The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 07, 1898, Image 5

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MONDAY Ai w# mutt, isi mi cnwi*** « «*■*»••*• * ****** AAAMA t«M> 111 AKAAAA, hhS MPA' Georgia Railroad Bank AtIOUiTA, i'|i tot tJTMJI jA* #top# IMII#4AP(tlli •••••• | - m *** -■»% * 1 iNNtoto f „ ’ j&F flft a .ihaAmMImMA »4RM#rtp## #6|i!(M#j# , f |MopAoft 4n*w##sMK,,, iMPtoP t# •■All’* f.«M» **~. y*M I r«* Mil Wto# tort to# * DR. HKNRY J. GODIN. K>r»mht lp*<Ai*l. M* Ixm I ff* NM 11WWIM Hu r. CMA> MXJCTY tkWi fevnff* HM ha " AH**** %>'>! t i«#*4#f iii to«t 2 mm*** * P*, ft A «* #kMTi|f ft Plf ##** T vs«*4»? A PHRIIIPP PNP M*l4 tart toNMMMNI «** to lUtoi «rs • H A T£*llhrr* of ' rb« iu»* cttm rnrmr that inn I* ! •Mt to ill mi of irruM. at Wilmas- ! ion N. C eiaxt Tuesday. to prolan th. ' ralaa and pmtt iki to go to tft* ; poll* and <ast thru vole* *» nttami* j If trtlN ta am i*hv* Ha nf»aataatSos. anh a nffibendtip of l.fiA, aiil eodv- j ttia laaMlAnl ta avary aotrtharu ! Plata, will n-rormbev Ihr orraatoa. and atil im* It a* a a.apoa la tha n«o- j patsa of l*** l "Wa. with oar atmhar*. atatam and brother*. aku an AaN tha pr d'fi' ■ cf clllMH, and * ho hat a distinguished I ourselves *a elttgao* honor-n* and tv- •■ >ra< tins tha ft if. pit ad that .jere ahall b* Immediate aailoa to Ihla roafar Wa ( al»» appeal for tha prar‘~r ~r of tha Widow Hakar. oho loat har husband in tha rrvaot riot In Utt ritp. A. C. "MRH. KANNIE MOWS. Pratt. "MRS. JOSIK SMITH. Aar’tp." . Tha Btna Crm •oolrty hit kapt j rloaa tratrh of avanta In tha southern stall. part lan la rly rs North Carolina, and tha tn-rrher* ara convinced that Mood will ba shed tin I ana tha preeldent tends troop* to Wllmlnatoai on aim lon day. Tha society la rnmpoaad of two branch** —aha Indnatrial and tha In- i t writ tonal *«*oclaitoß*. J. Edward Lewis. tha president of lha Inlarnalion ■l aaaorlatlon. laid yesterday that h* believed mnaldaralloat would ba given to tha 1 attar of lha society, at It wa* a vary Influential nrg*nl*»Mon. and that tha negroes of tha south. having barn trmtal clftxenMilp. h*d tha right to exereiaa tha privilege of voting. YOU TRY IT. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption j Cura, which la told for tha »mal! price , of 26 eta.. 50 cts and 11.00. doat not cure -aka tha bottle bark and wa will refund the money. Sold for over flftv yaara on thin guarantee Price 25 eta and 50 Ct*. Sold by—Hetailera. T. A. Buxton, A»darton‘a Dras Store. Alexander * | Drug Store. West l'.nd Pharmacy. The , Xing Pharmacy; Wholesaler*. Davtn port & Phuilty. John Wanamaker appears to be edging up to where he can thake the p’umtree himself. ! fW ! > %® ® FANS o $ We have Just Received a 5| v Choice Selection of «6» Rich Fine Fans EXCLUSIVE A g DESIGNS J g Win. Scliwei[Brt & Co., g A Jewelers. Ittc ac 4t*u\irt> * nnutti t Vtw Awl Mm 1 -add Yarns ‘kad tft t J tr R Ml f 1«> «tf| RpNN Ip mi*#* *# *%• *• j fltfWlN* Ml MMP4 • MPMf «f (h*NRMI A r •* • • ■i m ftp# id 4#<# t«y MfP • •«■#■'•■■■ # gwl-v. •" -'dAi fp f.ffft# s| 9NMi -njipfi, +***mm •! pniNff R#4l PP* Iplp P## 9|M PMPMfMp pf iPfMp" |*a .k,t ihmf Pp«# J|l J>m "l| rip H **'M IMllrf Ip Ilf I mgm pimml#p pf fpfmlMK •* It M | iffmnito |p IP# pm i.Pi<p. pjMI \#*p K»t | IppP pip!## TlmM# f O%*M t##p If* I<9 I pp ip# fpffp# pf ip# ftNvr*.P#rn firp- I #r» #ti4 Ml 9ff#Hf tp#|f p-ftppi, fi-ppPlpp gpYf p pcpplppl ppl ipp| IP ftif fft f paPMI .* gf*« 0 f t p» rfP#f ilptrrrT Ift CiUMr i trtrfilff. you wfll p#i • r #pt pnoto yrpr - | tppi fPptmrCkPP 111 fiiMlilPto MMi#f , f Rpp *tr>p MOpldt PCMPINty #**€ pt ppf •« ] vlrptfprpl folirp# iq4 IpPNnMI of I»»• *iM hi ppf ppl ifiprf f« t (M iPfltfMf' ] IkPI. ftM CM ftifi) Ip pPf foil ft* 1 t#fift#» p|)r| Pop 14 p f ppf bopfd ’ ftrtMl? vwllpi mp 4 pbppt M P P*°olP fnf * tip Ilf!*# MIP fOV flitpPt «rppt If fOP 414 nr»l #f**p4 tlf f I fOP * pnnl4 Ppf# |#Pt ila* opr* Ip Crime . hprk bum pi ill fijp " vex no nmtiv’ton. I Off IP th# t#fTNf of #f ! fopftp Wrtllliri tßntttv 1 1 • opt http# M «my scnnliifif in 4 fr«pk(|tt#ntlr fPtpl. t*M* 1 lohft i'tm|h #n4 CitfifumpiM Cfn 'srti HR# mtfk Ip rpp# of Croup It 1 ho# PftMr#r li#fP Pp«*pp to f#M Tb* 1 morpl rp»i# rriirvM imm« k 4tpt#tf frkd +\ rtt., IP 41 *n4 fI.PP. Ha*J4 •»> —4io* t#U#iP. T. A. Buikn. AiHirrMPp’p Dm# j4tf»n>, jUAttnltr'i iHus Hl-tit, VI «**t KP4 Wwinppry. Th* KU»# Pharmpry; WhftirMlerft. l>M%rni*orl 41 rhlnlmy. 00V. AD tMS’ RAILROAD PASS. ft* Had an I m ounter With Rex raue Stamp* and Waa Worsted. "Ow Adame' arqualntanre with the rondnetora cn the Rio Grande rail road aavnd him from paying far* or j walking Into Denver the other day from Sadalis." uid a fellow paaaanger. Ha had mitered a roach at tha atation and wha« tha eon duet or eama along : prodriead lha pan ha rarrta* all the j time. a*jr* the Denver Timet. •* ’You do not have to attach revenue | stamp* lo railroad paaima.' vanturrd | tha collector of fare*. •• -I know that,' retorted the chief executive of tht ataie. 'What make* you tuggeat that I have attar hod .stamp* to my paa«?* “ -Became you have done ao,' replied the conductor. “'I guesa not,' answered the gov ernor. 'I know better than that.' ! “ Then look here. Who ha* had your paeaT* and with thl* atatemonl ' the conductor handed It back to the l governor. “The face of the pa»* wa* covered 1 wllb revenue stamp* They were •ticking to It. having been attached by the riampnrae gathered In a aweaty pocket hook. ” The cigar* are on me.’ jocularly aeaerted the chief executive, as he looked at the pasteboard. " 'lt's all right, anyway.' *»!d the conductor, ‘ because l know you and know that this la your pas* and have lt« number. Were you a stranger, however. I eoutd not accept It.’ "Hl* excellency expressed gratlflca itlon at the accommodating train em ploye and promised himself that he would soak the stamps off the face of the pass when he reached his home. ’ From New Zealand, Reefton, New Zealand, No. 23, 1396. I am very pleased to state that since I took the agency of Chamberlain's medicines, the sale has been very large, more especially of the Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold more of this ! particular remedy than all other makes for the previous five years. As to Its efficacy, I have been informed by scores of persons of the good results they have received from It, and know Its value from the use of it in my own house hold. It is so pleasant to take that xve have to place the bottle beyond the reach of the children. E. J. Scantlebury. For sale by Alexander Drug-and Seed Co., O. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug CO. Roosevelt has contracted the habit of slipping his bridle too frequently, and Platt is accordingly having an unlimited amount of worry. TJf jj >UOtJW> HICIIALO. OONE MUCH FOR THE NEGRO i FvmMhh Ilf ft £#mi ttftft f*§i <#i4 lb Ml 1m fteta Mr* PyuMMM ftk'#fe (ba* . I|W wl m«*i f IMMHIMM <M*4 M» iitift \ m MmMM* Aft |fc» • |#w A Ml #* * '«5 manrMl Mi # ifMiMM Mi iffe* iff f# » I*4*l# i# • «Mft Ml IM# to 1 M Mt' #1 MIMMIMtoftoUMM MMi (R'AWlif | *«•#•* 49'M81 fMf M top l #** MMI •#■# ilMNft* toto * toptoHto * *<#* >♦ , « **mt4 m Mr - I mm* m to toto utoto MMlna# A ir#k »•< \ ## ftft# M##amt%C ft*Mf # 9a4| ton W*4il #4 If« M MNrt Mft# *m »f«*f# M# #%## iMNMMftr fflfWi*# #4 fMjr •Bps#, »JMa I ##t #yAt ##f 1# I VMMWM#4 tIHI «# f«t#r «M# «4lk <!«(« fNM Nf •»!#' INMPtoi ttf ftp# MMMrMrfMP I Imat# rib * fr»4 1 9t#f*AiiM9t# tram in** ftijMiAM j ##•#*•• #4 III* AINU *M ; i>A|ft#f# • - #tf (RIAC I ’*< ftl4ftNh#4 I f : #«t l IM# n«mlarr #f r*iiui M •»#• 11*4 m «4M#r <4 IM to##* i #rw>#«ii •#» #•€#. I ln#i III* M»* j «"14#4 ft# mifiy ddlovml i*h*» jr#f I mi# i #4|r»##iily taffrtiM atM## I f«#t**4 up iM# Mm «n 4 l##m#4 Out mm ihnMl* Immiii Hit Um» #p4 «Ma 4 iM# jtAtil toßuti Mii«rf a»Mn *» tiny iHilt* l#4 #itanmMi M*lf • 4<*lt#r# Mon iKftftA tolf oF IM##*- to«— #r» #*#• 1 |4<tff4 in U»# ifAdittvy tdrfMinmmi #n f |9to nr# to nrIMM aim 4 IM# imitlßf 1 lipdftrtm^n?. ** Of Olt to# |>tnr#n AM r**pr###«- t#vi## rotor#4 mm IM# M##t nr# tM# fourt##n nppft4ntm«oi> to f«ir#l|in •##■ |mt« of opr #«nt# 4#f»nrtm#fii.' #nt4 tM# • 14ft# •«» *n# Mr Mnn4#4 o##r thin Hot I Hoyt I— ton toy U#trnoc4lnniy n#»4 I4int#t*r PtotftifNXintlnrT. Wlltlm f» i f*»Ar#ll, of Nr# J#m#y; nnlnr> K».*4 m Ttiomtft. W##t In4l#o- Vonoyl, Vlahlon VaR Horn#, of Rhwl«* l#lni»4 {j _ Anunrlo®’—4T<»iiml, John N Rumn. of Ton f»%«#»#* ;*. f 1,54#* l*n llorMotln—Ooanto, (loom# H. Jn<4s* I Ann, of Coctnootlrut; turn*. Hnatl-Cwakt M. w. Git>b*. of Atkan*a». 12. H, ' Cape Hallten -Cooaut. D. W. IJvtng *l, nr. of Florida; It .AAA. I viadtv, *to> k. Raaal* Onasml. rtt.-h --ard T. Oleener. of New T'Wk. 12.51. I IJbaria—Mlnltter resident tnd con sul gflftaral, Owen L W. 6>nHs, of Nurtli Carolina; 54.000 Dtbartw— Becretary of legation Janie* R. Spurgeon, of Kentucky. 11.5000. Hb rra la-one—Conaul, John T. W’il llam*. <rt North Carolina; *1.500. Hanto Domlngie—Congul, Campbell l». Maxwell, of Ohio; 52.000. The war department I* paying thOj annual amount of 52,010,065.50 to the colored regular* and volunteer* now In service. These comprise fifteen regl rnenf* with 13.6*4 enlisted men. com manded by 261 officer*. Altogether the administration I* em ploying In the government service 14.- 536 colored person* at an annual out lay of *3,556.041.50. Criticism and Condemnation. Fo W indeed among mortal* have a right to criticise men who can learn only from direct persont! experience. The vast, majority of us arc built that way. But when men who have vol untarily undertaken heavy reeponsi bilitle* are either unahled or disin clined to acquire Information even at, first hand, when they go on repeating the same mistakes or committing the same crimes month after month, then It Is not criticism but final con demnation that they deserve. While the war with Spain was in progress and Immediately after the close of ac tive hostilities, there were at least the shadows of some poor excuses for the inadequate equipment of our trans ports. Haste was necessary, or It may have been considered honestly neces sary, and the consequences of lack of Improper food and medicines for sol diers afloat had not been Impressed upon the minds of the department offi cials for many years. But what pal liation is there now for similar neg lect and Ignorance? By what seems to have been a mere accident, and by what was certainly the doing of an other official’s work, Oeneral Wood last Wednesday discovered that the transport Port Victor was on the point of leaving Santiago for New York, la den with sick soldiers for whose needs scarcely any provision had been made. He instantly remedied the criminal oversight, so no harm result ed, but somebody ought to be court martialed for it just the same, says The New York Times. Are loosed tongue chaplains the only officers whose misdeed the administration will notice? iu ttftf. muu* W—- #1 In • *» bn# Man. I #i» • sMpm# n f mm «*4 I *##*m#. •**• UkA* #*♦ s*3a*6B*ggt [ *-* ******** *n*4t * Ma a **«• VMM**- - 5 IH 5* • ##f #»#*#• MA A* *4 n#e »#♦■»< 14 f V MAAbi MftAA Jr #Mr . ta# Bala ftYile* •*# sm*lf 5* a | bal M |*w $m M I iHaft -Itmm I 5H m ml a«*4 amir. ; ****** w* am bam. ail a* 1 k alia. **4 M m all I*l# la |pa ramaad I ma* »-• -•* | *wwgk l» I* a aatiuisl aw*R*4aa i RIVAL AHOffV f# »1 MW# tt# C#«ftA«‘l HM# iCM* Htff Nr to to M*f4H Ml I mAf *Tsfi f#Hf <mM l#»#A»*t# ' t#af#M#4 «M# tovftr #•»• ill# ttotwH Fka* t*rr«a *-f have «a* rtgM aa** I that ftaM* a Imi a*«i**t* <m •!*• i latrt) lt*» fm *w of tbe oat I* lag | t.<w»*kit«* aa4 Ift* *e yl* iftat* ara P**t aa iwrft *ilrt*>i ** w if • HpaaMt any aaa ad * aa. lag v*n* iftaa*. "A youag fallow tank hi* girt la a I ftarr n p «ah . 65* aaa aa aaoaer oa | tfte ground tftaa 1* *wml ifea 1 p»* vllvg# of her *a* and tallied upon a bated rival of her aarort Tft# latirr had too aiarfti tft* *plrff of a mi la naatruaari ark ir«arb*nn lacratt tittle Ha aftaalatell deritaed to *atag her. gaearb Iter thlr*t altb pink In ntaft. art np Ibe gingerbread or bold hoc band. Wbra the mirllle* were over be crawled Win ht* buggy, dtamn •olnte and alone, leaving bee and lb* baled rival 40 devise aay* and mean* lo get fter home. They »urreeded In scaring up ■ farmer a rig. bol neither rouid raise the one dollar tarll he laa pooad for It* uae gfte arttletk the mai ler by having lb# price charged lo pap. But ‘pap* hb ked like a mule la a hailstorm and aaya he'll be eternally banged If be ll aland for tha turnout. So be ba* hired a country lawyer and brought null to rec iter the price from the original aultor, who, vow* ih* farmer, wa* morarly and b-grrly hound fur to fetch the girl home after he took her.* 'Tm for the defense, and haven't Ik* •lightest doubt that we will eventual ly get a decision from the supreme eburt •* to lh* nature and extent of i picnic obligations." Blare your order at once and avoid rusb. Goods cheaper than ever. K. J. 1 Henry A Go., popular priced tailor*. 216 and 3M Campbell street, A DAMUEROUS JOKE. Explode a D> namlle Cracker tinder a Corpulent Man’* Chair. Henry J. Scbllrker. so report* tho Chicago Evening Post, weigh* 260 pounds, and Is not a coworker of Jim Hill. Jr., In the board of trade man's untl-g*mbllng crusade, and therefore seen no rea*on why an attempt wan ■node to blow him up. The corpulent Mr. Hchllcker I* a bar tier and presides over a chair In the saloon of Frank X. Myers, at 278 Ijtr rabee strert. Trade wa* dull in hla line, and Sthllrker ensconced himself In an armchair to read the morning paper. He had Ju&t finished reading an ac count of the status of the "Hill dyna miting case” when he fell asleep to 1 dream further Impossible develop, ment* In connection with the Hill epi sode, v/hen there was a deafening re port and Sehlieker felt himself rising several feet, into the air, When he came down hi* weighty form missed the chair and he landed heavily on the floor. Schllcker imagined he was mortally wounded and set up a lusty yelling for a doctor. Dr. Otto was called In to at tend him, but after carefully examin ing the extensive surface of the bar ber's anatomy he pronounced hint aa whole, as when he fell asleep. Schllck er still believed an attempt had been made to assassinate him, and reported the matter to Ideut. Smith, of the rabcc street police- r teflon. An Inves tigation disclosed the fact that ScfiHck er’s experience was the result of a practical Joke on the part of a num ber of his friends, who had set off a powerful dynamite cracker under his chair. New Maple. New Orleans and Geor gia Syrup* received at Lamkin & Co.'*. When a man tells W» wife she Is beautiful to help her out of the slough of despond, she grow* vain end ot once makes for « high priced millinery store. TOM COBB HID TB BEST I tMtfMftt M O&toif cm iftiHi l I M|A %4MMMM» MtoMMtoMl Mto l4Mf MMi mm* m#imn# to# HMto v ■■■ toto ilto tototo | |,i. #NftAN#M#HM-4M4 4a# M#♦ g »-# *4 ffp# rjfiiftMM# MMI ■>"<> (toMM* Mto #*#>— Ml f%# MAMM4M# #4 to# IN4MM 4##f *#4 N> ' Mlt4M##4 tt* - ogiMMiMiMl W MM# M#f##Ni * - #44 I'liMft 'i ##4 toto tot Wli 4$ 4» =:AA#ft# <M#f M### Mt • l» #MIM» t (Ml fto#4M|#-:. «M§ Ml * tototoX #ft»4 to litoM m mm mrnmmm %*• Mi to## 4#fM4 If#### M#4 Mtoto#f#4 M tof# b «f |#tol«l# Ml ft MM 4# . mmM tof# M##M#toft#A «t (MM# Mtoi# MM #4* om*m to • to#to tV fpwpii—iito *M#« top##*f ftoto ilto - 4#fto Ma Ma# tmmmm #m mm# pf *Mp MANtototo »fpf PAPM M#M# 9*4 PAft to ttoto# mm# •« #4 m««m ftottoil# m%# #p#m . I# MAP(I#M#4 t%# 4#fffe##MfM pf PM# AM tort! <4 fPMtoto# A# Ilto fMMPHrt tNffPM toMM to# ; | «!ft##APM# fMMfNft* to# fPftoto# |pft MM# I Mrtl#4* MArt tt 944*4 4 4##fwf p#»#toMt<M Ml «M# |ffs* Ilto rp«M#< MM# totoM# NtoM Ms Mto ftottlPMtoto to»#Pf% U l|. Ktlto* r ft Hilt A to#** NPMPIt j j A NArtkPMMM w fl mm iMt L RfPrt pf AitMMto,. 9*4 to*###A W II ft pm XI ftiti »ip» to##Tl# 9.. I#. f’Aaa*#*’ MM Mrt T w IM, Pf Atlrn IM Tmf Itotoff wtor *4 Km*m IM# NMrvftl rtoPrl. Mrt M# Ito rMlrt to## IlftAfttll (Vrtrtft MAirtM## pf to# 4# iM»fd. iiriipfd fofVtH Hurt Mmppllmm j M tl## IM Pf *A# tortH slips Mp"M ! h a wreath of new Three waa not a 4r? «f# la tip Itfft ####maWj4P# ai A##* fit# pfiAPit. TM# ffidtf roaiMltf pf tor# Jrtii w ttrvimhv Mr* 6 C. Ilewadtet. Fros t*, ii, Hefly. and fret C. M 61 rw haa sang a wen By the hymn. Asleep •n after which Mr Really of feevd a prater, Then the choir snag. • l#ad. Kindly Mcht." and the benedic tion ara* pronounced The goral tribute* were perfectly eg qulslle. and the aew made grate wa* ns* moun tof flower* The tribute of ibr Chi Bill fraternity wa* lovely ('amp Welfcer. fa Bed Confederate Vet eran* of Atlanta, sent a m«i Iteautlful j offering The law eiaaa of the I'alrer slty of Georgia had a moat exquisite offer’ng It sea* a sad and lmprea*tve sight. and deeply touched all present. SICK til ADACMLS. I The rurae *.f overwm-ked womankind *re quickly and surely cured by Karl * ' Clover K«ol Tea. the greui blood purl- | tier and ilssue builder Money refund ed If not satisfactory. Price 35 cl* »nd ,t* Hold by Itelaller*. T. A. Bux- I ir*n. Anderson’* Drug Hiore, Alexand er’* l*rug Hiore, Went Knd Pharmacy, i The King Pharmacy; Wholesaler*.Duv lenport * Pblnlay. Christian Science aa Appl’cd to a Dog. England, being much older that ihn ! I’oiled Ht»tea. would naturally he fur- 1 1 her advanced than we are. both In 1 right and along direction*. It la not Riirpalslng lo learn therefore that En glish Christ lan Helen! Ist* carry their lieilefa and practice* to length* from which their American compeer p thoiigh the latter do not hesitate at homicide any more than the British Scientists do would recoil with a good Imitation of horror. For here, say* The New York Time*, though wo are not afraid of many things, we are afraid of ridicule, and will often restrain even our folly If that 1* the only escape from derision. Ibtr cous ins are more courageous. The lx>n don Chronicle says that in that large city these creatures now apply whst they call treatment to the lower ani mal*. aa well as to men and women. Homebody whom The Cbronlele cau tiously describes as W'iarty well known in the world of society and art has a little dog. and an eminent profeasoress of Christian Science Ip at present, earning dnlly and portly fees by treating the animal for St. Vitus’ dance. Well, why not? The malady Is a nervous one, and If anything alive Is well supplied with faith, it is the average dog. Why. he will believe that blaek Is red, white and blue, If his master or mlstrees tells him so; he will pay persistent abuse with un alterable affection, and he will even consent to regard the occasional dry crust and the Infrequent bare hone as his proper food, If suggestions to that effect are made to him by people in whom he has confidence. In this particular instance, unfortunately, ca nine faith has failed to work. Though told most solemnly that he is all right, the dog under treatment con tinues to dance in honor of St. Vitus, and no tendency towards a state of quietude has manifested itself. Mortal thoughts," possibly about rat* many little dogs have a weakness for rata continue to Intrude In the patient’* mind, and It. is rumored that, the lady well known In the world of society and art is beginning to pinch very hard the dturaal guinea before handing It. over to the healer who doesn’t heal. It's a Snap. W« tit tik iMink Aid tVuihi in many kmim imm# 1 Kgy ts% tc# l#An» M «i tly ;FwaUii Vici SlAm# Tlwa ma titNf 14uk#fti SrtRM MA Uif, «MtM !k*t<W. Com Tom #*rt Hmaw# Ton. StAAt 2 10 A* llbaj *n4 njm» w*4ihft, TKry vouM #<lm# At SJLSQ. * Scam apc worth $4.00. Will hell CtviiFC lot AI 11.4*. On iht (tnift YftaM l* IM to toC##. Tito Itort ttol#4 frtMMt# MT# MftrtM4M#rt M# fW*9&** W# 9t* •MtAftMto pgsaartHi 1 tk» wsato* M*kf p*»- #kaM* #AnslM 4##«4 ptoMM M# rtMto"#’ * ''"-A| IM# Ma * M#ll 111 to#M##* **4 to### ilrMtif#* ' *9* MCrt MA mm If 4* *•#. #?*?j»irr AUMt#f <4 A h#t A(r gfoAB #f# in fr»M# Ontoinr **i*Um fniMA## j nr# u*irt TM#? n»u#t not b# o*#p «( (If tM#? nr#. «M#r# mm* M# • §**4 fill* i Inc in of krtttn «n«l wnnwr# not too j muN h annnur# » to aNmh nln# iifb« |of tM# M tellnr# r##a!t* MM#r*- j pm iM# punt# tn»M M# If iM#? »r# far from to# sbun. TM# flllin* of iM# j frame* with plant* Bead »ot b# dal , until k BK>olk or so before freefing ( weather 1* expected Thl* will ft* - suffix'l* ai lime for the plania ta ffei giHid root hold before the winter net* In The plant* most have all the air poMitde at ilmea after betas plan ud i especially la the early dar* of winter!. It due* art *n»aer to *timn late to grawib much till toward* j •prlag. aa, If they ar»- urged to grow | I Lm : >^ Vn»« ft* C OPV I I### SHOES THAT ABE KNOWN! HB Everything that is sty lish, artistic and com fortable, combined with the best of workman ship will be found in Hanan & Sons Shoes. CASHIN, GOULEY & VAUGHAN, 808 Broad Street. AGENTS FOR HANAN & SON. ftOVKMfkffl 7 (•ad «**ag ).«<** *rv at*da R M ' | Wt i 4,ffw *n in prwtal Hwao Itw njwry to tvwaiaff tha iVwtrt dwM mat like mark best st ah* lime. h»K cvvvoiiMt tM#M» to #«##mMmm#cm mm#m #tiff *3)% € •-*. i# in ct#Mttto#M# 4m* a ftseffft Mtonf | ftfft ftig# IBM# V#CMI MM9 MA cs ii## #»n#»m #4A#n##n. Ca#mN9T tt HAT tft ftM l Om A inirt *44 t f«r *" (T44# ; #,m4 i~ftn>#M<mi | t#m m#*4 tt»f**M€to th* ««h#|ft| f#hf Itotf # r*Mt#V •*#» f*f#i m**ttfl#rrnMt# «''n#to 4 l(K«tni## f on* | nmm»t|ir n nn4 f*4#%#4 nmnt i*» #4% •#»#* r 4 ftittr# If fm nr# #*•< «#tt#M#4 MUM ri** i# . to <ia #m It •# *~*4 Mr j . HHtiMf*. T A. Nuttnt. %n4ftr«M*l Irrtm rtt *nr#. At#nnMrt#v • IH#O • W##! ICvnl ri»n mi <7 TV Ktnc Fbar ,sxr>; Retailer* Ptl.«*s*l A Ph»l* 1 .gs. ______ Amertcap troops will be seat to Cw» ‘ tm ~n time, and If (ha dilatory d<«*»# do an* rowri trouble I bey will aat out l of the Island 1 noon a* poaathla. - Ruckle n'a Arnica Salva. THE BRUT ffAI.Vr m tile world f"» Tuts Rrutse*. Hon. t’tcern. Halt Itheum. Fever Bores Tetter, chapped Hand*, chilblains. Con. and all Hkla Eruptions and positively rare* Piles, ar ao pay required It la guaranteed Is give perfect *a'l start 100 or moar- re funded Price 25 'eat* per ho*. FOR !saDE BY HOWARD A Wll. LET BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS will find our as’lmates lor lumber, shingle*, lath*, door*, saakand blind* lo be beyond vompatittoa at all tlma*. quallt > included. I at I cry and Saw mil equipped with latest improvement*, and organlxa* tlon thorough In every crpartmanl. Price*. Catalogue*. Etc., upon appli cation Periiis MaßßfaclDriEi Company, AUGUSTA, GA., Known from Maine to California as the BEST that material and good workmanship can pro duce. AS FOR STYLE MEM II PRESSING A BOSOM FRIEND *i,d doiiiu it in up-to-date style is an *rt Whan the bot-uin friend is your shirt front, xv, can press it in lirut-ciasi! style. Hand work under the best superintendence, ami by the very I e»t method*, i* what xv, claim—and what we do. Our Shine, Collar* send »luffs are given that do mretlc finish »u prized by refined men. Shirt*, 10c. Collars, 2c. Cuffs, 4c. Hulse's Steam Laundry, —314 Jackson Street- Opposite Opera House. ffMF-Roth 'Phones,