The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 07, 1898, Image 1

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Tttt a rorrr* RAVUkO* UAL Mi ELECTION DAY IS NOW AT HAND Voters in All But Three States of the Union Will Co to the Polls Tomorrow. Tw#nty-thr®® States to Elect L#gi»latur®s Which in Turn Will Name Senator*. In Mom* of »h® Southern Stetet. Inciud n« Gworfte. Conereomen Will Be Chmen Tomorrow. Wflrt&lMltPft* HfV T #■« Is •**'■ iliit «4 m §mrtptt*m p**m %mi+* V - rswrt #4 OfS(PS •' { W l» iW* sHH Msrtvss *«•* f —|>t yam* !|| Al« tii* fe t Jk f'tUMMNMI- Ofenfglt. fetMfWHl \ 4tl C*7*llS* lUw?*fe Itftli4. ¥l*# Sl» a i a SfMgi Tfffetf**# iPS <? f’YfegfefeMßfe® '#* wMkfM •rill SIISM 1 f*a?Bfriffils ®®fe fengl, JffeisfeMf®. — «ijmnr*lr HirM tyygi Mmt>nT». mrnmuri, Hcrais as V ii.inii S»* m*im KrW Ji nf¥ ff®«* y f il North tSlrHi IN#®®#?* r smi* TtMfH" * of*.. Tmi n*h H‘i«h ifi^i Wftmiam. WfemiMlM »4 W#«t Vtr fc » T|9 |o Hoo leg ilitff will S I®** ... _— __ a ..A> t'm • ifr**snln ♦ rfi >f HUtl ®s»i® o«»sw» '-***** ’ Coloriiß, CanifStti*. Wii v. lefettUkM, K •**•,*» fe>®MlgiMi ts N'rlftt' Sa Ki* N*w Tofl. N‘«*v i4* \w Hiwti.fV. Nrftfc Imk<*ts itotM Cirvlii. HovtS I*mM<h* TtnstaM, Tim Win* nail WynviMe* TM® ntltfl Rff ntisols. 13WS. IHorMs. n®t#»*r®. Min ipift, Moat as* Obte. 1 tft|trl. TtM Sttwatt •«* M Nr» Y oek. t Nf« York, Nov. 7 -NoUrtif to *!«(<! to Jay M tke claim* of pirtl iMupri m Co tM autcum of Net* York Hftlc is l >monr« * election. Thr Hrpuiiix' .t.* nr-rrt that it« rsiirr atat# ticket will be Im!mI, the pluniHjr iiixatf vary la* ail the way (rum H,- 000 to 100. (Mat. * h.l# they PipraurO tit# belief that .be political complexion of tbe <cnsrr»*:ona! de-egatiow will sot change in store than two or three <ll*- etiCta, tbe diet rifle conceded to be doubtful being tbeTblrd, S.xtU and Eighth, to off act <*blrb tbe Republi can* i ri !cr» confidence of being able ot w,citing In Vlie Eleventh and Twelfth dlatrlcta. at preaent repres nt ed by Democrat*. Tbe teglalaturr, tbe Hr lubltcaaa »ay. la *afe In both houses. On tbe ether band the Democra'a say there will be a plurality for tbeir state ticket of from 40.000 to 100,000. that Pem< erata will be elected In all districts now represented by Demo crat*. and in four or five more, mostly In Greater Now York. Senator Mur phy, who la a camkilate for re-eltetlor. sry* the legislature will be Democratic on joint ballot, and la backing bl* opin ion by beta aggregating. It is said, $15,000. The betting generally la about on even terms. The weather foreea*i for election day may lie *ald to be fa vor." Me to polling a full vote and thl* up the state would h» advantageous to the Republican*. The local forecaster tutys: "TutAdas' will open fair, but the wettber. Is likely to be come rloudy, before night, with conditions favorable for rain, more espscally In the Inte rior and western part of the state.” Quiet in Illinois. Chicago, Nov. 7.—The election in Illi nois tomorrow will bring out a pretty full vote, the registration, part e llarly Id Chicago, being large. There Is com paratively little interest In the state ♦lekejs. only minor offices being voted for. Off Year in OVo. Cincinnati, Nov. 7.—This is an off year In Ohio. There are five state tick ets. but only the secretary of state, judge and clerk of the supreme court, r mmisstoner and member of board of public works to be elected. Nebraska Figuring. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 7.—The energy of the camraien managers today was devoted to getting out the vote tomor row. At both the Republican anil fu sion headquarters telegrams of instruc tion were sent to county commlttee- D-en. the Republican managers are going over the poll of tbe state, aod a statement of their findings w 111 be made this evening. Mlnne-r aus Disfranchised. St. Paul, Nov. 5 —With a reg’stmtioa Of fully 25 per cent, below the vote of twe years ago, a full vote tomorrow cannot be expected. Much of this is * A 11*| S«t. Hwpii m a t'«®fefe* * AfiMtSfe’"* lii #«| |# ***** l**is *# tipifeMb I ti* is IS* mmm *<4N«ftt«ttM*ftt I «stt. mMItM tmmHmi as iigfeFMM rfefettogr 11 WlMMMfei of foftWMfS IMICM gfeUfefefe , I |fN pfeTtf Still PSSef SHMMI £% SN*tm DobM m - 1 1 9 *nssitl<BSi of I»nl4 “Oter K* w* i ssssweesk see * , s ***p § tese• Jll a. | *tll |* wlsrfeA tosMffW T %m*s% tfct I liserwi sf* ta fetor es ter feriwi^trtßSt I »tstr t*tlset fit feysHkiit feet I ms* rs f» rtfftfelC SeVfflMif fenfelj I etl'Jf 1 Ife Upssi* fsi* r»(«B Ifetif Hr® Iff ettl feetrt mi the litMli f, tHtl Ike TtM Kft Mo*# Mil* I ffii U kc'.e a. Nov. 7- - Rcpwblica a lt*t* Cta rwa rti*« tad D#a*ocra*ic I Mat# CkalrniMi (largiag Mk* attwag I claim* for tk#4r r**p##tlv» nbtrtato I rial t*tt<l»«k»i*w Of tk# I.Ma.W vwte* *#«p##t#d to b# polled, tk# Rapwbllraa | hmmm * ikat ik.N* for #<>** and mw*4m Swallow llk.oaa Tk# rvaaorratte ckalratap c'a iw* UM** fWr j#«k* tad inwriiWa lll.tW u> pwallnw Conn#.tlcul Rfpakk** K#w H***i. Nov. 7. Taken all la all tk# prokabllHkv pntnt to a g#w#mi Republican vtrtory .a Coni>#cllcat in morrow Trco Silver knell lo Ml»«ojri St. Uan*. Net. T.—Tkoma* Q. At i kiaa. chairman rs tk# atat# Republican lonoUtM. txprea*## tk# opinion that tk# elect 1 in Tuesday will be the death Knell to fiee stiver la Mlanouri. The Republican* will mak* iwcepiag gaioa In tbe atate. Tk# legltlatur# will be very tdoae S. R Cook chairman of the atata Dcmceratlc committee, *aya: Tk# result a* far a* regard# the atate ticket *vlll not t«' materially dlffrreat from ISM. Tbe legltlatur* will be rvmor r.vtlc In both brmchea Bvti»'jr Cockrell will be returned by an ever- ; whelming majority. Michigan In Plngiee’* Control. Deroit, Mich.. Nov. 7.—The Demo crat* are contending agaloct heavy natural odd*, and will b» unable to wre*t the atate government from Pln grre unices tbe disaffection in the gov ernor's own party I* much greater than apparent. Rumor* of tbe determina tion of tfee Republicans to cut Plngree are numerously reported, however. lowa In the H*lance. Denmoltif, la., Nov. 7. —Coraervatlve politician* today plocM the Republ'can "■o'jority for tbe stale ticket of lowa st betw. cn 20.000 and 30.000. Conterv- | alive politician* look for the result to ' be close between the Republicans and l Populists. Fus'onistv t'opeful In Cnlnr~do I Denver. Cc!., Nov. 7.—The Republi can fusicnUta count on 50.000 majotity for the state ticket, and exjrc. t to elect a large majority of the elghtec-. gena .cr* w ; ho will vote for United Senator lo 1901. Walcott • afe In Massachusetts. Boston, Nov. 7. A consvvatlve, ectlcrate places Governor Wolcott’s plurality at from 50,000 to 6J),000. HcKinley to Vote at Canton. Washington, Nov. 7. The presi dent leaves Washington at 7:20 this I evening for Canton, where he will 'vote Tuesday. Delaware in Doubt Wilmington, Del.. Nov. 7, Repub lican State Chairman Brown cialmi the republicans "'ill have 1,100 ma jority in the slate and the legislature will sj>ow„a republican majority. The democratic leaders give no fisu es, but predict that the ent're democratic ticket j.yi!l be elected and democrats controfthe legislature. Roya'ty In Damascus. ■•yrutt, Nov. 7.—The Emperor and Empress of Germany starlet! for Da mascus this morning. MORE PEOPLE READ THE HI PAID AND ITS WANT ADS THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN AUCUSTA, Ilk (Ikt) a «m THE AUGUSTA HERALD. Afllff %N. RUIN AT THE CAPITOb PREVAILS t agri*Jwthh'p I** pi (!• ft»W« I#* l % tlwaM* ksap###' f awgwd Ik **A#w* |a*##g. kMM*wv##> 4maM<4kMi *.***#• NNlwwtikg *k# ggr - * *«,* k* a • * {-■. Nw •*#*.#•*<#l «•« eg# wan a *« t#• tww## amewpsca mnar# pnatMW* wad#* paw*# wvtgtt* tw* i fltw had mad# a** yuwff##*a kav#. tk# Krot* and sratot had left tM# rbam : a a- J#! of q*rtal ft***K twaaty, to a acwrv oniiioi Tk# r ’' ** #. ba tk# read wa# la Ik# aMeskara <*k# •ml ib# atnrag# * ana. «h#r# va'aaM# „ d r#c«#d# at# krid Tk# #vt#at * * thl# I## 1 iom baa am #*actly b##a A»- Tk# rtawtaatloa vwoa*. wk#v# tk# " gas sagwltml m tk# caaHot la asaaa ur#d tkivri tb# big twrit# bluava V* yd####. Thl# .a ’ 1 «fl#d tk# WMMK l alt tal official* that a gaa *t*WM# #*a* ■ .i(K.a» i tote for tb# dataagv. bat t hcv will ant *l*l*. their vt»«a ngrtilf uaiil Ik# officia! tagalrg ta made Vkaai I urnltarr Iraat. •• Colua* Mm. Nov 7 —* A ap*r al tM- . patch from HaailHna Oklo aap* llamt’tna piomotaca fe#va Ja»t caaapl#- 1 t#d tk# aegaa sa la# at a gleg tobacco irant la K#w York. nod ao» agk about to couaummsi* anotb* big comtita# which lavolv## tk# connoltdattoa of almost #v#n> manufactory of arbool iVil:• and fura tar# la tk# l’atf#4 stat#» Tk# chief foctor ta tk# #a* j terrrin# la Thoaia# K Boyd of ladiao apoita Mr. Boyd, who had long rxprrtadca ta lb# arkcol d##k I’n#. ban cnoadotl j to hla friend* that aay day may aow 1 see tb# cousiiaimailOß of tb* 4**l k la naderitootl capital to tb# 4moant of $5.1)00,000 la Involved, end other .veil known Ittil peopl# will flguiM la i tk* fight India, a Demo-rata llope'ul. Irdlanapolia, Nov, 7. Not atari 1572 have the people of the eta - # In un off year voted to auataln th* ad ministration to power In Washington. ' Thl* historical fact t* *ncou*agtng th# ' democrats to tak# hope. Th# repnb- Mcaoa claim to have taken th# most 1 complete poll 'n tb« history of the state. This poll as exhibited at the republican headquarter* Indicate* a republican majority of 22000. The democrat* have not made public their poll. Of the thirteen republican d*- trlcts, four are certain to go r ptibll-i can and four democrat; the other five are In doubt. AH Were D-o vned Price Is'nnd. Ont,, Nov. 7, Chva Rarnrs F cd Whl'e. Hu*h Hooker and two sisters, were drowned ve-terdav , | from a sail boat between Kingsville | and Pelce Is'and. Greek Cabinet R'-*lens. Athena, Nov. 7.—The ciblnet h:a re- ! ! sijrncd, Its members considering tbe | ccptlcnal rircumHlsuecs under which they a.sumed cfflee was expired. McM 'lnn Is Safe. Nashville. Tain., Nov. 7.—The Indi 'otlons ore that the vote la this state will he much smaller than that polled two years ago. The Democratic state •xecutlve couimlttoe claim that Mc- Millan, Democrat, for governor, will be keted by 10,000 majority. The Re publicans are quiet and making no pre dictions, but the indications are that :hero will be a good, deal of work on thoir part at the polls. Wyoming in Doubt. Cheyenne. Nov. 7.—The indications «lint to a close election tomorrow. The Democrats have made the strongest fight fer governor atui members of tin > rcss, nnd their candidate for these i fllces may run ahead of the ticket. Both Democrats and. Republicans claim they Will carry everything. In California. San Franolseo,. - Nor. 7.—Bverytbing la In readiness tor the eleetlon: in Cali fornia. Both fusion end Kepubliean leaders claim th« 7 will win, but th* Republicans seem to be a little more certain. MIH »IA U 4 MAKE THE HILL ATTRACTIVE Tt§ (HP l r t I fe>t 4 it § Ifefit fife *4 %+m i«iN fe» feMRf ■ MS* IMMaMt #M.*#■*«#• eg tg# t#w« fffia mmmnmp* mmwmi , i $* affiffi*^ •#wMg -t*e tpMisMl I*- *# # I #n#g ##, uei fik* SNS* k**4kM sa# ###•%** ##4 m w«*4 ewiggpgN ag aa aMtoaa «l w*#g i• *#<* waan it###* it #*%**.*#<m i agiVmiW l . katswa #a T*;*a- ; t #*g#e*. ta tw t#a##fv#a •!#•>« h# Ha# It la aaata KUtuirl tkaa aay nta## **iw»t #k*ra I er# | -in>r gw #a# Writ 4*wv «#■#**<• wfco Adtgk' tw me# t<#ffii j • >tk sa etwvrvaat #r# *aJ wM*a (M t# vtsM tk# rrit of tk# <Mi a up pafttoa of *WA «aay tw fkwad t« a ntgkelri atat#, wk*#k Sf a HtU# hi##- j ikowgkt aad kwt |ltti# #*##*a# rwulg ke ] a*a4# i# t reat* a 7*tt «tlff»teat imptr** alow, aad at»o» *J»»t tk# •#wuirhr#a,ef ng departed at* fw*t»t w'tk awek pfe fee port a# would k# la kr#pskg with tfcrir uieaign Whit* ataay »• i rr*4 aptwa at* asarked wtlk am k salt aid# m> mortal# a* w# at* able tc rata#. •oa># of tfc#a* at* #nrrou««*d with briars aad »a#d# trhlrh give them aa vlgfctly appMtaaor All owiag to a Hi ll* ikougktleear#*# oa tb# pari of tboa* •ho should rail for tkesa. But there at* ot her umgly a#*7ert#d aaetluoa rtm have an Wttenth h#r* to pall a weed or plaat a flower. for which aom* mean* might h# devtaod to keep theta ia defeat order tk# eoadltlow of ak.rb ' la kttnwa to every on# who frvgut nta the rtrnnuU. Oa Ike aorriwaat eoraer there aow sleeps th# duet of a v#a#r abl# minister of the poopri. who waa well known here by aotne of our okiwt ritltena, but ##*tn* to have lie»P for gotten, as bla -tomb la so sum oattad with briar*, broth and w##d» that wo on# can approach It to read th# in* •erlrtlon oa lha marble slab At. »»eb neglected »poU tend to *##! rrilretlnaa on our people, for generally aptwkiae the condition of a cemciery la a very gm'd lade* of a c imtnuaity la whlrh It la located. There Is aot a mm* mournful •; ectarie on earth than a d#- eerted grave or a neglected and over fpj«a graveyard, tt indicates a waul of taste anrt propriety and absence of affection on the part of the Urine All unsightly tree* should be removed, a# they ar? a nuisance and a danger to *crrottnd'ng monument*, and this aug ro#Mon I* mad* with rrofmtnd resneet for iho#e who may have planted them. SAD!OAT I Of Llttla William Law, of Spartan* burg. Wtl'lam Adrer Law. Jr.. th» little two and a half year nld eon of Mr. and Mr* William Law. of Spartanburg. S. r.. died lait night of m' croup at the hem# of Mrs. William C. Sibley. Mis. Uv and ohlldrcn wire panring through the city and nt.rppcd a few dayn e.lth Mr*. Sibley. While here h r littlo hiry developed croup. : Hla ayrmrlom swere no larnilng that Mr. Law wan- triegraehed for and he —accomrunledt hy the family physician —arrlvid n short time tiefore the l|Ule , one s death. The remain* were tuken this morn ire to Viartanfcurg for burial. To the bereaved parent* tenderent sympathy Is extended. Mis. Law In a slstor-ln-law of Mr*. John Law, formerly Miss Pearl Sibley, of this city. ciwDS AT CAHP. Ht ndreils of People Visited the Camp slte Yesterday. Hundreds of people visited the camp I rite yesterday. The Augusta railway and electric company gave splendid ser vice, and carried out many who spent an hour or so looking over the miltitary cam;-. The Monte fiano line has been exten ded a long ways farther than it was formerly and the trouble of switching cars around lias been done away with j !jy the track Ocrmlnating in a loop, that necessitates no shifting of care. Centr l Rsclflc Trains Delayed. Caerernanta. Nov. 7.—Travel on this Central Paelfki railway waa delayed hours by fire in the snow elude and j tunnel between BuininU and Truekee, ' Fire which broke out In the extensive | railroad sbopn of the Southern Pacific 1 today caused a loss of $200,000. j ALIMONY GRANTED I AIRS. TUTT JtliMH <1 tk# taw* HikM fe*t IMiNfe A %aanka* al s #*## t« t ##■#•• tw tk* fNfefe#feß Ipßfeft Tfe> feilPß INK #*#fe4MNß Bfegfelf ffefefePß •feMNItl Ilfeßß *• life I|kiifa»Tlßf-'' life lINmHNHb feNI Hpfe fewi In mm feMNMMNfeI fm% Ifevfeß ffe#4 f*t»t Rt li|ti> iiiri m o|Nr>„ wife CfeMi b«n| tfi’fe JfiTßßiii't RMfei 4$ feWliiliK Ml Tfefel «*4 feltfei wfkH-fel guilty Rf iMffeifeW* J««M» fe»fc«f pa>mmS *HHt mt lifef* mmt Wa#ka»» ittMwiwe otmms rvtst of Jatlna Have** p*w4 gmihv wf leaf- Ctaty Mvterit# Mil** wNw4 awiltv ksi tsaw Iml <t al tt Anal# M OtHwm I- _ • >, . fuM’ -I Wli. tefur. H ta agfafig #4 and 4#rr**4 by tk# (mart tkat tb# j <wt4 ptwlaiit. Me* Twit h* aad to h##»by alk.w #4 fior p#raMin#at alt wo I tty. in addiim* ta tk# flv* thowswag , dollar* alrrath |>*i4 tw h#r oa •< want ~f Bweb alimony, tk# attm as $4 Yaa. ta >t- paid ta h#r by Jaa H A!#»*nd*r ! aad Jam*# L n#a»ln# >i #t##atar« iat Ik- win of said Wm H Tutt 4#- j rrassd as a#4 forth la tk# v#rdlct as tk# Jary la said #aa# It la ritfth#r consider'd adjudged aad decreed by tk# #aa*i. that tk#v# •kail be and I* b#rhy allowed aa per s tnanent alimony for said minor chll -1 dr*n. riatkertn# aad Marries Tutt. lb# nm of rive thousand dollar* to b# paid as act ont la saw# verdtri. It I* farther consider d. adjudged and decreed, tkat Ike sums allowed for said rhlldren shall he paid to Jaa L Fleming as trust##, who shall bold t he aatwe for tb* us e and trust* a#t ont la said v.tdlet, aad pay the in- I com# to said M#t* Tutt a* tb# eln pro vided It Is further rooaldered. adjudgetl and decreed, that tbe right, title and tnt-reet of aald defendant. Wm. H. Tutt. In aald property and estate in remainder, shall vest In such trustee for said rhlldren, who shall have and hold the same aa act out In th“ same vet diet, and said right, title and In terest In said trustee shall be superior to any right of said defendant. Wm. II Tutt. who la hereby p-rpetually en joined from asserting any claim against the right, title and Interest of salil trustee. It 1* further considered, adjudged and decreed, that the payment of said , turns herein provided may he made 1 wholly or partially In the property of said estate at valuation as may be agreed on between the said executors . or trustees under the will of the said | Wm H. Tutt and the said Meta Tutt, las to her Inleiest, and the trustee herein named or his successors, as to the Interest of said children. It Is further coniderod, adjudged sud decreed, that as to any matter in said verdict not herein embraced, the said verdict be and the same is hereby made in the Judgment and decree of the amount, and that said defendant, Wm. Hi Tutt, pay the court costs. Io Judge Walton’s court today the following letters of dismissal were granted: To John Vaughan, administrator on the estate of Morris Conway. To Catherine Blount, administratrix on the estate of Patrick Blount. To Ida B. Levy, administratrix on the estate of I. C. Levy. To P. M. Mulhertn, guardian of! John P Mahoney, Mary Mahoney and I Lixzie Mahoney. Leave was g: anted W. N. White to sell real estate belonging to the estate of Newton D. White. I-eave to sell real estate belonging to tbe estate of Mary A. Cosnahan was granted Walter H. Lynch, admin lstraior., Leave to sell stock belonging to the estate of Margaret Stroble was gran ted to D. G. Fogarty, administrator. OFF F R GEORGIA. The Lexington Troops Begin to Come Th/a Way Today. Lexington, Ky., Nov. 7.—Major Gen- ; «rel Wilson and staff left today fiJr Ma son. Tit# soaond Missouri goes to Al- i bany, Ota., the 160th Indiaana to Co lumbus. G» . Wednesday, the Bth Mas- ; saohuaett# to Amerleus, Ga., Thursday. ! the 12tb New York to Amertcus, On,, j and the 3d Kentuck to Columbus. Oa.. . Friday. The other five regiments leave next week. j MO t Ml AS* A »» AS fefefeitiA% S*i% t p, fifefe A NE6RO SNOT ONE OF THE WHITE SENTINELS Stirring Scenes Were Enacted at an Early Hour in Wilmington Yesterday Morning. Grave Threats Ar« Openly Mad® By Many Negro** to Kill Whit® M®n and Us® Torch. EvffiryboOy It on tha Qui Viv* For th® R»«u>t of th® Election In th® T«r H#*i Stftt* Tomorrow. Wlimuta l K 0 * |feat-, t - fern• •MflNEt«*vi fe n—nf tntf? • #*tjr in t'fni yShsu so dstf tiiho %mtmm ife \ § nmmn*m %**%R t%m *m ! tNS® ®IMRMk Ml fe®p III® SSuNfSII rm sM»ffi ®t UM® mmn fs'idifelld® Mmt 1 j “Writawnea t wde* Ana*. TIMII tfe® > Im4fi of |MMM4Na® ft/® that* mt* Mmm rn rnwt+mn* Mr tM® ltd fMI iM Wfeunfhit l#*«N< Ml* font<y ®«®4 life Mt*l fvauftts, tlwrol mum*** ti «hntlfetMi if life Hfft tfetrrii In fe* j rftlltlaiw MfeNfnl bf li iff—„ dllMS* mtt iMiif*Y(||if tM® fMftfett with Win* ? • tkrwtrf® mm i«*r4 4ml. Ase «MU® : RIHI Ml Wrf> fed 4 <lfe r*|y irt sfevt ! lo rwpfeWl It Ms MfeWM I® s in arm# for the pna- fv-n mt Ilf* and Grave Threat*. n#a«# tkieai* at* openly mad# t<* tM® idl iw® lo hilt stilt# n®s MfeS if sc lM# i«rrH twftor® nwwnln* ThM sett u» lottfltid Ms NWS |W|. «(*!(strife My Ife, ifeitu ik'iftl ci fed4® hy iirtf«®t to life | Fir®t Mhi u»« night. An ini#silfS‘ (fen My TM® Mtdir's < >rr®nr»nn4sfet fflmss IMt tM® tffeihl® last iighi wtf sfsn-4 by dtettt If who at# s whit® mart whit® M® sa m rt®t>- pint from th# Mfwot ewr #• rest# borne H* carrH a Wtn<-h#eter wrap ped up Ml paper Tbe P.«ram> asked him if h# w#» a red shirt. H« t<-td them that k# wa# aad Uw n#gr««« be sin sfoitys at totfn and ptstnls tttfi dm# n to> tTMHI> 00 iM®fe TM® * Mil® tvfeft n fttn waa n**t l ®*l 4 A ftf#ri< r*sr inftdurtf® r®f»#lfesivl®4 tM® n#gn®» for striking ht* car wtlk rw-fe. Th®y turnrd upon him and holh M® •nd (M® m»*fm mas wrrmrty rs<'*p®d a®r|oy® It! jut) I Hl® of th® Mfrnri* WM® anmirid ami li was this nh » h muM th® n)oh to author fully fed fftronv. Th®y 4»*msmU-d thr r®l®*»a® of th® n®ttro. who was rh»rit®4 wltlt Ihronlnir MR. WILLIF BOWE. Narrowly Escapes Injuries From a Runaway Horse. Mr. Willi* Howe narrnvly c»'‘*t'*"l | ■ tw-ing s#«lmi»ly Injured by a runaway hcrae yesterday. Mr*. J. W. Thorne and her little | j daughter. Mis* Natalie Thorne, were 1 , driving dow n Bnuiil street, when their | i horse became frightened and ran aw ay. | I| n h.r effort* lo heck him the rein i j broke and the horse had full headway. Seine the predicament of the ladle* Mr. Bow# rushed to their asaitance. | and. In his endeavor* to check the; horse. It# was thrown under th • bus- J Ly. Fortunately, other bystander* i ni«hed to his assistance, unit the h> r«e ; w»s stopped and lie extrleutert b -f.-re j |mi staining any Injuries, save a . •»’ | bruise*. Walt ng For Results. i The men Who signed the papers: -brought hen* by rsptaln Trlppc-stat ing that they wished to be must-red: nut, are anxiously awaiting repotts aa j to what action the authorities will take-j In the matter. j Captain Trlppe sent the papers "IT at once and then proceed <1 to Savannah to sec how the men Mt there. In all j probability the men will not know whether they are to he mustered out or If they are to go into < ~mp until the captain returns to thin city. They are all hoping, however, to near in the near future. Bryan’s Military Lockjaw. St Louis, Nov. 7.—C01. Wm. J. Rry ! an of the Third Nebraska volunteers. ! passed through St. Louis from Savan nah on his way home. In response to a request for an Interview, Mr. Bryan said: Don’t ask me to discuss Un political situation. Don’t intimate an inquiry as to prevailing conditions In the army. Why? Because I have mil itary lockjaw.” Ju ge W. t. Jones Dead. Atlanta; Oa., Nov. 7.— Judge W. T. Jones, of Albany, a representative in the house, succumbed to an attack of pneumonia, and breathed his last, last night. The remains will be taken to Albany this morning. Miss Emma Cates Is at White, Pond. S C where she bos accepted a posi tion as teacher In the Academy at that p!»c«. Mrs "Toe Nowall, of Debruce. Ga., diefl this morning of malarial fever. Algt.-r is to Glume, May the war prob •rs« .. •«»# ®i ANtrrta titan amo m vinca HANK •fefes# *♦# #*» * ♦ - * fwsloii gM fenawicid a pm si ®®» tfe fwdfe I feawMsv. MlNfe aMM fee# Cfefff >»tM® ffevto oim» $-» 9> it 4jv* *> f fi* ! #tffMfe rtMlfe . (Bithl fed few*** 4fei®s#P> I® #fe» tM* ®t ruts | fedcmml. ffe mt «M» »m®*i , <NrfSAfed *M® tM® fttonfeifei #4 WffelMfei ' fecit sNstit t .ti • Ms,, wfelfe fed *a# mm • 1>»«4 4u»y *t tM® SfeMd®® *d wMl'i'M MW r®-«k*i* f'lfeNl# ■ TM®®® »®truss Move «ws («» tig mp I#IM Mum mm mm «f tMr mi Mrsfe TM® Mill t*®»M ®fe®rt ** hid sea N® MiMt »dfrfe4 fed® * fifenMr I tMMMfe lict dsrisit |« tM® tMr®dtsMpMfe| ■ ttndtuos# gnd sM®t® Mag only °fe mmm is tn® Mows®. insfeMdl aH c*feitfe «!•»• tw anfnsfisd VMtlt 4®y Atoci®* art# r-ddC IgstoAl d ftaisfef 'of Mfkussd ind In «H#fSl in* idisrtMl ? ffittfedfed* iffi t»rfe»a Horsed MdtPM N®« rail from tstimfe at tM® *lf#fe irsis a nufelwr of tim®* tofedy. IM. tk |hi stNtrvrofvi u noitiNr sf thrrsts Msvm I tMAfift rntdt fn sltfetf KrifffSl ®i nfewtdfffe ? rwaMt TM® fd®t »• that r*ry ntdMy iifghtfe, ! l ev# i<nycstt®>| th® ®tr®®t rsr# i®r*fel tM® mndfelor* will not ®di®dfe to I •%«»m®fi lM® asm® erwartrsfea IM th**m off and on IM# few anfe iiMtol|Bg thdtvt wl :M humft®® that they do to women fttiftine Ha® It that an attempt wtft h> made Hy iMe nrgrufe l®f«r* mtinilng to tail a »#ffe ft* d®|»tity sHertff from tM® « ut*ty jalt Hl* name Is Kd Hnant ami H® was |. M k* 1 ut on Maturday In defkult <4 Mi M«t®« and rncti for assault In* a »fn**t rar '’Dfkiwritsr with a pistol. TH® frioiir a isa rommlttatf several afo, before Hryant waa •«*: •» ” t from deputy sheriff aenrle® TM « t were «l®i mal® today to kill tv»ndti«- tnr Pur* *. whom Bryant »•Faulted. TH® difficulty life ween lirvant and Furrh aa# on decouMt ot Br>»nl*l r#* flips) to nurttndrir a tran*f®t and *»- a®rtion that h® would rffea to Ml* t!®Jfe iinatimi a Met her or no. It wa* purely a piece of a taring negro insolence. TO HER KE-ST. I.lttle Theresa Briwncr Phmi Awiy In m Life. Much sympathy Is extent led to Mr. i and Mr*. B. M Brawner on the ilioth which occurred yesterday as their IP. us >.-yenr-cld daughter, Tluresa. The It*. :le on* wan only s’ek far a few i!iy* , with acute laryngitis, and her death ia a i,ad blow to the devoted parents. The funeral occurred th!a morning from th” residues, So. 932 MrXfnno 1 street. Congressman W. H. Fleming. Tomorrow Ik another election day in j Richmond county and the balance of I the mate. i It la a ooncrreeaional election. I Hon. W. If. Fleming Ik the candidate 'for the tenth rnngressianl district. He bits no ut>|.< hltlon. unleal mmebody «p --1 pears ut the leventh hour, which ia far from probable. .Mi Fleming will again be elected to | congress, and, while there In no con* ' teat. It Ik hoped ihe many friends of ! the candidate will go to the poll* and give him a mourns vole, showing what | kind of vote the tenth dln»rtct can pile up for old democracy. Mr. Fleming luih demonutrated hla worth In the i( tigt -aalonal halls and the people want to m .• him represent them another term, which he. no doubt, w'llt do In a worthy way. Turn out tomorrow and put tn a bal* lot for Hon. \V. H. Fleming. INIEHESTING lIEMS. The architect of hip own fortune nev* or I Iren of planning extensions. It's a poor rule that won't work both ways, hut It’s a poorer one that won’t work at all. A woman selects a husband by her self, but she takes three other women with her to help pick out a hat. Hindu young men are turning to Ja pan for Instruction In science. Ba' u Hama Kanta Ilai, of Sylhet, who wants to be a mining engineer, has led t hi. way. One difference between the peace ,1c bllee at Chicago and that at Philadel phia Is that the latter city had its wa ter carnival on th - program and the former did not 8-ain Jones says he finds that the devil Is jus; before him in every city that he visits. The erase among pub-' lie entertainers fur sensational advance agents has about reached Its Uinlt. ritft kdriHi m t«® *®k Ap*>- afegfe frifesa] t . t II • •♦*. ffeuiilj m » % m 1