The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 06, 1898, Image 3

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THE CLASH Wltili COME SOONER OR liATER I'niiHc and I uglfiiiu liound i«» Vftt huMfitiiti *to t|# ftlt 4 }*st**4 i w* . « $ - k** '■«*+ rm* |» .« jHaaMMwi fNMM- WHAT AUGUSTA WOHEN ARE DOINO flto T# Mao# ft HMIK aHNMft® M#* «-**•»* in ##*’ *“#-.*▼ ift* f fc-5 is*# a#**B-ft Ha I at VEUrftfta Dr Joirpfe Crt Af* Mtf Un«rt-t)r J»»*i Hftlt MovpMal Axllun *t|m» N'oftAiN*f at«4jft| of lit Ha* ] i.*,! U.d- I NSII r * ,-.-*1 tll ,I,* iiruorf Mr*. 1 <'*•*#ll. on «fc# A «#!»»♦ I _ mntroui dolial t«*P fro*t Mrt ( harlM Pt»»ni*F A tiaad#*-*# in valtil a rhair donated *"> Mr. *'k*r\m Kdiraoith Joo#§ aw »»ka)aM|N • tiiaafca retamed Mr* Mdlhrrln and Mr* Eve. of the Ortehw niaail-] . |h V(»vrtnber loitatltn, Hn. i ft! ftr’ttit and Mm Mart it*iam 1 «»» the work of refauriaa the &*<+* J Thf next attune to he held the ftftf ( f m i,i»t in Deremhrr. will tie the red* ular annual netting of the Auxiliary A full attendaix e Is espe* laity desired. Uctflhtcn of the Confederacy t'hapter A.. Daughter* of the Co** federaiy. held Ita regular monthly meeting at the library W**4or#4*y afternoon at « o’rlork. The time waa a I moat exclusively taken up with ft* port* from the recent convention In Rum* A letter was rc*d from Judge Clalboin* snrad MiltiDi the dispute in regard to th»* Aral Ocnrgia regiment (o „«.( ftmt on Vlrg.nla toll. and plant were <llarua#*<l for an entertain.n«-at or series or enfrUlnroenta to be given to raise funds for assisting In remov ing the del»t from the Oeorgin room In the White Houae museum The next meeting of ibe chapter will be held In the new room at the court house. Philomathlc Club. The Pbllomathic (Hub held an unu- ! suslly Interesting meeting Wednesday afternoon. at wh ch the works of James Feoimore Cooper were discuss ed. A debate was held In which Miss Sallle Pattey. Mrs. D. B Plumb. Mr 3. j J. I ester Dillon. Mias Rachel Reltl. R. M. Nixon, and Mrs. H. H. Malone took active part. Papers were read by Miss M. A. deckle? and Miss Berk nteyer. William Cullen Brvnn will he at the next meeting, Nov. 16th. Civic League. In a previous report of the meeting of the CIV.c I/eague held Monday. It; was erroneousiy stated that Judge Eve thanked the league for removing the, obstructions In (he little lake at Phln-, iz;;’g bridge. It should have read that! Judge Eve was thanked by the League. The principal business of the meeting i was the appointing of a committee to I look into the matter of decaying city trees, and another to form auxiliary branches of the 1- ague in the various city schools among the children. Bachelor Maids. The Bachelor Maids were delightful ly entertained at luncheon Tuesday by Miss May Wilson Moore, the usual rule of the club being broken, and in cluded Colonel Gallaher, Mr. Paschal and Lieutenant Bell among the gutsls. The club will have three more meet ings, after which it will disband, mar riage having disqualified for member- j ship most of the former coterie. The last meeting will he marked by an In teresting and unexpected announce ment to be made. . Euchre Club. A new euchre club recently organ ized has enrolled among its members Miss Julia Carmichael. Miss Belle Walker, Miss Gus Smith, Miss Harriet Ganahl, Miss Ruth Howard, Miss Lu cile Doughty, Miss Mary Stedman Clark. Miss Wilye Roney, Miss Ger- 1 Ml *• **>«•■• ***• ****** mm* m t» *** CIHWt ******* to* fW~ |M*4 <♦ (*W*« *W* i £•*« Mlatmt Omwl »» • *ha Am W*i I «*» t «♦*»•* ****** ***** ***** ******* »•***£ •*>***% m * mm m T»rt> * *• rSKrHSrB IMMWAMM IWWn'AH »*“"• **. ******* r** t**%ma «■*»***» m AfXHS S* J % | *•§** —— ililtsfi AIM* I thffill > I ilfttlstf I*ol*l*l mi leaoi lls necks. AM Us ■!«»» Alabama Bav IJr*»rlfer» M feat 11a 1 Mali. Kara Apart • Hay. I bar* fees* having a barrel at fuAa** Mil Wi ll* fir##*. of At*, to • K#» Orl#*«s Tl*«*fk»i>- j rff*i fflHifttf I foppihf ik*w ik# 4p*#*« t*y ffm •fort* Strm saw any (Dni |fk# It Is %mr Ilf# H#%. do you | kb*** tk# wifiill I* w<wtk aoTikiof *t *ll wit tk# nirktt for at*# |Hii|««t## wk*t#v*r # If H l». I ft® »#k«* . I afi( ) tk# mm if in* mm »» . atwir* 111 tk# world ** i Mr llr*#». Mb* ißttrwii'Bd wr *Ull ll# I #*#. * S*H#» * ■ » J have heea down oa the nlf «t> # fWrk Have yoa evet But :| 'w ibe aea f)Mll dart down for a d»b’ A shot fnmi uae of tboae big guns we read ibis' onea not dart with more terrillc apeed or bit the water with greater force. It occurred to roe that tbla afforded a rhanee to get » >me of tboae hue. f. h rimo and I tried ttar experiment, and It would vr amazed you to sea how St worked, l look » llsh I had caught end Axed him to * couple of planks. The plank* I weighted go tbn* they wguid fleet just helunr the turfucf a nhort (Uatance. Above the planks and almost on a level with the aurferr of the water I attached a fish so that It would hnve the appetrance of swim ming Now. these foolish birds, see ing t be Bali and naturally expecting that, like other Ash, It would make a lunge to get away, atrlke for It with a force greater than Is tuflie out to reach the flab whore It stands. In leech Instance they struck my boards with such terrific force that they popped their necks. Ever try this’ Well, the next time you are out cn tin gulf give It s trial. You will be amazed to see the number of gulla you can kill In the course of one even ing.” PERSONAL. Capt. F. E. Ewe has re turn'd from Atlanta Mrs. A. H. Merry has gone to Ber xelin, On. Mr*. John I>. Twiggs lias gone to Albany, da. Mr. Charles Bearden Is bark from i Madison, Oa. Mis. Oeorgo Toale has returned from ' Charleston. S. *’• I The Georgia fast train was 35 mln- I utes late last night. | Mr. Fiank Hanklnson of Chattanoo ga. Tenn., Is In the city. Mr. am} Mrs. J. H. Alexander have returned f rom Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bro«e returned from Cincinnati yesterday. Miss Gertrude Houston, of Adam, Ga., Is visiting friends In the city. Miss Hall of Battle, Ga., Is the guest of Miss Julia Burdell of this city. Mr. A. O. Jabkson and Mr. Geo. If Wilcox returned from Atlanta yestet dav. Miss Margie Reab, who has been sick for several days, is now conva lescent. Miss Sallle Harris of Athens Is vis iting Miss Forsythe at Mrs. Stuart Phinlzy's. I Captain James Stevens of the Third Georgia arrived here on the Georgia train lastjiight. Mrs. J. H. Williamson of Harlem, who has been spending a few days in the city, has returned home. Hon. Martin V. Calvin and his daughter Miss Ida- Calvin *, re turned last night from Atlanta. Prominent Confederate Dead. New York, N'ov. 6.—Hurrh L. Cole, a prominent lawyer, died today, aged 60 1 years. j XHBI ATJOUSTA SUNDAY HKUTV-UJ APPALLING ACCIDENT Collapse of a theatre flutkJinx. rtnwt hdMAi H*t # im tv# NO NEW LAWYERS In Oeorgls t wtll the «nprctmc Usrt ltfiff»f» H *el< ™ iiaftMi anil there will be ,..i'i■ .I j i,iiiHn.i to rvsvnle all ap |f.,. |„ r |m- nutieriur ensrt. a vteie ««f ih< act ttbtef Justice HlnutVOlis and Justice Utile, regarded the act aa unccwatMuUongi and su'-ad the opin io thi 1 opitAnii of a majority of in i ourt, asned lo undertake the work lh»* examination, wbir b the act provid ed fi.r ait ihr list of December of each year. Ap'ilhatlons were lo lie fll-d by Tb" rules provided for the printing of 'turstlonr and Wanks for the an Tits minting required the ex penditure of mop' ' and the act appro riiatcl nuiw Thc.i leik could nor spare apvtrung from the contingent fund of the aupreure court and asked the gov ernor for on allowance for tl>'« pur loin • out of the executive contin gent fund. Governor Aikinson refused to make the iillo'V.nce without h formal re quest Irom the supremo court, and this the court declined to moke IT to date thete are no ti’ank* and there is no prboabllity of an examiua ti"u if applicants for admission lo the bar, while the law stand* in lls present »h ipe. The rupreme court does not want the extra work of examining law students, and will he glad to nee the luw repeal ed. A bill to repeal It was Introduced In th- house this week, and is likely to pass. HEPHZfBAH. A Series of Meeting* in Progress There. H -phzibah, Nov. 3.—Mrs. T. R. Tar mer has returned from a visit among friends In Hyrke county. Mr. Wallace Delph, formeily one of the most pop- I ular young men of the village, now a popuiai soldier in the army, sta | tioned at Tybee, is here on a four , days’ leave of absence, i The series of meetings now in pro gress in the Baptist church continue with increasing interest. The exercis ies are very good, the music excellent, and the attendance large. It can be safely predicted there will be several additions to the church. Rev. J. A. Scarboro, of Statesboro, delivered a lecture on temperance in the Baptist church last evening. The attendance was large. The attention given the ; lecturer was ail that could be desired. | The music was arranged for the occa sion, and was very line. Especially were the solos by Miss Fannie New some and Mr. J. F. Cason. Miss New some sang in a sweet manner the old yet pleasing piece, “Sowing the Seed." as a voluntary. Mr. Cason concluded the services by a touching rendition of ■ “Where Is My Wandering Boy To- j night.” Mr. Scarboro is an able champion of the , temperance cause, and it is hoped he will do much good in the cause. Every one was delighted •with his visit here. The weather is j perfect. *#■■# tk JufcC 1 v*l> IgIMEEPV^ Eks tmr ni BBBn# tkac kl» \< ti I t. fkSB *«M*» * «Y* Mm 9 !(If •rsc*n*« ibil r#fß# Is DA * \>*« OF MITINV. Hm Itrgtwig JaMht. « bam 1 be» UsMs'l ilrl Pit. flit fmminl V# % ■ IHi) t |!uie. Fairfax R nmowd fnetwhurg • *«f |#ft fwf srttk tk# »IWi#f•*•«»'»* ft>«*y h«*l AHit (Mr >*l#nk*t» h*»m«* tk# 'at _ | . |f| Kig h I h«' v h*<) >nrcn nuirl'rwl H*4 t#*#ti m#«l t*lnt with HfntFltri of War At*#'. # ur«MT#tl tA ith hi* dutv rfcthl* Ic#* «»f itiarkt or Humtti. md tluit In tk# I».»—anttntt* ih# m#n In* in'rd #nr# of #t i th# b«»t#l# #n<l liu»t<Sln* kouiu** of th# JOE JEFFERSON The Veteran Actor Very 111 In New York slawm |th J#*fT»*rw»n la 111. Anti, a* <h«* vMoran n* (or la now an «i)<! man, hr may not aurviv# th** at* t«jk. Fo.* w«*#kfl rant Mr. haa i»mhi iilaylns an #tiaa<i‘tu«*nt at th# S’ttth Avenue thestte . New York citj. pres, utlre the china* ter of Bob Acres In Hherldan’s comedy of "The Rivals." Owing to the sudden and serious Ill ness of the actor, the large audience had to tie dismissed shortly after A o'clock last night. Bryan on a Furlough. .Savannah. On..'Nov. 5.—C01. Wm. J Bryan. Third Nejirusku Regiment, left Savannah today for Licoln. Neb. ( his home. o n a fifteen days furluvi-h. lie has been quit* sick at the Do Soto ho tel and has gone home to recuperate. NOTICE. Subscribers of the Southern Bell Telephone AND Telegraph Company Telephones have been placed at the following offices andtwarehouses of the U. S. Army : No 250, Office Depot Quartermaster, Capt W. C- R. Colquham. No. 253, Office Purcha sing and Shipping Com missary. No. 107, Commissary Department Warehouse, Central of Georgia Rail way. No. 290, Commissary Department Warehouse, Sharleston and Western arolina Railway. No. 72, Commissary De partment, Doolittle Ware house. No. 66*i Commissary Department Warehouse, Southern Railway. W. H. ADKINS. Manager. JLIKIE LYNCH HOLDS COURT y\uk Ijs t’retail* in At# ham#. AMM (W Ai litfiM Hgf' A.wfew no naaev. Tk# *Whlm«' • ttiki I#k#« l*ltt# N#»i | kf«| - .*. *» •* • «ka. 1,, M \ h* Nip that k# *HI «t m a#ftt I# Auß j trta. * hfi >• k# "i *u!4 *«* *i th# cn#r#* . Hut lo #•> that tk# nuamib f#«m] I •{ algrftii 111 H tilt h h# ifl* I kn« -'*> that r«|>Mil |*u»ilakim*»t had l»##n I tiirtitlHl «»v#r by Juatlc# Burttfy, prt»* j four d* Aasla#s «*f tl#n#va. Individual opinion London. Nov. S —The Berlin eorres- 1 1 pendent of The Oi»erver says. The vl- | ; olent languge of the Goloane *iasettc. ! 1 reaardlng the Amerlran demand upon l ftpaln for the surrender of the Philip- I ! pines, whkh. It declares, means the ‘ I squeezing of a fallen foe io the last , drop of blood and would sully the name > of the victor, doe* not reflect the pol- I Icy of the German government. The; demand la regarded as an election ma noeuvre. I’tider no circumstances wilt Germany hasard her good relations j with the tTited States for the sake of ’ the Philippines. Jumped l oo o»idt. New Orleans. La., Nov. s.—Win. B. j Baldwin, inaater mechanic of the Hou them division of the llllnohl Central | railroad. Jumped from a train near Ar- j i ols this evening, wha lie thought a | wreck was imminent and. striking his hi ad against a piece of Iron, was In- ! stoutly killed. The engineer stopped the train In time to avert the wreck. Little Face Against the Fane. What, though life is full of trouble. In Ita strife for dally bread. And we ofttlmes say in sadness. The only happy are the dead; Yet I find In life a pleasure Naught cun evrr render vain. While J see each night and morning A little face against the pan®. When 1 say gnodbye at morning, When I cry hello at night. First and last upon my vision Lingers long the lovely sight; Baby hands so sweet and dimpled, Throwing kisses, that remain In mp heart, beside the pictured Little face against the pane. Oft I hear her calling papa, Half way down the block, maybe, While htr loving accents llngor In my ears to comfort me, All the day of toil and trouble, Helping heart and hope sustain, Simply with the joy of loving The little face against the pane. Ah, no cup of earth can equal For its purity and bliss, The nectared wine that thrills mp being In my baby’s tender kiss; Which, like (lew upon the roses, „ All (iay on my lips has lain. And at night I know there's waiting A little face against the pane. —Detroit Journal. The boiler of a cleverly-constructed small working engine Is a quarter round coffee tin, the wheels, quarter and oali-pound tin lids; the chimney, an umbrella top: the steam pipr, cn ladln lubber bin, and other parts consist of a knitting reedle, a uievele spoke, a piece ot brass lamp, some g»a piping, cartridge tnd, and the screw stopper out ot art oil tin. THE CUBAN GENERAL IS CALLED DOWN •mm* mm m~m w* &»***» mm* mm* >rm*» m t>*mm f%* «>*■»* •HMNir IW* «n»«wt .*• M* if inwr*~‘ *4 • * •Mm"* «MM tn* •** *"*• „ ...» *. M» . .■*—.- MMaMM: mmrnrn * x **~«**4 MtiMlMI Mt *» tfMM-M DM* «• »«* **"* •» •»*.. n twin T- •%> MM 'ft* MMW* ».** »—*. <* MM MNMt ftMMlftft—» •» »■»—», _a- —a » jbdk ;M. SUM 7 4*4 JlMl't '« '"""" "T M*«MI ft* »M MM MM* M*Ht —«M ft* »IW« «• W) *• MM «W» xmM *M<h M* MM t»M M> »•* 0 m ♦M* MM •*«• %• I* IMftf M> lIM (M*< MMIMtMM* »*» .mm MMk MM mm mm m» »» m« 4Mk« M IM Mill MIMM** l»l n PICTURES or I Jived fey lbs aesgfeSs'is sfe* feu* ape Ito tfer i__--n:f agiyyyvw 11rv emsSsaw *e |f j nrrrT* rgi krcaai H la (tbs* I fee*# ’» i , gee#. m igr fe» igfefenrfewml and afee la good deal bar ii a > mb-* member of the family prepared MW - 1 I her domestic duties w-m-n that ever lived If a fault can ! isrelv had any personal »«nt«?t with It and does got believe then Is as : much ain a* Is accredited tine jp.isaeaMW Hist sweeten of all ekarit' 1 vnd *l»e Is ever ready to <Vfend the cn- ‘ ins A morning spent with her In her | quiet sitting room that looks ont on ' ,m old-fashioned rose garden. Is Ilk* loitering In the shadow of a annentary. land me fccla Infinitely rafreshod. mor ally and spiritually. She Is bright, stir Is buoyant, it la positively exhilarallug to meet her She la like nothing so much a* a fresh Mimnier breeze. She U on to the latest i slang, and It seeius doubly appropriate when used by her. She know* all the new* in the (Hr and feels uot ths slightest hesitancy In regaling you ! with It. yet she Is never malicious nor ; slnnilerous. She is pretty, very pret ty. nnd has lots of beaux, but no on*, ino matter how fasrinatiu* he may be, or what the Inducements he may offer, 1 can claim her undlvidrd attention for I more llpn two months. She la fickle, lutt not Inconstant, and seems always ready If not anxious to he off with th* old love before he becomes too deeply attached. She has th* knack of getting more presents from her beaux than any cf the other glrla In her set. yet she never hints and any of the j iHiys will tell you that It requires con- | slderable persuasion to gel her to ac cept anything save candy, flowers, or an occasional piece of music. How It 1s managed Is not known but she is certainty the admiration of the hoys ar.d the envy of the other and less for tunate girls. ' Her face when In repose is one of marked sadness, the sadness of one ut terly without hope. Her eyes have n far away wistful look in them us if they were striving to view scenes In a long gone past. The beautifully arch ed mouth does not droop, hut has a tender, pathetic curve, and the mobile lips seem fraught with the eloquence of the thoughts she Is dreaming. Some me addresses her and a magical change Is noticed; the dreamy eyes brighten, the mouth takes on a most arch expression nnd her whole face is !radiance and sunshine. Whenuloneand thinking she has a wistful, far away look; when talking, even to child I she Is bright, vivacious ami animated. ! Many have noticed her and remarked [ on it, some have ventured to say that Is the undoubted cause, j but those who know her best say that her past is an open book to them and I that she has never suffered In that way. Be that as It may, she has efrtainly the brightest and the saddest face of any woman in Augusta. A slight, girlish form, a dainty head surmounted by a shimmering sheen ot golden hair, a fresh, piquant face, eyes as innocent and fearless as a baby's, Irreproachable tastes in drees, man ners, fascinating and absolutely per- Nul IVniilUcd tuSh**»t a iKrNcrtcr. TV IlMtitH I# AHM «V rtNiiM An ikiaii ii Ann* MAI* Vlte* H t Htfty V V AdV liegrl I ffetfe »«%• Haaaa a# tv ivymhhvi Na#v#tpp|E #♦'* unf few |||ggi i t |to |f ( ' 4MNM# mm* ***** - 4 ffmtlkf**#mm* ****** ■ fy»* AUOUSTA WOMEN l kfl flto- -.f v « tv* 'MB* mu *» ■»a- kul. «ki# to tom Mill at fcf tk# **lt*9i Ml* 4l«WkaaHf« vkVk »Mat m* s*rla## k*t #ir* if* a|g%s ffpijHit *hk«fk#k am vk* iwltiii *• *k# • Ifk M (In mtto to** \m**vp*** #•# *mp» t*4 tk# k*#b In m*m*am* A <#>lllflMM#taMi*^ftM aiisk #Nf#i v a a ***** • **4 <# m l« mmkf k#f •• Mtowl * ‘*mp**tom IM to rrXtFVV CRI Iff I* A VMMiI Hi* •plrtiiat T%#f# ar# mmmr e'Mm* «f --m* tom vm* mm* ***** *k# Mill fkmtom u«f tor MMHif aria of timmttoto «i * icra# »» t pnr<Hl rkariM karlikl ikat ««»nM i#i»f orrai ig nilfft iM M»aM« | imi# that I*## #k#rrf y»f#a»k<k ka* hrMlkt#«#4 ainl niHNI finatickE •i«l !• fifttatkrrr ktr ik#lf c*rsf*liati »•* m»* rkil4r#v • talrm tkal M vM •*% * mb !i*i» tofk tk#r too mot j*»**•#. aia#4 pirn* #i«4 • klaatf f or* tk# *ooto 'mtor via lai 4mi#Jo M«#k lo k#lp A N#Mt Ml%f. Tk# folio# mi iorl4#ot •« rv!au4 tof *p ryomummm <m* of epwarta of totif. •ko araa rogßlutt* of tk# focta. »»«k *«S !after* of crftiiift# lor»3l? kav# tk#?f oarrlt#! ftoftkrf# hi (i#«|uran> U io tk# (Min of Soutbrm klator;. am) fir« • Hal matrtdiilioi to all if** part lit and porHaiilrftl ftloi#«Brftta #v#r tumtoo 1, % ju ri( su»«r# and her (rtk# of wof ■ . . If.ira ,fe , mlFfecL (if (Kfi Aboliucni'iLf in M#nicnvttif, <ltin# f,i f>ao*#l a aarvint of U<*vt. H U*n*#r, of I *4 man irtiUcrjr. Had la km b.v ma*lrr*a >oord and platol to i hoiia# about on# hundred yards il tear of tk# Tart to fl#oo (kern . and having fallro »a!##p. did not a«ftk#n until th# alarm of th# assault ftaa nlv. n, iu*t at dcyEght. r#- that bla mavt#r waa with* out bla w#apona. h# a#lx#d them and ritahrd so thf fort through th# hot fir# with which the enemy, who bad flank ed lb* works, were sweeping do»|> matt In the rear. Daniel attempted to enter at th* usual place .of « ntran'e, but seeing that It was certain death lo proceed further In that direction three or more men. who like himself, bad slept out of the works, ware killed at his aide—he tried another place. But the storm of projectiles shut him out there, too. Determined, however, to do his duty, he rushed straw ihe line of Are. and fell, mortally wounded, pierced by three balls. But, faithful even unto death, he entreated the men near him lo carry the sword and p'stol to hi* master. One of them answered it *v% useless for hla master was k!lied\ "My God!" said the poor f.'l |:iw. Vhey killed him because hr lia«l pc sword.” And, forgetting the agony ol Ms own wounds, he upbraided him self for his carelessness, which he be lieved had caused hla master’s A?ulh As fcon as the fight was over Lieut. Bel linger, hearing of Daniel’s condi tion, hastened to where he lay amt the fa'thful fellow, upon hearing tin name called, raised his languid ere*, and exclaimed: "Ah. Master, they told me von were dead, but thank God, If I’m to die this day, that it Is me and not vm\” His ins! words were: "Tell them nU home that T promised to take care or you. nnd that I’ve tried to do «n to the last o' my life.” nine Accident Wilkesbarre. Fa., Nov. s.—Seven men were hilled and three fatally In jured at the Exeter colliery ot the Le high Valley Coal company, at West Plttston, near here, this morning. The, l accident was due to the alleged care lessness of Engineer David Price,who, acting In disobedience to positive or deis. caused three ears to run into (he top of the shaft with oars loaded, nnd weighing 11 tons, which fell down the fiHO foot shaft nnd crashed with frightful force upon the carriage, car rying ten men. Seven were almost In stantly killed. David Amos Welles D ad, Norwich. Conn., Nov. 5. David Amos Wells, the political economist, died at his home In this city this af ternoon, aged TO years. FOR SALE 60 acre Farm, midway between Hephzibah and Richmond Factory. Address A. H. Hackney, 449 Walker Street,