The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 07, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 MOWS*? COAL COAL-COAL %%|.i trfct AH : •;#‘’';i" .'". ... -apifwn* —mm m iMBHiM iiiiiwiii^inii«riMr~T-**‘ l *‘-' , '- , ‘' Z* A*h Jim fMt RI«T t.HACJI* of H*tr* Qgifti J#ft*ftft OCS A t • i _ ftp— ftftfc—— Hmp*" l ' §4O CITY ICE COMPANY. a irntj* v a ftAMt nt a tTcjtim fmi f»t| #*4 Am -ftli* —t— m* 4 —ft#——* 04*00* 44944^4440-■ .*k ft—•* wtl * * *- ft* • H— —l« It »t*#t t*4 •**••#» H»l* . —ftftftasegi isiINMI I# st—ls— hh ** l ** «%***• #s•*——» eseei* •*“* til** Mat #mmm* i* -• H« ,» .* ~ .• •# •• .♦ •> t* * 490 * ti<A IM« fs*l ** *. ** *. ** VlL f * ‘ l—f |« |.f ttmmpm faN **to* to to 14 m« to N 4 ***** •• to '•* 4IUI ft It **• t~«f «•**• • 8.. *»• •'*• • Wsr>«*u. *•• toto* O O f*» ft t§. ttoto It t irw*>» B B. ** »*•• • H.N. Mt It Mt ft It ’• It t»*T OOrtftf £>•*« •»**» J»#u tM »» I*l* tniti't'it* l « «fii«f »« Q(*m**t|y 11 h if ni** • • * a>di.M«tb flf I K »>*»ti»f .. * t** . Bhim • M OnMtUK. M N H K . . » I*l Jaf« f> Kim H M „M»M4M •• I *•• M* r KMC. B '•»!. K c ..It* •POOL •II.K C»riM*n< h» re* •• cm—.*- • . * Oct—tii it yto t» as*--*. r* cm ® • I.SACHIKO* •Miß»iiwhw ft*fl .. *• •••• * •* ' 3 WKKIAK rmn Cf IK* •—M. m »*#••• . .. « »•* •toll *f tM •—». *•* MM .. .. • J*C rat—. 14 —l .. .# .1 .. *• ** * ■•t OttM. *•* * 3 I Alp'** Soto. 4-4 .. .. .. *« *• •• Frtto «f It* W*M .. .. - •• •« 1 JB<> P. Kin# I • • « MlrttCt .. * *-« JMM>. P KtM 4-4 A A ikNIWI ♦ »-* 1 <ns4aW 44 .. .. •• •• •• ; M p K'as M-Mrt (Marpi .. .. « »-* Ja« P KMC » ‘Mt • C CM Infant • * I ‘* 3** P K'nC » Met K* « Inland •• *** Jto. P BMC M lent IffM* •• * l- ‘ PRINT* Amefte#* atlfftCff 41*41,. .. .. * I*4 Mmlmtrk ahlrttc** 14*44 ... * **C riatM Otot 4r»f atf'M 14**4 J I*l Wlititr.4'"* o*l* IhMtl .. .. .* •• • AM na (hurt) * * * P mr*‘*> * •-* CtwalM .. .. * real** «penl ratine. |>*t C«* «> Am*r!«an lttdi« . tluac 4**44 .. .. * l-l Ktai.r f.tta (M'llfl 4**4* . .-* Arn at .ran lt>rti*» nlua* *t*4l .. .. 4 iPlrmalluMl Id*ct* 44 *44 .. ♦ Allan a t-RrCM*** ***** * Alien * La lon*» 44*44 } Ind « Mu* ’ *•* India Mu* ***** 4 XXißCiarl * 44*4* •• * tlartha W«*tMCI" B *— .. •• * »•* ('.•r**r* r»c»*ut« *4*44 Chertar o*ta. »**" •• •• •* •* * »*■ j TICKS. IMiltpaint .. * y* Amiaktil A C A •• •* J® * * AmorkCM* O .• •• *• •• •• •• •• " Rtcipr. city PLAID HOkIKSPUNC. cay Min* • * J'* Pout link « >o<l M mi h 4 1-4 Lodi ihlril.t** b**&4 t * *"* Lodi die** *tyln* »4*4» 1 »-4 pt Clair drea* atyla* .. .. .. .. « Omn 3 3 ‘ 4 | Martic \V»*hin«*"»i f**i> •< •• 3 3-4 m >llacatl*iiaoua brand*. Mftl ucidht .. .. •••• jualt* * yard* Pl*'n 3 '•* Ttotmllk* B J 3-4 Harrttla* •' •' ’ 1 ‘ Amorkraf ‘/''it* CrMK’ 4 *nt .* •• •• * ** * *“® ! I at bant. H bal ll* oox .. .. .. .. IS p, a. » .. 30 ball* t<r !"’* .. «. •• 1* K 0. P., 10 ball* t" lb I* 1-1 klu*ro»e« B .. 11-1 *1 irth 4 1-1 yd. plaids, beat make Btmpmin rllk Rntab fuularda 64x Parlflc moumlns* 6**®* 4 I**; China alike *4x64 .. C* 1-4 Backport .. .. - l-l t Blatei * 3 1-- I Concord. 54x60 3 l* 4 Rome •• •• 3 4 4 Keystone 3 l' 3 KlfC Avarua •» •• 3 l* 4 KKAKSKT'S. Heavy Columbia, i.oavy Keorsey H l-l Kincaid and other* .9 1-4 LIMK. CLIENT AND PLABTKK Lima 4 | HoaetidHlo cement |l.4j Portland cement 12.76 to 3.25 , Louisville cement In paper sacks 11.00 J'laatar let bbls *l.7* BARD WAKE. Well buckets, per dox IS.OO minted buckets, per do* 11.10 “H H B cednr palls, per do* .. .. 5t.75 i ; H U B eddar palla, per do* .. .. 12 00 Tubs painted, per nest $1 75 Rope. Manila, Per pound 9 1-1 pupa, Sisnl. per pound 7c Ripe, cotton, per pound .. lOcallc Nalls, wire 11.75 bus* Nalls, cut base Ehovsl*. Araa*. per do* .. •• 111*111 v Bliovals, diamond, per do* . .. 17.00 Fl-*ive!s. riveted back, per do*. .. I*.’s Plow blades 3 I' 3 l**»a Hamer, red top. par do* 12 28 Hamas, red top root, per do* .. .. 12.50 ®a l -Hr -Tit, mm rm§ RMI ..« K ***** pm m -..s *» m i#4’ (iNNI mmm 9** *> . * m ***** 994 *srnm* mm 9* ***** » L. ***** pm im /L \*9* + *■+#■ • -*« 99* 4 pm *** ** * 99 |a * * &## * - P tpm 49m ** 94 9ppp 9*** mm* t pn* 44944 { m*mm. pm** m % % m * m (, Mt 0r 4k 'TP 9P " *4T94. 4ppmP9Pm* 99*m9& *4*9 smm4* PmWPP p$ 9p lv%« W tMvlMp M 9*9*9 p-1 up r«k pm . mJ4$ #«. ] t*m*9k 4ps% 9999 ,« •• tH *»•] *Pm-99t §% Pm »•99 .. „ tt» m* l tfrutiry g t I • • mm rt M M Hi M « TV»#f4ft •I f * MU r t ,# *, „ w . v | 9***9 « ****** « | 999 * , llf tM <T|TT PnIUP 4—«. fc Pm „...... M M ... ] I tiTflj 9*. !**• 4 —s« •* HP ,*» ' A»« -4** * 9tL ts ls M M a, Mt •*« Am**** IHi im M I Aaffuftj 9% ftft *« •• mHP a** | i • r» m« «• „ •« ttt 9’m9*m ft IMP ***«*« •* Mt •«* A*lm*i ft ttM » *••*•**• tM ■ ai ***m 1 ir* mm «• •• 44 Ml 1 Aimm m• * ipr* „,» M H M *.* j 9*990*99 9m Mil M M 44 *4 Ilf •*• ' (VrnwMl I t "*9 , V. |M r nmlp l l*n MM .. .. !M •«.' If ATMI I |f» Ml .a .4 4* *1 P 4 .4* Cy %m a. -a.a aHI a.. | «r*j**<«M* r» fi .m.. m m *•• I Ow««i(P ft IIP .C.M .. H ... | IflUlfUD POWTM Ctfcifli I M * MM Oft f» IM a Hi H. i Rtf Mlf Oft. . *. ** .u* • kttMt* CMM'a 4 An ttiaia Ist »*. IM* Ml OxsiMtle Ool.wb 1 . A A.- ««•*.. M r*. i*t* 111 ... 1 Aucust. to. R R fa 1*24.. ... M C M M IMakisf Oa. Callat- M*l Ttuat la ltd . *» M .out her a Raltwa* 4'a. 1444 ... 41 44 Central «f Om*I« R.uway, Ist onset mart la, I*l* ... « M C* of a. tat pref M ...... M *1 f'eetral of ilaorct* Railway. IC ytef Wootne*. 1444 .... II 14 tl. of O I*l pref la . 1444 . ... C I «i • a r . Ist m r*. in* it* I*7 rt.ath O. r*'. and flat Ha 24 I*a I*M 14* Poatk (ksriit wl r*‘A M T*. I*4* I*4 ... j tVaan Cte.rn hip O#.. Ist ('a id ra i«»» m* rACTORT Bit NOR. Enterprtae Mfg C»., Ist t'a 14*1 I*l tnotey Mic Oa.. Ist r*. iw ia* Mbley MIC Co.. I*| ra I*4l !«* n* R R A R r*. atook .. 147 244 y- tithweslern R. R Clock 44 id Aucusta and Ssvtnnah stock . I* IM OItAIM AND PROVISIONS mt*. white, sacked .. .. 11 Onttl*. mixed, sacked IS Com. white, am k'-d .. .. 82 | Corn, mixed ~ .. .. 44 \*t*l boiled, per bushel 17'. Pour, common ~ ~ .. ~ .. .. 2 8* Flout, fancy extra .. .. ~ .. .. 1.71 Pkar, tacuM psicnt .. .. .. .. 4 09 Flour, a andard |*f>r.l .. .. ~ .. 4 26 i Kicuf. fancy patent *. .. .. .. 4.78 i Wheat bran, laa-ib aacks to , Fine fe* 1, 14«-lb Backs 94 llsy—catlva, j»-r ten 12.44 I'.it Timothy, per l<>« .. .. .. 11.40 i Hay—choice per ton ~ .. ~ .. 14.00 Hama- choice sugar cured ~ .. lOalt's ; Hmokcd lib aides .. ~ .. .. .. .. I 1-2 ' Dry sal ribs 8 3-4 [Lard, pure leaf. In ileice* 55* Lard, kettle, rendered in tierces. 4 1-4 Friday Travel Unpopular. (ChCttMOOfO Times.) "Do know." said U. 8. Relfe. I ticket agon: at the I’nlon Station yes- I (onlay, "that (he superstition of the 'traviditus public in reference tn Frldny. ua a trevelln;; day Is simrl.t rstonish ln«. Just I ol obctii you in the station lat i r « t. and Instead of the busy »p --pcariutce. which character!*** It almoat every .rlher (lav. it now appear* more like unnje old d ert*d build nx tbn'i anyihlne else. There is simply no j travel t:> amount to anything on Frt ' ,'fiys. tme a c!oa«. obaerver will notlra ihls frrt at all time*. For the past tan i years I have noticed that lr»s people | travel on Friday than at any other I time. Of covree drummers are uom- | pelted to 'ravel on (his day some- I limes, hilt even they wl'l wait over un |kll Saturday, unless the business is very pressing. People who are travel ing long distances and who happen to reach beer Thursday or Thursday night will generally remain over in the civ until Saturdayn. and when you salt the mthe reason they will tell you that tlier will Just ra;her not travel on Friday. This superstition is not confined to the lower classes. People who would not think of being super stitious ou any other subject will not ' travel on Friday if In any manner ' (bey can prevent it. Friday Is always In dul day with the passenger depart ment of a railroad, and If any person will Visit the Uniou Station on Friday he will be convinced of this fact.” Mark Twals Is said to show the ef fects of his recent efforts and to be aging lapidly. Compulsory education is absolutely necessary to teach some men the value of « dollar. THE Jk.trOTJBT.A. SXSL^XJD A MMi HA*. M 49 '94999m *%m WPm 999909 f pt #m 449 € sp*mk 994999499 4m* ***** 49m4&499999 994449 *9- 9000 *9 *9 mm 4 949 M MM m m 9 *» M pH*' i f ft Pm 1A 4 fti m *M% % ar-uft ”# 99 <Mft *■- •■«!•-* HI ft- In#'ii ft HI THfM ftflf Hft «M jHftfti rfawf Am ft fMMi 9HO4m * Iftft 944499 999/9 A (ft* 0490* ** •'AHNMA *404949499*9 Hi Hftft *** 9 900990999 AftMf ft 9094009 9099 ft* 40099 ftft ftuNftftnAftf ftP*' , ftf*'i*f $0499 —ft —i ft f—ft Nft *t— 9iC ’* ftft fftft HftHft ft—ft (Mftftftft t*o ft 'ft ; fcft4 Iftft —Aft ft* -W4 ft—, 04049949 949 1 fti* IbtffiMliMFf ftil A Ift If— iNNUf ; fftft j ftjNMr* * A^ftftW— ft® I—ftftftWft •*’** * ——ft* fftft 9—l—ft P 4 tftt 9499*9 OPm 9m*4*990 fftft ftfttf —MI Ha—H 9*9 ftftftftft Ift ft «fft-ftftf«M fft ff—ftf 04 ft ftftrf—f*ft 9 o§*9f 400090*904 fftft —AMR—ftfti ftf—fftftf ftp fftft 09**40 *-f Ift’ft fft» 904P*k ftft 09990 ft—i Mft arftftNfv ftylf' ft— f—ft—i ha— py fti—HHy mOO4OOO fftft diad. «M *«l I Ml to. 8-4 Alt Kail part to- I «#• <M(4 It Ml4W«**! 4*4* lAA IA 4*l*4 “ TkWv I* 4to *AI . to lA* fa rn* that Ik* MtAd M*4 (X**** to. «M 4 art to Id!* t»M** to toPda sad to* r* tme a - IMlatopw. » * IH«* to*4k« Ctoad Sagxiai k«to4ltt «ltol4 to *to- [ ■a.) agi • wry mafia issaatb** If R* I nUrt |i •* all H ulna tor* are r*Mi«b j iba fait aci mg Tbi* I* to cartlfy that S «aa a ia>uWt awAaaay ftoto Taltoa* : J*a*4k> far aaat ala mow to, and •** . tttoled to aeana mt Ito toat pbrtotasa ; Ift ftftft ftllft amt #ll la to avail Dr M < war drags tat r*ea*aw»—dad IPartrl. (Uttar* and aDet lakfl »•• btotL*. I i •*a aatlfwty rated 1 4* »«ka *4*4 1 ] ptaaaara to unanwlmi (toM t» **4 panes aaWartaa frwm ta«a l«to«4a mal ady. lam gratyfaitr ptw*. *1 * **•»• | tally, DUMir*. By." toM by How ard A ¥riiM. draggltta- OO TMI ON m « DESTINY. It* Foretold Ik* N#««**l»* •* Oui C*l tl*g Ito Nkantuaa «. **•*• Almoat a c*alary ago On" to. with prophet c tortslgkt. aaw that BMBifm daaltay would fore* the railed •tatea to adopt a poilcy of rtpans oa and, la hi* comotoßta upon Ifcr lathmua of Panama he pradlc:"d la the fniloatlag word* each a coaaummatloa "A gran apirtl of tatorjiriaa will maalfnt Itae’f la ib# future that will mult in the rutting of a caoal of such a rharac er aa will alio** ahlpa with aay hind of cargo and of ovary, even th# greatcat. else to ptta« f.oto the Oulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean Thl* will re ault for the etvtltced world, a leu for the not uncirliiscd par; of Mankind, ia the most Incalculable advantage*. 1 should be a*!onleh*d If the fnited St,tee were to let allp the opportuni ty of getting such a work Into their own hands On# mal fume.- that that youthful country, with Its pro nounced trttdency towaids Ibe we»t, will hare netted upon and peopled. In the nett thirty ur forty years, even it>e wide stretches of land beyond the Kocky Mountains, One may also foresee that all along tbia coast of tu# Pacific, where nature has already Tre ated the most spaelnua and most se em e harbors, there will gradually rise very important commercial towns, which will become the Intermediaries of a great Intercourse between China and the East Indie# on the one side, and the Fnited Stales on the other. 1 repeat, then, It I* Itnperatlre for the United Btates to t ffee a rotting front the Oulf of M xlro to ibe Pacific Ocean And I am su>e thev will effec! that aim." Ooethe was in spired with the true spirit of the pro phet and the lapse of years have wit nessed a partial fulfillment of Ms pre dictions, says The Breckenrldge News As he foretold, the Irrepressible ten dency toward expansion, characteris tic of a vigorous people, has resulted In the liatldlng of on empire oil the Pacific slope. Commercial towns have sprung up like magic and now the ripeness of Goethe's vision is ap parent In the btrib of the greater America that Is reaching out for Im ! iierlal power In the Pacific. The nc- I nuisltlon of the Philippines will make 1 the Fnited States the dominant com i merciai factor in the cost. Destiny has ordained that, and the new-born j interests of the republic demand it CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / r 2* , Signature of C A Hudson Bay traveler has discover ed a fish that builds a nest; My, but that fish must be a bird. Fusion Is a failure even between par ties in love—that is the way a Kansas populist put 1L GOOD I,OCf BAKING !■' POWDER it tN# t*«»A* ffi» m»ki«W ifi> Btfhfl 0 thTAAIt. ttoWCtoHA, mwtftntb umlnmi Mfllgkk fMA*AU' iMMB, h«»A»xi* Og fhCMPAMA Af**l ftol *' ,<*44A of iftlgAlMWltl Hossaa'A wssfMs#' a 844 MR Aftot f iMtftt (baud H* H igha*( *t aU Ml MMMfdPtlMl# XsrtlßfftWkW 1 * CitoA H y god tidghttig, MwrvvifActufmd Ay The Southern He. Co.. RICHMONO. VA. For Rent Farm at thirty acm )«A b«i ’w etty. DwaHinffit AtonM and ID AU BKI'OM of th* dijf- „„ Oav#r*> of X B Wh ig 1 * new ftrOAtf ilflit houtoi art •till unrtnted. hpAClat pricwt will b# mad* to «*•- •irabi* partiM, John W. Dickey Ift f lift*—ftf ftftf— Gilder’s Pills 4toMKßMMNßmaammm*MimmmtoM4 No Booth*m mad** Pill !• so popu'ar i* Ciidef'*. It wii bom In th« South. It was raiMd In th« South. It ha* alw#y* t>««n mad* In th« South. It ha» cur*d m6r# South •m Llv#r troubl#* than any oth«r Souih*rn Pill. Southerner* should um It. Let Northern .Pit* cure Northern people. Tit Htnri k Wil'tt Dm Ci. KaKK thrm Gas Light CoipaDy, AUGUSTA, CA. CHEAPEST FUEL EVER OFFERED IN AUGUSTA. Having accumulated a large stock of' Coke we will sell and deliver same In the city for 30 days during the month of No vember at the following exceedingly low prices: 25 Bushels for $1.50, equiva>ent to $3 r«'‘ ton, or Q cents per bushel. 100 bushels for $5.00, equivaleht to $2.50 per ton, or 5 cents per bushel. 500 bushels for $20.00, equivalent to $2 per ton, or 4 cents per bushel. We will deliver In Sum merville at 50 cents extra per cart load, or will make correspondingly low rates with parties who will do their own hauling. Break up your Coke be fore using. First coma first served. H. B. ADAM, Secretary REMOVED TO 711 BROAI WAY E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals. Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 ftroftiJwHT. Augu 9l* % Uft. Btrowffer Phone .0., NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE CUE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWA.IID * WILLETT DRUG CO. —THE NEW Broad Street Barber Shop For su Easy Shave and t Nest Haircut go to N,«. 715 Broad Street, ground floor. F. C. dos Pqissos. Tba Rotary Razor Strop for Sal#. Bicycle* are taxed Mass., the average assessment this year being SSO. CALC ft Oft liigtitti IrawiiHt Co * HXPOftT WE«« spojß.- m ■, f t 4k \ > 4. _-gd BEL X*B» O TT GEORG l‘^P Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. __r*U. r«Mi— AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN: In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 6 years time, or on 10 years time, payable In equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AleiaDder&JoliDSOD Agm'* Ne 4M*h Am-r as Mongto* Compear. 705 Broad St ? PORTNER’S < C HOFBKAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET / /V BRANDSOF / 5 Export \ > Beers $ ? ARE THE BEST C S AcK for them. c k It. MITCIIfI.L AI tx M< DONALD bulk. O. ( 'on. Snc- * Ximu. iigr. Augusta Electric &. Construction Company 212 Mrlntnsh Ntr#**. Elselric Bupf>li« pvnkirtg Tuii-s, eld.. *tc. , It (.sir. lo mil # UMni-nl *| ( sraiUi Eiorlrlu Light Wiriii* * s|»rci»lty. Ito.rFhuoe 1002 - biruwgsf C.fl. »n U>tv ntU'KS I-ure- l«>4. Aiso riFK.TAI.VFS .ml riTTINtW. M Links. Boti k.ks. x ii.i.sumi it' i Artis. Lombard Iron Works Sc Supply Uo., ArarsrA.fiA Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1898. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m. 5 21 r>. m. Lv. Sandeiivllle . 1:19 p. m.| 9 09 p. m. Ar. Teiinille .. .. L3O p.m.) »:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p iu.l Lv. Dublin ‘1«:00 a- m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|ll:s'> a m. Lv Tennllle. . . 6:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvtlle. 5:25 a. m.| 3.21 p. in. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennn'lle with Central R. R. for Macon, and wt h Wrlghtsvllle and Tennille R. R. for Dublin and Hawk nsviile. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James U. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands, Receivers. ' ’Tj . aauaoad wgM*a»»«n..«M - OHkMBltWCKOline S4* 4**a A #♦#**»•»• mm s*p —nft| ftft—ft ft—y “"m * I * ** *fin— 9m MM, ,**m t * •;* 4 l ***** ' ffjj m *44444444444444* ' ■ '"’WMftAai 44jt!000 I—*——— I HHp— , , IIIBIT TTT ■ *• ; ] * 9mmmt4&m*mm* ■ - 9094490': * **** 1 * ——s— "*9* ■: g-itoß— ooo** • I tSPTPMBPWjhbs-y2 m *0*0» : I * 9p044000040* v»**m ;!(•»«•■ m *9* I- 94m iMft I * mmm 0009444* ■ ***** §9)O/940 : * - m**m w 4*90 ••f 1 *; * jftft— l emi t km*49 * ft—*— j iftiT- «. eaw ' fHoft ! I ftftt——ph—Hpmmhni>« , gEve-*"-' 4944/90 \ $* 4****** m**m ICyKiHMf ♦" i ft# —ftft—ftft ee-s-s **»•+++ Iff— (—i •** 1 | * mSmSk »♦*« 9 4 1 { I WO9O- i '*** '* i * fffp—j——ft eee*4« •» o r 3 I ■.eeeee-ea j * ftMß———ft , eeAF A* eeeey* 1 400SB0L~ZJli3££4 ] I# la igaa .» ,aa*»>«. 1 »*»< •••»I 4 tog*; ft # ft —Mm—ph ee« --»« ?** ** **+' --- | * | •*> ***** «ee« p.-m* ■ 1 4*04040 i * ftKftH' std taggtr 4m - * 1090*900 • Z?9* ’ * ftft—M—ftftft* «• „•« A'«e» • . eee* I * f —ftftft—ftMft ** j >ee»« -■»»* feet Wjmßf \ f e ft i in i * *,leSUrTj" 1 ft 41mm \ ' • tW~V—j 1 m - ■ nnunLilt J t «Mft— | *fN f| PMRftl ‘ » # g e»*«f I +o4* 9J4000* | *‘l———fftW I. .BJ. ■■ 4144 ..If ral IM ft—fftftll .** um 1 1 , J 4004040 404909 * Prnmm ■ I— (4M| i * AAmAwm.... M*..... - .Isms , • H*AaM i «. a. 1.. „. I*eaa team **#e *»m #tow*to»#Atom*»' I wa» '«*» 4 a*4 sAiwa 4» eA* to gasM ’ a* 4 4. L _ iam saWgwavWA* 4* fttol l * to wv ,••*.! at* 1.(4 to* vwto , ato (totow* towa w*M 4ww* *>m mtopsf j gm aa* P* ia*>» e*M-*a *» » MW *»l's#» aw #wl, toicem •J *aAtoAmi. Fm *# I A suktl Atoatows 8A 1 B •MtaAtMl t toto Kaaswr** gwssasa Aw BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. B C IMUmg Aartovwr. Aaasiswwl. WswsAae * Ito to ll aA'a. ***** 4 Oat Claw K Ctow* Owa* Mil'S* MU'* r*y D*v ; to*'tom D*y Wf Na 81 Ka I g »* 81 Ml AM m | WB444VW lew« **■, Mi Mb MB e., Awlwwsc to 4M“ • It W I a II •• tea awe ....IJ » •*** J M r IM I* Awtwa * 4*VI M 4 8* 8 :i It .. Pm4la'aw l M l’< ** • » » t wi* tlw»vy Qmm f * toll M 4-4: IMW AA#rw*a 'War* f| #:»«»* * > » M I M* 1 .. 'MU4ACA -to * MCU M » • to j I 4*M l.‘ Wtol FatoW ,4 8* E... Watoatm . to 8 n am m ! iLsava Atrtav FM Wfi. Rail Mo 4 _ *• U k*i * r*#•<*« iiMM. r rmg *t*u<* All r*g-u*r tralw* ftm* AmAmmrnm I* Mallmlla hwv* rtghl »• track *w*» iralas ml U» saw* claa* mavtag M a»- Itolls dime now. unlea# albartaMß agaa- Uto4 by trw2a arArva. IP* atm at>-4 wt fotl isrtrg atwtlaag 4a laka a* M sf r*tte*»" rhla * Bey's, Jamm aa* *aa4y •grtwgw, j Ra U r«Aaarta wltk gt uUmra 4WIF way Me U at AA4ara-« Re* 8 and 4 aanaiert with tomtkaci tailHty No*. It and « n toamca. J. R ANDCIUR7.N. gugertataaAaaL LINE. 4H( HTLUT AND eL’ICKBBT ROUT* Tu TMK CAST AND NORTH. 1 Mpnal Lv..Augusta. On Ar J 7 B*"ia lMt>m, L*.... Alkan Ar T ltom 4 Lyin' L* D»*MnArk....Ar I 4;l7|Mn 4 84pmi Lv.. .Ortagi'••...*# | S:44an 4 Mpmj Lv..Sumlsr, *. C.. .Ar j 4:24am 8.38 p Lv....Fl«rancW.,..Ar | * 2&am le-Mamj Lv...Fay*it4vtl»a ..Ar | l:l**m 1 :iamj Ar.Palrrabwrg.Vw La i I 12pm 4.44 am! Ar Hicbiwond ...Lv | 8 11pm i 7 41*mj Ar.,Wa»hiagien..Lv i I:44pm 4 m«ml Ar... Baltlwmra...X* - 2 28pm It 28sm Ar Ph»la4vlphla..S.v (12 64pm l.lipmi Ar... New Tork ...Lv | » 2C*m Pullman palace buffet s!e#plr.g cais from Macon sad Augusta to New Torh without change. R. A. BRAND. Gep. Agt.. 722 Broad St.. Aagualw. Ga. T M. EMERSON. Trafllc Manager. H M SUKRSON. Ota. Psaa. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER UTH, I*4*. (90th Mrrldlaa Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 2 For Savannah 124 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta * 40 P- M. No. * For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 8:20 A M. No. 52 For Macon. Atlanta. and Wav .Stations .. 9:30 A. M ARRIVE AUGUSTA. I No. t Kr .im Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. i No. 3 From Savannah. Ma con. Atlanta «:35 A. M. No. S From Macon. Atlanta, and Way Stations ,t 6:50 P. M. I No. 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 5:30 P. M. j " Nos. 1. 2. 3 and 4 dally. I Nos. 6 and 5, daily except Sunday. ! No*. 62 and 55. Sunday only. I Sleeping cars on night trains between Millen. Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannnh. For fur ther Information as to schedules, etc., apply tj M. C. JONES, r. T. A. W. A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. J W NALL. Commercial Agent. To Rent Hore aod Residence »t 1205 and 1207,8r0ad street. Oneoilhe best stands in the city for a good Grocery Store, or In fset, any business. The House has six (0) tw(l room-, * good yard, and is very convenient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. l ELLB l0! GEORGIA novcmbkr t j s«n*n4b kgSMStottg-4Ri S. L 11. MUSH CO ftftNft —ft —ftftftftfftft 99009 mrnmra to*MHk BBSs WS * 4ftoi> Ttom $ g ftr 499099 omm I i# * **-■ *9* ftV—ft* I* fk** m* 9 99*49 | ft,« ft «<—)•>- **oo* flj—| *■* ftft ft *»* tofts *4* ® ft—l I ftft * )r«# SgRS aft • —to ft* fttoftofiSßft * ftftft— j a K—t.' ‘MW4 1 *9404 |** f *"tww fttosß* »**— 'fft f gftin ft— • ftft #-• < * sas tuf-m B fifth #- (Ift ft ftf ft toS " B'*4r— ftN—ft— • f'— ft ftp sftft ft— ft—p# ‘l— i iri iIKSs X ft* * ft—s(ft*ft fft ——to ft* f liftfi™wft.ft* ft—ll I C# n—Mist—B 4049*00 ft ft (fft——ft—, . ftyritl—| ll* IST ,***—, ift i *grn » 9040*f a.gaa a. X %ett I4t -4- 4 ttag (tx>* ttoikP 4haMMg t ! (• *"#•*** A as*m 4* Ito * ■. 4 Pjito sO, u Sftto > ■ f —MS— ft* ft *ftto—) | boa » R *)l|s 4**4 IM *lB tg* imsZ j Ti 'Tnjg *••*•* «s as* toss *#• T«sa dnCkyama wi»a*» »• V«saJ|Sa*i |os ft—* .. ». ft t * 409 ft ift—l 9* ftl«ißftfta ftf fft 1 4*900*09 0 «1— * ft# ft 4 4X0900 ft# |M— 4 * f|—— I ft# 4* 4—— . *{— 194 9«* % *494*4404* 494 4ft——i— *f f Bittr —nr 0 %\mo**9o** o**49 4*440 Ift g.t ii Tl ft— •*** •—mm 9*4 ! Jh» —wi — tlffr ft ♦ m •* *o* 09*m ft—l Ml ftft —p* —ft 9440 fft——l —■» f mm* mm* ftp—» „ _„ - . 1.1 •fnTmimmA #*# am Artr^to*** SOUTHERN RAILWAT. * I m ® r _ |2;s; fßh. . . jig if: E"sssr* ftl ...... -[M“? jm 7~iL L-'-~-T 1 "; "" |t>l 4 top v izhrx tLP ; TTsr; x[U >•. SI R*. * nuif. tatir. C. pSsTt L Mr;— ih Jls , U Stekssoag .. .» HM»* a*■ I Zm Hssrt. • - IMS, IMS I Lv S«c4slh “ 4 14 a it ■ Orsasskses * <4 s U" (Imsawtor'i, '.!■ ”T*a “» top .jam—™::is: !?s: I: ffsXto !?S: !i£: er QsrMa■*•#** ss ........ n *4aa IRa >. OlamUsTs asp s ... lUp 4to a . MaSto iH* 44# a ; * Trsasaa . * I*4 •* * a *as r Ufi Ar Au«ms _ ... ... ... 4 tty 4 44a Ia AekavlUs -' • **f 4 Lv kpariaaaarg II sva, * 18# Lv Qal'toa.aC AO.Sy I 44pi f 4*a Xr (Tsrlsmaa 4 4»yl II *Ba Ev. Odlsa. p C.kP By H 44 a* « *7 * Ar JscMspevtaa i 4R* 414 a sl-KBPIItO f*f »*srif* Siee!levi daily |,s.mtga» esrrtes Slar.'ta sad Ksv Tork . Nos. m and to-to aehmgtoa sad ksWhvrsstsre Ltunlsd. toUd Vssubuled trsia Wltk dining ear. sad ftrss oiaes eoerbea north of Ckarlotta Pullman draw!n* Jvepiagcar. U'weto Tamm. Jackson rule, Maraußah. Xetoprt 1 amd Nsw tfji*. _ ... Pullman Curs between Chariot t« aod Kinkmoßd . . Pullmiu, drawtarroom siespla* cars b» •ween t.rsea.boro uad Norfolk Cloe .'unnee ttoTlt Norfolk lor OLD POINT (OMPOMT. arriving there In Urn# for breakfast IS,lid train, with Parlor ear*, botwsen Cbnrlestoc sad A short lb; N. s. 48 uad 3S—U. B. Puel Mud Thronrh ' Pu.lmun drawtaa room bnffot übwtdax tweun JueluoDrtllo uad Now Tort uad Pull- Can sleeping -nr* between August* ur J (Tmr tie Pullmun slsoptng curs between Jack f.„ villa and Columbia, eu route dally lotwseo Mjksoov® and Onrtnuutt rt* Artswill# KaNK " OAN NON. J. M CULP, Third V P A 19. U Mgr T. M. Warttaatoa GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (toth Meridian Ttms.) Schedule Effectlv* April 24, 1898. Pullman Sl»««er* bvtweeo Mscoo and New Tork. Through Pullman Bleopors between Au xusta and St. Lamia Lv Augusta ..| 7:obam| 3:2opm|lo;3opia Ar Atlanta ...;i2:3spm! B:2opm| t.OOoia Ar Maconßanj|.... ...-1 1:45uul t Ar Athens |U:l6pm| 7:Jopm| e Ar Galne»vllle|*3:4spm| !•••• Ar White PlsM OCpml I ... Ar Mill’** I* .il0:10am| I «:30an* Ar W \»h'ton ..jl0:10am| 7:lopm| Plrayun* train leaves Augusta daily except Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mi;'“dgevllle at 8:1« p. m Trains arrive at August* 8:18 *. "b. ! 7-45 a. m.. 1:29 •). hi., and * 25 p m. A. G. JACKSON. G. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule in Effect, March «, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusea, Southern Ky.. 9:30 u m. Arrive Chester, Southern By.. 7:18 a.m. Leave Chester, C. A N. W. Ry 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. •• 7:00 p.ra. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. | G7W - HARPER. C. F. HARPER, President. A *