The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 08, 1898, Image 1

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TO* A tut'FT A utmm *4*l. h# immrnm BOTH SIDES CLAIMING VICTORY IK NEW YORK. Republicans Are Confident That Roosevelt Will Carry the Bw.te By at Least 40.000 Major ity From Present Indications. The Democrat* on the Other H*nd Claim That Van Wyck I* Sure of a Majority of 60.000—The Weather in New York I* Perfi ct and the Voting Began Early. fi&w TftflL fie* S 9* p •* art #*>*•(ms tft Ilk# **Af# twee i*nni (•<*##■ ■ iMiii'fedl Ml ft ft# ift# ft bantu a * *»* !>#** est f -» «* (mmmMmilKt NT ~ , , tse ere W wftft ft .# e eeHl * i |jt % * »# v m * • *thee te **A#ft f #ft 9ft lllTf ||||e |#-|| Tt»«fe ft#* •&»*#♦ *H# ** t:- e•? an *f r«* «»:•>■*• a 999999 Iti ftff in Nr at %ewrti y**- ti Jire a I ilm •$! k’n&r-mm Vet "Ifyet a4l 4# tfe* A< M gflark et«f ogNkiH cf tfc* • ttt t 4 la it* rtty. iM it “ to tb IW« Mk «* HepUto *,4 atf) he reel It Ift §A Ml*a? d« i *ot rattaa *»ft ts eoirra #f# *»4* faa act tv# iai» reat ta it, KveryaMece nee# 1 the Ht i «r#a ftftftift #ft •#•• • re* n laatee taefrye C r/rWk aiakle* far the |v4i». *>!ktgc Mriaftty la (Me eetap },f *| he foil* acre oyrflnl at ft . t , ls . a( i that lair **s• tsti*m i jt» #afty for aMwy veiatra. Vrt la r*e 4 *at ymre lat the eat# Meea M tiea%? fa the raHy Imgy la a ***** m»nr #|»e «># d ttrittf. !h* rdr ts* r e„ Hy T Mir I o’eineli *a4 tUe !adtey tkttn* a#?* that fa AtMft eaaae the vett vcnld Mr prart trail* palled b? s The J«ftft# Van tsd Colcafl It uwfTtlt. are ei end In* tl.e dtv *« telly at their hr me* n Breeklfl anil Oyater Bay fe* ALABAMA. Tw« OMrktt CwilnleN. Birmingham All . Nov. 8. Cloudy ~ r -h. r. I.iul* Interest except In the Fourth end Seventh itlilrirti The IH-n ruif hive i calkrtw In the oth er WHO ARKANSAS. One Distrtcl In Dot bt. Uttlo Reck. Ark.. Nov. 8,-Outsida ct the Fifth district there i» no tnter ent. CONNECTICU I". Much Scratching New Hivn, Conn., Nov. B.—The hi ttirc !• free troatching. The Indics t‘rn» are for the election of the entire Republican Mate ticket. COLORADO Snowing in Denver. Denver, Nov. 8. lt ia gnovring. The vote It late. DEL WARE. In Delaware. Wilmington, Del., Ncv. B.—The re sult It very clote. FLORIDA. Democracy in Florida. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 8. —Neon.— A very light vote it being polled. The Pi moerms will elect the entire ticket. GEORGIA. Geo gia is Solid. Atlanta, Nov. 8. There is flttle CROKEfi STANDS PAT ON HIS ESTIMATES He Has No Reason to Change His Figures Gi ving Van Wyck a Handsome Majority. NEW YORK, Nov. 8., 8 v. m.-—Crokor save out the following: “Every thing I hear up to this time makes the Democratic victory appear certain. It is an excellent day for voting, and Tammany is getting out the full strength. The reports sliv.v that a fwa-thlrds vote laid been cast hy noon. 1 have no reason to change my figures of last night, 50.900 plurality for \an f W>ck." ... . u.-e.l4elk-*i«i THE PAPER THAT THE PEOPLE BUY (OR NEWS 11 A COOO ONE TO ADVERTISEJC HERALD RFADERS ARE BUYERS. m & iffftin^ 'l,.# • 91999* aa»dipa IMaaNIMPh tu- A**»- a la «*aa* Na#«a ******* I Mteevud IS the elentw® »so tw.* {• tadM «MMriMk et*** ull IlMMil date* I•#»*■ I* ana»»*st» »**» "8 tit % Hasty M loss M I IMBC 4t«n C hag M C Sts age. 1 rbKMO MS 1 « Mao «*» A! Its! deni ts tevnleSlS* SANS AS. Ctoa* M tefwfca Togefea Ran Nn* •—4 Istst *•* * | < *•! rl*mr INDIANA. In Indiana. twd anaprlia. lodinaa. Ncv • ' - Holh pSHIR* St* »S .niee TW Uvere the l.ynb i Ilm **. 10. 4tTckv. roar Tetnenaee Rassbfktat. I»ultvtl<' K* . N. v S A tntall vote jmtr ibf *MM«* CiM*f»*llvt #»Ufft*t** jgh* thft fttpphl'SMMP Umt ««* 9^&9*4 f>ft rtiQiffTVftftrn. with IM p6ipWi»*f fvc, LOUISIANA. Sl* Drmncrftlk Lc «*r«*»iwr*i. S+* Orl'ftS*. Ls.. No*. *—Cloudy litd fttitr). S*ftr**l> afty Ibiw*‘ Mi* ! osoentk ceagmiMMi *lll ri#4*t nAS.AACHIfF.ITI. Repuhlktnt Have Mnttachu.etlt. j Hot'on. Mtat.. N't. S.—Tbeie Ua j large vrte. Toe Republican, will prob ably carry ibe atate by tlaty tboutaml. Wotcnt Carrie. New Fed otd. j New lledford. Meat. Nov 8. j Cotnp>to vote of the town of Acn.h-, inet - For Oovernor, Wolcott, republi can *1; Brice, democrat. S. MARYLAND. Decrease in Marvlend. Baltimore, Mu . Nov. B.—The voting la pragrettiog rapidly. There it a falling off of 10 per rent. M SSGL'RI. Trouble In Kansas City. Ktneat City. Nov. 8. A full rote. The local campaign it filled with mud-j tl nglng. Trouble It expected In the downtown wards. Cockrell Is Safe. St Louis, Nov. B.—The vole is »lo.v. The return of Cockrell to the sena e it assured. MICH CAN. Scr; t In In Detroit D-droit, Nov. B.—Voting ;* pros-c?m fng MeAdlly. There Is some cutting on the state ticket. The prominent Republican cit es and larger to'vns In the state are cutting Plngree, Republican, for governor. niNNESOTA. In fllnne-ota. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. B.—The cool ffcfk ttefAfJi tfttfc* Till] AUGUSTA IIKHALI). Its | fbf %n, Rill PMI S»t* ftilftSlftip* t® | rbhs *?» I ms Mm. monvan*. Ttimri rtf . 'e-ai Metal aw a I ftw~»T Maw) Mr. (• It te few- ’ la* Tb» IkMKWtfMts MMMe» eteatM DtaatfSlt hat* M> tuwO.«*PP* JMl** * Nr*. S A I T%* fk umill wifi ftfH l*f «*««tv «mml M MIASKA. Maw la | mm ale l ot* Neb - It la as oC yesr and II h<- <ft*i fP I* fe*N>' MW VHTb New A orb. Nov. ». DtefMfebee i fttt n all pant of Nee Turk received by Ibe AeMKisted Ctcot report tbe elect toe pjo»eedtna under (OtdHIOOt favorable to a large vote. Ia tons* ,nt tbe Mbufbrtariaa rttieS tbe vote was alow In tbe earw bourn, but tbst (onditloa will ba tev rted tbit after noon. when all tbe factories and ewvkthop* will bo rioted to give (M .emp ov r '. an opportoslfjt to pi to tbe polls Tbe counity roods are nnlforaa* ty dr 1 and M puud rondttloo No* I where was there .mUrsOon that the i weather would interfere with *e ting |aM tbe tamer vole At Syracuse It oat said fully one-ha If of the total votrrs bad cast tbefr balktit by to an. Everywh -re there ts manifested lively tnterost. but this has not In tbe least d.tturbed tbe general good feeling It ts safe to peed let that tbe vote out* ride of New Yorb ett* will be as large aa baa been cast In any recent I year. Ai len o’clock there bad been one I hundnd nwi crraigneil at the police courts of Greater New York on tbe ’ .-barge of Illegal registration or Ille gal voting. In nearly every case It was shown that the arrests were not, justlflrd by the fads and the accused were discharged. Vot ng by Hathianry. Rochester. N. Y., Nov. 8. A full | vote The voting machine wag us d for ithe first time. Six votes were cast I in ore tribute and six second* on one machine. Quiet at Ayracuse. Syracuse. Nov. 8. The vote heavy. No excitement. Early Vutlng. Albany, Nov. 8. —■ The Indications are that the entire vote will be cast <arli:r than usual. The expedition avith which the voters cast their bal lots indicated little cutting. Buffal Rcpuh lean Happy Buffalo. Nov. 8. A heavy vote. Chairman Krelnheider of the republi can committee predicts the election of tongrees.nan Alexander, 83rd district, by 12,000 tnajorl y. Ho gives Roose velt 40,000 in the county. Demo ciatlc Comrrl:teeman Kennedy non et dea the elect .on of Alexander, but predirts a majority for Van Wyck in i the county pf from 3,500 to 5,000. NEW JERSEY. 6,000 Dem cratic ajorlty. Jersey City, Nov. 8. Jersey City I ■will give 4,000 democratic majority. | and the democrats claim the county of Hudson by 6.000. .lerse Doubt? ul. Jersey City. Nov. 8. The voting here and In Newark was heavy ia the morning hours. Both parties claim an advantage from this. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Green Mountaineers Langu'd. Concord, N, H„ Nov. 8. No inci dent. - NORTH CAROLINA. Quiet at Raleigh. Raleigh, X. Nov. S.—Tlie elec- j tloa is progressing qulatly. Whites i are voting the DmnQeretie-, ticket mope solidly than ever before. Many of the j white Republicans are voting the Dem ocratic ticket. The outlook is good for i g| Ol (1A (LA (JftgM* #• ** MiiiMiJiftuf flMft * EP» "R** “ * E ' *«4MM§ !► *iw»(MW* TW* **•*♦!•# EM** 4* -AH li Aiftr •#* Up §!«*%». f%* IMPI®* 1 ®** 1 * t-. narfftl t i *fn- *m* ri iMftft ftMMB I m *** ft* ***+ u m» f*a bd»w gugfww «» trorg f%* TOR mm 4! ■a,,# v-fht firift# m§ •#**•l TAft # ' t»fNMM***4M9 W* * W% fti* . fthft** ftjpg- .. i I*l fct *» *k ftiM* im «h*CR ft* !** fftM'yi * ■ --AftifftftiftM As • jj| 1 jLJg il -Ts **y CM**# b*4 H | a (ft* ftft*A, ftft |u qm f,T‘ clwvwM t uafldrwf ifwirau) from Ha saiga *•** c*a*tnaaa pas iiHbtvat pg'*a of tbe •*•»• «Mw I sad uiani TO* wsgro** *H , ia« full ««*d «inp> »f* vtdHMI *b* •rvntfr tkbtt I w oanwt •• > art 11 ulart lb* ra»* tlckM aad bath j ornarbo* «f fba bgl«***r* (MINI. Flgbt Agntasl i cut i CniUMbws O Nwv 8.-- Tbu isispfi ip r»pt#f»4 In 'be cnagrouukmal •<••- lira There Is « hitter tight against Lean, tbs Republican tucussbent, PENNSYLVANIA The Quaker Vol*. Philsv-irbis P». No*. A-The vol mg Is pi"gi rtslsg**lr—l‘' The Repub llcoas rtalm the rtty by IMM. Voting at Camp Meade. Camp Meade, Middletown Nov. 8. The four Pennsylvania tettlawti ~**an voting at 9 and at noon tbe polls closed, nil the votes being ia. RHOMB ISLAND. .1 Rhod* Republicans Confident. iff provii lance. RI . Nov, B.—Tbd Re pubtlcane are eonident. south Carolina. In .South Carolina. j -Charleston. 8. IT. Nov. B.—A «|nlft i and dull election. The Dem- ryitg bat* i tbe only ticket In the fleld. SOU H DAKOTA. IJeht In Slnui Falls Sioux Falla. 8. D.. Nov. B—lt is | law and the vote Is light. Tl NNESSEE. Light Vote In Nn*hvllle. Nashville. Tenn., Nov. B—The In . terest la not a* great as usual. Com paratively light vote. The vote throughout the state Is light. The Democrats claim they will carry eight congressional districts. The other two are certainly Republi can. Tl XAS. Hiw'ty Is Ahead. Galvestor. Texas. Nov. B.—The In terest centers In the congressional race; of Hawley. Republican, and Robinson, Democrat. The Indications are fuvorn j ble to tbe former. A full vote. Sayres "et* Maiority. i Austin, Texas. Nov. B.—The Demo-' rrats are sweeping tbe state. Sayres fiyf governor will have two hundred thousand majority. UTAH. Utah Women Vote. Salt, Rake, Nov. 8.~-The women are casting a large percenlage of tbe votes. There are extravagant claims on both sides. VIRGINIA. Democracy in Virginia Richmond, Va.. Nov. B.—l.lttle Inter est. A Democratic victory is piedlct ed. WEST VIRGINIA. West Virginia!* Legislature. Whtsling, W. Vs., Nov. B.—The Ug ialaturs will have, a clos* majority small «u ei,b«r aid*. WYOMING. Quiet in tt yoniing. Cheyenne, Nov. 8r The election Is j HAS YROUBIiE ARISEN ID PARIS YODAY I Iml !NbM I* Hctt (XrgfiN li 1*1(18 Tain I tl l|gy data N*aa ftwa*! Pag Pa* • p«aaa si IsmmMM fftlAit fWftft. •* tlft ft j*Mf ■' C'aftfttMb iipgisgtiaNgafM ft at * tft# fftlftlfftaw «ft##4C« tl I flitt-a fft lrftjiir Iftftl lA# ftwtft4 tHStatoftl 1 at lk I# A ft ft* ft* ft* ta tftftftft fftfta# ftrnft** m . «| a| ft |g)M|tE* IY*»» W*ftlftft lAtlfaftM Iftl**. ft ftflft* ft** fail g|ai ift#*f r**fft«ftrat IUl«* bmm aft# 44« ir«« i ft* * tum* «ft ftftiMß m tm at* ftf» ftk>vftf«tc fftr • Hail i ift I ftp ftrftnt ftttffftl# Inil rilarr t ft SHNftrft 1 - ! fill ift ft ftwn tiRH ftiMlfttm ft*Left ft pMßftallMX 9in# Ift i r*ft»|JM* f«| H to (lit 1 Orfftfliftdit MwfftNHM*! Wftlli—lftß. nm a— Rf» fftf ft* IN I (kale Departawwt kaow* there baa 1 heap so break la tbe peace aegofta ftnas ta Pari*, and U aay difllrulty bad arteea the olklai* s*r tt rertalaly aon id bare bean promptly, tt Is assumed, therefore, that there must he sim purely internal reaaoa far tbe peat pone mm i perhaps tbe eoP venlowee of tbe rommlasloaero. pragrcMtag quiet I v Four laebe* ■of snow Tbe rood It toes are favors- I ble to tbe ttanorrftU M A SHIN TON. Full Vote is V aahinglou. Seattle Wash.. Nov. B.—There la a rail vote in this state. WISCONSIN. Much Scratching Prevails. Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. g—There la I lack of Interest The blanket ballot prevails. There la a great deal of I sera ten ing Schofield, Republican candidate for governor, la running behind the tick- I et " THE LOCAL VOTE LIGHT. There was only one kind of ba lot that fell into tbe boxes at tbe polling precinct* In the wards of Augusta to day. I That ballet was one that read as fol lows: “For representative to Fifty-sixth Congress. William H. Fleming." If any other were used In the coun try products, such has not been learn ed at the time of going to press. At 2 p. m. the reporters made a round of the wards. He found the vot ing to he as follows; First Ward — Whites »• Colored .. ..4 Second Ward- White 88 Colored 2 Third Ward- Whites 73 Colored 1 8 Fourth Ward — Whites 133 Colored 1* Fifth Ward- Whites ..«8 Colored 3 Total whites 451 Total colored .. .. . .37 Grand total 488 It. was found by the election cl?rks j that the typewritten lists of voters . were full of mistakes —that. ls. there | were fiftyptwo names left out. The | original lists were consulted and it was i found that the fifty-two names did not | appear on the typewritten cues. This Is not, of course, supposed to 1 he from any intention cn the part of j the typewriter to doctor the lists, but j It must be said that H was great care lesstiers lu letting such a mistake it. our. Had doom ti * original liats been oh- ; tains We. il might have caused fifty-two pebple to he disfranchised from cast ing a ballot, for Hon. W. H. Fleming. Tile mistake is inexcusable. ft%t (OMAftfk A BfA* If 9’feffkft%\ ftkO% 3: ftAftdl RACE RIOTS ON IN SOUTH CAROLINA Four FaUiitUM Ac* Said to Hav* Occurred B*- tvkoon Cr*#nwood and Ninety-Si*. A hMBt of Whit* Men in PunuK of Negroot Who Committed Manler at F’hoenn end Further Fateittiee Are E*nected. ' tft Tift HftNMMt n eftftft ( 3 I* , Heft I iNftgfttt • mm*3 INftftllftft f'4# ? * ft*ftNftt ta"*l HHEMP **-■-** (fteee .« Ift# fteftlwe est tlftr “wdhevrt* : ift# o#ftM ft*p est mmmmmrnim., in*# t# t—iti'ti i# *mM I ft* if i in* a# fteft 19# R j [ ftHleaft lift ft|r irtftMi T»4MI ft Mftftllil* I a « -ii* « wiiiWd A uiffe iriwrft j f rwm fo f|pftfrte« wttli W tn* Hretefftftr*' | e«fh« ftiMt and mi** l> Maaftafti#*. «l>h toftft aft ktft> M liawilhd i<if inet » fall Hparlfti I# The tfnftftt. Atlanta. O# . N*. • -There «a* an rlstrtt- ~ rtut at fberMi. tt- C-. a email j Hi Grr--n« «ag county. Mr, ttbet- wealthy ctUarn, woe HlkL and another wbite man severely woutvied i The nearoew fled, being pursued by a pneer. Tb« white repubUcwoa who in etiawted tbe riot are In Imminent dan ■er. ae the town la arming for more trouble. First reports of tbe rioting in South Caroline came to the city from Ver dery Tbe railroad telegraph opera tor at that point wlahed to be relieved fiotn duty, wiring that he might lie forced to leave In* poet at any mo ment. He said that all the white people there had gone to help the white* at other places and that the negroes there. In ronsequence of the absence of the white people, were be coming turbulent and were making threat* against the remaining white*. WEATHER CONDITIONS ARE VERY FINE * -l& The Country Roads Are Dry and a Good Vote Expected in Consequence in Today’s Election. New York, Nov. B.—The weather is I perfect. There Is a heavy vote all over 1 the state. Tho indications at 2 o'clock i are that Rjosevelt will win by 40.000. The Democrats are cutting Vasi Wyck and Leavintrltt for justice. The Evening Sun. New York, Nov. 8. The weather conditions are all to be desired. The air is clear and fresh; temperature 45. The polls opening at 0 o'clock, many citizens took an early walk and de posited their ballots and returned to breakfast. Nowhere was trouble re ported during the first three hours of the hullotlng. Comparatively tew votes were challenged. it cannot be said that any particular vote, demo cratic or republican, showed Itself distinctively in the early hours of the day. The merchant and mechanic, the clerk and the laborer, were In evi dence at the polls just about the de gree they were out in the early hours on other recent election days. Almost all the manufacturing concerns shut down for the day, and the bankers and brokers and Insurance offices We rs closed. Many !arg,- department stores, on the other hand. Were open for business for the entire day. but even in those concerns the employees who were voters were given time lo go to the polling places. Polls close at i 5 p. m. ftripifti », # Pftfti ft * P earmdkft ■ ♦•ft PLANT fflft loanand HA VI Nt,t» Sana , «•*.***#*• 9 ft'# ■f * | j A#ft|ftl>» ftaft ft# §*♦# R 3rn ftIMH It . ** a* ftNaffft **h| ft* ft# ft#4 (NNMNft ft ftft4t '## ft# ft* *4 * N ft fll #ll fe#fVk Tftftfft ft*» ft##ft *#*#♦* rmmm #f Ttm, w* ■ (fti# jft f B#»ft#ijft N left f Aft ftfft#'*** ftW ftf ■ tft# ftiMßpANaft «ft 4 T Ni”ftftf 1,. ft • #4lftft#pftfft aiwMft## ftaifil rftH. ftfti MMNft Tft*#e ftftft ft*ftft fttlftft ftft ' t ftfti ftMiftl fftat ftewaft »1 **#"# —ft eft4 | \ *#9e *f« «ft#re ft#4 fteeft *ftft«p lift l ' jnrixilfti (ft «|»|» (#ftN*ff ft#*# 9ft* v* 111 ft#*, ftll mi »<ift»lN*ft MlaflftM if : ttdfMi'a#o*|# l * aft#(y Ml 9lk# ftfti ft# f#A* fc ll ilk# inm 9#ftti 11 pteueft HeeftN#!AftS. Ift# itlNtpt ftaaitt* 9twM «p#*«NM* Ikftft (#■?» i 1 |i#ff ftufti# ft# ftlftA Ml (ft# 1 ft «#*••# srMb tp# ft-ftof# ft#M# <vf !*•*'Aft#*' mi. ftMk* mi \ leMiiif MfWft fNMR ft Ik# fMftftMMi I*#* ~f»HOr PAYNE. CllßAfftir ft I #f N«ftß#C CA I rtl*ff i TA** tft# fA mi Cl** .ttnll < !••* etu i NfdßWiWtrti *ft itM* ■, fveft ai lfl «t«*A * I9#9H Pwf. I*sr9# rfkNMNwftirtf «ft tlk# t a fti*#fftltp ftf I T ilii i ir#rnr.. Will l»r|«ie *| (ft* Tutmfti •I CM #'* ft* ft |V.f, Payne fta a a#lt lifNMrft m*n U *’*»lKAllfteifta Mft Augwftaftft ftfA ! ia«*iT in #fiirt(ft| I# aafrlffta VI OMs Her Photograph. A well known rises tody, who ta i rwiew i« lower Elite etfwet. wee very I u»vt« ii# to Know when tbe rluwa. wba | doing the pboiuorepblna act loot i night r-sstd eend her pl< tare to her. 11-t irtetwto are doing a tut of Jufly* | unr” «t h— egpemse today. She hag beet try aodthet pbi-tograplspr. The ektwa dnew verv stow wort , I r,»>p» Not to Mere. Huntsville. Nov i. —• Tbe Flfleen' , infantry, which was ordered to do* vanaob tomorrow, and to embark io Cuba, to ordered to remain here. Gen. Wheeler goes lo Kaohvlile tomorrow to accept s sword from the Daughters of the Revolution. Tbe liflsms Arrive*. New York. Nov. B—Tbe irmaport Panama arrived with a large number of sick eo Idle is from Cuba. The both lee of flfuen dead soldiers were on board. Mis. C. J Purcell *n.t Maslet Nvd Purcell of Newbury ere visiting at tha home or Captain Ned Purcell at Tel* fair Place. Mr. John Kvets, an old Augusta boy. now living In Atlanta. Is the guest of HU father. Mr. George Everu. During tbe forenoon there were a number of arrests in the lower East Side districts on ibe charge of Illegal registration. One polling place had yielded up litre* aa early as 8 o'clock. The sections indicated contain many cheap lodging places. At nine o’clock theie had l>een 13 arrests In this part of the city. A statement Issued by the demo cratic leaders predicts the election of the democratic nominees for congress in all New York county districts ex cept the Fifteenth. A ruling by Chief of Police Devery that may effect the efficiency of the state deputies was made during the forenoon. A deputy ealled upon a policeman to ar rest a man accused of illegal registra tion. The policeman refused to make tbe arrest unless the accusing deputy, accompanied the accused to the sta tion. The question was appealed to the chief of police, who sent out the following order: “In all cases wbare there are char ges of vlolatioa m the election la v. the complainant must accompany fie prisoner to the station house, exce T, ‘ where there is a warrant In the ca e or .a police officer Is the eompiatu aul." At l(i:3u over one-third of the vote Was cast in fiie qjty. and it was stated at both tbe democratic and republican headquarters that a full vole would bu cast.