The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 09, 1898, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY OUR ROTS IRE IMOKGTHE REST |ii tint <***%■ Has «d| Us (itifilMk sa ♦•*# %mi si fas 4#sat tiMis i'oii |km» t «rfh§ ifiAt ih# rriiiSfQi #fmfi a •■lenry I» *'lltary 4u*»r* I , B . i', B 4Ur K>(4 a«M»H| Akin end « aotdtor • fHttr »«** w ** la kl# effert* u» bt.n« tire reglmeo' up In | high ituHirtl Llwi. Col. Rotnit L hr raft lb* pr e*rat gaiiani and pop ular colonel of tbe regiment not only bad training Is ibt atat# militia, but brought to bit military work tbat splendid mind of bla. which has made bia career In the state of Georgia par ticularly brill ant. aid which promise* •o mu b for tbe future. Lieut. Pol. K K. Spence baa been a powerful factor In tbe upbuilding of (he Third Georgia regiment. A native Georgian of a dlatiagulabed family, who abed additional lualre upon bla name and atate by leading bla com pany In tbe Sixteenth regular infan try in that gallant charge up Sen Juan bill. Two priceless, honorable scars were his reward, and this modest Geor gia gentleman and soldier, baa the un affected love of every officer and every enlisted m*n In the Third Georgia reg- j Isaac t. from tbe day be catne to camp bla Interest In and instruction of tbe men has been ceaseless and untiring, and all are free to admit tbat the presence in the Third Georgia of this hero of Santiago has been of immeasureable benefit to It. None who know MaJ. Marcus W. Beck as a soldier fall to pay him un stinted praise, He brought to tbe mil itary ihot well stored mind and zestful enthusiasm which has marked his ca reer In public life. His qualities as a man are too well known to need repe- . tition, and it Is a work of supereroga tlon to state that he is not only one of j the most popular officers but one one of the most competent and efficient In the regiment. MaJ. John S. Cchen. of the Third battalion, is one of tbe most popular officers In the Georgia volunteers. At ll# beginning of the war his work w ith tbe fleet of Admiral Sampson for the Atlanta Journal, is well remem bered. He was made a lieutenant in Capt. Davies’ company when the Third regiment was organized, and later he was appointed captain. By his splen did military tact and judgment he wen for himself the praise of all the offi cers of tbe regiment, and when the regimental officers were recently ap pointed on account of several changes, Capt. Coben was made a major by Gov. Atkinson, and his promotion to that place has given splendid satisfaction among the troops. CASTOZIIA. Bears the Tto V°u Hate Always BotcW Col. Vs. J. Bryan will spend a corttrde of weeks on furlough at Lincoln be fore returning to his regiment. Ed Bar rett of the Age-Herald accompanied him to Nebraska, . . 733 VOIES WERE CAST fIP 1 m t* feltetttjl Iff) r»li • % «*#» is t#ffft imusti *m IS MS * •* *4 I |p!Ntilltt *iwßft*# *lm» *%tm >#>. ISSIMMISNk j lot IMA twi its sHin |is [ J I mnmh A CAUD. I . | ij, jiftrfsrv' Is Alt >Mt:ert |j» hi* All*# M? «*|*fi»*#*f I friend got lb* job for w»# sod fin*liit« t h*i ms *<#’•' * *M tSf*tr, <M»wi | was swat> bcd from mm.” I rati four xal (||# gentleman who tn»dc ih« transfer of the office which hi ns fol- 1 I "A reporter asked Revenue !nape. - tor Vigal what was the reason of the 'change in the agency, and he said It was deemed heat that Ihe agenry should be elsewhere than in a pawn ! abop. and that I’aul Davis bad not the litre to devote to tbe business re-. qulrtd." With tbto post!lre statement fwn Mr. Vtgal, who was i hurl table enough : to gtv# only one o? the reasons for tho removal of Paul Da via. which Is a flat lontrariletlon of Davit' vaporing*, you will pardon me for expressing surprise > that The Herald should publish a statement fiom Davis that reflects upon the present stamp deputy, who bad nothing to do with his removal, 'and whose name was nol mentioned | in connection with the plai”- until the department at Washington had. upon report of inspector Clark, which tc -1 port stated not only that the office was In a pawn shop, but that Paul ; Davis was "grossly Incompetent,” j ! And the condition of the books kept 1 lit) by this muchly injured pawn broker Justifies tbe report made by Inspector Clark the grand stand p ay of Paul Davis will appear more ridiculous when It Is known that long before the appointment of the present deputy he knew- that bis head had fal len and urged the appo.ntment of a certain woman as his successor. I have referred to and refuted tho state ment made by Davis from a sense of duty, Mr. Editor, the man's card being so reflective, gratuitous and ungrate ful, viewed from all the circumstances as given above. Davis says: "I have always made an! honesl and creditable living in this - our city," and again an odlons infer ence Is drawn. As to whether h; 1 has always made an honest and creditable living In this city h!s own people who have had dealings with him may tes tify. Respectfully, A. W. Wimberly. Place you order for fall suit, with E. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. LECTUj£i! POSTPONED. Father Stafford to Be Here Thurs day and Friday Nlehts. Father Stafford, who was to have lectured before the Lyceum tonight, got left In Atlanta and cannot arrive until too late for the entertainment. He will therefore deliver his leciure on Hamet tomorrow night before Section A., and on Friday evening on “Dickens” before Section B of the Ly ceum. The New York Board of Estimate and Apportlonmant has provided liberally for new school houses In Gotham. The destroying of the busts of ihe chief Justices by th eexpioslons in the capitol is an irreparable loss to the nation. u . - thbi axtoxjbta herald IN ASOCIALWAY (l, BJt j M JpwT \ft-> t ►wf [ !‘-' *y ** tfc* flta# v»*»< YAs * flrtj €>«**# ltsrs»,'"’ S 9 tS - •*M AHiM *• 4tf*sS| [ JJ'»' VtMMN) WWfT i»*4l l l ft* hi* Ann I As »b<r »tat* f«*m -f -rw* «f tss| Ah. Tea. H taj If# ffwi* hi* sv*f A#r***A# i f*nfv4 R|ff §9t • Invlif w*b#V*— Whll«* (A# Iwbf «rrlii|« I* hi# , Poodle* hi hair, khM*-. hts face-- iHK: Jr i zr.-rx.zz. ! M* marts* -A# «*«kw fh# t»lia*ful vis ioj, has flfd' Hlif 0,. r him-hath#* hi* h**» QiVttf rakv* hi* h#ad—* Tw hi* ll|s plor#* ihi* cut*—th# f‘"oU#l <1 m tight gtv#fi Tile f)Uim aahl -y«Mi hav# b##n "dreaming.'* Yea* * nur**,” with a "*i|h." I bava dreamed. Hut my ’’dream” was of ''Heaven, O! An Any I In ’‘Peace." but the "He roine of "war” U the lied Cross Nurse." Then when ••war" with her dread '’ru mors’’ Of conflicts and battles shall cease, And o’er Ibis fair land shall wave Once more the banner of Peace. When the vletoiw ale crowned With honors of lasting renown, O, (ben weave a wreath for (he brow Of the "heroine of war.” A wreath of immortelles Por the ’’Red Cross Nurse.” August 20, 1898. Lyceum Tomorrow Night. IThe Richmond Time*. *ln speaking of the lecture on Hamlet which Father Stafford Is to deliver before the Lyceum Isstotaorrow, says: Dr. Stafford Is a gentleman of pleas ing presence, and his thoughtful, hand some head and face hear strong marks of the fountain of Intelligence within. Ilia analysis of Hamlet was the most Intellectual and charming presentation of the kind ever heard In this elty. He treated the subject with pure and polish diction, leaving no awkward contrasts between his own eloquent ex pressions and the Imperishable llnca yf the greatest of ull English writers. Falling easily fsom the critic intff the true Interpreter—the actor —he portray ed the character in such magnlflccjit manner as to sweep his audience along by his own ntasier spirit, until the ten sion would hrealt Into enthusiastic ap plause. It Is hnrd to lielleve, not having heard Dr. Stafford, that so deep and broad a pleasure could he built of so Intangible material, and the results were in them selves a tribute to the Intellectual pow er of the man. Wedding Tomorrow. A marriage of unusual Interest to a large number of friends Is that Miss Stella May Smythe and Mr. John Fox hall Ptunnan, Jr., which will take place at 1 o’clock tomorrow, at the home of the bride's parents. 932 Reynolds street. Only a few intimate friends will be present, and immediately after the cer emony the young couple will leave for New York. The King’s Daughters. The King's Daughters will hold their regular monthly meeting this afternoon ; at 4 o’clock st the homo of the pr-sl : dent, Mrs. C. A. Rowland. Army and Navy League, No business of speoial inuxjrtftnce was transacted at the November meet ing of the Army and Navy League, yes terday, except the appointing for the next three months, of a committee to tfcMaas* t s«4 >as —iMn is# Hswmmii mi Mf*. ! f * a#4 M YY** isANlmr | sa*4 M* mmrn Mg l» As [ Mia HlfiMk ASM. «•» Mil* Asa* Mlmmi tYafs fines<»* ? «i. ! t aaaaas*# 1 MWis % mm *wt *a’t*», Mias H»«99"a#4 in nhh# TNifSfwtt* atth | ! MSfHatm n****lmm, m |*»as ! Mia* MiSt* Nrris»»f. i«k ta* i aSaf ail j i Mips (iftirwb fa ! I lit** UIN# liiMUff, At tt»At Ms#* I#4 all. sNA AftSrA iHiH as 4 sAlt* Mt*s Msiirsfst PtaNiA. is pi*k #•>* <*» I fal «*"®SS*nr; Ms* Asssata Psnh, Is Nul mia SNA AasarMs •blasts**. Ml** Mary Mm tr in »Alt# «r*sn4ir ‘ Sit A »‘l**A Is## slsh lU’hu** as 4 tA ; Mia* Julia «"artnh ha#l in l *Mk ; sit A Mar k vrfrri an 4 y*Nom ailk J Mr* ft abaft Jr., Is Ma* k ; I Wri-tetf astis. Wtffiatt #fllk ? | M»a* Ernsts# lAirt, is fSsk nrs«n«lK ’ sit A Wark Am#. nHA r#4 ro##*. Ml#* Anas halt# Cras»tns. Is * Alt# sr-1 gaMH. wlt A Ms# rthtnsMP! Xl*. Mtud Hi.-M In while ncgwndie l «nh white aailn > tM-ins Miss P.-rrte. pln'i otgawdie. with ' look Balm ribbon*. Ml** 13la Wfigbt, In green lemsiiel satin: | Mbs Aille Bra, la a bite nrgaodi. 1 with yellow lac*; I Mis* Aimer i'hafee |n while organ die. Mis* tHiralieHe Webb. In pink organ - ' dir, with LaPYanrr rooea; Miss I.lam. Zb-otl. In lilur Olgandie. ke ndrk k -Gaulbert. Miss Kaibeilne ilrvnet Gaullierl and Mr. James lawiun Kendrick, both of i’blladelphla, were united In mairiaael Wednesday evening. November td. at | half past 6 o'cloek, at the OM Flint Pr**byterton ehoreh In Frankfmd. a suhurb of Philadelphia. The ceremony w»» peiformed l>y the n*v. John B. j Ulnt. pastor of that church. The bride was gowned In a l»wuMfiil wedding rob* of white satin, eu train, and carried a Iwuquet of lllleg of the valley. ll*r sister and maid of honor. Mis* M. A. Gaullierl. was exquisitely gown ed In while mouaseline dr Hole over pink taffeta and rarrled pink rose*. The hi idemalds. Miss Madge Nice, of Ogontl, Miss Florence H. Kendrick. Miss Belle Willingham, of Atlanta, and Mies Juliette Kendrick, were gowned In pink taffeta and rarrled bouquet* of chrysanthemums. Mr. John It. Kendrick. Jr., was best nian: and the ushers were Dr. Tllson Ward. Mr. W. W. Toxis. Mr. William N. Detivller and Mr. H. Merian Al len. A large reception was held «t the home of the bride's father. Mr. William R. Gaulbert, and there were many guests from the South present. Miss Gaulbert'* ancestors date back to the colonial period in Frankford. Her father Is prominent In the Iron trade, and relatives of the same name are among the leading citizens of Lou isville, Ky. The bMdr is a brunette and Is noted for hce Intellectual quali ties. , Mr. Kendrick ( jvas formerly of tbla city, and is a graduate of the Pennsyl vania university. On his father's side he Is descended from Captain John Kendrick, of Hoslon, a colonial mariner of prominence. Among his ancestors are a number of prominent people. An na Kendrick, the mother of Franklin Pierce, the late President J. R. Ken drick, of Vassal- College, and Major Henry Kendrick, professor for a long time at West Point. On his mother's side h* Is descended from the latp Hon. James 8. Lawton, M. D., and comes of a family of distinguished military an nals of the United States. He Is a nephew of Mrs. Ajex W. Smith, of this city. Afte» the reception, Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick left for the South, stopping en route at Old Point, Asheville, Chatta nooga and Alanta.—Philadelphia Press. Mr. Kendrick has a number of friends in Augusta, having visited this city a number of times—who extend to him the heartiest congratulations. Auxilary T. P. A. A number of riew names were added to the membership roll at the meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary, T .P. A., yes terday afternoon, and arrangement* were mads for art entertainment to las given at an early date. Mrs. O'Connor's resignation as secretary ww regretful ly accepted. , Mrs, Massingale Entertains. Mrs. Massengare complimented a few friends with a delightful eight-handed Most Welcome, Most Sweeping, Bone Fide Eargain SHOE Sale of the Decade. .-sansMrsasaSTw krartemps '.£*@o?. SBttVW «. TJSt nJI. .ms* «... .c.-wt 50c For Rhov# fi#ur». ChMf*fl'i toft Don* *oi» Kid »f>rin« hool Autton* #*<•#* dp, him Bto 0 «nd Uto 11 > All iowd $2.00 Ladios* choJocolo cok>r*d fancy vor(- inir top button shoo*; tho«R mrm r*- nuia *2.50 valu*«. but w mrm going to bt th#m go at abov# figur*. $2.00 C*nt«* Calf I*nod Cork »oNd ihow. lac* and congras*. * 1 .OO to * 1 .po laa* than any hou*a In tht* city. $3.00 You ahoukl »*r our Tan Willow Calf Shoe* for Cant* at th« abova figure. The price Ir no Indication of what this shoe I* They will wear end look as well as any $5 shoe sold In the city $2.50 Cents* calf lined vlcl kid shoes, lace and congress, for above price ana that is *1 less than they can be bought from any other house in city TIMES ARE NEVER SO HARD THAT YOU CAN T AFFORD TO TRADE WITH RICE & O’CONNOR SHOE CO, TWO 834 Broad Street. Name Acr<ws Sidewalk TWO STORES 722 Broad Street, opposite Monument STORES fuituv puny ye*l< 1 day. There were present Mr*, lintni'k Mr*. Ford. Mts. I Wither*. Ml** Connor. Ml*. Heeson. Mrs. Thomas ttnrrett Mr*. Mi«Jo*an, Mt». DavMs -n. Mis* Marl* Allen. Miss Matlic Gardner. Mr*. Hanford Gardner. Mrs. Hl»h«p Alexander. Mr*. Martin land Mr*. Faigo, I Th* two prize* w*iwater-colors, land the two second. stlv«*r bell*. Tbe two consolation prixea were sllver i mounted rabbit’* feet. A p-herchr* luncheon followed- the I game*. Teasler-Harter. Yesterday evening at *:3« at *b , ‘ Broadway Methodist church. Rev. 8. It England officiating, Mlsn Cora R. Harter was married to Dr. Louis P. Tender. The attendant* were Mr. Robert Rate* and Mr. Edwatd Teasler. The bridal gown was of castor cloth, with satin trimming, with a hat of vel vet trimmed In whit*. Hho carried white rose*. The ceremony was followed hy a re ception. at which a number of hand some presents were displayed, Costello-O’Conoor Mr. E. J. O’Connor has Issued cards to the marriage of hi* daughter. Mar garet <\, to Mr. Edward James Costel lo. The marriage occurs Wednesday. November lSih. at noon, at the Church of the Sacred Heart . Mr. and Mrs. Costello will he at home after December 15th, at No. 250 Greene street. Euchre Club. Mr*. Frank Rutt entertained a new Euchre Club of young matrons this morning The prize was a sliver bell. Present were: Mrs. Frank Rutt. Mr*. Porter Flem ing, Mrs. Walter Inman. Mrs. Steiner Dunbar, Mrs. Robert. Fleming, Ji., Mr*. J. FI. Campbell, M-s. Maurice Walton, and Mr*. William White. Georgians at Hot Springs. Georgia I* represented at the United Daughter* of the Confederacy conven tion at Hot Spring* hy Mrs. J. Jeffer son Thomas, Mrs. II len Plane, Mrs. Elizabeth Gabbett anti Mrs. N. S. Mit chell. The Bachelor Maids. The Misses Wright will entertain the Bachelor Maids Tuesday In honor of Mlfs Marlon Rood. Hiss Clarke Entertains. Miss Teddy Clark entertained the Young Ludtes’ Euchre Club yesterday. Mrs. John Twiggs, who had intended leaving tot* Cuba, this week, has re ceived new* that Captain Twiggs will arrive in Augusta shortly oh a fur lough. and so will remain for some time longer with Mrs. Albert Twiggs. Col. and Mrs. Gallaber and family will move tomorrow Into the residence of Mi. and Mrs. Thomas Garrett, on lower Broad si rest. Mr*. It. O. Miller lewvea for Macon next week to attend tho Chrtstlau Church Htate Convention. The Daughter* of the American Rev olution meet with Mr*. Janie* Moore this afternoon at 1:30. The University Extension Class holds ll* regular fortnightly meeting this af ternoon at i o’clock. The Ne>tlework Guild meet* with Mrs. W. H. Warren this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Miss Anise Klark of Atlanta will upend December with Mr*. Nesblt Wingfield. The United Daughters of the Confed eracy convene at Hot Springs, Ark., to day. YOU TRY IT. If Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the *mall price of 25 ct*., 50 I ts and 11.00. does not cure lake the bottle buck and we will refund the money. Sold for over flftv years on this guarantee. Price 25 cts and 50 ct« Add by—Retailets. T. A. Buxton. Asderson’s Drug Store. Alexander’s Drug Store, West End Pharmacy. The King Pharmacy; Wholesalers, Daven port & Phlnlzy. THE WEATHER. Forecast for 116 hours ending 1 p. m., Nov. 10, 1S98: Washington forecast for South Caro lina- Rain tonight and Thursday; cold er In western portions Thursday, in creasing easterly winds, Washington forecast for Georgia Rain tonight and Thursday: colder Thursday; Increasing easterly winds. bocal forecast for Augusta rind vl elnlty—Rain tonight and Thursday ; colder Thursday. The river at 8 a. m. was 7.8 feet, a fall of 0.9 Teet Ul the past 24 hours. The storm yesterday in northwest Texas ha* shifted to the west Texas coast, while the barometer continues to rise rapidly over the Rocky mountain rezlon. Rain Is falling In central rtxas. cen tral and lower Mississippi valley anti over tip- lower lakes, a rainfall of L«1 inches occurring at Palestine in the past 24 hours. Decidedly colder weather prevails this morning over the Rocky mountain re gion, while nearly all the eastern half Of the country ha* become warmer Bisntarek I* s degrees atiove zero this morning, ami Huron 10 above. A maximum wind velocity of 48 miles per hour from the port Invest Is report from Chicago. L>. FJSHICK, Observer. 75C ; Mteeea* Kid patent tip. spring hoel and low he#i. button shof. good ww at • 1.00, we charge tbe aoovo figure $145 Ladies' fine Dongola kid button shoes, heel fo«lng and patent tip*, other dealers ask you sl-75 for them, the above is our figure for this salts. * $2.00 Ladies' welt extension sola button shoes, all the new toes: you cannot duplicate this Shoe for lest than $3 In this city. The above is our price. $1.35 We carry the best line of Youths* shoes sold anywhere- They are made of the best vlcl kid, cordovan and calf, heel and spring heel, and worth one third more than we ask sos them. Cents' stylish well made satin cats shoes in ail style toes that other houses charge you $ for, here you can buy them for above figure. Our Engraving la conceded to be e« Am* as Is done anywhere, and for that rea son we solicit your orders for Wedding Invitations, Calling Cards, ete. The very latest and most correct styles assured. Orders ex ecuted In !4 hours IX necessary. The swellest corrcspondesics pa per in the south. Dunbar & Williams, STATIONERS. Msi Broad Street, Augusta, Us. REMOVED TO ?I1 BROADWAY. ‘ E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Aucusts, Oa Stronger Phone it)-. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE ——■ UHE"-- Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD * WILLETT DRUG CO. DO YOU WANT TO TALK WITH PEOPLE, MORE PEOPLE, PURCHASERS, PROSPECTIVE BUYERS? SUNDAY’S HERALD GOES INTO THE HANDS OF THE READING PUBLIC, “Tie BEST is tie CHEAPEST’' NOVEMBER 9