The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 07, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MOWDAY 4 THE tUCUSTI HEH4LO is -, «. «*.-•** • **•««• *.*•* thaft# «. ■•i-hwmi §*•*• ) —■ OH"' '—»«*•»>" aa as W* ii *sfi g f #w***, * MM, «* *•»* W*h ***• I ! * c~u£\ ttt RAI t* ft* ft** Hi-' l * ***■ VOM tIU. fWO W* HK **^ * rr " i *£* £££*■* ~-ft «M* CMMIMMM 1 "STo-wr*-* *« ft# O ' M fJ2r2L i »• #•• T- *•** *“ I >flf , amt tMt k iiw*> ****** mt rn>r •»* reOraMl* •** *■**” • f *~ ** TO ADVRintSeK*. | i • wmmHH *• *** *•*' aetsd'** aftftft***- Mi **•■*••"* ***' J**,., ri TW HeftM m 4 •**• **t £^sera tnUrarMod* ZZ - StlttM ky mt * HM»» S EACH DAY ES mE HEBALD OHOIV i wtTmvfitksi MZtl iBC Mw go L x ili gift •!• *T lA ft't'ig ft; IC 3) l4dl*| HLHALII SODVtiNIRft. An,one presenting nt Tk# Herald Office tbs Souvenir Coupon which Is prtntsd below will receive a neat lit- He kouvealr Button Free. If you wkntone apply early. Mall orders will be filled w hen accompanied by stamps to pay postage. FREE LHSTRIfUmON SOUVENIR COUPONS 1 This Coupon, presented at The Herald Office, will b# e»- t hanged lor a nent and hand- j some Herald Souvenir Button. The distribution Is limited and will last only a few day# i Tomorrow tell* the tnle. Teddy. Ijoul* <le Rougemont seem* to be * combination Cruaoe-Muuehsusen. Now give Hobson a chance to deliver the Colon and Vtxcava to Port Roynl dock. The Circus Mnxlmu* wasn’t In tt with Augusta yesterday. There were five of 'em ta town or passing through The Macon Telegraph ha* a welt developed case of Haryeyphobla.— Sparta luhnmellte. Add THlmsn and Altgeld, snd make • trinity for it* spleen. The level of water In a half hogs head urns kept at (ha same mark yes terday by four elephauta drinking therefrom, although a 3-tnrto ttoxxlo was continually replenishing It. Victors Again: “The taws of the Episcopal church regarding marriage will not be changed.” "Who Is respon sible for that?" "The men behind the eancjs."—- Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Augusta lawyer* can't run the ball gall over the country lawyers of -.he of retd: when it comes to electing Judges. The country lawyers heat them in the legislature every time.— Albany Herald. • Ob. Mr. VanDebbe! ” exclaimed Mrs. Cumrox, "What is It?" Inquired the artle: "Would you tnlcd telling me whether this pletutv Is Inipref-sioniKtic <»r whether it hasn’t been finished.' Exchange. *#M» **s mAwb* mmmi wmmm *•#■***• . I hi MlP*% Mm M'WMiiifc I* ifMiiwi w#*# || Mfc *# j I ftM##*# HM Mb# #MMlpi# (M* •a* l *' #• I mAI I f§ |» i—ff Hrf*"“ f dp* fiMMNI i 4mm| dPRdd dkd sinmm mmm# wmmw I tfeMMI dMMft «f ###« f fMMMMft tft ■ «|mi jmm* ft# IBM» t«*MI [ smrnmm Ml #*.»»«> did Mm j IMm §mk dgi!* wdid #f d# >•••» i II mat ft# W 4 fti# MMdi tUftir %rnmm. «mM§ j •+*-**« fll MMMBM §*#4# M# M* »<—hwt 1 j «ddMMd mt/m nMdi Ml Id fond !MM Md MdWPIMMW MMMddl Mfc# *d . if jn imm Mai gNddd #i4*#p*§ mbmm vMn *M«d Ms Md (N* dgd fld<M <d [Kd MdT 'a Hid pMM* m idi • ! mHMI Hi M did Ml Md pIMMMMMi MMM Ml f#M# d Md Md MMMm rid d A tMMf MMpMdMiM MM*df d MMH MdMMMdt AMd mi Md «MMMd M* MM* imh i tMd MM M«PM Midi «#4 MhmmMMl dr. i MM I— MM ill MTillMi «di MdMMMMMdi itd tut f- I MMMdM HhM |i la •ad dt Mi (Mm MMdMi mnmrami mm 4 •Md , «Mils Ma Md MMm «di (%id aMM h* »<woh> * *»# dtMdfld i idML Im Md 4dff MaMMd d lid tMd d: |iii>m»» WWI MMI **• .•#•••* •• If aH«d Tlpad Mid MaMd" M* Md Maud fMMM . pallia amM Mi id aaMidi mmmmm MMfIMMi fallndt Md*ad Md MMMMiM Mi A Add 1 lAdddA amauf iMh <'%Mdd «m«m W» M*» M fWMaWiM* #•■<•*>"4 dtAdIMM AAxi •aala#dAA aid <r*«d *d ppHaaiid Ml CTMImm MAdd *' Maha A . AMMMddt a Mama I* ilmm *a#AMiwiiM*idl M» CMMMmML rtAMd. OAfdAAf, dMdii dl Jamaa Maya «d H%#d Ad Ail vAid IV AAitf IMAM dfMi* •**? Id itad pMMditiild MmMml «d Mi *d riti trip dr •m Id lid dftf id Mm f*» imp Ml Mat id MdaMPMi * dAatad ’ *<mi , cMmI id Add!iMm fMMBMd «dA Idio TM« Mill Ml Ms (ddiAMo »AdM •** : pari Ml Id dAd •* Alt ftMd Td fAdd oi p»-«lwa!i«a It 1 |IOWM *ll MM IM NMWrr. MMI Ml Ik* torrlm idkri Hi— M '•>• kikkwr MkKkikra imMlmimm kill kt oirwfYowo* m n*r or tot or Ik Ik ko* an taro ifc* Mat* wiwwiir HkM laprorr H. Thr Imt liar lots aoraao to m*4 aikwliln «* ko*a‘i to* •»# ik pr«—arr akd rtiklaa ikflnraro of »«> aM axaf akplr M AII*»T H*raM rtwniMMi rum «> jukifi'ar h* artl a frloa4, a fry bt.ckr and la c*rcala tmptrtM rtrkijr •idol fumi A u#rwlao dortor* *#»lbM ik* tHMun of «S*rta« tttftr to Ik* i Ikltjr. la kl* «r*tim*nt k* took tk* «mni>4 that It ora* m ImuN. or a *ooMlonln« of ooißi*l*D<» to arMHiai*. la our knit* i rlkpfrh*fl*lr»n. In dll* »«****'lon* to Alauaho (koi Tk* laanr ln*i*o**« of tk* ' Braor or Ik* *n*k*rt** of prajr*r wm* nimpir rrmarkabl* roinrlil*o»'*» that oa* all itoa* kalf koor or no afl*r tk* dlMtuiaitlan of tk* ronuc mart. Ik* foUnwln* telntram of Satur day last to ibt rhlla4*tphla ilm*a waa DOtrd: lb* body of Bug* n* Walikuau ataadlnc rtaldly own. In obotM four f**t of qulrkaaod. waa found to a awamp a war Boat llobron. Potter ooun ty, lam rvralag. t’kio* to tin remain* waa dtaror*r*d a rloa*ly wrllion not* whii h th* unforlunat* man had a*rlb blwt whit* rlrikina to hit death. It read: «•! am aioklnc and alarvlnjt. 1 can not (M any water I rnnaot yell any more. and I am now going to pray, for my mid la near. “ Huppoelng. for th* aak* of th* query alon*. «« (kid forbid that our young friend abould not be apared for maturer year* and dearer conc*titlon—auppea- Ing that In the place of the unfortunate KuH*ut Welihnun In far-nwny Penn aylvauln, aurb a death aboulil. perforce be chronicled about him? Would the condition* be changed? Would the lilt of paper find n reiteration of hi* **n tlment and statement of yenterday thereon. Or would it hare the same cry, the •arae Invoking of divine mercy and mireor, when pant all earthly aid? “Rafferty," aald Mr. Oolan. "what'* tlti in primary color* 01 hear me dau'thrr Ann tellln' of since *he tuck to study tag 1 art?” “Will!," wan the answer. “Judgin’ he all the primaries Ol wnr iver to. Oi should say they wor black and blue."— Washington Post. TOMORROW IN NORTH CAROLINA. Prom all accounts tomorrow Is a day fraught, with far reaching and momen tous ctmecquenrea In the Old North State. (loaded almost beyond endur ance by the maladministration and misrule of the negroes, the white peo ple propose to redeem their state at. the polls. All other questions, when compared with possible negro domination, sink into Insignificance. “The Anglo-Saxon rare cannot and will not sufter th* negro to rule The orisM may prate to their heart'* con tstit about this dogged determination, but their theories avail nothing " The white people of the south are going In rule and control this sect.on, «~* an fk» «*i»kk> •** •MBpakwtk* ' |tn#«iMii Mm fWMi M Mi mm MhiAKimM |4M MNt MMpm * *Am mmmmA «# Iv* ahka Miami Mmmm f m «nMMMiA AMMip MMI Ml 1 ttw Am# AmM AAMMMf fV# t-mt MmmMM I ■ m«Ai ama Mama Ml am* Mmam# m! 1 9%m. %,mmm AMRMMIiAI' mm AMAA* AHMMPMm M# 4 *4m* IMMMVAAMM AMA i'VtMHii »t*'MM Ml iimiNmMi fMHMMAMM m V MAMAi* AH ******* : [Am laamAbAAAA* iMAMMiMAm AMA Mm i MMHmiM Mh* «HAAMNMMm» A* HIM I MMAi Ms Mm amM i%m amma mmm am 4K ■ (AMI MAM AAm MMIt MAMMA * *o** MAm ! I •AM#**m» Mmaaam I tv mam Mm M «tm MiiMi mmm„ Mlm AMmAmA mmA mmwM f m “ I*"Ama i MMI (AMM-.* Am mAmammmA '"‘AVmMM MAMMA (KpA Ml MAMMA • I ~ Y«mi mt ' AAm rni4, Am** I AAm AAmAmA |MmM AM VANm, j ' FW lAMM Ml fim AMMMmMMm av« Maamma imm«AmM Hm AAmm 4 lAttItAMMA AinIVMM | f f*ITOHI: or I VINJIk _ . I Mm’* imi »ttm Amt tA* mammami p»am» I Urn n»»»m* a*»A Am *4*m*«i# *A Amwini timMATt mM» ammi tit «mij |tV MM MNhp fMfA imtltilA M(M mm j Tim r*VMi «m*M m ***** Mam* »M | Tim mm ptm* Am AmArnmi . Am A INNW |w<|w t . 5 Tim' Mc*c *NHHmA *mA *Mtn*tA *4M*9 t«#m •»» MHkiy tv* I Ttm *1 lA* mv«l militi* tA tlm i vvf m Aifiiii <»«m*Wm •mir'A. •Wat* and kw**« »•<* *k» kwnw akwwj [in Kvw Trtrk beuikt Hi.*** > Tk* kw of the Th»»»ww wtH fitanMi *«gr*rt Hitw»« *W* iWt j Tw*wi* **c*u IndW* waa Ik* r*e*f 1 [fur >l*w Ya«k‘* rnmw>' y**t**dwy. mttl will kutMnlt fc*r 4taku<* wltfc A*- ‘ ■<*»iik* •» •* a»wdr«» »rw»»»tfl*. j Th*r* as* for IhouawM *aa*a of small r»» la tk* rlm-mtiy at H,dgum. Cuba, i j Yesterday'* trolley oar mortality In] j for New Turk's new morgue yesterday | ! A n*w cure of , <,n»umpitow kt flilra go t* < aaatng mui-h cunnusai Ha a*fk at *lrcl*a. # Th* laisst advices fur Honolulu »t*te j that typh i i la prevalent iw*» «’tr, I troops. j The wind-up I* on In N*w York, and :lMdh aide* arc leaguing, blustering and lie! ting. Th* army Investigating committee ; I will soon go to Cuba and possibly Por to Kb-o. | Order* have been Issued to have a portion of the troops In Cuba within • tan d*vs. | Nearly every street car Hue In CTib-a , go was tied un for several hours on • ftstuiday. i The augur trust announces that It has ! secured control of the Hawaiian raw sugar output. | The Brlttsh fleet flying off Hong has tieen Instructed to send off no mall by French boat*. The newly formed Federal Steel company I* trying to form an alliance with other itrel Interests, Kaiser Wilhelm haa nailed for Bey rout. Syria, the station of Augusta'a late lamented Torn (llbaon. The Joint Ttoflk' Pont ha* been wound up, obeying the recent mandate of the t’nlted States supreme court. The International troop* have occu pied the garrison at Crete, upon the evacuation of the Turku. It Is thought that there Is to he a con,'cried movement of the Chinese troops tn the vicinity of Pekin. The republicans have placarded New York state with promise* to pay teW lor ouch bribery offence detected. The Russian minister of education ha* forbidden the wearing of corsets by female students under hts Jurisdic tion. A shoemaker was found drowned In New York yesterday with five bank books, showing peposlts of S3.MS. on hts body. The forty-seventh New York regi ment, although widely scattered, will vole eight companies in Porto Rico to morrow . The Madrid Impartial says that henceforth “America will only rount as the moat numerous and opulent of hordes.” Senator Platt, it Is salt!. Is doing his utmost to Influence the President *nd to have Captain Carter's probable sen tence mitigated. Oleneral Graham, who tv** to bare assumed command in Augusta, refuses to discuss the subject of hts removal from the corps command. TBB AXTOTJBTjk. HKRAI.D nu: cm&cfeN i.h a (tom TOWN Aft VMM Ml i'AMMOA»Af tMfiwM * **«*-”* A I*A AT Aft fftVA MAMA dAmM MmMA A* *M | hhAmA tAm Am* MAh*- YVpi.iiiiiHMt Miiii*»ni» f § MV* ANM AM*T AMMA Mill «MA» MiAft ImMA IMAM MMMKMMlAftftMA*ft : # hum* A A I MftMftA rtA AmvA M*l ; MAAi* **ft *A* A* ! MMAMNA «MMM*A MpM IlftA ViiMMA MA- K VllftMffM HMMMA. MV V MAN' Aahnh I (AM AAA AAAMMMMMN # *AMMMNAiiI AM* Aft I imt Vwwftri fftftAM >MB' AM* ® Am *Am Vhmpmm mm* aha aam* ■ mAm *ft#'<M|A*M mm AAAftMsftftM mmmmm | I (Mft AMMMM I AMftftA Ml ftMHftMAftft* AA [ titftf Ml MAft mAMMAAMPI *ftMftN>A mhAo# I »fNAAft Aft# AAMNAMPMV ftAftMP *PM MpMiM ft j imp % #ft Wrp*% ft teiftv *ft4 IftftA Aft Mi V n AMS «aftft hmm M *<«* Aft* ft 6 I'Aft # IfM IMA it iMf mm,, i MAA Alt AftftAi Aft* I * * A«AI AMI Aft* , HI ftftl•*-*#*ft SffrdFKtSf?! I I Aft*# ftA-lft ApMft MlMßftft Aft MMI •** [ 1 >mimM ft .ftft Ift*ftp* MAMfti AVa- ft** ill ftp i j#* ft* ft mrnmm AAftftft *am A ftftftAi Mi mourn Mfcft Am* aa ftMA** I amAVA II m fttNPMMi. i «|Afir Ms AM , nAVft Ama. *A» I miO mm* tm piiftliAlAt aatA amm4 mm* aaA ItAMM lAftftA ftfMAAM AAMftlf [ lltftf Ms Mi|| Aft* vlt •jmm* Mi <V» mMV*, a Ama *Aft wfftftA AaimM AMp *4t HMAfft. «1«A f I lift ftNM’k. **®Pft*ft l|ftft fftftA **i lAnai ;«n Hr —k- , I 'Among lb* atrikgevs at th* rf*k. I venter da y were qalt* a kttkiker of tk* ‘ i|fvprh** and ttyb-T qffofea * * -mar— leg i w*ftk it* ctrra* A kab that attrnc- ’ ItM ni**MsnU* aiMfkttok. wywitllt I wketi seen *Ms by Aide was ok* of' I tk* mktgit*. poaaiHF lonf fcigh,, [and tk* (teal of tk# afco*. «**r ***k« ! |#ift< (Alt. TA# CMAtfAftt INftft ftiSAl#* aAa! fttAflltßg. TA# l#tt#i i#4U €lo#l ! reminded on- us the rik*lk» of *k* i dramsti, wrttw of Tk* Pluakrlli* Bugle • W* staled.' *kM tk* crlttr. "that ; th* gekt now ptaylng Othello at tk* upara bona# to hi# band* bang ! bang around Ilk* a couple al mlnla- j [tara ham# He called oa us raster day la regard ifcereto. With lb* aa* ; slaUtnc* of Ike preastnaa aad the aho maker who uccnple# lb* room ad-1 Joining Tk# Bugle o*ce. ws ejected j him but aot until be had landed oa us with a band that showed lb* use of. tk* word miniature to have been a' serious mistake." j poled la on# of the news Items of j I The Herald the otha* day the follow -! lug: "Nostalgia sad a peculiar Intoxl-i taut are causing moat of tba illßeaa among our soldlsra at Manila A doaen years ago the fact that aostat gla homesickness waa th* cause of an ( ; I'lnes* regularly accepted l»y the doe- ] inra. would have liaised a laugh. Among aoldtera, too- Adult mule* yet we read so much of It In the ctnfw :y * trill it til vhgkqj cmfwyp etaolnninm I ] Among soldier*, too. Adult mules suffering from homesicknes* ’ And yet we rwd so much of It tn the medical report*, there must be something In It. I remember a* though It were but yesterday, the duy or rather the night that l wa* sent away to school. The horror of It Is with me yet In more mature ye»rs never have ! suf fered as with the anguish of niind of that first night away from home, and, aa I thought, friends. And that night's) mental excitement and wor rlrnent produced physical effects that really required the setVlces of a phys ician. So I. for one. ran understand It. In recounting this never **to be forgotten experience with a medical friend, he said: "Take Hypochondra. for in stance. When a nnih Is sick he Is sick, be the cause depression of spirits or a torpid liver. It itied to be a pre valent idea that a hypochondriac was wrfectly well and that all he needed was a little dertaton. Nothing was further from the truth. One may easily die of hypochondria Just as one may easily die of nastolgia or home sickness. both being distinctly mala dies that originate In the mind. Now adays they are scientifically treated, just like any other disease." A Sure Sign of Croup. ( Hoarseness In a child that I* subject to croup Is a sure Indication of the ap proach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is given us soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will pre vent the attack. Mnnv mothers Who have croupy children always keep this remedy at hand and find that tt saves them much trouble and worry. It can always be depended uydn and Is pleas ant to take For sale by Alexander prug and 9aed Co., C?.Tt. Parr of Bell Towet Prug Co. . ■_ The Spanish peace commissioners have flatly refused t n surrender nil of the Philippines and the commission has adjourned until tomorrow. btu ami #k ftw » ft kg* ll k iftfti the* •* -tie wMtwf w ft 4 4.. . * *'ft* tee ftteteft'ft# tw* swat emasd*** «• bet fl*v tat**- ike ratlft her heart'#*# akd dwtare* [that tk« dirts* fdUMioa knew* k* <wa sMevatioa km Itself, aad therefor* rtywm of Ik* adtorilow* Me* woo as 'ttiey fight—to wvstitah*. to akktkltst* [gll that Hi oppoaed to thrik TO be 1 toted by a woman should he tk* eery nf tk* gods aad yet from a bta, k 1 smith to a greatdswt me* loft tyw tt m their dae sad are ant th* laaurt «ar- ! prised wlb a they acquire It. A pi* f \ ; now going uo represent* a knight of ilka bellows awed armed, naconth. aa traveled, rugged of nature aad bar* of mtad. falling ta love with and nmvry lag aa accomplished adrenturcs* who had foaad other rkiims ta two con tinent* .Hhc undertook her pt>a knowing that she could him and tkal hts rude van tty would tktav -1 rept. ft* altogether prevent, any thought as to bow tt could be possible : for her to car* anything for him. grossly her Inferior In everything *t- K e*pt morals, and perhaps In that The [ tuaaruilne spectator* of the play laugh [at thla absurdity and call it fustian. ; ga It ta, but It I* the fustian that op ] erata* very liberally and auccessfuily I in life. No man rare* to calculate why a 1 woman loves him, and he would be n ' rilfflan If he did. But n sensible man | would Ilk# to know that other people I think it pulte natural that she should. , However, this Is getting away from . our young friend. Shall he give up the woman of hi* choke on account of her obstinacy, and live down his af fection for her? If It be a man's love ’ and not a boy'a. he may place hi* life apart from It, and find some return in Increased devotion to those of his home, although It Is not probable be could entirely escape the bitter con aeiouanesa that because of them he had to forego hts heart's desire. Hut In no event ha* the relinquishment of real love any equivalent compensa tion. It leaves a blank, a fearful blank, and although a man may persevere In shaping his life successfully and love on in unregarded silence and unknown sadness, jvt he can never attain to the fulfillment of existence possible only to thou* who happily love. IxjYe. how ever. can bring as much misery aa Joy. especially if it Is too dearly bought, curtailing if it does not destroy the opportunities of a successful career, which flee from the presence of united poverty. Ottr young friend is not alone In hi* sorry plight. In the vast struggle of poverty and love such unit* merge.— Nashville Banner. HIGH LIGHTS. If a man does nothing he does worse than nothing. A great many social barriers are crossed in love. If you would enjoy much scatter much enjoyment. A man’s best capital Is hts Industry —ls he can sett It. If a cat has nine lives a fiddle should have more strings. If there Is any luck in a horseshoe it must be hard luck. A woman always thinks a man ought to Join some church. If a man. Is satisfied with himself he finds others disappointing. There are no breakers ahead of the man ntio Is always broke. THIS IS IT kwßkkwd talk *f AM »»k*d •MM Mb* FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS IND ALPINES. ALL SHADES $3.00 Jutt Am vt»<j. DORRS Talk****. Hau. Furtmhmf*. Cut umber and Aimond Crtam Yfc# mmm M tfft»ft* lr< ttZjkZna, tan.#s- Coughs and Coids trgtftftm t##M I# «M##tftii#f m* m- m* t#«ft ftftftfft mmmii U»r *# »#H «<«#i mti4 S#f fftlflft CKftLiM** If# ft *. Ot gnu! Tooth With M«k#« ft#ft*3i*f«ii Tf#h ftf»4 ft (Nlft«< liHMlille iH»f 2ft» T olfe oft UM Uml Mi ll* city. Hot Chocolate Wiih Whipped Cream. And a raubdsU' i-sc# to •*. ju, H. I*4 Bnnk* sad tea Creak Mo. Ttcasts U ter fcx— in aw#. To Our Patron*. Th* Bead IVrvMsrnt baring rase rriaovsd so m oar slot*. lirrmUe* wy vkoie mu* unit si tsnlk* wilt M (Iran l» th* I're wriptieu and Drug Si*, kn tk* rkoVrcst and |niiut I'luMkKroika* end Che. nksli ara Ukllxl bi-rr *<*>• bat thla ciars *f Brega entar tk* Pr«*crtptK>na aent ■at by us. Our prtass at* laosoiiabl*. I‘st roaa can new dvpamt •* mV pse ,tHial serric*. e. C. lit asax. AlfiaiJtr Dri[ Cupir m BROAD BT. PATROISTIZE -The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 21 2 and 2I 4 Bth Street A MAN WITH A LARGE HEART ■ —ii *v Who will give you big values for your money. Beat I’nlaunilered Shirts at 50c BOe Suspender* at 25c Atl Wool Undershirts or Drawers ..Me Good Umbrellas at TSc Woolen snd other Socks from 10c to 25c Suits, Trousers and Overcoats at rea sonable prices. F. O MERTINS, Tailor and Gents’ Furnisher, opposite Planters Hotel. Money to Loan REAL ESTATE. ATPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. If a woman only knew her husband as well before marriage as she does after the chances Are that she would marry some other fellow. The fellow who shakes the tret:' does not always get the most fruit. NOVEMBER T CUiftN YOtkMMASS I tyw# #IM# Ldu d (Mftt Bu«AMt>itp dt 1 0 **h* mfm fans fuff <ipdniriff ft*(MW •twt mettl <yf AM A fuia I iw.ol a » U Ifftka# Iftft |*ffft* Itsgglgli jdtPft I. 1. Cardfile. Oruggltt. TOOTH HVIiftHHS. | Ptßy* thq < #,obf*lpd ft. H. W. Efifi »h Tt«lf' #ru*ffi Atfkft twit, m«k* gcwiMt •wefty pea ttvkl |h§ bfigllft ptlk out, 11. GardellA Druggist. I kpap th# fipt# and mo*t pi(#Piivc Ofttifk and Mnlir nop In#l itfl B* fuf* nigiwd of any drutf(«( iff th# wofid, and fffy prict* gs« fftodthitd. L. 1. Gardelle. Druggist. fie iimtt Herald gifitiL Brifkiot aii tlf B;il hV.!fW ti Tin Srttia the yuftN or the r oeld TV 111 I F. IT If FEW# 13 Tf> Ik RO( Ed AHEAD Oft OTHER fiE*' K'fttA ASO SOLTH CABffUftN'A raKu «r| TWAI fill (MINCE TOff »AWI. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN. 20!* 71k St., A«C«sH. fiE BJVffS C NEE EYff TEAT* to si! delects -a Sight, grind* is. sneer #!*•«** wed WAk- BASrtw Ike**- Lease* rat into year foe— while you walk FREE OF CHARGE. —UKDEB THI S COAL and WOOD —FROM THE North Anpusta Coal A Supply Co Vuadtiiy sod Wasllty tiusrsnterd. F- W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’l'boße tint btrowgsr 3tk Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Richarfls & Shaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMJdlfceiON MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds St—Telephone I 1 nvrtt Listen W ires Buret to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Order* executed over crur wires fov Cotton, Stocks, Bonds. Grain and Pro. virions for cosh or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of Augusts, or Mercantile Agencies. _