The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 09, 1898, Image 2

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WIPNMBAV ffigSL P* PB i I ill THir UNO MORE! Prices ~*2 Terms %£ THIS MtAN*» EASY TERMS. a, fIML* WHIT CUSTOMERS. ■W iw*- WIRT PIANOS l «4KS ft® #•*»**• I * IcSif; irtfla font os' Thomas & fiartoo, 1U BMiifiW -y- lO6OSIA Gl ""WHAT COUNCIL OtOi W* »••»*» VMNk *•*>!»# »*»** •****• gml'l-wt.f fc • ft.** atr**i NMt«« »*»'“*' **•»<#* g»*„# mmdris* T» |*-»i.» ecMMMttt*' * Wal*»* MM *tM*r« far e(#v<tt* •*#!*< • I TM>«K **!«*! #»d **" R*- ' MM. A MhM?'* IMM *1 Halil .*'■ in* nil'll #An« «f *••** <*•*** ; **|VuWl the llaatdstM - PVwWrtMnM ««•- i m«n'M l* a*> iMviinw* lavMtn* Mm . Mr *W<i. . . iNMR IM****#*' Haslet ukltl ' h•*»«*- Ml MOM Ml eMv •*•• H n,,, ,- 4 sasania 'ai .n* Tfi* rlMit' M hiad* . pv.m ditr bnw. •nw'ii*"* ■"*- turm *rt*t***» *tr**t s|»rtnkltn# T» Krr.i> sn«l drabs* mwmutw fdim Dm! l * #asi*n-lltee, ilillnl **., n#*t trolly Paid* In Wm. Hgtd. |ti>. i Mir sssadriag Ml iM ‘III■ ®V*'- T» KlvmMr MllM, askm* M rtnr ttb* light. #i«*t*4 rr»-m nf Charities. making r* part sad asking ita publl'aiian. **!*««»! Fetobn of Marne# str-sr mnnljr owner* a* l«- ald*walfc». refused Pl<tttOii «® Hmhmnr iirt! i»r<f»*fi y fwi»* •ri as <>* ifwrr, gftaitcd, WMltfirtor *»- ? ONHn*IH *■* Ordinal!' eaamptlng railroads from (ai|iM Tiuin pirlliaw of W ashing t<>* airral. miwii t: Ordinsn.. to assemblies In MitfTnltm and In atr**t#—th* "moo on" otdiaanc*-d. Ordinance, |nohlbltitig wiWlcMaf an*| MtUm of trama on street#—Clvle Leagur urdtnanca- passed. Or dins rw . to pul feme around Ih* Wilde monument, withdrawn • Th. Of ,uni ll mad* formal notice of Ih* mayor'* invitation In ih* male railroad commission to vlalt Anauala. An Enterprising Druggist. There ar* f*w m*n mor* wld* awake and enterprising than Howard A "'ll l*t. who *paf* no pain* to secure th* best of everything in th*lr lln* for th**lr nmol iato«n*ra Thry now hav* th* valualil* agency for Dr. King'* Now Dliniv.n for Consumption, rough* and Odd*. Thi* la the worths rfal r*m rdy that I* producing auoh a furor all over the country Uy It* many utartling cute* It absolutely cure* Asthma, Bronchitis. Hi'miarnra* and all affec tion* of the Throat. Chr*t ami l.ung* Call.*t above diug »tor* and get a trial bottle for the. or a regular stxe ftrr M cents and It.oo. Uuarunteed to cure or prlct refunded. go JELL j\_L_L JOUR pEOPLE TO ATTEND THE GREAT JUBILEE SALE v at CALLAHAN & TURPIN’S 818 BROADWAY (FERRIS’ OLD STAND.) Showing of All That’s Good for MEN’S WEAR AT A SAVING OF 1-3 IN PRICE. $30,000 DEFICIT 111 CITY BUDGET i tnn>nin Hi IlfOtw THi Hi ||H SUMi .. V ®N| nf flhWpMto ••**■*•' *o*rn*4 ids %H » | wmßnnßß# IfPff' i®S* •• UUl®® SS ■»WHHMHSS 'M® HSSPiRK® 4HK. »isi §§ mm<& wiM mMm **** iiMai sihk •# *fe» *mmm**& ; *#• fSMMMMfIf S® SHMNI I# P - * # ? MMMNO PNfts® ®®Kl PIBNiPfIWNP'TP 1 ‘ .«***» in » » > *.*. «» a* fSMiPHiMi# tt® IIP pliAprf# SiPi I sWSiMS SMSMPN. 4 **• PPS » I I®l®NNp RPiwSMi P insNNH®. #SsSv® ®St IH* J tp fritpi MfM'mt tip Npppftiprs* I tlP' SNlf H® fIWMH*iHB SMPI tfpHPVVI I# 1 - t Mt. MMn't Og»a»gl*a. If wtafe fm aay that f waa «h» aaMy aat* L in* maaittw aka n r“* IM* IW MO, *WM ilk. 1 1*# that *in **i a oflmrmfttoai t*» th* tw- Mt PMaMr-’ t *hn«td hav* *«td that I t*a gin pant at th* ai...tlag who age l 1 Mr Hay rail— TM* aa*M»*Ml waa held lat If a'rkwfl and I r***ld ted h* thee I II imgaM* that th* >tnn* and drain* department *n-t*r th* *Mrf*at dim - thrn as th* rhalfwiah if th* mmaaltl** and rmwailtain in rn# pahth; anrh# ha* , h*aa car*fatly and * la*ty *ll r*. tad Hat aar nap* adit ay *a *m aotng to . * ] reed ear Mrata. I da ant want to an* Mpartawßl of th* cMy eftyglt 0. hat I do a ant to •** a tnralnea* p*4M*r. and I ! rewngnia* that It Mn I gmd hu*ta*aa . pnltcg to rrippt* a depart men I and to** tmmay in the Mlf W ynhynur a«wh a h*t» I .mall amount of wumay only t# needed Me roatlhna wofll Ml pi Itgiw** Me moved a* a auh*tllu|e f‘*r th* re port that half th* amount of K.IM h* apatupetated Mr Caahln—”W* maid f*» along on tl.fsa If a* did not hav* to huy mate rtal. t gnail*. that a* will cat iff from nur approprtathm n*«l y*ar any *atra appmprtation mad* at thla ttial. Oo Stow. O# Slow. Mr. Phlntay—"W« ought to g>» mighty alow, gentlemen. In »pend mg money There la now daring it* In th* far* an rapendlturr of »»».«• ah*'*- '"»f l “™» f Th* daln# fur th* noldl.r* and other additional **p*na*» hav* com* upon th« tlty. Thla I* a critical period In our tWiance* W# mutt watch th# *«|a»ndl tur* of every dollar. ••! am not an alarmlat. 1 do nol be llev* that th* country I# going to th* damnlllon bowwow*. -But I must aav that a gentla man ha* told me that unl**» b* could get tax aa*p**ment relief neat year h* wa* Ifolng lu the court# for an Injunc tion. •‘We ar* on th* very brink of trou ble. With heavy expena**, with our new waterworks enterprlar. with money which wr now owa—wlth thcae alaring u» hr th* face—lt *trlke* me that aa aaf* buatnea* men we ought to live In our appropriation*-not live In the appropriatlona, but try to gave of th* money set aeldc for ua. We ahould try to lay up aomethlng. If we g*t *211.000 for our department, let ua not apend It all. It behoove# ua to aave every dol lar everywhere we can—and I want to Imprea* thla upon all. "There are breaker* ahead —there la a defllclt ahead— we don't know how the AUGUSTA LYCEUM f Pit', 14* f +« .* Mfmm* *e* mm. mm * S*Sw *•»» MASONIC HAL l |p3l **#%#•* m 4 ** f *'** *■ ' m * m)rr | |f J 4 pr 1 - IS ®4 •* | ;rii lln* I*r* *« !If V«l Wrn *M !«•)" tlfe* Of'iPpHMf* la 4 sta» i—i<i s# srtt lk INr fttlNM.** ' M «rw r fliv«p| %r «t "* rS MPtfr PMHSP PA'S ®P ; Ulw IfeirrHi tiSIrH msQ* • I •u. IUM . A , l I Th innrwii la»N<k PMAi *»*»**>•- it. Mi* tMndSrld. t art'. C* ehi a I taw - ard, Hte. I. ‘ Aba—t— Leiugye. Paatar—J. OEN. OOMGZ WWITEA. ft* Sift It* Cannot B*fly* Refnrdt*** nf Vanr*. " aebinguai K»». fr-Mlealaf la an eitthrf hem a lettar r*rdi ed by Manor Qtiaanda from (Jaa. ikimcg MHt I— Oct SS: “I hay* full eon ad—r* In Ih* aol*g»B promise* made by th* Tongra— of Waahingtoa. and for that raaaon I do not have any fear a* to tha In depend ear* of Cuba. *>»' tlm* Muat'alapa* bafora our Ideal arlll ba r—Hard, but after ao many nrugfl*» and privation* nr can wait a llttlr longer. "Th* military mrupadem by the rolled stale* la. tu a canalu e*i—l. n****aary to prepare and hurry th* evacuation of the Spanish and to bring about harmony among the dtffrrrni fan on in Cuban politic*. iniim* thla military occupation th* Republican government will h* organ tied Ita decision* will ba Unally ac cepted by all; order will reign every where. Ttooa* who sp—k now of an negation try to satisfy, aboy* nil. thefr aplte by propagating unfoundeil fears 'aa to personal aecurlty and private property. "The final success of our struggle ha* required necessary destruction of prop erty. which the enemy used <o advan tage, but we have never attacked the Individuals. The struggle # gainst Spain Is now ended: we commence now a mom del'eat* and difficult task, namely, to make our Republican poli tical syatem triumph and t£ recon struct the country. “It Is not an easy labor, and all men who love their country ahould contrib ute to It; for that reason l cannot re tire now. notwlthatandlng my St year*. “Most of the officer* and soldiers went Into tfif field obeying my orders: 1 cannot abandon Ihem uuHl their fu ture Is assured. They have losl every thing they had; they have a right to some compensation, and, above all. to their salaries. The new government must secure them. The disbandment cannot occur until the Spaniards have evacuated: my men cannot be aban doned, without bread or work, to the merry of their enemies. A solution could be found, perhaps, in the plan which the Amerlean government Is said to have of creating a native civil guard, formed by the majority of Cu ban soldiers. This organisation would offer the advantage of not exposing mate of (he island, and at (he same time the T’nited Stales would have peo ple who know the country thoroughly. In the meanwhile, and until the evac uation occurs, food must bo provided for my soldiers. “The evacuation should be as rapid as possible, and afterward everything will be nrrwuged. for the American government will fulfllll Its moral pledges to us. Some people have tried tu make iis suspicious, sc *s to bring about trouble, but before doubting ihe good failb of the American people we must wait for acts which shall five the lie to thetr solemn promises Our prices on suits only tWo-thlrds what others charge. E. J. Henry A. Co., spot cash tailor*. TPI* A.Tjn'OmYA HUWALP, SOME FRAUDS (REItIECEO it up u Up i «*f*t VUflk ♦ Np®MßilN®®V ** IN® i *#• Tw t wr# • Card Mi Ows Owy T*h» !***"»» Hr**— QtiMo* Itfctag* |An ®n»arN*» i*Nii Pi* n »i full* %• fWf lA® TN# pHIMttN AM I* H N* mi f®> lalMe fim;*AnßhOANis M IW Cstgl K Jwd«# B*«ln This ~ .ManMwg. J—K Jo lb la a a—alt nagva l«#y. wha appear ed hadara th* i—dag tht* «a«»»M*g ta . th* r»ta of a v l<dat pas of aavtt— sa. frvtl— » fetal** «* —tall M*ya . mg aa and »ff moving tram* latat algbt ! Jaw famiwd n* aad ..ff th* outgoing [gueikns Thla asorwtny Jam* waa ffn*d Just Ban dollar* Mr. Thomas Part" M* appeared M Ih* rrt* as one who had violat'd arevt— J*. vlty cod* H rala hto Who um th* atd*walh and It, i— lum J*ta< It. Amanda Holman. Oorah (diver (Torah had kwa vtrtar la a light silk Amanda. Bh* Mad aha* been the *#■ gf»*enr. A fta* of live dollaca waa I'V - | led aa har JPMg I**nnl* Hr bag imbibed last tghi This mortt- j mg t| was tI.M. I soils Johnson. He had lorn drunk, and It mat MM ; IS.*#. Hubsrs Whitt—, a *m*H white h«*>. I »as tdrargvd with shrurtlng firearm* lit th* rhy limits. M# saMI It waa another Th* case went over. Itm Chc k* ft wa* th* sam* cai* that th* judgie ha* so oft an listened to—Cheeks going home drunk and abusing hi# wife. He hn* treen at court on that chatav on on average of ata>ut every two wtylu for the last alx months. Judge Hamer gave him a sever* tec- j tur* and ended hi# talk up l>y consign- ( Ing (Tteeka to Jail foe twenty day*.with no option of a tin*. | COMFORTING WORDS TO WOMEN. Tha Surgical Chair and lta Torture# May be Avoided by Women Who Hood Mra. Plnkham'a Advloe. Woman'a modesty is natural; It ia charming To many women a full statement of their troubles to a male physician is »l- , most impossible. The whole truth may be told to Mrs. Piukham because she la a woman, and her advice is freely ~-~m offered to all women sufferers. whose ham. Here is what stje says wrote to you some time ago. ' for the good your reihedies f|& )\; Sanative one box \ suffered with backache, con- / sleep, and was very nervous. At j | time of menstruation was in ter- ' j / '• worth its weight in gold. I never ' f Sit L jr can say enough in praise of it. 1 have (j yC recommended it. to many friends. If only all suffering women would try it. there would lie more happy homes uin} healthy women. 1 thank vou for the ehauge jour medicine has made in me. .... ’ Lydia E. Piuklunn's-Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Pinkham's advice, have \ saved thousands of women from hospital operations. Ths lives of womenlue bard, whether at home with a ceaseless round of do mestic duties or workihg at some regular employment, their daily tasks make constant war on heal ft. If ail women understood themselves fully and knew how exactly and soothingly Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound acts on the female organsjj.there would be less suffering Lydia E. PlnkUam’s Vegetable CompoMd; a Woman’s Remeijr for Woman'slUs I MIT of IN MfM« l ll lll' t aii M m f Hr*»k#*r M *"•*»■• i * r*cj| -* ■> -» A C’* . *<#) * Sroi-E THE Cl cm N il H MEKI- A Negro Ml (Iraawv HM caught owMky it* *1 f srap—gh * Una* •fit* nufft bn 4 % full Mb® »hrn M A« ieinHiiifii hn »Mt (’lirh I'tMMtn % WfW rluirft® *Hn tbrff |M| r4*nr»c A Hlff® *1 RNflit j HHb»»ut • Th# teot t!*• I IN* *•• t du|bl «*fli IN vlml NlltMNtt A mmm fr*lif n<4 |U fill, ibr btf* •f«tf r«IN<I to pWrtN Ih* whnliia** Alth ! arrcil IN inoNff rfluroffrNl l*»»l tN * liityc®> w*« IN |*POf»orfr * **t . IN unit HoilA W*t» . firfUA. mNh li tslUMli® Nrt Tb# whri wo# rkldni in Iho tffenw nt h night and aftemo— pcrfrrrman, <-s and ; as* stolen during th* algbt. The ! wheel was shipped to the circus at Au- | gvrsta early yesterday morning. Can non was given tf> or sixty <toy# for th* . two offenses —(lrenvlUs New*. Plac* your order al —c* and avoid rush Hoods cheaper than ever. E. J. Henry t Co., popular priced tailor*. Sit . and Sit Camplrsll afreet. Th* oldest trained nurse to England with th* exception of Miss* Worth** Nightingale ta Mrs. Florence Craven. She has wen a good deal of service sod one of her most cherished pos s'"salons I thy Iron cross given to her 'by the old Emperor William of Ger many. ARRANGING FOR A NEW DEPOT j| £®t §|f { i! | tIS m M® * i r> - nnirr - I,} IJf to,mix ktttrHli <># That Ml ill (t«N i ti< limit 1 Arc i m* niifiK 4 Is Itllß ifft, frtifeli (M RNisisf of (N rofl : slit altos. frtvslß Ib.ithu uk#s sc disuupNt, tlx amotini lo N psH ,Ih ‘itfiw iKalf A# saMAßid foUN?*'® ■ m «| for a# pn>f(d#d la M&7 tu MH nf the etrtl rode It ta apartally aU|mlat*4 that the prugmsed taw ahall th ao aray have , I tearing oa or lafltiearc on or taterfer* with the salt* soar pending of J. T. McGowan vs. th* Augusta Terminal railway company. and the chttrch wardens of lit Paul's rhurrb vs the | Augusta Terminal railway compaayy. N*w Mapl*. New Orleans and Osor gla Kyi up* reretvrd at Lamkin & | Co.'a. The Standard Designer. Many and varied aia the handsome garments for ladle*, misses and chil dren shown In The Designer for De cember. Hurely fashions hav# never ! laen mow tasteful, nor thetr nexte of l>rraentatloa mort> pleasing Three pag i t-s of this number are devoted exrllia | Ively to a timely article on evening waists, sleeves, <bi others are ! shown some very uptodata dolls, with directions for making Ibelr costume* Two Christmas atortes. a page of Chrtatnms games, and numerous sug geatlons for Christmas gifts—home made and otherwise—give this Issue a holiday Ibfvor. Do* lovers will a»- l>reclate th* article “Our t'anim* Com pantuns." and the fair maid or matron who would be still more fair will re vel In this month’s Instalment of "Arta of lleauiy.” Other features are "Holl ilay f>et orations.'' the mnclualon of j From Cradle to Schoolroom." the eora mencem.nt of an interesting s« Ul,"An I’nwarrantable Mistake," “Drchids and Orchid Culture." two pag. s of excel lent boolt criticism*, besides poem*, household hints and cookery receipt*. WVH-merited praise la never out of place, and we are most willing to say ihat from cover to cover the Designer is bright, interesting and practical. SPECIAL RATES TO COLUHBIA. Account South Carolina State Fair, on Nov. 12th to 18th. Southern Railway will sell tickets as above, at one fare plus 50 cents tvwinrt trip: also, on Nov. 15, IS and IT, limited to J#th. at low rate of 12.(0. Special trains will be run Nov ,16th and 17th. For full informa tion apply to M. C. JONES, C. T. A. W. A. GIBKES. U. T. A. . J. B. HEYWARD. T. P. A. 737 Broad Street. The Prinfess of Wales poesesees fur oi jotiionu jo pujj| eno jo sinamjeS value of nearly sixty thousand dol lars. You can get a fine suit cheap for cash at E. J. Henry & Co.’s, 216 and 218 Campbell street. The Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS ®»~l'ncler new oisiUKemenl • v line nf L'resli Drujjs. Ttillft Arslt'lea, Brush* s. Etc. We make a iaJiyo. . .ijr»iclans' Prescriptions. | a PATTERSON & WADE_ NOVf MBIfRO WANT ADS. ) fNMHI ®li; i mb® Mwum #® ttffiTf' mm' ♦VMMI ' #mbj» ># * SITUATION WANT r O • %* N AN Bl S ptlllT'llll *B®| HELP WANTED FOR SALE P—is— m >aa«a • a—ii»»» at ** >m—* «r»>t* l *—a a »■**#. mu «Al gl»A< k« FARM »»J»M aaM* few— 'St Marti* a *•»#««* A*- (Mv W. C J- mm, Ma* IJi J*.aa— Ml DM I CM gA kg > I’.lttu AT fl JAC«* *M MT " TO RENT It*NNTI i i illsS# MHt INHB Mihw HU iOaitu m Btimf H# j# ill T»» |jK,\t KICK fRi »,MT fntMII t. : I Rllil'l «if ##T» e~t (tVMf *1" Hat,V fa*tes music aiors. Nav M 4 tfv *n 1 S|t ■ l #“'11. A’pij’iy ftß CwST* !#bh If CI»rS, IS Riwt. Ho# 4 If |to RBirr-rrHHUHKD ftotisii* for on f U • I !>tSwrß with SotS rf>» KKXT-ONE PROMT 11l I vr* sKXT-THit>a? <»r prn*n ft s .VIHHI4h nr Liif i t oh* I rNMM. Bt#* If Applr to 41® K<Hk» k Hu LOST AND FOUND.” IdoMT - BETWKRN ItMTi.KriCR I liook. Its return to Capt J IL-Its. Co. H. —glweetin# mrp*. Nov 1# yollNlbA WATCH Olt MONTH S*n«* u«B#r cm x urc !■>' ' #t I 113 U« N<>%* I ÜbT Rt'NClt’of KITH REWARD If left at 735 Reynolds street. Nov» U>*T- c>N BVNDAT UA!»T POINT KK dig, answer# to name of Frank; white and liver; liver head and ears, di vided from nose to back of head wlih white, araad *P»' on top of head. left ear slightly mingled with grey: one large and one small spot on right side, two .very small *i*ot son left hind leg A liberal reward for return to thl# <-f --fbv. Xov * mTsc e lla n eo us l WANTED—A I,ADY, WITH BFTJtT OF reference*, desires one or two ro*'ms In private family. «tat< terms. Ad dress A, U. C.. Herald otflc*. Nov 3 WANTED— REOHDAR BOARDERS ; good fare and neat bed*, also one un furnished room to rent. Apply Mrs. A. J. Avetn. corner Ellis and Washington, or 608 Kills street. Nov 10 BOARDER* WANTED. AI.SO LARGE rooms for rent furjjlshed or unfur nished. Apply 102 Mclntosh street, Nov 9 Special Notices; 1 Per Cl $500,000 JFerCi FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WTTJL , loan half a million dollars on realty In Augusta, Ga. Terms 7 per cent. For further lnformatiosi sea their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan, Ea.. or Mr. P- O. Burum. The Pope is very fond of birds, of which he possesses a great number. Gaudy colored parrots figure promi nently in his collection, and a pelican and an ostrict are among his favor ites.