The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 09, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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4 WEDNESDAY THE AUGUST A HEMLD PSS »*«I—»»MW • • —* S' * * »«* »* « •#* «—* M«« • * • _ «—« *.-*y* • * * * fgp—*.-. *M. M (N»* **• HHk WWMO TIWM wm nw» IHC WMUti* Os Si SSX2L ng- 4 | |^* fcl ** **' TM* *«n *•»— at* •*— kH h • m m* **» *»* »*• ***** *• *rw r«t #***—*. par,** iy Ml wp— »«W *•*»• *» tha fVtf «*tlb to—r—* Sag—** dbiat bet Mr ■*•«»*• m 4 • k*N M Ik* tea— ««*• «• Nm Ter* **ef» twrked «* The Mfwtl hapdred miuum gear* X tmtrnim the #***■» Bate bet ~ giw da# fft—dap *—tn- Mg TTh** «*• heating «*••*• CVai (k* 4~M lor autumn tun. Of Ikt MM MMM the l«». —CMragv Uwonl ■tehg-**lt’* hardly MM'<*>* <*•» » Mar IM* -In—M «M ant of n b* tween two —eh P#r*na*‘ Wkh* “I 4m* hmom H* to • regular atkk #•4 rfce baa -»«Ml to !-*»««• I* her to Mtfc* * Match. HoiU.u Tt*t * H»« *■ Cotton. wtlM everywhere, f And not • N*rl *4 ■*"<• at the pgrMrat young man M ••** •»•- j lntw —id to ht* iian-cu lathy ; attired Cotton Roar ft toad Within flee rear* import* of Amer ican Manufactured pood* her- doubled IB Talor In 1«W they rent-hid a to tal of nttjniN during nine month*. aa<l till* year their value »aa 1387.- •3164.. op to III* and of Jtepteuibev l*»t "The only objection l h»*<- against til* young nan, my dear rblM. t* that kt kw no noble »*nbHlon —no high or worthy object In lit" "Why. pop*, how can you My that! He want* m*!" New Orleans Time# Democrat President Kroger I* at tidy Inf art. He delight* In making pen and Ink sketch** of snrroandtng buildings and of animal*. He e now making por trait*—caricature#. tone unkind per sons call them of hla friends and acquaintance*. An Ironmonger In the Trongate h»» affixed to a bicycle in his window a placard bearing thta Inscription: "The net cash price or thta warranted bicy cle was £9 10s. Today It is £7. It •will be reduced 2a a day till It Is sold.” Glasgow Evoaiug Time*. ‘‘Saw a man undertake to cat four pounds of sponge cake on a wa ger.” “Did he succeed T” "No. When he had eaten about half of it be was comiielled to throw up thu spoiigc.” Ohio 81 ate Journal. "A southern critic’s Idea of Kipling in The Waynesboro (Ga.) True Citizen Is as follows: ‘The Truce of the Bear’ is a mean disclosure of a suspicious nature that can give no one credit for a noble or charitable motive. It Is not poetry, has nothing great behind It. and will not live.* * New York rimes. “GwilUams," said Sflint, who had be.;n 1n a brown study for several •r, “what Is the name of that If.iTffch <;>ncrat they have been nmk ius so nint h fust over' 1 ‘•Kitchener, m i itlespoutisd (iwililatus, fcjrt> jt," exclaimed Gwlllluure lie- Ughiedly Kltcheuer! That brings it up all right f know now what it was my wife asked me to attend to this morning. She wanted me to advertise for a cook.” Chicago Tribune. 4*oo #4O4iMRMMNI HM *W IHINI % «**% I |» m<»)liwrtiii #o* 4# rrsrr * -tt"T- i i r—toei Hhpf—B MM (—*#•■—*»» #MP 1 tM«V Law wm m *** gM— «•*»» ah |«a» thtfiM x4m 4mm mm mm Me MW MllnlllM 4*o MW* at age h» ha* mm mm !—*••*—« M adttMd ***** **4 MM a—ph—•** VtN* Mf'to WMM IW MMBMf a# MHM to m* MM t* h*4 ewWTW M Sawr*r lepaHlag Mk* —tow Stag *4 th# g*to» «f mm. ho toa-red *• '*‘*ah*t» bml —l’MiMMffi •* pure <ho Metro ; om h tear tonal la w* he*** er.MMlt.hM aha* ha *M»« » *hto Lmm* I ** ertrapt the MM4 phMO M th# l MUM Mil la Me Km— 4 The «M»- tar hoe tal»*«t eat —rttolpeMe M that MOMiOßlito (tue*«a M th* MW 4*» *f fall taet thraaoh Oar Oetaa KMMto. a*4 M Ma* a»4—«4 ho as th* btMM aM**o <a*o **W4. (\M— a* ham. fcetlaM MM** la4aa4 It h— hee* m*4 <toe« to Kartlehlr Pm era tent hie Mt aM**** «*• hattoM •rata flylaa IMttoU Ab 4 mam ha to Qotataor K>*r *, a* th# »to|4»* 4»at# Wha ehall ea* that Thweiece Rwe# rett la —I oaiy ea tohpetaaaa ead deahtac |"raea»B> hat pnaaMrif on* aha far the mm »• aeahtha Me baaa pte*ia« far hi« ataha* aad ha* WfcMl Omm* Paab* referred turn Raitlu captivity to (oMiaailßople after the war es 1*77. tin* ewluw met the her* es Were* srtth the word* Thr child re n shall be *sy chUdree If* ha* hapt tble prom lee literally, two of Ik* eM geaeral's eblWrs* beta* al ready (Battled to the daughter* of tb* •sltsi sad tb* third son h*» tecmstly bes betrothed to the yooageet daugh ter of Abdul Hamid MsroMtsiungg of ni ran* tm us llluafral" so* feature coa neeted with the above raptmo Aa ntd solvent and reliable beak la New York .am* within an Inch of caiaa ' inophe aad wreck the other day. i(trough Ike paullealtoo of aeaeatloaal report* I* certalu of the dally paper* A* h was Ihe Mivhanh-*' and Trader*' was < a used no end of annoyance by the run that followed the appearaacc of the** misleading article* but It managed to Weather lb* norm until confidence war restored, and today It aland* a* firmly as H baa done In the past. To the sensational public prints the entire blame ran be traced. The fnet that the president of ihe Institution had bran requrated to resign was a matter of public new* so far a* the mere announcement ■«< concerned. But the press had no right whatever to question IU financial standing, which, as has since developed, was of the highest. It I* as serious a matter to attach the reputation of a financial Institu tion as It Is to make similar remarks against a person of good moral char acter. Reputation Is the greatest requisite of both, and If that Is gone nothing nwnalns hut the hitter thought of what might have been. before and after Marriage work* many changes In men. Before tnnrrlage he would lift her across Ihe muddy places for fear she would get her little tootaey-foot aeys wet, and would insist on carrying her fan home from the ball, for fear it might tiro her to carry It herself After marriage he looks on with su preme Indifference when blio steps Into n mudhole, and tells her he thought her feet were big enough to bridge across It, ami wants to know if she thinks a man is a Chinaman that she asks him to carry bundles through the streets; she is big enough and ugly enough to carry them her self. This state of things does not pre vail In Augusta, however. He had just finished a fairly good dlnndr which the housewife had set before him and rose to go. "But.” she protested, "you said you’d saw wood ” "1 said 1 saw wood, and 1 did. too " Thus the bloated monopolists a:c every now ami then mined down by the weary sons of poverty. —Chica- go Post, Madame Melba is an adept at row ing, ami loves to teat her skill with the oars. , 1 i MMttf MimUt *• ftM *64* f%» f%m wimni | 4M»n Hai *mw> >ei4 Mmmb *—«•«*» naaeo* oMe • bmm* mbbm a* **• am *mm* —a (mb*- tha Otoe* *m#4 i aa# a*»*» *** hh taanM ah# M to a wetoal »ha* •** ! to. mwomM «* *a*t a «to»»«»<e *aa«h*<4 iitoHM MM I# to •*« • (hot toarh—l AatpaMae toe* ***** *4— j • hi ***** tar that *» t*» awtto X the *tof BhMahl MM **Ml# HtoM th* Mettat 4 The eato •* IB Mto IMttto ***M |»M» j n Me* the rtMtoa X t**a iNIBM. ato 1 MMBI «*BMr«IHMM Th# rtea a»>4 • ' iiiatni <M4 »ha— at IK* >«* *4 A«K j aatoa on ho totot taah* rare as a—- j the# Me Alfred NbMtoM *f fO Mrwa* IM t*Mrh th* mrnX mm Meetaia Mae* | )<M» |**» mm he MMh that tha eaMT* •d aala MW MM a.Wthto tha atothe* | as a MafnrM* as the ahH* PM>' *f th* nw tear* !T -r- ——r— —-■ om h Meet eteharate sad eelaal to toenh a*. laredteM hf Th# Heaaki a *ra daf* ehtoa. The Mtattotual Alt ai th* Catoetf Mato* * ha*«M aa the Wreath ra—iw la #**Mt*ta« mm «f th* rum Meta* a ptotartal **d t nlored —a—trwta* *d tha P—■ ,4***—* as tha M» t hod tot rehgtoa M | oar aut* th* hm a## eoMtaeand aw 1 aa that thta atm th* Itotoito* •eater d t* "att|*r »h#M fett«ta* . M ho* thto —aade oM taahloarel It j *r— aaeevtMto— a— a# th# nm-mm- Md Mlutattoae frota th# lip* of P—• tor* of a ttaartoe as a raatary **« • tot MMdMC their —rtahtoaer* la •Bf: -Oo rm aajof »o#r f*ll«»o*l' , " To tha— bayonr! mtddl. Ufa th# la terr**at— y taaaot fall to reprodar* j iarMrr|-i and pkturee of tha oarilor j day* Th* Mat hod let eharrh amde mm h of th# en|«H—«l of r. lIiWM thea. —lt do#* aow. A happtß *e j end . on lent men t often re teed to eretm fry. "Whleh the world iO«Sd neither tire nor tali# aaay." war* held up before th* vnuaa perena* rraanu ahy a relltlou* Ilf* ehonld be em braced Wtai h— barat— of the pu—ttoa* We# H a pe—liw .-**».*■ t lonelily or to It rotate at* prraeat In Ihr areetlna* of beUaeern Mill. tbou*h not aipreeeed In tha name any* An etpert. nre proKard by tone nuMbers of erdnte and plalnjMople eltlaaM of worth In tha Isa of the republic, eitre- 1 ly meant eoMeihinc beyond the mer. aortl*. No doubt nil three nood thing* are extracted from the religion* life of to ' tiny, yet the poMlhlllty of more of the enjoyment" that h— often made the pnreat of earth invulnerable to worth Inquiring about. EPITOME OF EVENTS. B|>aln ci.mpialn# of broken faith, I A new Japanee cabinet has been funned. There is a cabinet ertsia In New Found land. | The Jewish children are being perse cuted In Vienna. They are digging for diamonds in a Lexlnton, Ky., cemetery. Sarah Bernhardt Is going to India to act and incidentally shoot tiger*. Thomas A. Kdlson. Jr., Is planning to use the tides to generate power. President McKinley Is to urge Con gress to dig the Nicaragua eanai. There are rumor* of a big brewery trust in New York and Philadelphia. Miss Sampson, daughter of the admi ral, will not be married until January. Tho German romic papers are enrag ing the French populace of the front ier. The campaign In Nebraska was near ly as red hot as In the presidential year. The Turkish papers are indulging In the wildrsl praise or Emperor Wil liam. Vickers Sons & Maxim Intend estab lishing a branch ship building yard In this country. There is great anxiety among the American ottlcers in Havana regarding yellow fever. Frank Collier, the Chicago lawyer, whose brain was operated on. has en tirely recovered. It Is estimated that 'tie New York political leaders wagered a million and * half on the result. A pension ha* Just been a sewer inspector In Birmingham. Eng land, who has spent tifty years of bis life In that work and has never liecn rick a day. TBB -A. TJ OXJBT-A. _ TIIK OKSCNNI JI AttlA T TtIWN Th* Ran— a*** Mua atpM* 4mm th*' *MMI IMMiMMa* to •*§ dMat thto * toirto •wawaaie mm h«dhtoga» ♦«**— »—•»* j •*•• I'M—e at # «|p4 pmtmm*- m ! >—i* »«*- M at** h* **» had fctant <ia WtoMhtfh hetodh he* ear* *#— * •a, tMtoaMM# hi .■***. *M >*’ l «*■* 1 gNIfM «fli IWH N**#% lihg # #»'««■'§•»* * 40HtKDk M • tljM 11 » %+* T"j 4AMHO *«M« #4# ' mmmmm* 'Tto ttomtod ga atoaedMarr a mm a *dM«— I ag— htef ahw ] to—t* rear* Mto 4t4h**to4 4 toe# M# m—m M # MM* toath—a tottoh ead Mto a* trade A ***.» h* MM aa* a M**rt» eaiidhar mm— Mr * Mg rAMh a— Tie aid Mm a— (—4—tit torn Into mm mm* hto »tihue ito —eh a •a* to tha *•'•#— «►— hwtoad a* Want h*M to •* 6# M—toh* «4 'vmtto I a— eaMpfint Mt *#atoi a ‘(Head nhlitonitwl to gee to aeh hto* hato high he vaaii feaMto Mtoh Wha* *» far aeiad * mM4 •» *r *toA *l<m» «*M 'la that aatern add *#> (to to the fish «tod *4 the #-»** evettoetotoa I pawed lf to*** hf M *ftoe , thrugtii. ead BM4. ‘t— a** a d»t hartto > I —tte*, e* -so tor."/vpf4 the WMW— Meg. Xh* I anwtlhwM. - itowit ha* *»**h «aa yaa batt* I —**e gat aay K—»h#*' A tmfX. I»- wtMto rhaaga AaihM aear th* 'tor attoa"* haw aa4 ha taa* e era Mi* Krato .hie 'hair "A* htgh —4— ehf *' he ! reared *Mn high to— *•*,*<• awead M Mto htede* ’ la »*a **#—*« he aa* ravtog The mm a— amm r-teeele —aa »**#* *ah|»M hat a— ««4 t*y fr wad hap—a el t# ham* hi* weak epot It In h—dt* amtaeanry ta —y that Me »fMear* i* rrgeed la th# hatotohl* a— pvatoprty relM oat hy th* |a4g* had the grtonant aege* •#d " I raw the ptettWto htt as lovee-ttA# ; drtrdkai a*d trnto of mwwal ra*h> ■ iteae* aad fatth «a Hr.— mm Moa 4ay While th* rfirad W— thkfcrto •ad the total tag thtaage aatre headtag tlrraaaard. Thee at re frata the roaptry Hr* Cow* waea't of eilh or aatta; ehe had 'no —mo-baa boa aad her hat toatoM ao talalatar* laevt gerde* and lit* »rr* • etar* ' cloth—. I Thay war* Both ettapto fait, hath «oa*g and aaaaM ta tow* any*, nad ! It a— eoairtlMe Before they twM get | a ear. I She w— rllaniu* la hi* ira and he w— pPMertlag her sad Aaally the* maaaged to get eb— r«t Aa the rare ►lento ua aim a lath. I wet. bad tor lixtoton up Into hto %*rr eart roaldnl help rlghlag Ah aw’ !a— young once inyeelf." Oar «f Anguete * yotnig lawyer* la ■ very fond of hi* dog aad gen end bad ieet gr—t atore upon a day • outing up . oa (!—«>• nmg (4 <hp quail m —up on th* AhH of the moafn. ami all right, but hi* Agg a flnr 4 ..Inter, he* Hhen doing duty ; i>i»yrtiTng for the rMldr. n durin# Air long auntmrr moa.M, had bean .Iqjy 1 gorged end nyerfett.alth little rvß* i tee. and ronaequentfy eras In no ito illtion for a hard day * work In the Held*. The <M«riple of Blat-ketonr and Offce In. however, a man of fertility of rt>- •onree and neveral day* before the Bret w— obeerved In —ratal converaa. tlon with hi* milkman. Bright and early the next morning a line pointer dog. somewhat fat and gross, was seen trotting under the lac teal fluid dispenser s wagon, tied to the axle by a stout cord, and rl et armia, nolens, yolens. accompanying him on his round*. Several days afterward the dog was delivered at the lawyer’s home, fit and hard as nails, and, as the Observer has been told, was as keen on the scent of the birds, as tils master Is on the (rail of an odburate and hard hearted Juryman. of lawyers, the same legal expounder, by tb* wdy, related the fol-J lowing story with gt;eat gusto, at the time of the recent demonstration at thq Jail. , "A ecrtaln Texas Judge.” said he. ’’was robbed of a horse atid (be thief being apprehended, ‘was brought be fore him for trial. TJ»e Judge eyed tho prisoner with deep Jatisfartion for a minute or so, and lliwi delivered him self of the following:“*’Owlng <o a per sonal prejudice the court will not hear this case. It will he tried by the bail iff, who will And it verdict In accord ance with tho facta. In ihe meantime.'’ he added, impressively, "Ihe court, will go out and bend a rope and pick out a good tree.” An Increase of over $100,000,000 In exports and a decrease of ovqr SIOO.- 000,000 In imports is the record of our foreign commerce for the nine months ending September 30. 1898, compared with the corresponding nine mon.hs of the preceding year. No sim ilar period in any year of the country’s history has shown such a record. The orders and decorations which have from time to Uh»e been conferred upon the German Emperor are worth ueerly A. 350.000 Th« most highly prized are the insignia of the Black Eagle, the To.son or Golden fleece, and the Garter. U* has more than two hundred : crossed? stars and other decorations. WATtlfh MRynmMh > hi *— too* pMtohtoM to ItofA |4»* £* 4* 4404 40 HNP 0* o*o 140110010141 0 f 040 |O|MAOOi 00fl0M«il| 0T 400' 40 4IN I #todo|o Mff «4» 4W4M01 4P004-0 40 4000*44 04 ! *%- ihM itli.Mf r tf*.* *mm**** : * #4 0 ■.o4*o*o 00004 0400M4 «04lt. H0 I ** *** . i -rs Tiny *olgfftlh 44NNMA0 %mJ4#*M**s t%* 0401)40' j fogt-#Th -,.*•* s4oolo# 0» 400044 *O4 fa-if#i4 *4h*♦-.**—# #4 104 404 M» yT - m .-., m - IVpp a#] ji*i44*lofcf 1044 40T T -fOOMOOI if 100 4^o® I I4W.<»W 10# 0V 400 0400 «M 0 4*oooo# j |fog 000004 to# 00k f»WH> #4440 4# 4440 • **•* —• <m ewwadrwM wr «*M*ag «f aMM as to—t ***** to •Mto «M>a lt* *•»«— agaw to*-' MW *—e WMhM ggaeaq—a Baa* *tto toe* I *«— 'Mw to— •«» a— ••»»* M—> ’ , —a— <*• —to— The **#•• . 1 to— p—a— Mto to*W la itoUiti : W—*y hto Hto tot*—* are toe tar— to pw— aag the pa—* '* ear* The aMeaewee —tha H—to to— Mto mm— t r t—#»M* a— .n—toto* aw* Hto fl*— ‘ i —w— tot —*<• hph—g—• War— to riepto I toll—t«w to Mad pip—. I •top* M—e Mniiea-h. a Oerawa rlw— j tog. ttoadh the pto— a- toe as t— "to* , fp— of tie ate ead <•— *•— tort , i raw tu— M g—atoy tea—*#4 t» me j : Thto pen.« A— tor* Wtotj pea* j —at Hto dtoa retag as a—* Th# itoto—wt- as !•#* rah— up •—•* the aptor to M tirtoillap M ea- J :tr—M4» await h— to*— to. wee j •ary ae—at— M «atoe th— h— at—H In the a— aN —phi. aad to i—w j ~ ewe*.tot* f-tod Kem h—d M to : |. ni'Wdi « th— —as a—a to' tereto, ta q—atwy •oHlniet te to the I .#(%■—in or— (Hto* riaAnriag the ealee aWelto* Tire *'~T*fTag AM" »»r of a ear*) • tea# of a— attoa— —re a—#M far «uto*w,. ta to ay prep—d i The fear Mtofeta ep—toar—a ha* • a X » )*#a g—dead'* hgbtl—a —lt. the ;K, Vacate, we— bitted It* th* p—r*, IMP. ttoi MM —MI MPA A ire—i Hetrthatt— as a half— as .nab la the mddln— at tWttoe Wth-df ■ p—ea* —toller Mp—tkto—e than .'to, < eeoe I ohaerver to—dd epepert TM* a id—t r—lht| PMMfc d tha :af aa lapdeat —a lade— ry. ..a# ih— Head believed wWBf PM* •»" •to t. hat a hah fee grt—a year* hae Ifca n a— toped. The rwh. **» A - neaty 4#<e as «perp—a as * bat ►peel— Thto epat— a— the tile (Uh. ’»ht> h a— %•< d—rrttwd fra— *pert* { mafia itl.n to »»>» df Ihe a tot 'em >.«ml of Want whet, to l«i wee f»nnl i t«» earn to gr—t iwatart. aad e—ty ' i in »«a eeet,-d to have .u— • pwwad !a r—utt of name atran— fvialtty that I etrvaed the *— <**ev aa nre* of IT* by j V. mil— with oUttbaM nod tnMHope of [ft* dead, h «aa—rvatlre —tttnai# id—• , ting tha twalet wet than MM-1 .Warn At to pouted* tar deb 'hi* weald have gtvea *•» p>»“i*de of A»h t# .very men. woman ead e*»d tn the, * Pulled null**. For lea y -are thece ' after no trace es the tu*-thdi •*» fepad. a Art the etogular #Mry .d It* ! IMS * e—rrh «f two moalhe yielded >t«ht nedß'iM. In IMB and IOT a tea- other* were obtained, ead ta Aug- , net of thto >e*i the P.rampue. th a lentlit vee—l from to mat e H-dt , ) *M—dPA t* rwtxartng * coaatde—ldr j tiumier aIMUt P mltea povUt of Hte. k I I aland. Ab urges t*> Trof Hump—, : and In e trtp- In September It P* 1 I more then m. wdghmg over .*"M I pound*. The hope to again Jnetltlril. Itherefme. that the tib’-Oeh Will baconte lan imp-wlAnl eourre <d o»r food *uu ply. The range us th# MtoCt— torn! fvei v limited, iir—ent defecmlnallona ehowing It to cover .mly a irert «f leed bottom etomt IT* mil— long by 1* [to 16 wide in water tivAr th* ldu fat hom line. I The success in preserving deed bod ies that has been aehtesed hy a Naples surgeon. Dr. R. Manlnl. ha* excited the wonder of European physicians. He use* a secies of special baths, with out Incision* or Injection. The Hist of |ttv> three state* is provisional desicca tion, which keeps the body In u r«»n idltiun for ready dissection hy the ana i tumlst: the second 1* petrifaction, gtv i tag the hanlnesa of marble in a few [hours: and the third is the restora tion of natural color, flexibility and freshness, so that the subject appears U, be simply sleeping. A hairless adult rat. or a brownish color, is a new marvel in a museum at Plymouth. Eng. ► Don Carlos, the Pretender to the Spanish throne. owns something which the queen regent thinks should tin In her keeping. This Is the in signia of the Golden Fleece worn by Duke Philip, founder of the order. It U a superbly Jeweled affair of high value. EACH DAY bEES ™IIEBALD 'OjqS juli-l 4U3 13114 »£t* *» 1* 71** I®] aoTst i 2*]2a] a s ajsj THIS IS IT a-MBtaA Made My * < MnmrfvKriU POR EARLY PALL STIFFS AND ALPINES ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Atrlvpd. DORRS Tj>k>r)nr. H*ti. Funrnhmfi. ) Cucumber and ( | Almond Crs*m i N I— a—M dellghtMl thfal Ar- \ # Pete «»af iS— fc» Chpw-e , # / Aawgh gate. Taa, Aw SM to— % / Couifhs and Colds S / ytigto ted l—d te e—Mbtag C \ a.—e Me ta— evary wat—y / I Mar *rg*wM •>— aad far t j tu— —l HP a hcMtr. J J OritßUl To«h Wish / S Make, tew t fat Tewb aad • I f teat hr—<b. t'uf a* T.«*h I \ BrtPhee era Urn had la the city. 1 / Hot Chocolate # ( With Whipped Cream. \ / And a 'omAwteble pto— toe#- % N ay N. l aid liftnk» ead lew f M Cream too. Ttckat. U ker AM— \ l tS lor ft. % ( To Our Patrons. ) / Th* head Itoperiatoot baring / \ ha— rente—d tom MM*. N J l.ereetter my wboh Utoe ead ar- / I land— wttl h* (itre ta the Tr*» C W erriyati— aad Imtg buMnem. 1 / No— hut the .h.-e eM *ad I # p.ireet l'b»rui».dutt<»h ead Cl.e- J J muelt ere !>**-I.«d here n.«* ( f toil tbl- n*t» es 11rug. —ter th* J \ tm rl|4ion. mat out l>y S / i | rice* era reeebi ebl*. J’*'- v % rot., .'•• now depen.l —my t#r- / 1 teuel eervtc*. 4Gt D*hßMb i < ilemder Dm Ccupaii s r K» BROAD AT. V THE MUSTERING OFFICER Is her*, and if you will call on F. G. Mertins, he can muster you into a civil ian suit for a little money, and Gents' Furnishings are cheaper than ever at F. a. Merlins', the Tailor and Oents' Furnisher, «( Broad street. * Gas Light Company, AUGUSTA, GA. CHEAPEST FUEL EVER OFFERED IN AUGUSTA. Having accumulated a large stock of Coke we will sell and deliver same in the city for 30 days during the month of No vember at the following exceedingly low prices: 25 Bushels for $1.50, equivalent to $3 per ton, or Scents per bushel. 100 bushels for $5.00, equivalent to $2.50 per ton, or 5 cents per bushel. 500 bushels for $20.00, equivalent to $2 per ton, or 4 cents per bushel. We will deliver in Sum merville at 50 cents extra per cart load, or will make correspondingly low rates with parties who will do their own hauling. Break up your Coke be fore using. First come first served. H. B. ADAM, Secretary NOVfMfirß 0 , , fO* CCHIOHO . . My grt*n 4*|hlfW*sN of Mtdafuuml SfM* Msttfl * iidgUOW oy*lf4 •• fra ttgv* pJPP—f gtty C«T*t* ts» 00 htPMPth. n*t»l<M Ml %mkrn, iSlfe cpHIIS t—ytidg Li. Gdroell*.Druggist • • ALMOND C4KAM . * CUfv»P«* . A ffMOfid Odum t of IM *4 hi, A mo# dr 190014 IMMI 4f4int4lH. e-fils Hi lAffT bOMIdA. LI. Cartfillt. Oniggisi COLD CNt AM and 00410 CwprytkOdy Hi town knows nir4t"T*r < mi Cf«*m aihl No»»s. Mird »vryt>ody ws#s H. sod *h#n Ihdiy uM « oocm fh«y corns batk ags n. 25 cshti jsr C«rt*#iis‘s Nsrsspsriiis soy th* boo# Lsrgs bottts*. 75 esnts. L. 1. Gaidt'le. Druggist. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, fOt 7(1 St. UfHtt. fil intinii in ram n» at <*—* * falrt Um> fRPMgrtW rnm-4 W <*!*•- tjKm MM €Vs MMfl* !***■? %Y •*— VM fm W*>» FREE OF CtiAJ&E .SLiM -«r »■« at ft tt » - COAL and WOOD FIIOII THE-—-* Ncrth AnjrnstA Cfd A Supply Co Qua*!):* eM (jWsiMF «• *»#•• •* t W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bail 'Pbeo. UK etrvwgsf *0 Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Richards & Shayer, 527 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. lOMUIteiON MERCHANT*. 803 Reynolds SL=Teleplione i lityal* L>aseo * ire* Pitrct to New Yocx Chicago sad New Orissa*. Order* executed over our wlree for Cotton. Stock*. Bonds, Grain and Pro. vleloei* fra rash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. Reference —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agencies. Money to Loan REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! jtaße-1 beg to notify my friend* and customers that 1 have added another chair to my Barber Shop, making six tlml-class Barbers, and I tope to accommodate my customers without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. t'OML EABLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop itli A 214 KigUth St.. OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.