The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 09, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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WEDNESDAY 6 COAL COAL COAL iff ' 1 All tis % 11" ** f** jt#«? A«ft JhWkwi Hhw €*•#* JwMPii Af*it Hfiit I*o P#ff miwif Pi%M_ pm** V * 99999 i*f' |#f CITY ICE COMPANY. AMtiyjfcf A 910910 #*Nf mm**m fhM** ♦ Po9M* 4 ** 0 * 00 •»«* §®9 ** 99*00 MMliff *o**ot m ** w 40000991 #t ** *• «"* *f is a* «* 1 ‘‘WW MNMW Aftt* oxfi/YAf •*IWPW®II »•« Brnrn —i l««A tagi «« m *.JMI i p«M. M« . ~ ,M,MgM» CAM*#*. pit t9M049 m m m H ,«NWi *• cam* m* jr*J"** ~•* § pMifIMAA *»nt»Mo. gM*»4 * • MM 14 99A, * pw# #**«#• ** t “ mr 4*oo*o# •*** FWORO »»«*».. 0 3*o* '** 100# #■•#*■*K Mm 4 oR* #•*» • jh*ft* tIMMH M •>•*•• e* —3Ol *• K##* #►*.-*••% te •• M «* # • «* 4003 a Moses W b»M ...... ««..»*....■*••* mw rrv« K market $%009y S,s f * VMNMA 30 #S3OS 81* I '* OS*4P) A.fl iWHIf UK .> »• tA"-### t.K... re—Hi# |. SOU* rare .* 13 tWMC* POO* S# ■ MW MM MM » *•# «i*44vm« m— i» *■*««* mm *b~-**i «•>—>» aewrage ao*#a m.-m ■ u at#i<* 3swo»*. m&mmam In •*’ Id M .. M MM M •• . MM Mote* 300 SB StwrOO# OB*— .m. **• •”» Ht.» t* *-l *■##■#. IW —*#* ** •*'"■* MM** » ImmM. I*» ***iO mm «*- !«* WnMIVAR*. gt te raw It—» —4or. K. 0. t*' Ja • II R. tk—• It—*. r#*nr 0 0. 0 !*• ■ « m. mam hw-Arte. » » » P t»*f 4*ooo* Hm«> SMr<*»«» o*4 *#»—t—fO! fireeitevtlle, *-« OMOI • *•* amn r- %0 11 aihim .. .. >* * Oe*Olte«lH*. «M 0 0 ah—GM .. « » • ftrtl . „ .. .. .. * H OrMtH—tii* 4-4 M M 0 ...... • t** Mm p KiM 1-4 3 l* skirl t»s .. I W Jntwi I*. SIM. B Iml I C .1 .. I l*> SPOOL IILS C—tt—nt. Ml rti 1® ■*—<. «*» 4ti-» cmumw. m pit. to w»>t. r* *m.-B BUIACHINOtt. HlnfltKiMu) tn*o *♦ >« <1 WMOSN Piwt if 10 100 * lart— m J J-* mill «» lOM 1-» l—n* .. .. • » J AM, !•« l—k— .. * I* 3 Ckfcßl. 01 .. mm * ?i A)pi§f Rogv, M •• •• •• ** •* *• ” | ttl. «| til# o*P#l M ** •• JftM t* Kina f-s 0 II MUrtlaa •• in Jp.,' r Kina «-« a A Ik—ting .. jM LpfiMtlt * * '•* jB j* Kina. W-inck o#®rg»k .. .. • »*• tn». 0. Klm. H ikfl K C • I .‘an 4 .. ~ .... .... * *•* jn... P Kina. * *»rk 0* ••• I .i t » »*« i Du . r. Kina M 'krh Kuavriar .. * »*« PRIMTS Ami>rt< aa ahlrtlkaa. Mill * 1-4 M'-riima<k ahirlikaa. *<»** •• •• *• I n t hart.r (teak 4r»*a atpteM Mill S I*l \Vaahteiß'"* <>lta 1 * Ail— * <faac> ) 4 H p,nu*on l I-« pan-al— .. » Cealaa rotten. p*r do« « American lndl*<j Wu—. W** 4 •« » »•* llaltr Ulla (a>dldl H*K •• •* » 4 American Indigo blu#a Kill .. .. • lateriul tonal blacka Ortl .. .. * Alien e eardlnnla 4 Allen # LatoM* 1 4 * 44 «. 4 India blue .. .. r 4 *'* India blue S4**4 .. w •• •• •• «• 4 Ktlnglant'b M«*4 . .. 4 Martha Waahteigton M*d» J I- 4 CMrner'a radiant# «4*M 4 Charter Oak*. 6**w • •« •• •• * *'* TICKS. Hampshire 4 J'J AmMkMI A C A J* **• Amoakeag ■ *' 4 Rauproc 4 *'* PLAIII HOMKBPUNB. CUP Mill* * »-* rour yard, good 33 Inch « *-• i*dl ahlrtlnga * J- 4 lrfxll dress alyles W*«o 3 1-4 St. Clair dreaa 4 Ocean s ** 4 Martlat Washington fandea .. .. 3 1-4 Mtacellaneoua hrunJa. light weight H l-2ai* 1-1 laaetta 4 yarcla plain 3 l-» Thorndike •» •• J *' 4 Hercules .. .. .. •• •• • *' 4 Amoskeag J Pelham. 31 bal Ito box IS F. O. P.. 30 hklU to box .. •« .. 14 K <5. P., 10 bulla to 1b...» .. .. IT 1-1 Mnacone# B * I** S 7 Uvh 4 1-2 yd. plaids, best inaka -4 Simpson silk finish foulards Blx Pacific mournings 44x44 4 1-2 China allk# 04x64 4 1-4 Kockport 6 1-1 Slater 64x64 3 1-* Concord, &4x60 .. .. . 1 1-4 Rome 56x40 •• 3 1-4 Edwards 3 1-3 Keystone 3 4 * 3 Firth Avenue •• •• 3 I- 4 KHARS KTS. Heavy Columbia, i.cuvy Kearney 8 1-4 Kincaid and others - 9 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime Tosß6 Kosendale cement 11-45 Portland cement 12.75 to 5.26 Louisville cement In paper sacks ..11.00 Planter Wi bbis H.7* HARDWARE. I\>ll buckets, per dox *3.00 Painted buckets, per doz II.SO t ii B B cedar pails, per dox .. .. 11.76 ; H B B cedar palls, per doz .. .. 12.00 Tubs painted, per nest 11.75 Rope, Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotten, per pound .. .. lOcnllo "'Kdlls, wire.. *'-75 base Nails, cut 31 45 baso Riovels. Ames, per dox .. .. 111a111.50 Fhovels, diamond, per doz .. .. 17.00 blwjvels, riveted back, per doz. .. 14.76 Plow blades 2 1-3 ba ®» Hames, red top. per doz .. .. .. 12.25 tfames, red top root, per doz .. .. 12.50 TNI HtUT GftAOC* Ol* COAL a f fym Inwt »t 1 1 m» r-k lil flpWf EMi 00 -0000 i® ff trltfir.. IN# % m m m ** f # mm **m m *> * ** m •••«0» i m ; 1*..,. <*., (I, #4 Mik# • •« m 00 if ff . im# -- in ii «•_, fM# 1 ~n# _ m if f* oj|iu j##. gn»# 4M# f* AM#* 91 | |MLOOe.* f «b#o. |OMO f»-eONI 0 0 »•*• V 9 ! RWtpm# ItaikA Wm • • gw a— , *. Sk» fha# ~«OMf t«M» i H H »« W 4 0 » ff* fi»o AMt 0« 00 0* 00 0« i* i* : A9A INNNVM H» 4 |MV 499 a* m ff |A t# f 9» 4 9*oo 4N91 00 001 00 Af' A#««H Ah# tywiltflp.. AmAtwvS* AHOI { : 00009 *4wMOOO (f 0« a 0>4,013 % oioo 99 «« „99 i**okftfc fIAMNi. it 94 i ti i AA4 t f 9 AT A YU' fNkWfNI -. f '■• ' 4 I» A f -• 0 .#4 I# 4<4MI W. tWN» 9*9. mm a«9mm 1 |Wh#9NI #4. m$ »0 o*Wooo*o Iff •»»{ I ITa, Mi 119 • tmmmm i t ?*, cm M •*#] #W9NI >I f • I9f . hhm M mm \ OwiNfH I I f 0 (Nl a. *• *0 k* M j A<B J*** *• *• ** *• *• **• ••• I a—aa n Mia . a— I A—'A f • M , M M M ** a—w«t• • tr». M 0 m m m Ha m. ; A—*a • * tin M MM M M 00 •«, 1 | AUkkt# Fa Ml M.. M M **a ... gtkaw ta MM tl# ... Atlanta 4 t-fi MM ~ ~ ~ „ Mi ««* Atkin*# ftL Ilf . ». M M M M MS a* •annas it, tana ~ mm tit ~ katannns Fa 1443 .• m •• m 113 •** ■ H— ta. IM3 M M M M M M* Mt < "(, f ut» r— Fa MM ~ ,« m m IM ... ruhsabM 4 i r# tart .. .. ia» Mac— 4 If 4 IMS ...... IA ... Mat— Fa, !4M , „ „ .. m m lit ... *Os4#u>S4n Fa-Fa .. M •« .* 4* ... 'Chart—l«• FA MM .. .. .. .. K • fliagaS rAii.t. >AD MOftoa fleer ft# 14. H A ihg Cla. FA >mi ~ .. . tu O—|M H 0. * dkg On Fa ItM IM m. ChnrtattA CVHMnhia 0 An awe a lat Fa IM* »*f ... rkwtelH. Celankt 0 An guaik. M Fa, 141* in ... Anguata a# N N .Fa tail . ... M C. 0 It Kan king On. OaOat real Truat Fa IMI *1 « Soul hern Hall* ay Fa 13*4 . ~ *T M t'entrnl «f Oaorgta Haiinay, lat run—l heart. Fa I*4* .... M M C- of a. tat p.ef Wt ...... M S Caartral #1 Oaorata Railway. 14 Rif turumti. 1143 IJ 14 r. «fu lat prwf la 144* .. .. I 4 a. a a F . lat m. Fa I'M 144 in South derin and Florida. 14 ••#. IM4 IM Pori i h O—rgta an 4 FloH4n. 14 Fa 1*44 101 ... j Ocean ateatnshlk Ob., lat Fa • M Fa IMi IM rACTORT BONDS Knlerprla* kill Co., lat Fa ]M4 IM ... PiSley Mf* Ca.. tat Fa. IMI ,I«M ... I Sibley Mff CA. lat Fa 1403 . 100 ... rjh. It. It * B. Co. ot—k .. 14T 100 Houthn—lern It. R. Stork .. 40 «I 0 Auguaia and Pavannak atuck . 41 IM GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. OAt4. White, aarkrd 13 lloall, mixed, aarked IS Cum. while, aacked .. .. ~ SS Corn, mixed .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 Meal, boiled, per buahel t 7% Flour, common, .. 1.14 Flour, fancy extra S.7S Flour, second patent .. ~ „ 4.00 Flour, atandard patent .. .. .. .. 4 35 Flour, fanry patent .. .. .. .. ~ 4.TS When! bran, 100-lb aarka M Fine feed. 100-lb aacks M Hay—oatlva, per ton .. .. ~ .. 11.00 Hay—Timothy, per ton 11.00 Hay—choice, p#r ton .. 14.00 llama-choice sugar cur« 4 lOnllVt Hmoked rib a Idea „ *, •• •• .. 4 1-1 Dry aal riba S 1-4 Lard, pure leaf, In tlercea 6% l.«rd, kettle, rendered In tlercea. 4 1-4 JEwisM-CHINEiE COMBINE. Laundry nu-n in Now York of of Above Nationalities Have Conference. New York. Nov. 3.—A conference be tween a I*oloolllloo of ton mombors of the Dope Sang Kong Raw or Greater Now York Chin#— 1-aundry ami a llko committee of the Hebrew latuiulry men'# Aesoclatlon, was held laal night at 28 Mutt street to form a combi na tion to raise prices u-nd wage*. The original plan of the Hebrews was to drive the Chinamen out of bualnees by cutting prices, but the Mongolians showed them that two could piay at that game, hitch union will have In terpreters at the conference so as to keep tab on one tu wither and prevent tigachery. IN A FUNERAL COACH Did the i'uneral Attendants (iamble and smoke. New York. Nov. B.— Police Cuptaln O'Keefe, who died of a fractured skull due to a fall at Martin Engel's birth day dinner last Monday, was buried yesterday from the Church of St. An thony of Padua. A long line of car riages followed the hearse to Calvary oemetry. In the last rarriage four members of the Martin Engel Association played cards for nwxney and smoked In full view of persons on the street When this carriage reached the Tammany Society's IHeadquarters. the four card players shouted "Hurrah for Croker, Van Wyck and Martin Engel'.” The card playing was continued until the cemetery was reached. OASTOXIIA. Be*™ the Kin(l Had Always Bought Women of fashion are invariably in lov« with themseiv 6 ®- . THE AXTOtIHTA HKKALD_ A Chanf« wt *KMi fm > t r *» mb44 mm MS ~r n~T t%* OoM*o M**di <dd VI 9N9v •* ■9Nd’* CMliiMfli m* #"iJ9 VN# VPWP# Klv WBP9w«9 9N 9w# • ■'*9l # •"N* ’ 999 * C9p * ’ mKHB # sa*oP#Moo wo* #999 -Wkm t#### YIN iiPMV , : • <pwifi»o #p» • •*•* wmm : mmm/m f##v#44N* mm mm m wm i 9nWa 91 #0 ##ooooo4 0000' ■ *#f i#M#N OMOO%B#OOO loHo*#oooo 000 oMPd**o i m*mmo «w#C 9NW9#M| *•* f9N9i It ## - # pMtt. wl» t t mmm* •tj # «w f 4 mm* ** ** ! tW tlo< Y%O 4io#w#tim i«m« mi < • ****** tt*m pm *H% 9>oi * It**# f wmf ** tl## rmm *mmt mm* tm* ******* *' . Tlmp - #-## # i#M9o##fltNV9 •_ (A. o>tMMior3# iw# rnmrnmmm... #o# fTi HOM m. tMPY f# *** t*H*m t#* k* r mtl f-t ■ mt iMNf •#jtor < t'9oo#i j#of 10 ill #l* -FT* ha»* #UM lo* at*at— ha wan reffe# 1 ”om3al Ir I '—*# Ih* r**nrin#’ - H# at mmmMm I* you • w Moiif «f -|l w<—ld h# hlad of ym ah* »e?d with • IW4M MMI# hul *ad*»«hM#*4. ' ihg. Bar *7* «4ba#*d aa*M 43a*■ uw*l diw a*4tM»*<4 *k# h«— *b* at* Inaiiai M a*#uk ift# #*wl «**•) 111** to nhlrh Mart hnvrwv Rad II ,gi to Hair*. I# M»h* h*r bright B4* , t . iiiiiimii nta and butterfly critic a*—, lo sip In ll* full th* evening a rep at ' availr—'**4 4M|«»lfM#»': i® k#. Ik * word, b*rs#« dlw «nnmimw of thr wn 4*4*l. and Wn »**. *k» h*4 looked forward to tonight - tb* Riw of b*r • nism ipriM* *OO raptunma rxrlt#‘ n#bl. "It *!tt I— alma* a# good being hie wife," ah# had —Riled lo the married Malay under who## rhafera*- ag# eh# was spending Ihe iw#*ty-foar hours I* It—*, tahh k broke her Jour n#y between a Gloo##<«»r»l<ira rlall and her travels further north To have him all io mjaelf for a whole evening' To feel that I really belong to him ao he heiaaga lo mV Coo you Imagine aaythlag more per fect T" Lady flulhrl# could, easily, but she did Rot any ao. She had only m<*l Chlohock once, and he Imprraaed her aa a prig and a bore, and Margot's an gry disclaimer* could not alter her sla ter's opinion. "You have to marrv him. not I," aha said, comfortably. "What do-a It mat ter what I think? He's welt off. which Is something. At Mast you can con gratutate youmelf ao far. No one can patronize you. Tour women friends won't be able lo pass cm their, tmhe coming la* year'# clothing uor their husbands stair tobacco." "You are prejudiced,” Margie re plied; "atl sisters are." Which, In a sense, was Irue. for lAdy Onthrle's sympathy was openly enlisted on be half of the scapegrace of the Ktlmore family, young Don Garrick, who had adored Margot since she trespassed barefacedly and baref«mt In »he Kll more deer forest as a little child. Hut Margot, having ay sternal Ically do min- : sled him for eighteen years, already felt the pleasure might pall If long rontlnuetk "He has been so much tu me all my life; It would be boring for him to become more mill during Ihe rest of It. 1 know him so well—too well,” she said, in excuse for her rold heartednesa. But at objeottona such a# the— Isirtv Guthrie Shook her head In atern disclaimer. “Walt,” she said, sagely, "wait.” And Margot waited. Tonight for the first tlmo she saw something of the reverse side of her tiew picture. Ihe canvas-back. Was It disloyal to wish that Mr. Chlnnock be haved more as one expects a lover to behave even in public, that he should show some sort of open pride of pos session, of glad proprietorship? In (he cow Immediately In front of them there was a gay, absorbed young cou ple. chatting, laughing, looking, smil ing. reading their own tender mean ings Into the most trivial Incidents of the evening. Margot watched them, fascinated In spite of herself. How differently they behaved to herself and her lover! The man leaned slightly forward—he "had got It hodly." Don would have said—every now and then ibis coat sleeve touched the little im movable whitailored hand next h*ts and lingered for'a moment caressingly. Margot's eyes grew tender, abstracted; II was so pretty, so natural. It woke has sympathy and gave her a pleasant little feeling of companionship: almost unconsciously she herself moved a lit tle closer. "Are you attending? Margot, 1 don't 'believe you've heard tv word I've said. Margot started, her cheeks aflame, and turned to him in generous apology. "Dear. I’m so sorry! How dreadful of me! It's all so fresh, and new and GIIOI) LUCK baking]-powder : Ml IKa IMS* 4 #l# m§k -MM **y 0 Ml# t* t> «*•**. 04*4, Mil». ituiW mo. C4flzoa <VF P*od If 6*4Sl’*, 00010444 OMIWk f*MoO'tf 040 1*044*00 of»4 PH i-f 4a.*ov* fat t <«! ; t en' l-o,i-c*ef|v«- a tow* oM*f fptctfitfhawf tl* MftlPlt of 0M Ml 3*A V004*040 pgmttmr. Coom*ii»*# uio* Hv anti 000011110. M«O4ufACf4«FBIJ 0p The Souititm Mfg. Co.. mCWMONto. VA. For Rent Farm of thirty «(fM l«*l t #l 'W oily. Dwdimff*. »t o*ooo •r»d ff icot in 0M factiont Of Ih# #OVOFO| Of J. B Whllo*o nww BocMid %ft io*l hou*o* irw ttill uMFwntiKl. Bp*coi prtoM will b« mad# to d#- lirablw partiat John W. Dickey •. mdh#' •? f* %m flpi-, MMI 9V9L 1'99 9 9999 ! »n*nrf tmf99< mm* ** I j (tftigig §i 0 tf99p. ftfi mm all ii»rn( it j fu Mm.. trVkfe (to fttvsit# ; |jtef*i |C ObN- r % v'-fl (0* ?:(R/> Ift & j l a A si#,, la* furt opt 999)00 lum 00 9# I t ia wii M |fariNN9KMi9 it ill# fsftlui ms mmt f M 40v 00Miricftt0 J«9ft Ut Haft 1*tl? hmm*m* (** 9*m j k|9r jrt oj|itf fttot* tfli* ! tale la9 rln a || f her I'rtlUasM dialogue. , her ariaullatlteg epigram ~ 1 <ha girl rapemed vagwel) -hm* Why. da yo* apeak at him ae her* fluralr h# M a ma*’" "Do you 4M4MO- ** be asked "I* U chat a llvlfkg »<om **>#•* who do— tot reeognlae the sapecow j fan* that this one us —r graotora- f had almoof aMd our ao# «reai wrltm tmiwrvd **t mr*L *f bllfllfHn to It* j mmm rrmUwM l t**i *t> tmhmm r itfiiv oxi mm* * fjuiviloQ of os# 0 otmtn Milltloa." Margot —ld quietly. ”1 dl<» not know that Iron la* Hoey' a woman, eud. what is more I am imk specially proud of ihe fart. I doo't ad mire her. She la cynical ■ad h*" l aa* l morhliL I like Hnmghlo* |V better I love her, ta Tart, she's ao hu nan, and and Mr* Hiwgrrford. and dear Mr*. Clifford, and hrapa of oth |era!" She choked a ’!!«*♦ In her exella nicnl trying to keep IpK'* l *** r ** was all ao trivial. Rfl she hid been prtlrd and made nnm of through her happy eighteen >*krs. her rrUlclsm asked, her opinion ddferred 10. and now -, Repulsed, hiiM. suffering, ah# shrank away from him Ijla fclaa on greeting had been cold: hi* kla# on parting might reasonably be expected to be frigid She —t in outward quietude, her head averted, her thoughts tumultuous. , If this was the beginning, what, O ! what would the end tie? When the < curtain rose at length. It was a relief, j hut the relief passed when R fell I again. If an tiour of him was ao try ing. what would a lifetime prove? At j the seivind act he left her to have a cigarette in the foyer. She sat llstlees jy. What a fool she had been! What I a mistake she had made! Was It Irre vocable? One'# people knew some thing after all; so much she must ad mit. Sho had thought him cultivated, charming They had met on a northern vlaif, #nd he had been £ut deerstalking all day; at night ho \h» too tired to proor overmuch, and his priggishnea# had pasted for culture. Since their en gagement they had mot for the most part at big fuctiona. aywl there it hap pened that until tonlglif they had real ly seen remarkably little of each other. And what an awakening tonight had brought! She held her program In her hand, looking at It with unseeing eyes. | How blurred it was—hrnv stained how like her future Ufo would be, lived out with him! A shadow crossed the' page. She looked up. A well-remembered presence made itself felt. “Margot! Crying!” She sprang to her feet gladly, tri umphantly. catching with her two hands at the Arm. protecting fiingers which gripped hers. j “Oh, Don,” she said, brokenly, “take me back. Please take me home before |he comes again, dear. I can’t stand hint any more. Talk nonsense. Don: tell me I’m ‘ripping,’ and a ‘brick.’ and ‘jolly,’ in all the rest of the dear, de lightful. slangy- And. oh. Don. If you love me, dear, nftke love to me, real love, for always. Don’t ever, ever be cultured or superior!'' “If I love you,” he said. And before the look>|n his eyes her own fell. But it did not matter, for he [took her home. ...... CALL tO* Aufuifi Ire wing Co 1 CXFOHT HCCH i W\ ij& ) UILIi'OWR'H/r Bl- L E 3 OB’ OKOHGI A Our Draught Beer Ifas None Superior. —CALL 1 UK— AUGUST A BEER. MONEY TO LOAN’ In any ium« dtftlrad from $!SOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 yo«rs tlm#. or on lOyoars time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record sties. No delay in getting the money. AlexoDder&JotiDSOQ Agen'r No Utah Am-r OSS Mortgage I—3*ll, 705 Broad St PORTNER’S MOFBkAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ANK ton THEM. B. R. MITCHELL, ALEX M,DONALD Pupt. o: t on. Sec. * Gan Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Mreel. Electric Hupi'lisr—peeking Tub*s, etc., etc. Rrpeir# to ell Electrical apparatus. Kiel trie Light Wiring a specialty. Bel!'Phone 1602 - - - Nt.-oeget 6,6. ■sbSEE- 1 S4nlfy«!*» r*wwg. Line*, boii kks.mii i *emt hki aiks. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd, I*9B. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m.j o:21 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle . 1:1# P- m.| 9:09 p. w. Ac. Tennillc .. .. R3O p.m.| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 8:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin. R2O p tn.j Lv. Dublin. .. .. *10:00 a. m. Lv Macon .. •* 11:38 p. m.|11:53 a. m. Lv Tenntlle. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle. 5:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at TennnlLa with Central R. R. for Macon, and with Wrightsvllle and Tennille R. R. for Dublin and Hawkinsville. C. W. JACKSON, Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James U. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands. _ . Receivers, halthLAh —M4OI V 4 «P CDorlnuonlWlCarallnj at# ga* • • t.aiiot* ago*** ids aaa— lo 0 s9m» oM*> B* 30a 14 ii hPUgrtasse I ’*' *• * o*o— t- t^it^ r mmm *..**. *?' *■ m * *9*mi*m*&*i *** i * v it* mmwwooo’ : ; ■’Tv# 'Wt* I *j * 'WmmmmmHmrn**' 1 I tfJßmm ss***':* : I * |No4M|#| 00100110 -fiit JT * 1H» -*OOV 'IMIMW -'"»0^0 * WVM9HP99H9b-*»**« - •a#’* 0 U/Jf * <#9## - 1 fIMMMPtMaM fommf*B BwHWY"' *f*ff** ] 9#' A 9#VM|BB a* t. 000* -j A>sVß9#|F *0 < i f® / ™ LMKW**** As MBlgW 00»* * ■#♦**# HbPM* M*OM4 i ! « ftaririfc »»*« i # ...... | 98#BHk IH3OOOOO * MM#BBB>#»oaaiii WOOOOOI UWlH!l..i.jiJtty II kmmmm *• * **«##»•«4***» j i gk# jpppHpgM# * a*« **• o*o**« 100*0 o*o* I j • ft*pfcitfnrT 00004 1 aa** s*«- l - I mm * »998989|W»* *o*oo rnMmm A1i999 igs * ♦«>»! I *OOO 00* ♦ ' : asitrrn-M*.** ri ! * B9W##flNM9*«ir*«. »*#•*•* I**•«•«>- -x 19f8M9 J *MI #op*t.i«dN*4 l<lp» %*mm : —wau*MpL- »■. Me «,..,< MM 4-4 • w T mill SOI . 1.11 I j ft— o*4 44—1 •hew *4A3»* * AMHhM*.-. ..-IT ma.f-ti-1 II « 4*3—MW# U, ... tHf l«< a i«*w m# g—aaaaw»4*a *>* 1 ii iarn■ pi*ftn> ftas* mas »#*##■ —0 A L t - w imir" * * (!•##•*—■ p# ate *f,i,L »»a r. a*- p ••'4 a*am#is—i*'* •"* »«**-• m Ib»m*»# Ba# -t» 3■* a'» a dte— M Hi’# mat a»ha*a— #4*-. adMM* 8.1.4'0410-43 f* 3d 0 B NOttl). MMH 3^4 4 —laasa 4 BLUE HI DOE RAILROAD. 14. C. ftULATTIK. Bw* re* BaMh—teS. o'aS3* * I -at 4*4 4 a 3 r lrai IHw'4 o*4 n#M X Oaaa < »aa# Make Mlt4 |* I* ; Hat— D*y I*#- Nell No 4 j K# It Nt 3 AM rw ! lAffl— |gM*a 03* lAO ta m vm * « a#4— «i * 3*" * |«.t* » Mi 1t.... Dm— 3 mi U Ir a: s t« m ■.... Autwa «,..«* h» it a ||» 3 1313 . Paaiitl#i— - M MP-UIM »:» 1 MIC. OFfff CnaFl t * *ol' 3* »:« t.m M cauaFi f| * l« U •» IB 1.14 94 . AN Aw A ..At *:*S.U ■ • m n j 4 *o tMI -AT W—it Unto* a| 4 W I mt M 8... * albs id .--*4 3 IV AM m l |L—»s Arri—FM rti No 13 **# • 34 >41 IM P Riauiar 04*41X1. F Fsi Pta43- All regular Irak— fra* Aadat—n t# Walks:!# h»v> right I# track over ■raini <»f the mm# rta— moving la **■ p—lie diraglm*. unto— alfc#««t— *M IM by train order*. Will also atop a) follow In* its" *oa la tab* «*> X let o(f j—ngera Fhla t,ri, 3am— a.>4 Sandy Springs. No. U - Tl— *- With Southern tun way No. II at Asd*r—n. Naa t and 4 —ret v!th k *uth*t.v railway Nc#. tl and S *t P«v>u< a i. R. ANDERSON. Puprr'nirnd—t. mixTicToisTliL SHORTEST AND 017ICKJ6ST ROL’TB TO THE KAOT AND NORTH. I:Mpmf Lv. August* Gu'.Ar I f:U.m 1 ospiu LT Alban Ar | Mtea « 17pm, L* D*om*rk....Ar « ITpm 4 .50 pm Lv.. o-mgi 'g ... Ar I l.4oatn « Ofpm; Lv. Sumtrr. K. C... Ar 4 23*m I.Mpmj Lv Florar.cU. . ..Ar j f Mam 10 22frr.| Lv...Fayatt#vlll# ..Ar j I llpm 3:tlam. Ar Patrrslsirg.V* Lv ! 4.12 pm 4 00# ml Ar. „ Ruhmond ...Lv I I l?pm 7.4lam| Ar.. Washington--Lv | l4«pm *:olam Ar... Baltimore....Lv | 2 25pm ll:Wain| Ar .Philadelphia..ft.v (12:03pm 2:o2pmj Ar....Na«/ York—Lv | 3 seam Pullman palac# buffet ale«pg.g care from Mncon and AuguaU io Naw York without rhang#. It. A. BRAND. Den. Aft., 723 Broad fit . Augusta. Da. T. M EMERSON, Traffic Manager. H. M EMERSON, Oan. Fa—. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Brhedui* In Effect SEPTEMBER UTH. 1898. (90th Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. !No. 2 For Savannah 120 P. M. No! 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta 8.40 P. M. No. 6 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station# .. 8:20 A. M. No. 52 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Savunanh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con, Atlanta *:35 A. M. No. 5 From Macon, At!—ta. and Way Stations .. 6:50 P. M. No 53 From Macon, Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 6:30 P. M. Nos. 1, 2. 3 and 4 daily. Nos. 6 and 5. dally except Sunday. No# 52 and 53, Sunday only. Sleeping cars on night trains between Millen Mscon and Atlanta and be lween Augusta and Savannah. For fur- Ither information as to schedules, etc., I apply to I M. C. JONES, C. T. A. \V A. GIBBR3, Depot T. A. j. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. To Rent flore and Residence st 1265 and 1267 Broad Greet. One of the best stands in the city for a good Grocery Slore, or in feet, any business. The Home has six (6) good rooms, a good yard, and is very convenient. Apply or Premises or at 80S Broad St. BELLE QB* GF3PO Tl. QIA NOVEMBm B IMiilJM&MIfk m*m****tsm S. t i C. MIUIIT CO *** •##•9.### #99 <094949 MMPYtA I#m4» t lH9k 9999 mu* iNMttB9 Y99M9 p. t i#» r**#* ii# s*#*•* *«0 *«• iiii * * '#• **• 1 w»m %% 1M99.' ~ w*mm*m* $ • a *m. .-*«»# 5 I * t 0400 %.'» * m** #* •##» mm * #mS •# 9«f«m» •* *T9| f • mm jB I 4Mp> IiMO * t ♦ mm £ ## iimim* 91 mm* *$ I ##<#•». •* ***** f* twmvmm. mbbib I# fmimm, * Imlmi Jks f * • 9k *9p* "'***' i 9W|#9 ***** #9Y9rtilN>t»#tHi<9' *4* « 9 f -4B#r •■■l*llooo r \ Hmm «-« b99mk %&*** A# 0.0'00» ~, I,l*o *» 0 >##»■"# »J9y#| *■* *fs ila * *il ti m-o#9 fN#t%## 9f >»# *' i o 9## v*m I# » earn T* IL# V-»* atoM# g, a .—Mw*. 4m **#a ! •*#•» -<w * Bum |i Iwraa—U *4 MM I* I'—wr. k 4 |l*W 4. I - We. 4 ••<* la fttaMaa 4. t.MgM #• • aob 4M 133** *» 40a* ,} t«e* 4» hr# 1 .ttel M#ai 4* 3——• MkaM 4aam ■— M i )■#*« *«* IN* I . .. ~.. wat atew w-*4 —aa JUiftisnT TT I> * ——#4—- « *4M *M *#*—M f**4 ••#** *w* *K was a* J. kSt ft- 4. IMufMOMMMB IpillatfM f—*. Cm *«•, o«***#)*# SOUTHERN RAILWAf. * Mmw4w# ••# —tea* raaatea *»«■*— <OO . . j *•#«»«——■* »«w»* —>> * >- 1 4 *>i EKar ZRIPi Spta TO : tgill »S tis iySSL; 4» Bvre-0 1 ' ***| Taww* t» M ?! 4 »» *> i* : >wmL4 •.. I *»»! 4> 3 A. w'n ■#*——> . 1 ?*-• ,{gj * » r?TTiu ga»i #** ■ . v#> M *#. M u—i> , t—ur. C '.felt j awJ 8313 j... .-i#,iua I I My! 3te>a * Main—a— I 3»l> ill! ft*. »m —■ tea l>r I M *yj II »5 a Is mate—d ■■■ ( i:IM| 13«4 L»~U—vtua ~ ■ |~TM#| ~4 U# Lv" NuH-k "Taip ~ Ar Hraawrher# S 4S, U Wraawabere t : «a fMy ” Chariot‘a 3«3a le *y * huek Hm . . M tea II iMy * a— | bki II «» * U tuaeL re II 4l a If 13a Ar Oal t—Ris-.d g«t U 43we ICa tv Co.ußiUel n Ura l ' I 13p 4—a - Jotu—tu— I ft My aID a - Treatoo .........I a ta# a 33a * Orannrvtil# 1 **pj lit Ar Align.'. 413 y • •»* a L. lArr IM ’ TJfa, "T 4» L> tipari—owrg II Ma t • I3y Lv G-rbia. AC At* hy3 nu t> 7on a Ar Charlretue 3 Wp{ U Ou a L oei'buk,reap"*! iix# u»;a ■ gavan—h 447 p 3O' a XLir-" -c:.t> t;i ft 04 >i rrrivo r* n -ixrlft Er—liesl dally i»—ger —rvkw hatwme Moral# mod N#w York ■ Noa .V. and J*—*a»hingi»Ba»d—hwaatara Lttuiiad huitd Vaatlbnied train with dining axe and flnt ola— nnHnv north of Charlotte Pullman dree ; ng room .I—mbs ter. balnren Tampa. JarheinvnM, oavanueo. Waabiagton andbrwVjrg Pullman f —ping Car. l-»w—n t harlotta and Richmond _ Puilmatt drawing room - ptnf car# he. twwra tlreen.b'vro and Nttrfoih C;o— conn— Mon at Norfolk for OLD HUNT COMFoBT. arriving there ta time for hreskfe— •Solid tram, with Per lor cera, between Chu-lc.ton and ArhevUle hoe <4 end m~V. B Doit Mall. Through Pn.lman drawing room buffet . retting ran be tw—u Jwkwuinlla etui, New Tor) anti Poll' ■net sleeping cars betwmn Augnata .ed char lotte. ibiilman ultMinng car. betw—n Jack aonvilla sml Columbia, «i route dally lwtw—a Ja ge.nvtlic and Cinclnnatt, via A»hmnlie FRANK .V GAN NON. J M CUP. Third V P A Men Mgr T M, U a-htigton W ATI'RK *r>. H. HARDUIt if. ti p A. “■ —*-‘-.gten 11. P. A.. Allentn. GEORGIA • - RAILROAD. <3oth MarldUo Tima.) Schedule Effective April 2*. 1898. Pullman £ leer, re between Macon ao4 New York. Through Pullman 81#ep#rs betw—n Au> gust* and St. Louie Lv Augusta ..( T Ob*m| 3:2opra|l»:loptn Ar Atlanta ...jl?:3spm! B:2opm| liOOwni Ar Macon ~..|ll:ls#m| | 4:4sanj Ar Athens jl2:lspmj 7'3opm| Ar Galneßvl!lej*3:4spm] I - Ar ■White Prai*l:oopm| | Ar Mill's# !• .|18:10am( I 4:3oaaa Ar W vh'ton ..|lo:loain| 7:lopra| Picayune train leaivr# Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mtiledghvtlle at 8:10 p. m Trains arrive at Augnata 1:11 * »*. 7:45 a. m., 1:20 p. m . and B:2S p nz. A. G. JACKSON. G. P A. JOE W. WHITE, T. F. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 pm. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:13 a.m. Leave Chester. C. & N. W. Ry 7:15 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p in. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. •• » ; oc> p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER. C. F. HARPER, President.