The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 06, 1898, Image 4

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MGP m IRHB. ttMl *99// rtt r -^ rTir . lTfn ' 9 #4 m SHE *:5 mmw§ m to* tpmm «•»» *• iv» AMOM*#. •* |jg *o# tfrtXplg iAOWSatoan* PHla.a*-*** »<ii m— He**# *•*»•'■ AA*(t •" a m . m r%> • Ha»*, to** twfto O* Awt«<i (4 ,v**- * I*** s■*•*•« H 9094000 ****** «*"•*» •** * H M Stand UAM I* «*<«• *»-.Mg 'to" |lM***** M bOom* prli m *t i# ml If fill 44/04*90- *t te* M JM * 0* H '■■' fMI* 4 ** • *a*4toc»«4""MA ** ***>l Wr» *t»4to** i *‘ ttoon MM»« •• AwA"**** ftmm to* • gt»*4 w»»*4* •# Ik* •M Ik* ttoil too** <4 *W ml ■•••**» ipgDMtl* < T»* M**s*raih£Tto <k*Mt ••* *• pgli »• toAHSIAA «* •* •*'**' ,k »* ***» •**<#*• • *•'*** li» •**• - r~: Tln ** tm • oms-mw**' •* ** •■*** mmm m toy ••#*•♦’ t**f»l mi Omw »■ »•#•• f*to tfcst* h §••»*# i" h# a* iat'lMt!t£ M*V‘i»g *4 K'M*** l AARM'fu* atgtot 1 Allan « U ruH Mt l” **• Aogav owfl I* «•) #•*«» ttowl 4m win #*• tmrt • spivadid gk*. TV Jarkaoa Ttosto la r*gfct Tto* pn*ri>t Nfidilar* ikiwM «*n *taly do ggttotobiag <e M# las dodging Taw lbat w*f* •*»*»• • •rad upon tV flt* depart a>*a> d»v>o# tit* paat yiik mw Hum dli #*4*s — Tberc Will 0« bv war b*»weee fr»«f» and Knglau.l England t* * Mg daily and I'ratur .-nanot w ilk* «.d On room try Till Au»*r«<an romanul >o*r» ar* #* facsiattUta right Tb*j ar* dwtoaod Irg tverjrthug but Itpalu and tb* hot Kite* If thar* la nwin whv tVr# aboutd ba a ptnnaDru! »ol<ll*ra' ramp b»rr ai kMMM a ra*iwrnl— Auauata mum Bud that raaaua Major M< Klnlrv will rlalt AlMmta A ad: as aomr un* baa a*i«*r»l*d hr •hiHild br ralj»d lo Au«uaU lu visit tb* Itoupa h*r* Th* t'ailrd Sutra o(B.’*ra aho at* htr* hi.vr Imprraaad rvary ou* »l»b •hat it moaoa wh«n a *«itl«manly aol dlar la wrutlonrrt, Thi Clvk Lrapur ahoiild lie plvrn tb* ararmral auppor* Th* lasagur la aiTtunpllahlnr a wonderful amount of pood for Augusta Tb* prospectors who Jumt>«l from th< South Into Porto Hko ar* Jump tog bark borne again. There l» no place like the South. The diagram In last Sunday'* Her ald gave for the flrat time a correct amt eomprehen&lv* Idea of the loca tion of Hie army rantp*. The Herald prlM wlnnrra In the summer resort cootent should feel proud of I heir victory, There were rnnuatanlß from every aide. Morr accurate ealcuUtlona mould aerm to allow that |8.(KI0 a day la # low estimate of the amount of money tyhat will be spent here by the soldiers. England i» riding rough abort over Kranee. Might la right with Knglantl The reason that the Hugllsh are truckling to America Ih for fear of the might. Spain has about coma to (he con rluslon that she woke up the wrong passenger when she aroused Uncle Ram. The Maine is still being remem bered. Don't do In public life that which you would not do In private life. It Is said men say and ilo things In poli tics which they would not stoop to in Ordinary buslneaa pursuits. The Thoniasvllle Enterprise throws cot this suggestion: "The legislature r-t-ould knuckle down to its work, and r.ot. as is Msinei. defer Important msn>- urcp uuta.ih; last d.y or two pf the rjciui ou.- site u im.ii them Rmmsi, li k ~ Utile late, but better than nevi-r It is a shame that such almwa «s that of tost night a .week ug.> should be permitted to be put on In Augusta Mr Cohen would not have permitted the performance had he known in ad vunc* what M wm, J IT* liMflfc Hftw ##• *mp* #fMI *p4*"«* . w. . ■ . . 2 *m wmm I %>!#* ***** m w I t | rt . r Rifif v-f *0 Itei Wo* f ypft %090** 9* i §P* *OO/* *OOHO Mk [ 900 0000 90 00' o*oo 0$ 900 : /0* I 00$ 00 ***sm 0000* 0$ 0 SOO/0 ; l«| Ml 00/00 t* 000*00 90 SOO *9O 0/0* * ) 00 ms 9 *o9oooos # 00909+ I n| mip f 000 0)000000 *9090*4 900 00009 090 jIMI Iso 90000 so* 904 o*9oooo tlp* 990 i I mrn jwrjiiit 904 990/0004 9*4 * *9o*9 }*** ****** m0509090»'9 9$ 999*0 09$ I Hi t t 9*90 KWHM IM|MI 9m 9 9990 •>*>»•»« *mmrn wm* mw*t rka «•* k*d masaed < ff *■«*•#* * g Ant Amw a*d ha* IfM* •• ***** I i tAn mm* m**m*w *■*• *4, »•** iSiM t*m MRM tgasnAP Jr* ****** *4 . 'mm m*m §m iw* t *"*' \**M 14*1 *~\ AM*** th >** (bad •**•* • kM*A j M«M*v, *4A* •*•*." ••* kstaed [tot • nirtt ißa* AM *m awawd tut* II * murt ir — #h*4* «f Mw A—»>MRM t I *mm $ ssoooooo9o 99m59 IvMltt inmmml ' 090 m $m ON* ***• 99900 om* ' km mm H* ***** »•**"*» I*9 tip t ftHVwt 09900* fW$9 0090 %&909/ '*o9 9990 I n ir <ft *mmm isßMwd •*•* mm tomh mm* *•*■*(wan Ms «*• (A* **•* * )•« Mian Am wa Am m*» ■ '•*» ydtof j , ««| m*wt . Mas * mmd tA* **4 mi MA* MAT AM Am *• •* slMf 0990009 **o* *999 SO9OO S9OO 00900 909/ o+4 $0 §0 *0 40 90000 m TMp Ms Mh4l tips 9/00/ 0/990 net i umf i tr? ii* 9090 * Hfc 9090 t>*MOs« A*V MnkM •MA «A» mAm Mt iMtlfy jimn-l M Mm* ’A* •*•* k* bad f i ss as»«4 y»***4 Am fcn*AM t* Am ka*J Mid MMkMH • «Mt*A. M«*A M lA* CM IlnM (AM Am* MV pM*« • Tk* wM «,4M» akatbM «• altgAi •« A** • M pw*« Tk* wddlir »g*.a •<•* A*« by Ik* am «"«*••• Ae* kMkst He Ml Aer M Ik* plntfom 4d*A A*» ut tk* gttMnd, h*»AMi« A*r fc*e fc*m >*M j ~|mrd bi**s f**. AtM*y.‘ As jttMtp#* k*rk M »A* *•* I ••• AM A* was a ItotinWH of Mi**lry. Ms It . • Y*‘f9so9i*f pot I.ITINO TMH BAU OT. Il g H)»f ta as* tkat th* da* of tk* fDlitiml romAllealst l* A''f usta to rapbliy *Hawing to • *•«*•. Tk* «>"' la guM wk** tk* »an wfco fc*»t knows kow to Aerrt and buy n pnrehsa abi* rot* to in demand at ***rr *>*»■ Una tram tk# mrM tti#l»n*Aennt bal lot In ( to tk* moat iMpcrtant ennsaaa for u«c* In lA# lift «»f the gsnrerwtoeal TA* atrlkarw nnd fceetor* nt* gmdna ly fatting away and no* the And of capability nnd runnlugn*** IP cormptlon of Ik* frawchia* la arowtod upon Inalend of applauto d Th* fraudulent mantpntatlosi ot reg tatratlon »•«* has received n cheek thla y**r. Arrswta nnd convict loo* have been made nnrt negro thttg* and Otbera bavr been given to understand that hencfforth when they falalfy <h* i election lls they open to th*m**tv*e the door t-f the prison Tbst which In the past haa >**• more eiaaperatlng. If poaalhl*. than the fact that registry llau were padd.-d by r n>eaters and mythical nstnt*. was th* brawn agtonlery of thoa* »bo did ta « kit d of work- big. burly negroes who i pcnly and botolerougjy hontveo. on the street corners, how they had •padded the election Hats with fle.tltion» tiamca. This now occur* no more. It Is but common falrneaa lo say that these negroes worked at tho bidding end In the employ of white men. I-of to themselves they would not incur contumely that, unfortunately, they Impart to their race. There I* nothing so worthy, there I* no end so desirable, there to no :»mbl thm so Intense that It muat needs to rn. Intalned by Ihe desecration of the ballot. Teach your young to torrupt the ballot In any cause—teach your ohHdren that sue**** In election* to by fratul and purchase—nnd yon teach them to nurture anarch* and to tear down society—*o welcome riot nvul might as right. In defluocc of law and Justice. Shown the cause that asks for cor rupHon of the franchise and you wilt be shown the eause that Is unworthy. And as Ihe older man Is cautioned as to the example and te«ehlnga he sets up for his children, the young to cautioned that In the pnriflcafUwt of the ballot rests truth, prosperity nud honorable progress. TMU COniNO SOLDIERS. There has been In many quarters ap. prehensions expressed thut the sol | itlers, when they came to Augusta, are ! going to be a source of a groat ileal of annoyance anil trouble. It to hard ily fair tp prejudge them. It is true that we expect <o see he town enlivened a great deal when 30.000 more men arrive here. There will be Infract ions of Ihe peace laws, especially when ptiy day comes around, bur w.« do not apprehend any serious violations or uuy aiuoi.ui of aigum , jtit trouble, l'herw will (bece ba* been little io»s. but ftiere v?il! be nothing ot tbe rowdyism that sc many say that they fear. There was a time when volunteers were uglv.and made trouble wherever they went. This was wheu they were TH® AUGUSTA SUNDAY ITHHIAT.r) i o**o 9090/99004 90 99009' 9000* 9099990/9 m urn**** *9 90*0 90999900$ 9999 *9m 900909- fl| '9O 900/0$- *OO- 090/ 9*o/9* *mms so*** 00/9000/ **0909000 004 000 ■■■ ‘ 9m i 9*9oooss «f SOO 90*90090004/* 0904 VfMMi 9/0009 0/9094/ 9900 s9* 90rn0m§' 1 10/9s*9o/ 9/9000 *9/** 94$ 900/* | flinty 909000$ 0P00090940 909$ JP>' *O9/09 90 os/00$0 *4 9* 00 9r’**+9Ho 1 99090000004/ H 990 90 4sm4 *OOO *4# 1 *4s** *0 9m 9 $9/09090 40/0990$ 0/0954 1*9*9000/994 9/900 *9O/ §»* ** m | r st* mm $4 «•* 0* *■ 9m 90/90$ 3 I 09$ 490000000 m n 094 9*m»* s*** i {s9* 0049090 90 ftm s9ooo****-** "*4OO 1 ‘ ***9*m/9m *00994 MMH 9040990$ /*-99409 f 4**m 000/ $990 $9/ 9*9s $0 m 9/o***4 $0 ***94 m 00*9*9m 91 s4os 00**00*$m $$ s•*** 1 s*9/0/ 900* $0 909 90990 $099000/9$ 90/9 i *9*o/9 090 os' SO9O $909000/99 $0 4*049* * 009/009 fV mm ~ i $4 *t* $4 *9s * m090*49 9/$$ 90/9* 9 90'*** 499/ ** *** . 9/990/ *9099 o*9/49//4- SOO4 9ss 90*** 1000/090004 $0 009*9*9 **os s*** tarriint $$ 9900*994 90 s9o4s 4*s* /9m 9*9 /99m*9*4 94 0 *'99*o4 94 o**/00+ 1 140/4 94004 m 9/ 0/ 4*9*s* 00/9 /mm* *0 *4OOO 400 $99 $4 $409- 40 M *9OO 0/09$ 9904904 404 %94** >lO 900 *0949 4/994$ !«* («#«§* «M iWt 909 990095*4 U99WO Mi lA* gMrttoMwa» eMM4g*S4 ™ * , Arwst AMt|nm» «f *Am» »tW tot » *wn*A tkw> ***** kagwau li w*rt gMM • A*** ***** irnaklr a.ib tk# «s4rt»M*. «• •***, ipa* MAm ttoto* tkwt Awe* m*w»*4 »*• | iwMst* m mmmm mw •«»«• m a«m | I«A |t*«w *• •Wk*M At prnmwmm* ■ ; tMMMwto* M «*•»* #• ****** »A* *••!» ■ wiMirT p**4ri»j I Km wi ■ igwgn* wtkM A y*w»* **** .lir»'t*4 MWIW MtstitkM m IgMV* ngglrr >A*w tkwa* >• •*• *— •Mv Hmd »*OM« <4 A*W t«M M4** i a* twws tk* tn*f »•** AwM M • 1 .m«t«*A>4 r*>M tk* pra*Ml» wt tkafs j tguai ptgrrl tt wpnw • awtM 'MM .totuiH to* ck'HMt WM* s*4 I A am Mknatty • AmMmm* M i |gt»lH«*»re. *M *w**gv 1 th* bwrdrwt kind *f wwrfc •*♦*. •**•*; ' awry t* aUto tk# trlwwpfc Tk* t**k jwM MldMt.fcew TtMlWo As If .A*Wf«*M i»«M t*4 tk* td»)»*f •** t*rwa*4 Wtlk \zrsrxttczrsz <«H» \*4\** I mk 9**w 901*$* a mm* nwi 0*49 •* M, 90*9 11,1 tli’l !*■*• "9/00/0$ li w9*t% gcawftsi clouds knag owr «k* pm*" ty Tksv st-dtod *»*"' - •Mwted to e#c*rt»tn •*•• W *mw»*4 j and nppHcd tk* r*gM4f TA* Mt today tk*y kav* owe of «A* A* l bits of agrUaltural KtoM*ty In «*4* jaartlaW. * twug b**A nr*ownl. Anppl ■am and .«Mt*wtm*w« WImI a MMI-wAM • r*4#vttoA ibrt* 'a to tkto to *o m*ny torwtera In lb* Boot A—rrtroog atolwort hnabaod Zp .tootio future on the plast*- lioo. who. y*M after r**«. *»' “ ,# *' salve# going doon Alii, who k«*f «• dent and who < ry out agniwrt tbs' I runs. evoWOMtM mm! ngrar*. h com the »sm* mdl to tk. mm **£•** Ike asm* el.nmte. tksoe vwr tod'aa Aar# lln ap* red «H» proß.ed Mkto* toker. have rctMgraded BnMwtolly •»«» ' rtf t AM* 'M* l ' 4 I 1 *"' this and lhat and do not and that It s*Mns pc irtlar that thra* iwu women should hav* mastered th* •erteeßurnl pritotom wkil* no owner, of cere* one to the conetostoi of th* fhlloaopber wild mslnUinel that j U.,* was uo- so much whl' T.g ai the c fooeroatto *t»r* there wo*' l * fj debts amon.’. the farmer*. One of th aoluttotts of th* agricultural problem to premnt lt.elf-»<»'k In rom l, notion with inielhgem e 1‘ * ,o »'’ tc Rive car t* *u>r hundred-, rs formers ut.o corop.sin o' 4-eent eoMfrt. silver tried* >to4 tbe tariff. »h,ie *'«• ladles m Mm mou*y *»nua ly. HORStA OF THE OOVERHENT. We aympathlse with the expresaion of the (oral society for Ihe Prevention of Cruelly to Animals when Ha otlliers say they would like to to able to In fluence the government to to more considerate than they are with their horses. That roughing II hardens a horse mil totter toflts him fyt Held service, as to contended, 1s not thought of by the Society members when they see the hundreds of animal* left out these old nights, without shelter, without a blanket anil a bit of straw to lie upon, ft is understood, of course, that In ac tive campaign duty horses cannot to cared for In approved manner, but it to held out that In permanent quarters, In the winter season, many people would be pleased If the government adopted a more humane policy toward the dumb animats. As an oUlcer of the Society says, were au Augusta owner or driver treat a horse as the government treats U» cavalry stock, there would be arrests and prosecutions. Of course no mem ber or officer of the Society expresses tbe least reflection on the cavalry offi cers. Officers of the army carry out mica and regulations from which they cannot deviate. If there is oomplaltji. I the complaint to against the govero i ment. It does appear that the United States might set an example in the treatment of dumb animals and should bold op tbe hands of these organiza tion*. North and South, that are try lug tu improve the tsenilmenl of the public in ragard to the wattM Some of tbe Western poets ha e beeu writing rhyme* on Pork and Plenty." lint tbe f»et still remain* that pork pomes higher than their p<>et-ry. iftggggm****************9*oo**9* imwis ” m^mr^: '' m '' ]m «*««! to*rt* |to|M*w»Ar*, %9m 9009000- /$9*400 l^toatu lUMi 90 9/09 90 0009*99 9*90/ $4 9** 1 * 9*b99*94 $9/0/$ fF ** $/* **o*ooo* 00 s9opm**s *94 $94 99*0- ** 99* **o 99 00/0 90000900*'/s*’* 44/0 ’iwP *4 40$ 990995 1 S4O 90f0(lpm 4m* *0 90m : mmm *9o**9o%** iMNBpNp •* 90$’ i *O9/99 *4*44/9/4 9 MV 90 ss** 909/0 1 * j $0 <4s**4 99/4 - J lfta» *0 HH ftiM W 00 **• so*4* 90 j • m#A a*4 .I*l*ll W># I nMto—to* > b»»'W» AM** tWW**T tB A*m* •** m»S**<J " nwnH*. [ imBAMI to tk* .****• •* A*BwMa I nup mmr ttM* •** Hkai gswM. •» «** 1 ■ -MW* AMpb «**■* ttM* M*»* h* * *4 ■ j mm * •A* *m* »**•*•* !*•« pm ■ ItWM wf to#* ssstoats •* mm wAs*A A# 1 ui-airj w*M to Mi k*t*** to*U - it, 4m* At** <M • **•*» •**• 4** A* gtto wi* tola MivSto* •►♦** j WM* 4* fww wm* Nt Martin* tp*» *Ti* town** to* am wAmi to* Asm* tw • !im 4* MaMtoM * . „ ■ m Km' WWM*» AM to* »« **4 Wi** - Itotf " . •1 *to‘t k**w wMtoto *toMrt www# warattM- ••* TT** **? ...led totM I *to‘t Aaww -MM* •**'* itt <MM r*« to* WtoMSrt. t.4k# -Ml Mi WiitoMW titowty. wto» to** tw/p to tito rtty Ml a vttot to .law*. Atw9ooooom. NHfl s9* s*/9 ss49* I* »"* *- rtortda. Ikl. .M m* 1, imtoto't to (to* 841 **d la r "«**"* kv 4to*r»*M m**t* H* MM* • "mm inter-MM* rnmr 4 ih rarwmiwm Ifdto". *l**to-tto, ttoM d»l *•• mwh ttoM*A* t* Th*M* s** 4 “**'**'-• I |Ai«IIT« . I -IV *s9tm 90$ os*siY ****** 495/9 o«r wav " to* ad "** «** •♦**l»4ijr Ha,.l s*at merttto* w* t *un4 ttoat • ar total of Afty-saww wtoalea toml lto*» Mora up. at the l-Meh. Tto*y •ertto*. tomtwvto# t>to*». **d. Wlato MM atrawwer* to «t»» »*•**•. ttoajr at.ta't *4 * groat d**l <4 "Th* »«lh* ttol <** *«**to wttteto *t ttottHM la the sewud *t Brat httt M o rhi red that .toy *miM maka Uto best kind «* ferlllts*. W* h*d l»o «» "j taking and eartog ter .he at and • mild n«« **>iAt f»*to tka' ***"' " rtew but we determined to put the , whale, ta th. tofUltoM- IM* • u »aa not long be*"* »" ,h * **”- i pi* aruufid had fall**, on tb* •kkh t i.»f th* who', mwntwr In th* artoml Ttu. on* ekrattoi. They *»*• s**'* ~HI I carted avHty wlthotH ther. y. i -mood ran dees tka beach In great Th* result wa* antb iuowl In a eouple nf daya thvrv were tb W •and* ttpw" thousand! of shark*. T;»J wevr- it! >->untl*«* pumberw. mlUI"P» •they I*ll m*. U It war, p*>a»lWe to count j""»? .» • I •The only way f>w an August* pall* 10 lan to larut in i«»Htb al office to •* move flown to and grow up with th. (ouatry." Havannuu I*l fHMi. There ta enough of truth tn thla. f**‘ •Ibty. to make the paragraph polnt- And tt remind* ua. by the way. of Ihr narrative they tell <4 ttovaimhh. Down there the polltl' i*n» regard that thev have a llttl* ktngdom «4 t h # ir own. And they air a- regarded by th" I,st of the state— Mpecbilly up about Atlanta as outable ot the TruF Hnvaiuiali ants Chatham ftv* en representation In the a#oembly-but tt end* there. The .lava when g<rver nora, s.mators, ete.. are taken from Sa vannah are over anil no one there need apt»ly Tor state houae plates. Ravatuiah assto-ts that she Is doino cratlc—to the core. Well, she does roll up a pretty good majority when w.u-d rotAes that a big vote is needed Hut then l have seen the time, when demo-, crude nominations suit, lhat the I opposition set up a party of their own. 1 knocked the orgaqtaed democracy highcr than a kite and became, after success, the new democratic party. Hut it Is well that Savannah has a kingdom of her own. Ahe Is aide-track ed tn Georgia. Speaking of the Wayneaboro way of downing Augusta, recalls an Incident tn the recent Jutfg -ship campaign In Atlanta. / The friends of the opponent of Judg" Brinson had headquarters in one of the hotels. They had !*egun a vigorous campaign and had been fighting hard for their tnaa. But every legislator, it seems, was either bound to Judge Brinson by family ties or ndvauced equally strong reasons to support the Burke gentleman. The headquarters I alluded to were doing the best they could. They stuck to their friend splendidly. One night they were gathered for conference at headquarters when a member— a ttackwoodsman strolled In. Ah. here was » <Aance —a member who actually sought The headquarters and Who was really* begging to be ask ed to last Ids vote fill the Richmond tuan. tJ The stranger vv.ilkey, ever ro I he bed and oat down. Then* Ivan a hurry to get out the cigars. Ttu- stranger gtan | eed about and keenly noticed one of I the campaigners, vvhn was lying on a | lounge, asleep, his back turned to ihose in the loom. « I ... - - -- —.q—qc ||gf|-|if ■ rWm* ml/'**///** 1 * imi '* . * m m ****** ** ***** 1400909+ s*ms* 409 494094/o** ■\ \ 40/ *99 0* ssos m g 0009 9* s*/09 40 •'* $409 * , W * ******ZL> \ULI 940^0405* mm//** -* * * +9 mm* ~ j Ifc” -.a |mi xmu %|t "-r HI . ¥■■■***%**■ *4 i/$* 9*o/ ■ • mooom mw* * MUM Hf *•* ••f l ® 9/4* i MINI 99*4* 99$ f Tr " 04$0$0099$$*0 +0 i %4*utT $0 *mm# j fItJUiTL.f *0 s*/* a AjApr I kk*4 H •»** **** VMM .4M Aiwy ftMhlftv iwf® mm* -90 _ .... j Km m. m *mm* m a #-*tlMaa*. t **• ** ****' ’l! 4 !* CTitoM awg ! rttaMWto- -aaatiSat*. . if ft*# ••• > mt*m ** g«l#f lW**9 ** m SM- to - j ta 4Urt>arA> *t*to a 4mrm *• •Mp k* a«»t4 to g **""*■"“■ *■* | a awtg wm rat* to to® * •ffi***- -Wto Mid a ■••• mmm to •“ a prtttkal mm, a*A m» tow* * *•* lag to *ai*. I »miM t*B htow • MM* <4 tot* SuatoMW » SMW WISH •Wf flSrtM to tan M* Alto *••* Itotag wave II#g» to toA4 •# **4 *« f * r j a koto to* aa# gatag to *»t* t amtovd H*# PM^laaa. Aa ttkla woman vtolttog Boat** “•* tt»* ttrat u»* too* fmm MMw* Mghta. “ bad twv giMrl-M thrill *»•* ai «*«pw* Hitt ttofftfyjy mwt •M 4. “Tatk that'# Awtw wto«e t-w Ike btotnrtr ottvallMia. t»MMuewt*4 her MiMkrttw »to* aMttad A* •*"» •* my atoMM-to-law and I g«4 •*•* ••* plaev." aha satd. "I ftwmd mysrtf at muM stepgtag HAM* a gvavv attll a* In*, ni'ii-oi «a a ,tt*er Mttl* ton* cwtov auvt «f non I*. I jamtort hark, ftodlag the wajr y«M do whaa you •**• °* * avwve. and tvad tk* toarvtptl.M. tom Ikte* Inltlol*. aw MO* «*• rtM*. "law » It talhrUrf I ashed aC my atotva-to law. -Oh. t d«nl AMf,* *h* aasaeted. ,g V2’ mmnß Ht#i«*i liter T»iwtrl|K, Aa t v.ry Caattototo Smm It. ]*r«w» the Waabtogtow mar. Wk<> .tore# to Inatnuate ttoat I am working tor ray**H ' Who vntcrtalhs the thought that I m Inspired by lyvv of pvlf^ Who says I'm ajitpiated by the hope of fiord Id gain 4 In burbling <m toy armor to go forth In this campaign 4 Of course, there'll be • salary when to this plai* I m sent, | But It's bettor 1 ghontd have It than j my wlrttad oppevtontJ I rm moved by genervus tmpulaea and J cannot #tUI It* thr»b; The country must be saved and I'm the man ta do the Job. ' 1 won't stand bark for coaxing, a* old Clmlnnatu* did; : When this glortoua nation calls me. tt can never *»»' I h, rt ; . i I don't aaaume false modesty—far worse than vulgar pride. llt s Freedom that is threatened and I'm rushing to her side! ; Posterity would scorn me If things | didn’t turn out right. 1 For letting diffidence prevent my ming ling in the tight: For standing on Fame s threshold | without strength to turn the knob; j The country muat be saved, and 1 • the man to do the Job. He— Why did vou fall to recognise me on the atreet today? She—l didn’t see you. Ill —That's strange, I saw you twice. She—Oh, that probably account* for |t, | never notice a man tn that con dition.— Chicago News. "Did I see vou cornin' out o’ my white folks' back yard late lost night Inquired Miss Miami Brown. ••j dunno," answered Mr. Krostus Plnkley. Mebbr you might have."^ "la you got any possession# dar?" “No; I ain't got no regular posses sions; only Jes' a boalin' station. Washington Star. (y,fl—After all. why should we blame Blanco? It Isn't rentlv hts fault. I suppose he can’t help it. Some men are constituted that way. He—l don’t quite understand you. Constituted that way? She—Why they’re so slow about go ing.—Chicago News. “Yes." said Mr. Jones, when a cer tain girl s name had been mentioned, “I know her to speak to, but not by sight.” "You mean.” cut In the prompt cor rector —"you mean that you know her by sight, but hoi* to speak to." "Do I?” naked Mr. Jones, anxiously. ‘.•Of course you d<*. You have seen her SO ot ten IliuJ you know who sli" is. bui have never ueeu introduced to her, isn’t ibiu it?" ■ No, 'lhat in9"i It. I never saw her at all to know tier, but I speak to her nearly every day." "How can that be?” "She is ihe telephone girl at Cen -1 troi."— Harper's Bazar. *OOOOOOOO 0000000 m 409'-W* 0/4/$* 909904 90009 > 4/0- 4499/94 ■ * JpMpp# , ft* 00m0$ 904 I*# 90900* 9/4 SO/0 40 **! ■fm 00*0 ***** ***9o i 9004 0 900 $0990/4* §mo 0 UN- **9s 9 s9o9“' % I T 4 I 099$ 0440. 09 so9s 990 449* SO9- 0999 -* !• 0495*9 T4m Llo4* 04499 Iftk 44/9 1 $9/ 0 §949 909$ $9 1 09 is4os 4/ $4» 9040- flM> j'tftfi *lNi* 999 SO/00/4 ms*9s* SOOO T9* Mi «l‘ i 1 9-s** Iff Hll 9/99954t91$ 4/0/90* tn inn 9990* 90 090 9/9/9 tftlM •ftl $9//4 00 AM li* MVli tHU $* 99/90 if 90* 494 04 **** **** 4 Tm nil 09490 400 H# €4OOO #n4 Ml I-iff 04009$ Um 9lw (MM Of fmm* •*** AM Im* 4904 Mpn 904*9*$ • • flood Ttott OmM tu***. Mkvwt ■Mt**4y «M tk* I TA* sab >» Affi*' tor to tptm* >Mt *vny i Aa* you II bear tk* ftwera alagtw -aa* j watt It r*aw tke «®rw aa kag— : <tot*d uawa. tvUe»*ra~*t«*4» aw tto* I , t ••Ti , . )Sm „ |Hu irrs ataartr ew tka «M*ra V sltoto «* r»aa to toil ttora tto* #~4 f*M WMTMt to Hay! Aa* oH tto w«rM >* aiagto « a toappy tonttflay— I Ouml time*. ksiHlWa (HMAA «* tka - Ft oak U « **'«•■ Art wee a Ta* Mftt Tto* young itortor sad Mt friend tto* drug clerk wrt» *Httog a* tto* rtato window when a rteto»y drraaed tody fktottod toy __ "TtoMw goes tto* nafy wothan I *v»r lowed." r#marked Ik* youtM H. D- / "Ttoat ggf" queried tk* ©tiler. * Than * toy don't yuw wtafry bw’ TAat *fl*>rd It” r*t»l *d tto* lurttir, “stow ta my total pattout" Owe to amatt'a to IsdoM. She— And SO ymir fontwr swaat i heart married roar rl*al dtd *to«r' l( r —"T«> «ke dlJa't know uklch 1 of ua tb* Hfcvd tb* boat, m» ws »»rrad I to have a Bst fl*bt for her. ' I Rhe - "And you war* the looer. Too k«d that you should loo* tto# i‘gbt and th# frtrtw too.’* H#" 'Ob, I th# fight nil right ' anough. Th# other fellow wa* tn th* [ hospital for two weeks, but she mur ; ri«l him Juat tha same. I *ue»» an* thought tt would bt a good W*B t 0 mairy a man she could handle.' — Woman “Walt a minute," said Sft* Jonex to Mrs Smith, who was making a neighborly call. "I want to show you my winter bonnet." “I think I saw It,” replied Mr*. Smith "You had It on at chonh last Sundny, didn't you?" "Yes. how did you like it? "Oh. tt was Just lovaly. I’m sure, j dear, it looks. equally »* weJI 08 11 dl ' l | last year.” I Only a woman could say « thing ‘ like that and say it so saectly that • honey would sour In comps’ison. •Thev ear ihe Jury has acquitted that Spaniard who murdered his em * * V«« He must have been innocent. He shot him. you know.” • What docs that prove?" •Why. the fart thg* he hit him shows tt was Sto«ldental." Harper* Bazar. • Walter," said the bicyclist at the UUle country Inn. "bring me three eggs and boil them four minute*” Fifteen 90049, and tne wai ter returns with one oast • Very sorry. Sir. «“r eggs I# out. This IS the one we had left—but we boiled It in twelve minutes, sir. —Mar per’s Ilaiar. _ This throws new light on the propo sition and suggests where there is power that might be summoned all around the circuit The Fitxgera.d Courier says: “The weekly press of Georgia has forced the railroads en tering Atlanta to agree to erect a »250,- 000 depot. The pen Is mightier than the Georgia railroad commission.” Here is t» tip. It is from the Ogle thorpe Echo: "There are rumors Hint Oglethorpe cotiulv will furnish 11 can didate for United Rtates senator nt the election which occurs at the session of the legislature convening next fall. He will he the man for the place. Ogle thorpe don't furnish any other varie ty.'’ TMH OHAtiMN Hit m|mM ,| *t it/% kw •* 4* #m «• •*** 4*** fA> tpwlftm mmmum -4 [ - - „.... „.... [ w4/0//909mmm w ■*«&**mm www \§9om 900 M 1 9/*$- t *m*4 $/* 9*-- 4 I g; 0/9/0/ 000/** 990 4/*#Moos 990/9 i ni 14 4 «hM O*4/9 90/0999 0 9/090*9 ,t m* $4 S4O mmiti rn 09404*9 $9 04*4 49/ *49* 9 0044494 \ 9999 9 ¥O4O 4094 m. 000 4090 M 99* 09 [ m*mms/0* $0 s"* 0/0*40*09 *949940 $9 I % Ts* 4/99/94 $44 9990/9 -94 so*9 *4O 99*90/0* r | ftt fat t■i v ‘ 9409009 00/4 'o9o*o 09*40/99* 1 At 9£t <t*%m-9 1-40/i 90 sb*4/9 %*> ■ 9940*40 mtmm SO9 40* $9 *• ! Ai'tfVMgMl 0m 09*4/ 9 | f #HI 90$ soms/09109090. $9/4 CM ss** l,.gii<4>A-tM> 99 Wf* s9s 1 mo*r9W» win 994* >¥fr *sss9% "904 IhM 0 fiMMIt 19*4$ 9909050t/*9 9* *9O 9*999 0 4*9/ 09f$ 90**" s99oo**s 4 9 *0990 $0 9 IM ssss44 • 4400/99* \ m id* 11 mrntrt fMM 00- « WfttoF# 90/4 m. ... . *|| inkjU a ts . pff-M/ 9 *m*ss ***s mm rarttrata kto k l **** *» 90/9/000 I 9* *4 9mW Atos ***** Mrt -4 «M Oto* M toto tot'd aw lMT*rt*st ttotof Ml to** »<•**♦ 1 tfaiM ov>4 wgs try tog M toad M it arrwvtiA that atos kid tto* ttotsw to to** k«wd wtoMi a fyiswd tksw *d to* dr**? to sad wAito talk tag *• kad st»rP*4 It ktMM tk* wag** *4 a toad *** forgot toa if. skoal 8 wwttl 4# '** kvJ Ikhw* I gxv* tort wtoat tostp I 4 •*'< •ai tw* ras tkvoagk a tow of mtoM*i •tttoMd dlg»»*a#4ag tha kad •‘•M** rtasiiy I gAAAMt.d » tk* imwtog tody that tb* book wdgtot bay* Mm •*» RtM traraAM Ar**tt» *g«*tod at 1»9 > though' *1 waMtl .kav* aaykady art ttoat torttvr for wtAdAg.* 4» *«- i «trw*d At kwd vmt rwtwrtgwtly. ska was shout to g» wk*P » W*** * ,| l. i jooktoA at a geography drof**d •* .•* »* tk- *oor *« ***» ihlag wa wrtv kaWttag. * 0 saw aaybwdy wmjts r*Uavad aart *rat«- fut tto*# tka M»» owe day daring Ik* •rmior of a, hmußd swparior court tk* Uwy*rs. during • rrr*a* «l anra.» table •art i-rrwaaed Bo* gotat# la Oar if ftoatn bad Just Richard qrsßi Whit** ' Wiart* »-i4 |Tto#lr OtffiLakd *•* '**'"* -rr to lapse* la rxpreaataa ttoat ••»« trw quratlf iwdu'gsd to by rtoc'onctaai b*- ; for* J*»dg* f'sllaway. I r)n , iotaiv*t*d li* -**''- •**•’ ****** urtv. • at tutrart Kaglt-b. bat wko. ,Ik* 1 11 U.« rest of «*. <• auawtlgic# la Iduiffit atom tha proper tool# of tt ureaa.oa. said: . • WhV > d Ilk# to know. !» wkitdrt 1 1,A , oper to say Tb« Jury I* oaf tr tf# turv ar* out” . , . . Ib# Brat Issyer rather Ire.trad to h« irt* of th# Jury to *• co! ’"***'' renrt. Other »entl*m«i wera of the op!rIon tto* •»<«• Juror# to *•••»■ tod v ,iu»l capm It:** were r*ferr#'» «<». »»'d tb* plural verb shou d oa em i * But the woo # dispute •#* Midcl If ! • colomt It wver who hsd l #t« n# l to t)c , .11./usslon with abaorblrg interest land contributed to the aum of kenwledgv by «*yt««: “ *Tbv Jury am out,' Is what I alwav* •ays.” Vve o cert rip friend, a In# fellow w# all know, .hat I* noted for ils hus banding o. b.a apeech. He II stalk m o toe club of hi evening, ait him down at tbr table, rcre over the booh* »n.l pa pel B for *c tour or 00. then get up and walk out. th# meanwhl'e not bat ing opened bis mouth. To till Heelings of “gwd (fining" he' 1 simply nod bis boa-t We were dttemsinc '.bis peculiarity last nigh'. Hid it brought cut the foltowing The lai» l' ofeaaor Jowett w<M tte personillcatievi of taclturnrty ml slm iilleity. Duricg bis oonnaefmi whh Bailtol college, the pro'-ssor had errn c’on to vlr- some of the f irm* In tbe North belonftog to the "oles’. Ore of lit* leadics tenants was deputed to tike Him a-m nrt. A long tramp tbev had. 11l tbe course ot which Dr. Jowett uttered not a word, while tho t.irm»r was oo niiirb atrieken with awe io vcn'ure a - (.nark. But. when the wo k was almost n one the pr j>»mr wo.« roure Ito speech. Dooklnq over n t’otie wall to a goodly fl'd c,t »Iv 3 .green, h# abruptly said: "Finn pota toes." Qicm the farmer, “Yot/t tur muts. Nat a word more was spoken, between .hem. Dll rlose for today with a short modern fable after Aesop—quite a long way—but fairly good and In the ObsM-ver'a line. It is the City Editor: “Here we hftje a city editor. He is talking with the foreman. He Is say ing he will have a fttl. paper lu *bs morning. The foreman Is smiling sad ly. Maybe he is thinking Che paper will have a full city editor before morning.” , ......