The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 09, 1898, Image 5

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WfD*f»PAV Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUKTA, GIOHtitA ®a##4MM# W #*tt£l |*« «—*• f 4Ui if lAffTAi. •*•••• mm*m * . .. . tufts*. WHI* 1 ■—■ ”"-x ;4Ha> >»nf • f—j ** Jh*®*** tsy*«£»—> SlSw* Er7S££ ! feslissw oMo#'4 f %ti— iw A#®** f#9f If'O Hl'MM'- ®i<* *<w»n» s♦* OR. HtNRY J. CODIN, lytMfhl Specialist, 4A9 SmmmS 9k * M*s 91 tmmmm 0 ®M4 TtfC Twrr VMM K Unit tM wam I »Ore * Yaw H o®#NHk9 ♦ l*M*tf||t K« , ftmm 9. *■“ ?oi# 4M—B ##t® ##*’484414 rfPtrfff'i### it 4"##*o#<4 Int ins iMf grf |9m» 99199 ##|i k * *►>■* 9»%t Ip9Hh9 19 9991 n 9t9M9&9* |‘? 14* f ftp* $# 19 ip 9 clmpf 999 999 mr%ms |<i# |o#| MOOO 91999 Ik**** * ' up *’>9 4# H"f*9* put’’ 9 <W 10# I##' 1 i|«W w «f 19 ft fl 19999* (Iff 0409 f **. -in fd##B t*iM' 9 (4# #1 i #4* Ann 9*4 199 •99 9M99 o*l# 1991 ft'*99 fo# |MffTO || jrtiarg Whm 9911994 Itl4t| •ft«»0CMI0 •9«9C 4*o# 4 m9919| fN*9 409 199999 000 0440 M Ifc** ##*# 0* if * iMiit r»l9 90# 00. Tl* »ljr Nil infill 994 rl®#( 994 9« *40949 •• I In* 40—iJHOf# 9"®*# 9l 9 o#9 1# m*—M star 10® Nn-999***** T%ff 9iH<Mi I#9®#t9 ill* iwn »»4 ki44 r*r#fu!lr f# *o# *H# tr«*nr %Mvt r 9914 099 o€*toloo (ilftlff ?l*9 th«t H —444»<1 to «■■# No tw kilt* •94 tfif* To® #o©4(#f !*«i*«§ foil? 99 Irnir 994 W 99 pntffUbk* NK®|t in ha 4o**i**#o#d 99a < tol§4oo (9#* •idnatii) hod thnf *1994 lo tl oil 10# tt9»e pm * tot'Mi rttiTHr.Rs. Cftrtip 19 10* IMTW «f II’HMOIW# youni wt«4o*#« h9f999t «• **•* brrolr I* 9u afiA'tiAf ao*l nr*iu* nni '•***• ®®®®M f SHRVMB * *“••**''* m W* «* .|- yf) t*ta, 9a4 91,99* K**t*f hjp«* §t*» Wtu lraairrr Itavdipod St Fhintiy* THE OAflB SATLRDAY. •Vamity ol «ksor«ta to Meat ’Voraity of North Carolina on (IrtAlroo. llaroa «»a.. No». »■ Th* greet game of foot bait to b* pl-yd at tb* baarbatl park Saturday afternoon too tarwn Uaorala and North OaroUaa will b« tha aaaat alaimrate thlwt of IM kind aver acan In Mat on. Tin* two train* ra rh upend about ala hundred dollar* a year to hire roan to come and teach them the «ame. Men who have held Important placea on the big northern teama are generally selected to train and tench the aoutbera team*. McCarthy, who la a southern roach, played five yearn of Brown I’ulveraity team and was substitute full back on the All America team of ’!K». Rey nolds. *be North Carolina coach, U a Princeton player of much exper ience. North Carolina outweighs the CJeor gla boys a few pounds, but the latter are used to this and fight only the harder to win. Two prominent Ma con ladle* will be selected to act as sponsors for North Carolina, and so ciety will be out in full force. The Me ter boys will turn out en masse and root for Georgia. A great game Is expected. I-arge stork new raisins, nil varieties. Just received at Uamkln & Co.’a. I J "'KS„ Fil i -ffi. V . ;.V, f ( s FINE ' 2 %® ® FANS—„ 4 $ We have Just Received a Y *w* Choice Selection of *Qi Rich Fme Fans v S EXCLUSIVE «n| g DESIGNS J ♦ Wdl EclifPiEert & Co„ g jewelers. «Q* MiHH 4 IN c HIMM. A (etwm *»,*« a wf It* tloW k*H*» ts»», w«, 4m a aVWMwe Na i I 99W49 99*9 |3>% vM>t TISSm 1949*9 A HN9 9wit* 94® 4 * •'♦•9i»9* #949*9419 : 19 •«• 9RM4P «4 9 < %••*■* 9®’99p9#*** ! *9M9Nk* in#.# 99* '«***? i k. -v %,f > #** 4 • t i wAn la pnf* amwae nf • lann itlff «*4 b»■*,♦%*•, atoap t%* paps* wwa «hm Pa Paw a* • o ustw in tl*wg | Kswg p wan palpaapn* h «mi» i «w*e tl • rtVP** UpwM, ePaarA IPs a»*a «4 inpii nnr* fwwtwuan nw4 iV mwAtwg 9994*® 19 9499MK494 *9 19*9* 994911** **49494* tl* |#*f94 , '*f*l *•*•**•• 14 1 19* *mt* Ml 14*91*9 9*f 19 94*44 199*' :m* %m 9494. 944 19* f ’ ks-9199 I* |CIHR9 l * '|! 1* 944 t*» 99 19 4 999*# 9944 44t f «MH9N944KN*4r9< 14 Iw4nK ft#4Ul asps, ■ ppwww pt ifowp p*sag M b* la,i«t and irtpjltfw: «Pw» *P» Piwnlan at *pnua knee maw Pwmadi •• tieet* ha IP* Amaetkwn wdtndent. IN T9* <%. 1 *«>* 99*41* 19 li**il9 9*9 1 4* 4*4 90 HIM 19*94 9*94 949* ' «4*r* 999® 9441*91i»4 t**4r'rf ‘ I folif to V9* 9m*o#99l* IC*9'»*fc 9949*4* ! part 4 4 «4ilar#4 iM !*• t*'-# «u o* «t • » 1999 V 9MppT* '-f p*- II rtii If * f*4u9ir— korirfl, 994 19* # a H; r riiirwitr it®9 19* 09* *• 19* l. lit* I* train ttl* 9nr*9! Rttflt Oiifr *9#9i4l* i'9# 19444 499 90 4419, i*M| H f*99 **1499119 H9W>*4 ■lf*#*** after IN news wwa rareiveA In Hong Hat IW gem* of the Asst are tasa ll the 'Attoni drpstlM *• eaea during tae They wove ossroitd ta tne rsfotoiieo ■howa the Milpa entering the harbor, with tiravT rannottedtnc gclng on from f , tU OD auks. ■ piere of ptrong rirramstanlial r»ld*wtea that the Chi-; fees war arttata are thoroughly nr* ] Aiutflint with the arocewt known teeh nl. ail, a* faking among the Mell-i The lower picture I* a clew of the i battle while at Ita height- The eat ■.boas the Olympia In the foreground. 1 with Ita military mast looming out of | its su pens rut lure like n factory chim ney on a skill. Behind the forward j I turret la a figure undoubtedly Intended ; ifrr the American admiral. Mr. Pewey, l lie wears the plug bat. whleh la alwayaj , mptoysd by the Chlnaaa artiste aa tba , distinguishing liadge of foreign nota- I him lust aa American *artiata alwaya employ a patch of atubby aid# whiskers to indicate a millionaire or an Kngilsh iman. Protruding from hit hack ta his trusty sword. The crew are somewhat large for the ahip. but thla waa merely an orlncnla! compliment, as In native art the Importance of an Individual la frequently deelgnated by tala dimen sions. Other of the details are not es pecially clear, but another veeeel may be eaally diacerned In the background, nod the exploding shells are extremely obvious. The two ladder-like contri vance* on the hill behind are proba bly meant for signal stations. INTO THE EARTH They Went to (Take Some Politics Speeches. Kansas politicians have Inaugurated the moat remarkable plan of rarnpalgn ever known In the atate. Beginning last Monday, Attorney General Boyle and G. C. Clemens, Ibe man who de livered the first anniversary addresa over the tomb of the Chicago Anar chists, donned the coal miners' garb and commenced making a campaign In Cherokee and Crawford counties, COO feet under ground. Ten thousand coal minors work In the mines of these two counties, and with lighted lamps on their caps Messrs. Hoyle and Clemens have crawled through the mines, speaking to the coal diggers. In many places they could only get a dozen miners to gether, and. then they were compelled to kneel or recline while speaking to the miners. These speakers have traversed two counties In tuis way, coming put of the mines only at night. Enthusiastic ral lies were held at the noon hour,and the ! miners were urged to stand “by the i pnrty of labor.” While this underground campaign ! was going on Republicans waited for j t!i,‘ miners to come out of the mines, i ond before they were allowed to go to : their homes Republican speakers I would addresa them. Both suite committees claim the 1 state by 12.000 but it is reasonably cer j lain that the ticket elected will ocit j have to exceed 5,000. ! l.nts of fiipmis are retained by net. I saying the smal t things we might have I sai<l. ntw jxTTOTyrrrjt »»ic*»xx,r>. API HJWOi ttl *4*9*. tp« VPasP w—— va• »**•» wgawaPM 19 19*#i« |fi99itr r n I fs#4pl9 it 9 4m® 0 ws t9W»wiiii'9l i 99'" \ 14P9909% 094 19 14 #*4999*94 144 9M9WI 1199M4®I 199M4® VO9& *9**p*#9 9N9 * ”*94 |mmh*pi4 | I f 9»i i w»'99B> t4w— jw*..* 94* *994 49 ; [lift* #94 14 9»i j#* jkrfll it* 499® 4991* i I i «)»#.*-• #H#94P49*94® 9»rf 149 *49*## |l9ftii9 #4 M 4 tt44l 'il»*W'4li>k j I < a*p'< f #94 o*l4*l*9*o 999*99#* tt* 1 199* 99*9 1*49 94 *9# #4994NM*#9*4 *#'• 1 [ 9#** 1 * *4 M** t%i#4 «tMMN49 #*4M9«44 ' |lm94 994 **44949# 91** «t*i* 9%# { E # ; l* ♦“•!#*»* a t 4*9 *4 * f<*#l ## Mp* j liMRMp* 994*9 ti*9ai»#l ITMT*4*** iN*4 994 *49***9 44*9# M* **■#•*#*9l **W'‘* " 11**#***#' It %t •-%#*pi*4' 19# 1*4*44 40*1 *49 ? i I i##i 4fiof9 9 #■«**♦ f%# I9M ' 19*40419 9*4 9# *M49*9*4 9 fN4MO9* I I * *'' «l t * fattl# 1#94 «4 * 99* #w9#*p»l ■«** | [ #94 #*MNM*4 99 *9# 99*19 #44*4 #f. | < 4441 I t4MM*MMN*t I piyitpi* * * 0 trffMrfl**# 91* 9 . 4*# 9*4*9*## #4 494949 flN*R'i** 9999 14 fit 9# 4*#tt9M**4 90 «f*#9M 994** | I 9i#4 994 9® *914 19*1 *99491991 * • 19*9914141 Mil# 1499 T9* f 94M4* 9l4t# V9#f# #994*9 9*49 9# 14 91 4#** | o*#rn#* 4 9t4Mrf 49 44M 0441 i TTh* TIN 9*4*914 9#* 9##9 9<**t ■ : 9*4 900 I*9o 19*1 ollt 9149114 49* f 9*44# 4** 11*199 9#*#l*#* #f 19# 949 T'9# 9*9 |*9#* 9111 *#®««9M4m4*l# *l* [ 949 994 19#*4 010 9* 9091# *4 #4491 t# *9t 994 99*9 494 *4*o 90 Ml 99* , . 1*94 I f44l 9*4 im 9l*44 Mr# luliml %m St, |i9ft j I 941 44#4 #* *"• **"i# ffp *|*l# 1941 •f**® . ■ I C m«m9 19# 99**m * «4 ioM***l4p'l*l* • I f«wr «9* **44t*4* 94* JP4*V# A* 9# 0* | r* c(|Nl 04N4 tt. 9*4 l#N*4 81* %'•!•* i %“atf **i* 9f* AiPifln'tvp I*m* *#4 #<NNt | Vim , C, ft* fNp*r «( Ml T#*tf IHO I TOIB A 5 CARD ROOM. - - A OWoslly Plate t wf As a Usaslsg j Haß. O Nit. 9," tiuc9 Mil* ] 4*t)o4 9** t**i raiN l># 19* roufti* | it*4 rti#rinittT #ll9* tom 9 of 19* I*l* I 10 (*«i499t *94 wtf* Ror* 9ro9* Into tIM» tomb tod KiniYfd (9* OH4 *bo#( 49** miitlit* *o*l pHt>* of I9*m 4*r* I f„. nd Is Ibe street In. redll.le we It I may seem. Juaeph Manley, a promi nent and repatable rliltea. who baa I bemi twlereaied Is IwveaCigating the j jf • y * ( . m 1 ImF^lKmFw : r / JmK r J r\ ,-»-»*••-'■ - Ivr , ' m There are suffering women in this city to-day, almost at the point of death, who need not suffer—need not die. McElree’s Wine of Cardui makes weak women strong and sick women well. Thousands of tired, weak, sorrowing women who read these state ments can be robust and happy if they will take this medicine. From every city m the country women write letters telling how Wine of Cardui has helped them. They say it quickly relieves leucorrhcea, falling of the womb, and irregular or painful men struation. Mothers tell how it bridged their daughters over the time of puberty and helped them form correct menstrual habits. Wives testify that it lessens then dis tress during pregnancy and takes away the worst pains of childbirth. These honest words of* praiselhave made it plain that Wine of Cardui is just the medicine needed for every trying crisis in a woman's life. You can get it at any drug store. Globe, Ind. Ter., Dec. 2nd. I used two bottles of McElree’s Wine ol Cardui and some Black-Draught last sum mer, before, and one bottle after confine ment, and done better than ever before, it being my fourth child. lam In better health now than I have been in years. Your medicine is ail you claim for it. MKS. OKA PAGE. Waycross, Ga., Jan. 25th, 1898. In August 1896 I began the use of McElree’s Wine of Cardui and Black- Draught in accordance with your advice, and I have been taking it ever since when I felt the need of it. I am completely cured, and expect to be confined in June. , MRS. ROSA MILFORD. •WPS a»* «••• swai Anew Pain-Killer. A tia wi (Nssa m SMSW I SW|A PA Ms NM N*s Is j apAfgAp PapPPwwss MPPM MMAA PMwPttsMl PSWPSt a»4 PP PM* «••*** I as SAWS 90 PdtVWM s , gwwpass law wsaaews 09994 99049 9®W ’ip*AMS #9#* **9# * 49* 44® imps pfwps psww Mm Amw sd ipa uwa *#4 94*4 9 9# 9 «## 4NMHM9* 9#4 #i m 0101 #9oo#* 0t* T ®4 Ml 19# *#♦ 9*9*4 9f #9* *9o9* t%# rnmmt * #9489*9 9##® 49t*4 ill# 9##l##* M - «p«#9* *9O 9##* 909 *9* M 490 m**** - 1#" f9oM94at f9>'l* 8# * #4904# #49*4*l ■waM iM IP* Pwiitfiiap pvwaka ad Ug § wf WaM MM M* ween lipmilsif in Ip. Imfa. wpa Wrwtieewd IPs piNMW ilomrt 19* MO9 9*# 191* **494 9*9 9* «p#:9**| 9*984911. 094**49 9*# loo##l *49o*# f**9o 0 mNm* #*o4*9 94*91*4*4 A#4 9# T 144 04010 # % t.OO 10 t9# o*#t9 #••# fNi'itt |>l rfl pitil. 9mrff#, ff|a##9 1901 99*wm. 00«#* 9m#*. Tw»**, 10#*#4#0 MawAw ’ CMMMPrf awd s« M»s m ww mi w,«iw< ts w rasroMe,4 IS m* wrtwi aPPHis m f p. |t 1 V*##r# m f*9l* #*# 4p€4 ot>o •At.*.* at HuMAPtt A VUUJtr mki(a> LAUMnm A Msw la NPAwdaffdas aewAs Ms ay I sugPVe, vWiWwArlpAta Reewrd I oTof*** ll#oljnt. of 99* 7t» H f oit (rtf*##., 09* fwl**Hio9 4* 99 090*# H#**- t || ml feOd# Yf M pdl# t' l fS#V |. , -“ T - *W»<T» i*4 fram 9 99lor*t<Nfl 9* MoM*l «0 * |#rllt#t 10999®# will** »1*11194 ts#i«99or* 9# bmt9M 9#4#lllf •• * lo9#, 999 •»»* (10990Rio** 4*#* *of a j Voi!r 09 Of I***# *9® t,i mo** hi* I*o* ®9B#9 09* 019* oi#4. ■or .onM 9* 99 HlflHolif At l9* k|-f|4fp| 0 llltt# *!*f»f***i9 ffptofwl llh* t#4# 4# It# BKHTOMII |»*C 9*4 9* »#* «#•( 9om*. 51C9 HI AIIACMI S. ‘ft*# run* mi 4%®n»'#r9®o wd#«Mi*liio4 i«fp (|ui« 111 *l*4 w#*r * #o4 9* H*H * Cl"M*r R«0 09*. 19® #r®*t N*N 44ft* iwr «n*t 004 ftfH4*r : *~mp*"*: «mI If not **ll*f#( (o#T t*r»r® 5 H«. *OO S# «I* H»I4 Rfftllrrp, o*. A. Hut* If#, A ml® #*••*»'* I’rttf *o«#®. Al®**mi rf’i l*s u* Hlorp 9(9 Kod l*9iirw»Of r. i Th® Ki«# »9*IWHTi Wliotrt»lw#o#l* rupoft St I'hiniay • Tht* f*«4 mriOWWl of th® v®#®t*9l® 9rol<esr *9o9l«l alwijo nwv o#l «»o t l #- Centre Mills, Tex., Dec. 10th. I am 44 years old and my health be came so bad that I was in bed for a year. I saw your Wine of Cardui recommended for the Turn of Life, and I used six bottles of it. and now I am up and doing my housework. JANE BAKER. Minter City. Miss.. March 18,1898. I was sick in bed when I got your medicine. I have taken nine doses of Wine of Cardui with Black-Draught as needed and I feel better than I have felt in twelve years. lam recommending the medicine to all sick and afflicted women. JANE McLEMORE. tu tt #lO ttm i am 00|0f 9044 40*9 909 4# 40 90M0490* t#«9 9*f**ifce*9 00. 104*. 0 ** i*H# *o*4 *9 OA* ®mm<4 mS *—iim 409»' - 044* OMOO ; [ 940 Ml#- 9*o 0049 9*4 044 *9401409'! I am* *#*#4ol' *aio 049 09* Inm### '94449 ■ mpm*' ®io|oo| * 0 *9®## § *•## 4# ; 109#* 04 404 *9*oo* o#ol*i (ni * ##4490 ; 010 4#l# 14 0# 4#€Nf*9fl9o ft# 1000 |OO 09 9 14 10444' 44®** o*9 o*49* 9#M# j #§.«» *ll4OOl 4MO Mt# #0944040 #* 0409 §4aAoo9* #O9 #h#9 #«# * #00409999 flf *9*o *OO 4944490 9MR# fOO#4IMMO j **ll t lad - €oM** *f i * * *■; *t#o#MWMt ipm *4o# *.* i aPe*pHw#iKP *mm> T%## 9*9 #*o*## i, *#f #*#l9o4 9041 ' m #O4l 1041. 0 *O4 '49440 [ mmmmsm *f M MM# 0000*' *.•**•#»#»#« 0 409% #4401# T9*o 190# 14# 94#*0 I *OO 4*l 4 449*' J44* 409 |#4 10-0 Ml | #4lfl9*9* *9*ool #OO O#M 0- #OO 94041 10# I#4tß# 940 # 0040*9 iii94oo 100* I 10® il n>— 100 * *«* # 4494 #f 1094 040#- 9000 0 4**l Ml 10# O#MO. | o*.#fHftpMoi* < Ri ofo###'#o*l #4fcdX 10# ##9 - i ypqfpia ###a*vf Wl 4##* %■# #•#o4#* 0 i i*#4 #4*l9 9010 M 44490*9 40* *•##• I To# 8 i»4liij 0 »t4i(*n9 #491 |990#4 #49 i 0(994 *• 949 10#*# 0 *o# 4*44 l9ii# I 40»#t rj»4H 0# 044 0940* *l4 <o**» 090#. 0# 84* 09 00# f •*•l4** 999 *’• ' 99*49. **” #O9 4*949 0 04 *lttf o*9 49# I 0**949 9t#o #9 1.990 1004. 4®"*oL i|> m # »*w# #4 0 |0«|«0f I I : wt( 0 iitwvp'. '.ns,' *O9 hs> t # lual&e M® ! |.4, „« mm 9 #f*®# • .ginmi I fp, ■ y w| 11 -« p t>| # %Viliwi # «|> #B#t®e PREIMCTVtD DEATH Ikf Ifkpsrd Brows swd "as hilled »9#rtl) All##. Idt»9ofllt® Kt < Hot, 9 Ri(ont Igmlsvlile Hewderwm r#JI(t*NS. *** ftIHNVI Isl PH 30*1* I HRm »h«**Tlt #H*r 19 or'ark lost Ot&fet tliir ro#|»ltng #Ol9. T9**® Is o cacroltor tori4®ot rooosrt • ®9 9110 Kdiw# • 9®oHi. IHiortty ofi®# golrg Is work be catered the aPrr at like yards and said lo a number of W- I p,w workmen: "fiafr, I wasi you all I lo br carrfnt Inulght. aa I feel Ibal . Hwebody b> Kilns In he Port, and I bars a premonition (bat IK*I pome 't.’ll'l.rwui du,, ha.f as hour sftrr 10# rrmsfk, t HELP'“’WOMEN! Enterprise, Ind.. July (0. '9B - Mrl ' * have taken two bottles ol Wine 41' of Cardui. It has done me gnat XMJ good /m MRS. ANNIE BARETTt. 7 133 N. 3rd St. Zwr Paducah, Ky.. April 20.1898. ■sr | have used two bottles ol Wine ol Cardui and have been greatly benefilted by its use. I tend names of some lady friends who have female troubles. MISS AGNES McCAMMON. Rendville, Ohio, April 21,1898. Three weeks ago I was so I could not stand on my feet i but after taking one bottle of Wine of Cardui I can go as I please and do my work easily. I have helped many other women by telling them of Wine of Cardui. MRS. SARAH L JONES. Parsons, Kansas, April 1898. Wine of Cardui is taking the lead here. In several cases where doctors’ medicines were of no avail your Wine did the thing right. _ QUARLES & CO.. Druggists. rX, ff. It's a Snap. Wd sh a>amrpol MB taut* Naff# than. Thtf a® ta Ulfi. Mtact* i. ta a i ltd® Vm SOM> Ttara d®r cfhff dotat, 2msim mu is-#* wifiw CuM To«P Allft Ndfiuw I OMs Sldgs * M 1, Hnwii and urrap avAKi TKfv wvmM ht tlxsp mi tl .A Sonid am wt»tli HBD. Wtfl tefl rruirt lot dl |l,4*. On Inc term tcußMf. OROAMIEi* taxNly r«>m,S as l#*MagPsA, Py„ «d *psa«sb * se PtgMwrs { 000 #4tol#i ors 19# #fr«#*«9> A 4049 #9 1 mmt 90#* 10# ot9tNi Ari4f of 10® M#» i9® (Tis t Wo# I *"TO# 4#rtk-® M«0 of 10# oQ##i«9 L*tf«9 9f imp Wll*>« I. Iktnif 1■- mm*««of * of *ni9#titrort of 10® Hot ! ’ o(9# ir* it** jMfMcff #1 #l9 9*t( I ta#*# 9**ff®4 by t*#pi. to®#9oT. (*9t It IV. iMtol. Tvrißk H®o T##o [ 34 A 4 %•* f*ATA 9t 1144 #9OOO ylitk I# jinjiimrm hf I9> • f>«Mi H*tm. #099 1 1# ®»f®w-#s*tf mi mi tii , |( lo r®rta»ol . | thurti |9® «m®«iTi#, »i®o #»»'“• •#( 9*9B**! I' h#' nfc*»W ®#(fO* ® Off p Mrli II 14*#* j | Hprtf. T« i®#l H« 0 trio! #Bo® for 94 rmit« I w m® |#y#® fnr fi* o#(i I® wtN tn ■ I ia> tiDltafl. 0 W»rr®o f*?r®#«. Srw j I York Itruirvtaa 9®®o H -A r®m®4y ta I \*mm I <*#i»rrti vbltl t# drftn* or ®b* I I * It log 1# 10® 400 "##4 oi®**o*9## *9**ll I tii*( hr t|pr4 (>4Ol Holm I# r®vo49i#®4 ] mm m op®rlfl#. Th® (111—4011111*9 **f i |»rfil »*#tl*nr r;;; «'.V| *, u»» dariKm of fuotfcaU. MiHersburg. lowa. Jan. 31.1898. I have tned on* bottle of Wine ol Cardui and one package ol Thed ford’s BUck Draught and they drive away the hard pains I always have before my periods. • MRS. A. REINHART Caro lee n. N. C, Feb. 2,1898. My wife ha* been weakly for lour years and nothing but Wine of Car dus has done her any good. GEO. W. CARPENTER. H^yi WOVCMStn a •», 1401. DAVO U 0 UUi Moo tamo 41 mm wm« 4f Imim 1 *#» lililif v tad*®*. M»Mf «#9#i» M#f4l« fo9*> 9*%9W 1 «4#t« «ml mmt •94 «#NtMr«oB «tm®% •#4 4® 9#i «4»##n amp tm m m*mmu 10#4 #9l mm % r« tt «f# m#4# *roi9f, 9*4 «#*®o 8# io# «#•# Toi* moll **mmt 9 i9#timf#T~4rrtf 0f • 9rm Ml WoMisll, «oMri#o4. 90# #lO #0491f 10* ft®#tl®o |I ®®r«m#4t 98 f 4 m#H ( o#l* t®l« • 9#® Hi t«»4OM 04K#9l ##4 o*9^4 9mm ■P-J' * * 'i.i ■ upwa ww Wf %»****» Hr Tfcra* Mil tarfcrta •tit • «.** fr** «•"» «• • fTWr*i am «rr« try wraiv wWfra «*4 wnt'iaH In I«4*m in ** pH**TC» «n<l lt> wm4* «f Hint »>•#», «***•«* rifkiki «f a» hwfc la itiaaww U Ukn >m in* (a Mha a ••war* fat of rmar | CASTOR IA V«r Itfaau u 4 Cluiina. Ilf KM Yob Kjvi Alvift Bought tZsjWLatUc KdßriUM l»a*lli a man bwl littta If h- to uniililr to r<-rugntic M Htawr tunity «l*n fcr nw*U It. * . ' :JMH| Patrick. W. Vs.. Nov. 14th. Nobody will ever know the terri ble agony that my wit hat endured from Falling of the Womb m the past. Two weeks ago the beiem using McEbec's Wine of Cardui and Black-Draught. and from the first dose the has felt relieved and to-day she is better than she hat been K, three years. W. J. JENKINS.