m ** bmii »f-ig rnlmm rhe eee , MMamd he oea at MM mMMP , e, rT | iig T — at the Mraaet i **• awMsae the nifttre the ehat ea-aeh p^i| I v -tt * hhet j %»aly frapeatMMl and the ttarh e*f rwatataed aa haai as tt *• renr i «f ear aa* *At*»at ItSi a is. tt aa* related flat aiatee aaa eaaaiaa aae jd the •MrSuerS tw«M Mteto*«* see retrMM Mrt* Ito* Sf»n»— *to» »t* >•!** .am* fr«MK •# ga eo« Sg»». Atoatoatoi Ito# SM» Ahgg* » •’ «Se* IS* 11-Hm-S «»* ", ifc* | attr* tafrrl «Ut «*et *» [it Irrirtl i tS* mroM t«to* ge** srvl M •*«»*< l* «*gtlM awl f**ieti*4 ataltoegr* w t(ft—« itoa Vatres tg tog»»» tS* U-st «aa t» atag #*«•* t» »• ss* tot*** MM«g is* Mag a* ito* gigsai *»»*• •rat. »SSS •** a atgaal M«" • t „ rill tSa l#i«l<«» ta rata* altSla aaii mh, aaa ataamtstr ah*a4 *»f s* maklfig tattorr .a**** .. if ms* fraraM •• lata la »S« lisgvy awe, hot ffiOHeMif *he did rrwee aSra4 us tS* MarrHl a«g «**»•• »"»*a'»g natoat *S« Marta* •***»• allhoaah al some distance. «T think she picked up the life rafta which Ibe Vulcan threw over. Alxiut ae signalled the Vulcan to ask the Merritt If we could lie turned safely to tun ror the lee of Wailing’s Island. 'To thl* Captain Wolcott replied— •Mo.' And as Captsin Crittenden thought wre Would sink ts we tried to turn, this Idea wns given Up. Hoth the Vulcan and Merritt could with difficul ty keep us headed to the wind, and the sea wax running so high that the Vul can's bills started or the low' lines part ed. The ship would fall Into Ihe trough of the sea. At 1 p. tn. Captain Crltten deft asked me tu signal the Vulcan to cast off the Merritt's tow lines and have the Merritt rome alongside. I then assumed command, told the men what was to be done and assigned them sta tions. t told the chief engineer to start the engine to aid the Vulcan In keeping otic head up. liv tlid go. but It could run but a short time with the steam we had. ••We signalled the Vnlcnni ‘We are kboUt to abandon the ship; try to keep ux headed to the wind.’ I ordered Captain Lecatu to take charge of the lee surfhoat and when It was lowered to the rail ordered Captain Crittenden Into tt. "Against his repeated protests he was placed In the boat with his son. This boat was unable to reach the lines we had astern, tint the Morrill picked it np nod niter taking explain Crltten-j dell a bug i'll tawed tbs bust to out' lee | guartsr *nd repealed till* manoeuvre| •aah trip, Miming a le* far Hie hunts to turn* her* and then towing them Pa 1 k Hhe «hh splendidly handled. groin 1 until B ityf work of irsirifer rliig the new ettiitllHled. Captain 1 rtllo made two nerve trips, when. Ills arm being disabled. Ilia place was tak en by Mr. Johnson, who also took two XH® AUS ÜBTA BXJNDAT H®BALT) •t e**e to*gf* e to# * ■se^'' * e * iMg-theeer oee-eree- ef' •te f® f wgg*M» he'rev «gpi eeie t pne* f 4 *•> ethaeNf* *d * ewteth* $ #e*e iph hi wet* eh the #HnS eeheene | *g4* $-*m # |Hi, |« wee seeevhetl net V w%« •» eMPd Ml th eeshe h hee*l thrrr tie ehheMM *M 4hdM t •**•** If e# wiiiwliit tHt **•> • '■■m e hftheei h Hr ter* I s##" 5 the *«• *dff* ehe ♦'V'*«***f «W* ij. i rir — «Mhe* ehieh I e~e*d *e ! ntNMhiee M h tt MRS he* fStrAth# •** reef! t» Shutt hes e*Ml**« IMhiSdtrhO h I oCi^pn •a 4 |«fMpi »* M of j ••• ftlwtlflt f«HM’ »r **** o'"* ■• ■ •"" | Ml lata tba Bag and «fci»«l ■t»M M *l** •**►• T**" •■•• ■» **J* f I an, , “TV Vulcan 414 law *•»♦ U> »>*f «*•» head up. steering la gl*fb«ur4 and 4»- l taa fall apaad **•' '*• **• ***** '*** Maila'a kw 4 W aarl. j Tar«aaa«*n ib» 4ay th* vulf-aa 4»4 <*v*f|lHtn| paaplWa. a* am **matnai- Ij signalling •*W’lib th* #»cep«l<»* nf three «■**»,«»« ini drunk ami law a>iKl mam. an itK rw» Wuml •«* Ky-rs man AI4 hta duly and »» apdma an* la* •tantt* alay*4 bf la* amaat maa ** * thr naif. When the Hr** *m b* I mIM far | volunteers and the 4«H»hey hotter* »m . at tan HIM up. Tab* I aahen v. r- Mnoth and Janwa K. Hrten. chief ma > blniala. la <4l th- nwrlai man**, and they did an and in* w>*»aa ran till we Ml "Whan I bait iHinn from Ihr halm In town Iha amall aurfhoet hi* pirn * wna takrn lip Wm. O. Mmehoff. machlntet, ss< ond < lass ahoaiamod thr wrack un til wa trft thr bridge thgvther, When ha laahrd th* athrrl amidships ••Willard <*rn##et. bugler, *»» Ik* Btpttal man and waa aa coal aa poaalhla. Hr madr no nilalahr* and wa# l«f uarfut to m* a* * mmangw, About 4 10 hr madr Ih* signal: Hang on to Ihr wreck until you arr eur* ahr la alnhlna.' to whksh thr Vulcan replied: •Wr will hntd on until ahr sink* or part* thr tow Itnr.' Thr laat signal hr mada waa: TTirar two boat* will lakr all.* •After that I had lo go aft *•> '*» Ihr drunken man overboard and about »wr wrir all off. Thr boat* were hauled under thr stern a* near a* It wa* aafr. where thr oil and Ire of the ahlp made It smooth and were held by one line, while another line with a lad der attached floated the atern on thle line Two doultr blghta were Mopped ~n the right »ld c to go over a m«n*» shoulder. Thr end wa* sleeked from the ship and when two men Jumped they [were hauled Into thr hunt. A very fine I fellow named Olaen attended to this Whrn all had gone but he ant! I he cut the Una and wr Jumped together. It wiaa parhapa B:B0 when we reached the Merritt. ... , ■While she was getting Into the eiirf boala the Vulcan slipped the hawecr off the Marla Theresa. 1 expert that the wreck dragging off to port brought all the strain on the port bridle and start ed t K e bill*. "When the boats were In. the Mer ritt, at my request, started to speak to the Vulcan, but was unable to reach her and she apparently did not hear our W histle The Merritt then returned to find the wrerk, but could not do so. The search continued until t p. m. the following day, when aha headed fur Charleston. "Very respectfully, "litA HAIIRtS. "Lieutenant Commander. U. N." The l oss Sustained. Commenting on the feature of the report, slating that ' some men pot drunk, naval officials expressed the opinion that these men were not sea man of the navy, but Were sailors from the wrecking crew. No orders were issued by the navy department UP to the (lose of ortlre hours ss to Hie disposition of IJeUtan ant Commander. Harris and his new , sod Captain Crow nlhshiald. us the bu reau of navigation, said uo orders would be formulated tonight It Is laid at the navy department that provision was made by which Ills Theresa could have weathered any or dinary storm. A rough, wooden de k Its.l In ailed over her upper works, lb r hull was then sheathed, and heavy I Whe hfee '« ; inr' veg egP*ee »* I '.##eß ehbMMM, Sh see- e* e ee^*'* : ■’- I - 4MM *» M I ••■•*-*■ %e tge ge* •" eg -ee ■ I' * eaar vh* regesgef #■* he* - * ** IgehWd *h* h4Nei* he the •*«***# j*** e *** 2X JSSTUm Qihns I * m ~. t j» |«, * the *tw>gyt tmw *se* m, - t# the eelT edßrer SFsHjfwHsHS «toa fa* aSttl if Mi SM gmfragt-to. Min Utoagaatatmaat T*mtma IS* gr«gr- -* tatoiaf *to» •Ms S aa* t«»..aa»g Sr <Sr atvrSara »M*' !w hot thte idMinit t« to M isekhrh tkfinihtt let tt NhlhdM riieehf the. terhodnee end gMMdI SSShMhM **• tMP j The ogMMI to rijereH thot »tth the naatrrtal tatorg fmta tS» TS-*»aa SM trmm ISa ntSat aSlfw wStrS Sara Sara ufwtatag *ia m» far tS» aaar ragart mrat all! Sa atsla i<> ra-tnlurraa itarlf fully |S— ..ulla* »f IW* r*t glam ta IS* raairtrlnit Ttsr laga of ISa aSIp —HI tor * Mtirf gtaappntntmrni tn ftor gattgl* la mf* Mi. aSarr iilwMli. a»tan*»*»**<« bag tom nato I** tortag aavurttom* Irom all *»'«'• *• *to n»>r yartl tlwra ta UK* at ISr famous. ■*», aM wSrtr ISa («rsm*tra<ilna as ttir at.ulsl ■ aff-iisl ai ham a yaar aad a Haifa w»>rS iin a torga Imgy tsf mas hanl<* aag to* Iwrara It may to* t*at th* laaa ra*mrt i,d togay mill ttr-ngth*» tlw hatida «f i*..n»irn<'tt,r Molmsm »h« to urpwh iilsaiUni a'llS ISa friartwasi t»» iMjat m..i#L rnabla hjf* t» rratlssna In - rrs hln* IS* raaaato ufi hla ,nn iMMum. or It taay Itwlui-,* tto* d** isartmrtii to otfrrlmors. litoral l*ima 11. ito- ss.ima.ior*. tost, hoarvrr ttoat may hr. tto- prraaat sllnixsatthsis as ttsr ,li-l aHtiifiii to alrrady *tat«l. to »ah» Ilia sTi4«ii. In lag h*r t» tbr I'atw-d Hints'— pin* - hrr u«*ar th* Aitmrluali n*K and allaih b*r t» lh* I’storU ilatm navy. COSKERY & HUNTER'S SILKS. 20 pieces colored Taf feta Silks, 75c quality, at 59c Monday morning 8 o'clock to I I. FANCY SILKS. Our entire stock of fancy Silks on center counter, original prices $1.25, $1.60, $2 and;at SI.OO Monday morning from 8 to I 1 q’clock- CO LORE 6 DRESS COOPS. Three big’drives in Dress Goods on center counter at 25c, worth 35c and 5Qc; at 35c<( worth 60c and 75c: at 50c, worth 75c and $ 1 and $ 1.25. SKIRTS. Brilliantine Petticoats at half price; $2 Skirts for $1 Monday from 8 to 1 1 o'clock. DRESS SKIRTS Black Crepons, Cold Crepons.Brilliantines, Ser- Res, Coverts at 3-4 price londay. JACKETS and CAPES 150 Misses’ Jackets at $5, worth $7 50: 1 00 La dies’ and Misses Jackets at $8 50. worth 10 and $I 2 50- We fiave every Imaginable make and shape in Fur Collars and Collarettes and Capes ranging in price from $2 98 to $75 f COSKERY & HUNTER NEGROES IB M'HINtEY. They A*k Him to Take Part In the Election In North Carolina. Say T Key Fear That the Stave Roll Win be Called From Bunker HU*-The Demo crat* Wilt Win in Election on Tuet d*y Neat Party Manager* Make Statemente fFgadNMNMwih !•**» k ?h* h** N *Th *h* f B e«gMMt «f MM l*hd i d iMtggag MM 4* d MRM'hhß *d «<!*•*%• I Rpwai gs-ghf 90 RBR ®e™ | ;•*#•»*# |ghi MhdM the • g*#■ y of I WIMMMBhMI. I* €?•*."■ MU ThdMigT dRRM* 1 i tg fggiggt a 9MTBR* tse*> Mid f ggfMgghhl Ml §g*NPh* Ip h*ee tmW* * itmh Ml Ihi iiMle if lfß*fh fpihllhg f gpd Ml g*h fgM Ml dhMRMP ftMM otmm 9 «Mheh Ml pihPPPhi MM fMRMI RRd *M | MbMMMMMI eggeßf M PikPhe > gpoeggl gi eht Ml **: pglhegg Ml gad mmMMT * I elgh* Ml gpHiPhg eP 4 * * MM BMBMdr ; qg rggavee** gw«* gihßped • # fgP FdP •Wtaitoi <«| *%* h*HM hot e*r Ohs #*artgP aa * fgggMMMMh Ml MgdMMe Ms lldkrt, gfM «ha MMRM Ms MPtgfhMMM t* RgllhMa pHlkmee «f ggg cdMMCf|Tg hMST gftd e* A aweviirhh #Mid^ : he, Mi g*h 9** 4 vpo HmMT tioedM of thin ItMM MMkg ggg rgagßgMlhdPt' Ml J h*e- •<* *Pke seoo a£d Rgetfel theMMi |g MPtM gfl tMI *; ]N>f MPRI Ml hie figMWflpt’nMgl f'iht * I %mtt* t "gpgtlhg li MM* RB get IP th# j negroes ASK Hin TO INTERFERE IN NORTH CARO. INA. grrttoi of th* relfP of tM-ror lnaugu raUMl tn the year of 1873 to wreet from the legitimate elector* the state gov ernment tn certain sections of the country, and to nullify the recent amendment to the constitution of the t T ntted State* by resorting flr*t to mob violence, and then to subterfuge, in order to deprive cltiiens of thetr right to vote and hold office. "The lawless reign was first inau gurated tn the state of Loutstana. and step by step tt has worked Its *ay eastward and northward, until tt now borders on the state of Virginia, and will soon overshadow she national cap ital, and ere long the late slaveholder will call the roll of his slaves at the base of Bunker Hill. "The thing has gone far enough. This nation Is now dealing with new problems in establishing governments In the Islands of the seas, and we do not want our usefulness impaired be fore the eyes of the nations of the world by the charge, .even though It be but tolerably well founded, that we have only a <|u:isi-coustitntinnal guvStUiuent lit the United Suite* , "The present situation IS a grave one and the attitude us lawless wen in the state of North Carolina will be far reaehtng in its effects unless it is counteracted by the strong arm of th ' government. {EgUMtgh II 0 the# k The fhsRP . ep'Mkta * eaupd ißgtt# ## gfepPApi tMM# « tgtge MMMMI Ml *;«oe'• * PMI MHRNMf flhfß M fl##M* egHi'MRgMM | g«M g ghiiltnl MMMf PMPhd IMMUP j * •«# thgi Ok ‘Mg* lodhthl *MMM RMd • HgJ-idttr Ms MhMl RP'MMP Ml lh# ***** I MMhlidMHi hM# Ml MhPNed. The jh* : dMh'hMMM •## MM-MMpI *** etgggidg (he- fegRNMt hPRpe IMI *dd P i tMi t|«f pii:. gtag* |he 4 fpdhlgl *Mh * ngiga A M |ladh»# ilfiMßi Mi Mhhd gw.hw th# Mag*** Mgie ehPlr* : t Jh VlMlg thMft The |p gpoOrtM h «t*t* *ggp#dPhP T [ M MIMNMMMMk. gee* Mid • MpMMRPRI ig*e *«*eit| Ml Mhhh he M»* • mill eiggC # ! f**> &>-«# eg th# the MR M* It R thtg# th# MRd the edhate p$ g ggwdl poke tog^ r ; f- K fea aL> hPft# Ms tP* #•-#*« gp4 t# a r*" 1 tgk tPg fIdMMMM Ml 1 . Mhtf idtftftk I h#ftd#M Aurh ter will lie elected from the Fourth.” Asked if the election would pass off peaceabty. Mr. Simmons said: "I hope so. There Is considerable excitement in some sectious of the state, but there ta more » determina tion on the part of the white people to put an end to negro rule than to do | violent#/* | Chairman Simmon* added that he had Issued specific Instructions to be lon guard against attempts to vote ne- Igroes not legally entitled to vote. Fuslonlsts Called Cowards. New he roe. N. C., Nov. 5.—A mass meeting of promlneut merchants and citiaens was bold at the court house last night. The crowd filled the hall. Speeches were made denouncing every white man who shall vote for negroes next Tuesday, which provoked the: wildest enthusiasm. fehetlff Hahn, of Craven county, was publicly denounced for his action of, chaining white men and negroes to gether. and boasting of It. The following is part or the resolu tion* adopted by unanimous vote: Resolved— That Ms the the sense or Mils meeting that, heheetorUi*all white aim who vote with and ally them selves with the negro in polities shall be regarded and denounced as traitors to tbeir race and country, and as pub lic enemies and not to be associated with. ? I•# g h#MI MPd 4hgtgß|Ml tPP»'* Awesrwf ispNimmh. UNtBC* fociae. rag Ifsmga Mtoe M«m*<e 'to Vsatotae*** Po*. & -IV «*e* [ «tots% «**isa*Mto ito* uaaee •* *' ir e*ee glmr |»rttog» *1 Cuba ka* tssmd • w- aa «» ***•»** •» ••• « «• *tto» ia**tot»*to ee* »« e*gto»«a*toi »• ! have the troop* go direct from their ■ present camps to Cuba, instead of oc | eupying the Southern winter camps se lected some lime ago. It earn be stated | that such fs not the lute-niton hnd that j the troops will be moved from Knox ville and anti Middletown tq these camps very soon, it is believed that the transfer will be lientflolal to the troops and that not only will they find a more salubrious climate, hill that the duty of breaking rump and es tablishing another will be better for them than remaining In one place. ONLY ONE Man In Rome Co. of »nd aeorgfa WII' ling to Serve. I Rome, Qa., Mov. B. —It now develops ■ that odt of a total of about ninety men I In company H, second Georgia regl | meryt, only one man is willing to re j malfl in the s,.it Ice In the reorganised 1 second regiment. It was at first claimed that three men Were ready tn continue In the service, bill this is nnW denied. Tlie geuetal Impression In this sertlon ix that It will be impuxible to .reorgan ise the regiment, and tt is feared by some of tile men that Hie government will farce them to remain in the ser vice. this being the only way !n w hich the sufficient mdmber to make up the regiment can be secured.