The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 09, 1898, Image 8

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WCOMftftDAV HENS OVERCOATS. Th« rmti # Nw •»» »*• 11 •*•* tMgf«*r* m> tfdCMll toil# W «•••» W»‘. »**•• W# **• tt**» r—toy te» **»sr • *«» t«u J*i*f •• •**•*’ I* **<«*> ** •** - m ttfWl H mtith \hm rnmmm Ih*»# Ww *f* IhwiMitflt Wlltlliliil* v«a«*a Qvtorrnß M**»y ftMNlHifvt of t»yt»l uh* mtm ttftgjfftlNtofe . , l# -, r •toclit. yun, brown* •*' <l ■»*** , jlTiailii* nf tun iri tfrny Wr *»*«< ftoo lh« (yotwf UiMif* ltd ftmootft* or ' ftfrt* Mrtmiffb/* Th#» to** $7 50. *lO. sl2. sls. $lB. S2O. *25 No mod to toll trow in* *•***• Nno--yo«'tt o*o*l t lh*l<>a>«d gokwo- dtMWo «»- mtHto nr rum mo t **«* ft* MMi •* '«•«** *«** torofe**** *•*• **o *l%* *««*•*• ss•*»** •* -ft mm fern*d I* tk* rtentm Utt Ik* >*•*« *d <rmm* •are 9tU gt fMM*k** «*•* ** ***** artgtwoi Hot* •**• #*r.**M*d m* ' <l*4 mi rntmmt *• **• OP* 1 ***iii»4i *"Tkta I* ml to ramrrn. «M<* *• te* fShfttift titeti Ifffftitiff titi ffti ffff m IM Iff* '* dre*** tk* I****. '• ,l H M* k* **•< l **' Mr -n*i Ml Ik* orlgtMl im»« k*ro «R --fttittetiteN* §t mlntel ten to <f*nnwn4 Wo'<m mo l * *“ *• totoßßtoßßi Mm oMM • ktilfed (w Hm H rtMMIM TV* gtl*t*h* I* IMM4M* Hm~ |imimUbi lolAt W sr r a*' * *o* ffnni** (111 iMIMiI "R»gt»t canon Mn» that to Stot* «f Ito fwaiiftod rater*. to rock WMltoto. are (MM*** (no til* Mtottok* luniks to Ik* in roßortor’a *Bk«> Tk* lOto'KM ter M rireikm to OeorgU ito* twrosy 4*r* krtwre Ik* tot* of tk* *to*iloo. gt»d Ik* I tot* nf Ik* q** ! - I fir* Mlom *t tori rtortfca* *r* n»»<l r up Itorflf *ft*r Ik* re*ttstreU«i» I* rtoij Tk* otlllfltlM for Ik* *l*l* Mil* *lo**4 M Itfl tofnri Hull Mil)* Ik* t**telt*ihto for Ik* **%'*'! iron** rl«1l* etored S* d*ya kefor- ikai elretto*, lb* r*Ktolr*«o* ter tk* < imfi< laßmat *lrrttoo (l<**f 4 days before ik*l rWlm Tk* reg istration for Ik* congressional election rrersir.* it opr* *ft*r Ikr otM *!•*- ttou> and thrrr w*re further registra tion* for tkal r rrtloti *ft*r tk* oth er rltrUM registrations had closed Tk* g*ntlcro*n rk*rgrd wttli thr duty nf pfoportofc fb* llat* of rrflcirrrd tom for tk* itlffarrnt ilfrtlwti nt*<lr no error to lb* preparation. Thr •tort lon raanajcrt • for thr mn«r***loQ *l »l*rtion pot hold of * Itet of qunll ftoxl totrr* prrfto'rtf for lhr *rboo! truit«<* flwtlon. Thnt I* obat cauaml tk* muddl*.’* The fact that the goods of Landram & Butler are forced on the market bar gains which as never heard of before are offered. VAUDEVILLE. On* la to lie Opened lip In Augusta Soon. It la learned that a vaudeville casino it to be opened up In Anausta soon. It 1* to be called "The Hotwon." It* pro jector* my. and It will be loeated at W 7 Broad «dre*t. Aroon* the people engaged are inch well known favorites a* Tom Butter. Icomedian; Ilnrrfr Page, comedian; rcclle Butler, "the dancing doll;" Kr nest R. Butler, the boy soprano: Mrs. Helen R. Butler, the lady wonder oi. the piano. The projector* say that every week they will rut on a new artist selected from the vaudeville stages of the me tropolis. It Is to be arranged to give continuous performances afternoons end evenings. West Is the Lord Chesterfield, Heau Brum met and Chnuncey P*pew of mln etrelsy.—Washington Post. BEATEN BADLY. Were the St. Patrick Boy* Last Night. The Sscreil Heart Cadets Indoor hall team walked nil over the Bt. Patrick i«un last night. The score was 20 to A In favor of the uptowners. The line up was: C. L. A.—Lyons lb. Blgnon r.f., Pur eell 2b, Bheahan 1. ss.. O’Donnell, c., O’Connell, I f.. Salvo 2b, Mohoney, r. s- ~ Nixon, p. Cadets —Mulhtrln, K. J.. Fields, Doyle. Mulherln. C. C., Carrlgau, Uur lui.n. Daly. C>xftello. Oallaher. The score: < arteto 4 0 3 # 1 1 1 S 1-20 r. I„ A 2 00000020—4 The singing in the West Big Minstrel Jubilee Is said to surpuss anything at tempied in minstrelsy. Jose, "the Patti in trousers," will make his first ap pearance In the South, also Clement Stewart, London's favorite tenor. we»n kiMTwu * A Mi httonawii to Ito *»»*• fmMgM. 1 *a t,.**i M t*«*t„ • 1,1... ktg gat* 1 tom imp* kmtokt h**. »«h Mrm mw* 1 ** to* *M*M MM** to* *M4Mt. tot ; iwiit i*4 « i*mf*Hi totontod tk* Ito* ***** tto* • pto «f • mmmtr I Im »'i iltoT toltov that tto* tostnry 1 - * nm- (* k*tfc M him Ml to* i totl* of mi**trei*t mw> >' I at to* Mi totoatret jaMW* to ft* M ! kick wwtord Mi toMtretoy **d cf tot* j ***** It ha* *IMM MMk firm* Mdto* Tk* p*r*n»**l of aalMtretoy t, m j ifc**gi4 m *»*» k I* tk*** im*t ***** [m h*« Mttotretay Itarif Tk* nMnatrel Int today |* m to*g*r to* stndttag Ho j hr*tia* raatatt to ***haag» kto joke*. I kto atttsf apaerk **4 kt* **gr» akgt* i tor * fa* dollar*. Hr taioar* to * lelato of wktrfc Weal to • typical repro •o*l*l He. alert, *btr***4 of tk* tt»** **4 oagrg few awrftWti brlllt*ntl> Mfll All of tk* rirkanto* apeak l* Ik* klgkeM tan** of tk* tooav t+M eight tk* following telegram was received | “Richmond V*.. f«*v. k. Mr Coke*. M*n*grr Opera ll<re*e -W**i'* min •trri Jubilee to Ik* he*t mlMtrel akow I have *v*r in* It’* * revelation Southern rouwtry ha* never **•* *ny thtng Ilk* M- Tkomaa O. Igmih " The .bow left Rlrhmoad tart night and will arrive I* the city at 4 o’clock and give a atreet parwdr thla afternoon Doors open at 7: to o'clock. A little money buy* great bargains at Landram & Butler's bankrupt sale. THE MEETINGS CLOSE. Baptist Protracted Servke *t Meph /thah I* Over. Hephilbah. Nov. 9. The acrlca of mcrtlnga which Itegun In the Haptiat church more than a week ago came to a close Sunday evening. The meet ings were Interesting flora Ihe begin ning. The paator waa asaiated In the prayer meeting service by Kev. W. I. Delph and Rev. K. D. Cantwell of the Methodist church, and by the local Baptist ministers The pastor did all the prearhlng. The sermons were plain and rlothed In aneh simple language that the youngest hearers could comprehend as he preached the gospel of the meek and lowly Savior. The result of the meetings was acces sion by letters of five and of six by Immersion lu the yielding of water. The ordination of Rev. It A. latnsdell having been called for by Ml. Zion church, It will lake place in the Hap tiat church here In the near future. With next Sunday'a service* In the Methodist church. Rev. F. 1). Cantwell closes his pastoral care of the church es In this circuit unless conference deems It proper to send him back a thing very much delred by his many frleuds here. He bus been a faithful minister, a good pustor and a kind and gentlemanly friend, aud his people are loathe to give him up at this time. Mrs. R. F. Farmer Is quite sick. Mrs Howell of Dcßruce died yes terday. Mr Wallace Delph. U. S. V„ return ed to his post of duty at Tybee Sat urday. MANY A LOVER Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable gtil with an offensive breath. Karl’s Clover Hoot Tea purifies the breath by Its action on the bowels, etc., «s nothing else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Brice 25 cts. and 50 els. Sold by—Retailers, T. A. Buxton, Anderson's Drug Store. Alex ander's Drug Store, West End Phar macy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesal ers, Davem«*rt Phinlay. The French papers state that they want no more “small colonial enterpris es” after the Fashoda affair. The army amt navy of the diplomatic corps witnessed the great spectacular production of Remember the Maine by the Big Minstrel Jubilee in Washington. maa JkXJ&TJWTJk. JH*mJteXJD FUST BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS {l tm imm on ttMt tfc* llnitcfc 1 * «*i it tvMtti§ iff itevti #1 fftff i«ff liff* I pteMßi tiff® ##• titiffffPf ff** teNl *•»"*•■ Mk- | I titiitiN*k| tiffti ******* ffMtteti# tteti te^MHfff# l ' ! 1 V # tii ♦•WKr * ***# <MNS fffti I tiriiji titi tittit tiff ffti+Mff itefw'■#% tiffMte titi Isteti Imm tejffteti teaffati N dte* ■ j iff* Hffte* titeffte Vm* fff® iff*** , • Itof f| Ntetek VTffV to tiff tiwl Iffff (0 »I *1 f ,’>ff'•■'*#* w|tV A Wff Itito 1 tiiTtr «tff l*r |mcl tetif# tefffte in*tr~l I a mm toss totolr# to it t Mr«WM to *■*% am (Hut n«U*gteto* r*N'#ffr<4 • «#l*ffhitii | < n rt a-r «|to|iM flltit link f.+r* ts 4 I v|yn tefftfftititi tiltllUG tworiktei * Tkir<i» kfeh Mwktoa* few A««waM I Tk* rwtoMui et 4k* kaadqwari*** *a ■ bra will t*k* jurat <4 tk* <*Wto ,<a< 1 Q*w Tear at arrive* IV< kradqwarw* et tk* Third brigmte I fit o*d dtvMoa. m 4 tk* iharaMd T*** w*mb>* towv* r*4*p few rwtwaibto today Tk* gs#w few Aagaaia are *vtw«4*4 Friday al|kt and will park rump <aa featarday. |%* *wgt*«r rarpu to k**y baiidtac tonta few tk* irnopa Piprtto Tk* nqiantr fedtow Ik* trai mw at , J »wt*rv*to at i w»wiy four fcowr* The . Flret Mar toad *owi'«a **road. the* the Teeth Ohio, thaw tk* Eighth PawaayL i vaato. the* tk* Tktrireato Pewasylva ! ala, tk*a tk* Ftfi***ih dlaawrti tk* i Kith atg»*l «»r*a ending up lb* Ml- | ! dtot* martag her* Tk* kn«q»Hal **4 smbnlaare rorpt arrive* witk «k* req ; tfftitiltti. Tk* Brat at tk* ravalry horse* to die 1 <*»* carried fmaa wap y**tertay. The animal had torhja*- (k» of tk* troop* i rod* through Ihe aracaal tbl* morning I daring hor** ***rri** and oojoyed tbetr ride very much j Trooper* (Vfry and fJ*r»e»hoo*rr j joined Troop I. this morning They were toft la Baltimore on tbetr trip ' down Trooper Btyto* waa railed to hla home at M rberly. kto oa account of the death of hU mother Hocgt \buhl left today, uu a furloagh for bit ' borne In NaehvJlto. The signal corp* baa reeumed flaa ; practice and group* of the men with ] tk* flag* ran b* aeon dally signalling to each otlwr. < The report got out In some way to day that lO.MW additional troop* had been ordered to Augusta The state ment was mndfb-that the mayor had (information to that egret. 1 referred Ihe matter to hla honor "No, I have no surh Information: the report la a mistake ” "But, ' he said, smilingly, “1 have no doubt that when the troops do come and the ofßrera and men commence writing home about the grand camp they have and the grand town they are adjarent to, Ihe result will be (hal 10,000 or more will come on.” It la the thing for the society folk to attend the West Big Minstrel Jubilee this season. ROBBED AOEINT’S OFFICE. Oeorgla Saitroad Office at Maxeya - Broken Into. The Oeorgla railroad officials learn ed yesterday of the breaking in of the tieoCK.a railroad office at Maxoy, a small station nine mile* from Union Point, on the Athens branch. The office waa entered hy unknown parties during the night aud nine dollars ta ken. There is no clew at all as to who did the act. It is a marvel to pur chasers how cheap Roods are at the bankrupt sale of Landram & Butler. When Princess Beatrice goes to Florence she always visits Oiovutinl Meaccl. He is the simplest of men. On the back of every picture be marks with pencil the price he thinks It Is worth, which Is usually ridicu lously low. On one occasion when she bought a small sketch she gave him three times the price asked, and laughingly told the astonished artist not to be such a baby as to mark his pictures at a price that did not cover the cost of the material. The crowds at the bank rupt sale of Landram & Butler are a sure indica tion of the lowness of prices. t%B Mfe A!. I Ute dfftiff tii ffiir'Tff it mi iff* j f, mm, «# fliyift'MNte *• ** dm ** - * * 9 f guff fii til. tifffftel iff iteto ItitiH* ffteti tel tiff- iff - * -ffff’’ I s ff „ mmm ■■ rnmmm m ffff ifftei tiff* teff 9 n Wvmm ffffi Ml ffetefftiff' J til iffrf M *ti> fin tefftiffftiCffMMiti Iti Ml - ffr HffMffiff.. teff fftteMititi iti tiff iff* m# |i ff Htitti te tit ffiititi*# I* I $ C* ititeßtitiffteNl. tiff C'lktettetetiteff, I*- tiff Iff I Ito## tiff ff.afffftiffte tititetiffffti i* tiff I (£ I* m rnmmm tiff ff'fffftivtetei.. iff *t - f ff,, rmmelmm tiff jfciw'fftitentiiti, tel ff j ff^fiHteffiwite. * (ff (ff jii.itftil fftetiteteMifftetiffte, Mi ff .. itete te#tteiti^*iti 1# ItiWiTt It Utititi tiff < Iti ff tVtiti* s9mm tiff | et •i* - te I* tiff If, (ff Wll s *tititi*K»te, tiff .tel MMI. (ti tiff | J || « MttilKteti* tiff nNWtMßfftift, 'til tifff ffff. H Jti<HMH*te tiff dktirffifftili tititi ito * «.*« to f*«titot I* |r tffitipii ff Mi. v.. tei tol Iteto A■ftMMffltiff w A Mtoff** ff cmmmrnm. iff ff*., in . ff tite* AflMMßtititii teff. iff teffffffteMtiii. -tiff iff ffitite it-) Iti til (Iff fltefftotm ItiteM teff Mtifteti ff liMff Hu Cue I Iti tit tiff Pltitiftef* M • Mapawa. as Otowa fepriatto- *■ jC I* at tk* PtMtera Jaaw* H M»4 R fears* of K*w Vera are M tk* Ftowtre* • Vw*>a**ti arw Flaat*re kto W W Ifkßint nf Atlanta *T rtaad la tk* rtty tkia aaomiag w, II Moore aad J M feaaaaf. fef II Jff«-ill ftiNteity, tiff Hi llff rllf MMiti Ms If 111 iM Hi** fte*ti ! ibjb' rn at Martota war* la tk* rtty yaatwrday Ms and Mm W. A Hat tew idtAi lambaa ruuaty. are the grata of Mr* ((too A liudrtrk Tk* **rtow* I Hare* of Mr*. B F Hay** to a aowrr* as Mock aarariaraa j to her many frtoad* Mrs Ryaa Gltoa. nf Rlarhvllto. 8. C . ■ fortarrty Mia* F*tml* Foltard. of thta ‘ city, to qalt* *tok M tor home la I Black i file (too. 11. Edward*. J. T. Uahtwell. Wm Foster, J M. I.laaamrr M. Ua 'aaarer and J. R. Lybrand, of New York, are at tk* Arlington. Mias Penraon. at Virginia: Mr*. Jolla Miller and Mra J. t. Revnold* and h-r two IHtl* daughter*. Ukariott* and > Barbara, of Way nr»boro, apent ycaivr- i I day ig the rtty. * »H 4 Mf*. C- 0. PerkhM toft thla tkbrg- I lag It*.*l tend the marriage of her j ( frtotpk kliaa Manreu of Grenowned Mra. Perktns will rnt*m home the ltkt of the week. H»n W. H Fleming our popular coagresomnn «pent T«<'»<lay with tton ttersvUie friend*. Mr Fleming I* one of the brainiest mea«tn the state, and i* a valuable member of our National llame of Representatives. He ha* no opposition for raalrrUuo. a hioli la a high eompllment to him It to hoped he will receive a (tattering vote today. Sandersvllle Progress. . Just received new crop Sweet Cider, Georgia Syrup, at DERRY & LAW. A STRANGE DEATH Thrown High Into the Air and fils Neck Was Broken. Mr. Al>. Battle, a young man living near Louisville. In Jefferson county, came to a very sudden and unex pected death on Saturday evening jest, near that city. In a most re nisikable way, Mr. Battle is a guard | e.t the convict camp In Jefferson, and I ha<J been granted a leave of absence from Saturday aftqrpoon until Mon- i day morning, to visit hl«r mother, living only a fewi p miles distant, lit started to make the trip to his j mother's on a bicycle, «ifh on the | way, overtook his ’ step-father, Mr. I Thomas, who was driving a oalr of mules to a wagon, arid In passing this team one of the mules kicl ed at Mr. Buttle, hitting the bicycle on the front wheel, which overturned It. throwing Mr. Battle up In the air. and. In falling, broke his neck, never having spoken after the accident. Mr. Thomas' mules tried to run away and did go some distance before he checked them up, after w hich he sent a colored boy, who was In the wagon with him. to see what damage had been done and If the young man had been hurt. To his amusement and grief the negro reported the young man stone dead. It was the sad mission of his step-father to carry the body of the dead man home to his expectant mother, who had made every preparation to give lier son a warm welcome, and make him enjoy his intended visit. It was a sad time’ in that household that night, and forcibly .brings to mind the oft quoted adage, "In the midst of life we are in death. Mr. Battle was the son of the lq(e Dr. Battle of Jefferson county, whose widow mar ried Mr. Thomas, living near Louis ville. He was a youAg man of good reputation and was liked by all who knew him. " Y. M. G. J). TENTS AT ARMY CAMPS i*ttf tiff ff if tei mrnwmmm mih mi tffdt Urtt tetoto#tetiititit titetititeMtet* MM Afftitetititi A t ff C A fftetet ( • tititetiff f tetidff tiMMte iff tefftiftffitiMMi ff teff AtiNpff"' ] f tell F'ti'fftii tiff iHtifftititit ff j lli Atititiffti f i f A iiifftitiff'9 ti | tfffffiftepti IflMkl tißffte4Ati (♦to'teteti to iff. tiMtiff «HCte Iteto j ff, n H a iff* M n*M tetoffitiffff ? ' I into'* ff till llff teff Ifftiffti teffff tiHMtitel tipaffM* ffff cteto tititeff'-ifftetii mi ttiMfftetei *iMk •ttotitiff#* yti* R-jto'Sto s# tiffti * fcti* | (wtotite ti^Mtiff t fe«toto» * til Cb A • Iff*# ■ toss ti # r wti *teffitil. kfftito# ti (ffff ff l tefftto Itetoi iteto# ffffffti (tiff# tiUfftite'teff •toMtoti toHtiteMMkato (tiff tifffftiti# tetiti# tiff" I itiMfftil fitototo Iteto' tititettti d tel C. A ! I teto tifteff Iff tiff tetotiftilff (teff ffteti *ff» . * ffMltiti MM ittiffi'fftiteff Iff tiff ff iteff; I \m% \ tiffltiti Iff tiff til till titetefftoti Utitiff j I tifftiffti fftiti tiffMll til (tiff tititifte * teto* ' ’ titifte I# tiff to*** * tei I. A fttoff^to titito tiilfl Ml Iteto tiftiff ff titiff Iteto rtetiffti At• ff# Hoff tteto*- ti t-mmm , ffiiMiftit ff (Iff Y H C A- teto# v tiffr teto#* tto fftite# -h* Y It. C. A.| Yteto# tototitw ■ •(to Iteto tofftof titeti rtoti* iteff tffoftilteti titeffUteff fti wfUJii fft-i tetilffkas f*irri4t JcMtito'te, ff itet* fftil Ann ff M» ,\i*te. A teffffti wifi iMk*, ? f*m Ititotill tillll teff IftWTtlW# totototito , . totod titiiMtoto HI ACICMAILING POATriASTERS Work of g Nrgro IfrpuHkaa hi Rare krrg Cooat v. OUST 8. C.. Sm. 9,~Gm» D. D. O*- irr. a a*gro from ferar Bamberg, rlatm lag to k* roaaty rkalrawa of tk* Re publican party, ha* hrea htackmatilag | all p«tsf masters la this sect jo* either at his o<tn kempt or far Republic** rampaig* faads. probably both He ha demanded pay from every puator**- ler, *o be said to tk* pustauuder here | Mid rpomlsod them that If tk* money | waa paid they would aot b* pot out of | their <>Bl*e. If not. He bad (he mesas i at hand of Immedlaudy ousting them | H* claimed hwre to have gotten nearly ! a hundred dollars frt m the posttdßce* , la Bamberg and Denmark. Hr rer | talaly did get small sum* from the : postofllce* here at Govan and be was (still on the road when last beard from He said that the same plan waa being worked In all the adjoining eoontlea. iJeter waa In Olar yratrrday. H* claimed that a meeting of all chairmen of ronntle* In thia dtatriet would soon be held In Aiken to settle the fate of - the postmasters. .Society Women and Tailors. It la rather unusual to find society women taking active Interest in a strike. The ladle*' tailor*, however. ; have succeeded In interesting some I prominent women In their grievances and the experience will be good for both elements, says Harper's Bazar. I*rot>aUly the women themselves have some curioaity to know what becomes of the good round prices that are paid to many tailor*. The workmen elalm to receive only starvation wages. The employers on the other hand say that good workmen cau get good pay, aud that it la only the Incompetent bands that are idle or ill paid. How ever that may be, the tailors seem de j lighted to have Interested these wo mer -a delight, It must he added, that their employers do not share At any rate the more that women learn of the tvorkers. who. under the Inevitable re gime of city life, so seldom come into direct contact with the buyer, the bet ter it will be all round. A Few Words About Football. First and most Important of all after you have become captain of your eleven—that is to say after your com rades have chosen you as the best man, In their opinion, to lead them is to learn the real thing that makes n player, and then look for this real thing in the men of your school or college. What Is the thing to look for? It is much easier to answer the question than it is to carry it out in the actual work of choosing your men. The necessary things that you must look for seem commonplace when yon talk of them in the abstract. A man who Is sure to always do as his captain tells him at once, without questioning, is a valuable addition to a football team, as he is to any or ganization where the combined work of several persons accomplishes a given purpose.—-Harper’s Round Ta ble. It Is stated thnt the most painful duty the President has had to perform is to brand Captain Carter. w 'tjrjjjjjjrjjjjjjjjjjjjj n W Lumber Fads 0 For Builders. £ H ti# #ff |to*« tef jto«4 laMtoto mi fm m W LZm fglMhgfHMM# r*J tivF ***** ***** tot tto* B**»|to» ti mi [fti mifßtoiiti «l tout* 09 to mm ***** f*4 fit to# toMMiti ti tiaf 4tfe*«#Ml tetobtn r*4 Most taWto 1* « titoHMl (Mtoafei ti tin teaMM* M O f*4 UUS f Mmtof £YxYiYiYaxYiYmYjYxYiJ muia iuhmm Tk* Astro** jrkg TTttdmr jfedUds'd' fefea* «d t* 1 ?Jj ffi# Ytitote Iteff.. i fterirtfltir p fffj tto# tiffte teffaffte to* teN# Ifftiff i teff til, ! Iteto titit ftitiff teffti ti (Miti'itffti till tetitite * 90ml. itijlttii fkp#-#fT! vfftotoii ti* i'pti mnrntm toteffte Atilt totitetitefttii toft# Iteto teMfftoittti til# tiittiffte >jti»llti iteto IteMff# (hut Vtoffff. §1 W Cterffttif ' fllffte. Ifftfltiti, 01, lltitiff Iff ti ftitill ftettertttito |ltoi|l»i n»» if# |A Tff 1 Aitititito Ntitt Hffi Unite OHm « la* |Mto C%o9 kto (gsrira it tiff. M I Nil. Itefte tt Iff Affstiti* ! rift, tt Tff 1 wat tototo toll to# ||n C* till to# 1 STROWOLR gsl. BU I. 179*. Just Call Us Up * hrei you gred coal sad wood. Year order will be ailed Just as quickly and satisfactorily as If you • bad com* la person to order 11. The kmt of oak sad good, dry pin*. I long or sawed and split, Just ss you wish It. And the coal will be just as good coal at ever ranae out of a mine—clean, dry and reliable. Both 'phone*. MAHONEY & ARHSTRONG, Office snd Yard. Foot of Macarlan Street. many of the present debts were due. she waa playing In "The Heart of Maryland." In which ah* had made her ; Brat hit. Her feat in swinging from the clapper of a bell, by which abe silenced Its alarum sound, thus saving her lover's life, was one of the theatrical sensations of the day. Whi n questioned at this hearing the actress said she received In salary S2OO a week, of which but SSO went to her. the rest being applied by her menagers to her debts. Out of this she paid the rent of a flat in which her mother was living. Mrs. la>slie Carter's husband was di vorced from her. She gained wide no toriety when Manager David Belasco Instituted suit against N. K Fair bank. of Chicago, for $50,000, his fee for educating Mrs. Carter for the stage During the trial Mr. Belhsco testified that he had Informed Mr. Falrbank of the great cost of the undertaking, and that the millionaire had directed him to go ahead notwUhstandins the large expense. Mr. Belasco was ultimately awarded $17,000. The extreme low price asked at the bankrupt sale of Landram & Butler con stitutes the eighth wonder of the world. _ MR. ISAIAH BYRD Of West End Passed Away This Morning. Mr. Isaiah Byrd, One of the oldest residents of West End. died at 1 o'clock ibis morning. Mr. Byrd, woh was 70 years of age. bad been sick tor a long time with an incurable malady. Heury Crawford, of Anniston, Ala., is at the Planters. NOVtMtitft ti TtlOdV'S *1 AMR El A 1 ft*- * ftp# Iff 4M M f | Iti i jtiKftof titototi titifftetito'fr -, m m I l-tite ’ I. gtoto fftetiti-ffii .1 •«««*-* 4 \ (ffto ffititiWlff M re lUll ffffifftii ti rnmmm m ♦- «# •• ft I*ML-ft- ff muteYtii teAioff ifffif. •»*” *#«»*, 9mm ftffff t ftirrtey m « ffff Iff # fftift tt*. KM : toss Hff ml Ni#l re *'t f# teatitifr „ *• » Ifttift fffti [ Tllf r »ti>tl * ffffffl ttofftif .. Iff rnmmm Oriftoto l#» tolfttiti iffteff •* . teff ffff 1 TV (tetetoto‘tteti tj-’i a -»11 *i * iteto < 1 Mrtfiti • rtroa tafes* n It. > are #*•* tk* :»gsrt*l wtr** at Fata*. Marotvy 4» CN.t <TIIC*AtIO HKiVWlok*. I WHEAT- Oy»s r*vo**. Hrerewbr* *'% N *»N May .. .. .... .. **S ertmn— Daretabre » Tt% Mat ~ US itS iwresitwr m, ft% Ms* .. :«N its FufeK - IMrtiabi - 7 •• : • Jsauarv .. .. .. .. .. .. » «* * ft MRI* llwrobr 4 ** It! Jsaaarv .. .. .. .. .. .. 4-47 4 si tIPKb - Irerewr .. < H I d January .. 4 42 4,47 SKW YORK OUTTOK. itifnitirr .. r»i lit I Man te •• ft ff ft * 'A#ril •**•••••• *• •* Iti s fti M ay .. •• .. iti ft * JUIIto .. .. # - » * July M ~ .. .. •• •• .. 1-8 August »•** s « geptember .... .. .♦ .. •• N'rirvmlsrr .... •« .. .. .. j-R December * U *•*« Tana—DaU. Middling- 5 4-14. NEW TURK BTOC-KB. Hugsr .... I** ID* Tobacco I*l ** ft N H R T. .. .. .. .. •• «7*i 47 r. B »«« U*H Missouri P*< lllr SBH !«>ul*vllt* snd Nashville . 5'N ••*N Manhattan .. .. .. •• •• **>, IVople's GO* i. IMN Union Pnetllc 77% Bock Island ,o *% Kt. Paul .. .. HI l‘*N Southern Railway, pfd .. 3« Western Itnion *l% UVBBPOOL COTTON. January and February J.M !.&•* » February and March .. ».*<» * March and April t *1 7 *0 April and May 2-*l May and June 2.«2 June and Julv .. .. .. 7 *3 l*- July and Aug. 1“ 2.43-Sd Aug. and Kept S ®1 S- o ** Oct. and Nov 2.41 2 *1 Nov. and Dec. .. .. 2.4* -‘ 5S Dec. and Jan. .. .. .. 2.59 2.5* 5» PORT RKCKIPTB. 1997 149* oalvest.m 2«»« *"* New Orleans '*U* 2195< Mol,He I*** «73 Savannah .. .. •• .. »• 7**B 11939 Charleston .. 4>,3S Norfolk *-** **!? New York 1' 74 Wilmington I*'* Boston - 512 Estimated total *13«4 75000 INSPECTOR BARRY Of the Postoffice Arrived Here Yesterday. Postoffice Inspector Barry arrived here yesterday afternoon. He is mak ing a regular monthly inspection of the affairs of the office. He will bo here a couple of days or so yet. Realty Transfer. The store end dwelling corner of South Boundary and Pine street, own ed by Mrs. J. L. Boetcck, was today sold by Wicker & Davis to Mr. S. P. Langley. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION FOR PALE —ONE-HORSE SPRING wagon, cheap: fair condition. Apply 523 Watkins street. Nov 9 WANTED—POSITION AS BUTLER or coachman. Apply IH4 Sharp's Al ley, Sim Yarborough. Nov 10