The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 09, 1898, Image 1

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TUI AtOCttA •A VIM urn. «.« a»**»aa ROOSEVELT’S ELECTION HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED But Tfctre Hat Bean • Republican Falling Off Amounting to Noarly 200,000 in the State at a Whole. gome of the Remarkable Feature* of the ElecHon on Ye*t*rd*y—What the Comf>lea<on of the Hour* and Senate Will Be. turn Tartk Ntt. t -AM# WUNI *»• t *>Si» • 'Whftf to*k* y*ra-s snaJry is* etasa** If** MN** <4 MM MM. WkM* «M*<4 ll* MtM ta CM. Rmuhi gap*** l ' «»e m fMfM. txr • ptofwlMp to fttoto is *** to 9MM roar Vm Wysk. f lM» #R WMHilf tlfr ••§*!# ft* I A# ****#«•»* 4 • M to* to ttak »*#• <toW' rot ■toto *>toM Tartar tow tow • n*ii»S>e*a tmm mt f**w tto am to MA tot M**tot»>> mat* to ttottoto m* •i«k HMto •—• v«« Wyvk bad Mm to mm to ort«i«r N*» T«*k, witb •Mitk to mast mm*. AM tMifttt to tk* »to# #«*t**A» ml to* ttor tot*** that RmtotH i*m ttJM, M rwuwto *MM Qorttonf Mtrk In fh# rtty kit #•» * at*** Smalley ihtn Rk'ki In Ik# -ttunirr kmtrteta Vnn W*. k inn atomt *#„***. and w Ik# e*ty ■limit M.ato ahead of Tartar. Tb» tokt# rvkfTtoloMl -1* *«•»!■>• * 111 probably stand It republican* an 4 I* tonornik a Mgmrmtk tain at U In Old »« Turk rttjr tManhattasv buy out M nu republican kaa hesm r»t«nH, and a ntoaM# fratiir# to tk# atoctla* naa th* MM by Captain William Aa tnr Chanter of Lemuel Q»IW for #•»- jn«M to th# Fourteenth district .where th# former overcame a repuhttran pit rainy of 11 .to* tw* r*ar* •*■>. aim by about I.*ta. Th# *t*t# l#«laUtur# is republican on a Joint tmllat by » votea. assuring th* flection of a republican to succeed Senator Murphy at th# aspira tion of hi* t#rm nut March. The atato acnit* will stand. 27 rcpablieana, St democrat*. a democratic gain of ». The republican# will hav# *9 member* In she assembly, and the democrats. «l. Till* I* a republican gain of 11. The vote up the *tate furnished sev eral surprise*. Rochester, the home of Georg? W. Aldridge, commission of public work*, gave Roosevelt only 420 plurality, against 4.lfK* for Black. In 1896. Rennwlaer county, the home of Gover nor Black, gave Van Wyck a plurality of about 700. Black carried It liy 2,800. Roosevelt ran ahead of Black’* figures In Alleghany by 300 and In Brooklyn by 2,100. Chicago, 111., Nov. 9.—The returns I every county In the slatp indicate j th - election of Whittimore. republican, as stata treasururer hy a plurality of 30,000. In Cook county, aside from the , congressmen on the entire republican j ticket, with possibly one or two excep tions, is elected with pluralities from j 5,000 to 6,000. The county was carried for McKinley by nearly 70,000. Kentucky Democratic. Louisville, Ky„ Nov. Demo crats of Kentucky won a sweeping vic tory yesterday by electing nine and possibly ten congressmen out of elev en, anti prevented the Republicans from gaining control of the court of • » itoMn. ‘l.a totiaui. ftStaa Itapatata, I •fpwln fk# (#'»#a.t uNgis*— «*al I **••»"#* **sM* *#*#• itawmstMta and 1 flkar eiii -1 ttba tototo** *****>»» . mm 111 Ik# fb »d appattst# mart kto trtrt. p%trk was rasvtek Mr MstUM** 1 Ml I*M IT U*9 Mtolatnr II -•** Ufa j tower rat b ».*u» If* Junto* kto aw ] If *ttown w»« <k'a wajartty Mm tank. • ilk kiwi ttoto was* to «*ar» PMUk4a>b a Hm * TM* T»»*- rtl'aaia ketlftW# »M*cM rtarss a aroreronr t« if ut MO twkaiM to M —MI «n a Jatoi hatha IM •<#*• katoC kSMwasry to aton a artto*#* TMs frtaaks to Ha** Aalto to Mara Mt «M«a oa a jatai Malts* to* ifu* VM# Mbt)* l prop** ela'to lM#r Ma«* skarmk aaOrtoat amatory* to tM# *»• amMi» to toton tk# rMwiw* to Osar Qwat to a urt*ar*ai from knaw thta morala« rwroekto tk# #!«<rttok to twv toaawrrat* sa tk# MRalatar# (Mom Mia Mato* roostr to R**v*r. a dram rfaiW gala jo.swo Orto»>rath Majority. *1 Lost* Mo* * TM# rrtnraw an* roraiM to atowly today aad though not rotor‘#l* prant to tk* atartfcm of tk# Wilt* democrat hr Male tlrhet My at toaai majority sad tk# #w* tiua to a majority to tk# m*tob#rs to tk# kaialatare #asnria« tk# r#-tocr> tloa to *#nalor for knell Tkrc# r»put liras ««njtrc*#*oeo from St l#wu« are rr-alcriad. and II la probabl# that all |v»l*a coocremtoaal dUt.'b t* outside to ik# city will Mr ropresrtitrd My drot orrsta. la Etorlcd. Caraoa. N#c . No*. I—Th# atartion la tMla atate resulted ia Ike #|*>-tl<« to MeMHlan. Republican for aovrmor o*#r Madi>r thrm«i»T»i by a stoall ma jority. Mew land*, silver, la reelected lo Coagfwaa The l.< #i*i»iure i Repub lican! la hellered to be farnrnkl# lo the reelectk-B to Senator Sirurart. Slone's HiinHly Pkitadelphla. Pa . No*. *.— Bton* t Rrpuhllcaa I ia toecied to»vetoor by a bmdrrd and fifty Ihuusand plurality ever Jenka. Davenport t Democrat> for Congreaa, In Ibe Twelfth, baa been elected. Senator Gray** Sticccssor Wilming.on, Dot.. Nov 9.—The next Legislate re In thla state Is almost aural;- Republican In each branch, and certainly Republican on a Joint ballot. The Republicans will thus elect a auc ceasor to t'nltcd State* Senaror Grey, omocrat. AA Ist or so Safely Republican. Milwaukee. No*\ !*. The returns are far fro.ii ecmpli-tc, but Indicate that Governor Schofield, republican, ig sure of election by at least 20,tNM) plurality. The republicans elect congieesmen In ev:ry district except the Second. '*hlch ia stift in doubt. The legislature is overwhelmingly re publican. In Bryan’s Slate. Denver. Nov. 9. The entire fusion state ticket hearted by Ciias. S. Thom as. demoeral. for governor, is elected by majorities approximating fifty thousand. This Is the largest major ity ever given a candidate for gover nor. but less than half of Bryan's ma jority for president. Close In Kansas. | Topeka, Nov. 9. —\ The republican state central committee estimates that Stanley's majority in the state is 8,000 [and claim a gain of five republican | congressmen—the election o l every [ congressman in the gtate exeep j Ridgeley, populist, in the Third. The populist committee claims that the re sult Is so close that an official canvass will be necessary. Johnson Wins. Charleston, W. Va„ Nov. 9. The election of Johnson, democrat, so” congress In the Third is conceded by Houston, chairman of.the republican committee. Ping eels Safe. Detroit, Nov. 9. —■ The results of the election are unchanged by any late returns or estimates. Governor Pingree’s plurality is placed at about 55,000. Wyoming Republican. Cheyenne, Nov. 9. Wyoming hag gone republican on the state and con gressional tickets by majorities rang ing from 1000 to 1800 votes. The leg islature is republican and will elect a republican senator to succeed Clark. tfM <AMR A «tfl Till! AUGUSTA IIUIIAI.I). MfMltof t« Mato Jaraa* Ikw. 1 fyaaua M S. tot* * TM# Ik •mm rtdartw Mkdkkia tkai VadM*. •sfSfMthwh, ha# a fdsrsltts par ***** 'aw* to katwwn *aaa aad TMto* *|R Ms a bttraa toaJoe>* la waak i bsaarh to l»# Mtoataiarw. I>i«ka tM# alaxiaa to a t#p«»*-d»ah M aactaad in aalarf AbMM. d-«nw*nl. INMarl* la AMaaaa. j Salt Itoh# Mo* A Tk# 4#tosntut* I bar# slaals'd Ra* set a In rwhataan and ‘ ait tod tk# bauiatur# wbwh wilt *tart a t klt'd Uta *a toaainr A Ca tk caattMfaar. ikaa mar torn, ton* A CallJhrkta ehartod a rspukitcaa mraaranr and Ik# •war# slat# tkfcto. with plamtiite# «#• ■ Itoated at Into fit* to tw<«ty ihwwe akd futoa'rr letnrka will Bitorti* ia ft* tweatrfoar hoar* <ww*r#s * tonal deleaaMM * repatdlrtMto. 1 dattoorrat Prpwtoban Plurality. Columbus O. Ntw * Th# return* bstay do tod mater I *ll* rbange Ik# (to anil mm aksounred last slab to arm Meat rapdbltraa plurality on tba •date ticket and U republican* to < detme catlr ctmgreasmen, 10.000 Krpobltv»n Plurality . Indiaaaptola. No*. I *- The returns iad bat* the certala etec.hia at Over street repaWlrna. la the ladlanapto!* dtalrirt. to rtottwa The democrat* ioared# the republics** a majority la tk* ala:* of about I# kaa. AU HHan for Oorrraor. Nashtille Nor I Th* majority for Mr.Mtllla. demoi-ral. for purnwr over Pooler, republhan. la estimsied at from l» «#» to SO.*w. Th# demo crats have a majority la tb# leatala tur# The republleans bare carried the first and Second cotiaresalonal district# The othrr eight five demo- ; cratlc fuajorltlea. North Stir Democracy. St Paul. Nov » The democrats 1 elect John Und governor. Ktngdal and Towns. d*tno<'rat#. are eleciod to congress, and probably Willis. A Political Summersault. Lincoln. Neb , Nov 9. Belated re- ‘ turns continue to Indicate that Ne- 1 brnska turned a political summersault' and landed in the republican column. Hayward, rapubliean. for governor, will carry the stale by about lO.OtH) j majority. Wolcott’s Plurality Boston. No*. 9. —Wolcott for gover- , nor bar a plurality of 83,<M0. In South Dakota. Sioux Falla, N. D., Nov. 9. —The fit sloniatr still claim the slate, but It ia t almost certain that the Republicans will have it on the entire atate and j congressional ticket. Virginia Is Solid. Washington. Nov. 9. A Star spe- Iclal from Richmond, Va., says that I the state will send a solid democratic delegation to congrraa. The harden I tight was In the Ninth, where Khe», democrat, opposed Walker, republican. | Rhea has probably defeated Walker by 1500 majority. fl utana Democratic. Helena. Nov. 9. Campbell, demo crat, is elected to congress by a plu rality exceeding 4,000. The legisla ture Is omocratlc by a decided major ity. lowa's Republican flajorlty. Des Moines, Nov. 9. The repub lican plurality in the state will be about 45,000. Menu-rial Tablet. The tablet which ha 3 b"en placed on *he o'd Powder Mill chimney to the i mory of Colonel Rains will he un e'led \vilb -appropriate ceremonies unday. Hanged. Atlanta, Oa,, Nov. 9.—Wade Hamp ton, a negro, was hanged here today for the murder o? George Lofton* in September. Both negroes were convicts. Miss Annie Lee Wyoecljffee, one of St. j Paul, Minnesota's, most popular society j belles, will pass through Augusta to- j morrow en route to Florida, where she I goes to spend the winter. A man may he the moneyed factor during the engagement, but after mar riage the woman always appoints her self cashier. 4<AiAfA 04 A THIEF ROBBED (I)RS. FEIiTOH Hr: H«a*» A*f«i*fiiH |M Hm nißingnm*. I'snifstllM Ua Nat * TM* to* aaH •#* fc#g» aato* awn Mbwdat to im mMtniaM (*dto#<toa that #* u*d a aad a#af Ab*n*'**Mto PVMMs* a*fiM tkta as* dsdto *a «#4ar that tM# »Jsm •upatotofi ka I# had astaMi a*w to# kw>. da k|y. kuwetow to* iftowa to tk# paf awk m prtwnto# who ..-omitted tk* rttogy *ak M* Maswd TMa *»tott*s i war* tor* Wa It Wim. mm to <«*to*ta'a watod mmmm. who M*w* •aar <hs toy w«k be* lulsst atad Mr P I- Mms mm to CVismllls'i .aid#** ttowrkaht* wbw kaa faliead akd litas ta IM# watoktri* to ika rlty. la art tbs* **a* tort* Ik* Itrltoto M#a*t mm Me* FaHsto Mad Mm ••#*#l*at Mag. ■smtaisihg M*a pm-hwimak wMkb #M# I kaa earned •» Mt I »<■! ,f to **«#* *t*d*w from be* room, aad Mr. Ma*m aim* bad hi* pnrhotMewk taken. 1 when he bad left ly.«« m Mt* M«fm*a It* Ml« bedroaai TM* «IlcMMSSto#* •.ir <mndlaa tM**«lat. to tM* burglar to IMe rautdstof# to Mr Mona ar» to • amt pal bet kr aaiure A* rtUraar# mas rßectad through tk# long wlkdow that resekes to Ik# flnar «a Ik# Into parch la this room tu akb h lk#r* Wet# Man beds. Mr, Mo»>a and bl# M*<«r, Mia# Mar* Mdon, were the Ruth are aged aad bet plea* th# slater Mpedaily. ta that •*# has lain upoa ■ her bed many Shaaths nTiber able to speak Of move lo aoy advantage at * a reawlt to a stroke to p«r*l>*i« .he bad Mr Moon met arlth lb# same atll* - tloa him*#ir a short while ag« b"i ha* regained sofß# >»*# of himself, and «. < asioaally walks to town Mr . Mono was sleeping souadlr the sight 1 ike burglar ram# but bl* sister wag not Mb# saw by Ik# dim light of a lantern that •** Mt horsing in lb* roods ms tb* intruder irsk* bis way Into tb# room Bb* saw him areal i ihlty move towards Ibe bureau where the porketbook was lying Her eye followed bis preparation to examine : ibe content* Tk# burglar then el j ilaguished the light She heard him mov* about and then depart. Ail the ; tim* trying as hard a* she could she was unable u> make a aoto* she could not be beard At last a moan escaped her. At was heard by Mrs. , Moon, who ooeupied an aMjoining apart menu and she hurried lau> the room. Mrs. Moon's first Impreeion was [that there w-ge something tba matter I with her husband. I’pon mshing a light she si ones* discovered the open window- and saw what was th<- m»t --i ter. •> The pockeilioek taken contained a .-mall amount of change and som* pri vate papers. The burglar who took Mrs. Felton's pocket hook succeeded In making way | with It without letting hla presence be known. The only evidence that she had of his presence was the dia eovery of her loss the following morning. Mrs. Felton stated that she was In possession of her pocket book upon retiring for the night and that the nrxt morning no trace of It could he found. Besides some private papers and money in small denomina tions, the hook contained an annual paas of the Western and Atlantic rail- j road. An attempt was made to burglarise ; Dr. Felton's house just two nights be fore and the presumption Is that It was done by the same party. The first attempt was unsuccessful from the fact that, the burglar attempted to raise the window near a table cov ered with glass and chinaware and knocked some nf it crashing to the floor, which awoke the family and frightened th® midnight. Intruder away. .105 PH JEFFERSON Will Deliver An Address on the Drama. New York, Nov. B.—Joseph Jefferson will make an address In the Columbia University gymnasium next Friday af ternoon, provided he has recovered sufficiently from his recent Illness by that time to appear. His subject la to be “The Drama.” The address Is to be distinctly for members of the university. There are about 2,700 students In all departments of the Institution, and It Is expected that with a large number of these, to gether with the officers of the universi ty and their families .the seating ca pacity of the big auditorium will he taxed to (be utmost. Such was the, case at the old library when Sir Henry Irving spoke there. The Third Illinois N«W York, Nov. 9. ' — The PuLeii Suites transport rtumuanla. which sailed from Arroyo and Ponce. Porto Rico Ncv. 3, arrived today. All are well on board. -She brought the Third Illinois. BEAUTIFUL BUT IS NOT BAD So tMrfciM Mm. Mktot * Loom to Sm for*. Rato • Ikred fTTmrr «•* tarn*. Ha* Ntota Jaw*. Mato favk. M mt 0 Mrs Mm*t« - la ■*#• toMta* atoUksi Utah at** tag * I atoi Itawy** AMrkhato lrt» Mto Sight Thla I tatlt tIM Mt tk* tMtta **»■ ttoton-g tM ttm '*■*•! aad Mt* pain* 'at tM* systotoatlaa katt RMsf Ik tot kto igparMnarg to ttwttf ysiasv a# a I < rttotasi tawyae t kaa* mmmm bad a > ttatat to Mlto*# tkSto Igr* I to** may# ikaawagMl* wktllsil " It **##*• Hke ISf Mtat aa mnmmrn tatil ha mad# mi ' »ko# that MTto 4 R lb*#* totot# M ! ggitty to tk* mkkpyy Mat arMtek k* sad M* wtf* to*** laghtsd ks a a«»ad JtoT A rtt#wtossaa«* ati small ia *k* **• taaa * h«# I* ik* ta## that *k* «•- e#Wty ratted at pallc* b ■•#•»« rteegi aad telltwg t'*## M«# tot tkai *ka raata aa inagav liv# wafc k#r kaa -1 haak asked kow a aepa>at'«m twaM taast aaaily k# #•*#t#4 M bea tba ttaa w*#e arroatod aad tak#a ta baak a Barters an aork was pa—to hrtsssea l beta la raart ye«t»rkay a#«ker *aiir«k tk# atber Tkai tk#t# kaa ksaa aa ' eatraaartaaa-. Mask tketa I* very st Ideal Its. Moor# Un i Talk. I railed at Ik# TntotM last ta as# Mr* Manta but she kertlaek la *#• aay r#part#v« wpna tke akvtr# to her altora#y. Tk# taatroa talk me Mr* M««rr was Ike k#« brad prlsnaev that ha* arruptek th# famous oik Tombs la tw#aty yaata. That girl I* ko ntmtnsS." said tke klndhearted mstraa M'srrek Iwlaad Jr., pngrlfiir of tke tlreaobte. where tk# sllea#k Badger f*m* waa work ed said There must be some mis take. That womaa I* no eiaok. Tb«yH | sever get a Jury to roavlet her. »t --ther.” Mahon Bought M in#. Martin Mahon the alleged victim, was seen last night. He told Ms story in a disconnected manner and want ed much of It suppressed He admit ted having bought win* at his own suggestion at both the Mrtmpol* and Grenoble boiel* for Mr*. Moore on the day of the alleged rolrfaeiy. Mahon Is a middle aged married man and very wealthy. Me was drinking lasi ( night. • Moore th# husband, wilt doubtless have a hard lime of It. H* was in dicted for assault with Intent to mur der as well as for robbery. On ac count of the beauty of the woman and ibe extraordinary circumstances sur rounding the affair, the N#w York pa pers arc spreading the story. It Is second only In the papers to the elec tion new*. Teels For Her .Mother. Mr*. Moore spoke feelingly to the matron of the Tombs about her mo ther. She rvntl to feel her position more on arrount of her mother than herself. UNCOMPLIM NTARY Were Mr. Rowling's Remarks to the Police Officers. Mr. Vfm. Rowling acted very disor derly last night. A warrant was out for [ him. and Sergeant Powers, seeing Row- ! ling riding down th.> street on a horse, stopi him and ordered hln» to din mount. Dismount h«* i ** ”u»nd to do, uud no the nergeant pulled him off the «nl- i mal. whereupon he railed the* officer i neveral nainrn that were not com oil- . meatnry. He wan released at the liar- I rackn. and told to appear at lhe recor- ! dei’a court today, which hr did. How ever he, after Wing relewtod hint night, | went forth, and to a crowd on the cor- j nor of Mroad and Marbury street* told t them what hln opinion waa of < Powers. Officer Wren heard him, and | arrested him. Howling said he waw willing to apol- j oglse to the gentlemen, and admitted that he had been drunk, when he nald j certain things. His fine wa» $4. TO SAVE THE VESSEL. The Harla Teresa Will Be Raised If Possible. Nassau, N. P., Nov. X. No infor mation is obtainable here which in any way tends to confirm the report that the Marla Teresa, abandoned off Watling Island, had been sighted aground off Cat Island. Washington, D. C.. Nov. 8. The Navy Department is without advices concerning the Marla Teresa, but ac ting on newspaper statements which report her stranding at Cat. Island have sent order to the Vulcan at Nor folk and to the Potomac at Santiago to leave immediately for (.'at Island, and If the vessel is found to do every thing to save her. The expedition Is under the command of Captain McCal la. fl is sometime* difficult for a girl to ' find her Ideal man. but she's nearly al ways willing to accept a substitute. I mt rent Aft* a ttAft tot t»4t »(>«! tatak’ m <Ar* HOUSE AND SENATE ARE REPUBLICAN tto Uirto ktotf* MM Thdlltatk Mfiti Till !•). m hat At* RaM Mi Ra WwwMht Mb tke t— Ibaa tk* • mtek Rtatta* a■ taste tstwt Mas* a R«»aMHntak a#*♦*»■■ ■ •t tltw Mack 4 wit TM# jamamt pang **ttotoi ta RapltMltaWN «* •• s* ** ttasktotata ** •• ** ** ** **w Pnfsiat* »• •* • ■ •* •• a attss# Riawbitaaa# .• .. k TMl* #Ma*to*w Ik* ataitw M*«to to rmm. Irtkoy * vat# ks a Rsp'taßaaa awa to tarn. t«s rn-cnmm* ta Marytatol *h> • tit aasvwak Uarmaa task Mr tarn**. • to ftrttaMe Bbo sea* stsvsak to Rlt a •*- ! (gary <M tk* pr#***t RiftaMlturaa to* t»l to ta tk* tswtos to aavrti rnmmmrn etpsr* tm Mar* a * a#yi taavtat* ta twrik-aw## RagmkttasMta Tk tkta a—at ik## tk# startto#># to yegtsvMay ktW t#a rospabllnii aswtoar* sweaty etart'M. and Hire# ptwkaMy #tart#k. kMthtaa * <atal to ta. or two mot* Hum a am tartly #s#r tMmrw rat* taspwltat* aak dlbrr Ragwhltrak* TM#f* are II tvagacarati# fctoAwsrer sawatorw aak so tkts ttatatot y*al*ckar'* alartltto* adk foai with a twrtataty aak oa# probable •lstag a total to SA TM# ttoptsltai* aak rfllvrr RepuMbaa MoW -erer* * amber right and tkla. tot raasak by mm. prae i tcaliy aar#. The latareat la Ike etartloa lakt -catered la Ike ptoMlral .omplelto* of lb* House the M**ai* helag reared** It pub!kaa Although CMatrtaaa Rah rock, to tb# Reptshllcaa roaaraaatnaat r maitit*#. did aot leave hla headauar ■ ers until after I thta atorniag be waa balk again skartly after 9 dispatching telegrams to all doabtful klatrtct*. ] urging <b* chstnaen to bnrrj retara* ! Mr Babcock 1* d»allag In figure* aad I* taking nrtbtng for granted. This morning be bum!* #h»i b# termed aa , u jira roasewatlve eattmate. ia takick hr eTlmlnsted a tltltahrr to doohtfwl districts Thta eattmate glra# tb' R# pu lilies as 1» member* In the ae*t House, a majority of II over all The statea be Is most anxious to b ar from are lllionla. Indiana and Pei<Bsyly*«l« Idist night he figured on the defeat of Ibiuteil*. In Illinois. This morning he finds that the Cbltagu congressman pulled through, but this is offset by th# unexpected defeat of Williams, in , (he Twelfth Pennsylvania The state , chairman lo <’*l fornla telegraphed that six Republicans are elected in that atate with the probability of the dr£eat of Devries. Democrat, which would give the Republleans » *o»'« delegation. Not counting on the defeat nf Dev- I rles this Is a gain of one. as Mr. Bab cock only figured on five Republicans frem California. 1-ast night J. L. Bristow a ired that Kansas would send Six Republicans, and that Long had d*feated Simpson. Inn the defeat of Simpson Mr. Bahccrk declines to credit until he receive# further advice. Chairman Green, of the Texas state committee, claims three Republican# in the Lone Star state, but Mr Bab cock only figure# on the election of one —Hawley, in the Tenth. From Ih dlsna no satisfactory advices on tbe doubtful congressional districts has ar rived. but Mr. Babcock admits the losa or two districts -those of Fails sod landls. either of which may have been carried by the Republican*. He fig ures the certain loss of three districts In Illinois, leaving one doubtful. Brumm leads, C. W. Stone and Wood In in the Pennsylvania, but lie puls him in llte doubtful rolumn. Tn Ills esti mate of 185 he does not include the doubtful district*. The returns In the Hast, Middle- Weal slid Northwest show (he Repub lican losses were Iti (he cities, while the gains we~e In thp rural districts, and this encourages him to hope that when the returns come later from the country some districts which now ap pear to be lost may be saved to the Re pub! leans. Chairman Kerr, of the Democratic congressional committee, had not ap peared at Democratic headquarters at 10 o’clock, and no advices are received since hr gave out his statement at 2:30 this morning. This statement claimed an opposing majority of 27. FRANCE UP AND DO!N«. The Medfterrenean Squadron Is Ready for Sea. Paris. Nov. 9. The ICcho de Paris today publishes a dis patch from Toulon which says the entire French Mediterra nean squadron is ready for sea.. Admiral Fournier has been summoned to Paris. HAV INCH sarh, •mmmm* #•»••*• NOT TIDIES TODAY IN WILMINGTON Tit Icftfetirta Hiito »r 4 OftofH l* Isciftt •*#«*• tktasw to a MyaMbta >*•*• pro** bbbed cam toMta t**A •TO*—' t# TMs Mr##** SL SOT. . ' sakrsl Sf Ik* —Sgtog •MSB rtaMMto* |to tk* <atf asst ta •»**• —"U tkta wmmmm. mmt **'•# to * »-»*'»»—sg •■mmm mtrnm tk# teawtobaa uewf ar atafi at am*#, tsi eat-sUM tk* neat# akta par to a '*#•—»-** - -«n*w* »' k*#M from tk* rttr atsma ktot twswty-HNR Mtfi t*» Miß'. AS uV SU U WW* TM Mad mm ItpimiM I »d>«fi fsf Ik* l»*«f Mr H«arf Inara Ham inrHM a Miff if f*> pgrtaiM **4 naen*#f : •up* f*ri at Hk* earw vim*« and If •nded ap IM Hl* frUIM M«rr IH r*r«vM«r Mr Inara Ha *«i mM PVPKI i*mim*i rod mMMNI thm. nwald tHvj n#t par* I take r»f an «jrat#f or ft*** THr fttnadi ! .k«i«iat Hot litfulMfr) ii»«t»t«d, ai» all ! tmt info a coriam faatanranf and i*nr* ! .*<4 of ktilrn fftrr iHe ojrprti Had tbt i4«ftirt»r a*k*d f"*r a Hit of * ?»anpa in i ttou of the *HHI Mi «Hat noro gonaw ittaraHam aatd Ha would pay o »tHtnp« Thfi a |«dicrpin and i**f i«» tH* atatton went Ingra Ham. XM« morning Ike )u<lfr Anad Inara* I bam a *lt I can find lHat real aura nt keapar. # «a*d InaraHam. after onrt, **l nil! aet* * tie for tHe ffyatara. Hot. really, I Hava I not tHe leaat idea oHo H* I* or whera l hi* of Hualneaa la 1 »•» rest j drunk. *uta."* HRITISH PROTECTORAT II U II He Formally Aaooun a I ondon 1 anight. |.,,ii.| ,n Jtoe. »,-Tk* Echo, un afternoon Newspaper, de clares that the Marquis of Hull*. i liury. at the l*»rd Mayor's ban quet tonight, will certainly an nounce a formal British protec torate over Egypt. SUPERIOR COURT. Coses Disposed of at That Tribunal Today, The following cases were tried at Superior Court today: Alfred Tanksley, screosory to mur der; guilty, and 1 ecommendatlon to i mercy. Charles Simmons, burglary, not guilty. Humphrey Johnston, Involuntary i manslaughter. Jim Boatwright, arson; order dis charging the prisoner. : OUAY IN DOUBT Both Sides Are Confident of Success Pennsylvania. Mr. Edward Bok* editor of the Ui- I .tics Home Journal, accompanied by [ ids wife, IS In the city today. Mr. Bok has been- delivering bis famous lecturn on "Success" before the Lyceums in the Mouth, u’n.l is now on Ids way to his home In Philadelphia. Mr. Bok la well qualified to lectuia on success, for he lias made u great one. His salary Is as large a* that of the President or the United States. He has a warm sympathy for lhoj South .anil takes great Interest in tha work of Southern writers. He has made a great success of his Southern lecture tour. they charge fraud. Democratic Figures From North Car* olina. Washington. D. C., Nov. 9.—-A Star S|l clal from Wilmington, N. C., says: •The democratic majority In the city and county Is about i.23u. In the city proper the majority for the democrats is about 1,000. The republican majority for congressmen two years ago was almut 050. The republican leaders as sei t that there was manipulation of the votes, but they have counselled their followers not to resist it. The sixth congressional dlstiici is demo cratic by probably 4,000 majority. T. years was carried by the tepuij beans and populists by 5.00#." New York Futures. New York, Nov. 9.— Futures opened steady. Dec. 5.11, Jan. 5.11, Feb. 5.39 March 5.2'!, April 3.27. May 5.30, J;ihe 5.34, July 5.37, August 5.40, Sept. 0.39, Oct. 5.40. hirt iMtaatal j * J ******* j