The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 08, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TUfSDAY COAL-COAL-COAL VkrfMtr,*.*!* IfftAß W Uf*» •* pkaKt Aefi JgiMgo Hhm fletn Jvmm AiMhrtr •<» s«# **'*• Nwf ~ CITY ice company. At3HJ»V 4 14IMU tfPpAPp ~ a tPmmPA •» HH in |9»*i» «MNN**t ** ** * **e *m Am 'llH 9MMMV MMI #»••*«»? "P* |Ti» n$ |MiiH i«MM *4 t* * ** Ml I* l PIMIfH Af*tl fit'll ♦ 9nn» pm****** §»w9i Itfi It ** 99WM9MI r* HffV ** §1 •*** ft pm #•»»•*. H.IBpII €%•K999* pm IPHMI h M *e IPRpMiip H Pt * 9*999 &♦ ** it *■■** £9mmihp**-, ttwcmmA.. 9*996 • • MW * 1 WKf »* »#,. »« #e t; > /■MMMpi tttttk P|Pflflp i* * » 3 Pm w (PIMM. 99999 #* •*" • #P*m #* *# * ** mff PUMP «$ *♦ *« t« e* I*9W s -i’ # . # >( n*# m 14 rp HIkPPIPf H<Nl*9 9#9f* 9F999**> Ip »IWI •**- 9® j H«»«f m»f« ppppaap pmp #* *• pa^pap Jiftr*? * jeoon I p ip tiifi .# .* * P IHflt'f» tlffUf" 9if199 »«m a* a -99 9*Mm-» 9MNM9M9 f 9 #9*f9 »* PWHPP . «%«**• dwpp# «mp .♦ .*• -•• l# : M*«> t immm, ii tmm »a •• mm* m , *. « *. .. .. .4 .. m m Mil l «••«* uprppi MMI »•**, *d9 *® ere# #•»»*• .... - »* • M* -a MM to#*. Am «**•* m«m» m too* *»» *••*• *•■' axv n # im Mm# ««AM. A 1 . *•* mm . #w« k.. • IM tSMK O A •** to* fit •» ikm *m#> «»■—« A A ** 'to» . M » tM HAftt B 1 H M t»«V (MKitM #r«>■ Ator-i-» <h i»b* 14 PblrtllMl . *• • •«! I ® U”# *# W II ** #* I ' * nrMMt4PPklt# ill K K PmiHNi ** • I*l twil l ~ „ .. .. .... .. .. .... * •*• (htIHMIM I I II II H • »'* |nk« r KM* H * * »«»»•*• .. t H JaMl r Kin* S M**fc I C .... • 14 ihHii, mu CMtlcvtn It* )4« »*uni. to*. *» Cmiumii M rto M •#•»!. pm buachinu MBnH»«~ui Km to* .. .... #K # WIO.'.A M. rmi« M ito to». * MK-to* .. .. « *•* r>«H <4 tto Mm*. 14 MM* ••*'?’ r*M. t-t MM* .. ** .. •• •• •• 1 • > r*K*i. * *• • J*l Alflr.. *• T*. 14# nt llw Wm* .. .. *ll-1 jma. r Kina t « It w Pktniaa .. i *•• f Kin* M A A (fcmttn* .. « M UmKl* ♦-« . •• J*U P Kin*. M-lnrk n*or*l* .. . * •-• Jno * Kl**. « Ml * C a** latana .. .. .. ■• * *•* J t»« * P. K'n*. M toll E* mm MlaM ■■ •• •• J •* tarn #. Kin* M toll B%#*nor .. J l-« PHINTK AiMini .kilim** M*M.. .. .. » M Mwrrlnuit k ■KtrllM*. ***** •■ ■■ **7 CKarmr <*** *r**» *«yM* M*M .. *l-1 V «.nto.*l n Oil* Ihuto l • AIM* * * *** »i«p*i*'* *-* |W*M 4 CMIM •P««l ml to per to* « Aamrlran India > Klu**. HiK .. .. I I*l •lai«r OM (■••ndt **«§* * *n Indian Mu** ***** .. * lni»rn«< l»M. *» ***** .. .. * AUnn'n inrdlnnl* ***** .. .. .. .. • Alto » Union** ***** • In*;* 4 w India bin* ***** 4 Ei»n#inn»'a M**l . * M*r!h* W»*KKmlon !>**•• > »•* Onmrr'* r»dl»nl* ***** * Charter Oak*. * I ‘* TICKS. >Ump*hlr» .. * * Ame*k»*B A C A J* *'* Am«.*k«*a A ** Amovkong J J'J •*■ PLAID KOUESFUKI. cuy Mill* 4 **• Pour y»rd. good J! Inrh * *•* *hlrtlng* * J" 4 lx«dt dre** »iyl*» M**o *l-* 81. Clair dr*** alyl** •• •• •• * Ocean *olid* •• * *" 4 M*>tbn W**Klnfton fnnclm .. .. 1 *-« >ll»c*ll*n*ou* brand*. 11*1*1 • eight * •••• 11 l-'a** J-l laaalta « yard* plain * * • Thorndike 4 Craacenl .. * **• Pelham. 12 bal Ito bo* IS r. 13 I S* bnlL to bo* .. .. .. 1* K O F . 2# boll* to 1b.... .. .. II 1-1 Muscogee 4 4 ' 4 K If. b « 1-2 yd. plaid*, beat make .r •• 4 4 * 4 Bimpaon allk (lotah foulard* 61* 14 i ~ „ .. .. * I-* Pacific mourning* Six** *l-* China silica * 1-* -4 Slater **x*l .. ..’ f 1-4 Concord. . 2 H Rome •* •• •• 4 14 -3 Flftl. Avenue 4 1"* KKARSBJT'S. Heavy Columbia, i.envy Kearney * 1-* Kincaid and other* - ■ 1-* LlMli CEMENT AND PLASTEK. Lime J0" 45 Koeendale cement M-*5 Portland cement .. .. .. 12.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement lb paper aacka ..*I.OO Plaater Wi bbla *1.75 HARDWARE. Well bucket*, per do* *2.01) Painted bucket*, per do* It. 10 I II B B cedar pails, per do* .. .. 11.76 3 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 12.00 Tube painted, per nest 11 75 K. pe, .Manila, per pound « 1-2 pope. Ptanl. Per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOoallc XsiK. xvlre 11.75 base Nalls, cut »1«5 base Shovels. Amea. per do* .. .. ill*! Shovels, diamond, per do* . .. 17.00 FKovels. riveted back, per do*. .. 1-1.75 Plow blade* 3 3-3 base Haroes. red top. par do* 13.25 Hamea. red top root, per do* .. .. 12.50 THE an? GKAOttt Of ■ OOJLX* 4iV tills |,-4ci%it\*t f tit-mm trjt mm. pm m mm |i Ii i *pm**+ mpm pm «fc .„m «I M \§m* mmm mm m m m^m |M t!«.««» mm pm »«•*#• §| ( iptm* mm, pm *m mmm «i if f-p*.,* mmm pm pm pm •* IMW VI ly. miir .- mm mt *■" ft mm fH Pmppm Pmmpgp t* * Ipm pmm ## •>** I Pm* mm pm % ## . & m 1 N ». I 1 nm*PPP ppm # « Ii a® *♦« Pm mm fca I pm Pm •# m *• •• ism iMHHIi pPi %Wm toMf ** m mP 1 1#aa ppm pmpmp pmm p*m*+**,v mm l mmm ppm h Ki IH I ami I«i #■ f4f t‘ V* ■ I's ?># ma—tiimaai p&m-m >»>#>##% pm pm % fhmmippp p% ppm M | t>toto»«lN| | |af« pm* H M M lit ,e# - *-#'•« *®im# $ If* mPm ****** Pwf #•# ttiwaf'gm i i's • mm M m* ' |i 1i• ppp* t •««• •« M **« : : *%*m**>» a i ft* .#ll4 Ui mt m*ntm * PmPtmPP tp. Ml «« mmm 111 #•* Pmpmm Mi ******** « M *** Ampm-rn *• tM ,« n », Ml #*• . Ammmp * »r* «M ****** 9B •*« i A »*#■**<# « • Mt ## #«## #• M M M« A!t*»*« fit HM ******** M M* A •*«• tM p# *• m ** »• t«t **• Alt tM t, ,« ** #* ** lit ... 'a* *»«* 1 t r*. lift taa *«* 1 AI -* A * f" » $m ******** I®t to a aataiMl fi, Mi ## ** ** ill *** amt *a-4mia I * IMS ******** lit •«* Hto»n# I t M 9 „ ,« »« *• h M —* S*a im .# •• *. M *«• *'*AmmPmP 1 !*ff Ml .. m M •*. ft, tifi ~ ** „ ****** 111 T*~€p . ## •• ** ft *** (lumm«i ft IM h .. It • Ut #4t4 HAII.HOAD M*Htm * H H 41 UK Cl ft tM .. . . IM €M*tm H H 41 IN Cm ii SfS9 . •• ... |, «• .. IM to* (*%tft*Nlta CtHMtttviA 41 Am* | issit, tat I'*, llto ... .. I*7 ... OMMtotle Cs*n«nkto A An ‘iwa 14 r*. in# .. m Aas vista to H It.. V* Itot M C It. N Bwsblng Ca. Caltat eral Truer la I*l7 .. ~tt to tout Keen Railway S*, IM* , .. II to at (leoeigM Railway, tot «nm»i nsort. r*. IM .... w to C of O la: prs* to ...... to M ('•vital at nserftt RaMway. 24 p.ef ineotoea. IMS ...... II I* C. »t O. !•* peer la IM .... I * o. tt « r.. in m. »■#. im .. i« I*7 tout* iSr-rgto and Ft or ton. 24 r#, IBM .. 1« BonlK OeorgM sto Ihor'Aa 2d r*. into im ... ocean Nleamaklp On.. I*l ll 24 PA !*» .. I*4 FACTORY HONDA. Enterprise Mfg Ca., lei tm. IMS |M ... Blhlev Mfg. Co., let Fa IM2 IM Plbley Mfg «>.. Ist Fa. IM2 10* «to. R. It. A l» Co. alack .. I*7 iDt Boutbvcastern It R. BUrck to ito AuFusl* and Havinnah slock . 12 Ito CHAIN AND PHOVIPIONB. n_t* •Kite, ssrked .. ~ U tsail, nrlied. sacked .. 21 Corn, • bile, *atke4 .. ~ .. .. .. .. U Corn, mixed p «l Meal, bulled, per buahel ITH Fleur, common .. .. .. .. .. .. IS* ; Flour, fancy extra 2 Tt Flour, second patent ~ .. .. .. Flow, standard patent 4.25 I Flour, fency patent 4.15 AVheal bran. IW-lb sack# 11l Fin.- feed. 100-lb Backs to Hay—eiallve. per ton .. .. .. 12.00 llay—Timothy, per loK llay—choice, tier ton 14.00 Hama—choice sugar cured .. .. tOallV* ' Smoked rib aide* ( 1-2 Dry aal riba I 2-4 l.ard. pure leaf. In tierces .. .... 6% Lard, kettle, rendered ID tierces. 0 1-4 AT THKIR OWN RISK i Will W reckers Raise the Colon and Other Vcaaela. Washington, Nor. 8. Naval Con ! si rut-tor Hobson was before the naval i bureau chiefs last week and spent two boom there one day In argument to convince the board of the advisability I of allowing him to continue the work iof raising the Spanish warships sunk i off Santiago. Bee re; ary had already conclu j ded that the further prosecution of i the work at government expense muit j cease. However, he has conscntad to allow Mr. Hobson the opportunity to ! Induce the board of bureau chiefs to reconsider their original determina tion. The constructor was reinforced in his opinion that the Colon and per haps one or two other ships might be saved by Merritt, of the wrecking firm of Merritt 41 Chapman. The hoard recommended to Assistant Secretary Allen, w'lio has ihe matter In charge, that the Merritt rompany be allowed to continue its work on the Colon under an agreement to pay salvage to them only in case the vessel is raised. Vellow Jaundice Cured. Suffering humanity should be sup plied with every meaiis possible for it* ! relief, it is with pleasure we publish the following: "This Is to certify that 1 was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians In our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Bitters; and after taking two bottles, t was entirely cured, t now take great pleasure In recommending them to any person suffering from this terrible mal ady. I am gratefully yours, M. A. Ho garty, Lexington, Ky Sold by How ard & Willet, druggists. TBK .A.TTGT7BTA- HERALD Ihe Indian War of »*di fNI «p|M 4# i£» fHSNM M9M **i»a 4#N»#4k# !#§•*» 4RF f*a m*.»oiiwntot*#» ppppp'*m *ap ww* i ppp APAmmuh -*■- -a «a mp 4 ■**«#- - *Pm * %> .. ppm f p ppm*m**. in A#*. ## It* AMI at j V4# ms* r»i 'j-MiTr t (Nil Pm mm*** mm ttmmP*- % a PPPm ▼ j 'tia ppprnmp Pmmmm ta mmm . . trttagi m a ***** mmm* Pmm ** 4#MM NM, PP* ppm #*» mmm *m# mm taininwM as PPm \ * | PP ## >4 mP HmHMN® iMpaiMl Hi PPms \ 'im PP<*mp- " * mmm mm ppmmpmm pmppmt mm »mpmm PrnPpmm pm nHi* A* \ : «|mm ppmm ttv-A# *m !*•>» mm it#| : «wm<rA ik»»b itTiaai P-mPtmm Pm NNMNa :mp mpm as INI WmPP** • Pmm mm***m \mmm ini mHM ppm mmPmmmt mt *tw> \mtpptl,. H* Ml a#pV mm ■*» ip# waa .fHANA • %*• M fnti pmAmmmm * ■-** «np* ito -vmim#-. an h a## **■ * ■'•*».# *•**•♦ ‘'4*n . ! «*» i# khipM HH® tm D* Ti» 1 •«m4 «im» «m»4 im mrnmm *• *** | n 4 mt Wmtm** WPmPP iH* fItiMNM PpmAp m M-j am 4 4N? w4hm*i Pm pm N M % ap tHa mmmmmmmt' ad pmpp I ma -1 [ (•* mmm m »%wmt Pm ppm mt itm mppm* t ■ ! mpm m Miit'i'M w* amHat* twM am • * \ ' m mmpmp pm A** in* mpp mmmmm Pmm I tmpp* . * ipaa*«i I* tmtpm IM mam it tm *!••» . 1 turn* pm (InM *N» rmaM imam IPm PP • |li rtarnttr I fi mPPtmm Emit a mmm •*# | i(km tariha atai aamaa iaNltam# Jmamma**® j .aamt am 4 (ffmANMI *n? Mum IM t! Tt#mv am 44 iMmfv m <«» --I Ht« tm maa • j m #|fa#, mksa laaat mm I **s***< mmA itMii am# ] mm i. i tmmP&mp. HTtNam i pmm innim . av#4 a mma pm* m Am*P ** m* i ] U # *i**mPAmp nr—nf tm® Imrm jrmm rmm* ma mm*m mmm aap rk _ •afi ttai I ****** Nm t« *i ■ ' tm t«m fcmmm iMt Im lllfmm 4*n ; «N (NfM# mtm (Ml •«* «N INI ti fi-ftr t «>mh!rr mmf N malual- '!#«*# 4 wpM 4f*r>*iat IN mam f»lnf tm atm t*- fmt \ Hi pmu! | irM Im |*l tr*m* Nrm torn# Hmiwnimir. b#»t iNf imrnmi m» «•*» *»«♦. •** k* [V* •"* 1 4are I* mava TK» User# togers will all K* Itot* begwsww toiw and Wertoe* ■•j «.** startled. Km putting am a K-41: face I went nut atontt* the Indian* and la tke-e them «4f their gtotrd t«M them that I had a *Mk h«r*e and * .old have ta *•• ta Ihe agere V tor medicine The* • mat bach to J**Kn ana and laid •• -What ara « going •*» da^ " Wen.' he replied, your family •* mixed blood and my advice le ta ata* right her*. They won't harm you.' •* That will be a pbe of tails faction' | replied. To live wit* my frtend# *H dead- I would rather die * thmiean-l times try tug to notify them than tg live , after they are killed ,* " Don't you move an Inch,’ aald hr •■you're a deod man If you do. To« aee that guard following your - Tea.' I aald. 5 •** him. Rut you let me slooe, and I'll »orh out my own salvation .* hf • About mblttlgflf 1 stole out to U>- hsrw. threw a tdguket «o my horw-. and, JumpttW op hl4 KaiA. I made a dash through Ihe Indian lines The very hotdneas -d the thing wag my aal j, for the !■■#«* were so aur prtaed that I was welt down the trail tv-fore they Were aftor me. They Heed several *hot# at me, un.l some of th>* bullet* . ante a littl# too near mv «•*!-* for comfort. I got to the agency all right, and when Mai. Walker was In formed of the serious condition of as fair* his hair fairly stood on end. With hi* family, he Immediately started tor Crow Wing, a small town on the east side of the Mlsatsslppl where there was a small detachment of soldters The next day th - Indians started In on their rumpsge but mest of the aet ttci-a had left f«r places of safety and there waa but little loss of life. As usual toe government, became ' ui oust'd In the course of time and Com* Imlsaioner Dole was directed to come to ‘the agency and hold a council with the Indians and try to flx things up. After his arrival he and tlie military author ities determined to capture Hole-In* the-Day. They sent word to the rhtef that he waa wanted at a conuetl. He answered that he would attend on the I following day. In the morning he came. He was the cleanest Indian on 'the face of Hod's footstool. He luvaii dressed In Ills finest broadcloth slid changed his moccasins every day. He was not only the neatest limn 1 ever saw, but the smartest I ever knew who had no etluatlon. When lie advanced Into the circle he made a fine appear ance. He stalked to a* ir he were king of the whole upper country. "Dole opened the council, and his Chippewa auditor pecked away at the ground with his pip-. Pole did the best he could and talked. I should Judge, about an hour. He tried to ex plain to the great chief the meaning or the treaty, construing each section according to his desire to Impress Its importance upon the auditors. \\ hen h,. finished Hole-ln-the-Day stood up, threw his blanket off one shoulder a characteristic pose—and turned to Dole and said: •• -Are you the smartest man our great father could send on In a trying time like this? Because, if you are the smartest man the great father ha* got, I pity our great father. You have been talking to me as if I were a child. I am not a little child. I have gray hairs on my head .1 may not be as smart as you are, but your talk sounds to me like baby talk. You sa ythe treaty reads so und so. That is a lie. and ou know It.’ And he took Dole's speech from beginning to end. word for word, and when he got through it tvas like a stocking that had bee unravelled thera was nothing left of It. "Whan Hole-in-the-Puy iinished he said: 'Wall. 1 guess I’ll go home.' - No,' said Dole, ‘wen don't want you Mt J.UCK BIKING - HIDED It IK* |m*i l#tm4kiß« • toy Ii t«Mt 4#f bf Art. biKVHk rnuffito*. Fitll4M Of P'A* ' MtMa-a, Nal«to Atol*. iMMftJ n# Nitiia* Atoit rrkncmw t*f lnt*>tm»tol h On« ck wFp*f a u«m Art# fArpmmiml M. HitfbAKl ftt Alt ito kMv»to»«4» pr wttar. CfFWiiifM# tl«AA‘ilV aml qua flirty* Manutaduftol By The Southern Mfg. Co.. RICHMOND. VA. J For Rent FArm of thirty acfqa juAt titTw city. DwtUinft. eloft* a tort ffICMA hi mU AACUOtoA of tb« city. BcvtfAl of J. B Whit# 1 * new Br0«<l %U—i hou##* As« Mill UtofAtotACl. BoacJal prune will bA mArtA to rtA tirAblA partiA* John W. Dickey I It 9 UNbf? HMHm Gas Light Company, AUGUSTA. CA. CHEAPEST FUEL / EVER OFFERED IN AUGUSTA. t* HAvitoff accumulAtArt a tMF«r<- stock of CokA wo win saII And dAllvnr wmo In IhA city for 30 d«ys dunn« th* month of No vember As thA following Axceodingly low pplcas: 25 Bushels for $1.50. AquivalAnt to $3 p#r ton. or OcAnts pAr bushel. 100 bushels for $5.00, equivalent to $2.50 per ton, or 5 cents per bushel. 500 busheis for $20.00. equivalent to $2 oer tt>n, or 4 cents per bushel. We will deliver in Sum merville at 50 cents extra per cart Ipad, or will make correspondingly low rates) with parties who will do their own hauling. Break up your Coke be fore using. 7 | First come first served. ‘ H. B. ADAM.Secretary REMOVED TO 7U BROiDftY. j E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seals. Stencils, Daters. Pads. Badges. Ac 711 Broadway. Augu*ta,tia. Pirowgvr Phone '.82. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE t’BK Land’s Headache Capsules M ads Only By UOWARD * WILLETT DRUG CO. to go home.’ * l, The Indian was cute enough to aee H»r*t they intended him. but he toplted very quietly; ‘t told my people pwould come bark and 1 never He to tl*am.' ' 'But.' InaiKted Holy, ‘we can't let jNhu go,’ kL'A* the soldier* ware atmut to sur round the warrior, a man rushed up to dfele and told him that the camp wae MBtounded by India#*. Hole-to-the- Day. not trusting the; white men. had prepared for Just surb a contingency. Dole grew pale and trembled, and Hole-in-the-Day turned to him and In j a contemptuous tone said; •' 'Can I go home now?” The arie.ver was. ‘Tea, you can go." The chief looked at Dole rather *u percllloauly anti said: 'I thought ho. Then he walked away. Some of the aoldiers shouted ‘Short him, damn him.' hut the warrior walked cooly down to the th r and stepped in his canoe and paddled across. Theiv were 50 angry men In the crowd ready to shoot him. but he never turned his head. The In diana stayed for about two months In Uie camp across the river, while the au thorities sought an amicable settlement of the trouble." CASTOR IA For Infnnts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /TT Signature of < *4t CALL fOR ' tugusti Fleming Co * t*fckW Hllf-OcOAiJ ! ! --M, %** BELLE OB’ GEORGIA Our Orauitht Beer Has None Superior. j AL’OUSTA beer. MONEY TO TM In any sums dAkired from SSOO upward*, m utraight 3 and 6 yaars tlma. or on lOyaars time, payable in equal annual Instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower excaept the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aleiaoder&JotiDSOD Aprtt- 1 (ksw9l*9 A »«r can Murtiif* (on|«kfi e 705 Broad St . , ) PORTNER’S < C HOKBRAU and S / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF / I Export i j Beers j ? ARE THE BEST C S ASK fOR THEM. f B. R. MITCHELL, ALEX. Mi DONALD Supt, a! Con. See. & Oan. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street. El«ctricßuppli« -poaking Tub-*, etc., etc. Repairs to all klectrica! apparatus. Electric Light Wiring a tpecialty. Hall’Phone 1802 • - - Strowgvr 876. Aifr |c£ 1 And very LOW t’HII'FS Large stork. Also Pipe, V.4I.VF.H and EN OINBB. bo I I.IHS, Ml 1.1*9 and HEPAIKH. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., AtratrsTt. oa. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1898. j Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m.| 5:21 p. m. Lv. Sandersville . 1:19 p. m.| 9:09 p. m, Ar. Tenntlle .. .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon “-45 p m.| 3:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.| Lv. Dublin ’10:00 a. m Lv. Macon .. 11:38 p. m.111:55 a. m. Lv Tennllle. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersville. 5:26 a. m.| 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close eonnectlon made at Tennnllle with Central R, R. for Mneon. and with Wrlghtsvtlla and Tennille R. R. fur Dublin and Hawkinsvilla. C. W. JACKSON. Gen Fgt. Pass. Ag:. James IT.1 T . Jackson, Joseph H. Sands, Receiver*. haittoy b AWWLI Chitlevion g W Caiolma • ♦»*•*■ •#< i*a*». »#*•**•• i#Ba »«>'*>*. » rv«** a** * BUM ♦"wSlEtei>kw»» »»♦ ..*** .... i ' 'Mpk# • *•«*• » «**»*> j ■ WtPpptPpppttttPtPAmm*' I | * AmPmpmmfm-i ’. , .*****#■ *-, ’' *-tPtPtPt&-v*** j to- I * mmmpmmmmm*,.. ***: ■**** * f *•## mm 9 | \MSS£r****** **** tm r m * **** j fLp {Mmmi s ***** **• I •Jf ■■Bm A*JF*»AAAAF PPomm *+*•** | V |SK‘ >*< M»«*AAAI! |flP£f******* j * ****** ***3 s• t %mPPttP 7*A#aa j PMpAtpmm* f»#af * * ; **,* t • aMMK.—«m..»a|.<w mil HfM : a* JMKnitMl »!****. * NMsm.h<. m< j-...—. MKM' l -Tim limn .1 #i4>*» »•***» ’grtrl mn —« M* •** * Ac* ‘Mllifli.o. .M... H4MMK ‘Are *9A*wmA»m,,. »»,,>.!»« ! ■ t%ll wi i. m«. A♦•#■ IS rtd"K*> iSTo... aIMMj * (INM.ILm<h. >. , 7 WMM' ♦jMjtoih. —. I4#w Mmn#] *■#•!#, | \m*m : *#’*** j Bmmhm*—.—......! mk# mm l * PmtSh. . WJjaM | * a lanato**.... n .. •...»j— • • >1 *■■** #» iMk; ■{_ ....... I ... ... I #9 9 fll #*##s |n <m sßf mmm m mm*m rnrnm fggßfiAifli• ttißwrtVß 9#99 Pm 99 f#99l «K K 4L L» ■ _ tH. aa kiwMud to> Mr »•**•* <a a a. c **4 f a A f «Mt #*•»*••*•»* k»x# Vm *et ••«*»'«• w to#»to 1 toH*t v(»Ki »*«- e***to* at. J. ((UKi «" mitt S. a. adktl. •»«*—> a# f ■ KMiRMiK Itoikr ■—*r» aaFMM.HK BLtn; HIDOC RAILROAD. M C MaTTIK Miii'i'W IPlt-* -grt »•#>*— * r-M lo 4 * Ftvai Atri (toe Ctoto F. CIM* Cf*m Miii m»* a IM* |w* - Nawtlto w? *"/• 71. 12 N.« j. M*l» R*a AM FM » |Af*tr* tewv* FM UM |* a !*•#,. *»4m«> .0 • 2*ll * *> t* »■ Mj if,,., ttowvwv ....A 4 t®t* *• I* * t Htt| ... ARM fltoll** • m t tang... p*»4to’«M ..a taai. a a: *• I M t*. ilVfff ff»F| f, 4 *III M i t. 2:mik #am> * creaF# I KUII •* I* » | »SU .. IfcMACA AS «:2*.tt.» r.m ii »** 140 W, Weett DfltOK Fl# •-M QK... WnNtstto .. at 5-iT! AM am |L**V* A«tv* PM TM Rw.l2 Me* toll R*J * Rtotitf 2wM. F. Ftog fßattan AN regUar trwM* tram Aadarenn ta WWMil* Mr* etgkt t* tnrt aaa» train 1 at tk* Mm* rt*M MevNMt J* «p po*tt* dtreatton. wnMa* *tkvr w ia* e#*c* lS*d kr train erd. re. Wilt also ltd# Kt MrirKl atari to* t« take on ** tat o# p*»*rng»r» PKta* arys. Jam to an 4 Kaady Spring* 7*o U *«ama> ta *1(1* Ha ut Kara esti va* Ka. 12 at AFdevsoa, Naa i *nd t aan*i»ct vftK 2"»tMt.i eatlnay N-«* !t and 27 at Ftows-a. i J. R. ANPERSKi.V Mupar n«nd**t. ATLANTIC COIST LINE KHORTkMT AND QDICK.MRT ROUTS TO TMK KA#T AND NORTH. 1 t.HfpMi Le.. AtipnK oa .Ar J T Haia 2 a»pmi Le.... .MM* Ar f T:l2bm 4:|7pmj L*.. Inntnaik ...Ar | • 17pm 4 60pm: Le.. OrßKgl'g....Ar i I toam ( Mpnv Lv. Sumter A C...Ar 4 22am *tf ;>m; Le....Flaeanc* ...Ar 2 2S»m 20 S2t<mi Le...Fay*ttavttto ..Ar l ltpm 1 Ilami Ar.PetoraKKrg.Va Le I I l!pra 4! Ar Richmond ...Le I I 12pm 7.4l*m| Ar..W**hinaton..Le | 2 4«pm f .03am| As.. Maltiiner*.,. J.v j 2 25pm I);2s*m| Ar..Phl!*aelphtK..l.e |l2:»pm 2 aspmj Ar... Kerr York—Lv j 2 20am Pullman palace buffet slesplr.g e*i* from Macon and August* to New York without change R. A. BRAND. Hen. Aft., 722 Broad St . Adguita. fl*. T It KHERSON. Traffic Manager. 11. 51 EMERSON. Oaa. P***. Agt. Central of Ceorgla Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH I*2B. <2oth Meridian Time.) #' * —’ LEAVE AUGUSTA. Vo, * For Savannah .. .. .1:20 P. st. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta .. .... .. *;4O P. 54. So. * For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* 8:20 A. M. j vo. 52 For Macon, Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 9:30 A. M. Arrive auousta Vo. 1 From Snvanunh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con. Atlanta .. .. .. 6:35 A. 51. No. 5 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 6:50 P. M. No. 63 From Macon. Atlanta, and Way Station* .. 6.30 P. M. Noe. 1. 2. 3 and 4 daily. Vos. 6 and 5. dally except Sunday. Vo*. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping care on night trains between Millen, Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah For fur ther Information as to schedules, etc., app!>\ to M. C. JONES, r. T. A.- W. A. GIBBES, Depot T A. J. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. T o Rent Store and Residence at 1265 and 1267 Broad street. Oneoflbe best stands in the city for a good Grocery Store, or in lact. any business. Tbe Home has six (0) good rooms, a good yard, and is very convenient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. belle o f o h: oegia NovfcMatpa •UHLtort** 4 AQBAOBUWI S. c, It. Mil HIT CO •*«•##•«(* *4M* Hjm§ tns pppm "m% pmmmPmpm 9N94L # *m tkpPPP PP ppp t<9'#N t ’ i A* ««i9M I# • »-*#»S99 ! 9* l ik*» *mm 14 -*M mm 1 : §mpp %Pmm* ’ ■9 Nxfe# t mm I A* ttrtiT,*- 4 * i # 1 #MAft »9|rtl»i’i * Pm**** (a WI- *• *m |- r IW*. *t # T §»*.«* " * jjSS |A* * ppplmm |* #4 m»- ** P **m *mm 9899991 li* 9 mm**'** mPPspp t# tmrnupHp [p* im*****m A M p p** Ta. l ljM| A spit m* PmAPtAm&A 9 ioP *fHTf Apmrn tPpmAm-% I# • »»'»—■ 9 ****** u PtA l '* 9(9999 m • MA 99,., f, P*f*‘ * * * - p*mm Burn im »|I %im *s' »mWm t$ fiift $9*999 19- 9*9 9mpa *99 I «49l l • kmppm* UN*? * ¥** Y mmmm A • <h 9999**7 •. air mpm M 1 «*9 # 9MN9 9* l»a» 9M»y%* 9| $999 4.9 ftIM99P9 4 mP p* pmP*m* A mmm !• PmAm A * *%pm i || P9^*499»• 99m* I *#99l A 9 M Prnmmprn A* A mmmm.. «*a«9* y a»T *TTaq» mm MB tA* M»B*« Pm 9afp9M99P» tm mmPmmAmmm? mmpmm mm *a* ' *'*l9 mmA Pmppm Pmm mApmmum w«m *mm* lilglllHr IA M 99999 ummm 9«Mp9 Im IM M.p*99(9l AC »«9«9L99 •OUTH&RN RAtLWAf. * PPmm 9# * ~ri —r tmutrnmmrnmmA Am/m f—f fIMkA *1 i ■— CA# 99*»#l** *mtt A 91 i—’— —~■ 1 v. ii er v toatori- m*m* , MB* rr;.' - - mb' "* «•» PP 1 ■ 9 Pi *• 99 *t g!££Xm ■ 4 *»» C " jußl 4 -a — it* At mm-urn * 1 mm P 9mw MS©* 1 * : ... ill ~Z--' lit Hi ey. b itolM l oaVk KSSr 1 * *■**. |«f SS! > wumr tUM tO4 • LTa%u i .7 sip »*• *. ... jlu *•** j* jto tor 34 N) %0. aruartru Ar K<u«a* L * ■ "* naxcuu [ 1144 1 » ;SPCII an TPTSI : EPS? : jssa les - aa MUM , ttoMf. L. s«« t^a'PwTkn. 4 Mr! ~u iiu - esar • jsp ss: t* kiA Sow A. Ky . | to toy II 15* & Rtriiitotod l?Nt[ H««» L* BtoaoKta T Tm*) aUp L* 8or*»l .... i atop* Ar OmasKars « *a, Lr wrwrsaKnra .... . T T to* t .«» * 1 MrMn *A a Mt top * Fur* Aril ... . ... to to* il Up • (Wav MU* II «p • Wiwaabcre II A*. I-’ to* Ar Oairito 2a>4 <at . ..... tt tow* I (fa L* Oahuatoata top* I tip 4 to* NtoMto ! ttoy 660* * 7mm I Stop * 36a " (trull-will* l isp fB, Ar AagnMK ■ | t 16pj 6M* tv Aiks, ilia I hr* (toy v. eiwrfaaowrg ; it tot; 6 lip Lv r->|-W h<■ tut 8y... I top rot-* As I hsrMi* 6 top) 11 •• tr Qarito. f~*Fut .!. "ifw• u t;* “ Kvuuh 18. Ito* |r Jsekauw> * top 6 16* " ~ V« rag 'MTM K Kicellrat duly pn~—apsr —rvtea Kttai tKriii. ut Nrw Jerk Km r ud .p— W a-mus towaiid tonkswim Ltmltod Solid Vutlbuiad trsin with ittnlwg aar. ud first "I— naachrw aortk as t'Kariotta. TsUiom drawing raran ueepiagcar.fcwrweu TKtupa. JaekniovtUa. mi an non Waakugion ul Sew ’rk Pullman Meaplag Car* Iwtwoaa CKartori# ■ed RicKmaad Pultuukii drarrtag room -landnr car* 1— tmui lira—aboro aad Xorfiilk llo— «»n»* ttoa at Norfolk for OLD POINT CoMDIBT. arriving ibare ta tirn* for breakfaat fiolid train, with Parlor rare, bstwaon Cbarteaton aad Aahavtlie kua 31 aad 66—U H Pa«( Mail. TM rough Pu.lnian drawing room buffet n.erotag ear* I— tvrw Jackwarill* and New V >r« aad Pull man .losing cars i-twreu Auguato and Char iot ta Pullman .laauing care batwaen Jack {oaville and Ootatoblk. en route dally haiwaao a. k-mv-illv and Cincinnati, via Asheville KANII H GAN NON. J M.CT'LP, Third V P A non. Mgr T. M . WaaMkataw 2T A TUKK. H H HAKDWK'jf oHr A.. Waaktngten. (1 C l, AIM* GEORGIA • • RAILROAD. (Ntb Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, lltt. Pullman Slaener* between Macoa and New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and Bt. Loot*. Lv Augu-sta ..I 7.05am1 3;2opm|l6:3opia Ar Atlanta ...!l2:3spmj »:20pm| fc.OOwm Ar Macon ....|U:X6wrn| I 6:45am Ar Athena ~..|l2:lspm| 7:2«pm| Ar Gaineavttl«|*3:4spro| | - Ar White Pi ai*l:oopm| | Ar Mlir«*’l* . 10:10am| | 4:3oam Ar Wvh ton ..|lO:lOatn| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 6:15 p m., and ar rives at Mtliedgevtlle at 8:10 p. m Train* arrive at Augusta 6:l* a. m, 7:45 a. m., 1:20 v>- m and 8:25 p m. A. G. JACKSON, G. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect. March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard, Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester. C. & N. W. Ry -:*s a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. * N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stags . •• 7:00 ixm. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage • ■ 7:20 p.m, g7w~H ARPER. ~c. F HARPER, President. B. A.